Tom Clancy - The Division

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Golden Member
Aug 27, 2011
Yea, that review seems to be all about views. Let's take a pretty popular game and trash it for page hits. Granted the game does have its issues but most of his complaints seem to stem from not liking the genre. Then again I see a lot of this on the official forums, mainly in the form of "why isn't the pvp in this game like CoD" which makes my head hurt. I never once thought the point of the DZ was to have a giant blood bath.

Overall the game does need some more end game content if you aren't the type of person who wants to grind for perfectly rolled stats on gear or who wants to farm. You can basically think of this as diablo with guns as far as loot goes. I have over 100 hours in it so far and I still have things to do. That's not bad for the $45 I paid for it.


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2009
Joe got stuck on a few things that others got past.

It does have it's flaws, it's an RPG yet the story mode that the pvp was built around is too familiar to Battlefield campaign mode. Characters like Faye Lau, Rhodes and Benitez are just thrown in your lap, a proper RPG could have done a lot more to set up the Division as a game.

I don't know if there is lasting appeal but with the discount I got it with, I already feel I got enough out of the game, I had low expectations to begin with. I'm grinding the northern DZ's almost exclusively, mission drops are too random vs the blueprints unlocked at DZ lv50, by that time the longevity will be put to test.

What's up with Chinese players, everyone I ran into had serious gear.


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
hit alt+enter to fix that

its a full screen bug, there is a fix for it, that requires editing a .config file, I have it bookmarked at home

Yeah doesn't work for me it doesn't detect if its running full screen or windowed or not, so when I press alt+enter it maximizes to my screen but doesn't exit windowed mode.

I've tweaked the config but it keeps coming back. Like about 1/3 of every loads, a bit annoying. Servers are up and down like a yo-yo today as well which is getting tiresome.


Apr 8, 2001
Any point to you using your own shooting range?

Anyone find it glitchy with targets not appearing? And it sure would be nice to be able to exit third person mode and actually see the entire range when trying to do something for time.

And speaking for time, why have they tacked on fake time limits to so many of the side quest? Start doing a virus scan and if you don't finish all the scans and transmit data if some amount of time you have to restart. I'd rather walk through the building once, clearing all loot boxes and then leave instead of rushing through for the quest and then going back through for the items.


Sep 12, 2001
Yeah doesn't work for me it doesn't detect if its running full screen or windowed or not, so when I press alt+enter it maximizes to my screen but doesn't exit windowed mode.

I've tweaked the config but it keeps coming back. Like about 1/3 of every loads, a bit annoying. Servers are up and down like a yo-yo today as well which is getting tiresome.

Are you clicking anything else while you wait for the game to load? The first time I launched the game, it was all wonky. Now I just launch it and then don't touch anything until it's up and it's been 100% fine.

Any point to you using your own shooting range?

Anyone find it glitchy with targets not appearing? And it sure would be nice to be able to exit third person mode and actually see the entire range when trying to do something for time.

And speaking for time, why have they tacked on fake time limits to so many of the side quest? Start doing a virus scan and if you don't finish all the scans and transmit data if some amount of time you have to restart. I'd rather walk through the building once, clearing all loot boxes and then leave instead of rushing through for the quest and then going back through for the items.

There's generally enough time to hit the loot on the way through - usually I end up with 1.5-2min left, despite getting sidetracked. It is annoying, though.


Jan 14, 2013
I watched the first few mins, he's being pedantic largely about what the game is vs what they showed at E3, obviously things change in that time, for the most part visuals are the same or better but the things like the arrangement of the map is different.

They joke about gear being a reward for leveling but that's literally every MMO ever, that such a stupid comment and isn't well though out at all, that should give you pause and make you reconsider watching the rest of his rambling about this.

Quite frankly the game is damn good, it's not often I buy £40 brand new games, the game looks amazing even for a singleplayer 3rd person game much less an online/mmolite kind of experience, coupled with the fact that it runs REALLY well. Games get slammed for not runnign well like your GTA IV's but then something comes along and provides a stunning level of detail in a massive open world and runs awesome and no one bats and eyelid, you can run this easily in 4k with med/high settings on a single 980.

The missions are fun as hell to run with a bunch of even semi competent players and require some tactics and thought when you put them on hard. It's got just about every feature you can want from this kind of 3rd person game there's loads of gadgets/talents/guns/grenades/powerups etc, I mean he says its an average experience but what exactly would he add to make the game any more in depth.

The absolute worst thing i can say against the game is that it requires uplay and has a black screen bug when I start it from time to time.

i find the game addicting but it does get repetitive at times. Perhaps they could have made a larger variety of missions and a larger variety of enemies as well. also some different terrain, like say some action in Central Park, by the world's fair in queens, etc.. and in other major landmarks.


Dec 12, 2001
I like his reviews. I don't always agree 100% but usually what he says is at least somewhat based in truth.

Metacritic only has this at 81. seems kinda weak. IGN rated it 67?

Well, it's an average game now but what happens with DLC and expansions later which have all been announced? Does it flesh out the story a bit better? Open up an even larger area to explore? It can evolve which is why it's extremely difficult to put a number on any MMO style of game. Look at Diablo 3. It's not an MMO but illustrates my point got generally trashed for many decisions made during development when it launched and some years later is thought by many to be quite excellent because it got many patches and tweaks.


Sep 12, 2001
i find the game addicting but it does get repetitive at times. Perhaps they could have made a larger variety of missions and a larger variety of enemies as well. also some different terrain, like say some action in Central Park, by the world's fair in queens, etc.. and in other major landmarks.

I'm level 17 now and am just starting to 'feel' the repetition in the missions. It seems there's a basic set of missions that repeat in every new area.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
I'm level 17 now and am just starting to 'feel' the repetition in the missions. It seems there's a basic set of missions that repeat in every new area.

Yah, There seems to be like 4-5 different encounter archtypes. Even the side missions seem to be same basic missions with new audio bolted on. The main missions are the only thing that feels unique after awhile.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001
Yah, There seems to be like 4-5 different encounter archtypes. Even the side missions seem to be same basic missions with new audio bolted on. The main missions are the only thing that feels unique after awhile.

Until you start repeating them at 30 as dailies!


Jan 14, 2013
when do you start finding guns that are over 100K DPS. I am level 30 and level 25 in the DarkZone and just now got a gun that shoots at just over 60k DPS with mods. Today I was rolling around the DZ with a few level 30's and they were taking down enemies much faster than me, they all had a DPS of 150K and higher.


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2009
when do you start finding guns that are over 100K DPS. I am level 30 and level 25 in the DarkZone and just now got a gun that shoots at just over 60k DPS with mods. Today I was rolling around the DZ with a few level 30's and they were taking down enemies much faster than me, they all had a DPS of 150K and higher.

It's a combination of weapon baseline, gear, and mods. Bonuses and perks make a huge difference. Do the dailies to collect ~200 phoenix credits, buy the black market ak blueprint in base then craft the gun. Don't bother with crafting purple or blue items, save the materials for high end gear crafting. I'm on the way to DZ lv 50, by the time I reach it, I'll have more than enough credits to buy any blueprint.


Apr 8, 2001
So game just gave me a warning the my weapon level is low compared to my level, but it's also 200 dps more than any other weapon, will base level matter that much?


Jan 14, 2013
It's a combination of weapon baseline, gear, and mods. Bonuses and perks make a huge difference. Do the dailies to collect ~200 phoenix credits, buy the black market ak blueprint in base then craft the gun. Don't bother with crafting purple or blue items, save the materials for high end gear crafting. I'm on the way to DZ lv 50, by the time I reach it, I'll have more than enough credits to buy any blueprint.

thanks. so save the money for that yellow blueprint basically?


Jan 14, 2013
That or 450k credits for pakhan. Ideally both since ak is AR and pakhan an MG, these two high end guns are easiest to acquire. Level up in the DZ too.

tried to do the daily today with 3 groups of 30 level players and we got smashed like ridiculous style at the first encounter. everyone gave up. it was a bloodbath.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2013
It's a combination of weapon baseline, gear, and mods. Bonuses and perks make a huge difference. Do the dailies to collect ~200 phoenix credits, buy the black market ak blueprint in base then craft the gun. Don't bother with crafting purple or blue items, save the materials for high end gear crafting. I'm on the way to DZ lv 50, by the time I reach it, I'll have more than enough credits to buy any blueprint.

I can't agree with that. I wouldn't spend a LOT of time crafting purples but decent purple gear will make getting to the gold blueprints far easier. I'm at 110k DPS with all purple gear currently.

tried to do the daily today with 3 groups of 30 level players and we got smashed like ridiculous style at the first encounter. everyone gave up. it was a bloodbath.

Yeah, the dailies require at least 2 people that know what they are doing. I've been sick so I haven't been on in a few days but I may log in when I get home after work.


Golden Member
Jul 27, 2015
Whats the loot cave?

I'm not sure if the fix worked, but before this week you could find the named yellow bosses in the open world outside of the dark zone. If you killed the yellow guy, he would drop purples (and rarely a gold gun) and some phoenix credits. But you couldn't kill all of the red guys that spawned with him or he wouldn't respawn. The 'loot cave' part was a guy named Bullet King, who spawned a 10 sec or so run from Autumn's Hope safe house. You could run out, use the sticky bomb that blinds them, kill him for the loot, and run back to the safe house. Run right back out and he's there again. It was a very quick way to get phoenix credits and purple loot, most of which you would break down for materials to craft the gold stuff you could now buy the blueprints for with all of the credits.

This worked for other named bosses, Bullet King was just the easiest. The patch was supposed to fix it, though I read there were problems with it.


Golden Member
Jul 6, 2004
Yea, that review seems to be all about views. Let's take a pretty popular game and trash it for page hits.

Jim Sterling makes a living doing this, or taking some game that is hated and saying "no its good" (Deadly Premonition). Hipster reviewers.

Most games are, how do you say this, games.. they entertain, some more then others. The problem I see right now with the Division, too many are putting it in a category, it really isn't a RPG, its not a MMORPG, its not a shooter, at least in the terms all the reviewers want to use. Its a mix of several all done in its own little way. SO it is and it isn't, and that seems to really trouble people, its not a great FPS, well, that isn't so bad, its not what it is, its not a great RPG or MMORPG, well its only partially this so trying to compare to a set of ideas you have for these wont work.

Is it fun? Yes at times, is it repetitious? depends, do you find a FPS that you just shoot things repetitious? But yes, you just go to new locations and shoot stuff, that is it. Mix in gear, some skills you can pick, the ability to do levels with a friend or friends. You got he game. Its the same thing many games are, you do the same thing over in new locations.

I enjoy it, I see its pretty much the same thing with new locations and we all know it, if i didn't find killing a few baddies fun at level 1 i doubt I would at level 30, but I do. The world is pretty fleshed out (huge and varied for a city) the story is a bit overused cliche, but again, its a game not a book.

its a game, a pretty solid 8/10 game in my opinion, i doubt I will play past release (no DLC) but the hours i have in will have made it last more then most of my $60 games.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
when do you start finding guns that are over 100K DPS. I am level 30 and level 25 in the DarkZone and just now got a gun that shoots at just over 60k DPS with mods. Today I was rolling around the DZ with a few level 30's and they were taking down enemies much faster than me, they all had a DPS of 150K and higher.

I'm about 90 with both primaries on only purple gear. A lot of it is just getting enough rolls on purple gear to find one with good stats. You can start stacking stats after awhile. Russian consolute on hard is probably the safest way to get more purples. like 6 drops per round. Running in the DZ will net you a ton of purples as well, but can be pretty risky.

I didn't write this part, from reddit.

First of all, congratulations on getting to Level 30. On average it takes 20 hours to do, so I know you've put the time in. This will help you decide what to do next, where to go, and how to do it.

1. 100% All Wings:
If you haven't done so already, you need to finish upgrading your "Wings". By upgrading your wings, you make yourself more powerful.
This is your FIRST Priority, so go finish your Main Missions, and if you've done that, do encounters related to the materials you need.

2. General Assembly:
Usually, when you hit level 30, you'll still have some blues equipped, so lets fix that.
You need to get to a baseline in all three stats for the benefit of the community, and to save you time later.

DPS: 80K+ DPS / 60k+ Health / 15k+ Skill Power
Healer: 55K+ DPS / 70k+ Health / 25k+ Skill Power
Tank: 65K+ DPS / 85k+ Health / 20k+ Skill Power

Go to the Last Main Mission titled: "General Assembly". Here is where you will get your purples. You need to Re-Run this mission on Hard Mode, until you are at or near the baseline. We do this because each run of this mission rewards you with 7 to 8 Purple drops. You can run this as many times as you want, the reward will always be there.

3. Dailies Explanation and Hard Mode Daily Missions:
The first time you run ANY Daily Mission, you get 2 Rewards. One is the Daily Reward, which gives you some pCredits and Crafting Material. You only get the Daily Reward once. The other reward is the Mission Reward. The Mission reward for the Hard Mode Dailies are obsolete. The Challenge Mode Mission Reward is 30 pCredits, and 1 High-End Item.

To Clarify, you get the Mission Reward EVERY TIME you run the Challenge Mode Mission. No Matter What. For Infinity!

pCredits are the End-Game currency that is needed to craft the best items you can get.

By running these two Dailies, you can earn up to 30 per day from the rewards. Named Bosses also drop 1 to 2 pCredits.

4. Daily Challenge Mode Mission:
So, you are at or near the Baseline. You are equipped with all purples and have played enough to know how most systems work.

You can now queue for, and safely do the Daily Challenge Mode Mission. You will be rewarded with 30 pCredits, and a guaranteed High-End Gear item. You can run this as many times as you want, the reward will always be there. You'll need a group, so play with friends, use the in-game Matchmaking, or form/join a team on:

We want to run this until you have mostly High-End equipment. You will be doing this step, and the Step 5, until you feel ready enter to proceed to Step 6.

5. Crafting High-Ends:
While running the Daily Challenge Mode Mission, you can purchase Blueprints, which when crafted, gives you High-End Weapons and Gear. These are available in your Tech Wing from your "Special Gear Vendor" (Located Upstairs, to the left, before the first door).

They can be purchased using pCredits, and crafted using High-End Crafting Material (The Crafting Station is located downstairs, across from the 3 Basic Vendors). This guide does not cover how to acquire mass amounts of Crafting Material. To get Crafting Material, deconstruct items you DO NOT WANT.

It is not worth using the Recalibration Station on an item more than once or twice, unless it is a Near-Perfect item, and you're trying to get it to perfect. Still, BE CAREFUL! Recalibrating uses pCredits, and the cost goes up each time you Recalibrate.

6. The Dark Zone & Dark Zone Rank 50:
So, you have a good amount of High-Ends, and you think you can keep up with the big boys. Well, lets put your skills to the test, and lets enter The Dark Zone. When you kill enemies in the Dark Zone, your Dark Zone Rank (DZR[XX]) goes up.

Ultimately, we want to get you to DZR50. By getting to DZR50, you unlock a significant number of new Blueprints that allow you to craft a number of unique High-End Equipment. These Blueprints are located in each Safehouse in the DZ, excluding the DZ02 Safehouse. Enemies in the Upper Zones will be significantly tougher than regular Level 30 enemies so be prepared!

7. Preparing for Incursions (Update 1):
This step is 100% Optional, but could potentially save you time.

Now that you have acquired good gear, have a good DZR, and have completely mastered the End-Game, you can optional prepare for the first Content Update (Releasing in April). The April update introduces players to "Incursions". Currently, we know nothing about this new Activity (We know nothing, don't believe the rumors). It is speculated that this is 8 man content, but nothing has been confirmed.

In order to prepare, you should acquire enough pCredits to hit the Cap (1000 Phoenix Credits). If you have 1000 pCredits when Incursions are released, there is a potential to be significantly ahead of most competition. Usually, with any new Content Update, a new tier of Equipment is released allowing you to increase your power. It is extremely advantageous to be able to purchase 3 to 4 pieces of gear.


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
for anyone new crafting a Vector is going to net you the biggest DPS increase right now

as for attachments

*** Magazines ***

Every Gun Ever = MagSize/WeaponDmg > Magsize/CritDmg (fire rate is insane on vector for pvp, better than weapon damage; cuts TTK almost in half)

*** Scopes ***

SMG = headshot dmg > range > crit dmg > crit
ARs = headshot damage > crit dmg > crit > accuracy
LMG = same
Sniper = headshot damage > crit dmg > crit
Shotgun = f you go home

*** Underbarrel ***

SMG = stab + accuracy
AR = horizontal stab + accuracy
LMG = stab/accuracy
Sniper = accuracy if bolt action, stability if semi auto
Shotgun = f you go home

*** Barrel ***

SMG = crit damage + stab
AR = same
LMG = crit damage + accuracy
Sniper = Crit damage/accuracy if bolt action, Crit damage/stability if semi auto
Shotgun = f you go home
Last edited:


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2009
I can't agree with that. I wouldn't spend a LOT of time crafting purples but decent purple gear will make getting to the gold blueprints far easier. I'm at 110k DPS with all purple gear currently.

Yeah, the dailies require at least 2 people that know what they are doing. I've been sick so I haven't been on in a few days but I may log in when I get home after work.

Same here, all purple and a few high end. I haven't crafted any purples, there was no need, purple gear is relatively easy to come by without using materials to craft it. It takes 5 green tools to craft one blue tool and it takes 5 blue tools to craft one high end tool. Even if it only takes one attempt to craft an item with desirable attributes, it's easy to see a shortage of materials forming, IMO he is better off saving the mats for end game gear.
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