Tom Clancy - The Division

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Oct 30, 2008
It looks nice, except my LMB and RMB aren't being detected...

Finally got it to work. It is actually fun. Though, the mobs are bullet sponges and you're not, which is a bit of annoying, but I suppose that is for balance sake.
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Dec 5, 2000
According to the game I have played for 3 hours now. I'm just going to post a bunch of stuff as I think about it.

It's pretty fun. I haven't seen any other people or chat since my initial log in though, but maybe that means that other players are only seen in certain areas?

still kind of lost some gear stats.

The stuff I read says there's 4 classes but you don't seem to get to choose in the beta. no idea what class I am playing. I have 3 ability trees, 1 is healing, 1 is tech, and 1 is security. healing allows you to heal yourself and others with abilities instead of items. Tech gives you additional weapons I think, like the 1st unlock is a sticky grenade that is remote detonated, and secuity's first skill is a riot shield (you can only use the pistol when this out and seems to increase defense by 10%. Healing also gives your pulse ability to detect enemies and also gives you a temporary boost to damage and maybe accuracy. you can then upgrade the abilities, like pulse you can do more damage, or have it increase range and detect loot, or see if anyone has sent a pulse to detect you (this seems like a PVP type skill imo. There are perks and talent tabs but they are not active in the beta so not sure what they do but i assume it's added abilities or passive bonuses, etc.

you get 3 weapons to carry on you, but they have to be different types, like SMG, Assault Rifle, and sidearm. 1 thing that is kind of cool is that the pistol has unlimited ammo while everything else is limited. I tend to get low on ammo, but they have restock crates at various points in the city that will refill your ammo completely. you also get different grenades, like explosive and flash bang, incendiary.

I've found a bunch of weapons but only upgraded my sidearm so far. the starting weapons are better than everything I have found so far. there appears to be weapon rarity and different stats for weapons. you can get add-ons for each weapon like scopes, fore grips, laser sights, extended mags, suppressors, compensators, etc. These add things like accuracy, stability, increase ammo in the mag, make reloads quicker, etc. 1 thing the suppressor does is reduce threat.

you can get different equipment like armor in traditional mmos - gloves, chest armor, masks, backpacks which not only add armor but also add carrying capacity. All these items also can have stat bonuses, like +xp, + defense, +hp, etc. you also get water, energy bars, soda, and other foods. these give temporary boost to stats, like more damage and stuff like that. you'll also come across NPCs that will ask for food or water and if you give it to them, you get XP.

1 of the first things you do is go to your safe house. apparently this is a place you can upgrade to unlock more skills and stuff, buy/sell/store gear, restore health and ammo, etc. 1 thing that i like is that there are separate wings to the safe house that correspond to the skill trees and you get a special currency for each one, so its not like you have to really pick and choose how you upgrade. you can decide to do missions that get the currency for say the medical wing that so you can upgrade that and get more healing skill trees upgrades.

As you're running through the streets you might run into the enemy factions (AI) and have to assist friendly forces, rescue hostages, etc. there are some missions like the one I did just earlier where I have to restore water to a section of town. its a multi-part mission in that you have to turn on the water, defend against bad guys, stabilize the water pressure, fight more bad guys, stabilize again at another location, fight more bad guys. There's story missions and side missions, plus the little event missions that pop up, like the hostage rescue, etc.

I like the graphics, they are nice and varied for being in a city. Some cool weather effects with snow I have seen so far. I am using a 1920x1080 monitor but my video card has some kind of virtual setting where I can actually set games at a higher res and then it scales it down to 1080p. I guess it's supposed to make it look better? Haven't really test it yet but the game initially set me at some 3200xsomething res and i guess fairly high settings. I was getting about mid 30s fps. i decided to increase everything to max and was getting like 24 fps. I lowered to 2400x1440 or something res and now i'm getting like high 40s fps.

the game runs smooth, no major bugs or hiccups that I have seen yet. not sure if it's a bug but sometimes when you try to loot something it seems like the animation doesn't work and you get stuck in a loop (if you let go of the loot key it stops so it's not like it breaks the game). I found if I back up and try from a further distance it works ok then. thats the only issue i found so far.

one thing is that you can climb over stuff, climb walls, climb ladders to get to higher locations etc. so it adds some verticality (is that a word?) to the game.

combat - its ok, nothing great. you use a cover system to hide behind stuff and can lean out or shoot blindly. enemy AI is pretty dumb. they will use cover for the most part. some throw grenades so you can't always stay in 1 spot. some enemies are melee and they'll rush you as well. Combat is fairly easy, just hide and shoot for the most part so it kind of gets a bit repetitive there (also the enemies are pretty much always the same, not much variety other than the 2 factions, slight differences between the types of enemies, and the weapons they use. some missions make it hard since there's quite a few enemies to fight. there's also stronger enemies (like bosses or elites from other games that are harder to kill and might have some kind of special weapon). Something cool that I have seen is that the 1 enemy faction has flame throwers and you can ignite the fuel tanks and cause the dude will blow up in a big and very awesome explosion. there seems to be other environmental things to help you as well, like gas tanks that can explode and cause extra damage.

you do have to aim your weapons so it is sort of fps-ish in that aspect and head shots seem to do more damage but not instant kills. enemies have a health bar and you can see the numerical amount of damage done to the enemy over their head (you can turn this off if you want). so it's very much like an mmo in that aspect as well.

I haven't died yet so not sure how that works.

I found the PVP area (dark zone). There is actually a mission to locate it. there were 2 different entrances that I found, labeled dark zone 1 and 2. before the entrance there is an ammo restock crate and a vendor that sells items that you can only buy with currency earned in the dark zone (other mmos have similar things).

Map seems huge, tons of things to explore and do and find but we only have a small portion of the map to explore in the beta. you can go inside some buildings for missions or just to find loot. there's even like the subway system you can go through as well as sewers. There's a fast travel system as well but not sure how that works. I have only fast traveled to my safe house so far. any questions ask and I'll try to answer.

I think I would buy this, especially if I had someone or group of people to play it with. I think it could be fun. would like to see a bit more variety or something where I needed a group of people to accomplish something. Haven't seen that yet and like I mentioned, not sure where or when other players come into play as I haven't seen anyone in the game world, or even any chat in the last 2 hour session I played.
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Feb 13, 2003
Well I've played it for just under an hour and a half and am enjoying it very much so far. I really like the cover system; once you hit spacebar to get behind cover, if you move your mouse and point at nearby obstacles a little icon comes up and you hold down spacebar to duck and run to that location. This way you can stay pretty much under cover all the way along to a bad guy until you're close enough to shoot him right in the face. Just a neat concept and it's executed very well and works great.

The enemies seem a bit stronger than I'm used to, but head shots take them out much quicker. But it's not really a problem. Like pontifex said, the combat can get a little repetitive but I'm thinking back to my LOTRO days (the only other MMO I've played, that I can think of) and it's the same with that really, though.

I've upgraded my M4 and added a reflex sight, vert grip, and extended mag. I guess I picked those things up while playing, except for the extended mag which I just bought at the Ops Center place. You can upgrade your weapons and like most MMOs, get better gear (knee pads, gloves, armor, etc etc etc).

Took me a few minutes to get used to the (inventory) interface, but it's very nice looking and works well enough I suppose. I do think it's a little more difficult to see all of what you're carrying (compared to one key press in a game like Diablo where you can see all your inventory) but it's not horrible.

Anyway, I've just completed the main mission in the beta so I'm gonna do some side missions as I make my way to the Dark Zone. Cool game so far and I'm glad I pre-ordered it, at least as of now, lol.

Oh, and I did meet up with some folks. I came up to Madison Square Garden to do that mission, and out in front it said to hold a key to wait for a group (I forget the term it used, exactly). So I hit it and waited a few seconds and then was able to do MSG mission with three other guys. It worked well.


Senior member
Jan 19, 2002
mmorpg? That's a shame. No thanks.

it's not an mmorpg, but rather has some elements of it. you get instanced with only you and your group members so you won't see anyone else for a majority of the game until you hit the dark zones where it ends up being instanced pvp with others in that zone.


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2009
Quite demanding but I like the snowdrop engine. No annoying pop in observed, details on objects and characters scale great. Left with the impression that NPC's are persistent and gradually enter the field of view without the noticeable level of detail bump while approaching.

Game has potential. It will take a lot of content to keep it going. Seamless transitions between online and singleplayer could help spice things up. The tools to create some epic interest with epic content is there, up to Ubi where it goes. The game is sophisticated enough, Ubi is big enough to secure itself a cash cow like Destiny, they should be able to.

For those concerned with bullet sponges, just wait until you get to better rifles.
I hate this online dependency though, I should be able to play the singleplayer part when the server is down, as it's down right now.


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
I didn't play a lot yesterday just enough to see how it preformed. and the game murders GPUs at higher resolutions

running 3440x1440 looks amazing however its gonna run at 30 FPS on a 980TI with Ultra setting

knocking it down 1 notch they hold around 50 with no action going on

its more demanding then tomb raider is, impressive


Dec 5, 2000
I hope the rest of the game or final release has more stuff to do because im starting to get bored running around with not much to do. Sure its a big area but theres not much to do in it.

Oh and being able to sprint forever is a good thing. There's a lot of area to cover and if you had yo walk everywhere it would take forever.

Damn that map and quest markers can be really annoying and hard to decipher where something is.


Aug 18, 2012
I hope the rest of the game or final release has more stuff to do because im starting to get bored running around with not much to do. Sure its a big area but theres not much to do in it.

Oh and being able to sprint forever is a good thing. There's a lot of area to cover and if you had yo walk everywhere it would take forever.

Damn that map and quest markers can be really annoying and hard to decipher where something is.
Yea content will make or break the game. From what I've seen in videos a lot of the beta was go here, defend this, so on. I would be getting this on console so I can play with my friends. It looks good I just don't trust ubisoft as much anymore. This is coming out the same month as uncharted right?


Feb 13, 2003
I played for about another half hour after my last post and then the servers must've went down, for maintenance I guess.

I did experience the "mouse click not working" bug but a game restart took care of it. I also kept running into the boundary where the beta ends but that's my own fault.

I don't like how your weapon mods are visible to all weapons even though they might already be attached to a weapon. I mean when you select the mod you can see a link icon to tell it's attached, but the number next to the mod category is what I'm referring to. You'll see a "2" next to optics but those two mods might already be attached.

It's really too bad they didn't include crafting in the beta; I'd really like to see how it is.

It actually runs pretty decent with overall medium details at 1080p for me, with my top-of-the-line i5 750, 8GB RAM, and 7870. Dam, I wish the beta was going for more than two days only. :-(


Dec 5, 2000
I just spent a good bit of time in the Dark Zone.

when you pick up loot in the dark zone your character shows a yellow bag underneath your backpack. this lets other players know you have loot.
you then have to make it to an extraction point to extract your loot which goes to your base stash (it has to be decontaminated before you can use it).
you basically go to 1 of several extraction points and send up a flare to call in a helo. it then takes like 1 minute 30 seconds for the helo to get there. when you do this it alerts everyone in the game that a helo is coming and someone is waiting for item extraction.

For the most part other players leave you alone (if you don't have loot). even when I did have loot (nothing really good so far) they seemed to leave me alone, but that could change any second.

I did see a few guys who went rogue (killed players). they can then take your loot, but then you are marked as rogue and are marked on the map so everyone knows where you are and you are encouraged to kill the rogue agent.

I got marked as rogue myself because some dude walked right into my line of fire when attacking AI and I guess I killed him. not 100% sure what makes you rogue as I shot some other guy (who ran into my fire again) and i hurt him but he didn't die. I didn't get flagged as rogue. So not sure if you actually have to kill them or if it's a certain amount of damage.
oh, if you are in a group and 1 player in the group goes rogue the while group is flagged as rogue (read this online).

After I got marked rogue I sprinted out of there and tried to run and hide, but got gunned down.

so there is a countdown timer on being rogue. I think if you survive you get extra xp and maybe currency.

1 guy invited me to group with him and we took out some enemy AI together then went to extract our loot. there is local voice chat but i didn't have my mic on so I couldn't talk to him, besides chat window. it was hard to hear people when they talk to you. not sure if they had crappy mics or if it's the game, or they just didn't talk loud enough.
there was 2 guys i ran into that were dicks, telling me this was their area, stay out, shooting at me but not hitting me, just being rude in voice chat. I saw these guys were rogue quite a few times.

the enemy ai in the dark zone are very tough. going solo is not recommended.
you might be able to take down 1 or 2 by yourself (maybe more if you have strong gear and are careful) but usually they are in groups of 4 or more.

I read online something about enemies dropping keys for loot chests that give good loot but I found no keys or said loot chests. i found smaller loot items that gave like medkits and whatnot, but nothing major.

you're also limited to I think 6 loot items in your DZ loot bag at a time. not sure if this will change with other gear or not. you can deconstruct (destroy and item if you need to make space or don't want an item after you pick it up).
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Apr 8, 2002
I must be missing something. I am trying to finish the medic clinic mission. That dude with the RPK-74 destroys me. It also seems like his goons can snipe with pistols from distance.


Dec 5, 2000
I must be missing something. I am trying to finish the medic clinic mission. That dude with the RPK-74 destroys me. It also seems like his goons can snipe with pistols from distance.

i didn't do anything special, just duck behind cover and shoot.


Oct 30, 2008
So, put in some more hours and I'm digging it. It is a bit bullet sponge enemy-ish, but so was Destiny and so is pretty much every type of game like this.

It's not truly an MMORPG. It is more like Destiny, with instanced areas, central hubs, and the open world.

Unfortunately, the beta quickly runs into "pvp or do the dame thing over and over" simply due to not having a ton of content available. It is fun though.


Dec 6, 2004
It's pretty fun. Auto set to 4k for me too and it looks super nice. Had to set settings to medium though.


Jan 23, 2001
I must be missing something. I am trying to finish the medic clinic mission. That dude with the RPK-74 destroys me. It also seems like his goons can snipe with pistols from distance.

Wait till he reloads then you get free shots while he is reloading.


Dec 5, 2000
earlier i think i said i would buy this but I think I have changed my mind.
unless there is a ton of content they stripped out, you're going to finish the story mode fairly quickly and be stuck with the dark zones which is the pvp area but for the most part people aren't pvping because when you kill another player the punishment is way too high.

the game world just feels too dead.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
earlier i think i said i would buy this but I think I have changed my mind.
unless there is a ton of content they stripped out, you're going to finish the story mode fairly quickly and be stuck with the dark zones which is the pvp area but for the most part people aren't pvping because when you kill another player the punishment is way too high.

the game world just feels too dead.

So your confined to one city and sets of missions? I figured real players would add some flavor, but if your surroundings are limited then not so much.


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
Could be decent, but for it not to become really stale it's going to need a ton of content and I don't see Ubisoft doing that. The pvp aspect is going to be awful if it releases feeling like it does right now with it taking a lot of rounds to drop someone else unless you just snipe.

The world will need more activity than what it has going on now. It's the same stale npc respawn in every area. I didn't like Destiny either though, maybe this game is just not for me. Shooters just don't feel good when you have to pump so many bullets into a target for it to go down. There is no strategy to using a gun in an FPS beyond aiming and it doesn't take long to get the hang of that, then you're just pumping tons of bullets into things and dropping in and out of cover.


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2009
It's pretty fun. Auto set to 4k for me too and it looks super nice. Had to set settings to medium though.
You fly on a $60,000 ticket but play games at medium? Come down from dreamy clouds and walk the cold, hard, two video cards ground of 4K.

Could be decent, but for it not to become really stale it's going to need a ton of content and I don't see Ubisoft doing that. The pvp aspect is going to be awful if it releases feeling like it does right now with it taking a lot of rounds to drop someone else unless you just snipe.

The world will need more activity than what it has going on now. It's the same stale npc respawn in every area. I didn't like Destiny either though, maybe this game is just not for me. Shooters just don't feel good when you have to pump so many bullets into a target for it to go down. There is no strategy to using a gun in an FPS beyond aiming and it doesn't take long to get the hang of that, then you're just pumping tons of bullets into things and dropping in and out of cover.

Just managed to live long enough for extraction of two 3.6k dps rifles, epic vest and weapon parts, all rare loot as well. Had a 15 minute firefight to get through before I could take it. I was shot as I extracted but I lived long enough for it to get out. Some of the better weapons help but the game is an RPG at it's core, ttk will never match CS.

I agree with the remarks about content. This could be an epic game if Ubisoft can pull it off.


Aug 18, 2012
I hope the real game has more than just extractions in the dark zone. Without other game types it can get old. At least watch dogs has different pvp modes when you do decide to play online although that's a different type of game.

I'll play a bit more on the ps4 today and I think I'll buy it if my friends get it too. But I also think you have to be ready to spend a lot on the dlc.


Dec 5, 2000
You fly on a $60,000 ticket but play games at medium? Come down from dreamy clouds and walk the cold, hard, two video cards ground of 4K.

Just managed to live long enough for extraction of two 3.6k dps rifles, epic vest and weapon parts, all rare loot as well. Had a 15 minute firefight to get through before I could take it. I was shot as I extracted but I lived long enough for it to get out. Some of the better weapons help but the game is an RPG at it's core, ttk will never match CS.

I agree with the remarks about content. This could be an epic game if Ubisoft can pull it off.
How did you find the good gear? All i found was garbage.


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
this is the take from a wow guildie of mine who played the shit out of the beta, I honestly don't think he has slept since Friday

Sunbro said:
- what we know about endgame

(1) "at least" 8 player PvE content/raids
(2) "dungeons"
(3) "heroic" story missions/short dungeons
(4) dayzlite simulator (darkzone)

* The Good *

-optimization + graphic options + customizable UI + no frame limit + you get the point, it's a real PC game
-netcode, all serverside. not sure about tickrate though, guessing 40ish
-you lag? fuck you go home (real)
-good proximity chat, doesn't sound like niko's mic
-head hitboxes are solid, not too big not too small
-gear honestly doesn't make that massive of a difference in pvp, for pve it's a straight number game though
-different types of guns in the same class are sidegrades, there is no m4a1s from CS:GO or M16A3 from BF3
-good weapon and armor customization (mods/attachments)
-guns have very defined roles and coexist in a good way, shotguns fall behind in pvp because most ppl won't let you close the distance but are extremely strong
-recoil control is present, but not archaic like counter strike - a smart player will never lose to a panicking one ect
-TTK is long enough for fights to be meaningful, but not too long to where it feels spongy
-abilities are very situational, outside of the scan none of them really feel essential - we'll see about the sentry gun though; it's either gonna be a tf2 powerhouse or a firefall babydick
-leaked perks we've seen are bland, meaning everyone will run the same thing, meaning it will be balanced
-the hunt/chase in pvp feels good - this is not some perpetual $100 prealpha early access zombie-less zombie apocalypse bullshit. it's well defined and has systems in place that can be changed in the future if the need arises

* The Bad *

-AI is dogshit, worst I've ever seen in a triple A title
-mob design is also shit, the flamethrower guys use fire and you can shoot the tank to blow them up, that's as interesting as it gets
-open world outside of darkzone is lifeless and boring, you'll also be forced to do it to get resources for your base (i think)
-pve in general is just waves of enemies that walk at you in a straight line with aimbot and 5 billion hp
-gearing will eventually end
-seeing an Ubisoft load screen is basically like watching Niriburu slowly crash into earth at this point

* The Fuck You Do It Better But Its Not Bad Yet *

-rogue(pvp flag) system needs a little tweaking

* My Call *

This game has a lot of potential, and it's not going to get there with beta ass french developers. That being said though, this game does a few things right. The PvP is an absolute blast. There were times were Kal and I ganked people trying to get out with their loot and turned it in ourselves right infront of their faces and then proceeded to lead the entire map on a chase through the streets covering one another eventually hiding out in the subway system until our pvp flag dropped. At the same time though, because gearing does eventually "end" there won't be much incentive to care about if you live or die because you already have all the best shit and there's no risk of losing it - a 64 player TDM on a massive map would be horrible. As for pve, it's pretty bad honestly. AI is shit, I can't see "raids" being interesting whatsoever outside of the gear treadmill or being excited to do it for the first time. Maybe later on there will be actual mechanics, but I doubt they are creatively capable honestly.

Honestly, this game is probably going to be insanely fucking cool to play with a group of friends, for like a month. I think the $60 price tag is justifiable based on how much time/enjoyment you will get out of it. It's definitely a grind, but it isn't monotonous the way Destiny or Diablo is, you literally have to fight for your life for your loot. This really is the first non-dogshit dayz/h1z1 esque game that's come out. The PvE might suck, but honestly the way they are treating it it's kind of like the "tutorial" with the campaign and another route to farm loot with dungeons and raids.

Fuck you, buy it, play with me - farm casuals and quote The Dark Knight trilogy in prox chat.


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
I watched some people playing it and it looked boring. The environments looked uninspired. The combat didn't seem very fun and it will likely be half-baked/half-broken due to being a Ubisoft game
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