Trump Bat Sh!t crazy thread

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Oct 18, 2005
I love it when Trump says he's going to do things if elected president that he could have easily done when he WAS president and didn't.

Like, we know exactly what Trump would or would not do as president - we were there!
He wanted to do great things but the evil democrats prevented him. In fact he should still be able to serve 2 terms because the fake news media stole his first term. It doesn't count because of the total fraud of marxists.

Or some shit
Feb 4, 2009
Any day now he's going to release his amazing plan to get back our illegally detained American citizens from Russian prisons. The ones Biden already got released. And Trump's plan is going to be amazing. It'll get released any day now.
He will do that right after his amazing replacement for the ACA is announced. You know the one that’s far less money and covers everyone and everything and nobody dies in the street. The one he spoke of in 2015, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 2021 the one he said is done and perfect shortly after he left office but he wouldn’t release it then because he wasn’t president all while informing people to still call him President.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
He wanted to do great things but the evil democrats prevented him. In fact he should still be able to serve 2 terms because the fake news media stole his first term. It doesn't count because of the total fraud of marxists.

Or some shit
I mean [some lie], sure, I just find it funny when he makes up lies like this and pretends he was never president.
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Golden Member
May 23, 2017
Dude still hasn't released his taxes...
Let the list begin! We could go on for days on his lies and false promises, but some of the biggies with severe impacts on the country (as opposed to the minor side issues he didn't promise, like inciting an insurrection, and conspiring to overthrow the government, and conspiring to steal national defense secrets, and taking tens of millions from hostile foreign powers while president):

1) We're still waiting on the "beautiful" health care plan to replace the ACA (any day now... 7 years later. Fortunately the repeal with no replacement failed by a single McCain vote).
2) Perpetual rolling infrastructure week! Another beautiful non-existent Trump plan. (it took Biden and the Dems to actually create and pass one)
3) Trump promised to cut your taxes, and pay for it by raising taxes on the rich. (He did exactly the opposite, with 80% of the tax cut going to the top 0.1%, and half the population paying more in taxes over the life of his tax "cut" that he still brags about)
3a) and that tax cut will pay for itself (except for that $2+ trillion added to the debt in the first 10 years of his tax cut for billionaires)
4) He's still promising to be the best president for Labor (lol! but sadly, folks still believe his schtick) He tore down worker protections, among other items repealing federal overtime protections and safety protections, while raising your taxes.
5) Trump promised to eliminate the federal deficit (although he's no longer repeating that line, he's instead blaming Biden for the Trump debt and deficits)
6) He only hires the best people (1/3 of the closest cabinet members and advisors publicly state he is unfit to be president, another 8 are in prison or served time in prison, and another dozen or so are indicted. Most of the rest are his nepo-family.)
7) The coronavirus will just go away!
7a) And its less dangerous than the flu anyway!
7b) And it can be cured with bright lights or injecting bleach or something that one of my rich buddies wants you to buy!
8) Mexico is totally paying for that wall ~ as he does a photo-op in front of an Obama-built border wall bragging about it as though it was Trump's. While he diverted the money from national defense to instead be stolen by his unqualified buddies.
9) He'll tear up the Obama Iran deal, and Trump will negotiate a totally better deal. (Well, he actually delivered on the first part... zip, nada on the second part)

10) Oh, he actually did deliver on repealing Roe as one of his only signature promises delivered.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I always loved the transparently stupid logic around the Iran deal that if we chose to break our word on the Obama era deal that Iran would accept that and then negotiate on a worse deal that they knew we could also break. How stupid would they have had to be to agree to that?

Then again my take on the whole thing is the end goal is a future war with Iran.


Golden Member
May 23, 2017
Oh, NYTimes book review headline, on things everyone but MAGA already knew:

- Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, one of Donald Trump’s national security advisers, writes in his new memoir that Trump, a supposed master of the “art of the deal,” was treated like a “chump” by the world’s top authoritarians.

Also: “After over a year in this job, I cannot understand [Vladimir] Putin’s hold on Trump,”


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 1999
I always loved the transparently stupid logic around the Iran deal that if we chose to break our word on the Obama era deal that Iran would accept that and then negotiate on a worse deal that they knew we could also break. How stupid would they have had to be to agree to that?

Then again my take on the whole thing is the end goal is a future war with Iran.
His only policy was do the complete opposite of Obama. The Dems need to reverse psychology him to trick him to do things they actually want.
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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
For someone who is not triggered, that's a pretty long post of you trying to justify your own ignorant views.

You need to stop projecting your own flaws and insecurities upon other members of this forum. You have a constant psychological need to talk about how wrong other people's opinions are, and ignore that you project your own opinions as facts. I'm not blind, nor am I stupid. Most on these forums aren't either. That's why they don't have the time to deal with your childish views of your own superiority. Most of the time, I choose not to deal with it either. When I deal with people who are closed off to reality, I make my statement and get out. That's why I choose to make my statements to you, and then inform you that I'm not here to get into an extended back and forth. I'm never going to change your opinions of how great you are and how stupid everyone else is. I'm no shrink, but it sounds like you have atelophiba, considering how much you fear being wrong that you must exert some sense of self-superiority compared to others.

That's not to say I haven't agreed with your opinions, on occasion. I'm not going to dig up all my past postings of when I've liked a post of yours, or agreed with a post of yours, but it has happened in the past.

I'm mature enough to try to view every opinion on its own merit, even if I find the person behind it generally distasteful. I'm mature enough to not demean others as a way of puffing up my own self worth. Unlike someone with a false sense of perfectionism, I am confident enough in myself that I'm not afraid of being I'm wrong, and as a result better myself as a person.

I've said about all I wanted to say to you regarding this subject. Continue as you wish.
Suppose you had once suffered a deep existential realization that there is no such thing as good and evil in the eyes of the universe, that everything that people like yourself believe is good will get you nothing bur death as a reward and everything evil gets rewarded in the here and now, that monsters are winners and saints fools, that that is the real truth, that you live in denial and in deep despair and misery because of honesty the failure to maintain your world of lies.

Now imagine something strange happening, that I woke up under the Bo tree, instantly stripped of all this great certainty, that nothing you believe and what I ceased to believe, replaced with so called honest facts, that nothing that you or I believed was real, that what I realized is that I know nothing.

What would that mean. Would it not mean that belief is the root of suffering and I no longer believe. That means that before doubt when I was happy as a child suddenly returns, that all there is is the childhood innocence of being. There was never anywhere to go, nothing to become, nothing needed to be believed, nothing but the infinity of living here and now.

Can you imagine how cruel I could become, seeing in you the suffering you have yet to realize you might experience if for some reason you had something happen in your life that caused you to start questioning everything as I did. In order to tell you not to worry about things, that the meaning of life is to live, you will have to see as I did that everything you believe is bullshit. So sorry.

And what a massive ego I have declaiming that I coming to the realization of my ignorance is call ego death. How dare me tell you to realize you know nothing. How insulting to discover that a huge hurdle to awakening to life can’t manifest where one’s teacup is full and you believe a ton of cabbage is sacred.

I have said many times my aim here is to offer sone insight to seekers who realize their need, but I go out of my way to treat all of the complaints of those with them with the dignity of truthful replies, replies owing to the depth of ignorance encountered cause them to be long and extensive.

And don’t feel guilty about crapping on my efforts to help you and others see their ignorance, naturally for your own personal benefit, asking for nothing in return. All the anger you feel about me pointing to your foolish beliefs, I had to experience myself.

My initial contact with something beyond my understanding came from a chance reading of Zen, that put me into massive fits of rage. How dare those fuchers be happy empty as I had become of belief.

Not only am I threatening the bliss of your ignorance, your notions of knowing things, but it is welcome and perfectly OK. The idea that I am triggered or something is just more crap you have conjured into existence to prevent you from self confrontation.

Love you but only so far as I have seen through all the beliefs I accumulated to protect myself from pain as a child. We have much in common.

Just your willingness to respond means to me you are less risk averse than many. Expect criticism for that, like ‘don’t feed the troll’. You can know everybody when you become aware of the ridiculous absurdity of ego.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
His only policy was do the complete opposite of Obama. The Dems need to reverse psychology him to trick him to do things they actually want.
Not a good idea in my opinion. I think he has a gut instinct for knowing that things that harm others equates in his mind to being of benefit to him.


Oct 11, 2005
I love it when Trump says he's going to do things if elected president that he could have easily done when he WAS president and didn't.

Like, we know exactly what Trump would or would not do as president - we were there!

Infrastructure week ...
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Diamond Member
Feb 20, 2002
He will do that right after his amazing replacement for the ACA is announced. You know the one that’s far less money and covers everyone and everything and nobody dies in the street. The one he spoke of in 2015, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 2021 the one he said is done and perfect shortly after he left office but he wouldn’t release it then because he wasn’t president all while informing people to still call him President.

I caught one of his speaches this year and he mentioned he is going to be releasing the new ACA soon


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012

First implausibility: Trump has a friend, and that friend called him on the phone. Obviously he knew the question ahead of time and his handlers fed him that old joke to tell.

Trump on heaven: “you’re supposed to go to heaven if you’re good”. That’s not how getting to Heaven works in Christianity.

Trump is spewing "kindergarten Christianity"....This is how a parent tries to explain heaven and hell to a 4-year-old before they’re mature enough to understand concepts like original sin or atonement through sacrifice.

But when you get to heaven Donald, you’ll probably go to the section where you get bit by a dog. That’s a thing.


Elite Member
Dec 23, 2000
Oh, NYTimes book review headline, on things everyone but MAGA already knew:

- Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, one of Donald Trump’s national security advisers, writes in his new memoir that Trump, a supposed master of the “art of the deal,” was treated like a “chump” by the world’s top authoritarians.

Also: “After over a year in this job, I cannot understand [Vladimir] Putin’s hold on Trump,”

Dump Trump the Chump 2024!

Cha-Ching. How am I doing so far.


Feb 24, 2009
Oh, NYTimes book review headline, on things everyone but MAGA already knew:

- Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, one of Donald Trump’s national security advisers, writes in his new memoir that Trump, a supposed master of the “art of the deal,” was treated like a “chump” by the world’s top authoritarians.

Also: “After over a year in this job, I cannot understand [Vladimir] Putin’s hold on Trump,”
Yet he won't say he won't vote for him again. He just won't say.
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Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2002
I'm just waiting for Trump to chime in on the new sanctions against Russia for election interference.... come on any bets on how long it takes for him to defend Russia ?
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No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
I dont like the concept of putting people on ignore... Its sort of like tossing someone in the trash, as much as I may disagree with someone, I consider few individuals actual trash... When you stop talking when you stop listening then whats left? Other-people. Dont wanna go there.
In general, I agree with you, which is why there's only one person I've ever put on my list, and it wasn't a question of agreeing/disagreeing, but that I found utterly no value in the things he said for years, and made the decision to stop ignoring manually when there's a button right there for it. Typically there's still value in reading the words of those I disagree with. But it gets old seeing essentially the same thing posted by the same person over and over, especially in a sanctimonious fashion. It's like taking the batteries out of a crazy street preacher's bullhorn.
“You know, I do the weave. You know the weave? I weave stories together. Friends of mine that are, like, English professors, they say it’s the most brilliant thing I’ve ever seen”

"Friends of mine that are English professors"??? ... Lol!

Translation: - "I lack the discipline to make a direct statement because I get caught up in the instant gratification of bragging and whining."
I'd be curious to see which English professors find themselves able to spend more than 5 minutes in a conversation with him.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
I'd be curious to see which English professors find themselves able to spend more than 5 minutes in a conversation with him.

Of course, Trump is full of shit! "friends of mine that are like English professors" I thought all college professors were pinko commie liberals? And Trump is "friends" with them? lol!


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I see Trump as a person who had a miserable childhood growing up under the eye of someone very much like what he became as a result. He was made to feel worthless in a home that valued all manner of phony values which to stave off feelings of worthlessness he had to pretend to have.

Having been assured by endless rebukes to one's being requires a massive armor for defense and that armor is the ego. Children can't bear to consciously feel worthless so it gets repressed and substituted for for the sake of survival.

I don't see Trump as totally stupid. On the contrary his armor, his ego, has a lot of flare to it as witnessed by the astoundingly elaborate and profoundly uninformed imaginings he has about himself as well as a masterful ability to live his altered reality as if it were real.

This is how the ego functions, feigned magnificence coupled to a profound ability to creatively rationalize coupled with low information about psychology or a capacity to introspect. He is too ignorant to notice how his incredible fantasies about himself are to incredible to be believed my thinking people.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
I see Trump as a person who had a miserable childhood growing up under the eye of someone very much like what he became as a result. He was made to feel worthless in a home that valued all manner of phony values which to stave off feelings of worthlessness he had to pretend to have.

Having been assured by endless rebukes to one's being requires a massive armor for defense and that armor is the ego. Children can't bear to consciously feel worthless so it gets repressed and substituted for for the sake of survival.

I don't see Trump as totally stupid. On the contrary his armor, his ego, has a lot of flare to it as witnessed by the astoundingly elaborate and profoundly uninformed imaginings he has about himself as well as a masterful ability to live his altered reality as if it were real.

This is how the ego functions, feigned magnificence coupled to a profound ability to creatively rationalize coupled with low information about psychology or a capacity to introspect. He is too ignorant to notice how his incredible fantasies about himself are to incredible to be believed my thinking people.

Trumps only superpower is he can control a narrative with his bullshit. Asking Trump to name the English professors who complimented him is useless. He’s not going to name anybody; he’s going to launch into whatever meaningless blather pops into his head. Most journalists who interview him are smart enough to know that. There is no point in asking Trump a question, since he’s not going to answer it. There’s even less point in asking him a follow-up.

Most politicians don't answer questions that are put to them, but launch into a prepared talking point on a vaguely related subject. Trump, however, takes it to another level. He can control the narrative. Go ahead and ask him a follow-up question; he won’t answer it, and you’ll have missed whatever new piece of bullshit and misinformation he has spewed. You’ll constantly be playing catch up. Interviewing Trump is like nailing Jell-O to a tree.

They should be smart enough to realize there is no point in interviewing him AT ALL.
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