Titan's weight loss and fitness journal


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
For now, I am viewing this as a holistic health journal, for my physical, mental, and emotional health. The main point will be a record for my fitness stats, like sets and reps. My focus on stress reduction is key on treating and almost curing lately a constant anxiety I've had since birth. I am going to be healthy while I meet my goals. If I'm not feeling good because of something, I address it.

My Stats: Height 6'4, age: 28.

Progress so far: started 7/23/09 372 pounds
As of 10/1/09: 338 pounds.
As of 11/1/09: 330 pounds.
As of 12/2/09: 321 pounds.

Current goals:
12/31/09 I want to:
Get down to 300 pounds. if I plateau 320 is an acceptable minimum as I don;t want to race and hurt myself.
Build up enough core strength and form for heavy powerlifting and begin a new program

Final goal by 12/31/10 has been to get back down to 240 pounds. I was 240 in HS, running 2.5 miles every day and doing jump-spinning kicks in TKD. The weight isn't a good metric for me though as I never really lifted so once I start power lifting I can probably be 280 and be in comparable shape.

All weigh-ins are consitent, in the morning before food, after 2 glasses of water, and always with shoes on using the gym's scale.

My current workout routine general plan:

M Tu Th F - Am workout set, PM workout set, both preceded by 2 circuits of stretches that take 22 minutes each.

Wed - morning cardio 55 minutes, and rest of the day off

weekends off but I usually plan at least one activity and if I don't, do another day of cardio. It's fall in VT and I'll probably be doing some local hikes.

Stretches (2 circuits, takes maybe 22 minutes total):
Each calf 45 secs
each quad 45 secs
each ham 60 secs
90/90 each hip 30 secs
table stretch each hip 30 secs
russian split 45 secs
foam roller back extension 8 reps

rest periods 30-45 seconds between sets, less if compound
AM workout
BW squats 2-4 sets
Romanian deadlifts 2-4 sets
supine lateral ball roll 2-3 sets
forward ball roll 2-3 sets
leg raises 2-4 sets
10 TVA activations

PM workout
Cable pulls - 3 sets each side
Cable push - 3 sets each side
cable row 3 sets
ball dumbell one-arm press 3 sets
lower body twists 2 sets
pec fly on bench w/ dumbells

Current diet plan: UPDATED!
High protein and fat, low carbs, all real organic food.

Finally got some time and doing to detail my diet here.

My daily staples:
4oz chia seeds ~ 500 calories
Almonds - 3 ounces ~ 500 calories
about 1-1.5 pounds of lean meat a day, right now it's grass-fed hamburg, 92% lean that I formanize. About 500 calories
3 eggs a day - real organic, about 200 calories
2 big oranges or other fruit for carbs ~ 200 calories
yogurt - about 5 ox greek style whole milk ~ 200 calories
veggies - negligible calories, all organic
1 carrot a day for some carbs and colon health
1 fist-sized bunch of broccoli a day
1-2 servings of others, like Kale or Spinach
about 12 sprigs of parsley, I chew it around breakfast

Also I do cran water, 2 tablespoons unsweetened cranberry juice diluted first thing in the morning and right before bed.

My tips and tricks.

I'm eating about a 2000 calorie deficit at my weight and activity level. I feel fine I think because it's all real food and I am getting 2000 calories minimum. At first I had to eat every couple hours to maintain my blood sugar levels but now that I have evened out, I can go 4-6 hours after a meal without feeling hungry which is good.

I love chia seeds. The main reason for them is fiber, they are a great natural source of mostly soluble fiber. Psyllium is messy and too insoluble, and flax seeds have to be ground and spoil. Chia has neither problem, though they do cost about 6 bucks a pound. They can be used to make a gel which I haven't tried. I just wash a scoopful down with water. I take 1 ounce before bed, first thing in the morning, and before lunch and dinner. It slows digestion down as it forms a gel in your intestines, and probably really helped me maintain blood sugar levels especially early on. I made the mistake last week of taking my chia seeds after lunch instead of before and was much hungrier. The omega 3's are great, it is truly one of those miracle foods.

I just learned I need to sprout my almonds. I mainly do them for more fat and vitamin E as I am concerned about my skin. Sprouting them overnight makes them more digestible so I can take advantage of the enzymes like lipase. I spend 12 bucks a pound for the real almonds, raw, unpasteurized from Spain. Note all almonds in the us since 2007 have to be pasteurized and are still allowed to be called raw. I also just started adding 3-5 brazil nuts with them a day, for selenium and heavy-metal cleansing mainly. I eat 2 snacks a day at work after lunch and breakfast, 1 orange and my almonds. The nuts help keep me satisfied, and they hold me over till my 7:30 dinner.

My eating schedule is roughly:

7:00AM - cran-water, chia seeds, water
8:30 breakfast - 3 egg omelet, yogurt and parsley. Parsley helps clean the palette and breath.
10:30 first snack orange and almonds
12:30 lunch - chia seeds first then meat and veggies
4:00 I try to make it to at least 4 for my second snack - orange and nuts
7:30 dinner, meat and veggies preceded by chia seeds
9:30 bed time, chia seeds and cran-water.

When I want more fat and protein, I have some cold-filter pure whey from trueprotein.com that I really like. I dissolve 3 scoops and get about 80g of protein in a 22oz cup and it still has the consistency of water. I have to pace myself because it goes down so easy and then hits my stomach if I pound it. I also add 1-2 tablespoons of hemp seed oil for more fats and omega 3's. I have been avoiding the shakes because I feel fine and they are not real food. But when I need extra calories, it's easy to maintain my diet routine and add one or 2 two shakes back in, about 500 calories each.

Supplements: I take 4-8g of fish oil in capsules from trueprotein.com. I also take a high EPA fish oil once at lunch for my mood. I also begin each meal with 1g of CLA, and end with a big Borage oil capsule for GLA. The fats that help burn fat, mostly omega 3's. I have no other supplement staples ATM, but want more B and a new multi if I can find a good one. the other thing I take is 5-HTP before bed with P-5-P to activate it, and I am more relaxed. I am just starting to switch to L-Tryptophan instead of 5-HTP since the 5-HTP is basically pure serotonin, and if I instead get it from the whole protein, my body will make what it needs and won;t stop making serotonin if I get dependent on the 5-HTP.

I don;t count calories, but I do pretty well from just eating the same thing every day and occasionally finding appropriate substitutions.

Water: I drink about 5 liters or real spring water a day. I spread it out over the whole day and do 3L at work. I have an arsenal of 160 3L Poland Spring bottles that I have had for over a year now. Every 3 months I drive to a local spring and fill up half a ton of water in my Jeep. I got this system down, I make sure to air out the bottles, I use laundry mesh bags for empties, and the bottles stack nicely. The water is really great, artesian, comes from a wet town that is mostly protected in VT, and everybody loves the local spring, no one complains about it, I have been drinking the water for a year and only get sick when I pound municipal water and my stomach cramps up from it.
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Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
retro entry for 9/30:
(day off)

morning cardio: 55 minutes elliptical, HR in target zone of 130 50/55 minutes.

Weekly weigh in: 338. Was 342 the week before, and 346 the week before that, and 353 the week before.

retro entry for 10/1:

Morning workout:
squats: 0/4/10
deadlifts: 30/4/10
supine roll - 0/2/4
forward roll - 0/2/8
leg raises - 0/3/10

evening workout - skipped. had an emotional workout instead. The ex gf whom I broke up with 2 months ago came by to do laundry. Got to have a bit of a serious talk and it was productive for me, I felt a bit better afterwards. My evening workout cutoff time is 7PM to not keep me up too late. Been stressed out a lot about her lately, long story short, I tried to get her back last saturday, when I didn't was quite upset and very stressed. I could feel my kidneys and adrenal glands ache I was so stressed about this. Tonight was better and I think I resolved a lot of things.

The best way I can summarize is my emotional health is that of an adolescent. So when my mind knows where I am at with the gf, my emotions have to catch up. Not worth going into detail here, it's just hard because we're still friends, and I think as a man, in order to still be friends I have to carry a bit of a torch for her still, but drop all my expectations. Stll adjusting.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
10/2 AM workout:

woke up early at 5 and was awake. Went to bed at 10. before bed I have been taking P5P and 5-HTP for increased serotonin to help with mood. I just started taking IsoCort adrenal extract to address any adrenal fatigue/exhaustion I have. I also just started taking serrapaptase and have been timing it on an empty stomach. The 2 new additions really help my anxiety levels go down and I can be more relaxed. Probably made me more rested in 7 hours of sleep. Other note, I haven't had to use my alarm in 4 weeks. Also for stress the morning 55 minutes of 130HR cardio has really helped with the anxiety, and I might want to do more than once a week when I change things.

Since I was up so early I went to the gym and did another 55 minutes of elliptical at 130HR before my AM workout. The only thing I've been sore from is my bw squats and my legs are getting strong fast. I had to crank the resistance up on the elliptical and was hardly sweating at all going 130HR, which is a new change for me. I didn't need to change my shirt before doing my stretches, it was hardly sweaty. Normally I saturate it.

AM elliptical stats: resistance 11/20, 55 minutes, 4.2 miles calculates, 484 calories.

AM workout:

squats: 0/4/10 - these are tiring but getting easier.
deadlifts 30/4/10
supine roll 0/2/4
forward roll 0/2/10
leg lifts: 0/3/10 - focusing on fuller leg extension now
10 TVA activations - check

notes: recovering from a back injury and am just getting deadlift form down now, 30 pounds is too light, i'm not even sore. I have a lot of back-intensive work for a chore this weekend, so next week I will try 50 pounds. The key here is I am going slow and just using the muscles, not trying to strain too much. Keeping things low-stress has been really good to me.


May 28, 2007
Good luck man. How many calories are you eating per day? I found that I was unable to generate any kind of consistent weight loss until I started putting the same amount of fuel into the tank every day.

I can't keep track of calories as I eat, so I accomplished this by literally eating the same thing every day.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: Blackjack200
Good luck man. How many calories are you eating per day? I found that I was unable to generate any kind of consistent weight loss until I started putting the same amount of fuel into the tank every day.

I can't keep track of calories as I eat, so I accomplished this by literally eating the same thing every day.

I have been eating pretty much the same thing every day, but good stuff. My caloric estimate is 2000-2500 per day, but at my weight and activity level I burn about 4500 a day.

Losing 4 pounds per week seems like an attainable goal in my situation, I've been doing so for 4 weeks straight feeling fine.

I skipped dinner last night as I wasn't feeling hungry after talking with the ex-gf. It has me screwed up a bit today, probably why I woke up earlier. Plus I am adding new supplements in and it's getting cold up here in VT as fall hits and my body is re-acclimating. So I feel a little out-of balance and need to make sure I'm eating right, and enough.

I am getting bored of the same foods, I need to find a way to switch it up and keep my body guessing. I'll figure it out. One thing at a time...


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Last friday skipped PM workout was in a bad/weird mood. Went and hung out with my best friend and had one of those meaning of life conversations till 4 in the morning, got home at 5 and had been up for 24 hours at that point. relaxed for the weekend, cheated the diet a bit but not bad. Restocked my 1000 pounds of water from the local spring for a good workout, am set on spring water for 3 more months at least.

Glad to say I was up and ready to go at my usual time today.

Monday 10/5 AM:
squats: 0/4/12 -
deadlifts 60/4/10
supine roll 0/2/4
forward roll 0/2/10
leg lifts: 0/3/12
10 TVA activations - check

Keeping tight 30 second breaks between sets on squats, legs get pumped really fast. Upped it to sets of 12 for more work.

First day of doing deadlifts with noticeable weight 60 pounds. It's a good place to start now that I have the form down.

Feeling good and more relaxed.

PM workout:
Cable pulls - 40/3/10
Cable push - 40/3/10
cable row 115/3/10
ball dumbell one-arm press 20/3/10
lower body twists 0/2/12
pec fly on bench 8(each hand)/2/10

felt bored of the diet so went to the chines buffet after the gym, had a bunch of chicken teriaki, egg drop soup, and a little bit of the saucy foods. Didn't kill me.

I'm thinking of eating out all week for dinner and leaving the rest of the diet normal, just to get more calories and variety, and not starve myself. I need a break of running a daily 2000 calorie deficit, so I don't plant to lose much weight this week, but I won't gain.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Tuesday 10/6 AM:
squats: 0/4/12
deadlifts 60/4/10
supine roll 0/2/4
forward roll 0/2/10
leg lifts: 0/3/15
10 TVA activations - check

Notes: kindof pulled my right calf at the end of deadlifts. Feels like I overstretched it. Should be ok. I screwed up my forward ball rolls on the breathing pattern, supposed to inhale and hold it as I roll out and just wasn't paying attention.

PM workout:
Cable pulls - 50/3/10
Cable push - 50/3/10
cable row 120/3/10
ball dumbell one-arm press 25/3/10
lower body twists 0/2/12
pec fly on bench 10(each hand)/2/10

got started later than I like in the PM but done by 7:30. Skipped one circuit of stretches


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Wed - normally "day off" where I do 1 hour cardio in the mornings skipped it today. Had some trouble sleeping last night and am coming down with a cold, was near 2 sick people yesterday. The extra hour of rest did me good I think and I'll still workout tomorrow.

This also means I missed my weekly weigh-in but I checked 2 nights ago was ok. My plan is to stay more or less even weight this week.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Had good NY style pizza for dinner last night, high calorie week keeps rolling on.

Thursday AM set:

squats: 0/4/12 - kept short breaks tight on these
deadlifts 60/4/10
supine roll 0/2/4
forward roll 0/2/10
leg lifts: 0/3/10
10 TVA activations - check

Only did 10 leg lifts a side for some reason, I think it was because I had to poop extra and my lower abdomen was a bit cramped. Probably from last night's pizza.

My squat form might be a bit off, I need to make sure my belly stays tucked in and my back doesn't round. I am noticing my knees popping a little bit, I think I am leaning too far forward. Focused on keeping a straighter torso and the knee clicking went away. It's weird because my gut gets in my way when I squat, and since I am losing weight the feel changes and I have to keep a good eye on my form. If I have to I might start video recording myself for a form check.


PM workout: skipped, battling a cold and was getting slight chills. Cheat week kept rolling and I had some good mexican food, a variety last night, with spicy salsa. Seemed to help clean out my sinuses. Topped it off with some strawberry cheesecake.

I'm pretty liberal with my diet cheats but feel fine as I still eat good for everything besides dinner, and I will not eat fast food and especially stay away from soda.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
squats: 0/4/12 - had better form, no knee popping, realized my shorts were binding up on me before
deadlifts 60/4/10
supine roll 0/2/4
forward roll 0/2/10
leg lifts: 0/3/15
10 TVA activations - check

bonus: standing bb curls: 60/3/5

Back to 15 leg lifts, felt good to work those lowest core muscles. Did some bb curls since I had the 60 pounds there, maintained good form standing straight and not swaying, breathing in when I curl focusing on posture. Might make this a morning staple, curl as much as I deadlift?

edit: PM workout skipped again. Still battling this cold and will do my best to recover this weekend. I have plenty of chores to do and as long as I can do them feeling ok that will be my activity.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Monday AM: just did all my stretches, and a set of TVA activations.

Hiked Mt Elmore yesterday late with a friend, 3 hours total. It was good going up but punishing on my feet and joints going back down. So I need more rest today. Still battling a cold but on the recovery side of things.

I'm done with cheat week on the diet, that may have made me a bit more sick. So I'm just taking care of myself and getting back into the swing of things.

PM Workout:
Cable pulls - 50/3/10
Cable push - 50/3/10
cable row 120/3/10
ball dumbell one-arm press 25/3/10
lower body twists 0/2/12
pec fly on bench 10(each hand)/2/10
15min total light cardio on elliptical


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
AM workout:

squats: 0/4/12 - still focusing on form and knee bend.
deadlifts 60/4/10
standing bb curls: 60/4/5
supine roll 0/2/4
forward roll 0/2/10
leg lifts: 0/3/15 - did 3rd set with straight legs
10 TVA activations - check

first day of snow up here! was nice to see, mixed with foliage. Will get harder to get up on time as this happens.

Worked BB curls in as a compound set with deadlifts. I figure whatever I DL 10 reps I can curl 5 reps with, though I may push it to 6.

I must say my workouts make me sore minimally, which is ok. These are low-stress, just use my muscles type of workouts, where I slowly build-up without killing myself. As long as I can increase reps or weight, I am satisfied, I don't need any muscle groups "blasted" after a workout.

PM workout: had to skip. Cutoff time is 7 and everyone was working late in the office, and I had some work that was key. Rushing to make a new website live. Put in a 12 hour day.

I am really wired with energy, no caffeine, no stimulants, just good food, some cranberry, and sub 40 degree weather in VT does it for me. It charges me up I was running, FAST down the street today just for the hell of it. Like this 340 pound man would have challenged anyone to a wind sprint and probably would have won.

Tomorrow is my night off, trying to decide if I should transfer the skipped workout to then. I think I won't because my house is a mess and I need to clean it getting it ready to have some new girlfriends over. That will be enough work if I don;t get held up at the office again.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: PricklyPete
Keep it up man, you're making great progress!

Thank you for the encouragement, I'm finding it really helps me, and I mean that for everyone! Thanks! Other people's words used to not matter much to me, but I am more mature now and really appreciate it.

I've been going this routine for almost 3 months now, and I have a good plan. But I just was sick, had a cheat week and some of what I'm doing is getting boring. The hard part is ahead when it gets cold and everyone partying with the holidays. My plan is to eat right and workout till new years and reach my goals, then party for 2-6 weeks (new years to valentines). I've gotten good enough at cheating that I won't rebound, I'll probably just stay at one weight. I have a lot of thoughts keeping me motivated, like how good I feel off carbs, and looking forward to starting a real powerlifting routine.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Wed yesterday - (day off) skipped morning cardio and rested more. Started a beginner yoga class in the evening.

squats: 0/4/12 - form much improved, I need to stand tal and suck navel in
deadlifts 60/4/10
standing bb curls: 60/4/5
supine roll 0/2/4
forward roll 0/2/10
leg lifts: 0/3/15 - all sets with straight legs
10 TVA activations - check


Sep 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Titan
Originally posted by: PricklyPete
Keep it up man, you're making great progress!

Thank you for the encouragement, I'm finding it really helps me, and I mean that for everyone! Thanks! Other people's words used to not matter much to me, but I am more mature now and really appreciate it.

I've been going this routine for almost 3 months now, and I have a good plan. But I just was sick, had a cheat week and some of what I'm doing is getting boring. The hard part is ahead when it gets cold and everyone partying with the holidays. My plan is to eat right and workout till new years and reach my goals, then party for 2-6 weeks (new years to valentines). I've gotten good enough at cheating that I won't rebound, I'll probably just stay at one weight. I have a lot of thoughts keeping me motivated, like how good I feel off carbs, and looking forward to starting a real powerlifting routine.

I'd definitely concentrate on those motivations...specifically how much better you feel now that you've weened yourself off the problem foods. I've never had to lose a lot of weight...but I've had those holidays where I put an extra 10 pounds...and it is a pain to get that back off...plus you put your body down the wrong route. The way I've managed to avoid this packing on 10 lbs is to let myself cheat one meal or so...but work really hard the other days to make up for it...in other words be very conscious of the fact that I've slipped and put some effort into reversing. This has typically netted me 0 movement in weight over the holidays.

Anyway, glad to help motivate...just remember how happy you will be when you reach your goal...it really will be life changing.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Last night, the office kept me late and I missed the gym again. Hopefully this doesn't keep up.

Truncated AM workout:
squats: 0/2/10 - old injury kicked in
deadlifts 60/2/10
standing bb curls: 60/2/5
leg lifts: 0/2/10
10 TVA activations - check

Started my squats an an old injury flared up, a right inguinal ligament tear, not a hernia. I probably aggravated it because I've hads lots of energy running everywhere, I and threw a side-kick at a wall that I probably shouldn't have 2 nights ago. I will hopefully make it to the gym tonight and otherwise want to take it easy this weekend.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
monday AM:
squats: 0/4/12 - decent form, still perfecting it.
deadlifts 60/3/10
bb curls 60/3/5
supine roll 0/2/4
forward roll 0/2/10
leg lifts: 0/3/15 - fully straight leg
10 TVA activations - check

feeling good to get back into the workout routine. Lower back and groin injury are better but still there so I took my squats slow and only did 3 sets of deadlifts. Keep icing the back and I'll get better.

Last week sucked for me workout wise. I hope to not repeat any aspect of it this week and am off to a good start. I missed 3 workouts, was wired with energy, like almost manic and had trouble sleeping some nights, and was up till 2 throwing my whole body off. I have a normal sleep cycle for the past 2 nights now and finally am feeling ok.

Diet has been good. Since it's illegal to sell unpasteurized milk in VT, I visited a farm in NH yesterday and has raw whole milk for the first time. OMG was that good. Not weird, close enough to normal milk to enjoy it, but so much more flavor and rich feeling. I'm not a big milk drinker but I might start doing one glass a day because it's just so good.

PM workout
Cable pulls - 50/3/10
Cable push - 50/3/10
cable row 120/3/10
ball dumbell one-arm press 30/3/10
lower body twists 0/2/12
pec fly on bench 12(each hand)/2/10
15min total light cardio on elliptical

first PM workout in a week, felt good. Just tried to keep it light without injuring myself and was a bit sore the following morning.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
squats: 0/4/12 - much better form
deadlifts 60/4/10
bb curls 60/4/5
supine roll 0/2/4
forward roll 0/2/10
leg lifts: 0/3/15 - fully straight leg
10 TVA activations - check

As my body shrinks and adjusts, I have to keep an eye on squat form and not lean forward, instead suck in my navel and keep my spine straight. This goes into the whole posture correction thing. Since I am also working through an injury, the groin/lower back connection, it is key for me to maintain form. Because when I do proper form, I won't aggravate those injuries.

Did 4 sets of DLs today, I might up the weight thursday.

I changed the position of my supine ball roll, I only have so much space in my living room, and did them right for once. I haven't liked them since I keep worrying about stepping into a wall. I see now the main thing is to flex the glute and I will focus on that and start increasing the counts.

PM workout:
Cable pulls - 60/3/10
Cable push - 60/3/10
cable row 140/3/10
ball dumbell one-arm press 30/3/10
lower body twists 0/2/12
pec fly on bench 12(each hand)/2/10
15min total light cardio on elliptical

increased one-arm cable pulls to 60 pounds and rows to 140, these are good resistance. I'd imagine I'd be doing that through next week.

Day off tomorrow, which means cardio in the morning, weigh-in, and yoga at night.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
AM day off: only did 30 minutes of cardio today, was short on time. Elliptical stats: 2.2 miles, 252 calories, resistance 12, HR 129 avg.

Weigh in: 333 pounds. So with 2 cheat weeks and being sick, I still lost 5 pounds in 3 weeks, so about 1.5 pounds a week. I have 10 days to get down below 330, I think I can do it.

Yoga at night was good. Second class. It's pretty hard for me even though it's a low-stress beginner class. I need lots of props and blankets. I'd think about quitting but I already paid, only 4 more classes to go, and the meditative effects are beneficial to me. But once I'm done I doubt I will stick with it until I get below 300 pounds.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
squats: 0/4/12 - ok form, battling groin injury a bit
deadlifts 70/4/10
bb curls 70/4/5
supine roll 0/2/4
forward roll 0/2/10
leg lifts: 0/3/15 - fully straight leg
10 TVA activations - check

Added 10 pounds to the DL/curl set. I was thinking of adding more but glad I didn't this is a good increment. I rushed my squats a bit, normally each rep is supposed to take me 6 seconds, I was closer to 4 today, my old groin injury was flaring up and I was struggling to maintain form, but I got through it.

Ball rolls look the same but I am doing them better. Holding my breath more on the forward roll, and holding and flexing the glute on the supine roll. Taking more time, and doing them right finally.


Cable pulls - 60/3/10
Cable push - 60/3/10
cable row 145/3/10
ball dumbell one-arm press 30/3/10
lower body twists 0/2/12
pec fly on bench 12(each hand)/2/10
15min total light cardio on elliptical

normally do 140 on row, didn't see someone added the 5 pounder to it,


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Had to skip my AM workout and stretches this morning.

I woke up at 6:15 cuz I pulled a hamstring/calf in my right leg in my sleep. It's been a while, but I do this sometimes. It's not bad but it was too soon to start using it again, and mornings mainly work my lower body.

I hate missing workouts but I'll be ok, I've had a lot this week and will still go to the gym tonight as that is more upper body. If I don't I'll be all screwed up and wound up with energy.

Cable pulls - 60/3/10
Cable push - 60/3/10
cable row 145/3/10
ball dumbell one-arm press 30/3/10
lower body twists 0/2/12
pec fly on bench 12(each hand)/2/10
15min total light cardio on elliptical

got through the workout ok.

Taking it easy this weekend. Battling a cold and my core lower abdomen is really sore for some reason.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
been eating out a bit on the weekend, so my weight loss will probably slow a bit, but we'll see. My belt is looser now that it was last week, so I might be entering a phase where I maintain weight but add muscle and lose fat, we'll see. Like I've said before I don't obsess about one number like weight, I will get there eventually.
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