Tired of goofballs saying that conservatives hate America. Get a clue!

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Diamond Member
May 18, 2007
Of course it was liberal welfare policies over the past 50+ years which created the whole welfare mom crack baby stereotype. When liberal welfare policies were put in place that basically told women that not only were fathers not needed, but they would get more money if they didn't have them around. Well there was only a natural result which was higher illegitimacy and generational poverty. Compare illegitimacy of black families between 1955, 1970 and 1985. It went from the low 20s% to greater then 70% (in 1955 whites had a greater chance then blacks of being born into a illegitimate family). All due to liberal welfare policies which had the government take the place of the fathers.

Whats happened as a result of liberal policies is a tragedy. They have created a permanent underclass in our society and they have no regrets about doing so. Why?

Because with liberals, results of their policies don't matter. Only their "good" intentions.

Way to try and narrow complex societal problems to "it's all the other guys fault." This from the an individual that advertises thyself as advocating personal responsibility. The ironies abound.


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
This defines conservatives vs. liberals.

Conservatives want equal opportunity
Liberals want equal outcome
Equal opportunity for everyone to marry someone of the opposite sex.
Equal opportunity for women to not get an elective abortion.

Is that right?


Diamond Member
May 18, 2007
Universal Health Care reminds me of the movie Solient Green. What I want to say is that the soviet union and cuba are designed around this system where everyone is equal and everyone lives in the way that the state tells them. However, who has the better living conditions? The people trying to live free have a higher standard of living. I choose the system with the higher standard of living. If you want to choose breadlines and rationing fell free to move to Cuba or Moscow. At least there are no fat people there because everyone is starving to death and groveling for government rationed food.

So why do you want to change the USA into a squalid wasteland communist country?

Why do you want to change the USA into the modern day equivalent of the European Middle Age Aristocracies? Where power has become so concentrated that the only solution is violent and bloody revolution?

Are my statements ridiculous? You betcha. So was yours.


Diamond Member
May 24, 2002
So can you really just not figure this whole thing out, or are you just being deliberately stupid at this point?

No, but your deliberately being dishonest here. I looked that thread up and there was nothing specific about immigration AWAY from US. It was bunch of BS about Ron Paul. Whipper's position was about immigration TO the US. So care to explain your position again? You know, about the difficulty of IMMIGRATING AWAY from US. And YOU accuse me of being stupid?! Oh boy, yeah reading comprehension. Let me post it again:

MotF Bane
Or, since you think Europe's healthcare is a model of how we should do it, you can leave. Unless they have a problem with crazy people.
It's hard to just pick up and leave if you have family in the U.S. and if you don't speak the language in another country, assuming they'd even let you in. Some people work in fields that require professional licensure that does not easily transfer to other countries.

I gave you a chance to not make a mockery of yourself.
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Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
If you have a circumstance, well sorry. Life isn't fair.

That's not what you said. You said that less fortunate = lazy. Why are you backpedaling from that now?

I think we all know that life isn't fair. I mean, look at you... you're a moron.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
I thank my parents for instilling values in me, especially pops who grew up in the great depression and defended this great nation in WW2. our nation is full of pussies, IMHO.

And you're one of them.


Jun 11, 2004
that's totally not true. I work, i have a job, i will always have a job because i'm motivated to work. With this job comes money, and i can always find people that want to sell me health insurance.

If i don't work, i don't have money and can't eat, shelter, transportation or buy health insurance. See how that works? Without those even the most lazy of lazy will get motivated to work.


Typical can't see pass your own nose BS. SSDWN

EDIT: And echo the poster above me, your posts reek of pussy especially the past year.
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Golden Member
Nov 12, 2005
[sarcasm]I wonder how far we could take this personal responsibility thing. I too don't like the fact that someone can eat themselves into oblivion and then put the medical bill on my tab. Meanwhile I exercise daily and eat nutritiously and never ever get ill. I even fix my own DNA so that I don't get inherited diseases, while lazy people just wait for the ticking time bomb inside them.

I like personal responsibility so much that I pave my own roads, if I want a nice road to drive on I'll do it myself thank you very much. Why would I want to pay to put in an interstate system when I never will drive to Wyoming? I clean my own water for drinking too, and have a composting toilet, why do I have to pay to clean up someone's water and sewage? I'm perfectly capable of doing that myself. I don't need neighborhood police either, I bought a gun.

Speaking of guns, why do I have to pay for an Army? I don't live near the coasts. I won't get invaded, and if I do, I'll just defend myself with my armory of guns I've amassed. I wasn't in the WTC or have family or friends there, why should I have to pay for everyone else's revenge. The way I see it, the terrorists weren't trying to take my freedoms away, just trying to get my government to stop messing with theirs.

Yes sir, I don't need anyone's help at all. I'm practically a one man island![/sarcasm]

Am I doing it right?

All joking aside, what I'm trying to describe doesn't look or function at all like a nation does it? I realize one of the responsibilities of living in a nation is a tax so that we all may enjoy the certain things that the government does. I may not directly benefit from all of them, but that's not the point. This includes paying for roads I will never drive on, water I will never drink, teachers I will never learn from, mail I will never send, Welfare/Medicaid I'll never collect, police/soldiers/firefighters I'll never need, and hopefully hospital care I'll never receive.


Jul 12, 2001
Your entire post sounds like moronic dogma coming from someone who is good at spouting off pre-canned dogma but who is awful at critical thinking and introspection. Did you just copy and paste this crap from some other website? I'll be surprised if you actually read this thread or respond to my post.

Due to that sophomoric sounding lead in I'll pass on trying to discuss anything with you. Except this [q]Quote:
What makes the government know better what to do with your money than you do?

It's not an issue of knowledge, it's an issue of efficiency. Everyone needs or is going to need health insurance at some point. If a government-run system could save money and be more efficient than what the free market could provide then in essence, wouldn't the "government know better what to do?" [/q] I guess you are a fan of big government. Because Government and efficiency do not belong in the same sentence unless there is a "Not" in there somewhere.

And to what ever Goofball said I do not pay for roads get a clue I said I do not want to pay for some asshole playing PS3 all days healthcare. Of course there are some basic functions I think the government is supposed to provide but the list is small but includes basic services and defense. Not dispensing money to Acorn or any number of these things:

Examples of wasteful duplication include: 342 economic development programs; 130 programs serving the
disabled; 130 programs serving at-risk youth; 90 early childhood development programs; 75 programs funding
international education, cultural, and training exchange activities; and 72 safe water programs. PRIORITIZE NOW! PRIORITIZE NOW! PRIORITIZE NOW!
· Washington spe nds $60 billion annually on corporate welfare, versus $43 billion on homeland security.
· The Congressional Budget Office published a “Budget Options” book identifying $140 billion in potential
spending cuts.
· The federal government spends $27 billion annually on special interest pork projects such as grants to the Rock
and Roll Hall of Fame or funds to combat teenage “goth” culture in Blue Springs, Missouri.
· Washington spends tens of billions of dollars on failed and outdated programs such as the Rural Utilities Service,
the U.S. Geological Survey, and the Economic Development Association.
· The federal government made at least $37 billion in overpayments in 2005. Current estimates are between $40
billion and $100 billion in annual overpayments.
· 25 Billion in unaccounted for funds (Nancy Pelosies snack on the plane?)

These monies and the interest we pay on them is significant. Isn't all Obamas fault btw GWB had a quick pen to sign checks as well. But putting out a budget that is 1.6 trillion in the red is not sustainable and is financially irresponsible.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2007
Due to that sophomoric sounding lead in I'll pass on trying to discuss anything with you. Except this [q]Quote:
What makes the government know better what to do with your money than you do?

It's not an issue of knowledge, it's an issue of efficiency. Everyone needs or is going to need health insurance at some point. If a government-run system could save money and be more efficient than what the free market could provide then in essence, wouldn't the "government know better what to do?" [/q] I guess you are a fan of big government. Because Government and efficiency do not belong in the same sentence unless there is a "Not" in there somewhere.

And to what ever Goofball said I do not pay for roads get a clue I said I do not want to pay for some asshole playing PS3 all days healthcare. Of course there are some basic functions I think the government is supposed to provide but the list is small but includes basic services and defense. Not dispensing money to Acorn or any number of these things:

Examples of wasteful duplication include: 342 economic development programs; 130 programs serving the
disabled; 130 programs serving at-risk youth; 90 early childhood development programs; 75 programs funding
international education, cultural, and training exchange activities; and 72 safe water programs. PRIORITIZE NOW! PRIORITIZE NOW! PRIORITIZE NOW!
· Washington spe nds $60 billion annually on corporate welfare, versus $43 billion on homeland security.
· The Congressional Budget Office published a “Budget Options” book identifying $140 billion in potential
spending cuts.
· The federal government spends $27 billion annually on special interest pork projects such as grants to the Rock
and Roll Hall of Fame or funds to combat teenage “goth” culture in Blue Springs, Missouri.
· Washington spends tens of billions of dollars on failed and outdated programs such as the Rural Utilities Service,
the U.S. Geological Survey, and the Economic Development Association.
· The federal government made at least $37 billion in overpayments in 2005. Current estimates are between $40
billion and $100 billion in annual overpayments.
· 25 Billion in unaccounted for funds (Nancy Pelosies snack on the plane?)

These monies and the interest we pay on them is significant. Isn't all Obamas fault btw GWB had a quick pen to sign checks as well. But putting out a budget that is 1.6 trillion in the red is not sustainable and is financially irresponsible.

Are you going to give specifics about any of the programs you mentioned or simply rehash what someone else said?


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2005
Less fortunate=Lazy

Wow, so the person who was born with a physical and/or mental disability is lazy? You're hard-hearted, to say the least, and your apparent total lack of empathy for your fellow man is...alarming and disturbing, to put it nicely. Yeah, everyone who is unemployed right now is just lazy...none of them were good employees who were downsized, none of them worked their butts off to get a good education, etc...nope! They are all just lazy!

Thats why you save money for when times are tough.

Yeah, because everyone is as fortunate to be as "awesome" as you are and be able to save up a year+ worth the expenses in their savings account.

Crawl back under your rock where you can snidely look down on everyone who isn't as "fortunate" and "hard-working" as you are. Turn Rush up real loud, stick to your hardline talking points, and scream along with him at the top of your lungs, "La la la! I'm the best and everyone else is a lazy, undeserving bum who is barely human!" D:


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2005
There's SSDI and my long term disability insurance (provided by those evil insurance companies) as well to take care of that. You can't fix stupid, stupid being not able to take care of yourself, or just too stupid to be lazy.

If you want to work, there are jobs.

Yeah, because all of those millions of unemployed people right now are just lazy bums who want to sit at home and watch soaps all day. Yup, there are just so many jobs out there right now! A plethora! Tons! Jobs as far as the eye can see!

Oh wait, no, we live in reality, not Spideyland, and the fact is that the economy is horrible right now and there aren't many jobs to be found in pretty much any field. But, that's okay, it's probably easier for you and your ilk to close your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears and scream, "I'm the most amazing person in the world and everyone less fortunate than me is just a lazy bum who wants to watch TV all day!" D:


Nov 9, 2004
Textbook right wing rant, rather weak one at that

You libtards get out of MY America Waaa Waaa
There is no such thing as unforetunate, only lazy bums and losers Waaa Waaa
If I don't like it it must be unconstitutional Waaa Waaa
I don't trust the guboment Waaa Waa
If you got no job and no health insurance its because your stupid, not smart like me Waaa Waaa


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2005
And extending unemployment benefits only made it worse. Why would somebody take a 10-12 dollar an hour job when they're making more than that in unemployment?

We need to restore the time when taking a handout is shameful and needs to be publicaly shunned. See somebody using food stamps - embarass them, call them out, call attention to them. Follow them out to their nice car in a mob and shame them to let them know that shit is wrong.

Hunger is a hell of a motivator to work.

Look, as much as you try to emulate Rush, he isn't going to call you up to guest-host his show while he's out golfing. Sorry.

You probably think that the Great Depression was nothing more than a bunch of lazy people sitting around wanting free stuff, amirite?


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2005
That's not what you said. You said that less fortunate = lazy. Why are you backpedaling from that now?

I think we all know that life isn't fair. I mean, look at you... you're a moron.

LOL! I'd love to see how his tune would change if his circumstances ever changed to become "less fortunate".


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2005
Of course it was liberal welfare policies over the past 50+ years which created the whole welfare mom crack baby stereotype. When liberal welfare policies were put in place that basically told women that not only were fathers not needed, but they would get more money if they didn't have them around. Well there was only a natural result which was higher illegitimacy and generational poverty. Compare illegitimacy of black families between 1955, 1970 and 1985. It went from the low 20s% to greater then 70% (in 1955 whites had a greater chance then blacks of being born into a illegitimate family). All due to liberal welfare policies which had the government take the place of the fathers.

Whats happened as a result of liberal policies is a tragedy. They have created a permanent underclass in our society and they have no regrets about doing so. Why?

Because with liberals, results of their policies don't matter. Only their "good" intentions.

Good grief, here we go again. Blame the other side...your side is the only right one! I'm not going to get into a whole debate, but let's take one current hot-button issue right now. The deficit that the right loves to hammer on. Yes, the spending projections of our current administration and Congress are absolutely frightening. However, do you really want me to post the non-partisan data such as GAO charts that show the deficit during eight years of Reagan and eight years of W?

Hint: it kept going higher and higher, regardless of whether "conservatives" or "liberals" were in charge.

Partisan politics are what is destroying this country. Each side is too busy blaming and insulting the other, instead of sitting down, working things out and compromising to get what's best for the people they supposedly represent.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2000
I thank my parents for instilling values in me, especially pops who grew up in the great depression and defended this great nation in WW2. our nation is full of pussies, IMHO.

If those were kind of values your parents taught you, no wonder you are a screwed up individual.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Less fortunate=Lazy

Nice blanket statement. I'm willing to bet the dude doing roofing work or cutting grass in the 100F+ temps here in FL works a hellova harder than you or I and makes a hellova lot less. I'm also willing to bet their benefits suck.


Jul 12, 2001
Are you going to give specifics about any of the programs you mentioned or simply rehash what someone else said?

No they are examples of how both sides overspend our money and how they are inefficient. If we have 342 economic development programs combine and eliminate the fat. Whipper thinks American Government is efficient. The Government is full of pork.

RyanPaulShaffer: Both sides are wrong one side just out does the other.

I miss the old AT interface.


Jul 5, 2009
No they are examples of how both sides overspend our money and how they are inefficient. If we have 342 economic development programs combine and eliminate the fat. Whipper thinks American Government is efficient. The Government is full of pork.

RyanPaulShaffer: Both sides are wrong one side just out does the other.

I miss the old AT interface.

Government is full of pork because the government is littered with corporate interests and lobby groups.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
And extending unemployment benefits only made it worse. Why would somebody take a 10-12 dollar an hour job when they're making more than that in unemployment?

We need to restore the time when taking a handout is shameful and needs to be publicaly shunned. See somebody using food stamps - embarass them, call them out, call attention to them. Follow them out to their nice car in a mob and shame them to let them know that shit is wrong.

Hunger is a hell of a motivator to work.

Fucking wow.


Sep 22, 2007
And extending unemployment benefits only made it worse. Why would somebody take a 10-12 dollar an hour job when they're making more than that in unemployment?

We need to restore the time when taking a handout is shameful and needs to be publicaly shunned. See somebody using food stamps - embarass them, call them out, call attention to them. Follow them out to their nice car in a mob and shame them to let them know that shit is wrong.

Hunger is a hell of a motivator to work.

Dude, seriously -- unemployment is for people who were gainfully employed and lost their freaking jobs. It isn't like they are trying to cheat the system or anything like that. The fact of that matter is that the economy sucks and jobs are hard to come by. It isn't like these people suddenly became lazy and decided "Well hell, I have these limited unemployment benefits for the next x months, so why bother looking for anything?" I have in-laws in northern Indiana and it is very very tough going up there, as all the media coverage can verify. These guys aren't lazy, they just can't find a damn thing.
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