Today will be my first day working for Geek Squad.


Diamond Member
Feb 23, 2005
I originally applied at Best Buy for a brain dead job that would give me a bit of money and allow access to the nice discount while I looked for a better job. Unfortunately since I gave them a copy of my resume they saw that I was good with computers and pretty much said it was Geek Squad or nothing, great start.

The more I went through the hiring process, the more I started to regret applying for the job. During my last interview with the GM, I got to witness Best Buy's outstanding costumer service when she basically told a manger to do every thing he could to convince a guy not to return a printer he bought with a new computer after he decided he liked his old printer more.

While filling out some paperwork, I had to sign a document that said if I get another job that has anything to do with computers or repair they can fire me. That one made me laugh, mainly because it was slightly silly, but also the fact I'm currently trying to get a job as a computer tech for a local Air Force base.

But the best part, I think, is the Geek Squad uniform that will be issued to me. Thats right, they issue you every thing but your underpants according to the manager I talked too. A bit annoying since I just went out and spent money on a nice pair of pants and tie for this job. And If I get caught with my own shoes or silk tie on they will write me up for it, I guess looking better than management is a no no for best buy.

So wish me luck on my first step toward a fiery hatred for my new employer.

Update 07-16-07:

So I've been working there for a few days now, but I don't think you could call what I do there ?work?.

My day pretty much goes like this: I grab a PC off the to-do shelf, look to see if it's just a DIAG or Advanced DIAG (advanced means we remove the viruses and spyware we find), hook it up to the KVM, put in the Geek Squad disk and spend the next two hours hitting 'next' and writing down the results, repeat until shift ends.

And thats it, I only opened up three computers so far. The first was a bad HDD that I knew was bad from the scraping sound it was making but the guy that was back there wanted me to wait for the CD to tell me it was dead. The second computer was the only real challenge I've had working there, it needed drivers installed after having a new mainboard put in but one of them wouldn't install but I finally got it setup. The third computer was for me to dust it out and charge the guy $19 for it.

I'm almost caught up with the stack of computers in the back, but thats a bad thing since once I'm done I'll have to start working up front. While getting a screw driver from the front I had to deal with a woman that thinks it's our fault her monitor doesn't work after we upgraded the video,ram and PSU, though the computer works fine (I hooked it up and showed her) she still thinks we broke her LCD that was sitting at home.

Update 7/23/07: ?Sir, you will have to wait your turn, this lady was first in line to verbally abuse me.?

I really can't think of a worse job than being a punching bag for the general public. It seems that every other person I talk to thinks it's my fault that their computer has been in the store for two weeks and has not even been looked at, or that I am the one that is keeping their bloody iPod stuck in some warehouse out in CA. And whats better is when they do get their item back from wherever it was sent but it still isn't working they come back and yell at me like I was the one that worked on it. Yes, I know it's bloody annoying to get something back that still isn't fixed, but for God's sake you don't need to ring the employs neck just cause you had a bad day.

I guess the computer part could slightly be my fault, but then again, it doesn't help that we are understaffed and Best Buy doesn't like paying for overtime so we don't have enough people working to catch up. At any given time there are only two geeks working and 60% of our time is taken up by having to help with returns, dumb questions, showing people how to use the computer/camera/music player they just bought and checking in even MORE computers. Though the biggest problem is communication, no matter how many times you ask people to leave better notes it seems they never quite understand what ?better notes? mean...

*Owner's system BSOD while playing games.*

?Checked for general dust and overheating, Ran Memtest and PC check, did not find any issues. I think it could be the video card.? - Joe 7/20/07
?Scanned system.? - Bob 7/21/07

What? What was scanned with what? A virus scanner? Why did he run a virus scan on this system? Did he find anything with it? Next time someone pulls this crap I'm calling them at home and make them tell me step by step what it was they did to the computer. I hoping if I do this enough that they will start taking time to write stuff down.

Then there is the cluster ***k known as management, the high school drop outs that tried to claw their way up the corporate ladder but only made it half way and have been there since. My real boss is a pretty cool guy, mainly because he hates it there so I never have to worry about him telling me to do things ?by the book? (We can't use apps that have not approved by best buy, so stuff like prime95 is outlawed there. But he let me use it on one computer and I was able to stress the computer enough to find the real issue) or makes me go to the chalk-talk meetings that we have at 9AM before the store opens. Pretty much chalk-take is a way to gather the staff together and yell at them about how bad we are doing in numbers. (Non commission sales = Do it or you're fired.) But then there is the person below my boss that is a waste of space. All he does all day is run around with paper work so he can look busy, I have yet to see him do any real computer work. When he isn't sitting around thumbing through a stack of paper that never get smaller, he is hovering around me trying to make me ?a more efficient employee? and questioning what I doing. He couldn't understand why I would try removing the battery from the motherboard when it wouldn't boot.

?I'm trying to clear the CMOS, I can't find the jumper so I'm just doing it this way.?
?The BIOS.?
?Oh... Um... Good thinking!?

One of the more annoying things is apparently since we are right across from the music/movies section people think that I would know where the new Justin Timberlake CD is. One 18yr old girl walked up and asked me and my coworker if we could help her find a cd, we tried to tell her to go find a blue shirt but she said she couldn't find any (I'm sure she wouldn't be able to find water at Sea World). I recommended that she try the touchscreen computers we had throughout the music section since they will tell her if we even had it in stock to save from wasting time looking. She looked at me with horror and said, ?Oh! I could never use one of those, they're too hard!?.

I really didn't know what to say to that. Well, I knew what I *wanted* to say but not without getting fired. Those damn things were made with the general public in mind, it's not like they are for staff only use and you need to be trained on the proper use of them. There are four main buttons on the screen, search, next, previous, home and then the ultra user friendly keyboard that I have seen a six year old use.

And then there are the people that see the new Geek Squad adds and think we will fix anything, so they bring in stuff that is in god awful shape and expect me to whip out a tool kit right then and fix it for them for free.

?My son's PSP keeps turning off and the screen is flickering, can you fix it??
?Well do you have a warranty for it??
?Did you buy it here.?
?Alright then, I'm sorry but I can't do anything for you.?
?What?! But you fix stuff here!?
?Well I don't have the right tools to properly work on this since we don't do any repairs in-house. Plus you don't have any sort of warranty and you didn't even buy it here, Even if I could send it off to get repaired the cost would be just as much as buying a new one.?
?Well can you at least look at it??
?Other than to fact it looks like your son beat it with a jar of Smuckers jelly, I really can't tell you what's wrong since the battery is dead and you didn't bring the adapter.?
?Why don't you have any adapters that will work with it!??
?...Because we don't work on PSPs here.?
?Why not??
?...Because we don't. Try GameStop.?
?Oh, ok. Thank you!?
?...God I hate this place...?

*Yes I know there is some really bad grammar in there but I'm tired and just dumping before my mind goes numb. *

Update 7/29/07: ?And remember employees, smiles are mandatory. Have a great day!?

I love how upper management pretends to care about me. Every time one of those plastic-smile waring robots walks by they always have to jump in my face and ask how my day is going, I always give them a response they don't know how to react to.

?Well hey there Mr. Geek! How's your day going??

?Well lets see.... I hadn't even clocked in before someone came up to me wanting to know why their computer isn't done yet, I just got done being yelled at by a very large woman because her vacuum had the same issue it was sent in with three times before, I haven had a chance to take lunch and it's 6:30, that guy made Sally cry because HP wiped his HDD without asking and he exploded in her face, we are so understaffed and over booked that some people won't have their computer done until thanksgiving and there is a man on the phone wanting to know whats going on with his computer and I can't find it.?


And the best part is none of them are cross trained, so if you ask for a MOD (Manager on Duty) most of them won't be any damn help. And the guy that is supposed to be our manager is never in the bloody area and he takes his sweet time getting to you when you page him. My supervisor (we'll call him Bob) is the only guy that has a damn clue, too bad he never gets any help from management.

I talked to Bob the other day about how poorly his assistant (Jim) handled a situation. A customer had brought back in a laptop that he had just gotten back from us after it was sent to HP, turns out HP wiped his HDD without asking and he was PISSED. A girl that works there (Sally) was the one that got stuck with him and he ripped into her as soon and she got done saying hello. Jim was there and I figured he would step in and take over, he walked up to Sally and said, ?I'm going to lunch, I'll be back later? ,and ****ing left!

Now this guy is really getting into it and I'm trying to decide if I want to try and calm him down, after a bit more verbal abuse she finally said she would get a manager and walked off. A few moments later a MOD showed up and took over, he got screamed at (and I do mean scream) by the guy for a while and then called Jim off lunch. Jim showed up and found the guy's paper work and then left for lunch AGAIN. While this was going on I walked into the back and found Sally sitting on a box in tears, turns out Sally had a rough day as it was and that guy pushed her over the edge. Twenty minutes had past and the guy was still there, Jim came back from lunch and ran around calling HP and other places trying to find out if he could get the guys data back somehow (Did I mention that Jim is a dumbass?).

After I got done talking to Bob about that (and he was very glad I told him about it) I brought up the huge issue with the schedule, He took my advice on it and rearranged some things and gave people more hours so now we just might get something done around that **** hole.

And as far as things with Jim; I had to work with him all day today, and let's just say that if I ever have to do that again I may just freak out and beat him with a hammer.

Update 7-31-07: Tank treads and law suits.

You guys might get a kick out of this. In response to the media coverage of Geeks stealing porn, corporate is making all Geek Squads run remote software on all tech bench computers allowing them to look at the files on the HDDs. Today was our turn, one of the techs (Don) set up the software and made damn sure all of us knew not to turn off the software if we didn't want our asses fired. All but Jim understood.

We got a NASTY phone call from corporate telling us to turn back on the software immediately. Don started to freak out and demanded to know who turned off the program.

Jim: ?Oh, was that something important??
Don: ?Yes! It was! Didn't you hear me say, 'Don't turn this off or we'll all be fired!?'?
Jim: ?Oh... I thought you said something else..?
Don: ?Like what?!?
Jim: ? I don't know... 'I'm going on break', or something...?
Don: ?...?

After corporate got done they called the store and had management and LP come and make us pull all the HDDs from the systems and send them in; I guess they found something. So now we have no systems to do backups and last I heard they were trying to find out if we could install windows on a new HDD.

The next few weeks should be fun, good thing I have a 2nd job lined up!

I also had a guy bring in a laptop to get replaced under is accidental damage plan. It was bent and had deep horizontal scratches traveling along the top of the system. I asked him what happened and he told me a tank ran over it, a Bradley tank to be precise.

I snapped some pictures of it, you can't really see the tread marks on it since i took them with my camera phone but it's still neat.



I had fun filling out the paper work...

Symptoms: Unit was ran over by a Bradley tank (Really). Damage covered under ADH.

Condition: A freakin' tank hit it, what do you think?

Update 08-04-07: The Sheeple ate my Payroll.

Don't feel like writing much tonight so just two quick topics, first is our addition of trainees to the Squad. They are opening a new store soon and we got stuck with three kids that somehow got hired on as techs. I don't think BestBuy could have found a more useless lot if they went to Africa, one of them is going to be a on-site tech and his previous experience is selling cellphones. Another just shocked me with how little he knew when I had to remove a heat sink to replace a PSU,

?Oh bollocks, I have to take off the cooler to get the power supply out. I hate remounting heat sinks...?

?I've never had to do something like that before.?

?What? Remove a cooler to get at the power supply??

?No, I've never put a heat sink on.?

?... That's terrifying.?

What's worse is I'm sure the rest of the staff won't be any smarter then this bunch, and they will be left alone in their new store. What's funny (and slightly annoying) is they have each found someone to latch onto and follow around the shop, watching their every move, trying to gather all this wonderful stuff called skill and knowledge that they seem to be missing.

I made my boss laugh when he asked me how things were going and I told him I just got done herding the sheeple into the back to do system loads. He stood there for a moment and then bent over laughing because it was so true.

I also got paid this Friday. Imagine me, $20 to my name and less than a ¼ tank of gas opening up my first paycheck from Best Buy and see this:


?...Those ...DIRTY ...B****ES!?

Long story short there were two checks so I did get the rest of my money but after looking at the stub for this one I realized that they didn't give me all the hours I worked so I still have to go beat some money out of them.

Update 12-04-07: Oh ya, I quit.

A few weeks after my last update I got fed up with that crap and quit. Long story short, a girl (Cass) that worked there hurt her leg on the job a day before, was stuck in a wheelchair and was on some pretty crazy pain meds that made her high as a kite. I came in for my closing shift and found her sitting in the wheel chair staring at a computer screen with a BSOD. We sent her home early that day. She was scheduled to open with me the next morning, I told Jim (the dumb ass) to find someone to take her shift because she was in no shape to work or even be out of bed for that matter. At 10:30pm that night Jim finally called me and left a message on my cell that was about five minutes long and was mostly him saying ?Umm...? (I even think he was eating) just to tell me that he couldn't find anyone and Cass would be coming in anyway.

The next morning I called Cass and told her not to come in, I even spoke with her husband and told him not to let her; which he was just fine with. While I was talking with Cass she told me what Jim had said to her, he was basically threatening to fire her if she didn't come in to work. That pissed me off more than anything before.

I went into work and talked with the store manager and told her that she needed to call Jim and get his ass into the store because it is HIS responsibility to cover a shift if something like this happens. At first she was mad at me for going over management, but I think she started to understand that people could get fired for what Jim tried to do. Jim made it into work and gave me a little speech on how it isn't my job to tell people to stay home, I did my best not punch him right there and just nodded while the store manger stood behind him.

The next day I quit. Why wait until the day after? If I had quit that day I would have screwed another coworker that was coming in latter that morning, he would have been stuck with Jim all day and would have gotten nothing done. That and I got a call later that day saying I got the job at a vet clinic I applied to.

So, in a nutshell, that was my last week at GeekSquad.


Jul 9, 2007
Best Buy is horrible. I have worked there a little in college at their tech bench before geek squad. It sucks. Good luck in the suckdom


Jul 9, 2007
It was embarrasing charging someone 60bucks to put in their install cds, also the optimization scam, etc... I feel sorry for people that dont have IT friends, but then again I feel sorry for myself for getting harrased by friends for help too lol


Diamond Member
Mar 21, 2007
Have someone take a picture of you in your gay little VW beetle so we can all laugh at your expense.



Diamond Member
May 1, 2005
Try to enjoy it as much as you can, and use that discount! I've heard Best Buy is actually a fun place to work, but for various reasons when I was younger I turned down job offers from them twice, so I have no idea if that's true.


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2003
If you update this thread with your experiences, I'll subscribe to it


Jul 9, 2007
It was hell to work for. Stupid mandatory 7am sat meetings where they showed dumb videos and tried to improve moral. The discount was good, but noone made enough money to really use it, unless you ran your credit cards up


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2005
kinda sad that i actually want to work there and they keep giving me the run-around. fuck em i guess, got a tech job for my university


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2002
Originally posted by: CatKillaZ
It was hell to work for. Stupid mandatory 7am sat meetings where they showed dumb videos and tried to improve moral. The discount was good, but noone made enough money to really use it, unless you ran your credit cards up

Reminds me when I worked at Fry's Electronics. Fun people to work with but man I hated the job.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 2006
Originally posted by: ric1287
kinda sad that i actually want to work their and they keep giving me the run-around. fuck em i guess, got a tech job for my university

Probably because you misspelled some words on your app.


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2005
Originally posted by: montypythizzle
Originally posted by: ric1287
kinda sad that i actually want to work their and they keep giving me the run-around. fuck em i guess, got a tech job for my university

Probably because you misspelled some words on your app.

was that an attempt at humor or did i miss something?

the guy who interviewed me said "great, i like what i see, i will give you a call later in the week to set up the next 2 interviews." Liars.


Mar 23, 2006
Originally posted by: clickynext
Sounds like you don't want to work for them. How come you're working for them?
People need money, unqualified for a better job. In other words, life.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 2006
Originally posted by: ric1287
Originally posted by: montypythizzle
Originally posted by: ric1287
kinda sad that i actually want to work their and they keep giving me the run-around. fuck em i guess, got a tech job for my university

Probably because you misspelled some words on your app.

was that an attempt at humor or did i miss something?

the guy who interviewed me said "great, i like what i see, i will give you a call later in the week to set up the next 2 interviews." Liars.

JEEZ, two MORE interviews, I don't even think I have that many pairs of dress clothes :shocked:


Platinum Member
Mar 7, 2003
Originally posted by: CatKillaZ
It was hell to work for. Stupid mandatory 7am sat meetings where they showed dumb videos and tried to improve moral. The discount was good, but noone made enough money to really use it, unless you ran your credit cards up

haha, 7am saturday meeting to boost morale?


Diamond Member
Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: NanoStuff
Originally posted by: clickynext
Sounds like you don't want to work for them. How come you're working for them?
People need money, unqualified for a better job. In other words, life.

This is just a temp job while I'm looking for a better one.

My first day was fun, the back room was full of computers. It was the stuff you would think people would bring in to BB to fix, Spyware, virus, bad drivers ect...

But I don't think you could call what I do work, pretty much we slap our diag disk into it and walk away to put a cd in the next one. Even my boss said, "we are pretend techs".
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