TIL: Building a clock in Texas is illegal

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No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Yes, it would be really funny. I can imagine the headlines, on these boards.

Red haired ATOT poster, confirmed, shot dead by armed (S.W.A.T.) team.
But it was well worth it. As he managed to prank the police, into believing his pile of electronics was a bomb.
It was REALLY funny for him, for the 6.7 seconds, BEFORE the first of the fatal shots were fired.

You, use, too, many, commas, .


Oct 9, 2002
I have the overwhelming urge to head on out, find a craft store, purchase a fat lump of modeling clay, and attach a kitchen timer to it.

But I'd probably get shot on the way home.

Don't forget to make a big stink when your model is "mistaken" for a hoax bomb.


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2003
It didn't. It resembled a hoax bomb. They told the kid the implications of a hoax bomb. They decided not to charge him.

Everyone in the Blogosphere and social media lost their collective minds.

If the reporting is accurate, he was placed under arrest and taken to a juvi detention center. That's going farther than I would have gone.
Handcuffed and given the perp walk at your high school would suck. But ultimately the attention it generated will more than outweigh the embarrassment. He's already been invited to the White House and I wouldn't be surprised to see him get a few scholarship offers.


Jun 24, 2001
Everyone keeps talking about suspicious packages, and 'how would they know if it's a bomb'. I think that's not thinking the problem through.

He wasn't hiding it, he was showing it off, and it wasn't found unattended. If you showed me a box full of wires and said 'hey, this is a clock' I'll assume it's a clock. If I find a box full of wires with a count down timer unattended under a car or a desk I'll assume it's a bomb.
For your statement to make sense you are assuming he the response wasn't appropriate simply because it wasn't a bomb. The thing is, it isn't between bomb/not-bomb or bomb/clock, it's between bomb/not-bomb/hoax-bomb. Forget that it doesn't look like a real bomb because that isn't the only concern here. Don't deny that it looks like a hoax bomb because it totally does.

no i did not say that or even hint it. They can investigate it without the suspension and arrest. There was no need to take it that far for something that appears to be a kid trying to get brownie points at school.

The clock looks to me like something a kid with some extra cash and a little knowledge would do. Nothing amazing but slightly better then what any other child could do.
Yes, you did. You said that "it" shouldn't have happened. By "it" you were specifically saying that he should not have been taken out of class and questioned about the possibility of it being a hoax bomb (follow the quote tree). I explained that he was out of class for PART of a day and that "suspension" is an exaggeration and yet it goes in one ear and out the other because you went right back to it in this post.
"What is that?" "My invention."
As far as you know the kid's answers weren't adding up at first, especially if his parents coached him for SJW purposes.

I opened all my toys when I was a kid and it lead to real electronics projects by the time I was his age so I'm all for encouraging his curiosity, but breaking open a clock and cutting a hole in a case does not require any more "knowledge" than the rest of his classmates have.
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Jun 24, 2001
If the reporting is accurate, he was placed under arrest and taken to a juvi detention center. That's going farther than I would have gone.

Handcuffed and given the perp walk at your high school would suck. But ultimately the attention it generated will more than outweigh the embarrassment. He's already been invited to the White House and I wouldn't be surprised to see him get a few scholarship offers.

Depends on if he was cagey with his answers.


Golden Member
Mar 18, 2003
After watching him on the news recently, it's not too much of a stretch that this type of outcome was something he probably joked about prior to this whole event unfolding. It's not too far out of reality to think that he consciously or subconsciouly made this clock to resemble a bomb in a half-joking sort of way never thinking anyone would consider it a real bomb. The kid deserves an apology and that's it...this whole bullshit about going to the White House and getting pampered and multiple offers by schools/jobs is simply ridiculous.

Racism isn't a factor in this at all here, IMHO. Different social atmoshpere in this day and age mandated that someone make a call. School shootings, school bombings, alienated kids lashing out, etc. have created the need for someone to question the clock. Today's terrorism is yesterday's drug war. Back in the 80's when I was in high school, a kid built a sort of self-contained plant growing chamber as a science project. The time was right in the thick of the "drug war" and this hippie-looking kid, who was extremely bright and smart, got caught up in it. His project was pulled for a short time and he was questioned as to whether or not he was using it to grow pot. Police came by and looked at it and he was cleared to stay in the science fair. No victim in that case and no victim in this current case.

Bottom line with this is that people claiming he was targeted because of his race are just looking for a victim to prop up on their soapboxes. Everyone's now clammoring to "make this right" and give this kid the earth, moon, and stars. Everyone wants someone to be a victim today. Caught the news in passing this morning and apparently the kid is on the news now talking about how he's going to move to a different school because he was bullied and harrassed in his current school. Numerous kids at the school are saying that isn't true at all...kids of all creeds and backgrounds.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
For your statement to make sense you are assuming he the response

Yes, you did. You said that "it" should have happened. By "it" you were specifically saying that he should not have been taken out of class and questioned about the possibility of it being a hoax bomb (follow the quote tree). I explained that he was out of class for PART of a day and that "suspension" is an exaggeration and yet it goes in one ear and out the other because you went right back to it in this post.
"What is that?" "My invention."
As far as you know the kid's answers weren't adding up at first, especially if his parents coached him for SJW purposes.

..did you miss your coffee? you seem to be off today.


You do know that "Suspended until Thurday" means "taken out of school for questioning and sent back the very next day," don't you? Who's reading abilities are in question here?

Sent home early due to questioning, basically.

this is the text i quoted. You said he was taken out and suspended.

I said that should not happen. as in the suspension.

Take him out of class and talk with him. To suspend him (that is what it was) and then to arrest him was wrong.


Oct 9, 2002
..did you miss your coffee? you seem to be off today.


You do know that "Suspended until Thurday" means "taken out of school for questioning and sent back the very next day," don't you? Who's reading abilities are in question here?

Sent home early due to questioning, basically.

this is the text i quoted. You said he was taken out and suspended.

I said that should not happen. as in the suspension.

Take him out of class and talk with him. To suspend him (that is what it was) and then to arrest him was wrong.

I was beaten with a wooden paddle and suspended for talking in line.

My brother went through something similar at the same school, punished for talking in line when he was answering a teacher's question.


Jun 22, 2001

Where on the scale are you? When does remaining vigilant and profiling go too far? I don't blame the teacher for her concern, especially this close to 9/11. The bottom line is that the Koran is explicit in the fact that it says to kill non-believers, go look it up. Example - Koran 5:33 - "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His apostle and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they should have a grevious chastisement."

The problem with this is that any act can be misconstrued into "waging war against Allah" in a nutjob's head. Then they think that the prophet Muhammad (who wrote that verse) wants them to kill the non-believer.

Let's look at the facts. Muslims/Islamists who support ISIS, AQ, and HAMAS all want to kill Americans. If you agree with this, then you will agree not all Muslims are terrorists, but almost all terrorist groups are Muslim. Nobody can magically tell the difference between Muslims and their radical brethren. Liberals will say this is "overreaction", but do you know what the kid's parents teach him behind closed doors? Do they read the Koran? Can you 100% be sure that his parents aren't radical? How do they feel about the verse Koran 5:33?

We should be vigilant and err on the side of caution. Hell, what about the American kid whose parents are NOT radical but he radicalized on his own?
When Christianne Boudreau's son, Damien, converted to Islam, adopted a strict set of rules and grew his beard out four years ago at the age of 17, she was accepting and open-minded.

But she noticed other changes in Damien's behavior: He wouldn't come to the dinner table if the family was drinking wine. He started taking phone calls outside and became withdrawn. Then, he stopped coming home altogether.

"I just saw it as a phase he was going through," Boudreau told NBC News.

What she didn't know in 2011 was that her son, who grew up in a Catholic household, was becoming radicalized. Boudreau said she believes he was first introduced to ISIS extremism by someone in their home city of Calgary, Canada, and then lured in further over the Internet by ISIS propaganda in the form of texts and slickly produced videos.

Her experience is echoed in other recent cases that have gained notoriety, as law enforcement tackle the problem of homegrown extremism and would-be terrorists hailing from the U.S., Canada and the U.K. attempting to join ISIS.

This teacher should be given a medal. Speak if something seems out of the ordinary, even if it's something harmless, you could be saving lives.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2006
Just to recap?

I wonder how TX feels right about now?

Also, I wonder how those officers and teachers/admin feel right about now?

Considering in a few years this kid will be making more than all of them combined!!!!!!


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Just to recap?

I wonder how TX feels right about now?

Also, I wonder how those officers and teachers/admin feel right about now?

Considering in a few years this kid will be making more than all of them combined!!!!!!

I bet they feel silly.

Though i have my doubts about the kid making more then all of them combined. He is not the next elon musk. while cool he made a clock it's really not that hard. many here has done that and more at a younger age.

I do feel the pendalum has swung the other way on the kid. I am reading post that he should be given a full ride to places like MIT and such. That he should be offered jobs with people like Musk.

sure its cool that he gets to see Obama. I do think that is a great gesture on his part. but some things are getting silly.


Feb 2, 2005
I was going to be angry at america, but then I saw the picture. Did he really bring that briefcase full of wires and a huge red digital "countdown timer" to school? It couldn't look more like a bomb if it had "bomb" written on it.
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Well, isn't it illegal being brown and having the name Ahmed Mohammed?

In Texas, anyway.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I was going to be angry at america, but then I saw the picture. Did he really bring that briefcase full of wires and a huge red digital "countdown timer" to school? It couldn't look more like a bomb if it had "bomb" written on it.

that was my first thought as well, seeing this yesterday. I honestly sympathize with the admins/authorities a bit.


Jun 24, 2001
I was going to be angry at america, but then I saw the picture. Did he really bring that briefcase full of wires and a huge red digital "countdown timer" to school? It couldn't look more like a [movie/hoax] bomb if it had "bomb" written on it.


Hoaxes are serious crimes too, so I still think there was nothing wrong with taking him out of class and asking some questions. The over-reaction is on the part of social media.


Jun 23, 2005
I miss the 90's. Back when Americans weren't chicken shit cowards cowering at everything in sight because of "Teh Terrorists".


Jun 24, 2001
...I said that should not happen. as in the suspension.
Then you are seriously saying that they should not have taken him out of class to ask questions, which is what you said was all they were entitled to do earlier. So: Which is it?

Take him out of class and talk with him. To suspend him (that is what it was) and then to arrest him was wrong.
There you go again. That is all is was. Suspension is a punishment, yet there was no punishment/suspension issued. He was not kicked out of school or suspended from returning to school, he was taken out of class/school for questioning. He was not forced to miss a day as punishment, which is what it means to be "suspended from school." He went to school yesterday and he is welcome back today, meaning he missed a PARTIAL day due to REASONABLE concerns. Don't act childish by going back to "LOL! 'Reasonable?!' Only an idiot would think that looks like a bomb!" It looked REASONABLY like a hoax bomb, which is pretty serious on its own.
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Golden Member
Jul 27, 2015
Just to recap?

I wonder how TX feels right about now?

Also, I wonder how those officers and teachers/admin feel right about now?

Considering in a few years this kid will be making more than all of them combined!!!!!!

Do you mean how do the normal people here feel? Tired of the crazy people getting us all painted with the same brush.

I did notice that the crazies are being extra-crazy today, judging by the comments on some of the news articles I've read.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2006
I bet they feel silly.

Though i have my doubts about the kid making more then all of them combined. He is not the next elon musk. while cool he made a clock it's really not that hard. many here has done that and more at a younger age.

I do feel the pendalum has swung the other way on the kid. I am reading post that he should be given a full ride to places like MIT and such. That he should be offered jobs with people like Musk.

sure its cool that he gets to see Obama. I do think that is a great gesture on his part. but some things are getting silly.

I thought about this for a second.

Maybe his parents knew the climate of the school and told him to do this. Knowing it will get national attention and a free ticket to a lot of things. Kind of interesting theory....


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2006
Do you mean how do the normal people here feel? Tired of the crazy people getting us all painted with the same brush.

I did notice that the crazies are being extra-crazy today, judging by the comments on some of the news articles I've read.

You're guilty by Association. Sorry!!!!

But was this the first time in you're beautiful state of TX?


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2006
I bet they feel silly.

Though i have my doubts about the kid making more then all of them combined. He is not the next elon musk. while cool he made a clock it's really not that hard. many here has done that and more at a younger age.

I do feel the pendalum has swung the other way on the kid. I am reading post that he should be given a full ride to places like MIT and such. That he should be offered jobs with people like Musk.

sure its cool that he gets to see Obama. I do think that is a great gesture on his part. but some things are getting silly.

Have you been arrested? I have not. Esp, if you've been arrested for something that you didn't do etc....

A sand colored boy named Ahmed being led out in handcuffs??? I'm sure everybody around him made up their mind as he was being led out from the front door....


Jun 24, 2001
I thought about this for a second.

Maybe his parents knew the climate of the school and told him to do this. Knowing it will get national attention and a free ticket to a lot of things. Kind of interesting theory....

This is what I've been saying. The knee-jerk reaction by everyone all over social media may be exactly what they wanted and counted on. it's not far fetched and it's surprisingly easy to do. It would explain a lot, like why his answers weren't satisfying the officers at first (coached by parents) or why he would bust up a clock and put it in a busted case and tie it closed with wire and call it an "invention."

If it's a clock and you made it out of a clock, what, exactly, did you "invent?"

The timing perfectly fits this being a planned reaction to some extra precautions the school may have taken a few days earlier on the anniversary of 9-11.
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Platinum Member
Feb 4, 2012
You're guilty by Association. Sorry!!!!

But was this the first time in you're beautiful state of TX?

I'm not a "Proud Texan" by any means, I hate the weather here and am not into sports at all...but shit dude what did the state ever do to you?


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2006
This is what I've been saying. The knee-jerk reaction by everyone all over social media may be exactly what they wanted and counted on. it's not far fetched and it's surprisingly easy to do. It would explain a lot, like why his answers weren't satisfying the officers at first (coached by parents) or why he would bust up a clock and put it in a busted case and tie it closed with wire and call it an "invention."

If it's a clock and you made it out of a clock, what, exactly, did you "invent?"

The timing perfectly fits this being a planned reaction to some extra precautions the school may have taken a few days earlier on the anniversary of 9-11.

Correct, this was done right after 9/11 and before the next GOP debate.

Yet, if you look at this from a view of Occam's razor, the simplest and "low assumption" explanation invalidates this theory.


Jun 24, 2001
Correct, this was done right after 9/11 and before the next GOP debate.

Yet, if you look at this from a view of Occam's razor, the simplest and "low assumption" explanation invalidates this theory.

It's easy to do.
It's bound to happen somewhere/sometime.
The conditions were perfect for this setup.

Occam's Razor doesn't mean "what usually happens in other scenarios/circumstances is always the case." I think a setup explains more and, thus, is a simpler explanation.

I don't think the clock was plugged in and on for investigators to see, so I doubt they even knew that was a numeric display at first.
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