Trump to reveal deal to keep nearly 1,000 Carrier jobs in Indiana

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Nov 11, 1999
I take it that you directed the "if I was just caught talking out of both sides of my mouth I might be inclined to just shut the fuck up for a while." quote to Fskimospy, right? Because what he quoted of DocSavageFan points to an article as to why that Bill should have been shot down -- that is, if the article discussing the Bill is accurate. Shit bills are shit bills. Do you get points for proposing them anyway?

Trump gets points when he proposes the same stuff. Nobody else, though.


Nov 20, 1999
If i were a ceo of a company, i would announce plans to offshore 10,000 jobs (when in reality it's 5,000 jobs on the line), then 'negotiate' with Trump to to save 5,000 jobs with tax incentives, paid for by the citizens.

Trump is a god damned idiot for opening this can of worms.
Reactions: jackstar7


Jun 9, 2016
Now I understand the disconnect. The federal government obviously has a role in the management of infrastructure and public services. The line blurs when the government attempts to play venture capitalist or kingmaker. Global trade already existed during the framing of the Constitution, but I don't think the Founding Fathers envisioned a world where labor in addition to goods would become so transient, or the role government would play in the advancement of technology.

In case you were wondering how people buy into the "both sides" equivalence rhetoric and become apologists for trump.


Jun 9, 2016
I'll knock the results! Tax credits for businesses that threaten to move jobs overseas are a really stupid way to manage a state and preserve jobs. They undercut tax revenue, distort the business climate in favor of large businesses (small businesses can't relocate), and they usually don't even achieve the meager results they claim. They're a huge waste of time and money for a giveaway to rich people.

On top of that, the president elect personally intervening in a negotiation to grant a business special tax breaks sets a horrible precedent and encourages more companies to make the same threat, all for a piddling result of saving two tenths of one percent of jobs in one sector in a mid-sized state. While the people it directly affects should be very happy, the rest of us shouldn't be.

Not just a giveaway to rich people, but to trump's hopefuls. Indiana's getting money from blue states to cover their shortfalls anyway. It's classic robbing peter to pay paul, with every trumpster doing what it takes to be paul.


Jun 9, 2016
Just as I have nothing except your empty rhetoric.

Willing to say anything to is why nobody respects you. It's pretty obvious you're aware why blatant hypocrisy is unethical, but deplorables never let that stop them.

Very Alex Jones of you.
What a dishonest hack you are.

What a complete piece of shit. But more notably, look at how many are getting in line to be pieces of shit too now that there's one of their own going to the white house.


Feb 15, 2002
Anyone seen the guys picketing at Carrier's Huntington, IN plant? They're carrying signs saying "Where's Our Jobs?"
Nov 30, 2006
I thought it was a pretty great example of how malleable your views are on this issue. I have no doubt you'll come up with some special distinction as to why that one was bad and this one is good but your post speaks for itself.
I'm pro-jobs now and was then 3 years ago if you bother to read my subsequent posts in that thread. A bad jobs bill is a bad jobs bill ( and my opinion of this bill hasn't changed in any way that suggests a "malleable" view on this issue. If Democrats were really honest brokers here (haha), the bill would have been bipartisan from the git-go. Reid held a vote on this bill knowing full well the outcome since the exact same bill failed in along party lines in the 112th Congress. Meanwhile, he failed to act on dozens and dozens and dozens of bipartisan bills that were quite worthy of floor consideration. Bottom line, the Bring Jobs Home bill was a bad jobs bill and the only reason it was brought to the floor for vote was purely for political theater.

I can only imagine that such "complex nuances" regarding my position on jobs must be quite hard for you to fathom....however, I would expect nothing less from you given our history and the obvious butthurt it takes to motivate one to dig up though posts from 3 years ago in a vindictive attempt to impugn by twisting my position on jobs as being somehow contradictory. But such is the life of a sad, strange little man living in a sad, strange little world.
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Jun 9, 2016
I'm pro-jobs now and was then 3 years ago if you bother to read my subsequent posts in that thread. A bad jobs bill is a bad jobs bill ( and my opinion of this bill hasn't changed in any way that suggests a "malleable" view on this issue. If Democrats were really honest brokers here (haha), the bill would have been bipartisan from the git-go. Reid held a vote on this bill knowing full well the outcome since the exact same bill failed in along party lines in the 112th Congress. Meanwhile, he failed to act on dozens and dozens and dozens of bipartisan bills that were quite worthy of floor consideration. Bottom line, the Bring Jobs Home bill was a bad jobs bill and the only reason it was brought to the floor for vote was purely for political theater.

I can only imagine that such "complex nuances" regarding my position on jobs must be quite hard for you to fathom....however, I would expect nothing less from you given our history and the obvious butthurt it takes to motivate one to dig up though posts from 3 years ago in a vindictive attempt to impugn by twisting my position on jobs as being somehow contradictory. But such is the life of a sad, strange little man in a sad, strange little world.

"complex nuances" = "cheerlead any hackjob trump does, boo the guys who actually save half the good jobs in the region".

Keep in mind everyone knows how that works, so it's understandable nobody takes you seriously.
Nov 30, 2006
Willing to say anything to is why nobody respects you. It's pretty obvious you're aware why blatant hypocrisy is unethical, but deplorables never let that stop them.
I'm not here for your ilk's respect...I'm here to tell you the cold hard facts from a different perspective that you don't want to hear. Yes, I'm direct and lack tact...I get that...but if you come at me personally, rest assured that I'm not shy about responding in like kind. If you want to engage in reasonable discussion, I can do that too. You choose.


Jun 9, 2016
I'm not here for your ilk's respect...I here to tell you the cold hard facts that you don't want to hear. Yes, I'm direct and lack tact...I get that...but if you come at me personally, rest assured that I'm not shy about responding in like kind. If you want to engage in reasonable discussion, I can do that to. You choose.

"the cold hard facts" = "what I was told to parrot just like buckshot"

LOL. That's why nobody respects you, not even the other parrots, and I suspect not even yourself. They know what they do, just like you do, too.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I'm pro-jobs now and was then 3 years ago if you bother to read my subsequent posts in that thread. A bad jobs bill is a bad jobs bill ( and my opinion of this bill hasn't changed in any way that suggests a "malleable" view on this issue. If Democrats were really honest brokers here (haha), the bill would have been bipartisan from the git-go. Reid held a vote on this bill knowing full well the outcome since the exact same bill failed in along party lines in the 112th Congress. Meanwhile, he failed to act on dozens and dozens and dozens of bipartisan bills that were quite worthy of floor consideration. Bottom line, the Bring Jobs Home bill was a bad jobs bill and the only reason it was brought to the floor for vote was purely for political theater.

I can only imagine that such "complex nuances" regarding my position on jobs must be quite hard for you to fathom....however, I would expect nothing less from you given our history and the obvious butthurt it takes to motivate one to dig up though posts from 3 years ago in a vindictive attempt to impugn by twisting my position on jobs as being somehow contradictory. But such is the life of a sad, strange little man in a sad, strange little world.

Hahaha, whatever you need to tell yourself.

I totally called it that you would find some reason why that bill was special and had to be opposed while things like this are totally okay. Your ability to rationalize is truly impressive.
Nov 30, 2006
"the cold hard facts" = "what I was told to parrot just like buckshot"

LOL. That's why nobody respects you, not even the other parrots, and I suspect not even yourself. They know what they do, just like you do, too.
I presented several facts in this thread, which ones upset you to the point of wanting to lash out at me instead of engaging in discussion?


Sep 12, 2012
If i were a ceo of a company, i would announce plans to offshore 10,000 jobs (when in reality it's 5,000 jobs on the line), then 'negotiate' with Trump to to save 5,000 jobs with tax incentives, paid for by the citizens.

Trump is a god damned idiot for opening this can of worms.

Lol, I was just thinking the same thing. Play the game and rip off the government as much as possible. And why not? If you're not going to do it someone else will.


Feb 5, 2006
I suspect UTC will eventually sell Carrier, to decouple it from its Government contract business. Carrier is worth more to another owner who can outsource the jobs to Mexico and make it more profitable by about $65M per year, as opposed to Carrier, which now can't without being hit on the government contract side.
Nov 30, 2006
Hahaha, whatever you need to tell yourself.

I totally called it that you would find some reason why that bill was special and had to be opposed while things like this are totally okay. Your ability to rationalize is truly impressive.
I provide facts and you provide nothing to refute them...except to post garbage like the above. More than a few job bills will be coming up for vote within the coming years and I look forward to your blind non-critical acceptance (even in the face of party line voting that will be likely in some cases)...lest you prove yourself to be a malleable hypocrite on job issues by objecting to some of these bills for reasons that I personally happen to deem as illegitimate. Rock on Garth!


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2009
If i were a ceo of a company, i would announce plans to offshore 10,000 jobs (when in reality it's 5,000 jobs on the line), then 'negotiate' with Trump to to save 5,000 jobs with tax incentives, paid for by the citizens.

Trump is a god damned idiot for opening this can of worms.
I'm still drunk from the liberal tears I shotgunned on election night.


Jan 14, 2013
article by Sanders. different than the one posted earlier:

"Today, about 1,000 Carrier workers and their families should be rejoicing. But the rest of our nation’s workers should be very nervous.

President-elect Donald Trump will reportedly announce a deal with United Technologies, the corporation that owns Carrier, that keeps less than 1,000 of the 2100 jobs in America that were previously scheduled to be transferred to Mexico. Let’s be clear: It is not good enough to save some of these jobs. Trump made a promise that he would save all of these jobs, and we cannot rest until an ironclad contract is signed to ensure that all of these workers are able to continue working in Indiana without having their pay or benefits slashed.

In exchange for allowing United Technologies to continue to offshore more than 1,000 jobs, Trump will reportedly give the company tax and regulatory favors that the corporation has sought. Just a short few months ago, Trump was pledging to force United Technologies to “pay a damn tax.” He was insisting on very steep tariffs for companies like Carrier that left the United States and wanted to sell their foreign-made products back in the United States. Instead of a damn tax, the company will be rewarded with a damn tax cut. Wow! How’s that for standing up to corporate greed? How’s that for punishing corporations that shut down in the United States and move abroad?

In essence, United Technologies took Trump hostage and won. And that should send a shock wave of fear through all workers across the country.

Trump has endangered the jobs of workers who were previously safe in the United States. Why? Because he has signaled to every corporation in America that they can threaten to offshore jobs in exchange for business-friendly tax benefits and incentives. Even corporations that weren’t thinking of offshoring jobs will most probably be re-evaluating their stance this morning. And who would pay for the high cost for tax cuts that go to the richest businessmen in America? The working class of America.

Let’s be clear. United Technologies is not going broke. Last year, it made a profit of $7.6 billion and received more than $6 billion in defense contracts. It has also received more than $50 million from the Export-Import Bank and very generous tax breaks. In 2014, United Technologies gave its former chief executive Louis Chenevert a golden parachute worth more than $172 million. Last year, the company’s five highest-paid executives made more than $50 million. The firm also spent $12 billion to inflate its stock priceinstead of using that money to invest in new plants and workers.

Does that sound like a company that deserves more corporate welfare from our government? Trump’s Band-Aid solution is only making the problem of wealth inequality in America even worse.

I said I would work with Trump if he was serious about the promises he made to members of the working class. But after running a campaign pledging to be tough on corporate America, Trump has hypocritically decided to do the exact opposite. He wants to treat corporate irresponsibility with kid gloves. The problem with our rigged economy is not that our policies have been too tough on corporations; it’s that we haven’t been tough enough.

We need to re-instill an ethic of corporate patriotism. We need to send a very loud and clear message to corporate America: The era of outsourcing is over. Instead of offshoring jobs, the time has come for you to start bringing good-paying jobs back to America.

If United Technologies or any other company wants to keep outsourcing decent-paying American jobs, those companies must pay an outsourcing tax equal to the amount of money it expects to save by moving factories to Mexico or other low-wage countries. They should not receive federal contracts or other forms of corporate welfare. They must pay back all of the tax breaks and other corporate welfare they have received from the federal government. And they must not be allowed to reward their executives with stock options, bonuses or golden parachutes for outsourcing jobs to low-wage countries. I will soon be introducing the Outsourcing Prevention Act, which will address exactly that.

If Donald Trump won’t stand up for America’s working class, we must."
Reactions: ivwshane


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I provide facts and you provide nothing to refute them...except to post garbage like the above.

Yes, you're truly a bold truth teller, haha. Speaking of facts, I just provided the fact that you're a transparent hypocrite.

More than a few job bills will be coming up for vote within the coming years and I look forward to your blind non-critical acceptance (even in the face of party line voting that will be likely in some cases)...lest you prove yourself to be a malleable hypocrite on job issues by objecting to some of these bills for reasons that I personally happen to deem as illegitimate. Rock on Garth!

I understand why you're trying to dive into the 'you have to accept either everything or nothing!' straw man bunker, because that's basically all you have left. You aren't fooling anyone.
Nov 30, 2006
I understand why you're trying to dive into the 'you have to accept either everything or nothing!' straw man bunker, because that's basically all you have left. You aren't fooling anyone.
Just using your demonstrated "logic" have a problem with that Garth?


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2009
Yes, you're truly a bold truth teller, haha. Speaking of facts, I just provided the fact that you're a transparent hypocrite.

I understand why you're trying to dive into the 'you have to accept either everything or nothing!' straw man bunker, because that's basically all you have left. You aren't fooling anyone.
Typical dishonest hackery. Completely unsurprising.


Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2004
Amazing how the leftys here will spin anything positive into a negative light.

The $700,000 break that Pence gave Carrier is nothing compared to the sales tax they'll get from 1000 working people. It's also one fuckton hell of a lot better than paying 1000 people unemployment - Indiana is ahead before one month of that is done.

States vie for business and jobs with incentives all the time. They do it this way, with tax breaks and sometimes even providing direct financing. Hell, I live across the street from one big fucking incentive - Toyota's new North American HQ, stolen from California. 4500 high paying jobs, plus dozens of smaller vendors who do business with Toyota, all coming here.

And Carrier was supposedly going to save over $60M / yr. The $700k/yr carrot offered is nothing. You can bet that Carrier just got strong-armed.

From Trump speaking today at Carrier :
“Companies are not going to leave the United States any more without consequences,” Trump promised. “Not going to happen.”

You have to be a truly special kind of idiot not to be able to do that math.
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