Trump takes the 5th in NY

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Oct 15, 1999
Then you admit that all the times when he said that people who take the 5th are really guilty doesn't apply to him because he did the right thing according to an article. As I said elsewhere when it comes to partisanship rationalizations they all depend on whose ox gets gored. When Trump thought somebody needed to be brought to justice he would gladly have tortured them for a confession. He would never have allowed his enemies to take the 5th. He wouldn't even need them to be guilty, just confess to whatever he wanted to charge them with. All that happened there was that a piece of criminal garbage evoked his constitutional right not to incriminate his criminal self. The fact this country allowed that guy to even run for office much less avoid two impeachment attempts tells you how utterly corrupt this country is. Now that piece of shit gets to hide behind what's still left that's good about it. What that fuck deserves is extraordinary rendition to Guantanamo Bay.
While that's a very heartfelt statement, and one that the PRC would agree with, it has nothing to do with law or justice. Take a step away from the hate and use a little logic. You know Trumps a criminal because that's all you hear, but for all of his crimes, he's never faced a jury. That may change in the future, but it's true today.


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 2004
...You know Trumps a criminal because that's all you hear, but for all of his crimes, he's never faced a jury. That may change in the future, but it's true today.
No, conservative brains work that way. Most people see reporting from reputable sources and actual fucking evidence of criminality and come to that conclusion. He may not have been found guilty in a court of law yet, but he is still a criminal. Just like those people selling heroin, stealing cars, or doing "thuggy" activities. We know they are criminals before they get arrested. We don't need to see a guilty conviction to come to that conclusion. You need to wait for someone to tell you what the conclusion is. The smart people are the ones coming to the conclusion based on facts and trying to help you see it for yourself rather waiting to be told.


Jan 14, 2013
No, conservative brains work that way. Most people see reporting from reputable sources and actual fucking evidence of criminality and come to that conclusion. He may not have been found guilty in a court of law yet, but he is still a criminal. Just like those people selling heroin, stealing cars, or doing "thuggy" activities. We know they are criminals before they get arrested. We don't need to see a guilty conviction to come to that conclusion. You need to wait for someone to tell you what the conclusion is. The smart people are the ones coming to the conclusion based on facts and trying to help you see it for yourself rather waiting to be told.

A lot of rich and powerful white collar criminals get away with lots of shit from the criminal justice system - this is proven and well-known. Greenman defends Trump because deep down that's his guy.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
While that's a very heartfelt statement, and one that the PRC would agree with, it has nothing to do with law or justice. Take a step away from the hate and use a little logic. You know Trumps a criminal because that's all you hear, but for all of his crimes, he's never faced a jury. That may change in the future, but it's true today.

I love how Jhon Gotti wasn't a criminal for like, 40+ years until he suddenly was.

by your standard.

It's like how you do justice, supporting mafia hegemony, basically. Just to clarify, you have a ~100-55 BCE Roman understanding of justice. I mean, it's passable?, but it leads to endless generations of death and violence and chaos, for basically no reason other than to preserve dynastic despots.

Just so you know. That's actually what you write in your posts. ...just so you understand how your brain works. This is help. Just saying.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
While that's a very heartfelt statement, and one that the PRC would agree with, it has nothing to do with law or justice. Take a step away from the hate and use a little logic. You know Trumps a criminal because that's all you hear, but for all of his crimes, he's never faced a jury. That may change in the future, but it's true today.
I knew who Trump was when I first heard him announce his run for the Republican Presidential campaign. I knew just from watching that he was a dangerous psychopath. I also knew he would win his party and that the democratic response to him would be worthless and that he could win the Presidency itself. I knew it just like I know I could trust you with my life, that you are a good person. It is why you do not want to see me hate. It is self destructive and you care.

I knew because the lies a narcissistic psychopath tells himself about how great he is, he will tell you too that you're just as great if you follow his lead, that you show loyalty. And I know what people what to hear because I know they hate themselves they will glom onto any lie that makes them feel better.

What I said above was what Trump deserves were justice a reciprocal thing, experiencing yourself the evil you would do to others. I despise Trump for the damage he has done to this country, but that does not mean I like myself for feeling that way and it certainly does not mean that were it within my power to punish him in any way that I would act out that contempt. I will wait and hope the justice department and the courts hold him accountable for his crimes. There is no doubt at all in my mind he is criminally insane, but our system requires conviction by a jury first. I also know that the monster who created Trump was his father. It is not Trumps fault. His father is cause but he was created too.

Our justice system is there to prevent punishing people because the rest of us feel rage, but it is also there to create the illusion that punishment is just. You can't blame an output from a computer running a program but our rage demands that we pretend we can.

Years and years ago I read a science fiction story about a planet created for a deranged criminal where he could do whatever he wanted to the people living there because they were not people but machines that could not feel any kind of pain. They would just act as if they did. They would not resist or fight back. Imagine being filled with all the rage malevolence and hatred in the world and being able to act it out at will but without any real effect. We just never notice the limits of rage so we never discover what is behind it.


Aug 5, 2000
There's only one thing that absolutely shocked me about Trump's visit with the NY AG and although his pleading the 5th hundreds of times were (technically speaking) admissions of guilt, his holding back the rage he likes to attack his accusers with was absent, that instinctual rage of which he incriminates himself with as he's shown time and again in the past.

It must have been his most supreme act of self control to have been pointedly questioned for hours by his tormentor, a smart, very well educated and qualified black woman who ticked off hundreds of accusatory questions to his face. In my eyes, that experience he went through is in and by itself righteous punishment being delivered on his ass, with many more days, weeks and months of it to follow. Small wonder that his supporters are feeling the agonizing sympathy pains of having their idol being humiliated that way. I'm thinking the only thing on their minds at the moment and into the future is how they're going to get revenge for what the "rigged establishment" is doing to their superstar, never mind that Trump put himself in the legal mess he's in and the system of justice is working the way it's supposed to.
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Platinum Member
Aug 17, 2004
Supposedly it's better in a civil case to plead the 5th because even if guilty you're only on the hook for monetary fines. In criminal cases you go to jail. I suspect Trump does not want to go to jail, it makes sense for him to do what he did. Although it has to tear him up inside that he didn't get to openly blab about his innocence to the judge.


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 1999
There's only one thing that absolutely shocked me about Trump's visit with the NY AG and although his pleading the 5th hundreds of times were (technically speaking) admissions of guilt, his holding back the rage he likes to attack his accusers with was absent, that instinctual rage of which he incriminates himself with as he's shown time and again in the past.

It must have been his most supreme act of self control to have been pointedly questioned for hours by his tormentor, a smart, very well educated and qualified black woman who ticked off hundreds of accusatory questions to his face.
Bet his arms were crossed for most of the deposition. And surprising it’s been reported he was very polite to the AG and her staff. When she had to leave, he shook her hand. And at the end, shook hands with most of the support staff


Oct 20, 2003
Supposedly it's better in a civil case to plead the 5th because even if guilty you're only on the hook for monetary fines. In criminal cases you go to jail. I suspect Trump does not want to go to jail, it makes sense for him to do what he did. Although it has to tear him up inside that he didn't get to openly blab about his innocence to the judge.

Watch the above video.... by pleading the 5th in a civil case the Dumpster pretty much screwed himself.


Platinum Member
Aug 17, 2004
Watch the above video.... by pleading the 5th in a civil case the Dumpster pretty much screwed himself.

But the result is the same. He was probably advised that if he is found guilty, which is likely, it would still only be monetary penalties, not jail time. He doesn't care if he's found guilty, he'll put out that it's still a witch hunt, his minions and Fox news will amplify his claims, and he'll wave his hand and pay the money without ever having to have done anything to perjure himself etc. To his supporters the end result will be that he was screwed over, because to them he is not guilty anyway.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
But the result is the same. He was probably advised that if he is found guilty, which is likely, it would still only be monetary penalties, not jail time. He doesn't care if he's found guilty, he'll put out that it's still a witch hunt, his minions and Fox news will amplify his claims, and he'll wave his hand and pay the money without ever having to have done anything to perjure himself etc. To his supporters the end result will be that he was screwed over, because to them he is not guilty anyway.
Pay the money? Trump? Hehe. He'll be in the ground before he pays a dime.
Jul 27, 2020
Years and years ago I read a science fiction story about a planet created for a deranged criminal where he could do whatever he wanted to the people living there because they were not people but machines that could not feel any kind of pain. They would just act as if they did. They would not resist or fight back.
Watchmen? Coz the HBO series has that exact planet with people that the psychopath gets to torture and kill yet they pledge absolute allegiance to him.


Oct 20, 2003
But like Cohen said, he’s get perjury charges added. When you’re screwed, take the less severe option

Oh I'm not saying Mr Dump had any "better" options! (ROTFL)

The "serious" demeanor, the restraint and the "actually listening" to his defense attorneys this time around tells you all you need to know... this time that slippery bastage MAY not get away with it.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
But the result is the same. He was probably advised that if he is found guilty, which is likely, it would still only be monetary penalties, not jail time. He doesn't care if he's found guilty, he'll put out that it's still a witch hunt, his minions and Fox news will amplify his claims, and he'll wave his hand and pay the money without ever having to have done anything to perjure himself etc. To his supporters the end result will be that he was screwed over, because to them he is not guilty anyway.

you forgot the part where he again scams his cult out of paying these fines, as well. Which he is already doing, quite successfully.

"So no jail, I just pay some fines that my idiot followers will pay for me, and I just loudly pretend that nothing actually happened?"


Platinum Member
Aug 17, 2004
you forgot the part where he again scams his cult out of paying these fines, as well. Which he is already doing, quite successfully.

"So no jail, I just pay some fines that my idiot followers will pay for me, and I just loudly pretend that nothing actually happened?"

No I didn't forget that, that's kind of a given. Great businessmen like Trump never use their own money for anything. Trump is probably broke anyway.


Oct 15, 1999
No, conservative brains work that way. Most people see reporting from reputable sources and actual fucking evidence of criminality and come to that conclusion. He may not have been found guilty in a court of law yet, but he is still a criminal. Just like those people selling heroin, stealing cars, or doing "thuggy" activities. We know they are criminals before they get arrested. We don't need to see a guilty conviction to come to that conclusion. You need to wait for someone to tell you what the conclusion is. The smart people are the ones coming to the conclusion based on facts and trying to help you see it for yourself rather waiting to be told.
I've yet to see any of the facts you're talking about. Tons of "connect the dots" more speculation than a high tech start up, but no actual criminal charges filed.
The criminal investigation against Trump has for the most part petered out. The civil investigation is being pushed by an AG who's election platform was "get Trump". She hates Trump, she want's to punish Trump. That isn't a conviction or a judgement.

Personally, I wish Trump would just go away. That's not going to happen because lots of people have decided that Trump is the hill they're going to die on. The left will do everything it can to bring him down and the right will work just as hard to put him in the Whitehouse. Our politics are now hate based, no good will come of that.


Golden Member
Jun 3, 2005
you forgot the part where he again scams his cult out of paying these fines, as well. Which he is already doing, quite successfully.

"So no jail, I just pay some fines that my idiot followers will pay for me, and I just loudly pretend that nothing actually happened?"
No I didn't forget that, that's kind of a given. Great businessmen like Trump never use their own money for anything. Trump is probably broke anyway.

Plus he doesn't even have to pay for his own legal bills for this:

“Since October 2021, the Republican National Committee has paid nearly $2 million to law firms representing Trump as part of his defense against personal litigation and government investigations,”

Will be interesting if the article is right and they cut him off from his defense fund if he runs.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I've yet to see any of the facts you're talking about. Tons of "connect the dots" more speculation than a high tech start up, but no actual criminal charges filed.
That's not true, they have been clearly presented to you. If you would like, here they are yet again. I would be interested to hear why you think the activity displayed here is not fraud.

The criminal investigation against Trump has for the most part petered out.

That is uhhhmmm... emphatically not true. If anything criminal investigations into Trump are expanding and accelerating. Did you miss the parade of advisors to Trump testifying to the grand jury in DC?

Personally, I wish Trump would just go away. That's not going to happen because lots of people have decided that Trump is the hill they're going to die on. The left will do everything it can to bring him down and the right will work just as hard to put him in the Whitehouse. Our politics are now hate based, no good will come of that.
You're being part of the problem here. One side is correctly stating that Trump is a criminal based on large amounts of evidence and shouldn't be in power. The other side is denying this because they find the facts inconvenient.

When you #bothsides a situation where one side is telling the truth and the other side is lying you do the work of the liars.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
And surprising it’s been reported he was very polite to the AG and her staff. When she had to leave, he shook her hand. And at the end, shook hands with most of the support staff

I've heard stuff like this repeated about him for many years. Some people hold it up as proof he isn't a terrible asshole because he can be superficially nice to people. Presumably people impressed by this have never met a salesperson.
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