Transgender teen joins girls track team

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Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
What's really at stake here? I mean *really*.

Some trophy? Hurt feelings? Accepting a finish less than first?

Run faster.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
Right up there with the "Fastest 14 year old in Sweden"

Or the "six year old girl"

At some point we have to give up this foolish "I identify as..." argument. If it's fake, it's detrimental to everyone around them. If they truly believe that they're something they're not, it's also SELF destructive and extremely disruptive to force others to play along.

It's time to accept reality and call a spade a spade. No more playing pretend.


Sep 12, 2012
Hey I identify as a girl!

Time to use the woman's bathroom.

Me: "hello ladies..."
Women: "Get out of here before I call the cops."

Me: "But but but I'm a lady!"
Women: "GET OUT!".



Golden Member
Oct 3, 2013
An update on this story;

Top place for females with those times, would have not even placed for males, being much too far behind.

Well, there is this that may be a reason;

Thats a boy competing against girls. Not surprisingly, the boy won. You could use her "reasoning" for someone using performance enhancing drugs too. But they're practicing and giving their all! As a freshman winning a state title, looks to be an easy win for 3 more years, with state records being broken.

Interesting dilemma for some people who want to be progressive.

Life immitates art. (bad art)



Feb 6, 2002
All the girls should just go on strike who are on the real team. Just show up the day of the next meat and refuse to cooperate. They should also sue under title 9.

The Girls should show up with signs and hold a protest at the event. Say their constitutional rights have been violated as women.
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Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
What's really at stake here? I mean *really*.

Some trophy? Hurt feelings? Accepting a finish less than first?

Run faster.

Thats a pretty ignorant stance to take on this. You can't simply "run faster". There is a reason females and males do not compete against each other in the same sport. Males have a huge advantage in most cases.

Some trophy? Sure, that and say a scholarship. Which can be hugely beneficial to someone. There is a very real chance this will happen in the future if this trend continues.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
...but this is the progressive agenda, both bathrooms AND sports; make the 99% suffer to protect the delicate feelings of the 1% (even if that 1% is making a terrible decision and just doesn't want to suffer any consequences for it.)

oh, 99% are suffering because of this? My oh my, I'm not sure there is a safe space large enough to accommodate your tears.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
Thats a pretty ignorant stance to take on this. You can't simply "run faster". There is a reason females and males do not compete against each other in the same sport. Males have a huge advantage in most cases.

Some trophy? Sure, that and say a scholarship. Which can be hugely beneficial to someone. There is a very real chance this will happen in the future if this trend continues.
Not really a stance, I simply don't care and can't fathom why anyone else spends much time fretting over this.

A scholarship IMO, if based on one's track abilities, should be... based on one's track abilities.

That has shit all to do with the fact someone of an opposite sex came in ahead of you. If a college is granting schollarships based on women's track abilities... they still will. Because *nothing* (let this sink in) *nothing* about that ability has a thing to do with a guy outrunning you.

If colleges just want men's track teams or transgended track teams or mixed... then so be it.

But I don't think that's the case. Great athlete women will still be recruited regardless of if *sniffle* they had to compete against a transgendered person. The best of those women will still be the best.

Hell, I wonder if the ones who have to compete agsinst transgendered males (ie: you NEED that first place pat on the back? Run faster.) will turn out to be the top performers.

There's nothing really life ending or hand-wringing at stake in all this. It's not the end of society as we know it either.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2001
^ Of course it's not the end of society, but a really fvcked up society happens one trend at a time.

Now excuse me while I go declare myself a bald eagle so I can get some gubbment money to fund my habitat.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
^ Of course it's not the end of society, but a really fvcked up society happens one trend at a time.

Now excuse me while I go declare myself a bald eagle so I can get some gubbment money to fund my habitat.

Good luck with that. But I imagine that while you are waiting in line at the Social Security office, you and the nearby toaster fuckers will have a lot to talk about to pass the (excruciating) time while you wait for your demands to be recognized.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
Not really a stance, I simply don't care and can't fathom why anyone else spends much time fretting over this.

A scholarship IMO, if based on one's track abilities, should be... based on one's track abilities.

That has shit all to do with the fact someone of an opposite sex came in ahead of you. If a college is granting schollarships based on women's track abilities... they still will. Because *nothing* (let this sink in) *nothing* about that ability has a thing to do with a guy outrunning you.

If colleges just want men's track teams or transgended track teams or mixed... then so be it.

But I don't think that's the case. Great athlete women will still be recruited regardless of if *sniffle* they had to compete against a transgendered person. The best of those women will still be the best.

Hell, I wonder if the ones who have to compete agsinst transgendered males (ie: you NEED that first place pat on the back? Run faster.) will turn out to be the top performers.

There's nothing really life ending or hand-wringing at stake in all this. It's not the end of society as we know it either.

It is a stance. Some care because it is their livelihood. You're stance is that nothing is really at stake, other than a trophy and hurt feelings. That is very shortsighted. Feelings are certainly involved, when someone "feels" like they're the opposite sex. Which is all fine and dandy, more power to them. Then competing when having an obvious physical advantage, more is at stake than just feelings.

Some people make a living by sports. Recently a man who never won a championship in weightlifting, trans'd to a girl. Set a new national record in one event, and easily won the overall event. Beat the closest competitor by 41lb. That is not even close. Now wants to compete in the 2020 Olympics. That's is not just feelings, that's a job for someone. A guy trans'd to a girl, easily won a wrestling championship in Texas. Some of the females refused to wrestle. Despite what you think, scholarships will very likely be at stake. The "best of those women will still be the best" is not a valid argument, because there won't be a measuring stick for everything. In running, there is a clock. You can compare to other females from other schools. Not so in other sports.

Your argument of "run faster", or try harder is also not valid. Men and women have traditionally separated themselves in sports for a reason. Men are generally faster, stronger, and can jump higher to mention a few. Women play softball, men play baseball. Women use a smaller ball in basketball than men, etc. By your logic, someone who was born a male, and "feels" like they're female, should be able to compete in anything. Up to, and including the Olympics. The fact is, a male not even at the top of their field will likely destroy a female in most sports. 5 average basketball players would destroy 5 great female basketball players, that is a fact. Most sports are separated for a reason. In the 4x100 100m Rio games, the fastest male time was over 4 seconds faster than the fastest female time. That is a HUGE margin in the 4x100. In fact, the slowest male time, was considerably faster than the fastest female time. 4 average track guys could easily win the womens heat, by claiming to be females. But to you, only "hurt feelings" are at stake? Really? No, that is someone's full time job, and lifetime goal. Yes that is an extreme example. More and more of this will be happening. People will (or already have) taken advantage of it. With different laws in different states, much less countries and competitions, its very muddy water.

As you can see, much more than hurt feelings can be at stake. You're obviously welcome to your opinion, we just disagree. I'm not going to keep going around and around about it. I suppose time will tell if someone has anything else hurt, other than feelings.
Reactions: highland145


Golden Member
Oct 5, 2015
Good luck with that. But I imagine that while you are waiting in line at the Social Security office, you and the nearby toaster fuckers will have a lot to talk about to pass the (excruciating) time while you wait for your demands to be recognized.

"Demands" don't need to be recognized. Reality (that this "girl" is nothing more than a mentally deranged lunatic) won't suddenly change.
Nov 8, 2012
I'm in favor of equality for TG, but I can understand the problem here. I think a solution is to allow her to compete but with a handicap. If males at that level of competition average, say, 1.8 seconds faster time in the hundred yard dash compared to females, just add that as a handicap to her time.

Really? You do? I would fucking hope so. If you don't see a problem with this then you have taken a step past the retard goal line and hit a grand slam for it. How is this any different than an NBA player showing up a WNBA game and saying "I now identify as a female, you must allow me to play here"?
Nov 8, 2012
Thats a pretty ignorant stance to take on this. You can't simply "run faster". There is a reason females and males do not compete against each other in the same sport. Males have a huge advantage in most cases.

Some trophy? Sure, that and say a scholarship. Which can be hugely beneficial to someone. There is a very real chance this will happen in the future if this trend continues.

Race (and hence, genetics) also play a factor. Or are we really going to sit here and act like the fact that the top 10 runners in the olympics aren't black, and that the majority of NBA players all have height advantages that they were born with?

Blind ignorance, I guess.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
Race certainly plays a factor in some sports. I don't know why you went there though?


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
It is a stance. Some care because it is their livelihood. You're stance is that nothing is really at stake, other than a trophy and hurt feelings. That is very shortsighted. Feelings are certainly involved, when someone "feels" like they're the opposite sex. Which is all fine and dandy, more power to them. Then competing when having an obvious physical advantage, more is at stake than just feelings.

Some people make a living by sports. Recently a man who never won a championship in weightlifting, trans'd to a girl. Set a new national record in one event, and easily won the overall event. Beat the closest competitor by 41lb. That is not even close. Now wants to compete in the 2020 Olympics. That's is not just feelings, that's a job for someone. A guy trans'd to a girl, easily won a wrestling championship in Texas. Some of the females refused to wrestle. Despite what you think, scholarships will very likely be at stake. The "best of those women will still be the best" is not a valid argument, because there won't be a measuring stick for everything. In running, there is a clock. You can compare to other females from other schools. Not so in other sports.

Your argument of "run faster", or try harder is also not valid. Men and women have traditionally separated themselves in sports for a reason. Men are generally faster, stronger, and can jump higher to mention a few. Women play softball, men play baseball. Women use a smaller ball in basketball than men, etc. By your logic, someone who was born a male, and "feels" like they're female, should be able to compete in anything. Up to, and including the Olympics. The fact is, a male not even at the top of their field will likely destroy a female in most sports. 5 average basketball players would destroy 5 great female basketball players, that is a fact. Most sports are separated for a reason. In the 4x100 100m Rio games, the fastest male time was over 4 seconds faster than the fastest female time. That is a HUGE margin in the 4x100. In fact, the slowest male time, was considerably faster than the fastest female time. 4 average track guys could easily win the womens heat, by claiming to be females. But to you, only "hurt feelings" are at stake? Really? No, that is someone's full time job, and lifetime goal. Yes that is an extreme example. More and more of this will be happening. People will (or already have) taken advantage of it. With different laws in different states, much less countries and competitions, its very muddy water.

As you can see, much more than hurt feelings can be at stake. You're obviously welcome to your opinion, we just disagree. I'm not going to keep going around and around about it. I suppose time will tell if someone has anything else hurt, other than feelings.
Problem is, you're juxtaposing in a lot of other stuff that I'm not. I'm merely talking about THIS situation. Track.

The presense or not of a transgender male on the track won't make any female run a slower or faster mile. You pretty much said it yourself ... it's all about time how far you can run during it.

If every high-school track team all across the country had transgendered people (whatever the term is in this case... I don't know. Or care.) competing alongside eveyone else, then it wouldn't bother me one iota.

If in every single case, a TG male came in first vs all the females on the track team it wouldn't be worthy of an eyeblink.

Why? Because everyone will end up judged based on their abilities (how fast can you run x distance? How high/far can you jump? Etc) based on one thing... their abilities. Not the birth gender of whoever they compete against.

The fact that it wasn't just disguised as two separate his/hers events would matter not.

A sport that's all about physical contact with and against another opponent is a different matter. Then sure, I'd say this matters. Track? No.

One poster kind of hit on a similar thing above. There was a time when things were kept racially separated in sports as well. So now, if a white dude wants to whine about always placing behind the runners from Africa ...I got two words for him that sums up the same way I feel about this exact situation:

Run faster.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
Problem is, you're juxtaposing in a lot of other stuff that I'm not. I'm merely talking about THIS situation. Track.

The presense or not of a transgender male on the track won't make any female run a slower or faster mile. You pretty much said it yourself ... it's all about time how far you can run during it.

If every high-school track team all across the country had transgendered people (whatever the term is in this case... I don't know. Or care.) competing alongside eveyone else, then it wouldn't bother me one iota.

If in every single case, a TG male came in first vs all the females on the track team it wouldn't be worthy of an eyeblink.

Why? Because everyone will end up judged based on their abilities (how fast can you run x distance? How high/far can you jump? Etc) based on one thing... their abilities. Not the birth gender of whoever they compete against.

The fact that it wasn't just disguised as two separate his/hers events would matter not.

A sport that's all about physical contact with and against another opponent is a different matter. Then sure, I'd say this matters. Track? No.

One poster kind of hit on a similar thing above. There was a time when things were kept racially separated in sports as well. So now, if a white dude wants to whine about always placing behind the runners from Africa ...I got two words for him that sums up the same way I feel about this exact situation:

Run faster.

So we agree, and disagree. The problem is, THIS situation isn't the only situation with the same issue. Its across multiple sports. I've named two others, and there are more. It will become more and more of an issue. Perhaps we're going to come to a time when anyone, no matter if male, female, trans, whatever, can play. In every sport from kids to adults. An open field. The problem with that is, it will lead to the decline of womens sports as we know it. Because as you have agreed, men usually have the advantage. I do not want that.

The argument he made (which clearly went over my head, came from left field I guess) is not the same. One can not simply wake up and "feel" black, and run faster. There is no surgery to make a white guy black. A guy can wake up and "feel" like a woman, and instantly be ahead of the pack, essentially running faster. Not in the time they're running, but compared to the competition. I realize black men have an advantage over white men, latino, etc in some aspects. Mainly speed and jumping. I have made this argument in the Dusty Baker thread, where he said he wanted more speed, so he would look to get more black or latino men. I had no problem with what he said, it is true. They are generally faster. Sports is the ultimate playing field, where quotas and affirmative action go out the window. Which I like, since I don't really care for either. The best player will play. No matter what color. No matter what size. No matter where they come from. No matter anything, aside obviously from some rule or them breaking the law. Talking purely physical skill. I have zero problems with the much higher percentage of blacks in basketball or any other sport that they represent nationally by race. The best player plays. That is the way it should be. And imo, in all jobs. Because that is what professional sports are, a job. That is not the same as the transgender issue that is being discussed though.

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Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
Not really a stance, I simply don't care and can't fathom why anyone else spends much time fretting over this.

A scholarship IMO, if based on one's track abilities, should be... based on one's track abilities.

That has shit all to do with the fact someone of an opposite sex came in ahead of you. If a college is granting schollarships based on women's track abilities... they still will. Because *nothing* (let this sink in) *nothing* about that ability has a thing to do with a guy outrunning you.

If colleges just want men's track teams or transgended track teams or mixed... then so be it.

But I don't think that's the case. Great athlete women will still be recruited regardless of if *sniffle* they had to compete against a transgendered person. The best of those women will still be the best.

Hell, I wonder if the ones who have to compete agsinst transgendered males (ie: you NEED that first place pat on the back? Run faster.) will turn out to be the top performers.

There's nothing really life ending or hand-wringing at stake in all this. It's not the end of society as we know it either.

Very few high school athletes will participate at a college level. Let alone a scholarship level. But they can still be competitive at a state level especially within divisions. Banners don't get hung up in gyms for individual efforts. Parades don't get thrown for individual efforts. It's a team thing. If you have athletes coming in and disrupt the balance it skews the team component. Don't think of this as an open 100 meter where it's everyone for themselves. Think of team efforts like relays, cross country, basketball, ect where even small differences make the difference between a championship or not.

For most of us we'll leave our athletic endeavors on the table once we leave high school. From there it's school, work and a family. Disrupting the balance of talent steals away those opportunities from other kids.

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Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
"Sigh!" As I have posted before adopt the Olympic competition rules.

I'm not entirely sold on the Olympic policy. By the time athletes are competing in their late teens early 20's someone that was born a male has already received a musculo-skeletal advantage over women. A year or two of hormone therapy won't replace that.
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