Trump hinting strongly at running as an Independent


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Apparently, stacking the house with Cruz and Rubio fans to give them all the applause during the debates, etc., isn't fair. I think it was wise for him to say that the RNC is cheating on the deal at a time when he has the lead - thus, it's not sour grapes. Seems like a wise move - that way, if he does lose the lead, the RNC won't be able to claim that he's only claiming that they didn't keep up their end of the bargain because he's losing. It's win-win for him - more publicity, gives him the ability to run Independent without being completely attacked by the RNC, and since he's the first to point out who's not keeping their end of the bargain, he makes it look like the RNC is the bad guy.


Dec 11, 2006
The GOP is in a bind with Trump. He has the ability and at least says he has the will to run as an independent which guarantees that the Republicans lose the election. Frankly they should just go with the flow and hope like hell that he doesn't win the nomination because they are in a serious bind if he runs as an independent because he didn't get a fair shake.


Sep 6, 2000
Apparently, stacking the house with Cruz and Rubio fans to give them all the applause during the debates, etc., isn't fair. I think it was wise for him to say that the RNC is cheating on the deal at a time when he has the lead - thus, it's not sour grapes. Seems like a wise move - that way, if he does lose the lead, the RNC won't be able to claim that he's only claiming that they didn't keep up their end of the bargain because he's losing. It's win-win for him - more publicity, gives him the ability to run Independent without being completely attacked by the RNC, and since he's the first to point out who's not keeping their end of the bargain, he makes it look like the RNC is the bad guy.

Most of what he says is nuts but he's right on the money with this one:

"The bottom line is the RNC is controlled by the establishment and the RNC is controlled by the special interests and the donors and that's too bad."

It applies to both parties of course, and the middle class knows they aren't the 'special interest' that either party cares about.


Senior member
Sep 6, 2004
Looks like the era of ridiculous politics is here. I didn't think it could get any worse, but I have a feeling this is going to become the norm for the time being.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2007
Are they not holding up their end if the bargain? I honestly don't know.

My perception was that when the deal was struck months ago Trump was an outsider that didn't have any real momentum. He wanted in on the debates at a time when he wasn't considered a serious candidate. The RNC agreed to let him participate if he promised not to use the debates to springboard an independent run, which he was publicly considering at the time and which the RNC viewed as siphoning votes from the party candidate.

I don't have specifics beyond that, but to my recollection the RNC has kept up their end by letting him in and he's threatening to do exactly what he said he wouldn't do.


Jun 30, 2004
Most of what he says is nuts but he's right on the money with this one:

It applies to both parties of course, and the middle class knows they aren't the 'special interest' that either party cares about.

Actually, I was surprised today to hear him say something reasonable. It was about Dubya throwing in support to Jeb.

But some single statement about this or that doth not a good Chief Executive make.

I think there's a dilemma posed to the voters this year. You can tell me over and over that being a celebrity-bully makes a good Prez, but I refuse to buy it. You can tell me that just being an "outsider" makes a superior candidate. I know better than that. So you can choose inexperience, volatility, personality disorder over "insider experience."

On the other hand, someone like Jeb -- yes -- has the experience. But I suspect industrial affiliations that I dislike. Further, these guys have been doing the same thing over and over for years. They break things, then they come back and promise to fix them as they also try to put the blame on somebody else.

Trump's supporters are probably people who don't much care if he knows what their lives are like. They're people whose anger about certain things is a pulse that Donald takes regularly, and he continues to stir that base of lemmings. In fact, I think his supporters don't much care about the other lives that they don't live.

Ultimately, whether it's Bernie or Donnie, they'll be cutting deals with the power elites -- the mythical interests who hang back in the shadows, convince people that they're being tyrannized by the gov'mint, while they slyly try to manipulate it toward their own ends.

To that, you and I are just like trout in the stream. They figure if they use the right fly, they'll catch more fish. Whether it's a celebrity-narcissist-outsider attempting to do it, or a cabal of certain industries and lobbies, you're just an idiot voter to be manipulated.

So -- who, or which party -- attempts to appeal to the lowest common denominator?


Nov 11, 1999
The Donald is on the biggest ego trip of his life & there have been plenty, I'm sure.

He'll probably appear dressed as the Lone Ranger before it's over.


Dec 7, 2009
Cruz is a religious fruitcake and Rubio is an inexperienced little boy who barely managed to memorize a few talking points.

Neither is fit to be commander in chief but that won't occur to the like minded RMC audience. That would be the Republican Misinformed Committee.

I have to feel a bit bad for the situation they find themselves in though. The only other choice they have is Trump and he's a narcissistic, unempathetic, American war hero bashing, slightly fascist, blowhard, tactless, crazy uncle/grandpa without a filter type personality that would make for quite an interesting 4 years, if he makes it that far.

Trump is sort of the high risk alternative that conservatives fear because they fear change and he represents that in droves, but not necessarily in a good way.


Sep 6, 2000
Actually, I was surprised today to hear him say something reasonable. It was about Dubya throwing in support to Jeb.

But some single statement about this or that doth not a good Chief Executive make.

I think there's a dilemma posed to the voters this year. You can tell me over and over that being a celebrity-bully makes a good Prez, but I refuse to buy it. You can tell me that just being an "outsider" makes a superior candidate. I know better than that. So you can choose inexperience, volatility, personality disorder over "insider experience."

On the other hand, someone like Jeb -- yes -- has the experience. But I suspect industrial affiliations that I dislike. Further, these guys have been doing the same thing over and over for years. They break things, then they come back and promise to fix them as they also try to put the blame on somebody else.

Trump's supporters are probably people who don't much care if he knows what their lives are like. They're people whose anger about certain things is a pulse that Donald takes regularly, and he continues to stir that base of lemmings. In fact, I think his supporters don't much care about the other lives that they don't live.

Ultimately, whether it's Bernie or Donnie, they'll be cutting deals with the power elites -- the mythical interests who hang back in the shadows, convince people that they're being tyrannized by the gov'mint, while they slyly try to manipulate it toward their own ends.

To that, you and I are just like trout in the stream. They figure if they use the right fly, they'll catch more fish. Whether it's a celebrity-narcissist-outsider attempting to do it, or a cabal of certain industries and lobbies, you're just an idiot voter to be manipulated.

So -- who, or which party -- attempts to appeal to the lowest common denominator?

Depends on what you consider to be "lowest common denominator." As someone on the high end of middle class I'm completely dumbfounded when Democrats say (with a straight face no less) that I would be "voting against my interests" if I didn't go in with them. Which is a fucking load of shit - the bulk of what they say is their draw to me is instead a complete turnoff. For example, why the bloody hell do I want to enable your hatred of the rich to gratuitously screw them over when I know that I'm the very next in line for you to fuck over? And $15 minimum wage? Why the fuck do I care about that? I haven't made min wage since I was 16 and don't want to hugely inflate my costs for goods and services just so some high school kid can have more spending money; if you're an adult making minimum wage then your problems aren't going to be solved by forcing me to pay you an artificially high wage that's more than what your skillset dictates. Obamacare and "reducing the amount of uninsured"? Are you fucking kidding me? How is fucking me over so old people can enjoy one more subsidy of their medical care helping me

Then you have the Republicans. As if I give a damn about who is marrying who, or having abortions in some other state I don't live in, or any of that other culture war crap. How about instead you raise your own damn kids correctly for once (you generally do a lousy job, see Sarah Palin and her brood) and leave the rest of us the hell alone?
Sep 12, 2004
Meh. The GOP are doing everything they can to prevent Trump from getting the nod and the Dems are doing everything they can to stop Bernie from beating Billary.

It just goes to show what morons both parties are.


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
There really isn't a stand-out option this time on either side. Someone with a cool demeanor and a quick wit would have destroyed Trump by now, but that obviously isn't going to happen with the people on the stage with him. Jeb knows how to get under his skin, but can't seal the deal. Rubio talks randomly. Cruz is a snake-handling Pentecostal preacher. Kasich is too nice. Ben is high as fuck.

A Trump and Bernie show down would be fun to watch.


Dec 7, 2009
And $15 minimum wage? Why the fuck do I care about that? I haven't made min wage since I was 16 and don't want to hugely inflate my costs for goods and services just so some high school kid can have more spending money; if you're an adult making minimum wage then your problems aren't going to be solved by forcing me to pay you an artificially high wage that's more than what your skillset dictates. Obamacare and "reducing the amount of uninsured"? Are you fucking kidding me? How is fucking me over so old people can enjoy one more subsidy of their medical care helping me?

I suppose I'm the only fucker that's equipped to answer your fucking questions. I'm not promising you're going to like the fucking answers though.

The fucking reason you want to fucking raise the minimum wage is so that there will be more fucking people with money in their fucking pockets that will be able to afford to buy whatever shitty goods or services you or your company want to sell in the fucking market.

Same thing with more people having access to healthcare. If they are healthier they will be less of a drain on the economy because they will be able to contribute to it, both as a producer and a consumer.

This is how the fucking economy fucking works. More fucking people with more fucking money and you can sell more fucking stuff to them giving you more fucking money so that you can more fucking fuck on fucking Valentine's fucking day if that's what you want to fucking do with your fucking life.

Or you know you can choose to do whatever you fucking want with your life if you have the fucking resources to do it. As long as nobody gets fucked that doesn't want to be fucked I don't fucking care.

But if the opposite happens and few people have fucking money then the economy grinds to a fucking halt because there is a limited amount of fucking stuff they can fucking buy and a limited amount of fucking fucking they can fucking do on Valentine's Fucking Day if that's what they want to fucking do.

It's all about fucking choices. You make your fucking choices and I make my fucking choices but be sure the fucking choices you make give you the ability to continue making those fucking choices or you're going to be fucked.

Now if you want to have to go to the fucking bank with a fucking wheelbarrow to buy a piece of fucking bread one day then fuck it. Vote for a fuckwit that doesn't fucking get it.
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Dec 7, 2009
Kanye/Trump 2024?

2 colossal narcissists? The day the 2 agree on something, anything, is the day the universe implodes into a big crunch.

Just before everyone dies they will take credit for it though, because how could anything they do ever be wrong?


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I suppose I'm the only fucker that's equipped to answer your fucking questions. I'm not promising you're going to like the fucking answers though.

The fucking reason you want to fucking raise the minimum wage is so that there will be more fucking people with money in their fucking pockets that will be able to afford to buy whatever shitty goods or services you or your company want to sell in the fucking market.

Same thing with more people having access to healthcare. If they are healthier they will be less of a drain on the economy because they will be able to contribute to it, both as a producer and a consumer.

This is how the fucking economy fucking works. More fucking people with more fucking money and you can sell more fucking stuff to them giving you more fucking money so that you can more fucking fuck on fucking Valentine's fucking day if that's what you want to fucking do with your fucking life.

Or you know you can choose to do whatever you fucking want with your life if you have the fucking resources to do it. As long as nobody gets fucked that doesn't want to be fucked I don't fucking care.

But if the opposite happens and few people have fucking money then the economy grinds to a fucking halt because there is a limited amount of fucking stuff they can fucking buy and a limited amount of fucking fucking they can fucking do on Valentine's Fucking Day if that's what they want to fucking do.

It's all about fucking choices. You make your fucking choices and I make my fucking choices but be sure the fucking choices you make give you the ability to continue making those fucking choices or you're going to be fucked.

Now if you want to have to go to the fucking bank with a fucking wheelbarrow to buy a piece of fucking bread one day then fuck it. Vote for a fuckwit that doesn't fucking get it.

I had something to say, but I reread your post. I'm good. More F bombs than Goodfellas.
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Feb 4, 2009
Of course he will, his promises are shit.

I've thought of it as a Gentleman's agreement. You do this and I won't do that. His previous agreement is nothing more than that.

And Trump would create his own Party, Independents are consistent losers. He'd use T as a symbol and gold as its color. Trumps party would be the greatest there ever will be.
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Most of what he says is nuts but he's right on the money with this one:

It applies to both parties of course, and the middle class knows they aren't the 'special interest' that either party cares about.

In a way, I feel bad for Trump, and it's the same reason I feel legit bad for Sanders. There is no rational course of success for a 3rd party candidate in our system, so both have no choice but to sign on and eat the shit of the major parties. Bernie isn't a democrat and Trump isn't a republican, and it is quite interesting that both appear to be the most popular candidates within each party right now.

At the same time, I'm mildly sympathetic to each party's charge that their internal interests are being compromised by these carpetbaggers. Repubs have a bigger problem, because they have two to deal with in Trump and Cruz.


Feb 16, 2016
The president will be another puppet, period. I'm not an US citizen, but the world is build around two party system and there's a reason why, so the elite cannot lose control. If Trump is in any shape or form a threat to the establishment he will suddenly have a heart attack or commit suicide be shooting himself in the head like 5,6 times.


Aug 2, 2001
He doesn't need to run independent as he's winning the nomination.

However, the idea that a little piece of paper from the RNC would stop Trump from doing what he wants if laughable. The fact they even did this shows their desperation and impotence.


Feb 16, 2016
He doesn't need to run independent as he's winning the nomination.

However, the idea that a little piece of paper from the RNC would stop Trump from doing what he wants if laughable. The fact they even did this shows their desperation and impotence.

Cruz or Rubio will steal Trump's nomination. Why do you think they've been boosted for a while ?


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
I've been saying all along that the only way that Trump can be good for the GOP is if he runs as an independent. That way they give up the presidency (probably going to lose it anyways) but then lock in the congress.

Trump will take ~30% of the vote (tea party voters), Rubio (or similar) will take ~30% of the vote (GOP establishment), and Sanders/Clinton will take the rest and win the presidency in a landslide. But then ~60% of voters will vote R down the ballot and the GOP will secure an even firmer lead in the house/senate.

That is a short-sighted strategy though. Since I doubt that the GOP will do well long-term by enhancing the split rather than quashing it.
Feb 4, 2009
The president will be another puppet, period. I'm not an US citizen, but the world is build around two party system and there's a reason why, so the elite cannot lose control. If Trump is in any shape or form a threat to the establishment he will suddenly have a heart attack or commit suicide be shooting himself in the head like 5,6 times.

If you're not a US citizen why do you care? I have some interest in England's Parliamentary process but I certainly don't care who is running for office. Its strange to me that so many people who are not Americans follow US politics.

Canadians get a pass, we're too close to each other not to have an interest.
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