Trump/GOP Civil War

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Golden Member
Jun 8, 2010
This guy is/was a democrat and now his true colors as a plant is coming out. Also, wtf did these recordings not come out a year ago to deep six his campaign?!! Any of the other candidates would've been better

The same is true on the Democratic side. Hillary is a terrible candidate, and she would have lost as well if the leaks had come out earlier. It sucks, but I don't think it's any sort of conspiracy, there's simply a lot more media attention and digging for details during the general election.


Golden Member
Nov 4, 2002
Trump is Republican's 'Mcgovern'. Time to bring in Republican Superdelagates to prevent this shit from happening again.

This guy isn't even trying. He's just going for the 35-40% that support him no matter what and isn't doing anything to bring in some independents.


Feb 24, 2009
This guy is/was a democrat and now his true colors as a plant is coming out. Also, wtf did these recordings not come out a year ago to deep six his campaign?!! Any of the other candidates would've been better
That's why smart politicians do op research on themselves first.


Golden Member
Nov 4, 2002
After 2008 and 2012 the GOP did the same things: (1) Do an internal study as to why they lost-basic conclusion each time is they need to reach out and capture a larger portion of the Hispanic vote, etc, which reports were only given lip service until Trump actively trashed them this time around. and (2) the GOP congress critters will vote and act in lockstep actively opposing each and everything the President seeks.

The exact same things will happen this time. The only difference will be Trump will be persona non grata in GOP circles-he will be blamed for everything and will have absolutely no influence after the polls close on November 8th.

Hopefully American voters wake up and throw he bums out in Congress-that is really what is crippling us. Ironically if Trumpistas refuse to vote for GOP underticket then they actually will be taking some real (and unintended) action to make America great again.
How would putting Democrat supermajorities in congress going to help anything. You've essential created the People's American 'Party' with no opposition at all. The world's countries with 1 party rule aren't exactly bastions of freedom.


Oct 18, 2009
This guy is/was a democrat and now his true colors as a plant is coming out. Also, wtf did these recordings not come out a year ago to deep six his campaign?!! Any of the other candidates would've been better

Since the late 1980s, Trump has threatened, with varying degrees of seriousness, to enter the race.

Trump looked into running in 1988 for president as a Republican.

He then changed to a Reform Party member back in 1999, when he put together an "exploratory campaign committee" to attempt to gain that party's presidential nomination. He dropped out.,_2000

He changed his voter registration from the New York Independence Party (Reform Party affiliate) to the Democratic Party in August 2001. In 2009, Trump changed his voter registration from Democrat back to Republican.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
How would putting Democrat supermajorities in congress going to help anything. You've essential created the People's American 'Party' with no opposition at all. The world's countries with 1 party rule aren't exactly bastions of freedom.

One party rule happens reasonably often in most developed countries. I mean parliamentary systems give one party (or the governing coalition) unfettered power to pursue their agenda. It works out fine. No opposition would mean that the Republicans weren't free to run for election again in two years with an improved platform.


Golden Member
Nov 4, 2002
One party rule happens reasonably often in most developed countries. I mean parliamentary systems give one party (or the governing coalition) unfettered power to pursue their agenda. It works out fine. No opposition would mean that the Republicans weren't free to run for election again in two years with an improved platform.
We don't have parliamentary system. In other words there's no reason for reasoning and compromise as our polarization has been so complete that all the reps vote lock-step with the party with few dissenters, The few that speak out are ousted out in the next election cycle. In parliamentary system they're forced to compromise as they have to share power. In our system there is no need to compromise anymore with a supermajority. Also we have a President - who would be empowered with the party in power- to wreck tyranny.


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
The same is true on the Democratic side. Hillary is a terrible candidate, and she would have lost as well if the leaks had come out earlier. It sucks, but I don't think it's any sort of conspiracy, there's simply a lot more media attention and digging for details during the general election.
I don't even know where to begin.
  • Hillary was attacked during the 1980s for various investments (failed or not).
  • Hillary was attacked during the 1990s for sneaking into Vince Foster's jail cell, murdering him, and leaving without a trace.
  • Hillary was attacked in the 2000s for being "owned" by Wall Street.
  • Hillary was attacked non-stop for years in the 2010s for terrorists attacking Bengazi.
  • Hillary was attacked non-stop for the last 18 months for having emails on computer A instead of computer B.
Now, you are saying that if wiki leaks had come out earlier, it would have made any difference? I don't think timing of these "scandals" really had any difference at all to this election.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
We don't have parliamentary system. In other words there's no reason for reasoning and compromise as our polarization has been so complete that all the reps vote lock-step with the party with few dissenters, The few that speak out are ousted out in the next election cycle. In parliamentary system they're forced to compromise as they have to share power. In our system there is no need to compromise anymore with a supermajority. Also we have a President - who would be empowered with the party in power- to wreck tyranny.

Actually that's not true at all in a parliamentary system. In most of them parliament is filled out with members from the party list, meaning if you voice dissent and don't vote in lock step you are booted from the list by your party and lose your seat. Those systems allow for much less dissent than ours.

It is also not super uncommon for one party to get enough seats to form a majority without a coalition, meaning they have to compromise with no one. Most UK governments in the modern era have been outright majority governments, and there are certainly plenty of examples of majority governments in various other countries over the years. The Prime Minister fulfills the same executive powers as the President for the most part, meaning he is similarly empowered to 'wreck tyranny'. It doesn't happen.


Feb 5, 2006
That's what we did in California, and all of the sudden problems that we were told were unsolvable started getting solved. We need political competition but not political sabotage and obstruction. Unless GOP learns to put the country first, it should be snuffed out, to make room for another opposition party eventually.
How would putting Democrat supermajorities in congress going to help anything. You've essential created the People's American 'Party' with no opposition at all. The world's countries with 1 party rule aren't exactly bastions of freedom.
Feb 4, 2009
That's what we did in California, and all of the sudden problems that we were told were unsolvable started getting solved. We need political competition but not political sabotage and obstruction. Unless GOP learns to put the country first, it should be snuffed out, to make room for another opposition party eventually.

I kind of agree, we need someone to keep the party in check but for the last 8 years the Republicans have been about no and sabotage


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
Trump after the election:

"Lying Hillary hired me to destroy the GOP for her, which proves how crooked she really is. See? I was right all along!"
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Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Really? They *LET* Him? And not to mention, according to sources, it is a *highly* edited audio to maximize impact against trump, so I doubt it's nearly as bad as they released.

This was a coup attempt.
How would that even work? "Let's go grab some women by the tits after we get their permission, of course." I have no doubt that the alphabets are acting as the DNC's stenography group. They have been holding back the really damaging stuff on Trump to be the Democrats' October surprise. (Let's not forget that hackers and perhaps the Russian government are doing the same for the Pubbies.) But this is all Trump; he's a horrible person, and I have no doubt that more bad things will come out all this month. Only instead of CBS's grossly transparent manufactures against Bush, these will be from the candidate's own mouth. Likewise, I have no doubt that what is edited out isn't damaging, or NBC would be releasing that too. But absolutely nothing that could be on that tape can make it less horrible.

To my knowledge, Arnold has not spoken in a way that demeans women, nor has Bill. Donald obviously has & therein lies the difference you so desperately avoid.
Come on, dude. Even you cannot be honestly stupid enough to believe that serial groping of women is fine, but talking about it is the real problem. Both Clinton and Schwarzenegger are well known for groping women and have multiple credible accusations of such. Clinton in particular had to settle at least one lawsuit for the same AND lost his law license for his perjury in fighting another consensual but illegal dalliance. Trump, to my knowledge, has no such credible accusations. (Although smart money is on him having bought off some women to avoid such lawsuits.)


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
One party rule happens reasonably often in most developed countries. I mean parliamentary systems give one party (or the governing coalition) unfettered power to pursue their agenda. It works out fine. No opposition would mean that the Republicans weren't free to run for election again in two years with an improved platform.
This is the natural result of nominating such a horrible person as Trump: the left no longer feels the need to hide its desire for "unfettered power to pursue their agenda".


Feb 5, 2006
Paul Ryan is on record saying that he'll ram Trump agenda, mainly budget busting tax cuts, through with reconciliation, so get off your high horse.


Nov 11, 1999
Come on, dude. Even you cannot be honestly stupid enough to believe that serial groping of women is fine, but talking about it is the real problem. Both Clinton and Schwarzenegger are well known for groping women and have multiple credible accusations of such. Clinton in particular had to settle at least one lawsuit for the same AND lost his law license for his perjury in fighting another consensual but illegal dalliance. Trump, to my knowledge, has no such credible accusations. (Although smart money is on him having bought off some women to avoid such lawsuits.)

Spin Central took awhile to come up with that, huh?

I think we need to leave Arnold out of this. Bill's proclivities are well known and overblown, but that's not the point. Trump's remarks reveal an attitude about women to women that you can only project onto Bill. And, if you think about it at all, Trump's story about hitting on a married woman tells us what he thinks about us all. We're just here for his amusement.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Spin Central took awhile to come up with that, huh?

I think we need to leave Arnold out of this. Bill's proclivities are well known and overblown, but that's not the point. Trump's remarks reveal an attitude about women to women that you can only project onto Bill. And, if you think about it at all, Trump's story about hitting on a married woman tells us what he thinks about us all. We're just here for his amusement.
I agree with your last line. It's exactly the same view shared by Bill and Hillary. Bill in particular has pawed lots of women, some of whom definitely did not want to be pawed.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Not to defend Bill, But we know he slept with an ADULT intern. The rest is conjecture.
True, but compare that to Trump who may just be a big nasty talker. Bill has actual accusers over several decades.

Although to my knowledge, only one actual rape accuser, and I never found Juanita Broderick to be credible. If you want me to believe that a man actually raped you, don't wait a decade to claim it: do it while there can be physical evidence. If you want me to believe that a man might have raped you, don't continue seeking him out and doing business with him.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2000
How would putting Democrat supermajorities in congress going to help anything. You've essential created the People's American 'Party' with no opposition at all. The world's countries with 1 party rule aren't exactly bastions of freedom.

It would keep a bunch of republicans out of office for awhile. We might even get some useful things passed with the screaming toddlers of the tea party shitting on themselves.


Feb 5, 2006
Trump had actual accusers, accusing him of exactly the thing he was bragging about.

As LawNewz first unearthed in February, Harth filed a lawsuit against the real estate mogul in 1997 accusing him of sexual assault, including “groping” her under her dress on several occasions, “forcibly” moving her to his daughter’s bedroom at Mar-a-Lago in an “attempted rape,” and repeatedly and aggressively propositioning her for sex.

“It was in one of the children’s room of Mar-a-Lago. He is showing this mural and the next thing I know he was pushing me up against the wall, and was making a move on me, and was all over me and again I was taken aback,” Harth said.

So stop defending that SEX OFFENDER.


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
True, but compare that to Trump who may just be a big nasty talker. Bill has actual accusers over several decades.

Although to my knowledge, only one actual rape accuser, and I never found Juanita Broderick to be credible. If you want me to believe that a man actually raped you, don't wait a decade to claim it: do it while there can be physical evidence. If you want me to believe that a man might have raped you, don't continue seeking him out and doing business with him.

Who gives a shit? Bill Clinton isn't up for election.


Nov 11, 1999
This is the natural result of nominating such a horrible person as Trump: the left no longer feels the need to hide its desire for "unfettered power to pursue their agenda".
I agree with your last line. It's exactly the same view shared by Bill and Hillary. Bill in particular has pawed lots of women, some of whom definitely did not want to be pawed.

You're giving us the usual "where there are crop circles there must be aliens" routine. The number of attacks says nothing about their credibility, particularly concerning the Clintons.

That's part of Repubs' problem. They've cried wolf so many times that their credibility is gone. Well, other than among the Faithful, described here-

The triumph of bullshit has consequences far beyond the political realm, making society as a whole more credulous and willing to accept all sorts of irrational beliefs. A newly published article in the academic journal Judgment and Decision Making
links “bullshit receptivity” to other forms of impaired thinking: “Those more receptive to bullshit are less reflective, lower in cognitive ability (i.e., verbal and fluid intelligence, numeracy), are more prone to ontological confusions and conspiratorial ideation, are more likely to hold religious and paranormal beliefs, and are more likely to endorse complementary and alternative medicine.”

It's hard imagining Repubs crowing over "We built this!" but, well, yeh, they have.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
This is the natural result of nominating such a horrible person as Trump: the left no longer feels the need to hide its desire for "unfettered power to pursue their agenda".

Yes, you've cracked the case and the left has exposed its lust for tyranny. Good job!
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