Trump finally admits what we all knew..." I’m a nationalist, okay?"

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Nov 11, 1999
Any more uncorroborated evidence to present, Mrs. Blasey Ford?

Meanwhile, Trump claims they're rioting in California against sanctuary cities & there are unknown middle easterners in the migrant caravan.

Who ya gonna believe? The liar in Chief, or anybody else?


May 30, 2008
Any more uncorroborated evidence to present, Mrs. Blasey Ford?

You are misusing the word corroborated. I can't come up with any interpretation where this response makes sense.

Corroborating evidence is additional evidence to enhance the support of a claim that already has some evidence.

Either the OP just made an unsupported statement (if you think the accusations in the list are not already accepted as true), or (if you aren't contesting the accusations in the list) they made a statement supported by several pieces of evidence, so the corroboration is already present. Either way it's not corroboration that's lacking.

Plus how could you present 'more uncorroborated evidence'? If you present more evidence, that _is_ the corroboration.

Plus the OP was being sarcastic anyway.

Anyway, I'm sticking with my interpretation that nationalism is more about allegiance to a group of people than to the institutions of a country. On that score Trump's record on supporting the US as a country isn't relevant. His pandering to the groups 'white people' and 'rich people' are more to the point.
Reactions: darkswordsman17


Oct 18, 2005
Oh of course he's a nationalist. He's proud of his country and invested in supporting it. That's why he dodged the draft, committed massive tax fraud, laundered money for foreign dictators and mafia, and conspires with foreign leaders to subvert democracy at home.

While we're at it, I guess Ted Cruz is an honest, respectable secular humanist too.

Any more uncorroborated evidence to present, Mrs. Blasey Ford?

Saving this one for later brandonbullshit. If the Dem's take the house there will be no where left from Trumpy to hide.


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
Putting your nation above the globe is perfectly normal. Everyone has a hierarchy of values, most people put themselves at the top, and then their immediate family next, and then their friends, and then their neighbors, then their town/city, then their state and then their country and then finally globally.

You'll go to the funeral of a family member, and some of your friends depending on how close they are, and maybe a neighbor at a stretch, but not a random person in your town, certainly not a random person in your state, country or the globe. There's a reason for that hierarchy. and that's because in order to be able to help other people further down the hierarchy you need to protect your own interest first and that's expressed by emotional attachment to people. What are you told when doing the plane emergency routine? Put your own oxygen mask on first BEFORE you do that of your kids, because you can't help them if you pass out. America and most other modern western countries spend vast amounts of money on foreign aid, on lending military to keep the peace and provide aid during disasters, they export science and technology. They're only capable of doing that if they put the nation first so the nation prospers, if the nation prospers it's in a better position to help the rest of the planet. Here's another example, Bill gates is tackling the 5 most deadly diseases, he would not have been able to do that had he not put him and his business first.

If you put someone below in the hierarchy artificially to the top then what happens is you sacrifice things closer to home, as things closer to home start to suffer your ability and resources to help other more distant people are crippled. It's the same with any kind of socialist campaign that seeks to prop up other people up at the personal expense of the successful. Taking resources from the successful people/businesses/countries cripples their ability to continue to generate resources. Not only is nationalism to some degree normal but it's also rational even if you goal is to help other people, just like it's rational for the parent to put on their oxygen mask and secure themselves before they attempt to help their kids.
Reactions: imported_tajmahal


Senior member
May 15, 2014
This is exactly why I'm not a leftist any longer. What UC said is 100% accurate. There is nothing wrong with the POTUS advocating for America.
Advocating for white christian americans, what incentive does a non-white american have to be nationalist when all the movement does is denigrate and attack him/her for ruining their white utopia?

If I am, say, a black American nationalist, I will automatically become a traitor if I point out racial profiling, disproportionate sentencing or guess what, the prevalence of white nationalists in law enforcement (pointed out by the FBI too). Nationalism is obviously according to the white christian narrative, and 100% sees non-whites or minorities as enemies, or at least a blight on the state.
Mar 11, 2004
President claims that he doesn't know about nationalist having a racist connotation after acting like he broke a taboo about calling himself a nationalist. I don't know how fucking stupid the people who support him think we are but I know the regard he has for the US population at large.

They believe everyone is as stupid as they are. They genuinely believe that everyone is operating at best at their mental level, which is why they're so adamant that other people are just making up shit like they are, and that all facts are just made up by assholes being paid more than them to do that, but that its all just as false as the bullshit they themselves shill. They know Turmp is full of shit (they'll even tacitly admit it every so often when they feel like not trolling). They know they are full of shit (likewise, they'll admit it plenty). They just assume everyone else is every bit, and in fact often, more full of shit than they are, and that it really is just a matter of who can make up more shit. The logic parts of their brains are fundamentally broken. I think we might be witnessing a branch in evolution happening, where a certain amount of human population has hit their maximum brain development. And, before the morons try and grasp at straws, no I'm not arguing eugenics, I'm merely explaining why we're seeing such a schism, and that the number of those people is actually lower in that there are people who are still developing but they're at a time where their minds are ripe for being manipulated. But I've started to notice consistent repeatably observable behavior from conservatives, that seems to indicate a hard limit to their cognitive abilities. The thing is, I think they are subconsciously aware of it, or rather their brains are, and its what drives their rage. They know other people are smarter and it infuriates them, but they do still have human brains and human brains are well adapted at protecting itself, so it adjust its internal logic to compensate, twisting reality to suit their mental capabilities.
Reactions: Meghan54
Mar 11, 2004
You are misusing the word corroborated. I can't come up with any interpretation where this response makes sense.

Corroborating evidence is additional evidence to enhance the support of a claim that already has some evidence.

Either the OP just made an unsupported statement (if you think the accusations in the list are not already accepted as true), or (if you aren't contesting the accusations in the list) they made a statement supported by several pieces of evidence, so the corroboration is already present. Either way it's not corroboration that's lacking.

Plus how could you present 'more uncorroborated evidence'? If you present more evidence, that _is_ the corroboration.

Plus the OP was being sarcastic anyway.

Anyway, I'm sticking with my interpretation that nationalism is more about allegiance to a group of people than to the institutions of a country. On that score Trump's record on supporting the US as a country isn't relevant. His pandering to the groups 'white people' and 'rich people' are more to the point.

The problem is, the person you're responding to is a dumbass. Corroborated is hardly the first word they've completely mangled the use of. But you'll see them quibble when they try to defend their rotten ideology by citing base definitions, choosing to ignore that language is fluid and context always matters. The weird thing is, they'll act like they can see that well when they defend white supremacists "trolling" people to try and claim its just a joke, because again, they really think people are as dumb or dumber than they are and can't see through their idiotic "jokes" and other stupid shit (like when they slipup and call black people monkeys, or other stuff and then get called on it). Its why they often don't understand comedy (seriously, they often think South Park is trolling liberals when its actually very pointedly trolling them even moreso; and they genuinely see Fox News disregarding truth as no worse than comedy shows because to them everyone takes those comedy shows totally seriously and can't tell the difference between a joke and the actual factual news provided, because they themselves can't do that well so they think Fox News making shit up is just balancing things out - to them its all equal lies).


Senior member
May 15, 2014
Where is the spy?
Where is the Kenyan birth certificate?
Where are the 3 million fraudulent votes for Hillary?
lol who needs them. That's the beauty of conspiracy theories, a pretty way to enforce illogical beliefs and shirk accountability
Mar 11, 2004
Your "I'm not really a Trumpster" routine is wearing thin...

That's always been blatantly "emperor's new clothes" which is to say he's naked but keeps trying to drape himself in "not a Turmper!" He's figuratively trying to "stealth" people ("nah baby, I've got the condom on, its just so sheer that its like its not there!") because he's a complete fraud.


Jun 12, 2005
President claims that he doesn't know about nationalist having a racist connotation after acting like he broke a taboo about calling himself a nationalist. I don't know how fucking stupid the people who support him think we are but I know the regard he has for the US population at large.

The nationalist definition doesn't have a racist connotation. That has been assigned to it by the left in recent times.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
Trump is a globalist who parade's as a nationalist to get votes..

Trump's not even a good liar. He's easily debunked, but his followers consider it a sin to go down that path. Even if it's 100% evident he's lying, at least he's not Hillary or Obama / at least he won't take our guns away / at least he's against abortion.

There was a series of Zippy the Pinhead comics back in 1980, where Zippy was convinced to run for president against Carter & Reagan, because he fit the definition of "A Moron With Charisma." His non-sequiturs and offhand nods to current fads and cultural memes got him elected.

Trump used the same formula. It didn't matter what he said. It was how he looked when he said it: confident and uncompromising. That apparently is the key to success in today's America.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
The nationalist definition doesn't have a racist connotation. That has been assigned to it by the left in recent times.

In the US it most certainly does. To deny this is willful refusal to see reality in service of a belief.


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
White nationalism is an amalgamation of both what is essentially some level of racism with nationalism, it's not the same as just nationalism on it's own, which is what Trump is advocating. You can't just accuse Trump of being a white nationalist without actually providing some evidence for that.

You linked the wrong article on purpose, you cuck liar.

Here is the wiki for "nationalism"

It's sad this is the lengths people will go to in order distort the political discourse, it's hard enough for opposing sides to have a reasonable discussion without this kind of blatant dishonestly.
Reactions: SlowSpyder


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
White nationalism is an amalgamation of both what is essentially some level of racism with nationalism, it's not the same as just nationalism on it's own, which is what Trump is advocating. You can't just accuse Trump of being a white nationalist without actually providing some evidence for that.

It's sad this is the lengths people will go to in order distort the political discourse, it's hard enough for opposing sides to have a reasonable discussion without this kind of blatant dishonestly.

You must be relatively new to P&N... you do know that Slow is fundamentally dishonest about almost everything, right?


Feb 15, 2002
White nationalism is an amalgamation of both what is essentially some level of racism with nationalism, it's not the same as just nationalism on it's own, which is what Trump is advocating. You can't just accuse Trump of being a white nationalist without actually providing some evidence for that.

It's sad this is the lengths people will go to in order distort the political discourse, it's hard enough for opposing sides to have a reasonable discussion without this kind of blatant dishonestly.
Do white nationalists support him? Yes or No.


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
I've come back to these forums after a very long time off, mostly for GPU/Game/Hardware discussions but I like to talk politics as well. I've not been in the P&N forums for such a long time.

It's something I see common among the left, I think they tend to be more emotionally driven which is why you get these odd kinda disconnected from reality moments. But that has been aggravated to a large degree by the Trump win and the fact that it was (at least for them) completely out of the blue.

They're going to have to learn the age of political correctness and that level of dishonesty is over, the landscape has violently shifted and we need to return to civilized and honest political discourse. You can no longer call someone a nazi or a white nationalist and that have any impact, the overuse of this and the fact the right no longer care at all about the smears renders this ineffective. You still see it all over the media though "far right" this and that.

It's so tiresome, just want to move past it.
Reactions: imported_tajmahal


Jan 12, 2005
I've come back to these forums after a very long time off, mostly for GPU/Game/Hardware discussions but I like to talk politics as well. I've not been in the P&N forums for such a long time.

It's something I see common among the left, I think they tend to be more emotionally driven which is why you get these odd kinda disconnected from reality moments. But that has been aggravated to a large degree by the Trump win and the fact that it was (at least for them) completely out of the blue.

They're going to have to learn the age of political correctness and that level of dishonesty is over, the landscape has violently shifted and we need to return to civilized and honest political discourse. You can no longer call someone a nazi or a white nationalist and that have any impact, the overuse of this and the fact the right no longer care at all about the smears renders this ineffective. You still see it all over the media though "far right" this and that.

It's so tiresome, just want to move past it.

A lot of what you said is why I stopped being a lefty, with I had my walk away moment. I realized which side, today, is more logic based and works in reality. There are plenty of legit complaints about the Republicans and right in general, but today the left has jumped the shark and strayed from common sense.
Reactions: imported_tajmahal


Feb 15, 2002
I've come back to these forums after a very long time off, mostly for GPU/Game/Hardware discussions but I like to talk politics as well. I've not been in the P&N forums for such a long time.

It's something I see common among the left, I think they tend to be more emotionally driven which is why you get these odd kinda disconnected from reality moments. But that has been aggravated to a large degree by the Trump win and the fact that it was (at least for them) completely out of the blue.

They're going to have to learn the age of political correctness and that level of dishonesty is over, the landscape has violently shifted and we need to return to civilized and honest political discourse. You can no longer call someone a nazi or a white nationalist and that have any impact, the overuse of this and the fact the right no longer care at all about the smears renders this ineffective. You still see it all over the media though "far right" this and that.

It's so tiresome, just want to move past it.
Caravan is invading...They're Rapists...MS-13...Fake News...The Press is the Enemy of The People...etc. Who's emotionally driven again?
I notice you didn't answer my question, Do white nationalists support Trump? Yes or No.
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