Time to round up those illegal aliens (from all countries) and deport them?


Aug 4, 2000
Yeah or Nay

edit: Some people seem to have generally assumed that I was speaking specifically of Mexicans. I was also referring to Chinese, Canadians and Samoans for that matter. I did put (into parenthesis) illegals from all countries.

I happen to be of Hispanic descent so this is definitely not a race issue for me. What I don't like is what other people assume by looking at you. They assume that you can barely speak English, have a small vocabulary or lack sophistication or values. Nonsense I say!


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
In theory yay. In reality goodluck getting them all! US must have literally millions of illegals.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2000
But isn't it true that once their kids are born on US soil, they're legal citizens?

I hate that law :|


Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Skoorb
In theory yay. In reality goodluck getting them all! US must have literally millions of illegals.

Well we should establish checkpoints and detain/arrest those individuals without papers. Sorry Im just feeling kind of heartless today.:brokenheart:


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2001
i say that if they have made it through all the crap they have to make it through to get into the country illegally, let them stay. and plus, i just dont see anyone else who are willing to do the menial jobs they do for the pay they get.

and psteng19: you're just stupid. don't transfer the sins of the parents to the kids.


Mar 8, 2003
Originally posted by: MeanMeosh
i say that if they have made it through all the crap they have to make it through to get into the country illegally, let them stay. and plus, i just dont see anyone else who are willing to do the menial jobs they do for the pay they get.

and psteng19: you're just stupid. don't transfer the sins of the parents to the kids.

No your just stupid! This is our country. Not just anyone who can sneak
in. I don't want illegals living next to me plotting to blow stuff up, abducting
little kids, and so on. So what if they do menial jobs. We can find a way
to pay a little more for good workers if we need to.



Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Originally posted by: Skoorb
In theory yay. In reality goodluck getting them all! US must have literally millions of illegals.

Well we should establish checkpoints and detain/arrest those individuals without papers. Sorry Im just feeling kind of heartless today.:brokenheart:

Heartless isn't the right word, ignorant is a better fit. Here is where I will bring my boy Franklin to the table (ben that is) "Those that would give up an essential liberty for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" Yes as you said in the OP they are illegal and should be deported as per US law, however, checkpoints are the antithesis to the ideals that America was founded on. Besides, WTF are these papers you are talking about? I was born and raised here, and I do not have "papers" I have a birth certificate, and a social security card, but I don't carry those with me in my car, lest they be stolen.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2001
Originally posted by: necro702
Originally posted by: MeanMeosh
i say that if they have made it through all the crap they have to make it through to get into the country illegally, let them stay. and plus, i just dont see anyone else who are willing to do the menial jobs they do for the pay they get.

and psteng19: you're just stupid. don't transfer the sins of the parents to the kids.

No your just stupid! This is our country. Not just anyone who can sneak
in. I don't want illegals living next to me plotting to blow stuff up, abducting
little kids, and so on. So what if they do menial jobs. We can find a way
to pay a little more for good workers if we need to.

right, cause you know, that's what all illegals do, plot to blow stuff up, abduct little kids, and so on.

and who'se gonna pay for these good workers? you gonna agree to an increase in your taxes to pay for this?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by: necro702
Originally posted by: MeanMeosh
i say that if they have made it through all the crap they have to make it through to get into the country illegally, let them stay. and plus, i just dont see anyone else who are willing to do the menial jobs they do for the pay they get.

and psteng19: you're just stupid. don't transfer the sins of the parents to the kids.

No your just stupid! This is our country. Not just anyone who can sneak
in. I don't want illegals living next to me plotting to blow stuff up, abducting
little kids, and so on. So what if they do menial jobs. We can find a way
to pay a little more for good workers if we need to.

I sincerely hope you were being sarcastic. If not Hasty Generalization -> straw man -> argument fails. Look it up.


Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by: DaiShan
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Originally posted by: Skoorb
In theory yay. In reality goodluck getting them all! US must have literally millions of illegals.

Well we should establish checkpoints and detain/arrest those individuals without papers. Sorry Im just feeling kind of heartless today.:brokenheart:

Heartless isn't the right word, ignorant is a better fit. Here is where I will bring my boy Franklin to the table (ben that is) "Those that would give up an essential liberty for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" Yes as you said in the OP they are illegal and should be deported as per US law, however, checkpoints are the antithesis to the ideals that America was founded on. Besides, WTF are these papers you are talking about? I was born and raised here, and I do not have "papers" I have a birth certificate, and a social security card, but I don't carry those with me in my car, lest they be stolen.


Are you saying that the establishment of a checkpoint system to screen illegals from our society this morning is ignorant? Or are you saying that we shouldnt be hassled to get this done? All the while all sorts of desctruction to the "American way" is going on and you dont give a damn? Too bad.:|

Your drivers license will do fine. They shouldnt be given to non-citizens.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2001
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Originally posted by: DaiShan
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Originally posted by: Skoorb
In theory yay. In reality goodluck getting them all! US must have literally millions of illegals.

Well we should establish checkpoints and detain/arrest those individuals without papers. Sorry Im just feeling kind of heartless today.:brokenheart:

Heartless isn't the right word, ignorant is a better fit. Here is where I will bring my boy Franklin to the table (ben that is) "Those that would give up an essential liberty for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" Yes as you said in the OP they are illegal and should be deported as per US law, however, checkpoints are the antithesis to the ideals that America was founded on. Besides, WTF are these papers you are talking about? I was born and raised here, and I do not have "papers" I have a birth certificate, and a social security card, but I don't carry those with me in my car, lest they be stolen.


Are you saying that the establishment of a checkpoint system to screen illegals from our society this morning is ignorant? Or are you saying that we shouldnt be hassled to get this done? All the while all sorts of desctruction to the "American way" is going on and you dont give a damn? Too bad.:|

well, even if he doesn't, i'll say so. it IS ignorant. and what is this 'american way' you're talking about? surely you're not refering to the 'american way' i know that was created by thousands of legal AND illegal immegrants.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2000
Originally posted by: MeanMeosh
i say that if they have made it through all the crap they have to make it through to get into the country illegally, let them stay. and plus, i just dont see anyone else who are willing to do the menial jobs they do for the pay they get.

and psteng19: you're just stupid. don't transfer the sins of the parents to the kids.

I'm just stupid ehh...

I was assuming that the parents get to stay too, because if the kids are too young, who's going to take care of them?
So they'll just deport the parents back to their native land and let the kids fend for themselves here? I think not.
They'll all be staying sooner or later because it'll be much easier for them to apply for citizenship once a family member becomes a citizen.

Your logic is stupid.
OK, so if people can do something illegal and get away with it, what the heck... we'll just let 'em slide.
If some thieves rob a bank and make a clean getaway, since they went through all that trouble and suceeded, we'll just pat them on their backs and say, "goob job, you guys deserved it", and let them go right?

With logic like that, that'll encourage millions of illegals with that mindset trying to get in, making the problem even worse than it is now. And this little flaw in our law is doing just that. Get in the US illegally, have babies like crazy and become legal :|

There is no easy solution to the problem of illegal immigration.


Aug 4, 2000
Definetaly not Mean. And too bad for you too if you dont want to be hassled. Im just sick of all the people that are here that shouldnt be. So round 'em up and send 'em home.

The end.


Jul 18, 2000
Originally posted by: MeanMeosh
i say that if they have made it through all the crap they have to make it through to get into the country illegally, let them stay. and plus, i just dont see anyone else who are willing to do the menial jobs they do for the pay they get.

and psteng19: you're just stupid. don't transfer the sins of the parents to the kids.

No, they don't get to stay just because they went through alot! They need to go through the same procedures everyone else does to get in. And no, their kids shouldn't be given the right to stay if their parents arrived here illegally. If they don't think they can provide a good life for their child in their own country, DON'T HAVE ONE, or get into the US legally!

As far as the pay, no, US citizens won't do those jobs for the amount that they pay. Why? Supply and demand. Basic economics. Alot of the times they pay these people under minimum wage. This is screwing both works, the US citizens AND the illegal works! The ONLY peolpe it helps are the people taking advantage of illegal aliens.


Sep 18, 2002
Originally posted by: necro702
Originally posted by: MeanMeosh
i say that if they have made it through all the crap they have to make it through to get into the country illegally, let them stay. and plus, i just dont see anyone else who are willing to do the menial jobs they do for the pay they get.

and psteng19: you're just stupid. don't transfer the sins of the parents to the kids.

No your just stupid! This is our country. Not just anyone who can sneak
in. I don't want illegals living next to me plotting to blow stuff up, abducting
little kids, and so on. So what if they do menial jobs. We can find a way
to pay a little more for good workers if we need to.

This is what we call racism. You hate people with brown skin. Or maybe you are just xenophobic. That's all there is to it. You haven't come to the conclusion that you hate illegal immigrants through proper reason and thought.


Junior Member
Jun 19, 2003
I believe the US law states that the child is a citizen if he/she is born on US soil. And legally, once the new born reaches the age of 21 then and only then can he do anything to legalize the status of his/her parents.

Just by taking a look at the standard of society you will notice that there will always be the higher class and the lower class. And for the lower class, there are the lower tier jobs. Most of them are unpleasant jobs, but someone has to do them. And if you get rid of the major group (illegals) that works these jobs, then you will have to find someone else to fill them.

No your just stupid! This is our country. Not just anyone who can sneak
in. I don't want illegals living next to me plotting to blow stuff up, abducting
little kids, and so on. So what if they do menial jobs. We can find a way
to pay a little more for good workers if we need to.

There's a problem here, alot of the employers who exploit the workers doing these menial jobs rely on them. Because these workers are the core of their business. If they were to hire legal citizens and pay them more, alot of them wouldnt be able to make ends meet and go out of business. Some of them would just end up finding the legal citizens who are so down on their luck that cant say no to the below minimum wage pay. So youre still stuck with the same problem.

The events of 9/11 had a major impact on the ways and laws of entering and living in this country. Because of a group of radicals there are countless families now who's lives have been turned upside down. And the only thing alot of them wanted was a better life for their child. You would want the best for your child I'm sure. So when living in a 3rd world country, that requires your son to serve in the military at the age of 16, wouldnt you want to get out of that country and come to the Land of the Free. Where he could get an education and have a better way of life?

What if the group of radicals were US born citizens?

The whole aspect of goverment establishing territory boundaries and making laws to seperate them selves from one another is completely stupid. We all live on one planet under one sky. No I'm not a peace loving hippie. But if you think about it, America was truly the land of the free around 300 years ago. Before the settling of this nation occured, those settlers were illegal aliens to the Indians that occupied this land.


Senior member
Apr 19, 2001
I'm a non citizen working in this country on visa sponsorship by my employer. I would definitely love to continue living here as a permanent resident...maybe eventuallya citizen.

The U.S was founded on immigrants, and it depends on immigrants to grow and diversify. Thats the great thing about his country. It's a morphing ground with no true "locals" like many countries have. The generalizatoins some of you make are pathetic. The U.S illegals are what keeps this country running, they buy the food and the products and contribute to the GDP is numerous ways. The years following the expulsions of all illegalswill be a significantly different economy wise.

Most only seek is to lead a better life than what they had. They do not seek to blow up buildings or terrorize. The minority that did that got all the limelight and the criticism fell on the others. Heck 9/11 bombers entered on student visas! What are you going to do next? Block entry of foreign students to the country? You can try your best but ultimately the US needs all those illegals. It's not like they are sitting around and just claiming unemployment. They work hard... low pay dead end jobs. But atleast they work.

Now I'm not trying to say that it is fine that illegals are in this country and that they should be allowed in. I'm just saying that its preposterous to consider suddnely doing a round up and mass deportation. They would probably just hide anyways, given the results of those illegals who tried to be honest and go to the INS screenings.



Platinum Member
Jun 7, 2002
one thing you need to understand about immigrants naturalized or illegal, is that, unlike those born in the US, they are pretty much guaranteed to be productive people. There's an inherent survirvorship bias in the system. If you have too go through so much shiet just to get to another country to work in a sweat shop, and you do it... you're a badass mofo. Seriously, I've worked shoulder to shoulder with day laborers in New York, and I have to say they are some of the hardest working people I've ever met in my life.

Productivity is what makes this country strong. So yeah, lets just deport them all.


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2001
Originally posted by: necro702
Originally posted by: MeanMeosh
i say that if they have made it through all the crap they have to make it through to get into the country illegally, let them stay. and plus, i just dont see anyone else who are willing to do the menial jobs they do for the pay they get.

and psteng19: you're just stupid. don't transfer the sins of the parents to the kids.

No your just stupid! This is our country. Not just anyone who can sneak
in. I don't want illegals living next to me plotting to blow stuff up, abducting
little kids, and so on. So what if they do menial jobs. We can find a way
to pay a little more for good workers if we need to.

If the US did deport all of the illegal immigrants, you would be paying a lot more for your farmed goods. Seeing as most of the workers get very little, bumping that up to minimum wage would be quite a lot of a difference in pay = more of your money to pay for them. Or, YOU do the work that they do.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2001
i was a permanent resident, and became a US citizen a month ago. it was a 5 year wait, and all i did then was go to school.

the illegal immigrants who are productive, do 5 years worth of work for a salary most of us would consider low per year (and still manage to live frugally enough to send back most of that money to their families), i think they ought to get citizenships as well. they have proved that they are fit to be a part of this country, which runs off the labors of hard workers.

and btw, to sponsor someone (parents and immediate blood relatives are the only ones who can be sponsored) to become a permanent resident, you need to be above 21, and you need to show proof that you have the finances to support them for an extended period of time.

edit: so, for you people who don't get the point, a citizen kid cannot apply to make his illegal parents permanent residents immediately, or the people who are illegals (if given citizenship) cannot afford to sponsor the rest of his family.
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