Title Change - "Two gay men in Texas fined for having sex"


Oct 9, 1999

since Texmaster refuses to belive this news article because of the site I dug up the case itself for him


<< Texas Court Upholds Conviction Of Two Men For Consensual Sex At Home
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund still defending

A Texas Court of Appeals overturned on March 15, 2001, a ruling that had found the state's "Homosexual Conduct" law unconstitutional, in a case involving the prosecution of two Houston men accused of having sex in the privacy of one man's home.

Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund said it will continue its defense of the two men and pursue its challenge to Texas' criminal ban on sexual relations between people of the same sex.

The case began September 17, 1998, when sheriff's deputies, responding to a false report of an armed intruder, entered a private Houston apartment where they found the pair having sex.

Both men were arrested and jailed for over 24 hours before being released on $200 bond each. A county criminal court convicted John Lawrence and Tyron Garner of a Class C misdemeanor, which carries up to a $500 fine. Lambda appealed on their behalf.

"The government does not belong in people's bedrooms to police consensual adult intimacy, nor can it have one rule for gay people and another one, granting more freedom, for non-gay people," Harlow said.

"Contrary to this decision, the courts' role is to protect individual liberties when the legislature and prosecutors have overstepped," she said, noting that Lambda would petition for review in the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.

Last June, a panel of the appeals court held that the statute violates the Equal Rights Amendment of the Texas Constitution because it punished only certain couples for oral or anal sex without adequate justification. Texas has had a sodomy law since 1860, but decriminalized such activities by different-sex partners in 1974.

On motion by the state, the entire Fourteenth Court of Appeals reheard the case.

Texas now is one of only four states, along with Arkansas, Kansas and Oklahoma, that prohibit consensual sex acts between same-sex partners only. Lambda recently argued its legal challenge to the Arkansas law, Picado v. Jegley. Twelve other states still prohibit consensual oral and anal sex between different- and same-sex partners alike, despite the nationwide trend toward abolishing such invasive criminal laws.

Never mind the name of the site usqeers


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2001
I'm sure glad you copy/pasted that article because the proxy logging software would've had a field day if I went to usqueers.com!
May 16, 2000
OMG that's INSANE!!! I'm completely straight and I'm thinking about driving to Texas just to have sex with a guy on the courthouse steps in opposition. I mean, I know it's officially illegal to have oral or any 'unnatural' sex acts in many states, but nobody ACTUALLY enforces those laws...they just haven't bothered to take them off yet. This is sick and wrong!!! Yet one more reason to DESPISE the American government, judicial system, and many of its people (please note, I did not say anything about hating America itself, or the Constitution, so don't waste breath telling me love it or leave it).


Nov 5, 2001
Look, if they have a law on the books, there must be a reason to have them.

Maybe Texas is trying to clamp down on the spread of AIDS.

Are you pro-AIDS? Is that why you support illegal gay sex?


Oct 9, 1999


<< Texmaster, it was posted on fark >>

Thats what you say yet the only mention of any site in your posting is http://www.usqueers.com/


errr yes, I just found the name of the site strange... honest


Oct 9, 1999

<< Look, if they have a law on the books, there must be a reason to have them.

Maybe Texas is trying to clamp down on the spread of AIDS.

Are you pro-AIDS? Is that why you support illegal gay sex?

You know that aids is not a "gay" disease like people thought once. I thought everyone knew better now, well I guess I was wrong.


Jun 5, 2001

<< OMG that's INSANE!!! I'm completely straight and I'm thinking about driving to Texas just to have sex with a guy on the courthouse steps in opposition. I mean, I know it's officially illegal to have oral or any 'unnatural' sex acts in many states, but nobody ACTUALLY enforces those laws...they just haven't bothered to take them off yet. This is sick and wrong!!! Yet one more reason to DESPISE the American government, judicial system, and many of its people (please note, I did not say anything about hating America itself, or the Constitution, so don't waste breath telling me love it or leave it). >>

Boy you really are a sucker aren't you?

You don't even know the history behind the website he is posting.

Allow me to clarify:

A shadowy group billing itself as gay activists and going under the name of "usQueers.com" features a wanted poster on its Web site urging a "horrible death" to heterosexual "supremacists," citing by name former President Reagan, Sens. Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms, the Rev. Jerry Falwell and other prominent conservatives.

Written in Old West-style lettering, the poster's message reads:

"Wanted - To Experience a Horrible Death By Any Means Soon. Well Known Het-Supremacists Deserve it as Their Reward."

Underneath the wanted poster, usQueers.com issues the following disclaimer:

"UsQueers.com does not authorize, ratify or directly threaten acts of violence toward the people or organizations on this list." But the Web site then adds:

"If a person on this list dies (preferably a horrible death), a line will be drawn through their name (and they will probably be added to our Good Riddance! list.)"

What follows is a list of prominent conservative politicians, followed by cruel descriptions.

"Jesse Helms can't walk anymore, so he qualifies as being a bit wounded, but unfortunately he is not suffering much. ..."

"Strom Thurmond, the oldest racist, sexist homosexual-hating jerk in the Senate, (is) ... rotting to death while the nation watches and laughs. ..."

"Ronald Reagan, ex-President, deserves to experience a horrible death soon, and is getting what he deserves. We're listing him as wounded because the way he is dying is horrible (Alzheimer's) and irreversible, even if he isn't aware of it anymore, and not soon enough we will happily add him to our Good Riddance! section."

Other conservatives singled out by usQueers.com include Christian Coalition chief Pat Robertson, American Family Association President Rev. Donald E. Wildmon, and Family Resarch Council officials Gary Bauer and Dr. James Dobson.

Only one member of usQueers.com, Web host B. Allan Ross, is identified by name on the site. Ross describes other members as "journalists."

"No other name will be associated with official output from usQueers.com," he explains in the site's "About Us" section. "Columnists, contributors or writers for usQueers.com who are identified by name have no other input to this website or to usQueers.com than that which is specifically credited to them on this website. ... We are journalists."

NewsMax.com has learned that the Secret Service has been asked to investigate.



Nov 5, 2001

<< You know that aids is not a "gay" disease like people thought once. >>

AIDS is a predominantly gay disease.

Gay people are at highest risk.

Gay people have sex with hundreds of partners they hardly know, often use no protection, and exchange both bodily fluids and blood due to rips in the anal lining.

Heterosexual people are much more monogamous, have protected sex much more often, and very rarely engage in anal sex.
May 16, 2000
" Look, if they have a law on the books, there must be a reason to have them.

Maybe Texas is trying to clamp down on the spread of AIDS.

Are you pro-AIDS? Is that why you support illegal gay sex?"

Are you impaired in some way, did your parents lose a bet with God, or is shallow ignorance just in fashion today?

First of all laws are seldom on the books with good reason...just visit www.dumblaws.com. Many laws are just plain wrong, many are misinterpreted, many are put on the books by ignorant people.

Right, illegal gay sex is what causes and spreads AIDS, sure. Legal gay sex doesn't however. B&*LSH$T alert!!!! Don't be more stupid than you absolutely have to be to keep collecting that welfare check ok. ANY unprotected physical contact gay straight bi or otherwise is a risk for AIDS transmittal...keep your phobias and paronoia in the closet please.

As for being pro-AIDS, only if you contract it so the world can eventually be free of ignorant bigots like you.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled spread of homophobic propaganda.


Oct 9, 1999


<< You know that aids is not a "gay" disease like people thought once. >>

AIDS is a predominantly gay disease.

Gay people are at highest risk.

Gay people have sex with hundreds of partners they hardly know, often use no protection, and exchange both bodily fluids and blood due to rips in the anal lining.

Heterosexual people are much more monogamous, have protected sex much more often, and very rarely engage in anal sex.

gawd, you stupid or something. AIDS is affects both gays and not gays. Gays are just as likely to get it than stright people. Stright people also have sex with hundreds of partners. Do you have something against gays?


Nov 5, 2001

<< Right, illegal gay sex is what causes and spreads AIDS, sure. Legal gay sex doesn't however. >>

That is the point DUMBASS.

All gay sex is illegal in Texas, so it is impossible to have legal gay sex there.

And the reason is probably to curb the spread of AIDS.


Jun 5, 2001

<< The story is true though


The last paragraph (couldnt find the real story )

<< Lambda also is challenging Texas' "Homosexual Conduct Law" in a case stemming from the arrest of two Houston men having sex at home. >>


Ever wonder WHY?

Come on Czar. These morons have a list of dead homosexuals implying they were hate killings yet 99% of them have ZERO evidence to support that claim.

This is a BS hate filled website against religion and some in Washington.

Its not credible by any stretch of the imagination.


Nov 5, 2001

<< Gays are just as likely to get it than stright people. >>

Studies have shown that a gay man is at risk of contracting AIDS hundreds of times more than a heterosexual man.

Are you anti-science too?


Jun 5, 2001



<< You know that aids is not a "gay" disease like people thought once. >>

AIDS is a predominantly gay disease.

Gay people are at highest risk.

Gay people have sex with hundreds of partners they hardly know, often use no protection, and exchange both bodily fluids and blood due to rips in the anal lining.

Heterosexual people are much more monogamous, have protected sex much more often, and very rarely engage in anal sex.

gawd, you stupid or something. AIDS is affects both gays and not gays. Gays are just as likely to get it than stright people. Stright people also have sex with hundreds of partners. Do you have something against gays?

Dont twist his words Czar. He is absolutely right that AIDS is passed more through male homosexual contact than any other.

May 16, 2000
"AIDS is a predominantly gay disease.

Gay people are at highest risk.

Gay people have sex with hundreds of partners they hardly know, often use no protection, and exchange both bodily fluids and blood due to rips in the anal lining.

Heterosexual people are much more monogamous, have protected sex much more often, and very rarely engage in anal sex."

WHAT???!!! Somebody DARES to tell me to know more before posting when this awerthygdsfoi4rmhawxheewxn94m8ff08cr 0-dhsd ighap s stuff goes un-commented on???!!! BS! What's happening is the small minded BIGOTS are just teaming up good-ole-boy style.

AIDS is not a GAY disease, diseases do not have sexual preference. The only reason it struck the gay population so hard so fast is due to the common practice of anal sex where bodily fluids easily and often mix. Also due to the stigma of homosexual activity many gays are not open and healthy about their relationships.

I know MANY MANY gays who have only been with 1 partner their whole life. I am purely heterosexual but have had dozens or maybe even a hundred partners, many unprotected, and a lot of anal sex. Stick that into your equation and choke on it you neanderthal.

Seriously, you CAN'T possibly believe the tripe you are posting....what, have you lived your entire life up Jerry Falwell's butt or something????

AIDS isn't about gay...gays aren't about sex...sexuality has NOTHING to do with practices, hetero's are JUST as stupid and promiscuous as any gay, please, please, please get a clue, or just kill yourself now so the world can get past all this TALIBAN like behavior!

As to knowing about the site it's utterly IRRELEVANT who posts facts...if these men were charged for having adult consensual relations that it's an abomination!


Oct 9, 1999

<< Ever wonder WHY?

Come on Czar. These morons have a list of dead homosexuals implying they were hate killings yet 99% of them have ZERO evidence to support that claim.

This is a BS hate filled website against religion and some in Washington.

Its not credible by any stretch of the imagination.

I do not care about that site, I'v read this story on many other news sites, it has just been quite some time since this happened.


Nov 5, 2001

<< AIDS isn't about gay...gays aren't about sex...sexuality has NOTHING to do with practices, hetero's are JUST as stupid and promiscuous as any gay >>

It is a shame that scientific studies do not parallel your lunatic ravings.

Studies routinely show that gay men are more promiscuous, more likely to have unprotected and/or anal sex, and at more risk for AIDS.

By a factor of hundreds of times.

If you are a statistical anomaly, you are a statistical anomaly. That does not change society-wide trends.


Jun 5, 2001

<< WHAT???!!! Somebody DARES to tell me to know more before posting when this awerthygdsfoi4rmhawxheewxn94m8ff08cr 0-dhsd ighap s stuff goes un-commented on???!!! BS! What's happening is the small minded BIGOTS are just teaming up good-ole-boy style. >>


I was the one who told you you needed to know more before posting not him.

Get it straight. (no pun intended)

And he is still ABSOLUTELY right that male homosexual content is the most common way to pass AIDS.



Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2001
Just goes to show you that our country is really messed up. Too many conservative spoon fed @ssholes in the government doing nothing good for the public. We are under the governments control, make no bones about it. We aren't free. When it's against the law to have gay sex in your own house you begin to see why we aren't free.

You have to start with your vote. Get current politicians out of office. You will never have a voice unless you vote and vote for someone that will change this.

There are a hundred and one stupid laws on the books everywhere. I guess these same cops could legally come over to my office building and arrest the owners because technically, there is no hitching post outside (which according to law is mandatory).

Stop throwing your vote away.


Jun 5, 2001


<< Ever wonder WHY?

Come on Czar. These morons have a list of dead homosexuals implying they were hate killings yet 99% of them have ZERO evidence to support that claim.

This is a BS hate filled website against religion and some in Washington.

Its not credible by any stretch of the imagination.

I do not care about that site, I'v read this story on many other news sites, it has just been quite some time since this happened.

You cared enough to quote it and if it is so old why are you rehashing it?

You would be all over me if I couldn't find an outside source to a story from a clearly biased and hateful website.

The same applies to you.
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