Today Every State in America Has an Obesity Rate Over 20%

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No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
From my perspective the problem is never this or that convenient boogeymen (corn syrup, fast food, carbs, etc), it's just plain too much caloric intake. Sure, you can say "well, this food item has more sugar added to it", that's going to increase the calories, and it's incredibly easy these days to see how many calories are in your food.
I haven't changed what I eat, just how much, and I've been steadily losing weight for two years now. It's slowed down a lot this year, but that's not really unexpected.
I think it would be cool if when you ordered food at a restaurant, it printed out the caloric total on the bottom of the receipt. McDonald's has the right idea, listing the information on the wrappers for their burgers and fries.

Previously I was probably doing 4,000 calories or more per day, over time I've cut it down to ~2,000 (some days less, some more, but I'm just aiming for a ballpark so it will be a sustainable change). The hardest part was breaking the post-dinner-before-bed snack cravings.


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2014
Man, it's not the fault of the people. There is something in the food or water supply that is causing this to happen. Like the op said, the thinnest state (colorado) is as fat as the fattest state from 1990 (mississippi). There has not been a lot of change in people's diets or exercise habits or work patterns in those measly 25 years.

Um...have you heard of the Internet? Telecommuting? Cable television? Video games?

No you're right, it's a gubment conspiracy that you're fat. :awe:


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Man, it's not the fault of the people. There is something in the food or water supply that is causing this to happen. Like the op said, the thinnest state (colorado) is as fat as the fattest state from 1990 (mississippi). There has not been a lot of change in people's diets or exercise habits or work patterns in those measly 25 years.
Yes, there have. Allow me to introduce you to the "fast food value menu" concept. Or "binge-watching".
There are many more gyms now than there used to be when I was a kid. We used to only have a few bally's fitnesses around but now we got Lifetime, LA fitness, Planet fitness, and 24hour fitness.
Having a gym membership doesn't make you less fat any more than owning a katana makes you a ninja.
There is something in the food supply fucking people up. What's more, it has been clearly shown in many studies that babies are fatter now than they used to be at only a few months of age. You can't argue that work or exercise is lacking for infants because they have never gotten either. Prenatal exposure to some sort of artificial chemical is making people fat for life.
Clearly shown? Many studies? Can you back that up at all?

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
I think before ordering you should get a warning that says "Eating this cheese burger requires the equivalent of walking 8 miles to burn it off".

"Adding a non-diet coke adds another 4 miles to that total".

"Would you like fries with that for another 6 miles of activity"?


Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2005
I think before ordering you should get a warning that says "Eating this cheese burger requires the equivalent of walking 8 miles to burn it off".

"Adding a non-diet coke adds another 4 miles to that total".

"Would you like fries with that for another 6 miles of activity"?

Our local YMCA has a sign sort of like that near the vending machines. Shows how far you would need to walk to burn off a few things like a pop or candy bar on a map of the city. It puts things in perspective for sure.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Man, it's not the fault of the people. There is something in the food or water supply that is causing this to happen. Like the op said, the thinnest state (colorado) is as fat as the fattest state from 1990 (mississippi). There has not been a lot of change in people's diets or exercise habits or work patterns in those measly 25 years. There are many more gyms now than there used to be when I was a kid. We used to only have a few bally's fitnesses around but now we got Lifetime, LA fitness, Planet fitness, and 24hour fitness.

There is something in the food supply fucking people up. What's more, it has been clearly shown in many studies that babies are fatter now than they used to be at only a few months of age. You can't argue that work or exercise is lacking for infants because they have never gotten either. Prenatal exposure to some sort of artificial chemical is making people fat for life.

initially i thought this was a sarcastic post, but the more i read it, i think this guy is serious lol.


Jun 24, 2003
No, you're still not getting it. You're oversimplifying it again. Read both links, especially the second one. And read a few more of the Calories series on that website.

The salient point is that your body's daily expenditure is not as constant as you think. Obese people burn a lot more energy daily than thin people, for instance. If you reduce your daily calories by eating smaller meals, your body will lower its expenditure to compensate. Your body temperature will drop, brain activity will slow, and heart rate will drop. This is how the body copes with a reduction in energy in - it compensates by reducing energy out.

After reading the calories series, read the stuff about hormonal obesity, for a good explanation of what causes obesity (hint: as stated, its not nearly as simple as most people think).

Read this.

You still seem to be missing the most basic point here. If you're not losing weight, continue to reduce calories until you are. It's that simple. Bodybuilding forums are full of people on the opposite end of the BMI scale who say they can't gain weight. The reality is that people aren't very good at estimating their caloric intake. If you document everything religiously, it will work.

In June I lost 13lbs (163lbs to 150lbs) by tracking everything I ate and reducing my calories below my TDE. When I added up my weekly caloric deficits, I was down about 46000 calories for the month. Which is shockingly close to the conventional knowledge that 3500 calories = 1lb of fat. I have my food logs along with weight data points that show this works. And why wouldn't it? It's very basic, simple science. Human bodies don't create energy or matter out of nothing. Period.


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2008
No Nebro, science is for fools! Feels are real data points!

I need to go back to tracking my intake again. Stalled on my lifts and am stuck at ~200lbs. Wanting to drop about 10lbs to get down to 15% bf.


Jan 4, 2001
After thinking about it some more, this genetic predisposition to get fat could eventually work itself out. Let these people keep getting fatter and fatter and they simply won't be able to have sex. If we can get the fatties fat early enough, we can Darwin them right out of the gene pool. :hmm:
Bah, I want a solution now though.
Attrition kind of works sometimes.

Another thought:
I heard somewhere that one way some people can burn calories is by constant fidgeting, or also by some genetic wackiness that causes their bodies to convert most excess energy to heat, rather than storing it as fat.
Genetically engineer that stuff into people while we're busy correcting the other problems.

Either walk miles and miles and more boring miles to get rid of the energy in your cheeseburger, or just convert the excess into heat.
Then strap a Peltier junction array to your back and charge your phone.

I think before ordering you should get a warning that says "Eating this cheese burger requires the equivalent of walking 8 miles to burn it off".

"Adding a non-diet coke adds another 4 miles to that total".

"Would you like fries with that for another 6 miles of activity"?
How about something more applicable to the typical customer?

"Eating this cheeseburger requires 9 hours sitting on your ass to burn off."
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No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
Either walk miles and miles and more boring miles to get rid of the energy in your cheeseburger, or just convert the excess into heat.
Then strap a Peltier junction array to your back and charge your phone.
Engineers will be our salvation :^D


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
people are simply lazy as shit and that is why they are fat. if they were not lazy, they would not be fat. and i'm not talking super model bodies or anything, i'm talking about just not being a fatass.


Oct 9, 1999
I heard somewhere that one way some people can burn calories is by constant fidgeting, or also by some genetic wackiness that causes their bodies to convert most excess energy to heat, rather than storing it as fat.

I think I have that DNA.

I generate an immense amount of heat. Women have always told me how hot I am to snuggle up to. They love it in winter, but in the summer they're kicking me away. And while I'm a bit overweight at the moment, based on my terrible diet I should really be much fatter than I am.


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2014
I think I have that DNA.

I generate an immense amount of heat. Women have always told me how hot I am to snuggle up to. They love it in winter, but in the summer they're kicking me away. And while I'm a bit overweight at the moment, based on my terrible diet I should really be much fatter than I am.

Right bro. Keep living in that fantasy land of yours fatty



Jun 24, 2003
Bah, I want a solution now though.
Attrition kind of works sometimes.

Another thought:
I heard somewhere that one way some people can burn calories is by constant fidgeting, or also by some genetic wackiness that causes their bodies to convert most excess energy to heat, rather than storing it as fat.
Genetically engineer that stuff into people while we're busy correcting the other problems.

Either walk miles and miles and more boring miles to get rid of the energy in your cheeseburger, or just convert the excess into heat.
Then strap a Peltier junction array to your back and charge your phone.

"Parkinson's for a Slimmer Future."


Oct 10, 1999
I've been using My Fitness Pal for a while now.

It's amazing just how fast those calories add up. One donut? 350 calories. Currently I'm trying to stick to a 2200 calorie diet. I tend to go over at times, but by using My Fitness Pal I can see how close I am to my daily goals. It lets me know how much protein, fat, sugar and carbs I'm eating as well. It's not exactly 100% accurate, but it's damn close.

I'm using that too. I was up to 210 pounds (I'm 5'10"), and the doctor told me I had fatty liver and needed to start losing weight. So I immediately stopped drinking alcohol, diet beverages and changed my diet (whole foods, lower carbs, more veggies). I'm down to about 194 now and trying to get to 165-172 range.

What I've found is that is actually difficult for me to consume ENOUGH calories now. When I'm eating good healthy foods, I find that I have trouble even making my required calories per day, and that's with trying to have a 500 calorie deficit. Most of the sites I've tried say my TDEE is around 2660, and I should be getting around 2100 to 2200 calories a day based on the amount I exercise if I want to lose 1.5 pounds per week. Some days I find after dinner I still have 300-400 calories left, but I'm not even close to hungry. Maybe I have an apple for a snack an hour later, but that still leaves me 200-300 calories left. My worry then is if I eat too litte that I'm going to start burning muscle instead of fat. It's a really tough balance that I've yet to figure out.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2010
You still seem to be missing the most basic point here. If you're not losing weight, continue to reduce calories until you are. It's that simple. Bodybuilding forums are full of people on the opposite end of the BMI scale who say they can't gain weight. The reality is that people aren't very good at estimating their caloric intake. If you document everything religiously, it will work.

In June I lost 13lbs (163lbs to 150lbs) by tracking everything I ate and reducing my calories below my TDE. When I added up my weekly caloric deficits, I was down about 46000 calories for the month. Which is shockingly close to the conventional knowledge that 3500 calories = 1lb of fat. I have my food logs along with weight data points that show this works. And why wouldn't it? It's very basic, simple science. Human bodies don't create energy or matter out of nothing. Period.

You haven't been doing your reading, have you?

Read this

The researchers took 14 diabetics and increased insulin until sugars were almost normal. At the beginning, they were on pills only. Over the 6 months, insulin was increased until the were taking an average of 100 units per day

Body Weight increased by 8.7 kg (19 lbs). Yet, if we were to look at daily caloric intake, we can see that the average patient decreased by almost 300 calories/ day! In other words, despite eating less patients were gaining weight like crazy.

According to you, that should be impossible. These people were eating less, and yet they were still getting fatter. How do you explain that?

The answer is in the link by the way.


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2014
You haven't been doing your reading, have you?

Read this


According to you, that should be impossible. These people were eating less, and yet they were still getting fatter. How do you explain that?

The answer is in the link by the way.

THAT'S your source!? LOL! Where'd you get that, was that on one of those Denny's placemats they give to the kids?

If you had bother reading that dribble or the study that it was referencing you would have understood that they basically overinsulinated the fuck out of those diabetics to get over the resistance hump, which *no shit* increased their weight gain. Did you even bother to read anything besides that craptastical article?

Hahaha...this is perfect fat logic right here. Condishuns!

And then he referenced a study that only tested 14 people, lol. I bet their caloric intake was even self reported for this study haha. :awe:

Thanks man, I needed that. *Wipes tear*


Jan 12, 2005
You haven't been doing your reading, have you?

Read this


According to you, that should be impossible. These people were eating less, and yet they were still getting fatter. How do you explain that?

The answer is in the link by the way.

You're still missing the point.

Their bodies are still not making fat out of air. That weight gain is still coming from the calories in and if they reduce that the weight gain would fall.

Of course other things affect your bodies ability to turn food into more body and different people have varying degrees of efficiency in doing it but at no point is your body making fat from food that isn't being eaten.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2010
THAT'S your source!? LOL! Where'd you get that, was that on one of those Denny's placemats they give to the kids?

If you had bother reading that dribble or the study that it was referencing you would have understood that they basically overinsulinated the fuck out of those diabetics to get over the resistance hump, which *no shit* increased their weight gain. Did you even bother to read anything besides that craptastical article?

Hahaha...this is perfect fat logic right here. Condishuns!

And then he referenced a study that only tested 14 people, lol. I bet their caloric intake was even self reported for this study haha. :awe:

Thanks man, I needed that. *Wipes tear*

Well why do you think giving them large doses of insulin would cause weight gain?

You're still missing the point.

Their bodies are still not making fat out of air. That weight gain is still coming from the calories in and if they reduce that the weight gain would fall.

Of course other things affect your bodies ability to turn food into more body and different people have varying degrees of efficiency in doing it but at no point is your body making fat from food that isn't being eaten.

Why did the people in the study gain weight then? As you say, the body is not making the fat from thin air. They reduced how much they ate but still gained weight. Why?


Sep 23, 2003
Why did the people in the study gain weight then? As you say, the body is not making the fat from thin air. They reduced how much they ate but still gained weight. Why?

Too many factors to account for to narrow down one reason.

Even if when you lose weight your metabolism slows, the basic equation remains the same, and more work is needed to keep going.

For example, if you regularly burn 2000 calories during your "fast" weight loss and consume 1800 daily, you lose 200 calories per day.

However if your burn drops due to lower metabolism to 1800 and you're still eating 1800 calories, you wont lose any calories in a day. You either have to work out more or eat less to keep going.


Jun 24, 2003
Well why do you think giving them large doses of insulin would cause weight gain?

Why did the people in the study gain weight then? As you say, the body is not making the fat from thin air. They reduced how much they ate but still gained weight. Why?


Are you simple? They purposely effected their ability to metabolize food. That'd be like you eating 2,000 calories a day, then me cutting off one of your legs, and you gaining weight continuing to eat 2,000 calories a day while asking, "how can this be?!!?"


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2014
Well why do you think giving them large doses of insulin would cause weight gain?

Why did the people in the study gain weight then? As you say, the body is not making the fat from thin air. They reduced how much they ate but still gained weight. Why?

First off, insulin (insulin resistance especially) causes "weight gain" because that's what it's designed to do metabollically speaking. When people get fat they will naturally overload their cells with insulin, which leads to insulin resistance, meaning your cells won't react to insulin the way they normally do. Furthermore, it's believed that fat itself releases a hormone that is a big precurser to insulin resistance. So now you've just double-whammied yourself into type 2 diabetes.

What this "evidence" you puked up and didn't bother to read is saying is that if you pump someone full of enough insulin for long enough you can get their glycemic index under control without making their blood sugar too low. The only problem is, to do this in the first place and overcome the insulin resistance that is there in the first place, you have to nuke the shit out of them with insulin. This leads to Hyperinsulinemia which causes obesity, mainly from sodium retention from what I'm reading.

So yes, no shit, they are going to gain weight. You just dropped the equivalent of 100 Nagasaki's into their blood stream which allows your body to absorb glucose.

FURTHERMORE, this study only tested 14 people, so hardly a varied group to begin with. It also lasted for 6 months, and mentions NOWHERE HOW they were tracking their caloric intake. Did the doctors do it? I highly freaking doubt it.

What it means is: Fatty McFatterson went home and "reported" back with what they ate (probably only 1100 calories a day, amirite fatty?). The doctor's didn't spoon feed them each calorie, they just reported they ate less and it was their 'cundishins' which caused them to gain weight.

This article just nitpicked the shit out of a study that wasn't even designed to determine the correlation between high insulin and obesity in the first place, and then spewed it out to retards like yourself who are fat and want to hear things like "It's not your fault you can't stop stuffing your face!"

Calories in < Calories out = weight loss, for NORMAL people. Not type 2 diabetics with 100x more insulin than the body normally makes.

You can learn about this shit in a basic biology class starting with how cells use ATP to create the energy in the first place. It's not fucking magical wizard powers out of nowhere.
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