Titan's weight loss and fitness journal

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Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Wed is normally my day off but I usually do cardio in the morning with a weigh-in. But I was too sore, and a bit too tired. I felt better just chilling this morning and will repeat my workouts the next 2 days. I will do an official weigh-in next week.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999

squats: 0/4/10
deadlifts 70/3/10
bb curls 70/3/6
Pushups 0/3/6

was getting anxious so I just did the hard stuff and cut this short. I am doing good I just need time to think and look at myself an motivation. I got up an hour early to pee and that threw me off. I should have gotten up early instead of rolling around in bed so I was late, and just didn't want to feel rushed so I cut it short.

I also have been keeping a dream journal before my workouts to see some things. Pretty interesting so far.

Started taking 50mg 5-HTP in the morning now, after 100mg before bed. I may need that much - so said the shrink yesterday. I am a big guy, so we'll see how this goes.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
So last night I wasn't feeling up for the gym. Thinking about it was stressing me out so just skipping made me feel relaxed - unusually so. I need to re-evaluate myself from an emotional motivational standpoint.

The important thing is I got diet down well, and I can't do everything at once. I should ease back into workouts so I said I would just do friday.

Well last night, I started to get slight chills and was feeling off. I cranked the heat and slept that way, still woke up chilly. I may be getting a cold.

So I skipped this AM workout. so I will probably skip today, maybe I will make it up tomorrow.

I did the math on my diet. I am getting just over 2000 calories a day and my base BMR is 2700. I am getting 100g of animal protein and a total of 130g of protein including all sources (nuts and seeds) With light activity I need about 3000, and with intense workouts like I have been doing I probably need 4000. I have done this before and was fine, I think that it's winter that maybe I should just eat my veggies more hot, as in steamed, and add in some herbal tea.

It has been a rocky start on the diet, I had some diarrhea earlier in the week probably from some sausages I had fro breakfast in the morning, so I had to cut them out and add a better breakfast meat in.

I firmly believe health is a choice and if you eat right, get rest, and exercise you shouldn't get ill. I think some little things like eating 1 hour later and not having sprouted almonds yesterday makes a difference. It could also be that I am just stressed because I feel really non-anxious right now. I think that extra 50mg of 5-HTP is working, so getting ill might be a sign of my body telling me not to push it. I will gradually build up to the intense level of working out. I need the exercise to keep my metabolism up.

I am stubborn and will get through this. But I need to pick an appropriate cheat for the weekend.


Sep 17, 2002
Definitely don't push yourself workout wise if your body is not feeling it. Just keep steady on your diet and resume working out when you feel your body is up for it...you will be fine.

Working out can be somewhat of a drug on its own and it is hard to take a break... but if you don't give your body the appropriate rest when it needs it and is asking for it...you're asking for more trouble. The diet is a much more important component of your current goal...so taking a short break from working out will have little affect...just make sure you don't lose your overall momentum. You're doing well, keep it up.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Pretty psyched about this. Official weigh in: 318.

My unofficial was 327 9 days ago, and I was right a lot of that was water weight and it was mid-day. Still I must have lost at least 4-5 pounds of water weight and maybe 2 pounds of fat with 9 days of good diet starting up. And I had chinese food for dinner 3 times, sticking to beef and broccoli and egg drop soup, including last night.

I've been skipping workouts because I feel very uinstressed but thinking about them makes me stressed. I am trying to be social as well, so that is eating up time. I may be bored of the workouts and email my trainer for a new, more flexible routine that I can do.

I just did 20 minutes elliptical and went to the gym for the weight in. Stats: 1.7 miles, 20 minutes, 180 calories, resistance 12/20. HR was kept between 130 and 140.

I am noticing when I do squats that if I keep flexing my core throughout the rep (as in sucking my gut in) I get an extra level of tension and the squat works the core. It feels like a cinching in the lower back and I know is good. The thing is I have to suck my gut in an extra level to do this, a level I can't maintain during cardio. So when I lose the next layer of fat I will look forward to having better core strength.

I am proud to focus on diet and still do exercise when I can.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Ok I have been slacking a ton so this is just a more general post.

I was getting bored with my workouts and stressed just thinking about them so I stopped. Been doing them a while, so I plan to get a new workout plan from the trainer, and called him. I've been keeping my diet in check and doing fine.

I am slowly learning moderation I think. Normally I am an enthusiast. An all-or-nothing guy. And I can be quite obsessed.

I ate out for dinner every night this week but otherwise had a good diet. I went to the bar and hung out and allowed myself one drink. I just relaxed. And I was a really relaxed. Low-stress.

My job is boring right now, I have nothing to do and my bosses know it so I am ok. That contributes to the low stress.

I was actually really bored tuesday. Like bored with everything in life. My current obsessive hobby is astrology but I have even been taking a break from that. My mind was nowhere. I was so bored with everything that I call up my ex-GF and get chinese food dinner with her. I am not happy with her lately, I am happy to give her the cold shoulder - so it was weird, I was that bored. I never forget when I am owed a meal and we were taking turns paying for each other, and it was her turn. She says we should split because she doesn't know how much we'll be getting food together in the future. Which is stupid, I remind her that she still owes me from last time so I don't put up a fuss, I don't want to fight. It just reminded me of how much a controlling passive-aggressive, and ungenerous person she is, and I am comfortable in my anger at her. She really isn't a good woman, she is damaged goods and I really don't want to be around anyone like that. That doesn't mean I'm perfect, I had my issues when I was with her, but I have fixed those, I had to learn. She hasn't changed. This has been important for me to get here.

Wednesday I actually feel at peace. I don't want or need anything. I eat good food, I have good friends, I am a good, healthy man. I am on track with my health and will reach my goals. I start to wonder what I should be doing with my life as programming has lost it's appeal to me. As have all old games, movies, music, astrology. I just want to find a good woman but in time know I will. It was a remarkable day. I hope I can get to a place like this more often.
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Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
So today I go to meet my trainer and decide on a workout plan. I've given him a lot of input so today I will go up and see what I can do.

Last night I stopped by my new gym at the university to just try things on for size. Just screwed around because I don't want to be sore for today.

They have six power racks all loaded up. I screw around with an empty bar and it's nice - full 45 pound olympic. I was worried that my back might be too inflexible but once I have a bar to hold onto I felt fine. I practiced some squats form with an empty bar and could do it fine. Also tried some OH press. There were a lot of cadets and football guys in the gym so if I need a spot guys will be there.

There is a leg-press that is a laying down squat station. Someone left 360 on it and I did it no problem. After all I've been doing squats and I weigh almost that much. We'll see what I can do standing up with me plus the bar. I don't plan to use that silly machine.

They have everything I need. I weigh in and their scale is close enough to my gym. Being lazy, drinking and eating out for dinner hasn't gained me any weight and this is an unofficial weigh-in.

So I go upstairs, where they have a huge wood floored basketball court with a quarter mile track that is up above it, a rail around the gym. This is the place I used to hang out at when I did Tae Kwon Do over 10 years ago.

I step onto the floor and it's like electricity flows through my feet and so many memories start coming back. To anyone, this is just an empty gym with a couple people playing basketball. But to me, so many things happened here that I almost forgot them. I walk around and just the views of things bring memories back.

We had the new england regional AAU qualifiers here a few time. I fought my first full-contact olympic match here when I was fourteen against heavyweight twenty-somethings. I look at the floor where that ring was and remember it.

I won forms -over there. I got knocked out over here. I used to stand on that stage and get medals, including a few good gold ones.

I tested for and received my black belt here. Though at the time it was easy for me, I look back now and remember little things about how it was.

Thoughts of events, people, and martial arts all rush back to me in intensity. At least 4 big events of my martial arts career took place here.

The sister of the girl who got her black with me is a friend, she came up saturday and owed me dinner. She was saying how I need to get back into TKD. I tell her some people we know are still running the school but she was like "you're better." I was, I was a teenager and I still run into martial artists who remember me from those days. I was pretty spectacular. I told my friend I barely remember why I used to do it. And my friend is blunt she told me "you loved it."

I knew that but I had to be reminded. I did love it. To the point where other people loved me loving it.

I will get back there this year. As I cut and lose weight, I will slowly add the martial arts back in. The muscle memory is still ingrained after 10 years off. I have to build back up slowly, but I will get better than ever in the long run, now that I have grown up as a whole person.
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Mar 22, 2002
Ah, sorry to hear you're so bored, man. Boredom with everyday life is terrible. Everything just becomes so monotonous and it drives you to do things you wouldn't normally (i.e. ex-GF dinner). What I do when I get bored during the day is research the physiology of different stuff, especially when I didn't really know much. I used to find stuff like crossbridge cycling (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscle_contraction), ventricular hypertrophy - both for weightlifters and endurance athletes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ventricular_hypertrophy), cardiovascular adaptations to exercises - such as increased plasma volume, increased mitochondrial volume/density (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endurance_training). Also, if you want, you can look up research articles on anything you want. I know it's not going to make your life super exciting, but you learn a lot that you can apply and think about while also not going crazy. I hope this helps, bud.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Ok, time to necro this thread.

I was laid off Friday feb 5th. I am collecting unemployment to cover the bills while I try to figure out what I'm doing with myself. From a holistic perspective, it drains my health a lot. So I have spent the past month or so trying to balance things out and not be depressed. I have slipped a lot on the diet and exercise front but just got back on it this week.

It never rains but it pours.

The week before I was laid off a mutual friend who works with my ex was fired and came to me as a friend to compare notes against my ex and how she played us off against each other. They were kind of girlfriends so it didn't bug me so much that personal details of my life were shared, but what pisses me off is she just made shit up about me. When I broke up with my ex I didn't drink, and later when I went through some crap I didn't drink. But at this point I felt like drinking, so my friend and I hit the bars and has some Irish therapy. I even took Monday off to recover and cope with this, saw a therapist. Then I was laid off friday and since everyone loves me at the bars and was sympathetic that I was laid off I kept drinking. I think I had 4 nights of binge drinking. I overdid the Irish therapy.

On super bowl sunday I was back to drinking soda as it metabolizes like alcohol and I was trying to let myself down slowly. My body had been so clean for so long I was good and fucked up. 2 vanilla cokes were doing me in. I sat on my friend's couch in a half conscious state. I only piped up when the commercial for Roundup came on and I did not hesitate to go "fuck roundup! fuck Monsanto!" and everyone in the room was like whoa, where did you come from? And I then explained monsanto and their GMO soy BS.

Post drinking I had some bad physical anxiety. My traps and neck were a knot. I tried to find a massage therapist to help me work this out but can't that day but do get a hold of my holistic chiro and he works wonders on me.

I've mentioned my holistic chiro here before. He was more than worth the 45 bucks for this one visit. My brain was in a fog for 3 days after the super bowl. He finds a pressure point in my heel and instantly I feel energy, like electricity flow up my spine into my brain and wake me up. He determines I need a "total reset" and my kidneys, liver and spleen were blocked, but not the gall bladder. Anyways he does some more stuff including putting this thing in my right ear where it hurts the most. But when he was done, I stood up and all the anxiety was drained from my body. Completely. It was amazing.

So that was a good reminder to not drink and to avoid the sugar.

I also had to deal with my ex who came back asking me for rides because she has no friends. I gave her one ride to tell her off, since she was just using me and not being my friend. So I had to deal with that too. But I felt really good telling her off, I knew she was just a drain, I knew I was right, and it went really well. I had been laid off for 2 weeks and she didn't even ask how I was doing, so I'm not going to allow her to use me when I have problems of my own. Summary of how nuts my ex is: she just married a guy she met in an online game, and has maybe been with him physically 4 times. The guy is recently divorced, has 2 kids and she hates kids. She is totally manipulating him like she did me and she will fail. She is 28 like me and this is her second marriage. She is really smart, I thought she would have been smart enough to not get married again so whimsically. But I think she is just gold-digging him. Anyways, not my problem.

The next month I was just battling the depression of not having a job, which really sucks. I am a superb programmer but I need to figure out what is good for me. I am so enthused about health that I might part-time start giving presentations and talks for people, like burned out programmers, on how to manage stress and health. Since I've learned so much the hard way.

I eat a lot of carbs but try to avoid gluten. I mainly did sugar and junk foods for comfort, which I know is bad. As of a couple days ago, I had some angel hair pasta, not much but enough to keep me from pooping for over a day. So that is the last test I need, I am avoiding gluten like the plague.

I have one job prospect that appeals to me as it is a 3 month contract, which would give me time to figure out my whole career direction. We'll see how that goes. I am a kick-ass programmer but I need to find a job that is good for me, and this might be.

Ah and before I got laid off I did get a new plan from my trainer but then didn't do it.

So since it has been a while I am staring off with my last plan until I feel built up again to do more serious lifting. I haven't even touched the new plan yet.
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Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Retro entry for monday 3/15:

Cable pulls - 70/3/10
Cable push - 70/3/10
cable row 110/3/10
ball dumbell one-arm press 40/3/10
lower body twists 0/2/12
pec fly on bench 10(each hand)/2/10

So my best bud Jesse wants to check out my gym so I go and do this routine I am determined to get my diet on track starting today.

I weigh in unofficially at 332. I have been eating a lot of carbs so I know at least 5 of that is water weight, and I have already eaten so that must be off. This does motivate me however, I want to get down to 300 by my birthday 4/22. And though this is extreme, if I have the diet dialed in I might be able to pull it off. I am going to try and lose it without killing myself or becoming sick.

I am doing a modification of my main diet described in this thread, except I am cutting more calories out. No sausage with breakfast, no almonds with my fruit. I have swapped oranges with grapefruit to change it up but also they might have some metabolism boosting effects. In my experience they are at least an appetite supressant.

I am cutting out all carbs. Including complex from brown rice. Just 2 fruits and 1 carrot a day. I am sticking to 1 pound of beef a day. My diet is like 10 bucks a day but it is cheaper than eating out. I need to watch my budget.

Because selenium is great stuff, I am doing a couple brazil nuts with each grapefruit. I did four tuesday and that was enough for me to get diahrea - mild selenosis again. So I will stick to 1 or 2 and work my way up to 3.

There was a super cold going around a couple weeks ago and I got it. I learned squeezing the juice form a whole lemon into my 3L bottle of water helps, so I have been doing that for 2 bottles a day. It helps hydrate you and alkalize the system, so I do it because it tastes and feels great. Now i need to find something to do with 2 cut and juiced lemons every day. Maybe put them in a tea?
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Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Wednesday, morning cardio:

Elliptical stats: resistance 12/20 238 calories, 30 minutes avg HR 130.

I wanted to do an hour but DST has me off and it was already 10AM when I finished. My back was tight so I stopped and cooled down. The point is to get my body moving, and sweat a bit, which I did, to help flush fat and detox.

I weighed in at 325, much better. In the past 2 days my diet has been spot on and maybe a bit ketonic, and this was more official, though my "official" weigh-ins are after a poop and I didn't this morning.

Spring is almost here. Frost is on the car in the morning but I feel like I have a new energy to stay on track. Winter in VT always makes it hard to diet.

I plan to do a bit of cardio tonight as well. Twice a day should be good for me, as long as I don't overtrain.
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