Titan's weight loss and fitness journal

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Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Monday AM
squats: 0/4/12 - ok form, trying to find proper feet width at my size
deadlifts 70/3/10
bb curls 70/3/5
supine roll 0/2/4
forward roll 0/2/10
leg lifts: 0/3/15 - fully straight leg
10 TVA activations - check

Had 3 days off from this workout, so I was a bit off. Only 3 sets of DLs to not go crazy. I seemed to have healed from my groin injury and back issues, maybe 95%.

Had a good weekend not dong any working out, and just recovering from injury. Helped me relax mentally I think. It was nice to be out sunday night realizing I didn't want to go to work today because I felt relaxed.

PM: walked home for lunch and after work, it takes me 15 minutes one-way up the hill. Jeep needs axel work and will be in the shop a couple days. So my usual PM workouts will be missed, maybe get back on them thursday.


Diamond Member
Aug 21, 2005
It's ok to place your feet somewhat wide if you are doing squats and you are finding it difficult maintaining core strength. Eventually you'll get better at it.

Good job so far man! :thumbsup:


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
squats: 0/4/12 - better form
deadlifts 70/4/10
bb curls 70/4/5
supine roll 0/2/4
forward roll 0/2/6
leg lifts: 0/3/15 - fully straight leg
10 TVA activations - check

Been doing forward ball rolls correctly and it's leaving my lower abdominals very sore. I slacked off on them until last week. So I cut back and am doing them right, only six reps.

4 sets of DLs today, on my last rep I every so barely tweaked my lower back on my left side, (my right side is normally my problem side), I think it was from my left leg getting tight in the calf. I laid down and walked to work and am fine.

Jeep is still in the shop. Walking home and some yoga will be my workout tonight.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
ok, am I not imported Titan now?

Will post backflow log later.

Felt bleh this morning so I just did 4 sets of 12 squats and 2 sets of 5 pushups


Jun 22, 2004
Shit son, you should have been on Biggest Loser. The weight is flying off you - keep up the stellar work man. You are putting in hard, consistent work and reaping the benefits.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Ok, on a different note, skipped the workouts for a bit, and instead worked out some mental, emotional and social health stuff. Getting back on the plan tonight.

Tuesday I did half a workout, just squats and pushups and didn't feel like doing anything. I'm processing some internal crap with regards to breaking up with my gf 3 months ago and pursuing this new chick but it's not panning out. I realized I've been emotionally bottomed out and very self-centered and insecure.

Monday, I went a saw a psychiatrist who I met 3 years ago when I burned out bad. He could basically be called a holistic psychiatrist, very cool guy. My mental health is as good as ever but I want to develop and improve there, this guy will help me relax and mediate, get more of those moments of peace I have talked about here. As some of you may know I am an astrology geek and this guy actually asked to look at my chart as his wife is great at it. So I am comfortable seeing someone who won't look at me like I have 3 heads when I reference astrology. In short, I see it like this - astrology is a good map for me, but the map is never the territory. No one can disagree it is a tool for introspection, accurate or not. I'm going to see this guy about once a month for guidance on how to manage my mental health, hopefully he can give me some ideas and plans, and as a bonus he can consult with me on my chemical stuff like 5-HTP.

So after talking with him, I sat in the dark before bed tuesday night, and just let my brain process some stresses, and finally hear my inner voice and get over some crap. I think I was stuck in a bad place because I have been working so hard on this diet and exercise plan. It has been great for me, but it is a lot of work, like I have 13 hour days counting work, gym, and diet. And losing weight is stressful, and I think I was stressed about the routine for a bit now, I have been doing it for 3 months and just needed to give myself a mental break and I found that. I might start dong an old pastime which I haven't in a while - sitting in the dark and listening to music, it's a good form of meditation for me.

So last night, wednsday, I did my yoga class and then went drinking and closed the bar. I haven't done that in a long time. Like over a year at least. I'm normally at this bar sober playing pool and the bartenders like having me around if only drinking water. But as part of feeling good and being guilt-free and de-stressing, I drank. My favorite bartender was on shift, back from breaking her wrist, still working in a cast. It has been ages since I hung out and drank Switchback on wednsday nights with her. We are basically good friends at this point I just only see her at the bar. It was good, I had like 7 pints of switchback, which is a VT unfiltered yeasty beer, so good. It's basically organic so it's not the worst thing to drink. I had a good night, I helped the bartender close because of her wrist, and I actually got to go in the basement for a trip and help her restock some beer. My first time doing that, but it shows the level of trust and good relationship I have with the folks there. She was glad I was drinking again, it was good for old time's sake but I can't keep it up on my weight loss plan. back on the wagon until next year when I am at my goal weight and can maintain and drink on the weekends. Pretty much sober until then though.

A bit hungover and tired today, headache, so I slept and skipped morning workout. I'll recover fine, but now I know not to do this often, I am getting too old. No regrets, no guilt, just now I have to chill, find my inner voice and re-discover my motivation for working out. I will just do since the routine is ingrained, and maybe that will re-awaken me. It's quite a balance but I'll get there.

Shit son, you should have been on Biggest Loser. The weight is flying off you - keep up the stellar work man. You are putting in hard, consistent work and reaping the benefits.

Thanks man. As I said it is hard work and it has been paying off. But I'm glad I lowered my stress level a bit by taking a break. It was turning into a grind. Stress is actually a factor in weight loss so overall I'll be fine. I am proud I've lost 42 pounds in 97 days now, another 20 pounds and I'll feel ready to start compound lifts.

So if the routine is getting stale, I will have a new one by year's end when I meet my trainer again. Maybe as soon as 30 days.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Friday AM
squats: 0/4/12 - good form, feet nice and wide
deadlifts 70/4/10
bb curls 70/4/5
supine roll 0/2/4
forward roll 0/2/5
pushups 0/2/5
leg lifts: 0/3/15 - fully straight leg
pelvic tilts 0/1/3 -about 20 seconds hold a rep
10 TVA activations - check

I started adding a 30-second groin stretch to my stretching circuit, where I sit on the for, put my feet soles together, this was one aspect of my squats that was bugging me before. I got the squat form down, my feet have to be quite wide because my shoulders are so wide, I keep them angled out maybe 30 degrees. I don't get the knee popping, I keep my balance and weight even on my feet, and most importantly at that width I can use my butt and core muscles in the rep. 1 month of doing these and I should be able to use a BB.

Pushups were getting easier, glad to do more upper body work. Added some pelvic tilts in to keep the groin and core area strong.

It was hard to get back into working out. My break was a good one I guess. I need to spend a lot of effort reconstructing my diet and eating right, all that beer 2 nights ago emptied my guts yesterday. Extra chia seeds, lots of water, and all my detox stuff like milk thistle is good and helping. I just started 5-HTP again instead of L-Tryptophan. Had trouble sleeping last night, probably from not working out and cheating combined. I broke every "rule" of mine these past days - I had alcohol, soda, and fast food. It is a good reminder to not do those things, and I enjoyed them while I did, and I got them outta the way for now.

So I am below 330 I'd wager but I haven't weighed myself yet. If I can get to 320 by the end of the month I will be stoked.

I'll gym tonight to make sure I follow-through. I am thinking I might do 2 hours of 130hr cardio saturday, with a break between each hour. Sunday I might go 4-wheeling in my jeep which is a workout as I get tossed around the cab, strapped in tight.

PM friday

Cable pulls - 60/3/10
Cable push - 60/3/10
cable row 150/3/10
ball dumbell one-arm press 35/3/10
lower body twists 0/2/12
pec fly on bench 12(each hand)/2/10
7min total light cardio on elliptical

cut the cardio short as my back was a bit out of whack. My own fault, I threw some kicks at lunch and maybe hurt myself just a bit.

Also I was able to hang from the pullup bar and tuck both knees to waist level, did one set of five and another couple after. Not bad that total my arms hands and can hold 165 pounds each doing that. Shoulders were getting a bit tight, but the pain was like a good stretch.

It's not easy getting back into the routine but I'll find a way.
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Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
saturday, did a 1 hour cardio on the elliptical

stats: resistance 13/20, 60 minutes, 5.0 miles, 575 calories, avg HR 130, in the zone 54/60 minutes


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Monday AM
squats: 0/4/15 - 15 now, good form, a bit fast
deadlifts 70/4/10
bb curls 70/4/5
supine roll 0/2/4
forward roll 0/2/10
Pushups 0/3/5
leg lifts: 0/3/15 - fully straight leg
10 TVA activations - check

Squats were weird this morning. I mainly am having groin/hip flexibility issues near my inner thigh. Took me a full set to feel comfortable doing them. I think I am getting tighter because I have shrunk so much, a solid 6 inches off my waist in 3 months, and my body will adjust slowly after the weight loss. So I'm still doing a ton of stretching in the morning with an added groin stretch. I added 3 reps to go 15 a set, which is beyond my trainer's initial plan, but I am maxing it out and will see him in a few weeks. I will stick with 15 and work on doing 5-6 second reps, the 15 took me about 60 seconds so 4 second reps is rushing.

I tweaked my groin and back slightly 2 days ago by throwing 3 side-kicks. They felt good, but I have to control myself and realize I am not ready for TKD again. This messed up my back a bit. I did my DLs with good form today, but now after the workout the lower back is a bit off. So I have to stay vigilant on that, take it easy, and work through it.

Back on the 5-HTP and feel better. Seeing the psych today at lunch.


Cable pulls - 70/3/10
Cable push - 70/3/10
cable row 150/3/10
ball dumbell one-arm press 40/3/10
lower body twists 0/2/12
pec fly on bench 12(each hand)/2/10
dangling knee tucks 0/2/5 - need a proper term for this
15min total light cardio on elliptical

I don't know what these are called but I decided to add them into my regimen. I hang from the pullup bar, and tuck both knees to waist level, and do a set of 5. Two sets tonight, I should be able to build up quick. great lower ab workout akin to what my forward ball roll works. My arms can hold me pretty well so I should be able to do 3-4 sets. I sway a bit by rep 3 so I need to learn how to go straight up and down and not sway. I have been tapping my toes on the ground so I stop swinging, without lowering my feet to the floor for each rep.

Increasing the weight a bit felt good. I'm glad to be lowing weight and gaining strength at the same time. Burns the candle at both ends. In a good way.

Unofficial weigh-in tonight was 327. I never normally weigh at night, but in the morning instead. We'll see how I am wed morning. But I think I could get down to 320 by 12/1. Then the rest is gravy.
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Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Tuesday AM
squats: 0/4/15 - discovering proper weight distribution - more on heels!
deadlifts 70/2/10
bb curls 70/2/5
supine roll 0/2/4
forward roll 0/2/10

cut short from injury today. My back had been stiff and on the first rep on my third set of DLs I tweaked the muscle in the lower back. I still did ball rolls, but when I went to try pushups my lower back was too tight so I skipped the rest of the workout. I may have to see the chiro again soon.

I was sore from increasing the weight last night. Abs weren't nearly as sore as I thought they would be from those knee lifts.

Finding squat from is tricky for me. It's because my body is shrinking, and my gut still gets in the way at the deep point in the squat. I got the feet width down solid now, but I was realizing today I need to shift more weight onto my heels to work my butt. My feet are so wide at the front, that feeling "even" on my feet means more weight on the front. So when it feels like I have more on my heels, I am actually even weight distribution front-to back. So I did this today and started feeling very tired in my glutes. Kinda annoyed that I was missing this all along, but I will catch up. This back injury and flexibility issues have been tough but I will get through them.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Official weigh-in: 326 pounds.

(I still have to use the scale at the gym)

So I went to the gym and used the elliptical for 8 minutes but my lower back is too tight. Gonna call the chiro today and tonight is the night off. I hope I have finally learned my lesson to not throw TKD kicks - it just screws up my old injuries and then the back goes. Self control is an important thing to learn.

Ok I might be 325 but I don't want to obsess about weight. It's just my main metric and goal for now, so I am focusing on it. My routine in the morning is drink 1 glass of water, poop, then go weigh. But my diet was weird last night and I dropped a more giant poop after drinking more water and weigh-in this morning. Normally I'm more consistent, but 1 pounds makes no big difference, with more water in. The important thing is I feel stronger while losing weight. I'm pretty sure my body type falls into the mesomorph category given how wide my shoulders are and how easy I add muscle. I'll be done thinking about weight when I get below 320, and once I'm down to 300 weight will not be a consideration. Pants size will. I've been playing pool at the bar noticing my breaks are a lot faster and harder. It's great getting in shape.
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Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999

skipped AM workout with back issues, just focused on relaxing a bit.

Saw chiro at lunch. We talked a lot, not sure if he helped enough, lower back is still funky but more mobile.


Cable pulls - 70/3/10
Cable push - 70/3/10
cable row 150/3/10
ball dumbell one-arm press 40/3/10
lower body twists 0/2/12
pec fly on bench 12(each hand)/2/10
knee-ups 0/2/6
7min total light cardio on elliptical - cut short form back tightness

Knee ups are getting easier, I could have done a third set.

Just feels good to use my muscles again. I'll try for the full day tomorrow, but I may have to skip the DLs with my back.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Friday AM:

I couldn't even stand straight this morning from my lower back. Muscles have healed, joints need to be reset. My AM workout is squats and DLs mainly so I had to skip it. I got some nice new speakers in last night so I just iced my back and listened to music this AM. Focused on relaxing, which is a huge part of my overall health plan. Anxiety has been much easier to break through now that I'm taking the 5-HTP before bed now.

I will do the PM workout before a friend comes up tonight. It's more upper body so I should be fine. I want to do more knee-ups and work my core, getting good at them. I might want some more gymnastic pull-up exercises I can do, I'll have to ask my trainer.

Will try to get the back to 100% resting this weekend.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999

squats: 0/4/10 - slow, good form
deadlifts 70/2/5
bb curls 70/2/5
pushups 0/3/6
supine roll 0/2/4
forward roll 0/2/10
leg lifts 0/3/15
TVA activations: 10

also: some cat/dog yoga stretches for lower back

Lower lumbar spine has been a problem all weekend. I've been doing my best to help it heal but it is taking forever. I'm pretty sure my ligaments on the right side are inflamed, as I'm not taking the best care of my back. I need to focus on the core work, and sitting with good posture at my desk all day. Because when I workout with proper form, I am using the muscles to strengthen the area around the back.

Just sets of 10 squats today, nice and slow with good form. When I get low, my lower back on the right side is tight so I worked slowly through that Then after I just did 2 sets of 5 DLs to use those muscles. 3 sets of PUs means I'm building up strength slowly.

I might see the chiro again this week, and focus on the lower back. In the meantime I will sit right, and ice it a lot.

Cable pulls - 70/3/10
Cable push - 70/3/10
cable row 150/3/10
ball dumbell one-arm press 40/3/10
lower body twists 0/2/12
pec fly on bench 12(each hand)/2/10
knee-ups 0/3/10
20min total light cardio on elliptical

focused on slowing the reps down for building stabilizers.

went to the chinese buffet after workout with a friend since I didn't want to cook. Just attacked the pile of chicken teriyaki and had some egg drop soup.
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Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
AM: did my stretches but my back is really tight. On the 5-HTP, along with getting exercise, I don't toss or turn at all. I just sleep on my side and wake up that way. I wish I could sleep flat but my bed is getting old and to soft. Maybe time to look into a memory foam deal.

My lower lumbar spine is just too tight. I couldn't even squat this morning so I skipped the workout. I need to do a few things: focus on good posture all day at work, and stand up a lot. I think I will replace morning lifting with 1 hour of cardio to help with stress while I work through back tightness. I am going to do a pelvic tilt and TVA routine that I started with months ago in the mornings. Or I will do it at lunch. But then keep my evening routine the same as it is more upper body.


Senior member
Nov 3, 2009
Don't overlook yoga for your back. I pulled some muscles in my back deadlifting a few years ago, so badly that I thought I had done permanent damage (hurt to sit up, hurt to move around). My girlfriend at the time dragged me to her bikram yoga classes and it did wonders for me.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Thanks, been doing some yoga.

Can't believe I went almost a week without a workout. Trying to get a good friend back to the gym so I went today.

Elliptical stats: 60 min, res 14/20 5.3 miles 638 calories - HR ~ 130. Loaned my HR monitor to my friend so he could see if he liked it.

Pushups 0/3/6
Knee-ups 0/3/10

Been resting my back and i't paying off. Will see what I can do tomorrow morning then I'll rest and see the trainer wed.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
So I finally got back on the routine this evening complete with stretches. Have been cranky with time off and eating sugar. I have been off sugar for 2 days and today at work I felt my liver "wake up" abd give a mild but large burning sensation. Like it was done with all that crap I ate. Been taking strong cayenne pepper capsules and a ton of milk thistle so that probably did what I felt.

After cardio I found a way to slow down and relax. It was nice, and something I should have done on my vacation, but whatever. I have learned once again the hard way, that sugar is the devil.

PM workout:

Cable pulls - 70/3/10
Cable push - 70/3/10
cable row 150/3/10
ball dumbell one-arm press 40/3/10
lower body twists 0/2/12
pec fly on bench 8(each hand)/2/10
pushups: 0/2/6
15min total light cardio on elliptical

Felt good to workout. Applied all the form updates the trainer had me do. Including:
keeping navel sucked in on all exercises. This is easier now that my gut is at a manageable size.
on cable row, pulling elbows toward the ceiling
one arm press, keeping other arm in and locked to make one side work more.

Felt a lot more working in the core area which means my form is better.

was glad to see weights didn't have to change. It was kinda hard, I sweat a lot but it was a good one.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
AM: skipped.

Ultimately I was lazy. But the whole point of this it to not be stressed so I was up at my usual workout time and instead I focused on diet and relaxing a bit. I slept well and am feeling a lot better now that the clean diet has been in effect for a few days.

I am still quite sore from the good workout last night. Using proper form has left my oblique abs very sore from the cable pulls. So diet is my main focus this week, and exercise is secondary. I will still get in 4-6 workouts though, they feel good.

Tomorrow it's cardio and weigh-in, with yoga in the evening.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Wed (scheduled day off AM)

Official weigh-in: 321 pounds. I always do weigh-ins with consistency, same clotches with shoes, in the morning after a poop and 1 glass of water.

Was pleased with the weigh-in results. That means even with one night of binge drinking, a rough month of eating out at least a dozen times, and missing a ton of workouts from injury, I still lost 9 pounds in november. I still made it to the gym at least once a week, and had a consistently good breakfast and lunch.

It helps that I started eating really clean, no sugar or carbs since sunday and I feel a lot better. Socializing at the bars, flirting with women, is good for my overall health.

The results will help with my motivation to stay on track. I really want to work hard and eat clean all of december and get as close to 300 as I can. I am having trouble motivating myself in the mornings, it's dark, cold, but I need to do it, probably friday I'll restart the AM workouts.

I did 20 minutes of elliptical today at 130HR stats: resistance 14/20, 1.7 miles, 190 calories.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Monday AM:

squats: 0/4/15 - very good form, almost perfect
deadlifts 70/2/10
bb curls 70/2/5
supine roll 0/1/3
forward roll 0/2/5
Pushups 0/2/6
leg lifts: 0/2/10 - fully straight leg
pelvic tilt 5 10sec reps
10 TVA activations - check

Haven't done an AM workout in a while but it felt good. The key is focusing on core strength and keeping the navel tucked in. Lower back is just a bit off so I took it light on the DLs.

Been taking a break from the workouts just to relax. I need to get back into them, not just for my physical health, but also spiritual and mental health. I fell better when working out. To do the AM sets, I need to get to bed by 10, preferably ready for bed before 10. Then I wake up well before 7 feeling rested.

I used to teach TKD, I was the head instructor of my school for a bit after my instructor left. I was good. Always being a big guy, martial arts isn't a macho complex for me, it's more spiritual. Working on my health as a whole person, I need to re-learn my connection to my martial arts side as I think that will be the way I ultimate feel at my best. I just got a book on TKD that I want to read, it goes into the whole history of TKD.

Cable pulls - 70/3/10
Cable push - 70/3/10
cable row 150/3/10
ball dumbel one-arm press 40/3/10
lower body twists 0/2/12
pec fly on bench 10(each hand)/2/10
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Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
OK, haven't updated this in a month since well, I haven't been doing anything this past month. I've been socializing, eating out, and just resumed drinking for the past week and am now going to get on the wagon again. I have a variety of excuses, I was a bit ill, injured, the mornings were dark, I stayed up late and threw off my routine, yada yada. As the saying goes, excuses are like assholes - everyone's got one and they all stink! This wasn't a complete waste, I was socializing and that is a part of health.

So today I decided to get the lead out. I went to the gym and plan to do my deiet perfect today, and since it's sunday prep me for the week ahead. I think I am going to make a checklist for myself for my whole daily routine.

Unofficial weigh-in: 328. Ugh, I've gained 7 pounds back, but I had drank much more water this morning than my usual weigh-in, so 325 might be more accurate. Still 5 pounds extra probably from excess water weight, I have been eating a lot more carbs in the past month. Including all the bad ones.

I didn't completely suck the past month, I maybe did 1 workout a week, but didn't log it here, nothing special. At work I tend to do a set of 10 squats every time I go take a leak, which is maybe 5 times a day, so I wasn't completely fatassing it.

In fact, I think taking some time and letting my body catch up to the rapid weight loss I did in the fall is a good idea. I made it a point to not feel too guilty about my break and the relaxation is good. People are telling me I look good and my skin is tightening in. My gut is now at a manageable size where I can keep my navel sicked in towards my spine in all activities like I'm supposed to - even for things like pushups. Taking such an extended break will keep my body guessing so I should be able to drop that water weight and get below 320 this week.

I normally do 60 minutes on the elliptical at 130 HR, but I wanted to use the leg strength that I had maintained, and work some emotional stuff out with a more intense workout. So I ignored my HR target zone and went for a 2 mile jog on the elliptical to see how fast I could do it.

Elliptical stats: resistance 12/20 ,2.0 miles 20:00 minutes, 255 calories, avg HR 158.

First, I was proud that I was able to do the whole 20 minutes with my gut sucked in. I checked myself a few times by letting it out and am glad to see I have a modicum of core strength now. I focused on standing tall, and pushing with my heels equally as my toes, so balance muscle use in the legs, and most importantly - have good core strength and posture. Wearing the HR monitor is great so I can let my hands flow by my sides for reaction force. My legs were getting tired from the outset, particularly my quads. But I pushed through it. Not bad for a 330 pound man, two 10-minute miles. I really wasn't that winded either, it was my legs more than anything and I bet that will improve with squats.

So even though I've been drinking, I still get up with daylight before 7AM lately so now I plan to just do my morning routine now.

I think I will make separate posts about diet tweaks and mental health next, or in a bit.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Monday AM

squats: 0/3/10 - excellent form - correct tempo 4 secs down, 2 up
deadlifts 70/2/10
bb curls 70/2/5
supine roll 0/1/4
forward roll 0/1/10
Pushups 0/2/6
leg lifts: 0/2/10 - fully straight leg
Leg ball extensions - 20 reps
10 TVA activations - check

I haven't done this in a while. Calves were really sore from running yesterday. Did my usual stretches plus groin, 2 circuits, then this routine. I keep doing squats here and there so my form is really good. The emphasis is on doing them slow to build stabilizers and I did today. I used to rush my routine, doing 10 in 40 seconds. I did 10 in 60, 55, and 54 seconds today. It's easy, but 30 second breaks between sets makes all the difference, it's about intensity.

Took it light overall on sets, was glad that I could still do the same weight I had been doing with good form.

I do everything with the navel sucked in tight, it helps my core even when doing squats. I like not having my gut hit the floor on pushups. This is the guidance my trainer showed me on my form check.

I still don't like the leg lifts, I think the motion gets my lower back off the floor, and it has to stay pressed. So I supplement with something I developed, I lay on m mat like leg lifts, rest my heels on my swiss ball at a 90 degree angle, and push the ball out, and bring it back, maintaining shins parallel to the floor. I notice this more in my core. I may also start doing pelvic tilts again as they help as well when I just flex and hold.

My plan is to make my following post a detail of everything I do in a day, but I may get too busy, so it might take me a bit.

PM Monday:
Cable pulls - 70/2/10
Cable push - 70/2/10
cable row 150/2/10
ball dumbel one-arm press 40/2/10
lower body twists 0/2/12
pec fly on bench 10(each hand)/2/10
elliptical: 10 minutes cooldown

Just cut one set out for most things to ease back in. Was glad I could still handle the old weight with decent form.

EDIT: was at the Norwich U gym today, visiting on business so I stopped to check out the gym and got a tour. Norwich is the oldest still running military academy in the US. Mostly cadets, some civilians, and they do have a football team. So they have good facilities. It's 35 bucks a month or 400 for the year, really good deal, it's a 15 minute drive from my house. They have 6 power racks. This is the main reason I am looking, my 24 hour gym only has smith machines. These guys are cheaper with a 5-10 minute longer drive, tops. They have one room dedicated to weights, one room of Cybex isolation machines, and one cardio room packed with maybe 20 machines including ellipticals. The weight room is the most impressive so I think I might start using them in a month when I am up to speed. Now I need to find some training partners, but it is at a school so I may meet new friends there.

Now I am excited because once I tell my trainer I want to learn power lifts, I know I can go to a gym with the right equipment.
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Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Ok, I am going to detail my day here so I can see everything and make a checklist for myself later.

6:40 Up before alarm. First, take L-Tyrosine, L-Carnitine, and adrenal actract on empt stomach. One glass of water. Take a leak, then take 1 oz chia seeds with more water. Pour a 4oz glass of unsweetened cranberry juice, swish it around my mouth and enjoy the taste, (that always wakes me up) and down it in one gulp for that rush. My whole body shivers, every time.

7:00 morning poop. The seeds and water get the digestive system going and it's good to get this out of the way before I do lifts, like squats. Sometimes it happens after stretching.

7:00 Stretch, 2 circuits, routine detailed in top post with 30 sec groin strecth after russian splits. Put on some music for this, I have this routine down.

7:25 Morning workout, keep water handy as going anaerobic makes me get sticky phlegm. Turned the music off for this so I could focus on my form and timing.

7:59: done workout, take 1 extra hot cayenne pepper capsule, and one scoop of coconut oil, maybe 1/2 a tablespoon.

8:00 shower.

8:10 start breakfast while getting dressed, oil the pan, put a precooked sausage in the toaster oven, mix up a 3-egg omelet with garlic. Get parsley ready for my plate.

Pack snacks - 2 oranges, 2 almonds, one 3L bottle of water.

Almond oil my face when dry - good moisturizing!

8:19 One CLA capsule before eating
8:20 eat breakfast, try to take my time, put the fork down between bites, relax, try not to think about the stresses of the day.

8:28 Supplements after meal 1 borage oil, 2 saw-palmetto and pumpkin seed capsules (with zinc), 1 D3, 1 whole food multi, 2 B-stress complex, 1-2 chromium picolinate, 1-4 silymarin, 1 magnesium, 2 cal-mag with boron. 1-4g fish oil.

8:29 shove whole pile of parsley in my mouth like a fool and start chewing.

8:30 maybe check email. Sit on my couch for 5 minutes and just relax before rushing out the door.

9:30, finish parsley chaw, floss out bits.

10:30 eat first snack at work, 1 orange and 1 ounce sprouted almonds along with 1-2 sprouted brazil nuts.

12:15 1 oz chia seeds. 1 CLA cap.

12:30 Lunch - grass-fed burger 1/2 pound, real probiotic sauerkraut, and celery.
12:40 supplements - 1 High EPA mood fish oil, 1 borage oil, 1-2 chrmoum picolinate, 1-4 silymarin.

Lunch is miscelaenous time. maybe a poop since I am setup with my box to elebvate my feet. Maybe call for business, maybe do a minor workout to enhance my core.

4:00 Second snack, 1 orange and 1 ounce almonds, 1-2 brazil nuts

5:45, back from work stretch at home. Change.

6:15 head out to gym 6:25 arrive. PM workout set

7:30 finish shower, have dinner. Same as lunch but add a carrot

1 CLA cap and 1 oz chia seeds before meal, after: 1 borage oil and 1-3 silymarin, chromium, 1-3 fish oil

7:30 to 9:30 downtime, yay!

Before bed routine: soak almonds and brazil nuts in tea ball to sprout. Cleanse daily crystals. Just before bed - 1 shot glass of apple cider vinegar chased with water. 1 4oz glass cranberry juice. Before bed supplements (empty stomach) L-Arginine+Ornithine,Tryptophan,Carnitine, 100mg 5-HTP, 1 B6 P5P and 2 DMAE.
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Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999

squats: 0/4/10
deadlifts 70/3/10
bb curls 70/3/6
Pushups 0/3/6
supine roll 0/2/4
forward roll 0/2/10
leg lifts: 0/2/10 - fully straight leg
ball leg rolls - 0/2/25
10 TVA activations - check

Added another set back in and am ok. Need to be careful on DLs. Music is good for stretching but I need it off for the focus working out.

Decided to push it and do the pushups after the anaerobic stuff (all part of the same block) so the rest of the workout I can breath deep which helps me relax. So now I am only out of breath for one block.

I have an indoor smokeless grill for cooking burgers and sausage but it takes 1 hour to cook anything fully, and I realize it won't cut into my free time if I tend the grill in between sets during my morning workout. It's nice to have 2 pounds of hamburg (a 2-day supply) cooked in one go.

Was a bit sore today, calves are still quite sore, but I'm recovering. Working out day 2 will send my body a clear message.

Cable pulls - 70/3/10
Cable push - 70/3/10
cable row 150/3/10
ball dumbel one-arm press 40/3/10
lower body twists 0/1/25

Gym was packed and I had to get out of there quick. I rushed my cable sets while talking to someone. Not the best form, but I got through it. I hate when I have to wait 10 minutes for the one machine I need - the cable station.
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