Tired of goofballs saying that conservatives hate America. Get a clue!

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Nov 29, 2006
Your entire post sounds like moronic dogma coming from someone who is good at spouting off pre-canned dogma but who is awful at critical thinking and introspection. Did you just copy and paste this crap from some other website? I'll be surprised if you actually read this thread or respond to my post.

You do have to wonder, how much was your ability to earn the hard-earned money dependent on the government and society at large in some sort of a way?

Oh, cry me an Atlas Shrugged.

Actually, socialized medicine has proven to be less expensive and superior to free market medicine in many ways. In fact, in the U.S. much of the money spent on health care is skimmed by people who have nothing to do with actually providing health care, such as insurance company executives and their employees, insurance brokers, benefits plan managers, and medical billing specialists.

The U.S. is spending about 16% or 17% of its GDP on health care while leaving tens of millions of people uninsured or under-insured with the rest living in sheer terror of losing their health insurance while having hundreds of thousands of medical bankruptcies every year and while having (surprise) private businesses suffer from the burdens of paying for and providing health insurance. (Ironically, real socialized medicine would probably be a boon for businesses and entrepreneurship.) In contrast, other nations spend a smaller percentage of their GDP on health care while having 100% coverage, a more content and secure populace, almost zero medical bankruptcies, and businesses that aren't burdened by health insurance concerns.

Did you know that many of those evil Kantian excrement-grubbing socialist people's states even have more doctors per capita than the U.S.? See:


What makes you so certain that people in the evil socialist nations aren't receiving good health care? Do they have shorter life expectancies? What about the people in America who are receiving marginal health care or no health care at all?

How do you explain the situation where an insurance policy's death panel rescinds a cancer patient's health insurance on the day of her surgery? Is that "great health care"?

Under socialized medicine there's no reason why a wealthy SOB couldn't just purchase private, exquisite health care with his own money. It's not as though private doctors and hospitals would be outlawed if people wanted to pay for them.

Could that be because free market dogmatists destroyed the U.S. economy by shipping jobs overseas, importing foreigners on work visas to take college-education-requiring, knowledge-based jobs, and then imported millions of immigrants to displace even more Americans and further depress wages?

Come back and let us know what you think about our current health care system after your job is sent overseas or filled by someone on a work visa or after equally qualified Americans offer to do your job for half your current wage. That having been said, I agree that tax on the Cadillac plans does seem a little unfair.

What makes you so certain that you too might not become the fat bastard playing the PS3 or reading discussion forums one day? What if for some reason you lost your job and/or your ability to work and needed government-provided medicine. This could happen in any number of ways. Let's suppose that you are diagnosed with cancer and can no longer work or perform your job well so your employer has to let you go. Afterward you are unable to pay your new high premium. Then what? Let's suppose that someone plants child pornography on your computer (or that you are falsely accused of child molestation or rape or whatever) and that after copious amounts of media publicity and an acquittal people still regard you as a criminal and you cannot find work (at least not work that would provide benefits or pay you enough to purchase insurance on your own)? Let's suppose that next week it is revealed that your company's CEO has been slowly looting the company for years, leaving your company bankrupt and out of business and that he has now taken off for Bimini with his favorite bimbo and because of the current state of the U.S. economy you are unable to find another job?

Not everyone who advocates socialized medicine is a liberal wack job. Heck, some even greatly admire the likes of Ayn Rand and might even regard Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead as being two of their favorite novels.

I suspect that most advocates of real socialized medicine disapprove the Democrats' plan, which really does almost nothing to address the nation's fundamental health care problems (such as spending huge amounts of money on middlemen that do not directly provide health care).

Sometimes yes and sometimes no. Many people who worked hard and trained and obtained college education are unemployed or underemployed-and-involuntarily-out-of-field. The notion that we have a real meritocracy in this country is very much a myth where often success is based not on what you know but on who you know. Success might even be correlated with height and good looks.

What's ironic is that under real socialized medicine, the American people would either end up saving money or breaking even while having better coverage. It's been proven to be far more efficient and less expensive than our current system in many other countries.

Why can't we properly regard the high health insurance costs and inefficiencies of free market medicine as a tax? Does it make a difference if the checks you write are to a private company or to the government? If the check you would write to the government is smaller than the check you would write to the private insurance company then isn't that a "good tax"?

It's not an issue of knowledge, it's an issue of efficiency. Everyone needs or is going to need health insurance at some point. If a government-run system could save money and be more efficient than what the free market could provide then in essence, wouldn't the "government know better what to do?" Likewise, when it comes to national defense, the government probably "knows better what to do" than individual citizens.

It doesn't matter to a person or a business whether they write a check to the insurance company or to the government. The difference is that when it comes to health care, the check written to the government will be smaller than the one written to the insurance company. (Other nations spend a smaller amount of their GDP on health care and spend less per person while having 100% coverage and often more doctors per capita.)

I do agree with you that if free market dogmatism were to destroy the nation's economy as it is already doing that the government would have less tax revenue.

Other nations seem to be able to motivate their doctors to work and to provide health care. As far as I know the UK even pays bonuses to doctors who keep their patients healthy or improve their health. (Now that is a great incentive.)

I don't see any reason why government-funded medical and scientific research could not continue nor why independent researchers and pharmaceutical companies would not be allowed to reasonably profit from their patent-protected innovations.

You could keep a good portion of what you earn and if the government does a good job with its economic policies you'll be able to keep a larger portion or earn more in the first place. The irony is that under socialized medicine most people would have more wealth and a higher standard of living and quality of life than under free market medicine (where you could be subject to a private insurance company's death panel).

What makes you think that the overpaid banksters are really all that talented or that they could not be easily replaced? It's not as though our nation doesn't already have unemployed MBAs and other bright people who would love to have those jobs and/or to train for those positions. I don't buy the "they are like professional athletes" dogma.

By fleeing the country perhaps? Good riddance. I don't see how these people are irreplaceable. They just push paper and money around; it's not like they are the top 2% of all scientists or engineers. If you need to have an IQ in the top 5% to do those jobs, in a nation of 300+ million people we would have 15 million people who could potentially do those jobs.

What exactly do those guys do anyway? Make decisions about what businesses should and shouldn't receive loans? They don't provide actual health care. They do not engage in scientific or engineering innovation. They do not manufacture any actual products. What is it that they do for our economy that makes them so unique and irreplaceable, exactly? What are they doing that we cannot train your average MBA graduate to do 98% as well as what they do for a mere $200,000/year?

What exactly is it that you want? Do you want real laissez-faire capitalism or some sort of a capitalist-leaning mixed economy where the government has reasonable regulations?

I'm all for having a strong economy and for having less need for the government to have to provide social welfare services, but I truly doubt that real capitalism is the best way to attain that.

Maybe you think your post is the second coming of Atlas Shrugged or something, but it just came off to me as being knee-jerk teenage-like angst.

Very well stated. Hats off to you.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2007
No they are examples of how both sides overspend our money and how they are inefficient. If we have 342 economic development programs combine and eliminate the fat. Whipper thinks American Government is efficient. The Government is full of pork.

RyanPaulShaffer: Both sides are wrong one side just out does the other.

I miss the old AT interface.

If you yourself are not aware of the details of those 342 programs, than how can you state that they are "fat"? Perhaps they are focused on different areas of the economy. I'm not sure the idea of a single massive bureaucracy is better than 342 smaller ones.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally Posted by spidey07
And extending unemployment benefits only made it worse. Why would somebody take a 10-12 dollar an hour job when they're making more than that in unemployment?

We need to restore the time when taking a handout is shameful and needs to be publicaly shunned. See somebody using food stamps - embarass them, call them out, call attention to them. Follow them out to their nice car in a mob and shame them to let them know that shit is wrong.

Hunger is a hell of a motivator to work.

Dude, seriously -- unemployment is for people who were gainfully employed and lost their freaking jobs. It isn't like they are trying to cheat the system or anything like that. The fact of that matter is that the economy sucks and jobs are hard to come by. It isn't like these people suddenly became lazy and decided "Well hell, I have these limited unemployment benefits for the next x months, so why bother looking for anything?" I have in-laws in northern Indiana and it is very very tough going up there, as all the media coverage can verify. These guys aren't lazy, they just can't find a damn thing.


You guys have America hating Republicans like this spouting such vitriol and I'm the nut?


Aug 21, 2007
Originally Posted by spidey07
And extending unemployment benefits only made it worse. Why would somebody take a 10-12 dollar an hour job when they're making more than that in unemployment?

We need to restore the time when taking a handout is shameful and needs to be publicaly shunned. See somebody using food stamps - embarass them, call them out, call attention to them. Follow them out to their nice car in a mob and shame them to let them know that shit is wrong.

Hunger is a hell of a motivator to work.


You guys have America hating Republicans like this spouting such vitriol and I'm the nut?

Huh. I guess putting spidey07 on your ignore list didn't stop you from quoting him. Truly impressive.
Oct 30, 2004
And extending unemployment benefits only made it worse. Why would somebody take a 10-12 dollar an hour job when they're making more than that in unemployment?

Do you really think that $10-12/hour jobs (that don't require college degrees) are going unfilled right now?!? Heck, there have been news reports about thousands of people lining up to apply for jobs at the new local Walmart/BestBuy/Whatever which probably pay less than $10-12/hour. Heck, there's probably an excess of applicants for $10-12/hour jobs that require four-year Bachelors degrees.

We need to restore the time when taking a handout is shameful and needs to be publicaly shunned. See somebody using food stamps - embarass them, call them out, call attention to them. Follow them out to their nice car in a mob and shame them to let them know that shit is wrong.

Are you proposing that people incite violence and engage in harassment? Where do you think this sort of behavior would lead? It would lead to fist fights and gunfights. If some stranger berates you and then follows you and your kids out to your car, how would you respond?

Not everyone who is taking government assistance is a crack addict with a litter of crack babies! Get a clue!
Oct 30, 2004
Universal Health Care reminds me of the movie Solient Green.

Perhaps my memory is wanting, but wasn't Soilent Green a movie, not about socialism or communism, but rather about overpopulation? It was loosely based on or at least inspired by a book called Make Room! Make Room! by Harry Harrison. I'm pretty sure that the take-home message from Soilent Green was that overpopulation is bad and that the amount of resources in the world (such as land for growing food) is finite, which implies that Malthus should be taken seriously.

What I want to say is that the soviet union and cuba are designed around this system where everyone is equal and everyone lives in the way that the state tells them. However, who has the better living conditions? The people trying to live free have a higher standard of living. I choose the system with the higher standard of living. If you want to choose breadlines and rationing fell free to move to Cuba or Moscow. At least there are no fat people there because everyone is starving to death and groveling for government rationed food.

The only problem is that while full-fledged socialism has proven to be an economic failure, socialized medicine has proven to be a success while the American system has proven to be a huge failure.

This is because real capitalism and perfect competition just doesn't work very well for health care. As a matter of social policy and as a matter of your own rational selfish interest you want anyone who needs health care to be able to receive it. Also, purchasing health insurance or medical care is not the same as purchasing at television. If you cannot afford a television or do not like the price or do not like the quality of the product you can just go without it or keep shopping around or even earn the money you need to purchase it later and then buy it later. Health care doesn't work that way! Furthermore, it is very difficult for laypeople to understand what they are purchasing when they purchase health insurance; how is a layperson supposed to understand that the insurance policy's not covering condition X is a big deal? How are non-lawyers and even lawyers who aren't familiar with health policies supposed to interpret long and complex contracts filled with terms of art in small print? (That's what would happen under real capitalist health care--expensive lawyers would be hired to create a huge amount of loopholes in the contracts to allow insurance companies to rescind policies for just about any reason.)

What's funny is that many of those evil, excrement-grubbing, socialist people's states in Europe are known for having a good quality of life and good standard of living for the majority of their people. Those nations also have socialized medicine and the people there are not clamoring for American medicine (they are terrified of the American system).

So why do you want to change the USA into a squalid wasteland communist country?

Are you open to the possibility of the U.S. having a mixed economy or even a predominantly free market mixed economy?

It makes sense to have the government handle functions that are not handled well by the free market--roads, public schools, police, fire departments, health care, courts, utilities, environmental concerns.

It makes sense to let a free market deal with items that work well when handled by the free market, items and economic activity that are a better fit for the model of perfect competition--mostly widgets.
Oct 30, 2004
Due to that sophomoric sounding lead in I'll pass on trying to discuss anything with you.

That's too bad, because I pretty much refuted all of the points you made in your original post.

I guess you are a fan of big government. Because Government and efficiency do not belong in the same sentence unless there is a "Not" in there somewhere.

I'm a fan of an effective and efficient government. The real issue facing nations and people around the world is not the size of their governments but rather the issue of what they are getting for their money. In these regards, socialized medicine has proven to be a good value and our current system has proven to be inefficient and expensive and we know that truly capitalist medicine would be a disaster.

The term "big government" is a soundbite that distracts people from thinking critically about the real issues. It's unproductive and caters to people who have an almost religious, dogmatic believe that "government=bad, free market=good".

Examples of wasteful duplication include: 342 economic development programs; 130 programs serving the
disabled; 130 programs serving at-risk youth; 90 early childhood development programs; 75 programs funding
international education, cultural, and training exchange activities; and 72 safe water programs. PRIORITIZE NOW! PRIORITIZE NOW! PRIORITIZE NOW!
· Washington spe nds $60 billion annually on corporate welfare, versus $43 billion on homeland security.
· The Congressional Budget Office published a “Budget Options” book identifying $140 billion in potential
spending cuts.
· The federal government spends $27 billion annually on special interest pork projects such as grants to the Rock
and Roll Hall of Fame or funds to combat teenage “goth” culture in Blue Springs, Missouri.
· Washington spends tens of billions of dollars on failed and outdated programs such as the Rural Utilities Service,
the U.S. Geological Survey, and the Economic Development Association.
· The federal government made at least $37 billion in overpayments in 2005. Current estimates are between $40
billion and $100 billion in annual overpayments.
· 25 Billion in unaccounted for funds (Nancy Pelosies snack on the plane?)

It's difficult to evaluate the merit of the "342 economic development programs" without knowing exactly what each one is, etc. I suspect that most people, myself included, would agree that money for the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame and money spent to combat teenage Goth culture is a waste of money, but it's illogical to take a couple extreme examples and to then extrapolate their lack of merit to all government expenditures and programs.

These monies and the interest we pay on them is significant. Isn't all Obamas fault btw GWB had a quick pen to sign checks as well. But putting out a budget that is 1.6 trillion in the red is not sustainable and is financially irresponsible.

I agree, which is why we need real changes in economic and social policy to solve our economic issues to both increase the amount of economic and productive activity in the country which increases tax revenues while decreasing the need for government services. Merely shouting, "Capitalism is an unknown ideal and we need laissez-faire" from the rooftops isn't going to fix our problems.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
Conservatives like America; they just like money more. If one of them has to go, it'll be America everytime for them.
Oct 30, 2004
No they are examples of how both sides overspend our money and how they are inefficient. If we have 342 economic development programs combine and eliminate the fat. Whipper thinks American Government is efficient. The Government is full of pork.

Where did I say or imply that I think the American government is efficient? I think it's good at doing somethings and bad at doing others. I think that some of its activities are beneficial and valuable and that others, such as much of the pork, are wasteful. I think that it does a poor and inefficient job at doing many of the things it tries to do. Your blanket statement is inaccurate.
Last edited:


Elite Member
Dec 23, 2000
And extending unemployment benefits only made it worse. Why would somebody take a 10-12 dollar an hour job when they're making more than that in unemployment?

We need to restore the time when taking a handout is shameful and needs to be publicaly shunned. See somebody using food stamps - embarass them, call them out, call attention to them. Follow them out to their nice car in a mob and shame them to let them know that shit is wrong.

Hunger is a hell of a motivator to work.

Your comments are extreme. It may apply to some who are abusers of unemployment benefits but there are a lot of people out there like me who were productive members of society for many years and were recently layed off through no fault of our own. I'm ok financially for now but most are not even though they planned for this type of event also.

I was making a six figure salary in IT until I was layed off in December along with half of my coworkers. I get $261 a week in UC for 26 weeks which covers my monthly mortgage payment. Based on a 40 hour work week that comes to $6.52 an hour. You do realize that employers pay for UC, right? I'm getting every benefit I can from my former employer. I am also taking advantage of the nine month 65% discount on COBRA. I don't know who is paying for the discount, probably the taxpayers (including me).

I will eventually find another job but with me being middle aged, not up to speed on the latest popular IT skills (but I can be), the bad economy and bad job market it will take a while for me to find a new job. I may even go back to school.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Do you really think that $10-12/hour jobs (that don't require college degrees) are going unfilled right now?!? Heck, there have been news reports about thousands of people lining up to apply for jobs at the new local Walmart/BestBuy/Whatever which probably pay less than $10-12/hour. Heck, there's probably an excess of applicants for $10-12/hour jobs that require four-year Bachelors degrees.

Are you proposing that people incite violence and engage in harassment? Where do you think this sort of behavior would lead? It would lead to fist fights and gunfights. If some stranger berates you and then follows you and your kids out to your car, how would you respond?

Not everyone who is taking government assistance is a crack addict with a litter of crack babies! Get a clue!
Whitey07 is some wet behind the ears young douchebag full of himself on the Net but probably is just a meek little wanker in real life, I doubt he'd even make eye contact with some down on their luck individual using food stamps.


Elite Member
Dec 23, 2000
Conservatives like America; they just like money more. If one of them has to go, it'll be America everytime for them.

Yeah, those bad conservatives. It would have been a lot different today without them. Just think, we would be poor but happy, living in communes, and very few businesses would exist but we would have a lot of actors, artists and teachers, maybe a few engineers.


Jun 5, 2000
I agree, which is why we need real changes in economic and social policy to solve our economic issues

thats great but washington (no matter the party in power) loves to spend money on bullshit. the only way that change is going to happen is for a drastic change in Washington to stop throwing our money out the window. There are MANY things Washington pays for that they have no business being involved with in the first place.


Jun 8, 2005
Where did I say or imply that I think the American government is efficient? I think it's good at doing somethings and bad at doing others. I think that some of its activities are beneficial and valuable and that others, such as much of the pork, are wasteful. I think that it does a poor and inefficient job at doing many of the things it tries to do. Your blanket statement is inaccurate.

What exactly is the government good at? Providing outsized pensions to its union employees? Overrunning costs in every single project? Taxing the American taxpayer? Ya its dam good at those. Not much else.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006

Comrade Stalin grows weary of douchebaggery!
Just out of curiosity, how can you put up a picture of a man who personally ordered the death of probably more innocent people than any other in history with the exception of Mao? Couldn't you find a communist who is not a mass murderer to use?


Jun 8, 2005
Just out of curiosity, how can you put up a picture of a man who personally ordered the death of probably more innocent people than any other in history with the exception of Mao? Couldn't you find a communist who is not a mass murderer to use?

You clearly forgot about hitler?


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Just out of curiosity, how can you put up a picture of a man who personally ordered the death of probably more innocent people than any other in history with the exception of Mao? Couldn't you find a communist who is not a mass murderer to use?

That shit was funny and everyone knows that Stalin dealt with those that pissed him off harshly.


May 1, 2006
What exactly is the government good at? Providing outsized pensions to its union employees? Overrunning costs in every single project? Taxing the American taxpayer? Ya its dam good at those. Not much else.

I could point you to a small book with an entire appendix with some of the good agencies. You wouldn't read it so I won't bother.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
You clearly forgot about hitler?

Hitler was an amateur next to Stalin. Peasants who survived being overrun and occupied by the Nazis were often murdered by the commissars once the village was retaken, on the grounds that their very survival proved complicity. Only about 5% of the enlisted Germans captured survived captivity, which is much worse than even the Nazis. The Nazi occupation of the Baltics was a slumber party compared to the Soviet occupation, where a sizable fraction of the populations were removed and few returned. The man was, quite literally, a monster, even for the time.
Oct 30, 2004
Whitey07 is some wet behind the ears young douchebag full of himself on the Net but probably is just a meek little wanker in real life, I doubt he'd even make eye contact with some down on their luck individual using food stamps.

It would be interesting if Spidey actually shouted at someone using a food stamp card at a grocery store and then followed him out to his car, berating him all the way. If anyone wants to volunteer to try that and let us know how it went, please post your experiences at publicly shaming food stamp users for all of us to read.
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