To Good To Be True!?!? PS2 (Rumoured) To Drop to $199 on 12/26!!! (Warning: Flames inside!)

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Oct 5, 2001
PS2 Rocks! It truly is the best system out there so far, with it's huge library of games, DVD playback, and backwards-compatibility for all your old Playstion One games....which by the way is the first time it's been done on a console system!

I'm not knocking XBOX or GameCube. XBox's graphics look good, but you have to consider one major thing. When you see commercials or still photos from games, REGARDLESS of which system, they aren't necessarily a reflection of game graphics. The photos that I've seen from NFL FEVER are incredible, but gameplay is almost identical to Madden 2002 on PS2. That's the God-honest truth.

Seeing the XBOX's bulky shape and awkwardly chubby controllers, I propose a new idea. Go to NewEgg, by yourself a bunch of components, and set up a new 1GHz Machine, with all the goodies. You can do so now for less that $350, and play any PC game out there. I mean, isn't the XBOX essentially doing this? Arent they boxing a PC and calling it a game console?


Diamond Member
Nov 9, 2000
The only one crying is YOU, Bub, so stow it. I've edited the title to read "ATOMIC HOT!?!? PS2 (Rumoured) To Drop to $199 on 12/29!!!" to reflect the unconfirmed nature of the info. It's not a joke, but you are. Put a diaper on or sh!t somewhere else.

As I've said before, but you're obviously too dense to comprehend, IF the price DOESN'T drop, what has it cost you? NOTHING! If you weren't gonna spend $300 on Dec. 24th, then you aren't going to spend $300 on Dec. 30th. If you ARE willing to pony up the three bills now, it won't cost you anything, other than a week waiting, to see if you can suddenly add a game or two to the bundle for the same price.

It does seem odd that they'd slash so close to Christmas. Even Sega waited until late January to cap the DC. But, who knows? A decisive cut like this would really throw Nintendo a curve and put the hurt on M$. Look at it this way: The REAL money is not in the box, it's in the discs. Just as Gillette gives the handles away and makes the $$$ on the blade refills, Sony could suddenly match Nintendo in price and whack them BOTH at software, due to the 15-month head start AND the ability to play PSX games.

If Sony makes say ~$10 a game in royalties, cutting the price $100 would allow people to buy 2 games immediately, reaping $20 for Sony, bada-bing! Give away the box, sell more games. It's all about market share and the short-term hit means long-term victory, then they'll prolly go for it.

I agree that this seems like a really big cut, but that's the info I have. Take it or leave it. If it's wrong, you lose nothing. If it's right, you've saved $100. All that's required is to WAIT ONE WEEK. I wish someone had tipped me off that Sega was killing the DC cuz I bought one THREE WEEKS before the cancelled the HW and cut the price $50!:disgust:

Now if only someone had let me know....


Senior member
Jan 24, 2000
for 200 bucks I might considering buying one-even though I dont play console games at all--last time I bought PS1 was coz of GrandTourismo this maybe for teh same thing hehehe


Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2000
parents are clueless, they are the ones who will buy other systems because the newer ones are sold out...a few years ago when the sega saturn had been basically dead for awhile i saw a parent at best buy asking for playstations and such...but they were sold out so he just picked up the moldy old saturn and took it to the register...not to sega bash or anything...but it wasn't no dreamcast...i'd still buy a dreamcast now if i didn't already have one

parents are ignorant like that...most don't know and they'll get what they should be happy they are getting anything that expensive...spoiled brats!


Senior member
Jan 23, 2001
If any console is sold out.. Just wrap the reserve receipt with the $300 cash or whatever.. The kid will be happy if he gets the console or not

Whos says gifts can't be paper


Aug 24, 2000
I agree, Paladiin.

Those figures seems extremely misleading. Oct. 1 - Dec. 8 vs. Nov. 15/18 - Dec. 8.

Hmmmm.....over 2 months vs. 3 weeks.
Hmmmm..... 1.4 million vs. 900,000
Hmmmm..... Nearly unlimited supply of PS2 vs. Out of Stock for Xbox / GC.


Nov 26, 2000

Get that diaper outta you @ss, its in to deep.

what you gonna miss is all the great games for 2 weeks. Don't people buys things that they want. Why don't you tell people not to buy a PS2 until 2005, that way it should be in the bargain bins for under $100, all they gotta do is wait right, that is your model.

the point i am trying to make is that not everyone likes to wait, time is money. And I and everyone else with a brain nows that your ATOMIC HOT deal is a joke.

Thats why every one is pissed off, your telling everyone to wait 2 weeks for a deal that is not going to happen, so why should anybody wait. your giving false info with your "what do you gotta lose" crap. Sh!t what kid would want to wait after christmas for a nice gift.

Anybody who plans to get the PS2, should get it now, not wait for something to not happen.

If there was a slim chance of a price drop to $199, then wait. but this rumor is completely bullSh!t so don't get anybodies hopes up. No one should wait for something that is not gonna come true.

Nuff said.

Again i call bs



Senior member
Jul 18, 2001
There's no way sony is going to drop the price like that. It makes no sense whatsoever. The ps2 is outselling the xbox by 50%, and the gamecube by an even greater margin. It still isn't cheap for them to produce them, so they would be losing even more money on every sale. Add to that the fact that dropping your price is a sign of weakness, and people won't buy your system if they think it's dying. This is pure rumor, so don't hold your breath.

By the way, did anyone read Anand's review of the gamecube? It normally retails at $199 and looks pretty good compared to the ps2.


Senior member
Jan 23, 2001
Calm down guys.. if anybody thinks it will drop (even 5 bux), get it with AMEX blue and cover it up later.. Can't we all get along?


Nov 29, 2000
It seems to me that a 99% or a 1% chance is still a chance regardless. Those who like to take chances are welcome to wait, but as for those who hardly believe that Sony will cut price on 12/29, feel free to buy the PS2 now instead of waiting. After all, no one is 100% sure that Sony will NOT cut prices on 12/29 no matter how statistically unsound the logic of price-cutting is. Let's keep the bashing to a minimum for the holiday seasons.



Diamond Member
May 1, 2001

<< what you gonna miss is all the great games for 2 weeks. >>

Yea, that's sure worth a potential $100. The system's been out for 14 months and it could drop by a third of the price in 2 weeks, so now's the time to buy? Logic???

Some of the opinions posted here may come from partial PS2 owners who would be horrified if the price dropped to $199 when they may have recently paid $299. Nobody likes "losing" money. But as I said before, anybody who buys a 14 month old system, faced with steep competition, for original retail release price is a [enter your favorite derogatory word here].


Senior member
Jul 18, 2001
Hey guys! The government is about to start charging for email! The post office is losing too much money!

Remember that one?

Buy whatever console you want. Don't let rumors and hearsay affect your decision making.


Diamond Member
Nov 9, 2000
I've been wondering what was driving GQUnknown's irrational rantings and ravings and I've got a guess:

He either works for Sony or a major chain that would hate to have the high profit pre-Christmas sales dry up cuz people decided to sit on their wallets for a week longer.

He must be on commission or something. Why else rant that you'll "miss a week of game-playing" if you don't buy a PS2 NOW!!!!??? If you've lived 15 months without a PS2, how are you further deprived by waiting another week? His obsessive shrieking of, "This is all a LIE!!!! Lock this thread!!!!", was definitely missing when a thread was running here, not TWO WEEKS AGO, that Voodoo cards were going for ONE PENNY. There was not a single post from our little buddy telling everyone to ignore the rumour and to lock that thread. (He must not get a commission on those.)


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001

<< There was not a single post from our little buddy telling everyone to ignore the rumour and to lock that thread. (He must not get a commission on those.) >>

Uh man in that link you provided there were a few at'ers that did actually confirm that...I didn't even see it, missed the whole thing but I don't see any sarcasm in some of the posts that did confirm it.. I'm not sure I understood if you were making a point that the thread was a lie or what...anyhow I have heard rumours that the PS2 will drop would drop in price in the next 6 months, this was a few months ago(the source now believes it not to be true, at least after talking with a sony rep)...I don't see how this is not possible but I do not see a financial benefit at this time for sony..especially when PS2 sales are still going very well..but then again I don't own who knows! I don't see how this is a hot deal as it is NOT availble nor confirmable in writing..if there was some sort of proof then I think posting this thread would be acceptable, I understand you are trying to give us a heads up but I don't feel this belongs here, more in OFF TOPIC.


Sep 12, 2000

<< PS2 Rocks! It truly is the best system out there so far, with it's huge library of games, DVD playback, and backwards-compatibility for all your old Playstion One games....which by the way is the first time it's been done on a console system! >>

Off the top of my head, and not including machines needing adapters:

The Atari 7800 was backwards-compatible with the 2600. (The 7800 was worth it just to play Pole Position. I couldn't get Pitfall II to play on it, though.)

The Intellivision II was backwards-compatible with the Intellivision. (Mostly. Technically, it was just supposed to be a recasing of the original intellivision. Kind of like the PSOne.)

The Odyssey 3 was backwards-compatible with the 2. (Not that I've ever met anyone who actually had a 3.)

The Coleco Adam was backwards-compatible with the ColecoVision. (OK, so the Adam wasn't exactly a gaming console.)


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2000
The PS2 has been out for over a year already, that is why it has such a large game library and so many users. The XBox just came out, that is why there aren't that many games yet for it. I bet in a year from now, the XBox will have just as many games as the PS2 does now. The graphics are really good and the system is powerful.


Golden Member
Dec 2, 1999

For all you ignorant people that don't believe that PS2 outsells xbox and gambecube, don't you read the news. Besides people by consoles to play the GAMES that they want. Okay i got a PS2 to play 9 of the 10 best games availible NOW. FFX, GTA3, MGS2, GT3, and Devil May Cry are only out on PS2 right now.

Dear GQUnknown,

Calm down. These are just gamesystems so theres no need to get nuts. If somebody wants an XBox or chooses to wait to see IF there is a price drop then its on them. Theres no need to have a tantrum over which is the biggest selling system. Theyre all good.



Platinum Member
Apr 18, 2000
still $250 is a great price.. I would buy it right away if it was for $250 (a more realistic price)

too bad I don't have a blue card to get it for $210 at Virgin..


Apr 27, 2001
why on earth would sony drop the price?

How many systems do you think they'll sell after XMas? Let's say 100,000 for the week after:

100,000 systems x $100 = $10 MMMMillion dollars in lost revenue. Brilliant!

Not to mention the fact they'll degrade the image of the system by looking threatened by Nintendo and M$.



Golden Member
Jun 28, 2000
From the LA Times:

Sony sold 962,000 PlayStation 2 consoles between Nov. 11 and Dec. 8, according to CSFB estimates based on figures compiled by research firm NPDFunworld. Microsoft, which launched Xbox on Nov. 15, sold 934,000 consoles. The GameCube, introduced Nov. 18, sold 602,000

Of course both Xbox and GC were in short supply in various locations.


Senior member
Jun 4, 2001

Hmmmm.....over 2 months vs. 3 weeks.
Hmmmm..... 1.4 million vs. 900,000
Hmmmm..... Nearly unlimited supply of PS2 vs. Out of Stock for Xbox / GC.

hum, where did you get these figures? If anyone needs an Xbox, lemme know, I'll ship it to them plus a $20 fee for myself. I can probably find 20 of those consoles around my house.

As far as why the PS2 is selling so well is because of games like Grand Theft Auto 3, Metal Gear Solid 2, and Final Fantasy X. Along with these unique games, is the LARGE gaming library which includes PS1 games.

Even if DefRef got this from his "reliable" source, common sense needs to be applied. Why would Sony drop its price by 30%? Has this ever been done before in one single price slash? Would this be realistic?

For those who think Sony will drop the price by 30%, keep on dreaming... It won't happen, it's simple business tactic... the PS2 might drop that low once the PS3 comes out, but hey that's a few years from now.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2000

<< From the LA Times:

Sony sold 962,000 PlayStation 2 consoles between Nov. 11 and Dec. 8, according to CSFB estimates based on figures compiled by research firm NPDFunworld. Microsoft, which launched Xbox on Nov. 15, sold 934,000 consoles. The GameCube, introduced Nov. 18, sold 602,000

Of course both Xbox and GC were in short supply in various locations.

Umm, every store in my area has an excess of game cubes. Nobody wants them


Senior member
Oct 12, 1999
I work as an Inventory Manager for Best Buy. Yes, I have heard rumors of a price drop aroung the first of the year. I personally feel this will happen. Sony has already recouped R&D costs for the system by this time. Profit is made in games and accessories, not systems-that's a fact. By lowering the price $100, sales would skyrocket again, along with games and accessories(read profits). I see no way this would happen until at least the end of Jaunary, in order to protect price match policies.

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