Trump finally admits what we all knew..." I’m a nationalist, okay?"

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Jan 12, 2005
Caravan is invading...They're Rapists...MS-13...Fake News...The Press is the Enemy of The People...etc. Who's emotionally driven again?
I notice you didn't answer my question, Do white nationalists support Trump? Yes or No.

What is incorrect? A caravan is coming to invade. There are rapists that are illegal immigrants, they shouldn't be here by law. MS13, are you for them or something? There is a lot of fake news today.


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
Do white nationalists support him? Yes or No.

White nationalists like all other groups on the planet don't have one set of perfectly coherent beliefs, I expect some of them hate him and others see him as the candidate who mostly closely matches their views, despite their views being quite considerably different. Trump isn't trying to make a white enthostate and so for most white nationalist he doesn't represent their views, but he may be the least-worst candidate.

This is just an attempt at guilt by association anyway.


Nov 4, 1999
White nationalists like all other groups on the planet don't have one set of perfectly coherent beliefs, I expect some of them hate him and others see him as the candidate who mostly closely matches their views, despite their views being quite considerably different. Trump isn't trying to make a white enthostate and so for most white nationalist he doesn't represent their views, but he may be the least-worst candidate.

This is just an attempt at guilt by association anyway.

Lol. Someone order a new sock?


Feb 15, 2002
White nationalists like all other groups on the planet don't have one set of perfectly coherent beliefs, I expect some of them hate him and others see him as the candidate who mostly closely matches their views, despite their views being quite considerably different. Trump isn't trying to make a white enthostate and so for most white nationalist he doesn't represent their views, but he may be the least-worst candidate.

This is just an attempt at guilt by association anyway.
You had very fine people on both sides ring a bell?
To quote Gillum the Democrat running for Gov of FL, "Now, I'm not calling Mr. DeSantis a racist, I'm simply saying the racists believe he's a racist,"
Reactions: dainthomas


Nov 11, 1999
White nationalists like all other groups on the planet don't have one set of perfectly coherent beliefs, I expect some of them hate him and others see him as the candidate who mostly closely matches their views, despite their views being quite considerably different. Trump isn't trying to make a white enthostate and so for most white nationalist he doesn't represent their views, but he may be the least-worst candidate.

This is just an attempt at guilt by association anyway.

Please. Trump skillfully panders to white racist sentiment every chance he gets. He always leaves room for semi-plausible deniability, just enough room for conservatives who aren't very racist at all to defend him.


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
A lot of what you said is why I stopped being a lefty, with I had my walk away moment. I realized which side, today, is more logic based and works in reality. There are plenty of legit complaints about the Republicans and right in general, but today the left has jumped the shark and strayed from common sense.

There's plenty of legit complaints about both sides. My evolution in thinking was mostly driven by Jordan Peterson who is a psychology professor out of the UofT and exploded in popularity recently. It's interesting learning about the big 5 personality aspect scale and how it correlates with political belief, and his theories about the correct place for the left and right in society and how they need a dialogue. I'm personally way more libertarian minded more strongly than anything else but I'm a reactionary right winger, politically I express as right wing simply to push back on the left who I think have gone too far in the bigger picture. Right now the overton window is quite far left and that's a seriously bad thing. Having socialists like Bernie running for president is super dangerous.

The left has controlled the narrative and political discourse for too long and that tactic worked amazingly well for them for a time, everyone and their dog was afraid to speak up politically for being afraid of ostracization or losing their jobs, politicians certainly wouldn't. Then Trump came along and recognized that actually ~50% of the population are mostly being quiet due to this and have no one who has the balls to represent them. He blew political correctness out of the water on his own, with the cunning use of twitter and just never giving the left an inch at all. That's why he won incidentally, because while not everyone on the right thinks Trump is right on everything, they do recognize that this politically correct environment that the left created is choking political discussion and that has to go, almost above everyone else.

There's no evidence the left has learned from this the media still rattles off "far right" when talking about anything that's no explicitly left wing. A lot of the activists are still trying to shame people by telling them they're garbage human beings and how outraged they are about that. If nothing changes he'll win his second round in the white house that's almost a guarantee.

Caravan is invading...They're Rapists...MS-13...Fake News...The Press is the Enemy of The People...etc. Who's emotionally driven again?
I notice you didn't answer my question, Do white nationalists support Trump? Yes or No.

This is just hyperbole. He gave stats for things like number of rapes that sadly happen to people passing over the border. He didn't invent fake news this was an invention of the left in the run up to the election, which was used against the right and then was spun back around and used against the left. The news all over the place is still extremely left wing, you still see people referred to as alt right constantly as basically a slur.

I did answer your question in my prior response, I didn't see your question before I posted as the page hadn't refreshed.


Nov 4, 1999
There's plenty of legit complaints about both sides. My evolution in thinking was mostly driven by Jordan Peterson who is a psychology professor out of the UofT and exploded in popularity recently. It's interesting learning about the big 5 personality aspect scale and how it correlates with political belief, and his theories about the correct place for the left and right in society and how they need a dialogue. I'm personally way more libertarian minded more strongly than anything else but I'm a reactionary right winger, politically I express as right wing simply to push back on the left who I think have gone too far in the bigger picture. Right now the overton window is quite far left and that's a seriously bad thing. Having socialists like Bernie running for president is super dangerous.

The left has controlled the narrative and political discourse for too long and that tactic worked amazingly well for them for a time, everyone and their dog was afraid to speak up politically for being afraid of ostracization or losing their jobs, politicians certainly wouldn't. Then Trump came along and recognized that actually ~50% of the population are mostly being quiet due to this and have no one who has the balls to represent them. He blew political correctness out of the water on his own, with the cunning use of twitter and just never giving the left an inch at all. That's why he won incidentally, because while not everyone on the right thinks Trump is right on everything, they do recognize that this politically correct environment that the left created is choking political discussion and that has to go, almost above everyone else.

There's no evidence the left has learned from this the media still rattles off "far right" when talking about anything that's no explicitly left wing. A lot of the activists are still trying to shame people by telling them they're garbage human beings and how outraged they are about that. If nothing changes he'll win his second round in the white house that's almost a guarantee.

This is just hyperbole. He gave stats for things like number of rapes that sadly happen to people passing over the border. He didn't invent fake news this was an invention of the left in the run up to the election, which was used against the right and then was spun back around and used against the left. The news all over the place is still extremely left wing, you still see people referred to as alt right constantly as basically a slur.

I did answer your question in my prior response, I didn't see your question before I posted as the page hadn't refreshed.

Lol. Peterson is a crackpot who gathers libertarian flies with libertarian shit.


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
You had very fine people on both sides ring a bell?
To quote Gillum the Democrat running for Gov of FL, "Now, I'm not calling Mr. DeSantis a racist, I'm simply saying the racists believe he's a racist,"

Yes in context it was very bad and fine people on both sides. It was a free speech march which contain white nationalists but was not only white nationalist. Antifa showed up to protest something that was a legit and planned/authorized march and they started a large riot/fight which ended in a lot of injuries.

There was plenty of fighting from both sides and there was plenty of peaceful people who just wanted out when the violence kicked off. So what is wrong with what Trump said precisely?

The narrative the media is spinning you about far right rallies when it's about something like freedom of speech has your perception of this twisted beyond belief. There were plenty of peaceful people who turned up that day who genuinely want freedom of speech to be upheld as a value and couldn't have beliefs any further from the far right/alt right.


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
Lol. Peterson is a crackpot who gathers libertarian flies with libertarian shit.

He's in the top 0.5% of scientist by citations on his peer reviewed and published science research, his science is solid. All of his lectures you can watch online for free recorded from the UofT come with citations for the relevant literature.

Crackpot is just an ad hom. Why even bother?
Reactions: imported_tajmahal


Golden Member
Dec 24, 2016
There's plenty of legit complaints about both sides. My evolution in thinking was mostly driven by Jordan Peterson who is a psychology professor out of the UofT and exploded in popularity recently. It's interesting learning about the big 5 personality aspect scale and how it correlates with political belief, and his theories about the correct place for the left and right in society and how they need a dialogue. I'm personally way more libertarian minded more strongly than anything else but I'm a reactionary right winger, politically I express as right wing simply to push back on the left who I think have gone too far in the bigger picture. Right now the overton window is quite far left and that's a seriously bad thing. Having socialists like Bernie running for president is super dangerous.

The left has controlled the narrative and political discourse for too long and that tactic worked amazingly well for them for a time, everyone and their dog was afraid to speak up politically for being afraid of ostracization or losing their jobs, politicians certainly wouldn't. Then Trump came along and recognized that actually ~50% of the population are mostly being quiet due to this and have no one who has the balls to represent them. He blew political correctness out of the water on his own, with the cunning use of twitter and just never giving the left an inch at all. That's why he won incidentally, because while not everyone on the right thinks Trump is right on everything, they do recognize that this politically correct environment that the left created is choking political discussion and that has to go, almost above everyone else.

There's no evidence the left has learned from this the media still rattles off "far right" when talking about anything that's no explicitly left wing. A lot of the activists are still trying to shame people by telling them they're garbage human beings and how outraged they are about that. If nothing changes he'll win his second round in the white house that's almost a guarantee.

This is just hyperbole. He gave stats for things like number of rapes that sadly happen to people passing over the border. He didn't invent fake news this was an invention of the left in the run up to the election, which was used against the right and then was spun back around and used against the left. The news all over the place is still extremely left wing, you still see people referred to as alt right constantly as basically a slur.

I did answer your question in my prior response, I didn't see your question before I posted as the page hadn't refreshed.

And now we have a Jordan Peterson listening moron in P&N. This is fucking amazing. So have you tried becoming a lobster yet?


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
Please. Trump skillfully panders to white racist sentiment every chance he gets. He always leaves room for semi-plausible deniability, just enough room for conservatives who aren't very racist at all to defend him.


Why would he even do that? Genuine white nationalists, the alt right types who want a real white ethnostate are estimated at like <10,000 world wide and that's a very aggressive rounding up. They're politically irrelevant, what reason has Trump got to pander to them?
Reactions: imported_tajmahal


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
And now we have a Jordan Peterson listening moron in P&N. This is fucking amazing. So have you tried becoming a lobster yet?

I've watched his lectures which are online for free, they're actual psychology lectures out of the UofT. Why do you categorize someone who is trying to educate themselves in Psychology as a moron? He's an actual professor with a Phd and 2 degrees, taught and did research at Harvard Uni.

Yes anyone listening to his lectures must be a moron. Can I ask if you actually, genuinely believe that?
Reactions: imported_tajmahal


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
I really don't know if they do or not, but what difference does that make?

Just because someone supports you doesn't mean you are one of them.

Some people might think it a problem if the actual Nazis like you.


Golden Member
Dec 24, 2016
I've watched his lectures which are online for free, they're actual psychology lectures out of the UofT. Why do you categorize someone who is trying to educate themselves in Psychology as a moron? He's an actual professor with a Phd and 2 degrees, taught and did research at Harvard Uni.

Yes anyone listening to his lectures must be a moron. Can I ask if you actually, genuinely believe that?

This is the guy that's supposedly advocating civil discourse reacting to a negative review of his retarded self help book.

Jesus wept.

And yes, anyone who buys into Jordan Peterson's bullshit is a moron, or just pathetic.


Jan 12, 2005
Lol. Someone order a new sock?

I love how when you guys are not able to counter logical points that disagree with your evangelical leftist views so you have to assume the poster isn't real to protect your bubble. How can there be that many people with opinions different than yours? They can't be real!
Reactions: imported_tajmahal


Nov 4, 1999
Anyone interested in Peterson, just internet search ‘Peterson apple cider’ to get a good idea of this stable genius.



Nov 11, 1999
There's plenty of legit complaints about both sides. My evolution in thinking was mostly driven by Jordan Peterson who is a psychology professor out of the UofT and exploded in popularity recently. It's interesting learning about the big 5 personality aspect scale and how it correlates with political belief, and his theories about the correct place for the left and right in society and how they need a dialogue. I'm personally way more libertarian minded more strongly than anything else but I'm a reactionary right winger, politically I express as right wing simply to push back on the left who I think have gone too far in the bigger picture. Right now the overton window is quite far left and that's a seriously bad thing. Having socialists like Bernie running for president is super dangerous.

The left has controlled the narrative and political discourse for too long and that tactic worked amazingly well for them for a time, everyone and their dog was afraid to speak up politically for being afraid of ostracization or losing their jobs, politicians certainly wouldn't. Then Trump came along and recognized that actually ~50% of the population are mostly being quiet due to this and have no one who has the balls to represent them. He blew political correctness out of the water on his own, with the cunning use of twitter and just never giving the left an inch at all. That's why he won incidentally, because while not everyone on the right thinks Trump is right on everything, they do recognize that this politically correct environment that the left created is choking political discussion and that has to go, almost above everyone else.

There's no evidence the left has learned from this the media still rattles off "far right" when talking about anything that's no explicitly left wing. A lot of the activists are still trying to shame people by telling them they're garbage human beings and how outraged they are about that. If nothing changes he'll win his second round in the white house that's almost a guarantee.

This is just hyperbole. He gave stats for things like number of rapes that sadly happen to people passing over the border. He didn't invent fake news this was an invention of the left in the run up to the election, which was used against the right and then was spun back around and used against the left. The news all over the place is still extremely left wing, you still see people referred to as alt right constantly as basically a slur.

I did answer your question in my prior response, I didn't see your question before I posted as the page hadn't refreshed.

That's ridiculous. The GOP controls most state govts, congress & the white house but the overton window has shifted left?


Dec 7, 2004
I really don't know if they do or not, but what difference does that make?

Just because someone supports you doesn't mean you are one of them.

Which president has Stormfront repeatedly thanked for various actions?

Being #1 with racists doesn't necessarily make you racist, but it's quite a strong indicator. And definitely something that would give a normal person reason to revisit some of their choices.


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
And yes, anyone who buys into Jordan Peterson's bullshit is a moron, or just pathetic.

So are all the scientists who cite his published and peer reviewed science also morons? Most of them are psychologists or work in that field and almost all of them are left wing, just FYI. I guess they're morons too? Or just pathetic?

Anyone interested in Peterson, just internet search ‘Peterson apple cider’ to get a good idea of this stable genius.

I saw the episode of Joe Rogan this comes from. He has a severe auto immune disease, as does his daughter, and they have severe reactions to a lot of foods. That's kind of like mocking someone who has a nut allergy having a reaction to nuts.

That's ridiculous. The GOP controls most state govts, congress & the white house but the overton window has shifted left?

Overton window concerns acceptable political discourse in the public domain which was steadily pushed left up until Trumps win. It's still very left wing now if you look at the reactions to my posts here, despite being polite I've already been shamed for things like mainstream scientific view points, called a moron and pathetic. This is the attempt at controlling the narrative which makes political discussion next to impossible.

There's no nuance about what specific science Peterson has published which is factually incorrect and how we know that, or which of his ideas are wrong and on what basis. He's just labeled a far right crackpot. This is a world in where the discussion cannot be about the facts because the left would have to face up to uncomfortable truths (hate facts) so instead they react like we see here, by shaming people in public about their beliefs. Now if I was to share a bunch of liberal left wing views, of which I have many, then it's all perfectly acceptable.

The right might be in power in places like the US and the UK but it's tempered by having to pander to a very aggressive left wing media and extremely volatile left wing population. But it's starting to swing back the other way, Trumps win, Brexit win, the silenced right wing masses are now starting to act out politically. You see it all across Europe as well, there's a lot of nationalist parties making big gains.


Golden Member
Dec 24, 2016
So are all the scientists who cite his published and peer reviewed science also morons? Most of them are psychologists or work in that field and almost all of them are left wing, just FYI. I guess they're morons too? Or just pathetic?

Nice of you to ignore the inconvenient part of my post exposing Mr. Civilized Discourse as a fucking thin skinned snowflake.

I said anyone that buys into his bullshit is a moron, that bullshit includes most of his interviews and his book. I don't know if the studies he has published have the same content.

His book is laughably bad, I've read parts of it. It's great comedy though. Especially the part about the serpents of order and chaos, and how order is male and chaos is female, I couldn't stop laughing.

Edit: I forgot the lobster analogy as well, that was fucking hilarious.
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