I really enjoyed Ryans Anandtech review.
I liked the updated games list, it's good to get some modern and demanding games in the review.
I wonder why there are only minimums in 2 games out of the whole list.
I think that we should really have frametimes so we can accurately see where the single gpu is actually superior to the multi gpu solution, from averages the 295x2 shines out of that list (best price/performance by far). AT should really get an aftermarket 290x, although on the other hand it keeps shaming AMD into doing something about it. Even the reference 290x shows up quite well for a $300ish card.
The only GPU I'd buy over a <$300 290x is the 295x2. It does very well, at least by average FPS. The titan is horribly overpriced and gets beaten quite easily by the $600 (sales) 295x2. Sure you suffer from the multi-gpu side affects, but from my experience XDMA crossfire works pretty well.
I still can't get over the fact that they have simply renamed the GTX 580 successor to "titan x" and bumped the price up $450. We need some competition to get rid of this gouging. The funny thing is that maxwell has cut out the computing portions to be a lean gaming gpu and now they charge you $1k for that pleasure.
It looks like titan x is already at it's low thermal limits since it can't keep it's max boost clock in any games. I'm also surprised that the system power consumption is around the the 290x levels (not that I care as the performance is there but it will be interesting to see the flip flopping of that "hot and power hungry" 290x complaints). It overclocks decently but the cooler and low tdp limits are right there keeping it throttling back. It also gets quite loud, clearly that cooler is around the limit that it can handle quietly.
It'd be a fun card without voltage neutering though!
If only it wasn't such a rip off! I really like the card but despise the price gouging.