Trump finally admits what we all knew..." I’m a nationalist, okay?"

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Feb 15, 2002
Trumpism Is ‘Identity Politics’ for White People
But the entire closing argument of the Republican Party in the 2018 midterm elections is a naked appeal to identity politics—a politics based in appeals to loathing of, or membership in, a particular group. The GOP’s plan to slash the welfare state in order to make room for more high-income tax cuts is unpopular among the public at large. In order to preserve their congressional majority, Republicans have taken to misleading voters by insisting that they oppose cuts or changes to popular social insurance programs, while stoking fears about Latino immigrants, Muslim terrorists, and black criminality. In truth, without that deception, identity politics is all the Trump-era Republican Party has.
Reactions: ch33zw1z


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
Nice of you to ignore the inconvenient part of my post exposing Mr. Civilized Discourse as a fucking thin skinned snowflake.

I said anyone that buys into his bullshit is a moron, that bullshit includes most of his interviews and his book. I don't know if the studies he has published have the same content.

His book is laughably bad, I've read parts of it. It's great comedy though. Especially the part about the serpents of order and chaos, and how order is male and chaos is female, I couldn't stop laughing.

Edit: I forgot the lobster analogy as well, that was fucking hilarious.

Yeah you took what I said about his academic work and his lectures at the UofT and bait and switched his book which is not what I was talking about. What you're saying is that actually you've dismissed his entire body of work based on a book he's written. He never made a "lobster analogy" what he's talking about is scientific papers that were published by other scientists that show that anti depressants designed for humans also work on lobsters and that's evidence that the old part of our brains share a common ancestor with lobsters and that hierarchies that exist in both us and lobsters are old, they predate capitalism and all the social constructs the left like to blame inequality on. The fact you think it's hilarious shows that you don't understand it in the slightest.


May 30, 2008
He's in the top 0.5% of scientist by citations on his peer reviewed and published science research, his science is solid. All of his lectures you can watch online for free recorded from the UofT come with citations for the relevant literature.

Crackpot is just an ad hom. Why even bother?

Ironic that you provide no citation for your claim about citations. There's no such discipline as generic 'scientist', he's a clinical psychologist. Not all fields are equal. Psychology is actually one of the worst in terms of reproducibility of published papers.

Personally I barely rate psychology as a science at all. It certainly isn't physics. By claiming he's a generic 'scientist' you are gilding the lilly.

You also provide no reason to believe his popular and non academic work gains any particular credibility from his work in his field. Anyone can 'cite' something from the literature, it doesn't mean it shows what they say it shows.


Golden Member
Dec 24, 2016
Yeah you took what I said about his academic work and his lectures at the UofT and bait and switched his book which is not what I was talking about.

I outed your daddy as a hypocrite, I'd say it's pretty relevant when discussing what he advocates. Keep dodging tho.

What you're saying is that actually you've dismissed his entire body of work based on a book he's written. He never made a "lobster analogy" what he's talking about is scientific papers that were published by other scientists that show that anti depressants designed for humans also work on lobsters and that's evidence that the old part of our brains share a common ancestor with lobsters and that hierarchies that exist in both us and lobsters are old, they predate capitalism and all the social constructs the left like to blame inequality on. The fact you think it's hilarious shows that you don't understand it in the slightest.

Our brains share a common ancestor with everything considering we all come from the same source of life. And yes, I do understand that his point is that hierarchies exist in nature. You know what else exists in nature? Animals eating their partner after mating. His whole schtick is giving you an excuse to act like an asshole by saying "oh well, it's natural".

Good thing that we don't follow his mantra or else we'd be shooting autistic people and cripples because they're at the lower tiers of the hierarchy.


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
Ironic that you provide no citation for your claim about citations. There's no such discipline as generic 'scientist', he's a clinical psychologist. Not all fields are equal. Psychology is actually one of the worst in terms of reproducibility of published papers.

Personally I barely rate psychology as a science at all. It certainly isn't physics. By claiming he's a generic 'scientist' you are gilding the lilly.

You also provide no reason to believe his popular and non academic work gains any particular credibility from his work in his field. Anyone can 'cite' something from the literature, it doesn't mean it shows what they say it shows.

He's a clinical psychologist but he's not just a clinical psychologist. He's done primary research out of Harvard and out of UofT has his own lab which produces papers. You can view his citations through googles scholar program here I didn't cite that because it's the first hit in google when you type his name and the search term "citations".

I never said all scientists or fields of science are equal, whatever that would mean. Psychology is more like biology in the sense it's a less hard science than say Physics. The systems it deals with are orders of magnitude more complex and so at this point in our understanding of science can only talk about them statistically. Nevertheless there's still good and bad science in psychology, to say that the field is one of the worst in terms of reproducibility doesn't mean that is necessarily true of his work, that would need to be demonstrated. One of the reasons he's so highly cited is that actually his work among his peers is well respected.

Look, I get it, I was very much in your camp in that I was skeptical of that stuff because I was classically trained in Physics and some chemistry and for all of my 20's held a bias against these fields. But I gave his lectures a shot and found them fascinating. They're all well cited, he has a good understanding of the math that drives the various statistical analysis and the work he's done has demonstrated predictive validity. Now it can't predict perfectly, but the error bars within which it can predict are actually defined in the science which means they know that personality is complex and is only partially responsible for real world outcomes, like say political belief, but to what degree that is true is actually quantified in the work.

I outed your daddy as a hypocrite, I'd say it's pretty relevant when discussing what he advocates. Keep dodging tho.

Our brains share a common ancestor with everything considering we all come from the same source of life. And yes, I do understand that his point is that hierarchies exist in nature. You know what else exists in nature? Animals eating their partner after mating. His whole schtick is giving you an excuse to act like an asshole by saying "oh well, it's natural".

Good thing that we don't follow his mantra or else we'd be shooting autistic people and cripples because they're at the lower tiers of the hierarchy.

What he writes in what is essentially a self help book, and what he publishes as scientific fact are 2 different things. I started this conversation in the context of I was educating myself to the science and that wasn't a "moronic" thing to be doing, given that the science is well cited, it's mainstream science and there's really no published work which demonstrates flaws in it.

And then you brought up his book, changing the subject. I don't really care about his book to be quite honest. Anyone can write anything in a book. What I'm interested in is the actual facts and the science and by all measures he's a great scientist, highly cited when compared any field but specifically within his domain of competence he's right at the top.

Where have I acted like an asshole?

Yes we share a common anscestor with damn near everything but how far back it goes is relevant to the discussion. We parted from lobsters a very long time ago, that's the point of using them as an example. When you look at animals with a closer common ancestor like say chimps, which are used a lot, they have far more complex social behaviour which could be used by left leaning people to suggest that inequality stems from socialization. He's essentially dismantling this generally left leaning notion that inequality stems from social organization. There's no capitalism for lobsters, they have the same basic biology that governs placement in a hierarchy of more or less fit lobsters. It's not a joke as you point out, it's actually a reflection of good science that has studied this.

After all this discussion no one has either retracted the statement that I'm an "asshole" a "moron" because I decided to educate myself with mainstream science from a well respected scientists, instead he wrote a self help books therefore he's a crackpot. I'm sure you understand how silly that all sounds? Especially to someone who has been nothing but polite and civil.


Golden Member
Dec 24, 2016
What he writes in what is essentially a self help book, and what he publishes as scientific fact are 2 different things. I started this conversation in the context of I was educating myself to the science and that wasn't a "moronic" thing to be doing, given that the science is well cited, it's mainstream science and there's really no published work which demonstrates flaws in it.

And then you brought up his book, changing the subject. I don't really care about his book to be quite honest. Anyone can write anything in a book. What I'm interested in is the actual facts and the science and by all measures he's a great scientist, highly cited when compared any field but specifically within his domain of competence he's right at the top.

Where have I acted like an asshole?

Yes we share a common anscestor with damn near everything but how far back it goes is relevant to the discussion. We parted from lobsters a very long time ago, that's the point of using them as an example. When you look at animals with a closer common ancestor like say chimps, which are used a lot, they have far more complex social behaviour which could be used by left leaning people to suggest that inequality stems from socialization. He's essentially dismantling this generally left leaning notion that inequality stems from social organization. There's no capitalism for lobsters, they have the same basic biology that governs placement in a hierarchy of more or less fit lobsters. It's not a joke as you point out, it's actually a reflection of good science that has studied this.

After all this discussion no one has either retracted the statement that I'm an "asshole" a "moron" because I decided to educate myself with mainstream science from a well respected scientists, instead he wrote a self help books therefore he's a crackpot. I'm sure you understand how silly that all sounds? Especially to someone who has been nothing but polite and civil.

So, you concede that his book is a bunch of bullshit? Or not?

I'll concede that I don't have any major knowledge of his work apart from what I've seen in his interviews or the excerpts I read from his book. But what I have seen from him is nonsense, and when you couple that with his obvious hypocrisy it paints a rather grim picture of him as a person. He might be a grifter taking advantage of idiots and the easily influenced. People do that unfortunately, look at Ann Coulter.

As for the bolded, no one on the "left" (god knows what you think the left is) is saying that there are no natural inequalities, some people are smarter, some people are taller etc., that's beside the point.

The argument is that there are inequalities that are created because of social organization which, I'm sorry to inform you, is an undeniable fact. If you can't come up with an example of such inequalities then I legitimately feel sorry for you. Saying that lobsters have inequalities without having capitalism and then using that as proof that there can be no inequalities born out of systems like capitalism (or any other system for that matter, let's not just stick to capitalism) isn't just naive, it is outright retarded.
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I've come back to these forums after a very long time off, mostly for GPU/Game/Hardware discussions but I like to talk politics as well. I've not been in the P&N forums for such a long time.

It's something I see common among the left, I think they tend to be more emotionally driven which is why you get these odd kinda disconnected from reality moments. But that has been aggravated to a large degree by the Trump win and the fact that it was (at least for them) completely out of the blue.

They're going to have to learn the age of political correctness and that level of dishonesty is over, the landscape has violently shifted and we need to return to civilized and honest political discourse. You can no longer call someone a nazi or a white nationalist and that have any impact, the overuse of this and the fact the right no longer care at all about the smears renders this ineffective. You still see it all over the media though "far right" this and that.

It's so tiresome, just want to move past it.

jesus fucking christ.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
There's plenty of legit complaints about both sides. My evolution in thinking was mostly driven by Jordan Peterson who is a psychology professor out of the UofT and exploded in popularity recently. It's interesting learning about the big 5 personality aspect scale and how it correlates with political belief, and his theories about the correct place for the left and right in society and how they need a dialogue. I'm personally way more libertarian minded more strongly than anything else but I'm a reactionary right winger, politically I express as right wing simply to push back on the left who I think have gone too far in the bigger picture. Right now the overton window is quite far left and that's a seriously bad thing. Having socialists like Bernie running for president is super dangerous.

The left has controlled the narrative and political discourse for too long and that tactic worked amazingly well for them for a time, everyone and their dog was afraid to speak up politically for being afraid of ostracization or losing their jobs, politicians certainly wouldn't. Then Trump came along and recognized that actually ~50% of the population are mostly being quiet due to this and have no one who has the balls to represent them. He blew political correctness out of the water on his own, with the cunning use of twitter and just never giving the left an inch at all. That's why he won incidentally, because while not everyone on the right thinks Trump is right on everything, they do recognize that this politically correct environment that the left created is choking political discussion and that has to go, almost above everyone else.

There's no evidence the left has learned from this the media still rattles off "far right" when talking about anything that's no explicitly left wing. A lot of the activists are still trying to shame people by telling them they're garbage human beings and how outraged they are about that. If nothing changes he'll win his second round in the white house that's almost a guarantee.

This is just hyperbole. He gave stats for things like number of rapes that sadly happen to people passing over the border. He didn't invent fake news this was an invention of the left in the run up to the election, which was used against the right and then was spun back around and used against the left. The news all over the place is still extremely left wing, you still see people referred to as alt right constantly as basically a slur.

I did answer your question in my prior response, I didn't see your question before I posted as the page hadn't refreshed.


Now we're going to have yet another smug, uninformed, and gleefully inexperienced distributor of longhair youtube pundit content. This forum can't tolerate any more of that nonsense.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I love how when you guys are not able to counter logical points that disagree with your evangelical leftist views so you have to assume the poster isn't real to protect your bubble. How can there be that many people with opinions different than yours? They can't be real!

We've been waiting for you to post a logical point.

You never do. No one cares what you think about the merit of your nonsense, because we all know it is garbage. You are treated fairly based on the level of your discourse. It's all you really want in the world because it would be endorsing "PC culture" to treat you with respect and humor you when all you ever do is post playground nonsense and blatant lies.

Just fuck off.


Diamond Member
May 3, 2005
You are misusing the word corroborated. I can't come up with any interpretation where this response makes sense.

Corroborating evidence is additional evidence to enhance the support of a claim that already has some evidence.

Either the OP just made an unsupported statement (if you think the accusations in the list are not already accepted as true), or (if you aren't contesting the accusations in the list) they made a statement supported by several pieces of evidence, so the corroboration is already present. Either way it's not corroboration that's lacking.

Plus how could you present 'more uncorroborated evidence'? If you present more evidence, that _is_ the corroboration.

Plus the OP was being sarcastic anyway.

Anyway, I'm sticking with my interpretation that nationalism is more about allegiance to a group of people than to the institutions of a country. On that score Trump's record on supporting the US as a country isn't relevant. His pandering to the groups 'white people' and 'rich people' are more to the point.

We do know that Trump had a what some might call a convenient deferment from the draft so he could be termed a "draft dodger", but the other "sarcastic evidence" has not been proven. We all use terms loosely.


Senior member
May 15, 2014
I love how when you guys are not able to counter logical points that disagree with your evangelical leftist views so you have to assume the poster isn't real to protect your bubble. How can there be that many people with opinions different than yours? They can't be real!
Nobody denies the American right to nationalism, placing America first but the problem is that in the very same country that word has clear racial connotations

I'd love to give Trump the benefit of the doubt, but he's expressed racial preferences previously (Norwegian vs a certain other race). Nationalism has an idealistic view of citizenship, and with his historical comments its is very likely he views it as exclusively white.

If he had used previous opportunities to openly condemn white nationalists and establish a clear line of demarcation, would've felt totally different about it


Nov 11, 1999
Nobody denies the American right to nationalism, placing America first but the problem is that in the very same country that word has clear racial connotations

I'd love to give Trump the benefit of the doubt, but he's expressed racial preferences previously (Norwegian vs a certain other race). Nationalism has an idealistic view of citizenship, and with his historical comments its is very likely he views it as exclusively white.

If he had used previous opportunities to openly condemn white nationalists and establish a clear line of demarcation, would've felt totally different about it

Trump knows his audience. Those who cheer the remarks understand him perfectly. Trump speaks their language. Those who excuse it are semi-delusional. If standing shoulder to shoulder with Russian propagandists in 2016 didn't bother them then this won't either. They'll march with anybody & excuse Trump of anything & everything.
Nov 25, 2013
A 'new' apologist seems to have turned up. How nice.

I've come back to these forums after a very long time off, mostly for GPU/Game/Hardware discussions but I like to talk politics as well. I've not been in the P&N forums for such a long time.

It's something I see common among the left, I think they tend to be more emotionally driven which is why you get these odd kinda disconnected from reality moments. But that has been aggravated to a large degree by the Trump win and the fact that it was (at least for them) completely out of the blue.

They're going to have to learn the age of political correctness and that level of dishonesty is over, the landscape has violently shifted and we need to return to civilized and honest political discourse. You can no longer call someone a nazi or a white nationalist and that have any impact, the overuse of this and the fact the right no longer care at all about the smears renders this ineffective. You still see it all over the media though "far right" this and that.

It's so tiresome, just want to move past it.


Jun 26, 2009
Not only is nationalism to some degree normal but it's also rational even if you goal is to help other people, just like it's rational for the parent to put on their oxygen mask and secure themselves before they attempt to help their kids.
This analogy is truly something.

Also, nationalism isn't rational. It's indoctrinated nonsense.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Putting your nation above the globe is perfectly normal. Everyone has a hierarchy of values, most people put themselves at the top, and then their immediate family next, and then their friends, and then their neighbors, then their town/city, then their state and then their country and then finally globally.

You'll go to the funeral of a family member, and some of your friends depending on how close they are, and maybe a neighbor at a stretch, but not a random person in your town, certainly not a random person in your state, country or the globe. There's a reason for that hierarchy. and that's because in order to be able to help other people further down the hierarchy you need to protect your own interest first and that's expressed by emotional attachment to people. What are you told when doing the plane emergency routine? Put your own oxygen mask on first BEFORE you do that of your kids, because you can't help them if you pass out. America and most other modern western countries spend vast amounts of money on foreign aid, on lending military to keep the peace and provide aid during disasters, they export science and technology. They're only capable of doing that if they put the nation first so the nation prospers, if the nation prospers it's in a better position to help the rest of the planet. Here's another example, Bill gates is tackling the 5 most deadly diseases, he would not have been able to do that had he not put him and his business first.

If you put someone below in the hierarchy artificially to the top then what happens is you sacrifice things closer to home, as things closer to home start to suffer your ability and resources to help other more distant people are crippled. It's the same with any kind of socialist campaign that seeks to prop up other people up at the personal expense of the successful. Taking resources from the successful people/businesses/countries cripples their ability to continue to generate resources. Not only is nationalism to some degree normal but it's also rational even if you goal is to help other people, just like it's rational for the parent to put on their oxygen mask and secure themselves before they attempt to help their kids.

I'm sure that you know full well that this isn't the kind of nationalism the President was talking about.
There's a much deeper nuance to this than just "putting your nation above the globe." Who's nation? Who within that nation? Who's family, yours or mine?
The self-serving false argument you're providing here, that there is only one America with only one agenda that is best for the nation, is exactly what is being criticized here.
Reactions: Paratus and rise


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
So, you concede that his book is a bunch of bullshit? Or not?

I'll concede that I don't have any major knowledge of his work apart from what I've seen in his interviews or the excerpts I read from his book. But what I have seen from him is nonsense, and when you couple that with his obvious hypocrisy it paints a rather grim picture of him as a person. He might be a grifter taking advantage of idiots and the easily influenced. People do that unfortunately, look at Ann Coulter.

As for the bolded, no one on the "left" (god knows what you think the left is) is saying that there are no natural inequalities, some people are smarter, some people are taller etc., that's beside the point.

The argument is that there are inequalities that are created because of social organization which, I'm sorry to inform you, is an undeniable fact. If you can't come up with an example of such inequalities then I legitimately feel sorry for you. Saying that lobsters have inequalities without having capitalism and then using that as proof that there can be no inequalities born out of systems like capitalism (or any other system for that matter, let's not just stick to capitalism) isn't just naive, it is outright retarded.

I've not read his book although I do know most of the rules from hearing him give talks on them, one of which I attended in London. I also know the science behind most of them because I've watched his entire lecture series out of the UofT from 2017, 2016 and most of 2015 as well (including reading a sample of the sources he's citing wherever it happens to interest me).

The point is that a book is NOT science published in a respected journal which is peer reviewed and then cited. When I first mentioned Peterson I said I studied the science from his professional career as a university professor teaching actual psychology courses and what I was told is that I was a moron. And then the follow up was "well he wrote a book I disagree with". It'd be pointless for me to argue about the subjectivity of a book, it has good reviews, it has bad reviews, it has sold a lot but fundamentally that's why we have the scientific process of publication in journals and peer review, to weed out bad science, and his science is solid, no one anywhere to my knowledge has attacked any of it much less all/most of it, quite the opposite he's among the top most cited scientists. Remember that he's also been a practicing clinical psychologist and has seen thousands of patients so the idea that he wouldn't have something useful to say in a self help book is sort of outrageous really.

I don't mean to be rude but it's obvious you don't know his work because I've watched something like 200+ hours of it. The topics he discusses are deep and complex and have a lot of nuance to them and so to say as a lay person that someone who is an expert in his field is talking "nonsense" is so out of touch with reality I honestly don't know where to begin.

What I will concede is that if you do listen to some of the stuff that he talks about, a lot of it can seem very strange at first, that's exactly the impression I had of him when I first listened to him on his original Joe Rogan podcast appearance. He introduced a bunch of new ideas to me from a different way of thinking which was a shock. And I had to actually dig down into what he was saying, which is what led me to educate myself in psychology by watching the lectures to begin with.

The idea that he's a grifter is just so out of touch with reality, I honestly cannot believe anyone can say that. He's had a long a respected career as a scientist doing primary research, a clinical physiologist with thousands of clients, and an educator in the university system. But yea he's a god.

I never said that social systems cannot lead to inequality, you're putting words in my mouth. What I said is Peterson is addressing the claim made by people on the left (let me clarify, socialists and communists who assert that inequality is a function of capitalism) saying that inequality (in a hierarchy) occurs naturally due to inequality of biology. Again if you watched his lectures he goes into this in depth about the science behind creative output in people. Price's law, follows a Perato distribution, almost everyone has zero creative productive output, the median average is zero. A few hyper productive people produce almost all of the creative output and they receive almost all of the reward, the 1% for example is normal the data on that is crystal clear, and the work done by others to track inequality through different political systems shows that it exists in all of them. So what he's saying is that the idea that capitalism is at fault for inequality is wrong. There was inequality 300 million years before capitalism was even thought of. He's always maintained that ever social system has elements of oppression which are trade offs for the benefits that brings.

This analogy is truly something.

Also, nationalism isn't rational. It's indoctrinated nonsense.

What I said is that it's rational if you want to achieve the goal of helping other people. If you want to achieve the goal of helping your child put their oxygen mask on when there's an emergency in a plane then you put your own on first, you secure your own safety first before you can possibly help others. Same is true economically, you can only send money overseas to help people if you have money left over from your own economy, so if you make your own economy strong first then you have resources to help others. If you ferry 100% of your money overseas to help other people then everyone starves and next year you have nothing to contribute, you're all dead.

I'm sure that you know full well that this isn't the kind of nationalism the President was talking about.
There's a much deeper nuance to this than just "putting your nation above the globe." Who's nation? Who within that nation? Who's family, yours or mine?
The self-serving false argument you're providing here, that there is only one America with only one agenda that is best for the nation, is exactly what is being criticized here.

No, I don't put words in his mouth. YOU are the one doing that. If he talks about nationalism then I'll take him at his word that what he's talking about is nationalism and not just twist what he's saying to fit a narrative about him. Is there any actual evidence that what he's talking about or advocating for is white nationalism or an ethnostate?

Nationalism is about what is best for the nation and its citizens.
Reactions: imported_tajmahal


Golden Member
Dec 24, 2016
I've not read his book although I do know most of the rules from hearing him give talks on them, one of which I attended in London. I also know the science behind most of them because I've watched his entire lecture series out of the UofT from 2017, 2016 and most of 2015 as well (including reading a sample of the sources he's citing wherever it happens to interest me).

The point is that a book is NOT science published in a respected journal which is peer reviewed and then cited. When I first mentioned Peterson I said I studied the science from his professional career as a university professor teaching actual psychology courses and what I was told is that I was a moron. And then the follow up was "well he wrote a book I disagree with". It'd be pointless for me to argue about the subjectivity of a book, it has good reviews, it has bad reviews, it has sold a lot but fundamentally that's why we have the scientific process of publication in journals and peer review, to weed out bad science, and his science is solid, no one anywhere to my knowledge has attacked any of it much less all/most of it, quite the opposite he's among the top most cited scientists. Remember that he's also been a practicing clinical psychologist and has seen thousands of patients so the idea that he wouldn't have something useful to say in a self help book is sort of outrageous really.

His book is garbage, I'm not debating this point with you. I'm telling you how it is. You wanna veer off and talk about his work, that's fine. I admitted I don't know enough about it to argue.

I don't mean to be rude but it's obvious you don't know his work because I've watched something like 200+ hours of it. The topics he discusses are deep and complex and have a lot of nuance to them and so to say as a lay person that someone who is an expert in his field is talking "nonsense" is so out of touch with reality I honestly don't know where to begin.

What I will concede is that if you do listen to some of the stuff that he talks about, a lot of it can seem very strange at first, that's exactly the impression I had of him when I first listened to him on his original Joe Rogan podcast appearance. He introduced a bunch of new ideas to me from a different way of thinking which was a shock. And I had to actually dig down into what he was saying, which is what led me to educate myself in psychology by watching the lectures to begin with.

"Experts in their field" talk nonsense that they don't believe in all the time for a myriad of reasons, so no an appeal to authority isn't good enough here for the rest of us to just accept that what he's saying is in any way true.

The idea that he's a grifter is just so out of touch with reality, I honestly cannot believe anyone can say that. He's had a long a respected career as a scientist doing primary research, a clinical physiologist with thousands of clients, and an educator in the university system. But yea he's a god.

So has Alan Dershowitz, but now he's been reduced to a walking right wing propaganda machine, what's your point? I can come up with many more examples, look at Rudy Guliani look at his career look at who and how he has managed to get locked up and then look at his interviews this past year.

Again you're falling into the trap of not thinking for yourself and accepting something solely because of who's saying it.

I never said that social systems cannot lead to inequality, you're putting words in my mouth.

When you look at animals with a closer common ancestor like say chimps, which are used a lot, they have far more complex social behaviour which could be used by left leaning people to suggest that inequality stems from socialization. He's essentially dismantling this generally left leaning notion that inequality stems from social organization. There's no capitalism for lobsters, they have the same basic biology that governs placement in a hierarchy of more or less fit lobsters.

Yeah totally putting words in your mouth.

What I said is Peterson is addressing the claim made by people on the left (let me clarify, socialists and communists who assert that inequality is a function of capitalism) saying that inequality (in a hierarchy) occurs naturally due to inequality of biology. Again if you watched his lectures he goes into this in depth about the science behind creative output in people. Price's law, follows a Perato distribution, almost everyone has zero creative productive output, the median average is zero. A few hyper productive people produce almost all of the creative output and they receive almost all of the reward, the 1% for example is normal the data on that is crystal clear, and the work done by others to track inequality through different political systems shows that it exists in all of them. So what he's saying is that the idea that capitalism is at fault for inequality is wrong. There was inequality 300 million years before capitalism was even thought of. He's always maintained that ever social system has elements of oppression which are trade offs for the benefits that brings.

No one fucking argues that capitalism is at fault for every form of inequality you fucking moron, but some forms of inequality do stem from capitalism. To deny that is completely baffling. So if he's arguing against that he's made a nice strawman for himself to argue against.

EDIT: As an addendum following your logic of appeal to authority here we have another well regarded expert in the field calling Peterson's bullshit out

So, again following your logic who are we, mere laymen, to disagree with him? I guess Peterson's peddling bullshit. Oh, well.

Oh, and did you know that Peterson has a patreon page asking for donations etc? Why would such a respected scientist need that? Hmm, +1 to my grifter theory.

He also frequently shared bullshit like (completely debunked bullshit) Prager U videos on climate change denial, and then makes fun of people who actually see it as an issue.

He keeps whining about his free speech being censored on his FUCKING TV APPEARANCES.

You were duped, I'm sorry. Unfortunately it's easy to dupe stupid or vulnerable people, it happens all time.
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May 19, 2011
There's a much deeper nuance to this than just "putting your nation above the globe."

Furthermore, isn't that the remit of just about every politician ever (with some exceptions such as people who were exposed as say a foreign agent)? Therefore the assertion that this is what constitutes a nationalist is a crock of shit, in the context of a politician identifying themself as this.

For added hilarity, check out the Wikipedia entry for Globalism:

The word itself came into widespread usage, first and foremost in the United States, from the early 1940s.[5] This was the period when US global power was at its peak: the country was the greatest economic power the world had ever known, with the greatest military machine in human history.[6] As George Kennan's Policy Planning Staff put it in February 1948: "[W]e have about 50% of the world's wealth but only 6.3% of its population. […] Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity".[7] America's allies and foes in Eurasia were suffering the dreadful effects of World War II at this time.

In their position of unprecedented power, US planners formulated policies to shape the kind of postwar world they wanted, which, in economic terms, meant a globe-spanning capitalist order centered exclusively upon the United States.[8]

This could easily be the basis for the slogan "America First!" yet globalism is bad apparently according to the Trumpeteers.


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
His book is garbage, I'm not debating this point with you. I'm telling you how it is. You wanna veer off and talk about his work, that's fine. I admitted I don't know enough about it to argue.

I want to address this first as it's goes to the honesty of the discussion here. I'm not "[veering] off", what I originally talked about was his science you can check the prior posts in the thread to verify this. It was you who brought up the book after that and changed the subject, until then I had been discussing his lectures which is his academic work out of the UofT and educating myself in psychology.

When I mention his academic work specifically and you bring up his book you're the one veering off subject here, I need to establish if that was a honest mistake or if you don't care and just want to manipulate the narrative here, because if you just want to re-frame this as me veering off then there's no point in me engaging in this any further.

To reiterate I don't care about his book, his book isn't published and peer reviewed science, but he has a whole body of work which is and that's the point of science, to have some objective standard by which to judge work. If you're published in respectable journals it means you've passed peer review process and you can't just throw around "crackpot" or other such nonsense about the work, you have to engage with it intellectually.

Anyway I'm happy to reply to the rest if you're willing to acknowledge that actually I've not veered off anything otherwise it's pointless on my part, I hope you see that.
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Golden Member
Dec 24, 2016
I want to address this first as it's goes to the honesty of the discussion here. I'm not "[veering] off", what I originally talked about was his science you can check the prior posts in the thread to verify this. It was you who brought up the book after that and changed the subject, until then I had been discussing his lectures which is his academic work out of the UofT and educating myself in psychology.

When I mention his academic work specifically and you bring up his book you're the one veering off subject here, I need to establish if that was a honest mistake or if you don't care and just want to manipulate the narrative here, because if you just want to re-frame this as me veering off then there's no point in me engaging in this any further.

To reiterate I don't care about his book, his book isn't published and peer reviewed science, but he has a whole body of work which is and that's the point of science, to have some objective standard by which to judge work. If you're published in respectable journals it means you've passed peer review process and you can't just throw around "crackpot" or other such nonsense about the work, you have to engage with it intellectually.

Anyway I'm happy to reply to the rest if you're willing to acknowledge that actually I've not veered off anything otherwise it's pointless on my part, I hope you see that.

And I repeatedly told you that what I take issue with is the nonsense he babbles during his interviews and in his book. That's what most people are familiar with and latch on to. I don't give a shit about the rest of his body of work since I am not familiar with it and it's not what I take issue with.
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