To Anyone who thinks Pot is safe

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Super Moderator | Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: phpdog
I started smoking pot when i was 14 .

It didnt do me physical harm but it totally messed up my life , i started just putting everything else including school to the back of the que and sitting around all day smoking weed .

For me it led to hard drugs but i think that was more to do with my environment and friends more than anything else.

Most people can smoke pot [ as do a LOT of my mates and relatives ] and have nuthing more than a few joints or a pipe at night . It really depends or your personality , and what your got going on in your life and around you .

I REALLY wish i didnt take it at least until id finished school , but thats life .

I cant say for sure if i hadent took that weed for the first time that i wouldnt have turned out a HERION addict on medication for the rest of my life , but the fact remains that it was , and it also was my 3 out of my other 5 friends first drug who are now dead [ but they died of herion] .

Basically i think it's a MAJOR risk for anyone wanting to experiment with ANY kind of drug as you dont know what kind of personality you will have with drugs , mine was an addictive personality and i paid the price for that.
This is exactly the thing that needs to be addressed. When are people going to realize that it is people that do drugs? Drugs don't do people.

The key to drug use prevention is education. Plain and simple. We have to create children that don't want to do drugs. That seems virtually impossible, though.

Lies and propaganda a'la DARE is not the right direction. It seems to be human nature to want to change states of conciousness. You cannot stop people from doing it.

Instead, we make drugs against the law, we put money into the hands of drug dealers and criminals, and make it so expensive for the drug users to get their fix that they commit crimes to do so.

Way to go! It's so fscking backwards, it makes my head spin.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2002
Arent all those really bad drugs agaisnt the law anyway?

Well it seems that my thought on marijuana was exagerated then. So it is much safer then i thought, but i still say you would be healthier without it then you would be with it.


Apr 17, 2002
Originally posted by: dguy6789
Arent all those really bad drugs agaisnt the law anyway?

Well it seems that my thought on marijuana was exagerated then. So it is much safer then i thought, but i still say you would be healthier without it then you would be with it.

i'd say weed is like video games... is it REALLY that harmful? no. have there been extreme cases? (think GTA...) yes.
Jul 12, 2004
Some people are hyper sensitive to substances and can respond in ways that are way outside the average. If you saw me after one cup of regular coffee, especially around the full moon, you might well assume that I had taken amphetamines.

I smoked cannabis a number of years ago for the first time in ages and I reacted as if I had taken a mild dose of LSD or something. I tried that as a teenager so I could make a comparison. Cannabis IS a psychedelic drug and people who are hyper sensitive and unstable can react in very strong ways on its consumption. Cannabis can lead to psychosis on a temporary or permanent basis as far as I?m aware. This is fairly rare though but well documented. I read an article on this issue in a national newspaper in the last few years.

The racing heart and paranoia are well within the bounds of what cannabis could trigger in a vulnerable person. I wouldn?t jump to any conclusions as to whether he is consuming other drugs. Has he admitted to taking any drugs at all? Do you have any HARD proof of his consumption?

Judging by your description of his musical abilities and by my own experiences, it is certainly even possible that he hasn?t consumed any drugs, but may be experiencing an altered state of consciousness brought on my his present surroundings amongst other things. Hyper sensitive people can get a contact high from being around certain people or places. I?ve experienced this when being around other people who were stoned and also around certain spiritual teachers. The experience of being spiritually intoxicated sitting at the feet of a guru in India, isn?t so different from being stoned.
I personally found being with stoned people generally not very constructive. Spiritual intoxication I find to be more potentially constructive.

He is living in a very different environment and culture and probably climate to. All these things can radically affect a hyper sensitive person. If you want to be of help to your brother, assuming he wants to change himself, it is probably wise not to make too many assumptions about what he?s experiencing. Why not ask him what is experience is, without judging him too much?

It certainly sounds as if he COULD be a bit ?off his head?, so to speak. It would be good if you could be there for him, if and when he comes down from his ?trip?. A main question I would ask is, is he able to function in the world? If he?s earning his keep, being creative, not harming anyone else, but just happens to be slightly eccentric, then I don?t see a problem.



Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: dguy6789
Arent all those really bad drugs agaisnt the law anyway?

Well it seems that my thought on marijuana was exagerated then. So it is much safer then i thought, but i still say you would be healthier without it then you would be with it.

:thumbsup: Aha! He does possess reason! Now that you are at this point, you can see that the same argument applies to coffee, soft drinks, twinkies, etc. Yes, you'd be healthier without them, but does that mean they should be illegal? No.

I think you've missed out on the purpose of life. It's not to simply "live as long as possible." It's to live a happy life for as long as possible. You can't just go around and denounce and ban everything that might shorten your life or be unhealthy. Why not just live in a glass bubble with purified air and no contact with the outside world? You *might* live a little bit longer than the average person, but would it be worth it?

Happiness is the key to life. Maybe for some, happiness is achieved by exercising and being a vergetarian. Some may enjoy skydiving and swimming with sharks. For other, it may be spending the weekends drunk and stoned. Who are *you* or the "government" to decide what is best for me?

EDIT: And for your previous query about statistics, I think you were slightly off. Alcohol does account for nearly 40% of FATALITIES (~15,000 in 1999), NOT total accidents (over 6 million in the same year). When you look at the whole thing, alcohol as a factor counts as less than 1% of all car accidents.


Senior member
Jan 29, 2004
Originally posted by: DougK62
Originally posted by: Mwilding
Originally posted by: Battleangel3222
Also just a quick reminder for you tards....POT IS ILLEGAL....what does that mean? its not sold in retail stores with an ingrediants list....what does that mean? YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IS IN IT!
you call the readers/other posters "tards" and THAT is your post?


Well he does have a bit of a point. I would never smoke pot that one of my friends didn't personally grow - I had bought some previously that must have had some other stuff mixed with it and it was not a fun ride.

Another reason to legalize - stuff like that would be watched.

Thank you, you seem to have half a brain unlike everyone else in this thread. Sure if you grow your own you may know whats in it....assuming you know everything about the seeds and what the seeds actually look like. Where do you get your seeds? From the gardening store? No, you get them from some how do you know what they actually are....or if you just buy the do you know what that person did to it, or even what it you study everything you ever smoked? uhhh I think not.

Believe me, plenty of my friends have bought weed that had cocaine mixed with it, not too fun. Just one reason Im glad im not retarded.

Weed+Stimulants=Bad News For You


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
Originally posted by: Battleangel3222
Originally posted by: DougK62
Originally posted by: Mwilding
Originally posted by: Battleangel3222
Also just a quick reminder for you tards....POT IS ILLEGAL....what does that mean? its not sold in retail stores with an ingrediants list....what does that mean? YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IS IN IT!
you call the readers/other posters "tards" and THAT is your post?


Well he does have a bit of a point. I would never smoke pot that one of my friends didn't personally grow - I had bought some previously that must have had some other stuff mixed with it and it was not a fun ride.

Another reason to legalize - stuff like that would be watched.

Thank you, you seem to have half a brain unlike everyone else in this thread. Sure if you grow your own you may know whats in it....assuming you know everything about the seeds and what the seeds actually look like. Where do you get your seeds? From the gardening store? No, you get them from some how do you know what they actually are....or if you just buy the do you know what that person did to it, or even what it you study everything you ever smoked? uhhh I think not.

Believe me, plenty of my friends have bought weed that had cocaine mixed with it, not too fun. Just one reason Im glad im not retarded.

Narcotics+Stimulants=Bad News For You

Well, if you look at it and it looks like weed it probably is weed. You shouldn't buy from dealers that you don't know anyway.

That being said, why would somebody sprinkle cocaine on weed? they're just making it cost more for themselves, and after trying to cocoa puffs I didn't think it was that great. And reallly, you're taking paranoia way too far when you think you might be buying "hybrid seeds" or whatever. Somebody whos't aking the time to grow that sht probably took the time to do their research


Jan 8, 2002
Well the paranoia that you're explaining NORMALLY comes from using crystal meth. So perhaps your bro got started on MJ and then needed something with more of a high and started smoking crystal meth?


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: Battleangel3222
Thank you, you seem to have half a brain unlike everyone else in this thread. Sure if you grow your own you may know whats in it....assuming you know everything about the seeds and what the seeds actually look like. Where do you get your seeds? From the gardening store? No, you get them from some how do you know what they actually are....or if you just buy the do you know what that person did to it, or even what it you study everything you ever smoked? uhhh I think not.

Believe me, plenty of my friends have bought weed that had cocaine mixed with it, not too fun. Just one reason Im glad im not retarded.

Your friends are pulling your chain; cocaine is quite expensive - no one would add it to marijuana they're selling. I've never gotten anything but marijuana, the few who may have are probably just unlucky in combination with going to shady types for their weed. Not all adulterants would be visible to the naked eye or detectable by your sense of smell, but most would be.

As far as the seeds & growing them, any smoker knows full well what marijuana seeds look like, as they're diligently plucked out before smoking, since they taste like garbage and make for extremely harsh smoke. Once they actually sprout, only a mentally challenged person wouldn't know whether or not it was as advertised.

Nice try at saving face, by the way... I thought you were trolling for attention but it turns out you may just be ... retarded


Senior member
Jan 29, 2004
Everyone that I know who uses it doesnt have the intellegence to "research it" if that makes any sense

lets put on the saftey goggles and crack open a seed and see whats inside...Yeah...right...How would you know if something else was mixed with recognize everything in weed huh? You know if thats a bread crumb or part of it huh?

loup garou

Feb 17, 2000
Originally posted by: Battleangel3222
Thank you, you seem to have half a brain unlike everyone else in this thread. Sure if you grow your own you may know whats in it....assuming you know everything about the seeds and what the seeds actually look like. Where do you get your seeds? From the gardening store? No, you get them from some how do you know what they actually are....or if you just buy the do you know what that person did to it, or even what it you study everything you ever smoked? uhhh I think not.

Believe me, plenty of my friends have bought weed that had cocaine mixed with it, not too fun. Just one reason Im glad im not retarded.

Weed+Stimulants=Bad News For You
What a crock. :roll:


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: Battleangel3222
Everyone that I know who uses it doesnt have the intellegence to "research it" if that makes any sense

lets put on the saftey goggles and crack open a seed and see whats inside...Yeah...right...How would you know if something else was mixed with recognize everything in weed huh? You know if thats a bread crumb or part of it huh?

This was intentional, right? Nobody mocking others' smarts would misspell "intelligence"... right?

If you're serious and not simply trolling, I'd have to say your friends are first & foremost idiots; just ones who happen to smoke pot, probably largely to attain that skank-attractant rebel image, which ironically wouldn't be attached to pot as much were it legal. Befriend people who aren't dumbasses. Also have to wonder why you're friends with marijuana users while here you mock both those who do it and the plant itself.

If my weed ever had something that looked like a breadcrumb (or like anything else which isn't marijuana) in it, I'd probably not smoke it. It's never happened to me though, and I used to be a very heavy smoker. Putting something in the seed would do nothing, as it would either make the seed nonviable or simply be absorbed into the environment over the course of the plant's life-cycle.

Marijuana is very unique in that it has virtually no chemical interactions. The only drug, prescription, otc, or illicit, which it interacts with are the various MAOIs, which were used as antidepressants before the current class of SSRIs (prozac, etc) made their debut and are only very rarely even prescribed anymore. You can safely mix it with anything you like.

Please stop posting misinformation. Better yet, just stop posting.


No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: werk
Originally posted by: Battleangel3222
Thank you, you seem to have half a brain unlike everyone else in this thread. Sure if you grow your own you may know whats in it....assuming you know everything about the seeds and what the seeds actually look like. Where do you get your seeds? From the gardening store? No, you get them from some how do you know what they actually are....or if you just buy the do you know what that person did to it, or even what it you study everything you ever smoked? uhhh I think not.

Believe me, plenty of my friends have bought weed that had cocaine mixed with it, not too fun. Just one reason Im glad im not retarded.

Weed+Stimulants=Bad News For You
What a crock. :roll:

Uh...he's right in the sense that Weed+Cocaine=Bad News for Anyone. However, when buying seeds, the only thing you have to worry about is what kind of pot plant you're buying depending on how strong you want the high to be. You can't buy pot seeds that are laced with cocaine, grow the plant, smoke the pot, and get a cocaine high.


Senior member
Jan 29, 2004
Really man, you just need to shut your ass because your talking out of it. Your too busy worrying about my spelling to realize it. You dont inspect your weed, when you want to smoke it, you grab it and you smoke it. You dont say hey man, lets get my deluxe boy scout microscope and inspect it. Your a pathetic piece of $hit on life, and the reason why people commit suicide. Go back to attending to your plants and playing with daddys computer.


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: Nik
Uh...he's right in the sense that Weed+Cocaine=Bad News for Anyone. However, when buying seeds, the only thing you have to worry about is what kind of pot plant you're buying depending on how strong you want the high to be. You can't buy pot seeds that are laced with cocaine, grow the plant, smoke the pot, and get a cocaine high.

Nope, as I said marijuana's only drug interaction is with MAOIs.

Originally posted by: Battleangel3222
Really man, you just need to shut your ass because your talking out of it. Your too busy worrying about my spelling to realize it. You dont inspect your weed, when you want to smoke it, you grab it and you smoke it. You dont say hey man, lets get my deluxe boy scout microscope and inspect it. Your a pathetic piece of $hit on life, and the reason why people commit suicide. Go back to attending to your plants and playing with daddys computer.

There goes the benefit of the doubt I was giving you on not being a 12 year old desperate for attention


Senior member
Jan 29, 2004
Hahaha you have now openly admitted you have researched nothing. I think daddy is catching up to your plants on the side of the house! Really kid, your talkiing out of your ass, please, quit talking.

loup garou

Feb 17, 2000
Originally posted by: Battleangel3222
Really man, you just need to shut your ass because your talking out of it. Your too busy worrying about my spelling to realize it. You dont inspect your weed, when you want to smoke it, you grab it and you smoke it. You dont say hey man, lets get my deluxe boy scout microscope and inspect it. Your a pathetic piece of $hit on life, and the reason why people commit suicide. Go back to attending to your plants and playing with daddys computer.
Originally posted by: Battleangel3222
Hahaha you have now openly admitted you have researched nothing. I think daddy is catching up to your plants on the side of the house! Really kid, your talkiing out of your ass, please, quit talking.
Originally posted by: Battleangel3222
simple search shows this:

You should really research your $hit d ickhead kid.
It's pretty funny that you continue to call him "kid" when the only one acting like a child in this thread is you.


Aug 5, 2004
Marijuana leeds to dementia . One common symptom is memory loss, another is paranoia. An example of a paranoia on marijuana is hudling in the corner crying because you think your arms and legs are are going to fall off because they are dead. When nothing is wrongs with any of your limps.


No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: UCDAggies2k4
Marijuana leeds to dementia . One common symptom is memory loss, another is paranoia. An example of a paranoia on marijuana is hudling in the corner crying because you think your arms and legs are are going to fall off because they are dead. When nothing is wrongs with any of your limps.

I would not be surprised if you've never smoked it. You ain't got a clue.


Aug 5, 2004
Originally posted by: Nik
Originally posted by: UCDAggies2k4
Marijuana leeds to dementia . One common symptom is memory loss, another is paranoia. An example of a paranoia on marijuana is hudling in the corner crying because you think your arms and legs are are going to fall off because they are dead. When nothing is wrongs with any of your limps.

I would not be surprised if you've never smoked it. You ain't got a clue.

I have read scientific studies that say marijuana leads to permanent dementia.

Yes I have never smoked.


Mar 16, 2004
Studies can find just about anything, I'm particularly amused by the thousand or so which show butter to be more healthy than margarine - and the thousand or so showing the opposite Researchers generally try to find what their benefactors want them to find, and those benefactors often have a business or political agenda. This is why one or two studies finding something means nothing; and even a great deal of studies finding something can at times mean nothing, as I've pointed out above.

I'd strongly advise you to take a few deep breaths, preferably of cannabis smoke, as you (and those around you) would really benefit from you being a calmer person. Now is the ideal time; as we grow into adults change becomes more difficult.
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