This Should Silence Atheists Who Believe In Blind Evolution

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May 11, 2008
Or set this entire universe into motion with all its laws fine tuned for life. But no, it goes against the words of the Bible, which supposedly speaks for the hypothetical Creator. Such arrogance.

I think it is highly possible that those laws fine tuned for life, are not laws but merely effects of an maturing universe. At this time, life can exists because of the characteristics of the atoms and the surrounding temperature and how these atoms are build up which is an reflection for the energy these atoms can have.

For example, in the cold space, it is difficult for chemical reactions to happen at a usable pace because of the cold meaning nothing is powering the reaction (by for example infrared or heat energy causes atoms to vibrate.) When in an environment heated up enough by for example a sun, energy is provided to speed up those chemical reactions to a level that is good for life. If too hot or to much energy in the form of radiation, the atom bonds will not hold and fall apart or the atoms self change into separate ions and separate electrons(plasma). Thus, if the chemical reactions go to fast, it is not right. If they go to slow it is not right either. Protein folding for example is highly temperature dependent.

While I can't argue that I understand what it is you describe, I will add this: the definition of life is quite intriguing in some ways. Many scholars state that viruses are not technically life, and I find that to be quite hysterically inaccurate. I do not have the credentials to truly argue one case or the other, but viruses are quite the awe-inspiring little shits when you take all of biological matter into perspective. I mean, they seem to simply exist to cause as much damage to the animal way of life as possible. And their methods of operation are ludicrous; they swap and combine strands of DNA, and only do so to further their chance at wrecking havoc amongst the animal kingdom.

In my opinion :
You only see one side of viruses. Yes they can create havoc. But combination of viruses can also speed up evolution. Viruses can be an evolutionary pressure on a random life form, or can be the mutating factor creating new genes where given time new mutated forms from arise that can cope better with a different environment. afcourse, causing heavy mutations will kill most of the life form generation after generation. But some will not have any problems. Here is the chance factor that creationists can not cope with.
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May 11, 2008
Not at all. You can't touch my faith because it isnt blind.. it's based on FACTS. I don't believe in creation because someone told me to and I have no doubts.

I didn't find it worth it because you are making assumptions. You talk like as if God is weak because he didn't create matter to self-replicate into a universe. That wouldn't make God weak... if there really is a God who is so powerful he created everything, he would be able to make a CHOICE as to what he wants to do with that power and reasons. Just because He didn't do something doesn't mean he COULDN'T have.

My opninion is :
If you know how the human brain works, humans are naturally susceptible towards a higher being. It is the child parent bond that is making this possible. When you are a child you need an example, but when your grown up, you do not have one any longer. A god is a perfect parent. Takes care of you, makes you feel save. Just like a loving parent (mother or father).

Your example of a god with his reasons, is what i mean with programmed or conditioned. Your by others conditioned view automatically installs a belief in your mind that you have to do what ever for example the church(but can also be the priest or the imam or any religious front man) will tell you to do. Out of free will you will do what ever this person tells you to do. Afcourse when a disaster happens, the god was angry filling you with fear. Another powerful tool is the comfort of inner peace after sorrow and loss of loved ones. Although , if you look at it abstract, and take away the definition of life, nobody ceases to exist. It is only the coherent conscience that is lost. After you die, nature consumes you using you as food(read building material, molecules and atoms) for other lifeforms.
You have to admit that a god that has this simple human use of fear to control you is not a god worth to believe in. That is what i am writing about. The man made book of tales is no use if you wish to understand and come closer to that what you seek. Only science can lead you in the right direction, after that it is up to you and you alone for your answer only meant for you.

Hypothetically speaking :
If your children die would you not curse god in anger and sadness ? And then a certain person comes along and says to you : you have to listen to me because i can ask god not to sacrifice(kill) your children because you didn't follow gods rules. If you have a certain genetic or parasitic disease, your children will die over and over again. And you will never know about genetics because that knowledge would compromise the lies that certain person is telling you. Now that person tells you, you must kill infidels. And you will do so, because you are twisted in fear, sadness and anger. And you are conditioned to love a by humans invented god who uses you to wipe his holy behind with.


Read about Micheal Faraday :

Farday's work propelled him into the limelight. By 1826 he was head of the Royal Institution, founded... to provide scientific education for the masses. Offered the presidency of the Royal Society, Faraday flatly refused, as he also refused the offer of a knighthood. He did not believe Christ of the apostles would accept these worldly honors...

[page 111] Farada's scientific achievements, among the greatest in history, sprang from his religious faith. As a lifelong member of a sect called the Sandemanians, he believed that nature substantiates the existence of its Creator. Because one God created the world, all of nature mut be interconnected as a single whole, he believed. Therefore, electricity and magnetism must be interlinked. This view of nature was the very view emphasized by the Sandemanians. Key to Faraday's thought was the idea that objective reality must judge every theory, no matter how elegant and sophisticated...

Michael served as a lay preacher in the Sandemanians throughout his life. Sandemanians, an offshoot of the Scottish Presbyterian Church, believed in practicing primitive Christianity (that is, Christianity as the apostles practiced it). They urged separation of church and state. They observed communion in conjunction with footwashing and love feasts. They were so strict that when Faraday appeared before Queen Victoria at her request, he was temporarily excommunicated because his attendance had been required at church.

His faith gave him the courage to turn down a government request that he develop poison gases for use in the Crimean War. He refused to buy insurance, believing that to do so was to show lack of faith...

[page 112] Although he was happily married to Sarah Bernard, a fellow Sandemanian, the Faradays had no children. When he died, he was buried, at his own request, beneath a simple headstone.

James Clerk Maxwell was presbyterian.

Two great British scientists dominate the intellectual landscape of electrical science, and indeed all of physics, in the nineteenth century, Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell. It would be hard to imagine two more contrasting personalities.
Faraday was English; Maxwell Scottish. Faraday was the son of a poor blacksmith; Maxwell's father had inherited a substantial estate and hardly needed to practice the law in which he had been trained. Faraday had no formal education; Maxwell had the finest education available. Faraday never held a university position; Maxwell held professorships at three of the major British universities. Faraday was one of the most popular scientific lecturers of his day; Maxwell gained a poor reputation in the class-room. Faraday knew practically no formal mathematics; Maxwell was one of the finest mathematicians of his time. Faraday's research dominated electromagnetic experiments; Maxwell's electromagnetic theory. The contrasts between these men could be multiplied on and on. Yet they had one experience in common. Both were committed Christians. It is the purpose of this brief study to outline how the faith of James Clerk Maxwell and his science were combined and how they may have influenced one another.
We should recall Maxwell's major contributions to science. They extend over a wide variety of fields, including optics, color vision, elasticity, and the behavior of the dynamical top. The work that established him as a foremost natural scientist was his analysis of Saturn's rings, in which he showed that they could not be rigid but must be made up of swarms of particles whose stability he analysed. Perhaps inspired by this earlier work, Maxwell was also the first person to apply the methods of probability to the analysis of the properties of gases. He invented the idea of a "distribution function" governing the velocities of the individual molecules of the gas, and proposed the "Maxwellian" (or sometimes "Maxwell-Boltzmann") expression for its equilibrium form. Maxwell went on to work out concrete predictions that could be obtained from this kinetic theory of gases, for example concerning the behavior of the viscosity, and he performed experiments to confirm the predictions. However, the work by which he is most remembered is his formulation of the equations that govern electromagnetism: Maxwell's equations. These led immediately to the prediction of electromagnetic waves and the consequent unification of electromagnetism and light. Maxwell's formulation of electromagnetic theory in differential form and his championing of the fundamental nature of the field in contrast to the action-at-a-distance theories of his day is, of course, the basis of essentially all of modern physics.
Besides his personal contributions, Maxwell founded and built the Cavendish Laboratory of experimental physics at Cambridge University, which was to be arguably the most prolific physics department for at least the next fifty years.
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Golden Member
Dec 21, 2005
A man arrives at the gates of heaven. St. Peter asks, “Religion?” The man says, “Methodist.” St. Peter looks down his list, and says, “Go to room 24, but be very quiet as you pass room 8.” Another man arrives at the gates of heaven. “Religion?” “Baptist.” “Go to room 18, but be very quiet as you pass room 8.” A third man arrives at the gates. “Religion?” “Jewish.” “Go to room 11, but be very quiet as you pass room 8.” The man says, “I can understand there being different rooms for different religions, but why must I be quiet when I pass room 8?” St. Peter tells him, “Well the Jehovah’s Witnesses are in room 8, and they think they re the only ones here.

Ken g6

Programming Moderator, Elite Member
Dec 11, 1999
FYI, it's hypothesized that the earliest life used only RNA - no amino acids. So that could have happened much more easily.
May 11, 2008
For those that need more prove why self assembly is the basis of life ?

These researchers came to realize that nano particles organize themselves into double helix shapes when light energized the nanoparticles.

The collective properties of nanoparticles manifest in their ability to self-organize into complex microscale structures. Slow oxidation of tellurium ions in cadmium telluride (CdTe) nanoparticles results in the assembly of 1- to 4-micrometer-long flat ribbons made of several layers of individual cadmium sulfide (CdS)/CdTe nanocrystals. Twisting of the ribbons with an equal distribution of left and right helices was induced by illumination with visible light. The pitch lengths (250 to 1500 nanometers) varied with illumination dose, and the twisting was associated with the relief of mechanical shear stress in assembled ribbons caused by photooxidation of CdS. Unusual shapes of multiparticle assemblies, such as ellipsoidal clouds, dog-bone agglomerates, and ribbon bunches, were observed as intermediate stages. Computer simulations revealed that the balance between attraction and electrostatic repulsion determines the resulting geometry and dimensionality of the nanoparticle assemblies

This is also at the basis of life.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
be're only bumping this b/c it's part of the public skewering and unmasking of KK.
May 11, 2008
be're only bumping this b/c it's part of the public skewering and unmasking of KK.

I want the truth to be told.

I also want people to know that George Lemaître, who was a roman catholic priest, came up with the big bang theory to satisfy his believe in the roman catholic god (idol) and that the universe must be fitted into the roman catholic creation theory. Hence he proposed the big bang theory...


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2006
He acts like 1 in a trillion are bad odds. The universe is huge and there's more than a trillion stars, with trillions of other planets. I think the odds look pretty good.


The OP obviously has no idea about the vastness of the Universe... Can you imagine how many star systems and planets were formed before life finally happened?

Lol intelligent design... Does he even realize just how many forms of life are on this planet alone? Im sure some random dude with super powers just randomly came up with all of them /facepalm


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I want the truth to be told.

I also want people to know that George Lemaître, who was a roman catholic priest, came up with the big bang theory to satisfy his believe in the roman catholic god (idol) and that the universe must be fitted into the roman catholic creation theory. Hence he proposed the big bang theory...

but that's not accurate.

Lemaitre came up with the theory, but it was the pope that hijacked his theory as proof of the Roman Catholic central creator. He actually protested this misuse of the theory. He was rather adamant that his work should be separate from a religio-centric worldview.
May 11, 2008
but that's not accurate.

Lemaitre came up with the theory, but it was the pope that hijacked his theory as proof of the Roman Catholic central creator. He actually protested this misuse of the theory. He was rather adamant that his work should be separate from a religio-centric worldview.

In reality Lemaitre came up with the theory for the reason i wrote, but you are right that he did not wanted the big bang presented as the vatican wanted it.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2005
You know, I think it is good that the church was willing to accept something that did not EXACTLY fit their own ideology, but at the same time Religion is not a healthy bed-mate with science.

When an institutions only answer to an unknown question is "because" it is bad enough, but when it cills all dessenters... well, that ain't science.

So I have no problem with God playing with a Big Bang, but if people want to hold both the idea of a supreme being and still allow our own research to discover the nuts and bolts of how everything was made, they have to relax their tenacious grasp on what they perceive as what is and why and become more comfortable with the "fact" that, if a being is omnipotent, why the hell wouldn't they make the universe in whatever bloody way they wanted to?

What is so heretical to say that God set up evolution? What if that was his creationary toolbox? Why do people think there has to be this anthropomorphic MO to everything that is?

I know why.

People, in general, are insecure, fragile and ignorant. They find it easier to believe there is some reason to the world, and that that reason is somethnig they can feel comfortable with even if they do not know what it is.

So, their deital figures are either maniacal or paternal (or both) in ways that make sense to mans mase instincts.

That way, "because he said so" does not feel so alien and strange.

Deliberate ignorance is a very cozy place for many in this world. It is just when they have the covers pulled off their head that we get the most problems.
Sep 29, 2004
Yes I do sir, evolution is inseparable from the notion that life created itself by mere chance, it's a by-product, denying it would be like saying that Vista OS has no correlation to Windows 3.1, even the suggestion is preposterous.

Therefore those that believe that life was formed in a prehistoric amino soup billions of years ago are evolutionists not creationists.

Please read up on what evolution is. You know how there are mutations tha do things like cause sever disabilities. And those people do not reproduce. And there are mutations (like freakish atheltic ability) that causes those people to reproduce. Well, those traits are passed on. this is called evolution.

Where things started is not evolution, it is called genesis. Jackass.
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