Trump has replaced Voice of America with Voice of Trump/Bannon/Putin


Dec 12, 2000
Y’all remember Voice of America, that taxpayer-funded US propaganda machine promoting freedom, human rights and the American Way since WWII? A crucial instrument penetrating the Iron Curtain during the Cold War??? Kept communism from spreading further in Asia and Africa?? Well, unfortunately they’re just a bunch of Deep State traitors now. How dare they talk about China lifting restrictions in Wuhan!!

Just another reminder that anything Trump does, Putin and Xi Jinping will benefit from.

Trump and his supporters have accused the outlet of “disgraceful” reporting and are now pushing hard to install their choice to run the government agency that oversees VOA and its affiliates. That battle is about to hit Congress, where partisan lines have been drawn amid a debate that could have a significant impact on the future of the global broadcaster.

Over the objections of Democrats, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee plans Thursday to vote on Trump’s nominee to head the U.S. Agency for Global Media, which runs VOA and its sister outlets like Radio Free Asia, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and the Cuba-focused Radio Marti. The Republican-controlled committee is expected to vote on party lines to advance the nomination.

Democrats fear that candidate, conservative filmmaker and former educator Michael Pack, could turn the organization into a Trump propaganda machine funded with more than $200 million a year in taxpayer money. Trump has mused about his desire to control a media outlet. At his confirmation hearing last September, Pack dismissed concerns he would allow that to happen, but the recent furor has reignited those concerns.

The spat has dismayed many who watch U.S. international broadcasting closely, including some who believe the USAGM and VOA are in need of reform, particularly as changes to the agency’s governing rules mean the its next chief will be able to bypass its board in making personnel and policy decisions.

“All of this is a distraction from what I think is a legitimate debate about what its role should be,” said Tom Kent, a former Associated Press editor who went on to head Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. “It needs to be clear whether VOA’s role is to advocate for democracy and American values in general or whether it is supposed to be a PR agent for the president and the State Department on current issues.”
The Democrats’ stated objections to Pack, a one-time associate of former Trump adviser Steve Bannon who used to work for the conservative Claremont Institute in California, center in part on his refusal to answer questions about his previous business dealings.
Matt Armstrong, a former Republican appointee to the board of the USAGM’s predecessor, the Broadcasting Board of Governors, said the Trump administration had shown a “gross misunderstanding the agency’s mission” in attacking VOA. He also questioned why the administration was using the controversy to push for Pack’s nomination when it could have made personnel changes already.

“I think they’re snowflakes, pretending to be upset about something that they shouldn’t be,” he said. “The Trump administration’s tantrum over VOA is huffing and puffing over something they could have done years ago. This episode further reveals their inability to manage the government they are in charge.”


Feb 24, 2009
Y’all remember Voice of America, that taxpayer-funded US propaganda machine promoting freedom, human rights and the American Way since WWII? A crucial instrument penetrating the Iron Curtain during the Cold War??? Kept communism from spreading further in Asia and Africa?? Well, unfortunately they’re just a bunch of Deep State traitors now. How dare they talk about China lifting restrictions in Wuhan!!

Just another reminder that anything Trump does, Putin and Xi Jinping will benefit from.

Trump and his supporters have accused the outlet of “disgraceful” reporting and are now pushing hard to install their choice to run the government agency that oversees VOA and its affiliates. That battle is about to hit Congress, where partisan lines have been drawn amid a debate that could have a significant impact on the future of the global broadcaster.

Over the objections of Democrats, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee plans Thursday to vote on Trump’s nominee to head the U.S. Agency for Global Media, which runs VOA and its sister outlets like Radio Free Asia, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and the Cuba-focused Radio Marti. The Republican-controlled committee is expected to vote on party lines to advance the nomination.

Democrats fear that candidate, conservative filmmaker and former educator Michael Pack, could turn the organization into a Trump propaganda machine funded with more than $200 million a year in taxpayer money. Trump has mused about his desire to control a media outlet. At his confirmation hearing last September, Pack dismissed concerns he would allow that to happen, but the recent furor has reignited those concerns.

The spat has dismayed many who watch U.S. international broadcasting closely, including some who believe the USAGM and VOA are in need of reform, particularly as changes to the agency’s governing rules mean the its next chief will be able to bypass its board in making personnel and policy decisions.

“All of this is a distraction from what I think is a legitimate debate about what its role should be,” said Tom Kent, a former Associated Press editor who went on to head Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. “It needs to be clear whether VOA’s role is to advocate for democracy and American values in general or whether it is supposed to be a PR agent for the president and the State Department on current issues.”
The Democrats’ stated objections to Pack, a one-time associate of former Trump adviser Steve Bannon who used to work for the conservative Claremont Institute in California, center in part on his refusal to answer questions about his previous business dealings.
Matt Armstrong, a former Republican appointee to the board of the USAGM’s predecessor, the Broadcasting Board of Governors, said the Trump administration had shown a “gross misunderstanding the agency’s mission” in attacking VOA. He also questioned why the administration was using the controversy to push for Pack’s nomination when it could have made personnel changes already.

“I think they’re snowflakes, pretending to be upset about something that they shouldn’t be,” he said. “The Trump administration’s tantrum over VOA is huffing and puffing over something they could have done years ago. This episode further reveals their inability to manage the government they are in charge.”
Victim's of their own success at telling the rest of the world how great America "used to be" . Apparently, not promoting MAGA has it's consequences..


Golden Member
Dec 28, 2007
Problem #1: having a state propaganda outlet in the first place.

Problem #2: having an unscrupulous, corrupt, power-hungry narcissist as head of government (and representing a political party just as unscrupulous, corrupt and powerhungry.)

Combined, the two magnify each other manyfold.
Reactions: Pohemi


Dec 12, 2000
Damn, I hadn’t really kept up with this story but Maddow has a good piece about what’s been happening since Bannon’s puppet took over.

Basically Peck was confirmed, took over this week, and then he purged everyone in a Wednesday Night Massacre, removing the entire board of directors, and replacing key positions with rightwing and anti-LGBTQ veterans.

Reactions: gradoman


Feb 24, 2009
Yep, anyone wonder what new STRONGMAN tactic Trump's going to pull out of his ass before he apparently wants to get thrown out!


Apr 8, 2013
Surprised we haven't seen a thread on this. I'll kick it off with this article:

And recommend the Maddow piece on this which aired last night.

Voice of America is a tax payer funded organ of the federal government, a non-partisan news agency which has operated since the end of WWII. Their divisions are Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty, Radio Free Asia, Middle East Broadcasting Networks, the Office of Cuba Broadcasting and others. They are known for their short wave international broadcasts of essentially unbiased news, particularly aimed at foreign countries with little or no press freedom.

A couple weeks back Trump starts denouncing VOA for unspecified reasons. Then the head of VOA mysteriously resigns a few days back. The Senate then confirms the appointment of Michael Pack to head the agency. Pack is a protegee of Steven Bannon. He is an alt-right "filmmaker" who has made anti-gay documentaries. First thing Pack does is fire the heads of all the networks within VOA. They appoint mostly low level hacks within the Trump administration to fill those positions. One is an anti-transgender activist. None have any journalistic experience.

From WaPo:

Mr. Pack offered no explanation for his actions, but issued a self-congratulatory news release quoting himself as saying that “every action I will carry out will be geared toward rebuilding the USAGM’s reputation, boosting morale and improving content.”
In fact, in a stroke, he has accomplished the opposite. Disheartened agency insiders tell us that the new CEO seems bent on carrying out a purge of what Mr. Bannon has described as an outpost of the “deep state” and converting it into another vehicle for promoting Mr. Trump.

Anyone care to comment on how the President has taken over a non-partisan state media operation funded by 100's of millions in taxpayer dollars and intends to use it to help him get re-elected?

And while we're at it, is anyone still confused about what will happen to democracy in America should Trump win in November?


Apr 8, 2013
Sorry, thread over here already:

Mods can merge threads if desired.

I did.
admin allisolm
Last edited by a moderator:


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
Surprised we haven't seen a thread on this. I'll kick it off with this article:

And recommend the Maddow piece on this which aired last night.

Voice of America is a tax payer funded organ of the federal government, a non-partisan news agency which has operated since the end of WWII. Their divisions are Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty, Radio Free Asia, Middle East Broadcasting Networks, the Office of Cuba Broadcasting and others. They are known for their short wave international broadcasts of essentially unbiased news, particularly aimed at foreign countries with little or no press freedom.

A couple weeks back Trump starts denouncing VOA for unspecified reasons. Then the head of VOA mysteriously resigns a few days back. The Senate then confirms the appointment of Michael Pack to head the agency. Pack is a protegee of Steven Bannon. He is an alt-right "filmmaker" who has made anti-gay documentaries. First thing Pack does is fire the heads of all the networks within VOA. They appoint mostly low level hacks within the Trump administration to fill those positions. One is an anti-transgender activist. None have any journalistic experience.

From WaPo:

Anyone care to comment on how the President has taken over a non-partisan state media operation funded by 100's of millions in taxpayer dollars and intends to use it to help him get re-elected?

And while we're at it, is anyone still confused about what will happen to democracy in America should Trump win in November?
There's a very good analysis from a German author who lived in Germany from the start until the finish of right-wing authoritarian fascism. It's from the book They Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933-1945, by Milton Sanford Mayer. It goes over how it's little steps that lead from authoritarian leaders to totalitarian government. This is just one of the many little steps. Quoted text following is from the above work.

If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D.

And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jewish swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed.


Oct 18, 2005
Whoever follows Trump will spend their first term just hiring competent people to replace those that have left or been forced out.


Feb 24, 2009
Whoever follows Trump will spend their first term just hiring competent people to replace those that have left or been forced out.
Hopefully, some of the good people that were pushed out, might be encouraged to retun to government serving the public proudly again.
Reactions: trenchfoot


Jun 2, 2000
Mistake made in thread title-"wants" inadvertently used where "has" was correct word.

One more example of the consequences of GOP Senators abdicating their duty and rubber stamping their consent as their gang leader (McConnell) directs.


Dec 12, 2000
This story keeps getting worse. VOA has essentially blocked visas for ALL of their foreign correspondents. This is a big deal, since many of these journalists have been promoting freedom, democracy, the American Way etc. when that might not be so popular in their home countries, and they may face repercussions.

I’m still curious as to what the end game is for Trump and Pack. They are making these moves mere months before the election. Does turning VOA into a Pro-Trump propaganda machine help them sell a Trump election loss as fraudulent? Does it help them curry favor with other nations or provide quid pro quo for nations engaging in election interference? Or is this mostly about selling Trumpism and right-wing populism abroad? Helping far-right parties and autocrats achieve victory across the world?
Mar 11, 2004
This story keeps getting worse. VOA has essentially blocked visas for ALL of their foreign correspondents. This is a big deal, since many of these journalists have been promoting freedom, democracy, the American Way etc. when that might not be so popular in their home countries, and they may face repercussions.

I’m still curious as to what the end game is for Trump and Pack. They are making these moves mere months before the election. Does turning VOA into a Pro-Trump propaganda machine help them sell a Trump election loss as fraudulent? Does it help them curry favor with other nations or provide quid pro quo for nations engaging in election interference? Or is this mostly about selling Trumpism and right-wing populism abroad? Helping far-right parties and autocrats achieve victory across the world?

Its to cause as much chaos as possible.
Reactions: Pohemi


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
This story keeps getting worse. VOA has essentially blocked visas for ALL of their foreign correspondents. This is a big deal, since many of these journalists have been promoting freedom, democracy, the American Way etc. when that might not be so popular in their home countries, and they may face repercussions.

I’m still curious as to what the end game is for Trump and Pack. They are making these moves mere months before the election. Does turning VOA into a Pro-Trump propaganda machine help them sell a Trump election loss as fraudulent? Does it help them curry favor with other nations or provide quid pro quo for nations engaging in election interference? Or is this mostly about selling Trumpism and right-wing populism abroad? Helping far-right parties and autocrats achieve victory across the world?

I just hope that government staffers in all these offices that are seeing this wave of fascism tear ass through our institutions are backing up all the memos, emails, meetings, data everything that establishes the history of what these quislings tried to do to this country in such a short amount of time. I don't expect that Trump types would be smart enough to even understand how to find this information being saved remotely and out of their eyes.

What worries me is that when the United States returns to these institutions after Trumpists are sent to prison, it will just be a smoking husk of empty offices with papers and harddrives fueling bonfires.

The era of Trumpism pretty much needs its own museum to remind people of how hard it is to kill fascism, and how easy it is to just let the Nazis slowcrawl their way back in. ....maybe add a floor to the Holocaust museum that focuses on Trump and all of the assholes that have enabled him and supported him. The brain rot is explicitly the same.
Reactions: FaaR


Aug 5, 2000
Can't wait for November to show up so I can do my part toward getting Trump yanked out of office. He's even more criminally corrupted than Nixon ever was.

I wonder what the Repub party will look like after Trump is gone. Could it get even worse than it is right now?


Feb 24, 2009
This story keeps getting worse. VOA has essentially blocked visas for ALL of their foreign correspondents. This is a big deal, since many of these journalists have been promoting freedom, democracy, the American Way etc. when that might not be so popular in their home countries, and they may face repercussions.

I’m still curious as to what the end game is for Trump and Pack. They are making these moves mere months before the election. Does turning VOA into a Pro-Trump propaganda machine help them sell a Trump election loss as fraudulent? Does it help them curry favor with other nations or provide quid pro quo for nations engaging in election interference? Or is this mostly about selling Trumpism and right-wing populism abroad? Helping far-right parties and autocrats achieve victory across the world?
Trump will get to show us all what Fake news looks like.


Golden Member
Dec 28, 2007
I wonder what the Repub party will look like after Trump is gone. Could it get even worse than it is right now?
The Repuggers are on a path spiralling down into overt fascism. I see nothing stopping that when Dumpy exits, for one reason or another. None of the major Repuggers tried to stop any of his brown-smelling policies, nor raised any condemnations when he insulted handicapped journalists, brown and black people, or even parents of dead soldiers.

The Repuggers have learned that the vast majority of their voters simply don't care what they do. They will vote (R) anyway in the next election. Well, actually, their voters care about one thing. That Repugger politicians stomp down on minorities, immigrants, the sick and the poor, and stomp down hard. All they need to do to be showered with sweet, sweet votes is sufficiently hurting the people they're supposed to hurt. That is all.

So there's no incentive for change, and since Repuggers by and large tend to be heartless corrupt bastards with no empathy, there's actually incentive to continue on the road of Dumpism. It's very lucrative, and hurting people is fun. Especially when you're not punished for it but rather rewarded.


Feb 24, 2009
Notice the overwhelming response from the usual water carriers. Have they finally reached their limit, or is the subject too complicated for them.
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