News Trump: Mar-a-Lago just raided by FBI

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May 30, 2008
Yeah but notice the only ones listening and now attending Trump rallies are the Q's. Donald Trump's life has come down to the Q's, whereas all the other Trumpies will soon or already have dumped Donald Trump completely. Trump can only get Q people to his rallies at this point.

Q people will clap and applaud at his rantings.
Q people will cheer for him no matter what comes out of his mouth.
Q people will wear those red hats, Q people will carry Trump flags.
Yes.... you can depend on a Q whenever you need a Q, as Donald is now learning. And when all you have left are the Q's to depend on, you're Qscrewed.

Interesting point. I wonder if there's "objecitve" polling or survey data out there to support that idea - that Trump-supporters and Q-believers are now entirely overlapping circles on the Venn diagram? And how far is that because the Q cult has grown vs Trump support shrunk?
Reactions: cytg111


Jan 14, 2013
Interesting point. I wonder if there's "objecitve" polling or survey data out there to support that idea - that Trump-supporters and Q-believers are now entirely overlapping circles on the Venn diagram? And how far is that because the Q cult has grown vs Trump support shrunk?
He's wrong. I'll find it but I read a good article I think on the Washington Post website that polling generally shows Trump's favorability has not changed due to anything that's happening in the last 6 months. 44% favorability right now

I think some GQP are hoping for a fresh face but they still look at Trump favorably, And they will vote for him again.
Reactions: cytg111 and Pohemi


Jan 6, 2002
Trump says a lot of really really WTF dumb shit, this "I can declassify documents just by thinking about it" is high on the list. And he's said shit like drinking bleach could help with Corona Virus. Oh and he the moon was part of mars. And who can forget when he suggested raking forests to prevent forest fires. The scary thing here is, he might actually believe he can think something into reality.

And this man who thinks he declassified top secret shit with Jedi Mind Tricks was our president, how? And there are still tens of millions of people who want him back in office in 2024, what?

I hope to hell when this goes to trial if he ends up on the stand they record it for the world to see. Him on the stand would be the train wreck of the century for sure,
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Mar 17, 2008
Either his mind is fucked, like in dementia fucked, or his base is super fucked, like in a way way way more fucked than previously assumed.
His statement about the Mar a Lago raid was in actuality looking for Hillary’s emails was so fucking weird.
So either he understands how weird that was but it was worth it to get the bit out to the Q’s on primetime Hannity… OR his mind is fucking gone.

edit: That may be how he escapes accountability, have doctors declare him senile.
Reactions: hal2kilo and Pohemi


Apr 8, 2013
Either his mind is fucked, like in dementia fucked, or his base is super fucked, like in a way way way more fucked than previously assumed.
His statement about the Mar a Lago raid was in actuality looking for Hillary’s emails was so fucking weird.
So either he understands how weird that was but it was worth it to get the bit out to the Q’s on primetime Hannity… OR his mind is fucking gone.

edit: That may be how he escapes accountability, have doctors declare him senile.

No, this degree of apparent insanity is not out of character for Trump. As Quebert said above:

Trump says a lot of really really WTF dumb shit, this "I can declassify documents just by thinking about it" is high on the list. And he's said shit like drinking bleach could help with Corona Virus. Oh and he the moon was part of mars. And who can forget when he suggested raking forests to prevent forest fires. The scary thing here is, he might actually believe he can think something into reality.

I will add that at one point he suggested we could stop a hurricane by detonating a nuke over it.

Trump isn't quite stupid. He's probably rather average in intelligence, poor for a head of state. He may have been a bit smarter when younger. But I don't think he has dimentia. What he has is pathological narcissism. So great is Trump's need to exculpate himself to the public, and to villainize all who oppose him, that he'll accept and use basically anything, no matter how absurd. And after all, why not? His followers believe every last thing he says. While everyone else justifiably believes exactly nothing he says. So what's the difference how plausible his stories are? He could say the democrats are in league with aliens from the 5th dimension, and it wouldn't alter his poll numbers one bit.
Feb 4, 2009
This whole mental powers to declassify is basically saying the President can share whatever information with whomever they choose whenever is perfectly fine.

He was not President at the time, he lost his security clearance when the current President pulled them which by the way is exactly what former President Trump did with former President Obama and he was asked to return the documents on multiple occasions.
Reactions: hal2kilo


Feb 6, 2002
Too bad she'll never be punished and will possibly be rewarded.

Normally I would have said this is a career ended but it only takes a majority in the Senate for a higher appointment.

However if Trump gets indicted she will be permanently stained along with it. I’m sure the right wing cabal will find a way to reward her


Dec 11, 2000
This whole mental powers to declassify is basically saying the President can share whatever information with whomever they choose whenever is perfectly fine.

He was not President at the time, he lost his security clearance when the current President pulled them which by the way is exactly what former President Trump did with former President Obama and he was asked to return the documents on multiple occasions.

It's certainly in the president's power to declassify, to your point, but I also think there isn't enough attention on the practical aspect. Sure, he can declassify things, but if he never actually tells anyone, then are they really declassified? I would argue no. There is still a process to removing classified markers, have the information reviewed by the classifying agency, tie off any loose ends depending on the nature of the information, etc.

I heard someone relate it to determining troop movements. Sure the president has the power to send troops into enemy territory, but if he never actually tells anyone, the troops aren't actually in enemy territory, are they?
Reactions: hal2kilo and Pohemi


Oct 11, 2005
It's certainly in the president's power to declassify, to your point, but I also think there isn't enough attention on the practical aspect. Sure, he can declassify things, but if he never actually tells anyone, then are they really declassified? I would argue no. There is still a process to removing classified markers, have the information reviewed by the classifying agency, tie off any loose ends depending on the nature of the information, etc.

I heard someone relate it to determining troop movements. Sure the president has the power to send troops into enemy territory, but if he never actually tells anyone, the troops aren't actually in enemy territory, are they?

You would be correct. If there is no record of it, nor are the markings themselves removed, then it is to be treated as marked until they are officially removed.


Feb 6, 2002
You would be correct. If there is no record of it, nor are the markings themselves removed, then it is to be treated as marked until they are officially removed.

Remember when Trump tried to claim I nearby declassify all documents in the Russia hoax investigation? Judge said “I don’t think so”
Reactions: Pohemi


Jan 8, 2010
A lot of what you are seeing with Trump is that this is a man who for decades has been used to everyone around him kissing his ass and being yes men. He could say anything he wanted and people just nod and agree. Over the years, he's found he doesn't need to filter what he thinks vs. what he says, at least in many cases. It is hard to say if he has any filter at all, but he clearly knows when to lie and when to deflect. When he became president, he seriously thought that put him in king status and no one could disagree with him or tell him no. He in turn considered (just like his business mind) those people to be traitors to the cause and the enemy and publically tried to vilify them. It really pissed him off when he discovered people would tell him no constantly and he could do little about it.

Does anyone remember the old Firefly episode with the assassin? He controlled the conversation with his responses. They generally seemed delusional or completely random. It was intentional because it kept the other person off their game. Sometimes, I think this is how Trump works....but yes, his narcissism does get in the way. He truly does try to turn every single conversation into something about him, no matter what the topic is.

I am curious if before Twitter/social media, if Trump would have ever stood a chance of being president, or if he did get voted in, would he have looked as bad if it wasn't all coming straight from him.
Feb 4, 2009
A lot of what you are seeing with Trump is that this is a man who for decades has been used to everyone around him kissing his ass and being yes men. He could say anything he wanted and people just nod and agree. Over the years, he's found he doesn't need to filter what he thinks vs. what he says, at least in many cases. It is hard to say if he has any filter at all, but he clearly knows when to lie and when to deflect. When he became president, he seriously thought that put him in king status and no one could disagree with him or tell him no. He in turn considered (just like his business mind) those people to be traitors to the cause and the enemy and publically tried to vilify them. It really pissed him off when he discovered people would tell him no constantly and he could do little about it.

Does anyone remember the old Firefly episode with the assassin? He controlled the conversation with his responses. They generally seemed delusional or completely random. It was intentional because it kept the other person off their game. Sometimes, I think this is how Trump works....but yes, his narcissism does get in the way. He truly does try to turn every single conversation into something about him, no matter what the topic is.

I am curious if before Twitter/social media, if Trump would have ever stood a chance of being president, or if he did get voted in, would he have looked as bad if it wasn't all coming straight from him.
Yeah, he expected to lose and when he won he expected to be King not the President.
Reactions: dank69 and hal2kilo


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2002
Remember when Trump tried to claim I nearby declassify all documents in the Russia hoax investigation? Judge said “I don’t think so”

It wasn’t really the judge, his own administration had to argue that while he said it, that wasn’t what he meant.


Golden Member
Oct 24, 2020
I am curious if before Twitter/social media, if Trump would have ever stood a chance of being president, or if he did get voted in, would he have looked as bad if it wasn't all coming straight from him.

Absolutely. Remember how Trump became President.

Social media was not really needed. Trump spent eight years lying and trashing this country’s first Black President. And the first couple of years consisted of Barack Obama fixing the horrible fiscal and foreign policy disasters of Dubya.

Half of the Whites in this nation hated the notion that a descendant of a race people that for two centuries they’ve easily despised, dismissed and devastated with little blowback had captured the White House. And they kept their malignant attacks coming.

Trump tapped into this obscene racist disgust. There were not too many Internet news forums around back then. And when Trump won the GOP nomination, he faced Obama’s SecState, Hillary Clinton, not his VP, Joe Biden.

Hillary was done in by the lack of a focused campaign and a selfish Bernie Sanders who really believed most wanted his nonsensical agenda. We didn’t.

So, 10% to 12% of Bernie’s supposedly leftist supporters actually voted for Trump. Others sat home or voted for third party candidates who had no chance of winning. We ended up with Trump and the country was changed forever.

(BTW, I don't remember that Firefly episode.)


Diamond Member
Jun 14, 2000
I firmly believe anything the FPOTUS has said that is remotely stupid is likely him misunderstanding what someone told him. His comments from April 2020 about injecting disinfectant.

But I always wonder what the core comment was that he has misinterpreted. Same with this. He heard somebody say something about Presidents being able to declassify documents and didn't understand their comment at all.
Reactions: hal2kilo


Jan 6, 2002
I firmly believe anything the FPOTUS has said that is remotely stupid is likely him misunderstanding what someone told him. His comments from April 2020 about injecting disinfectant.

But I always wonder what the core comment was that he has misinterpreted. Same with this. He heard somebody say something about Presidents being able to declassify documents and didn't understand their comment at all.

No doubt he misunderstands a ton of shit, but I dunno I think he comes up with a lot of the stupid shit he says all on his own. He said Corona Virus would go away when the weather got warmer. When asked to elaborate on how he said something to the effect of "I don't know, it'll be like magic" I can't see any expert who was around him telling him anything even remotely close to it will just magically go away when the summertime heat came around.

Also nuking a hurricane to kill it, or raking a forest to prevent fires. He definitely misunderstands what intelligent people tell him all the time, but he seems to have a wild imagination all on his own.

I'm really trying to come up with what was said in a scenario where he was told something that his brain computed as "oh! we can nuke a hurricane!" His brain goes 1 big step beyond just simply misinterpreting.

I know he a few days after he said it, he came out and said "he he he I was only joking" about injecting Clorox to fight Covid.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
No doubt he misunderstands a ton of shit, but I dunno I think he comes up with a lot of the stupid shit he says all on his own. He said Corona Virus would go away when the weather got warmer. When asked to elaborate on how he said something to the effect of "I don't know, it'll be like magic" I can't see any expert who was around him telling him anything even remotely close to it will just magically go away when the summertime heat came around.

Also nuking a hurricane to kill it, or raking a forest to prevent fires. He definitely misunderstands what intelligent people tell him all the time, but he seems to have a wild imagination all on his own.

I'm really trying to come up with what was said in a scenario where he was told something that his brain computed as "oh! we can nuke a hurricane!" His brain goes 1 big step beyond just simply misinterpreting.

I know he a few days after he said it, he came out and said "he he he I was only joking" about injecting Clorox to fight Covid.

I remember a sci-fi novel back in the 60's (I think) about a squadron whose job was to nuke hurricanes and tornados. It worked well. (in the novel) I don't remember how they dealt with the fall out...maybe Trump saw the book's cover or jacket. (I doubt he actually read it)

Raking the forest might make sense to a guy who probably never saw a forest bigger than Central Park...
Reactions: hal2kilo and Zorba


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2002
No doubt he misunderstands a ton of shit, but I dunno I think he comes up with a lot of the stupid shit he says all on his own. He said Corona Virus would go away when the weather got warmer. When asked to elaborate on how he said something to the effect of "I don't know, it'll be like magic" I can't see any expert who was around him telling him anything even remotely close to it will just magically go away when the summertime heat came around.

There is a bit of effect reducing this kind of stuff in the summer because people go outside rather than congregating indoors, and some other effects. As usual he heard something, didn't really understand it, and then additionally garbled it because he speaks like an excited third grader.
Reactions: dank69


Oct 22, 1999
No doubt he misunderstands a ton of shit, but I dunno I think he comes up with a lot of the stupid shit he says all on his own. He said Corona Virus would go away when the weather got warmer. When asked to elaborate on how he said something to the effect of "I don't know, it'll be like magic" I can't see any expert who was around him telling him anything even remotely close to it will just magically go away when the summertime heat came around.

Also nuking a hurricane to kill it, or raking a forest to prevent fires. He definitely misunderstands what intelligent people tell him all the time, but he seems to have a wild imagination all on his own.

I'm really trying to come up with what was said in a scenario where he was told something that his brain computed as "oh! we can nuke a hurricane!" His brain goes 1 big step beyond just simply misinterpreting.

I know he a few days after he said it, he came out and said "he he he I was only joking" about injecting Clorox to fight Covid.
SARS went away when it got warmer (also after a ton of suppression effort), he was probably told something about this and it came out as "it's magic!"

He heard that hurricanes were more powerful than nukes, so he just got Nukes+Hurricanes, or just assumes nukes can fix anything. I am kind curious what would happen, I'm guessing a momentary collapse of the eye, and then reforming.

Told that years of mismanaging forests has lead to build up of underbrush and debris, so his solution is to rake them.

I see morons misinterpret everything they hear at work all the time.


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2002
This is the truly scary aspect of american society. Who ever thought that americans would become so moronic they would champion an ape like Trump. Mind you this isn't about republican vs democrat or saying they should support biden; but surely they could find a person with their (ethical) values that actually had some (ethical) values or perhaps this tells you something else about a large chunk of american society. Even more so look at the segment of society who is actually supporting trump.... kind of figure those church loving uneducated hypocrite would lack total sense of ethics.

And this man who thinks he declassified top secret shit with Jedi Mind Tricks was our president, how? And there are still tens of millions of people who want him back in office in 2024, what?


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 1999
but surely they could find a person with their (ethical) values that actually had some (ethical) values or perhaps this tells you something else about a large chunk of american society. Even more so look at the segment of society who is actually supporting trump.... kind of figure those church loving uneducated hypocrite would lack total sense of ethics.
But their excuse, we’re not voting for him for Pope.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
Remember when Trump tried to claim I nearby declassify all documents in the Russia hoax investigation? Judge said “I don’t think so”

Didn’t Trump offer to share classified info with that dipshit “Kid Rock”? He may have been joking, but still…If he thought about it, it was done.

Does that mean that if he thought about sexually assaulting someone it actually happened?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Didn’t Trump offer to share classified info with that dipshit “Kid Rock”? He may have been joking, but still…If he thought about it, it was done.

Does that mean that if he thought about sexually assaulting someone it actually happened?


I mean, he has already publicly claimed that he would fuck his daughter, "if not" ...which of course obviously means he has thought about it. Lol. it's crazy to consider that but it's completely true.

He truly has thought about fucking his own daughter, many times. I never actually thought about it out loud like that, but it's not only undeniably true, but also just weird when you consider the reality of it. that you make the excellent point that he probably has convinced himself that his mere thinking something does, indeed, make it so.

I mean, he wouldn't like about his ability to do that, right MAGATS? lol. they keep making arguments for him that "maybe he's right?" when he says dumb shit like this, so they literally have to believe all of these things are true.

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