Trump Administration Wanted to Use Government Policy to Punish Political Enemies

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Feb 4, 2009
Nothing better than an Anaheim roach coach.

Oh my god, that is where I got the best taco ever. From a beat up, old converted Ice Cream truck that looked like it belonged in a Cheech & Chong movie. Fat Mexican guy made me the two best tacos I’ve ever had.
This happened around 1992.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Feb 24, 2009

Imagine that. The fear of being equal to those that for one stupid reason or another, shouldn't be. The fear of having some kind of advantage, of being superior to others based on skin color is being eroded by being outnumbered.

This is exactly what the GOP have been exploiting since the arrival of the Voting Rights Act and other laws that were enacted that specifically promoted equality of (to name a few) race, gender, employment, wages, access to healthcare and education.

These are the very laws that the GOP have been trying to get rid of or circumvent from the day they were enacted by in large part, Democrats.

Hmmmm, I wonder why that is.

This black judge from Mississippi explains it quite eloquently.

Assault on the judiciary


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Nothing to see here. Just "law and order" Republicans openly flouting any laws they find inconvenient.

The corrupt promise of pardons to break US law would seem to cross a few legal and political (impeachment) lines that have not been crossed before.

There is hardly a better case for impeachment that the democrats could be handed than one involving his already unpopular immigration policies, it would make the political risk minimal. If the Republicans in the Senate want to own this then let them.


Oct 18, 2005
Ignoring the crazy train where this proposal came from.
Admitting I haven’t read the whole thread heard something interesting today.

Does the President believe these people are dangerous, Sarah Huckabee has said they are not so no harm dropping them off somewhere.

Is the President being less that truthful about who is entering the boarder illegally or are they dangerous and he’s hoping to make a Political point when one commits a crime?

The only constant in this shit show of an administration is absolutely zero intellectual consistency from one second to the next.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
There is not a single, solitary significant Democratic politician who is in favor of open borders that I am aware of. Regardless, sanctuary cities exist because of absolute bedrock granite conservative principles that every conservative should believe to their core. Any conservative who is against sanctuary cities is not a conservative that believes in the Constitution. Full stop. Otherwise you are talking about the federal government usurping the sovereignty of the states.

In addition if you think that the federal government attempting to punish localities for supporting policies the current president disagrees with is a good thing we are in for a very bad time as a country - one that will almost certainly descend into civil war. For example Republican areas currently support policies that are jacking up the debt to give rich people tax cuts. Maybe the next time Democrats come into power they should raise taxes on conservative areas alone, have them work to pay off the debt they ran up. They should reap what they sow after all, right?

It's funny how conservatives think Brexit is a brilliant thing: escaping the yoke of the evil EU--but believe that states should be brought to heal by the overwhelming force of the federal government, whether by executive power or SCOTUS precedent.'s a really strange version of small government and state's rights that they subscribe to.


Mar 25, 2001

On Friday, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti called an announcement by President Donald Trump that he is considering releasing immigrant detainees into sanctuary cities "hateful" and a "waste of time."

Trump said on Twitter Friday that his administration is giving "strong considerations" to the idea. His comments followed a Washington Post report that the administration had been looking at releasing detainees into districts of political adversaries, including that of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco.

Shrewd political move on Trumps part. Such resistance to enforcing immigration might as well make them walk the walk. Doesn’t seem like they want too though.

Moved into existing thread. Don't be a splitter.

AT Moderator ElFenix
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Nov 11, 1999
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Jul 2, 2005
so he wants to increase the population of Democratic areas just in time for the 2020 census.


Aug 5, 2000
So the Trump/Miller team has come up with another clever idea to get back at the Democrats for denying him his wall. Funny thing is he had two years of complete Repub control of the gov't to do it yet he couldn't make it happen even then.

This thing with Trump and his desire for hurting others to get his way is a sickness in him that seems chronic in nature. It's downright evil of him and I actually feel sorry for him in this regard and only in this regard.

To the religious fundies and evangelists who are supporting Trump, as you witness him hurt thousands upon thousands of your innocent fellow human beings with his spiteful hateful demeanor, are you still with this guy? Is it still OK to be praying that he smite those abortionist "baby killers" and persecute those sinful gays and transgenders even as he kidnaps thousands upon thousands of children from their parents at the border?

How far are you willing to follow his lead in order to get what you want from him? Whatever it takes I guess, huh?


Oct 18, 2005

On Friday, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti called an announcement by President Donald Trump that he is considering releasing immigrant detainees into sanctuary cities "hateful" and a "waste of time."

Trump said on Twitter Friday that his administration is giving "strong considerations" to the idea. His comments followed a Washington Post report that the administration had been looking at releasing detainees into districts of political adversaries, including that of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco.

Shrewd political move on Trumps part. Such resistance to enforcing immigration might as well make them walk the walk. Doesn’t seem like they want too though.

Moved into existing thread. Don't be a splitter.

AT Moderator ElFenix



Oct 18, 2009

On Friday, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti called an announcement by President Donald Trump that he is considering releasing immigrant detainees into sanctuary cities "hateful" and a "waste of time."

Trump said on Twitter Friday that his administration is giving "strong considerations" to the idea. His comments followed a Washington Post report that the administration had been looking at releasing detainees into districts of political adversaries, including that of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco.

Shrewd political move on Trumps part. Such resistance to enforcing immigration might as well make them walk the walk. Doesn’t seem like they want too though.

Please, explain why if it's so damned urgent to get immigration reform done now, why wasn't it urgent for the two years Trump had a Republican controlled House, Senate, and WH? Why didn't the Repubs do something then? Never mentioned it at all until after the mid-terms, then it's all of the sudden a national emergency.

So, please, answer that, UC. Why didn't the Repubs do anything when in full control of the WH and both houses of Congress?

But you'll avoid answering as we all know. You'll act like this has never been asked before, now, or in the future.


Feb 6, 2002

On Friday, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti called an announcement by President Donald Trump that he is considering releasing immigrant detainees into sanctuary cities "hateful" and a "waste of time."

Trump said on Twitter Friday that his administration is giving "strong considerations" to the idea. His comments followed a Washington Post report that the administration had been looking at releasing detainees into districts of political adversaries, including that of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco.

Shrewd political move on Trumps part. Such resistance to enforcing immigration might as well make them walk the walk. Doesn’t seem like they want too though.

Moved into existing thread. Don't be a splitter.

AT Moderator ElFenix
Shrewd political move. Using the lives of men, women and children. Just like the child separation policy.

That's what you are advocating for??


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
This is an opportunity for Democrats to rise to the occasion and shine by calling out Trump on his immigration policies instead of letting him make them look weak and hypocritical.

These comments from the New York Times is how Democrats should be responding to this latest Trump strategy.

Releasing migrants into Sanctuary cities actually a good idea. From the city's point of view, it shows that they are ready to not just talk the talk but walk the walk. From the migrant's point of view they are being released into a relatively safe non-hostile environment. For those on the fence, this is a good way to see if this system will work. If it does, more migrants can be released as well.

I would much rather have these migrants moved to my city than have them detained, separated from their family members, or sent to hostile cities. If you live in a sanctuary city you know that immigrants make up a vital and vibrant part of the city. They contribute more than they take, they commit fewer crimes than the domestically born population, and they are able to find a better life. I know Trump is dangling this policy as a punishment, but sanctuary cities are called that for a reason. If Trump pursues this (which he almost definitely will not) he will give us an opportunity to show the country and the world what compassion looks like.

It makes perfect sense to transport illegal immigrants directly to sanctuary cities. The savings achieved by not pursuing, incarcerating, adjudicating, treating, feeding, and processing them would be substantial. The load on law enforcment would be reduced and allowed to focus on more pressing matters. And the people who seek to embrace illegal immigration would have the opportunity to put their money where their mouths are
Reactions: ivwshane


Oct 6, 2009
Yeah...It's pretty disgusting. I would wish for anyone to see this paradigm of vindictiveness as bad for the country regardless of political affiliation or beliefs on immigration. I wonder if there is a Republican here who would stand against this?
No no, we only stand against fake scandals from Democratic Admins. We think Obummer is using the power of the IRS to punish conservative groups, even though the evidence shows there was no discrimination? Bad. Openly admit we want to punish entire cities because they are majority liberal? Good.
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Oct 6, 2009
This is an opportunity for Democrats to rise to the occasion and shine by calling out Trump on his immigration policies instead of letting him make them look weak and hypocritical.

These comments from the New York Times is how Democrats should be responding to this latest Trump strategy.
Yeah a few here have already pointed out that the policy might not actually be a punishment, but the fact that Trump is openly admitting to considering a policy they believe to be a punishment is kind of a big deal.


Jan 12, 2005
I don't see why liberals are so upset with this. This sounds like exactly what they want. According to the left if these caravans were released in sanctuary cities that city will become safer and more productive economically. Now when faced with actually taking these people into their sanctuary cities, they don't want any part of it. Hilarious what hypocrites the left are.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
I don't see why liberals are so upset with this. This sounds like exactly what they want. According to the left if these caravans were released in sanctuary cities that city will become safer and more productive economically. Now when faced with actually taking these people into their sanctuary cities, they don't want any part of it. Hilarious what hypocrites the left are.

This is bullshit. At least a half dozen big cites that I know of have said "Sure, we'll take em".

That doesn't mean we can't call out the intention of the policy which was a clumsy attempt at political revenge since we know this admin doesn't care at all what happens to migrants. That the GOP base now worships stupid attempts at cruelty that play with thousands of lives as good fun is a pretty reprehensible development but most of you have nothing approaching shame anymore.


Jan 12, 2005
This is bullshit. At least a half dozen big cites that I know of have said "Sure, we'll take em".

That doesn't mean we can't call out the intention of the policy which was a clumsy attempt at political revenge since we know this admin doesn't care at all what happens to migrants. That the GOP base now worships stupid attempts at cruelty that play with thousands of lives as good fun is a pretty reprehensible development but most of you have nothing approaching shame anymore.

People need to stop coming here illegally and using "asylum" as a lie to get in. I have a guy that works for me, super smart person, he's becoming a citizen on 4/23, I'm going to his ceremony and am very happy to see him become a citizen. He came here through the proper channels, showed that he wants to be an American and is willing to do what it took to come here and become a citizen. I'm absolutely fine with immigration, but the people here we're talking about are illegal immigrants, a totally different animal. We shouldn't care about them, they are not Americans and are breaking laws or exploiting loopholes to get into the country. That needs to stop. And let's not pretend the border is not a crises, emergency situation. Even Obama's ex-DHC head has admitted such given the volume Trump is having to deal with. This is a real problem that's been left alone too long by both Democrats and previous Republicans in office. I'm very happy to see us having someone in office that's actually doing something about it.

And again, if liberals believe what they say (LOL), then they should be welcoming to these people and this should be a non-issue, yet here we have pages of whining liberals.


Jul 13, 2005
I don't see why liberals are so upset with this. This sounds like exactly what they want. According to the left if these caravans were released in sanctuary cities that city will become safer and more productive economically. <-- where did you get that from?? You dreaming again? The left never said no such thing about the caravans! But as far as sanctuary cities go -- Sanctuary cities are that way because they walk the walk dealing with vast numbers of undocumented people every day. It's the only way they can effectively provide police protection to those communities & their neighbors. Anybody with half a brain knows it.
It makes policing easier when people are not afraid of being accosted by ICE or reported for being illegaol when they are reporting a crime or a witness to a crime!! It is far better to have the people trust the police and work with them than to have people afraid to report a crime or step forward as a witness to a crime!

Now when faced with actually taking these people into their sanctuary cities, they don't want any part of it. Hilarious what hypocrites the left are. No whats hilarious and sad and pathetic is your blatant lying and nisrepresentation of the facta to suit your own agenda!
As usual , probably taught to you by TRUMP, you twist and take things totally out of context!


Jul 13, 2005
People need to stop coming here illegally and using "asylum" as a lie to get in. I have a guy that works for me, super smart person, he's becoming a citizen on 4/23, I'm going to his ceremony and am very happy to see him become a citizen. He came here through the proper channels, showed that he wants to be an American and is willing to do what it took to come here and become a citizen. I'm absolutely fine with immigration, but the people here we're talking about are illegal immigrants, a totally different animal. We shouldn't care about them, they are not Americans and are breaking laws or exploiting loopholes to get into the country. That needs to stop. And let's not pretend the border is not a crises, emergency situation. Even Obama's ex-DHC head has admitted such given the volume Trump is having to deal with. This is a real problem that's been left alone too long by both Democrats and previous Republicans in office. I'm very happy to see us having someone in office that's actually doing something about it.

And again, if liberals believe what they say (LOL), then they should be welcoming to these people and this should be a non-issue, yet here we have pages of whining liberals.
Your problem is that some states are Republican and some states have a democratic base as such I would bet if this issue was to be handed down to each individual state and if the feds would step back and let it be that this problem would be solved@! You see you are so against immigration yet it appears that you are also for hurting people and tearing apart families and putting children in cages...….hell it wouldn`t surprise me if you also advocate gurting Rep. O(mar because she is Muslim!!


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
People need to stop coming here illegally and using "asylum" as a lie to get in. I have a guy that works for me, super smart person, he's becoming a citizen on 4/23, I'm going to his ceremony and am very happy to see him become a citizen. He came here through the proper channels, showed that he wants to be an American and is willing to do what it took to come here and become a citizen. I'm absolutely fine with immigration, but the people here we're talking about are illegal immigrants, a totally different animal. We shouldn't care about them, they are not Americans and are breaking laws or exploiting loopholes to get into the country. That needs to stop. And let's not pretend the border is not a crises, emergency situation. Even Obama's ex-DHC head has admitted such given the volume Trump is having to deal with. This is a real problem that's been left alone too long by both Democrats and previous Republicans in office. I'm very happy to see us having someone in office that's actually doing something about it.

And again, if liberals believe what they say (LOL), then they should be welcoming to these people and this should be a non-issue, yet here we have pages of whining liberals.

It seems that many Americans like yourself cannot comprehend the conditions in the Northern Triangle countries, that is it simply beyond your imaginations and that they must be not actually in fear of their lives despite all the reporting on the issue. You've simply accepted the lies Trump has told you as gosepel.

The border does have a crisis. Trump has helped make it now by altering DHS policies and his rhetoric spurred further migration. Cutting off funding for programs in Central America will likely make the situation even worse and lead to larger waves of migration. This administration is so fucking dumb that they'll end up making the problem an order of magnitude worse by their actions.

I'd take a million Hondurans in my city tomorrow over a dozen Trump voters. We're not scared by immigrants or believe the bullshit spewed by people like Miller and Trump because we have actual experience.


Jan 12, 2005
It seems that many Americans like yourself cannot comprehend the conditions in the Northern Triangle countries, that is it simply beyond your imaginations and that they must be not actually in fear of their lives despite all the reporting on the issue. You've simply accepted the lies Trump has told you as gosepel.

The border does have a crisis. Trump has helped make it now by altering DHS policies and his rhetoric spurred further migration. Cutting off funding for programs in Central America will likely make the situation even worse and lead to larger waves of migration. This administration is so fucking dumb that they'll end up making the problem an order of magnitude worse by their actions.

I'd take a million Hondurans in my city tomorrow over a dozen Trump voters. We're not scared by immigrants or believe the bullshit spewed by people like Miller and Trump because we have actual experience.

Yea, they need asylum so bad that they actively walk in broad daylight in a highly publicized caravan with a known route. Sounds to me like these people should focus on making their countries great.

If your last sentence is true, than what's the problem? You very well may get what you want, yet you guys have to whine and complain.


Nov 11, 1999
This is bullshit. At least a half dozen big cites that I know of have said "Sure, we'll take em".

That doesn't mean we can't call out the intention of the policy which was a clumsy attempt at political revenge since we know this admin doesn't care at all what happens to migrants. That the GOP base now worships stupid attempts at cruelty that play with thousands of lives as good fun is a pretty reprehensible development but most of you have nothing approaching shame anymore.

It's a twofer for people like Slow. They get to hate on icky browns & libs at the same time. It's all part of dehumanizing the supposed "Enemy".

I like what Denver's Mayor said on the subject-

We need to separate fact from the President’s fiction. We are talking about human beings, not pawns in some political game. These migrants are fleeing violence in their homeland and they deserve our support
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