Traffic Question. Green Light, Turning Right vs Opposite Turning Left.


Junior Member
Jan 9, 2010
I was making a right turn on a green light and this kid on the opposite was making a left turn, i wasn't stopping nor did he so we were both headed to the same direction without stopping, he then honk at me.

I thought i have the right of way?D:


Sep 12, 2001
Per NH:

Section 265:29

265:29 Vehicle Turning Left. – The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left within an intersection or into an alley, private road, or driveway shall yield the right of way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction which is within the intersection or so close thereto as to constitute an immediate hazard.


Oct 14, 1999
Yeah, I think technically left turners have to yield, but if there's nobody going straight against me, I'll just go ahead. If anything, I can just slow down inside the intersection.

EDIT: I ONLY do this if where we're both turning has two lanes. If there's only one lane, I obviously let all right-turners have right of way.
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Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2005
I was making a right turn on a green light and this kid on the opposite was making a left turn, i wasn't stopping nor did he so we were both headed to the same direction without stopping, he then honk at me.

I thought i have the right of way?D:

You do, but you should of stopped imo, not worth the headache of getting hit.


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
Guy making the right turn has right of way.

The guy who honked at you is a clueless moron.


Diamond Member
Nov 4, 2009
I was making a right turn on a green light and this kid on the opposite was making a left turn, i wasn't stopping nor did he so we were both headed to the same direction without stopping, he then honk at me.

I thought i have the right of way?D:

Yes, of course you have the right of way. A person turning left almost NEVER has the right of way.


Platinum Member
Mar 5, 2008
Let him plow into you, and hope he has insurance lol

Not if its California. I was involved in an accident like this in 2005. I was traveling straight on a road that had a center turn lane in the middle. There was a guy in this lane waiting to make a left turn into a parking lot in front of me. I was just traveling straight in my lane, no stop signs or lights. About 30ft before I get up to the car waiting to turn, he attempts to dart into the parking lot in front of me. This did not end well, I had 0 time to react going ~40mph, all I could do was jerk my wheel to my left and t-boned the end of his car, as he was in my lane and still halfway in the center turn lane.

My car was dust so I walked into the nearest bar and demanded the highest proof shit they served straight. After doing that at 3 places, puking my guts out outside one, passing out in the bushes in the parking lot before the sprinklers woke me up, I started to stumble home when I was picked up for drunk in public.

I get the police report a week or so later about the accident. Yay I am at fault. Reason: Failure to yield to a vehicle making a left turn. Ain't that some shit, I'm guessing it was because he was a marine off base, probably drunk at the time too. And I didn't have full coverage, only liability, so I was SOL with my car.

I've often thought by that principle, I should be able to just turn left directly in front of vehicles causing them to hit me, and they would be at fault as my accident should serve precedent.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2005
Not if its California. I was involved in an accident like this in 2005. I was traveling straight on a road that had a center turn lane in the middle. There was a guy in this lane waiting to make a left turn into a parking lot in front of me. I was just traveling straight in my lane, no stop signs or lights. About 30ft before I get up to the car waiting to turn, he attempts to dart into the parking lot in front of me. This did not end well, I had 0 time to react going ~40mph, all I could do was jerk my wheel to my left and t-boned the end of his car, as he was in my lane and still halfway in the center turn lane.

My car was dust so I walked into the nearest bar and demanded the highest proof shit they served straight. After doing that at 3 places, puking my guts out outside one, passing out in the bushes in the parking lot before the sprinklers woke me up, I started to stumble home when I was picked up for drunk in public.

I get the police report a week or so later about the accident. Yay I am at fault. Reason: Failure to yield to a vehicle making a left turn. Ain't that some shit, I'm guessing it was because he was a marine off base, probably drunk at the time too. And I didn't have full coverage, only liability, so I was SOL with my car.

I've often thought by that principle, I should be able to just turn left directly in front of vehicles causing them to hit me, and they would be at fault as my accident should serve precedent.

english motherfucker, do you speak it?


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
this happens all the time at my intersection near my house, the entire fleet of left turners will just go and you are forced to just sit there and wait for them to leave so you can turn right. They keep coming until yellow light comes then I speed off before the other oncoming traffic begins to move.

Sucks every time, but I reckon it's because Driver's Ed is not mandatory in MO


Diamond Member
Nov 4, 2009
Not if its California. I was involved in an accident like this in 2005. I was traveling straight on a road that had a center turn lane in the middle. There was a guy in this lane waiting to make a left turn into a parking lot in front of me. I was just traveling straight in my lane, no stop signs or lights. About 30ft before I get up to the car waiting to turn, he attempts to dart into the parking lot in front of me. This did not end well, I had 0 time to react going ~40mph, all I could do was jerk my wheel to my left and t-boned the end of his car, as he was in my lane and still halfway in the center turn lane.

My car was dust so I walked into the nearest bar and demanded the highest proof shit they served straight. After doing that at 3 places, puking my guts out outside one, passing out in the bushes in the parking lot before the sprinklers woke me up, I started to stumble home when I was picked up for drunk in public.

I get the police report a week or so later about the accident. Yay I am at fault. Reason: Failure to yield to a vehicle making a left turn. Ain't that some shit, I'm guessing it was because he was a marine off base, probably drunk at the time too. And I didn't have full coverage, only liability, so I was SOL with my car.

I've often thought by that principle, I should be able to just turn left directly in front of vehicles causing them to hit me, and they would be at fault as my accident should serve precedent.


Left turners MUST yield to oncoming traffic, but if a left turner has already engaged the intersection, and you hit him, that is obviously your fault for being able to stop in time, or attempting to cut him off.

I would love to see you try again and lose another car completely out of pocket. :thumbsdown:


Apr 15, 2010
Here in Atlanta most right turning lanes have a yield sign.

That yield sign is there to give green light left turners the right-a-way and also make it where we don't have to come to a complete stop at a red light when turning right.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
If you had a green light, shouldn't the left-turner in the opposite direction have had a red light?


Platinum Member
Mar 5, 2008

Left turners MUST yield to oncoming traffic, but if a left turner has already engaged the intersection, and you hit him, that is obviously your fault for being able to stop in time, or attempting to cut him off.

I would love to see you try again and lose another car completely out of pocket. :thumbsdown:

That's bs. Obviously people traveling straight have the right of way always if uncontrolled by signs/lights. The cops did me dirty to protect the marine. Just because he started the turn means nothing; this was not even an intersection. You can't just turn a few feet in front of someone with a half second of time between you and expect the other car to be able to stop.

My sisters boyfriend did this just a couple months ago too. Tried to make a left turn in front of a car at an uncontrolled intersection. Well he misjudged the timing, and a woman plowed into him. He said she had plenty of time to stop too but still hit him. This woman did not even have a drivers license, but the insurance said it matters not. He failed to yield to a vehicle with the right of way.


Diamond Member
Nov 4, 2009
That's bs. Obviously people traveling straight have the right of way always if uncontrolled by signs/lights. The cops did me dirty to protect the marine. Just because he started the turn means nothing; this was not even an intersection. You can't just turn a few feet in front of someone with a half second of time between you and expect the other car to be able to stop.

My sisters boyfriend did this just a couple months ago too. Tried to make a left turn in front of a car at an uncontrolled intersection. Well he misjudged the timing, and a woman plowed into him. He said she had plenty of time to stop too but still hit him. This woman did not even have a drivers license, but the insurance said it matters not. He failed to yield to a vehicle with the right of way.

LOL, better learn some fucking common sense or learn your State Laws:

21801. (a) The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left or to complete a U-turn upon a highway, or to turn left into public or private property, or an alley, shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching from the opposite direction which are close enough to constitute a hazard at any time during the turning movement, and shall continue to yield the right-of-way to the approaching vehicles until the left turn or U-turn can be made with reasonable safety.
(b) A driver having yielded as prescribed in subdivision (a), and having given a signal when and as required by this code, may turn left or complete a U-turn, and the drivers of vehicles approaching the intersection or the entrance to the property or alley from the opposite direction shall yield the right-of-way to the turning vehicle.

This is fucking COMMON SENSE. IF I am making a left turn because I signaled and it was deemed reasonably safe, and you peel out traveling at 85mph, but going straight, and you HIT ME, YOU ARE AT FAULT.

If I am mid-turn and you hit me, YOU ARE AT FAULT.

If I decide to fucking park in the middle of the road, YOU ARE AT FAULT.


Golden Member
Aug 4, 2004
Shit like this happens all the time at the entrance to my neighborhood.

There are no green arrows in any direction, which means that vehicles traveling through the intersection and making right hand turns always have the right of way. Obviously unless the guy turning left is already in the lane then it would be my fault if I hit him.

When I leave for work, I make a right hand turn, and the dipshits trying to make a left turn from the other direction, 95% of the time feel that they have the right of way, usually because they were sitting at the light first so they feel like it's first come first served.

I taught one moron a lesson by plowing into his shitty econobox with a 93 F-150 on mudding tires, completely wrecked his car, and barely left a scratch on the truck. State Trooper gave him the ticket for failing to yield.


Platinum Member
Mar 5, 2008
LOL, better learn some fucking common sense or learn your State Laws:

21801. (a) The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left or to complete a U-turn upon a highway, or to turn left into public or private property, or an alley, shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching from the opposite direction which are close enough to constitute a hazard at any time during the turning movement, and shall continue to yield the right-of-way to the approaching vehicles until the left turn or U-turn can be made with reasonable safety.
(b) A driver having yielded as prescribed in subdivision (a), and having given a signal when and as required by this code, may turn left or complete a U-turn, and the drivers of vehicles approaching the intersection or the entrance to the property or alley from the opposite direction shall yield the right-of-way to the turning vehicle.

This is fucking COMMON SENSE. IF I am making a left turn because I signaled and it was deemed reasonably safe, and you peel out traveling at 85mph, but going straight, and you HIT ME, YOU ARE AT FAULT.

If I am mid-turn and you hit me, YOU ARE AT FAULT.

If I decide to fucking park in the middle of the road, YOU ARE AT FAULT.

It says right there, making a left turn you must yield until vehicles aren't close enough to pose a hazard, and make your turn when reasonably safe.

The guy that turned in front of me was neither. You can't just throw your turn signal on and expect vehicles to yield to you.

You must be one of the freeway drivers that turn their signal on to change lanes and just start coming over without looking and expect people to yield cause your light is on.


Diamond Member
Nov 4, 2009
It says right there, making a left turn you must yield until vehicles aren't close enough to pose a hazard, and make your turn when reasonably safe.

The guy that turned in front of me was neither. You can't just throw your turn signal on and expect vehicles to yield to you.

You must be one of the freeway drivers that turn their signal on to change lanes and just start coming over without looking and expect people to yield cause your light is on.

The fact that you T-boned the end of his car MOST LIKELY means you are at fault.

If he hit YOUR car with his front end, he would DEFINITELY be at fault.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2006
The fact that you T-boned the end of his car MOST LIKELY means you are at fault.

If he hit YOUR car with his front end, he would DEFINITELY be at fault.

The difference between t-boning and getting t-boned in that instance could be a matter of a second...

Shit what happens if the cars hit at a 45 and both have fender damage, both having gotten hit at an angle? Then who are you going to blame, with your logic? lmfao


Diamond Member
Nov 4, 2009
The difference between t-boning and getting t-boned in that instance could be a matter of a second...

Shit what happens if the cars hit at a 45 and both have fender damage, both having gotten hit at an angle? Then who are you going to blame, with your logic? lmfao

How the fuck do you think it's done in real life? One person gets 100% fault? People are assigned % @ fault.

LMFAO @ You.


Platinum Member
Mar 5, 2008
The fact that you T-boned the end of his car MOST LIKELY means you are at fault.

If he hit YOUR car with his front end, he would DEFINITELY be at fault.

The only reason I t-boned him, was because my instinct was to jam the brakes on and swerve left to try to avoid him, hoping he would continue his move and vacate the center turn lane and my lane. He was so close to me though, before I could even fully change lanes I hit him. My car was half in my lane, and half in the center lane when we hit. His entire car was occupying my lane with the rear still hanging over the center lane.

My other options were jam on the brakes and continue straight, which would have resulted in a full front end collision for my car, and me plowing into his passenger door.

Or swerve right and most likely cause him to hit me in the drivers side door or rear of my car, possibly causing me to go into a light pole or completely lose control and fly into oncoming traffic.

As I said, this guy made his turn when I was maybe half a second from him at best, for God knows why. Had no time to think about it.
Mar 11, 2004
My car was dust so I walked into the nearest bar and demanded the highest proof shit they served straight. After doing that at 3 places, puking my guts out outside one, passing out in the bushes in the parking lot before the sprinklers woke me up, I started to stumble home when I was picked up for drunk in public.



Mar 10, 2004
Not if its California. I was involved in an accident like this in 2005. I was traveling straight on a road that had a center turn lane in the middle. There was a guy in this lane waiting to make a left turn into a parking lot in front of me. I was just traveling straight in my lane, no stop signs or lights. About 30ft before I get up to the car waiting to turn, he attempts to dart into the parking lot in front of me. This did not end well, I had 0 time to react going ~40mph, all I could do was jerk my wheel to my left and t-boned the end of his car, as he was in my lane and still halfway in the center turn lane.

My car was dust so I walked into the nearest bar and demanded the highest proof shit they served straight. After doing that at 3 places, puking my guts out outside one, passing out in the bushes in the parking lot before the sprinklers woke me up, I started to stumble home when I was picked up for drunk in public.

I get the police report a week or so later about the accident. Yay I am at fault. Reason: Failure to yield to a vehicle making a left turn. Ain't that some shit, I'm guessing it was because he was a marine off base, probably drunk at the time too. And I didn't have full coverage, only liability, so I was SOL with my car.

I've often thought by that principle, I should be able to just turn left directly in front of vehicles causing them to hit me, and they would be at fault as my accident should serve precedent.

If your description is accurate, there's no way that's your fault. I would have hired a lawyer.
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