Totally random, but hilarious convo from DC++ at our school


Diamond Member
Jun 23, 2005
[23:03] <RB26> lol, 10 hours until finals start
[23:04] <mass/velocity> dude. they already started on friday!!
[23:05] <RB26> i mean, tomorrow's finals
[23:09] <mass/velocity> si si
[23:10] <mass/velocity> i have a math test on monday (tomorrow), so I'm studying for that
[23:10] <iamlagging> uhm today's monday...
[23:10] <iamlagging> was monday
[23:10] <mass/velocity> yea,'s sunday, lol.
[23:10] <mass/velocity> wait?
[23:10] <mass/velocity> WHAT?
[23:10] <iamlagging> ya'll need to get out more
[23:10] <mass/velocity> WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!
[23:11] <mass/velocity> no on no no no no

[23:11] <iamlagging> check your computer
[23:11] <mass/velocity> I have a math test TODAY?!
[23:11] <mass/velocity> FUCK
[23:11] <mass/velocity> FUCK
[23:11] <iamlagging> had?
[23:11] <mass/velocity> FUCK
[23:11] <mass/velocity> no no no, you're lying
[23:11] <iamlagging> check your computer
[23:11] <iamlagging> i can't fuck with that
[23:11] <Ö~~C=========8> FUCK
[23:11] <Ö~~C=========8> FUCK MY LIFE
[23:11] <Ö~~C=========8> HRLBEIGUR
[23:11] <iamlagging> the little bottom right thing
[23:11] <iamlagging> that has the calendar
[23:11] <Ö~~C=========8> oh well
[23:11] <mass/velocity> FUCK
[23:12] <Ö~~C=========8> not like i would have done any better
[23:12] <mass/velocity> wait, you think the teacher will let me still take the test?
[23:12] <iamlagging> if you had a legit reason like you were hospitalized
[23:12] <Ö~~C=========8> does amnesia count?
[23:12] <Ö~~C=========8> lol
[23:12] <iamlagging> or you had an emergency at home or something
[23:12] <Ö~~C=========8> no seriously
[23:12] <hobbyBopkins> lol
[23:12] <iamlagging> forgetting the day of the week
[23:12] <hobbyBopkins> epic fail
[23:12] <mass/velocity> FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKK
[23:12] <iamlagging> i don't think so
[23:12] <iamlagging> i'm not sure that flies
[23:13] <mass/velocity> oh man, I'm epic screwed
[23:13] <meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee> yeah, they don't normally let you retake a final for being retarded.
[23:13] <mass/velocity> fuck my life
[23:13] <iamlagging> aren't your grades covered?
[23:13] <hobbyBopkins> Already missed an exam this year
[23:13] <mass/velocity> yes, but the test is 45% of my grade
[23:13] <hobbyBopkins> welcome to the club
[23:13] <mass/velocity> FUCK
[23:13] <mass/velocity> FUCK
[23:13] <mass/velocity> FUCK MY LIFE
[23:13] <iamlagging> damn, 45% huh?
[23:13] <mass/velocity> FUCK
[23:13] <iamlagging> that's a pretty big chunk
[23:13] <mass/velocity> no shit
[23:14] <hobbyBopkins> so you got an automatic 55% or less
[23:14] <mass/velocity> sorry, I'm pissed
[23:14] <hobbyBopkins> its understandable
[23:14] <mass/velocity> damit
[23:14] <iamlagging> i imagine you are
[23:14] <iamlagging> but i'm also sorry that i'm finding this hilarious
[23:14] <Ö~~C=========8> me too
[23:14] <iamlagging> chill, so you're like 3 credits behind or something like that
[23:15] <mass/velocity> FUCK MY LIFE
[23:15] <iamlagging> oh wait you said math
[23:15] <iamlagging> that's 4
[23:15] <hobbyBopkins>
[23:15] <Ö~~C=========8> well no
[23:15] <mass/velocity> I needed an A on this test to pass
[23:15] <Ö~~C=========8> i missed a three credit class
[23:15] <[JHU]efx2k8> what?>
[23:15] <hobbyBopkins> What class was it
[23:15] <[JHU]efx2k8> missed?
[23:15] <mass/velocity> calc
[23:15] <iamlagging> scroll up a bit efx
[23:15] <hobbyBopkins> calc wjat
[23:15] <iamlagging> you'll get the gist
[23:15] <hobbyBopkins> what
[23:15] <iamlagging> calc I?
[23:16] <iamlagging> calc II?
[23:16] <mass/velocity> dammit
[23:16] <hobbyBopkins> just I or what
[23:16] <iamlagging> calc III?
[23:16] <[JHU]efx2k8> i just signed on
[23:16] <iamlagging> ah
[23:16] <hobbyBopkins> calc was friday I thought
[23:16] <mass/velocity> honors calc 1
[23:16] <iamlagging> so mass/velocity here missed an exam today because he thought today was sunday
[23:16] <mass/velocity> FUCK!!!
[23:16] <[JHU]efx2k8> wow
[23:16] <[JHU]efx2k8> well
[23:16] <iamlagging> an exam that was 45% of the final grade
[23:17] <[JHU]efx2k8> take it again next semester and take whatever you were going to take next semester this summer
[23:17] <mass/velocity> noooooooooooooo
[23:17] <mass/velocity> My parents will kill me!!!!
[23:17] <mass/velocity> I'm FUCKED
[23:17] <[JHU]efx2k8> haha yeah same about everyone's parents here
[23:17] <iamlagging> so you won't have to take anything next semester
[23:17] <mass/velocity> you guys think I should e-mail my TA or professor?
[23:18] <mass/velocity> fuck
[23:18] <iamlagging> absolutely
[23:18] <[JHU]efx2k8> yes.
[23:18] <iamlagging> but probably not much can be done at this point
[23:18] <[JHU]efx2k8> true but always worth a shot
[23:18] <[JHU]efx2k8> possibly stuff a $100 in with it
[23:18] <mass/velocity> wait, should I make up an excuse or come clean?
[23:18] <iamlagging> depends on how good your excuse is
[23:18] <hobbyBopkins> Just ask
[23:19] <iamlagging> usually the prof will require proof
[23:19] <[JHU]efx2k8> yeah time traveling to kill ninjas prob wont go through
[23:19] <mass/velocity> how about, I, uh....idk, give me something
[23:19] <[JHU]efx2k8> just say you forgot about the time
[23:19] <[JHU]efx2k8> who is your prof?
[23:21] <mass/velocity> prof. Santhanam
[23:21] <hobbyBopkins> HAHAH you're fucked
[23:21] <mass/velocity> why?
[23:21] <RB26> omg
[23:21] <hobbyBopkins> idk never hear of the guy
[23:21] <mass/velocity> but yeah, you're right
[23:21] <RB26> did i just miss an epic convo?
[23:21] <[JHU]efx2k8> EPIC
[23:22] <Blabberman21> yo
[23:22] <RB26> any1 care to give me the sparknotes?
[23:22] <hobbyBopkins> sorry just fucking with you.
[23:22] <mass/velocity> fuck my life
[23:22] <bjoe> .
[23:22] <Blabberman21> Pretend you broke your leg and you were in the hospital
[23:22] <hobbyBopkins> I really don't know what you could do
[23:22] <mass/velocity> how will I prove that
[23:22] <duhbomb101> just be honest
[23:22] <Blabberman21> picture
[23:22] <Blabberman21> lol
[23:22] <[JHU]efx2k8> or you can really break your leg right now to make it more convincing
[23:22] <hobbyBopkins> Either try some bullshit, or be honest
[23:22] <Blabberman21> I'll break your leg, i need to release some stress
[23:22] <Blabberman21> =D
[23:22] <mass/velocity> yea
[23:22] <mass/velocity> fuck
[23:22] <RB26> holy shit that sucks man
[23:22] <mass/velocity> fuck
[23:22] <mass/velocity> fuck
[23:22] <RB26> calc II?
[23:22] <mass/velocity> fuck
[23:22] <iamlagging> you missed a rather epic convo
[23:22] <mass/velocity> fuck
[23:23] <iamlagging> honors calc I apparently
[23:23] <hobbyBopkins> calc I honors
[23:23] <[JHU]efx2k8> physics is easy
[23:23] <[JHU]efx2k8> dont worrya bout it
[23:23] <hobbyBopkins> physics tommorow?
[23:23] <RB26> damnit i take one break from making it, come back, i miss thread
[23:23] <iamlagging> i know right
[23:23] <RB26> ftl
[23:23] <iamlagging> f=ma
[23:23] <iamlagging> that's it
[23:23] <hobbyBopkins> physics is wednsday
[23:23] <iamlagging> and just so we're clear
[23:23] <dangle> anyone have quantum of solace? i hear there's a torrent for a dvrip
[23:23] <iamlagging> today is monday
[23:23] <hobbyBopkins> yes
[23:23] <hobbyBopkins> its almost tuesday
[23:23] <iamlagging> go away dangle, not important right now
[23:24] <[JHU]efx2k8> yeah
[23:24] <RB26> yea fuck off we have an epic thread going on atm
[23:24] <[JHU]efx2k8> shut up and go study
[23:24] <RB26> which im just catching up to...
[23:24] <RB26> fuck physics formula sheet
[23:24] <RB26> this is EPIC
[23:24] <[JHU]efx2k8> did you email the prof yet?
[23:24] <RB26> ya...
[23:25] <RB26> or better yet find his phone # and CALL HIM
[23:25] <RB26> then plead like your life depends on it lol
[23:25] <omarlittle> offer up a bj too
[23:25] <duhbomb101> cry if you have to
[23:25] <RB26> no, definitely cry
[23:25] <iamlagging> ZJ plz
[23:25] <RB26> even if you dont have to
[23:25] <RB26> it can only help
[23:25] <[JHU]efx2k8> if he has to ask what a ZJ is...
[23:26] <[JHU]efx2k8> id say just fess up
[23:30] <mass/velocity> i am soooooo fucked


Dec 27, 2001
I bought a 7 pound caramel apple pie at Sam's.

7 pounds????

That's right folks, 7 pounds.


Jul 29, 2001
If the dude needed an A on the test just to pass the course, it doesn't sound like he was going to pass anyways.


Sep 5, 2000
Originally posted by: rudeguy
I bought a 7 pound caramel apple pie at Sam's.

7 pounds????

That's right folks, 7 pounds.

That's significantly more interesting than the OP's post. I vote that this thread is now about carmel apples.

I saw some at Marshall's the other day when I was buying some luggage. They seemed a big scary because there was no way to see how long they had been sitting. I could just imagine biting into it and finding a nasty rotten apple inside.


Dec 27, 2001
Originally posted by: Bignate603
Originally posted by: rudeguy
I bought a 7 pound caramel apple pie at Sam's.

7 pounds????

That's right folks, 7 pounds.

That's significantly more interesting than the OP's post. I vote that this thread is now about carmel apples.

I saw some at Marshall's the other day when I was buying some luggage. They seemed a big scary because there was no way to see how long they had been sitting. I could just imagine biting into it and finding a nasty rotten apple inside.

The caramel wraps the apple with comfort and protection.

The pie didn't have nearly enough caramel for my tastes. So I bought a bag of caramel chips to melt over the top of it!

That pie is seriously massive.


Jan 4, 2001
Yeah, that's always fun. I think it was a year ago, I messed up the days that my finals were on. I went in to one final quite unprepared for it; I thought it was two days later than it was. I found out about 6 hours before it that I'd screwed up. So I wound up going in on about 2 hours of sleep. It was actually two tests rolled into one. The good news: The course grade consisted of 7 exams, one of which got dropped. I really screwed up one of the tests, as in, 4 of 5 pages were blank. The other one, well, it wasn't so hot either. I still managed an A- in the class (Thermodynamics).

Originally posted by: rudeguy
The caramel wraps the apple with comfort and protection.
It's just an apple pie. Neither you nor it need to wear protection.



Feb 29, 2004
I was in the editing lab at school today and there were 12 people in there from a cinematography class that all thought the final started an hour later than it did. Eventually their professor came in and started rounding them up, which sucked because most of them were editing their final project for the class. It was hilarious to watch, because I had 4 friends in that class.


Nov 25, 2003

Seriously, you didn't have to paste the whole thing. The first 20 lines was plenty.


Apr 1, 2001
People still use DC++? Damn, I had no idea. I haven't touched DC since...5-6 years ago?
Feb 19, 2001
DC++ when I was a freshman. Maybe 2nd year, but the pros use the Rule #1 stuff. I remember flaming the crap out of DC++ because people can't even number their episodes properly and released hella slow. Then some guy and I got into some argument over 24 Season 5 when they were releasing in HRHDTV and regular "HDTV" which was crap resolution.

Never again looked back. The only good thing DC++ got me into was Family Guy, and everything from then on was just on my own. Oh and some guy I met was in my philosophy class and saved my ass with notes for the final.


Apr 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Jeff7
Originally posted by: rudeguy
The caramel wraps the apple with comfort and protection.
It's just an apple pie. Neither you nor it need to wear protection.

More accurate simulation that way.

I told my mother I ate the pie.


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2001
I missed a final exam, read the schedule wrong (plus, I didn't think they would schedule me for 3 final exams, back to back on the same day). Took my 2 exams and went home, realized like an hour after the last exam had ended, that I was suppose to have been taking it! The professor wasn't lenient at all, no way of taking the exam and he wouldn't let me turn in my project. Unfortunately, those were basically half the grade for the class, if he would have taken my project, I could of passed with a low grade. Without it, I had an automatic fail, had to pay to take the fricking class again . Live and learn...


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Mmm DC++.

Haven't used that for soooo long; i should reinstall.


Jan 23, 2001
I fell asleep during a math final, just napped, right on the paper. Granted, I was on my way out already... and I really wanted to nap.

Also, I had no idea caramel apple pies existed, awesome.


Dec 26, 1999
Originally posted by: rudeguy
I bought a 7 pound caramel apple pie at Sam's.

7 pounds????

That's right folks, 7 pounds.

Jesus christ, is that a typo? *7 POUNDS*?!?


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Originally posted by: rudeguy
Originally posted by: Bignate603
Originally posted by: rudeguy
I bought a 7 pound caramel apple pie at Sam's.

7 pounds????

That's right folks, 7 pounds.

That's significantly more interesting than the OP's post. I vote that this thread is now about carmel apples.

I saw some at Marshall's the other day when I was buying some luggage. They seemed a big scary because there was no way to see how long they had been sitting. I could just imagine biting into it and finding a nasty rotten apple inside.

The caramel wraps the apple with comfort and protection.

The pie didn't have nearly enough caramel for my tastes. So I bought a bag of caramel chips to melt over the top of it!

That pie is seriously massive.
I prefer to make my own.
If possible I use those caramel sheets and a pencil torch. If you dont go crazy it melts it over the apple just right.

Originally posted by: n7
Mmm DC++.

Haven't used that for soooo long; i should reinstall.
My current ISP (comcast) has all sorts of shit that keeps those signals from going out or comming in.
I had to get a special client that spoofs the ISP so you can transfer files. Amazing how badly they wanna keep me from downloading linux ISO's.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2003
Originally posted by: shortylickens
My current ISP (comcast) has all sorts of shit that keeps those signals from going out or comming in.
I had to get a special client that spoofs the ISP so you can transfer files. Amazing how badly they wanna keep me from downloading linux ISO's.

You can't stop the source...yeah, that's it!
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