To Anyone who thinks Pot is safe

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Jul 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Battleangel3222
A better person? How the hell do you come back a better person after seeing a bunch of $hit thats not real?
I think he?s suggesting that LSD can open you to other aspects of reality and that these experiences can enhance your life. LSD is not about seeing pretty colours and weird shapes, but something potentially life changing. LSD is similar in effect to psychotropic drugs such as peyote, which have been consumed by shamans for thousands of years. They are tools to explore consciousness and the nature of reality. NOT PARTY DRUGS.

The visual distortions produced by LSD are merely side effects of the experience. They are generally incidental. An immature consciousness might be seduced by these pretty experiences and take them all too literally in some cases. But the real benefits of taking this class of drugs are much more profound than that.
I?ve only taken a hallucinogenic drug once in the last twenty years and it?s the kind of thing that you have to experience for yourself. A description of the experience wouldn?t make much sense unless you were familiar with certain aspects of consciousness.
It can let you experience states of consciousness that are normally only achievable after decades of meditating I would postulate.

?LSD is considered a psychomimetic drug: It induces symptoms which mimic some psychoses, such as schizophrenia. Why this occurs is not really known, since LSD remains in the brain only about twenty minutes.?

?Medically, but incorrectly, classified as a hallucinogen, LSD is neither toxic, addicting, nor hallucinogenic. The user does not hallucinate. He either sees what is there in a distorted kaleidoscopic manner, or misinterprets what he is seeing. If he does witness a mental light show or panorama of improbable visions, he is usually aware that it is drug-induced and does not accept it as reality.?

Source of above quote


Super Moderator | Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: UCDAggies2k4
Originally posted by: Eli
Originally posted by: UCDAggies2k4
Originally posted by: Nik
Originally posted by: UCDAggies2k4
Marijuana leeds to dementia . One common symptom is memory loss, another is paranoia. An example of a paranoia on marijuana is hudling in the corner crying because you think your arms and legs are are going to fall off because they are dead. When nothing is wrongs with any of your limps.

I would not be surprised if you've never smoked it. You ain't got a clue.

I have read scientific studies that say marijuana leads to permanent dementia.

Yes I have never smoked.

Sounds more like an acid trip.

Any "scientific" study that says smoking marijuana leads to "permanent dementia" needs to be thrown in the trash, because it is obviously full of sh!t.

LOL.. permanent dementia.. that's a good one. I think you've been watching too much Reefer Madness.

According to the Australian goverment, in the link I gave it can cause permanent dementia in some people who are susceptible to it. You think they lie.

"Cannabis can precipitate the first episode of psychosis
If someone has a predisposition to a psychotic illness, such as schizophrenia, use of drugs such as cannabis may trigger the first episode in what can be a lifelong, disabling condition. Psychotic illnesses are characterised by:"

At the very least according to the Australian goverment it can cause temporary dementia in regular people.
LOL! Why on Earth do you put so much faith in the Australian government?

Regardless, someone that has a predisposition to a psychotic illness such as schizophrenia probably shouldn't be smoking pot in the first place... so your point is moot.

It absolutely does NOT cause ANY sort of "dementia" in normal people.. LOL.

The 65 million people that have tried it agree.

And yes, I do think they lie. If you believe that the government - ours, Australia's, Chinas, any government.. tells the whole truth and nothing but the truth, you've got another thing comming.
Jul 12, 2004
Originally posted by: UCDAggies2k4
According to the Australian goverment, in the link I gave it can cause permanent dementia in some people who are susceptible to it. You think they lie.
Governments tend to be a bit paranoid about drug usage, as drugs are a common scapegoat for the ills of society. Voters are often scared of drugs, politicians are scared of voters (they depend on their votes), and therefore politicians are also scared of drugs by association. Fear and paranoia tend to distort a person perception of reality. So politicians may mean well, but their perception of the drug issue may lead some people to conclude that they are suffering from the very symptoms that they proclaim drug usage promotes, i.e. paranoia and disturbed thinking as examples.

At the same time they are politicians, so they might just be lying. It has been known you know.

Of course I?m generalising and the research you point to may be scientifically very sound. I?d be more interested to know what percentage of people fall into this category. Without a fuller disclosure on the basic facts, I can?t even determine whether this is a meaningful study. If it?s one in a million then it?s of marginal interest. One in a hundred is a different ball game. There?s nearly always somebody who is allergic to just about anything, which is why the statistics are needed.


Aug 5, 2004
It absolutely does NOT cause ANY sort of "dementia" in normal people.. LOL.

So you saying normal people when high don't hullucinate, become dillusional, paranoid. I assumed that often happens when you are high.
Jul 12, 2004
Originally posted by: UCDAggies2k4
It absolutely does NOT cause ANY sort of "dementia" in normal people.. LOL.

So you saying normal people when high don't hullucinate, become dillusional, paranoid. I assumed that often happens when you are high.
Your choice of language here might well confuse people. People do act in demented ways when stoned or drunk for sure, but that doesn?t mean that they have dementia. There?s a big difference between the two.
Dementia is a serious condition and relates to a long term mental deterioration of organic or functional origin. Senile dementia is likely the most commonly known about form of dementia. Being demented at times seems to be a normal part of the human condition, with or without drug usage.

I wouldn?t be so quick to suggest that cannabis can?t contribute to dementia under any circumstances, as the original quote you were replying to suggested. I?m not keen on blanket statements like that, as they are impossible to prove or disprove. There is often a tiny majority that fall outside the norm in many situations.


Aug 5, 2004

Website showing study linking Marijuana to Shizophrenia a type of dementia.

"Street Drugs increase risk of Schizophrenia - use of street drugs (marijuana/hash - cannabis, etc.) have been linked with significantly increased probability of developing schizophrenia. Psychiatrists in inner-city areas speak of cannabis being a factor in up to 80 per cent of schizophrenia cases. Researchers in New Zealand found that those who used cannabis by the age of 15 were more than three times (300%) more likely to develop illnesses such as schizophrenia. Other research has backed this up, showing that cannabis use increases the risk of psychosis by up to 700 per cent for heavy users, and that the risk increases in proportion to the amount of cannabis used (smoked or consumed). "

"Today, there are over 30 published papers linking marijuana to schizophrenia or other mental disorders. The increase in evidence during the past decade could be tied to the increased potency of marijuana. A review by the British Lung Association says that the cannabis available on the streets today is 15 times more powerful than the joints being smoked three decades ago. "
Jul 12, 2004
Originally posted by: UCDAggies2k4

Website showing study linking Marijuana to Shizophrenia a type of dementia.

"Street Drugs increase risk of Schizophrenia - use of street drugs (marijuana/hash - cannabis, etc.) have been linked with significantly increased probability of developing schizophrenia. Psychiatrists in inner-city areas speak of cannabis being a factor in up to 80 per cent of schizophrenia cases. Researchers in New Zealand found that those who used cannabis by the age of 15 were more than three times (300%) more likely to develop illnesses such as schizophrenia. Other research has backed this up, showing that cannabis use increases the risk of psychosis by up to 700 per cent for heavy users, and that the risk increases in proportion to the amount of cannabis used (smoked or consumed). "

"Today, there are over 30 published papers linking marijuana to schizophrenia or other mental disorders. The increase in evidence during the past decade could be tied to the increased potency of marijuana. A review by the British Lung Association says that the cannabis available on the streets today is 15 times more powerful than the joints being smoked three decades ago. "
It?s hard to know in this case whether these children are taking drugs because they are disturbed, or disturbed because they are taking drugs.
I can?t imagine that smoking dope is particularly constrictive to an already disturbed adolescent though.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Bryophyte
Have you considered that he might be a self-medicating schizophrenic? Maybe the drugs are a symptom, not a cause of his problems. I had a friend who was a fairly high functioning schizo.

Some other quick points for now:

-- There is NO known overdose level for marijuana.

-- In the 1960's, the US government tried to classify marijuana as a narcotic, even though medically, chemically and so on, it simply IS NOT. It was so classified for a number of years.

-- Based on his first post here, dguy6789 is an idiot unacquainted with any actual facts about marijuana.

-- Many of the scare stories about ganja are based on wildly faulty methodology. I should know, I spent three months as a paid volunteer smoking government weed for "the man" in the mid 70's at UCLA Medical Center in Westwood. I could tell you stories, and, if prompted, just might.

-- Most anything can be harmful to some degree in sufficent quantity. Beyond a healthy diet and a moderate amount of alcohol (moderate imbibers seem to enjoy a wide range of health benefits over teetotalers), the less of anything else you ingest or imbibe (or inject), the better off you'll be.


Senior member
Oct 30, 2002
I feel for you, and what you and your family are going through, but I have something to tell you: it's not the drugs that is the problem. Believe me, if it's not pot it would be something else. I went through a similiar situation with someone who was into coke (not the drinking kind either). As much as I would have loved to personally executed every one of the drug dealers that sold them coke, it wouldn't have helped. The problem of drug use was just a symptom of whatever their real problem was. What that real problem was? I don't know; chemical imbalance, bad childhood, not enough air to their fvcking head??? I don't know, but somemore MORE than drugs was wrong with them.


Golden Member
Jun 24, 2000
Originally posted by: HardcoreRobot
your brother is crazy. crazy people do drugs. crazy people do other stupid stuff. its comforting for people to see the connection and be able to say, ooooh its gotta be the drugs. its a nice scapegoat that has been demonized for a long time. sadly, drug use is just another SYMPTOM of a different problem. drugs ARE bad and are they unhealthy. they dont make you crazy or ruin your life. you do that on your own.

weed does to you what you want from it. it doesnt make smart people dumb, or dumb people smart. everyone has a bad expereience with some drug at some time. but this story is by far the worst. too bad for you buddy.... and yes i was smokin as i read this.


Jul 16, 2001
....with the cost of forensic drug testing getting cheaper all the time and consider that drug testing is a growth industry in the US you got to be dufus dopus to risk your job or future blowing dope.


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: IGBT
....with the cost of forensic drug testing getting cheaper all the time and consider that drug testing is a growth industry in the US you got to be dufus dopus to risk your job or future blowing dope.

Lots of ways around a drug test... not that only a 'dufus dopus' wouldn't know that


Senior member
Jun 29, 2004
sorry but i think it tis more than just pot man, you know how many people have done pot i bet you see a good handfull everyday and they are still here.

natto fire

Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2000
Damn this thread keeps getting better and better. Now Bill Hicks is even up in here (A true genius). The guy that said his friend thought the TV was trying to kill him when he took LSD. Did you know that LSD affects everyone differently? When I took it I sat outside in my yard and stared at lightning bugs for a couple hours, just thinking. Another time I took it I spent the whole night in a deep discussion with my brother and his girlfriend about our my brother and I's upbringing. Just because your friend has a weak mind does not mean the drug is to blame. I am glad to read that there are so many people that have had a positive experience with mind altering substances. And for all you narrow minded people posting just try to remember: There are drug experiencers, and there are drug ABUSERS. Seriously reading this thread makes me want to meet quite a few of you, we could listen to Bill Hicks!
Jul 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Captain_Howdy
Damn this thread keeps getting better and better. Now Bill Hicks is even up in here (A true genius).

I posted the Hick's quotes. I was lucky enough to see him perform in London a couple of times. The first time was in 1990 and I?d never heard of him, so you can imagine the shock I was in for. I laughed so much that my stomach muscles were really aching the next day, I can tell you.


Elite Member
May 1, 2001
I neither use nor condone the use or abuse of any psychotropic substance, nor do I think that it's the government's job to tell you how to run your life in these matters. It also it isn't the government's job to take money from me (taxes) to pay for those who can't control their own lives - for drug treatment programs, welfare etc. - or for the extra policing/courts/prisons/corruption that the drug laws engender and require. Marking, shunning, embarrassment (the stocks, etc.) and exile were once quite effective in dealing with the irresponsible - it's time to bring those punishments back.
. Freedom is not necessarily safe or peaceful - the only true peace being found in death. Nor is it perfect, there being no perfection (or possiblity thereof) in the known universe. It is just the best possible condion within which men can exist. So if you either don't like freedom or really believe perfection is possible, please move to another country and burden them with your sorry selves!

There's the :sun: !

To the autor of this thread:
. Your communication would be much more effective without all the blue language!


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2002
Quote from simpsons that fits this thread imo:

"ahh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything Kent, 14% of people know that" -Homer


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: Zepper
I neither use nor condone the use or abuse of any psychotropic substance, nor do I think that it's the government's job to tell you how to run your life in these matters. It also it isn't the government's job to take money from me (taxes) to pay for those who can't control their own lives - for drug treatment programs, welfare etc. - or for the extra policing/courts/prisons/corruption that the drug laws engender and require. Marking, shunning, embarrassment (the stocks, etc.) and exile were once quite effective in dealing with the irresponsible - it's time to bring those punishments back.
. Freedom is not necessarily safe or peaceful - the only true peace being found in death. Nor is it perfect, there being no perfection (or possiblity thereof) in the known universe. It is just the best possible condion within which men can exist. So if you either don't like freedom or really believe perfection is possible, please move to another country and burden them with your sorry selves!

There's the :sun: !

To the autor of this thread:
. Your communication would be much more effective without all the blue language!

Most people who use drugs do so responsibly - even hard drugs. People just assume that the few they see who can't control themselves are the norm. I agree, however, that taxpayers shouldn't pay for rehab; I think we need reform across the board, decriminalization of marijuana and treatment for abuse of other drugs instead of prison. Payment for said treatment could come out of the patient's pocket or in the form of labor (community service).


Dec 4, 2001
i fail to see how this is any indication that pot isn't safe. sounds to me like he's doing ok, seeing the world, and, in his words "loving life." So if some of the things he says don't sound "rational" to Mr. Middle America, maybe you should cut him some slack. After all, MOST geniuses seem wacked out to the people around them, even without drugs. If it's any consulation, he sounds to me to be less of an addict and more of someone who is just experimenting with life and different ways of thinking, and the phase will pass once he's gotten out of it what he was looking for.


Super Moderator | Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Gurck
Originally posted by: Zepper
I neither use nor condone the use or abuse of any psychotropic substance, nor do I think that it's the government's job to tell you how to run your life in these matters. It also it isn't the government's job to take money from me (taxes) to pay for those who can't control their own lives - for drug treatment programs, welfare etc. - or for the extra policing/courts/prisons/corruption that the drug laws engender and require. Marking, shunning, embarrassment (the stocks, etc.) and exile were once quite effective in dealing with the irresponsible - it's time to bring those punishments back.
. Freedom is not necessarily safe or peaceful - the only true peace being found in death. Nor is it perfect, there being no perfection (or possiblity thereof) in the known universe. It is just the best possible condion within which men can exist. So if you either don't like freedom or really believe perfection is possible, please move to another country and burden them with your sorry selves!

There's the :sun: !

To the autor of this thread:
. Your communication would be much more effective without all the blue language!

Most people who use drugs do so responsibly - even hard drugs. People just assume that the few they see who can't control themselves are the norm. I agree, however, that taxpayers shouldn't pay for rehab; I think we need reform across the board, decriminalization of marijuana and treatment for abuse of other drugs instead of prison. Payment for said treatment could come out of the patient's pocket or in the form of labor (community service).
Or it could come from tax revenue from the (currently illegal)drug.


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
-- Many of the scare stories about ganja are based on wildly faulty methodology. I should know, I spent three months as a paid volunteer smoking government weed for "the man" in the mid 70's at UCLA Medical Center in Westwood. I could tell you stories, and, if prompted, just might.

do tell

almost 300 replies now


No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
Pot is only dangerous to those who may have plant allergies, those with athsma (sp?), and those who are freaking idiots who go out and do stupid things like driving while extremely impaired.


Oct 26, 2000
Originally posted by: NeuroSynapsis
-- Many of the scare stories about ganja are based on wildly faulty methodology. I should know, I spent three months as a paid volunteer smoking government weed for "the man" in the mid 70's at UCLA Medical Center in Westwood. I could tell you stories, and, if prompted, just might.

do tell

almost 300 replies now

My bet is all the snack machines were empty. Oh, the horror.
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