Trump to reveal deal to keep nearly 1,000 Carrier jobs in Indiana

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Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2009
article by Sanders. different than the one posted earlier:

"Today, about 1,000 Carrier workers and their families should be rejoicing. But the rest of our nation’s workers should be very nervous.

President-elect Donald Trump will reportedly announce a deal with United Technologies, the corporation that owns Carrier, that keeps less than 1,000 of the 2100 jobs in America that were previously scheduled to be transferred to Mexico. Let’s be clear: It is not good enough to save some of these jobs. Trump made a promise that he would save all of these jobs, and we cannot rest until an ironclad contract is signed to ensure that all of these workers are able to continue working in Indiana without having their pay or benefits slashed.

In exchange for allowing United Technologies to continue to offshore more than 1,000 jobs, Trump will reportedly give the company tax and regulatory favors that the corporation has sought. Just a short few months ago, Trump was pledging to force United Technologies to “pay a damn tax.” He was insisting on very steep tariffs for companies like Carrier that left the United States and wanted to sell their foreign-made products back in the United States. Instead of a damn tax, the company will be rewarded with a damn tax cut. Wow! How’s that for standing up to corporate greed? How’s that for punishing corporations that shut down in the United States and move abroad?

In essence, United Technologies took Trump hostage and won. And that should send a shock wave of fear through all workers across the country.

Trump has endangered the jobs of workers who were previously safe in the United States. Why? Because he has signaled to every corporation in America that they can threaten to offshore jobs in exchange for business-friendly tax benefits and incentives. Even corporations that weren’t thinking of offshoring jobs will most probably be re-evaluating their stance this morning. And who would pay for the high cost for tax cuts that go to the richest businessmen in America? The working class of America.

Let’s be clear. United Technologies is not going broke. Last year, it made a profit of $7.6 billion and received more than $6 billion in defense contracts. It has also received more than $50 million from the Export-Import Bank and very generous tax breaks. In 2014, United Technologies gave its former chief executive Louis Chenevert a golden parachute worth more than $172 million. Last year, the company’s five highest-paid executives made more than $50 million. The firm also spent $12 billion to inflate its stock priceinstead of using that money to invest in new plants and workers.

Does that sound like a company that deserves more corporate welfare from our government? Trump’s Band-Aid solution is only making the problem of wealth inequality in America even worse.

I said I would work with Trump if he was serious about the promises he made to members of the working class. But after running a campaign pledging to be tough on corporate America, Trump has hypocritically decided to do the exact opposite. He wants to treat corporate irresponsibility with kid gloves. The problem with our rigged economy is not that our policies have been too tough on corporations; it’s that we haven’t been tough enough.

We need to re-instill an ethic of corporate patriotism. We need to send a very loud and clear message to corporate America: The era of outsourcing is over. Instead of offshoring jobs, the time has come for you to start bringing good-paying jobs back to America.

If United Technologies or any other company wants to keep outsourcing decent-paying American jobs, those companies must pay an outsourcing tax equal to the amount of money it expects to save by moving factories to Mexico or other low-wage countries. They should not receive federal contracts or other forms of corporate welfare. They must pay back all of the tax breaks and other corporate welfare they have received from the federal government. And they must not be allowed to reward their executives with stock options, bonuses or golden parachutes for outsourcing jobs to low-wage countries. I will soon be introducing the Outsourcing Prevention Act, which will address exactly that.

If Donald Trump won’t stand up for America’s working class, we must."
What a buffoon.


Oct 18, 2005
From Trump speaking today at Carrier :
“Companies are not going to leave the United States any more without consequences,” Trump promised. “Not going to happen.”

Yep, but we'll gladly pay them off to only take half the jobs out of the country.


Oct 18, 2005
Trump isn't even president yet, genius.

Has fuck all to do with the discussion at hand do try to keep up. Trump is taking credit for Carrier not shipping jobs to Mexico. Only problem is the agreement only keeps half the jobs in the US, 1000 Americans are still getting fucked out of their jobs while cheeto jesus prances around claiming he saved the day and did what he said he was going to do. Which he didn't.
Feb 16, 2005
We're all hacks but Eskimoliar takes it to the next level, moron.
lol, whatever buckshat, you're a pathetic little drumpftard troll, yes drumpf won, you are happy, you are gloating, we get it.
but you're a very sad person if you need that to make yourself feel better.
and no, Eski is nowhere near the hack you are, nobody is, your use of circular reasoning to get out of your lies is epic, You're nothing but a pandering fool. A jester for lord drumpf.


Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2004
Has fuck all to do with the discussion at hand do try to keep up. Trump is taking credit for Carrier not shipping jobs to Mexico. Only problem is the agreement only keeps half the jobs in the US, 1000 Americans are still getting fucked out of their jobs while cheeto jesus prances around claiming he saved the day and did what he said he was going to do. Which he didn't.

Reactions: buckshot24


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2009
article by Sanders. different than the one posted earlier:

"Today, about 1,000 Carrier workers and their families should be rejoicing. But the rest of our nation’s workers should be very nervous.

President-elect Donald Trump will reportedly announce a deal with United Technologies, the corporation that owns Carrier, that keeps less than 1,000 of the 2100 jobs in America that were previously scheduled to be transferred to Mexico. Let’s be clear: It is not good enough to save some of these jobs. Trump made a promise that he would save all of these jobs, and we cannot rest until an ironclad contract is signed to ensure that all of these workers are able to continue working in Indiana without having their pay or benefits slashed.

In exchange for allowing United Technologies to continue to offshore more than 1,000 jobs, Trump will reportedly give the company tax and regulatory favors that the corporation has sought. Just a short few months ago, Trump was pledging to force United Technologies to “pay a damn tax.” He was insisting on very steep tariffs for companies like Carrier that left the United States and wanted to sell their foreign-made products back in the United States. Instead of a damn tax, the company will be rewarded with a damn tax cut. Wow! How’s that for standing up to corporate greed? How’s that for punishing corporations that shut down in the United States and move abroad?

In essence, United Technologies took Trump hostage and won. And that should send a shock wave of fear through all workers across the country.

Trump has endangered the jobs of workers who were previously safe in the United States. Why? Because he has signaled to every corporation in America that they can threaten to offshore jobs in exchange for business-friendly tax benefits and incentives. Even corporations that weren’t thinking of offshoring jobs will most probably be re-evaluating their stance this morning. And who would pay for the high cost for tax cuts that go to the richest businessmen in America? The working class of America.

Let’s be clear. United Technologies is not going broke. Last year, it made a profit of $7.6 billion and received more than $6 billion in defense contracts. It has also received more than $50 million from the Export-Import Bank and very generous tax breaks. In 2014, United Technologies gave its former chief executive Louis Chenevert a golden parachute worth more than $172 million. Last year, the company’s five highest-paid executives made more than $50 million. The firm also spent $12 billion to inflate its stock priceinstead of using that money to invest in new plants and workers.

Does that sound like a company that deserves more corporate welfare from our government? Trump’s Band-Aid solution is only making the problem of wealth inequality in America even worse.

I said I would work with Trump if he was serious about the promises he made to members of the working class. But after running a campaign pledging to be tough on corporate America, Trump has hypocritically decided to do the exact opposite. He wants to treat corporate irresponsibility with kid gloves. The problem with our rigged economy is not that our policies have been too tough on corporations; it’s that we haven’t been tough enough.

We need to re-instill an ethic of corporate patriotism. We need to send a very loud and clear message to corporate America: The era of outsourcing is over. Instead of offshoring jobs, the time has come for you to start bringing good-paying jobs back to America.

If United Technologies or any other company wants to keep outsourcing decent-paying American jobs, those companies must pay an outsourcing tax equal to the amount of money it expects to save by moving factories to Mexico or other low-wage countries. They should not receive federal contracts or other forms of corporate welfare. They must pay back all of the tax breaks and other corporate welfare they have received from the federal government. And they must not be allowed to reward their executives with stock options, bonuses or golden parachutes for outsourcing jobs to low-wage countries. I will soon be introducing the Outsourcing Prevention Act, which will address exactly that.

If Donald Trump won’t stand up for America’s working class, we must."

Sanders is 100% right. Corporate profits rise and wages remain flat or even decrease slightly with inflation. Then jobs get cut and outsourced to other countries to allow for more profits and bonuses for the top!


Senior member
Sep 5, 2012
Specifically, what has Obama done to "create" these jobs?

Nothing; under Obama legislature jobs have been outsourced in big numbers never seen,and the Carrier in Indian is an example of Obama bad job creation,Has to be Tramp that is not in Power yet to come in rescue of these Indiana people ,since Obama is caring more about to treble the world spending Tax payers money,and bad mouthing new elected president Tramp to the world instead of taking care of businesses at home


May 15, 2000
Nothing; under Obama legislature jobs have been outsourced in big numbers never seen,and the Carrier in Indian is an example of Obama bad job creation,Has to be Tramp that is not in Power yet to come in rescue of these Indiana people ,since Obama is caring more about to treble the world spending Tax payers money,and bad mouthing new elected president Tramp to the world instead of taking care of businesses at home

Was that English?


Jan 14, 2013
What a buffoon.

He makes a valid point. Trump specifically said he would fight outsourcing by taxing industries. Here he is saving some of the proposed outsourced jobs with tax cuts. It's not hard to see the discrepancy.

But it's not uncommon among the right.

Right-wing media are calling the saving of 800 jobs 'strong-arming' Carrier. Sorry, giving them a bunch of money is not strong-arming anything. Glad the jobs are staying but let's not bullshit the process. But we are in the right-wing bubble here. But Obama's bailout of the American Auto Industry was poo-pooed by the right - and that saved a million+ jobs.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
article by Sanders. different than the one posted earlier:

"Today, about 1,000 Carrier workers and their families should be rejoicing. But the rest of our nation’s workers should be very nervous.

President-elect Donald Trump will reportedly announce a deal with United Technologies, the corporation that owns Carrier, that keeps less than 1,000 of the 2100 jobs in America that were previously scheduled to be transferred to Mexico. Let’s be clear: It is not good enough to save some of these jobs. Trump made a promise that he would save all of these jobs, and we cannot rest until an ironclad contract is signed to ensure that all of these workers are able to continue working in Indiana without having their pay or benefits slashed.

In exchange for allowing United Technologies to continue to offshore more than 1,000 jobs, Trump will reportedly give the company tax and regulatory favors that the corporation has sought. Just a short few months ago, Trump was pledging to force United Technologies to “pay a damn tax.” He was insisting on very steep tariffs for companies like Carrier that left the United States and wanted to sell their foreign-made products back in the United States. Instead of a damn tax, the company will be rewarded with a damn tax cut. Wow! How’s that for standing up to corporate greed? How’s that for punishing corporations that shut down in the United States and move abroad?

In essence, United Technologies took Trump hostage and won. And that should send a shock wave of fear through all workers across the country.

Trump has endangered the jobs of workers who were previously safe in the United States. Why? Because he has signaled to every corporation in America that they can threaten to offshore jobs in exchange for business-friendly tax benefits and incentives. Even corporations that weren’t thinking of offshoring jobs will most probably be re-evaluating their stance this morning. And who would pay for the high cost for tax cuts that go to the richest businessmen in America? The working class of America.

Let’s be clear. United Technologies is not going broke. Last year, it made a profit of $7.6 billion and received more than $6 billion in defense contracts. It has also received more than $50 million from the Export-Import Bank and very generous tax breaks. In 2014, United Technologies gave its former chief executive Louis Chenevert a golden parachute worth more than $172 million. Last year, the company’s five highest-paid executives made more than $50 million. The firm also spent $12 billion to inflate its stock priceinstead of using that money to invest in new plants and workers.

Does that sound like a company that deserves more corporate welfare from our government? Trump’s Band-Aid solution is only making the problem of wealth inequality in America even worse.

I said I would work with Trump if he was serious about the promises he made to members of the working class. But after running a campaign pledging to be tough on corporate America, Trump has hypocritically decided to do the exact opposite. He wants to treat corporate irresponsibility with kid gloves. The problem with our rigged economy is not that our policies have been too tough on corporations; it’s that we haven’t been tough enough.

We need to re-instill an ethic of corporate patriotism. We need to send a very loud and clear message to corporate America: The era of outsourcing is over. Instead of offshoring jobs, the time has come for you to start bringing good-paying jobs back to America.

If United Technologies or any other company wants to keep outsourcing decent-paying American jobs, those companies must pay an outsourcing tax equal to the amount of money it expects to save by moving factories to Mexico or other low-wage countries. They should not receive federal contracts or other forms of corporate welfare. They must pay back all of the tax breaks and other corporate welfare they have received from the federal government. And they must not be allowed to reward their executives with stock options, bonuses or golden parachutes for outsourcing jobs to low-wage countries. I will soon be introducing the Outsourcing Prevention Act, which will address exactly that.

If Donald Trump won’t stand up for America’s working class, we must."
How amusing that the same people slamming Trump for not saving all the jobs are also the ones slamming Trump for saving any of the jobs. And yet you remain clueless as to why the people working those jobs deserted you. Here's a clue: They don't consider punishing the company and the CEO while they continue to outsource their jobs as "standing up for America’s working class". They just consider it more socialist wealth redistribution.

Let me remind you that you could have had the (by Congressional standards) honest socialist, but your party stacked the deck and gamed the system to get the dishonest socialist.

Has fuck all to do with the discussion at hand do try to keep up. Trump is taking credit for Carrier not shipping jobs to Mexico. Only problem is the agreement only keeps half the jobs in the US, 1000 Americans are still getting fucked out of their jobs while cheeto jesus prances around claiming he saved the day and did what he said he was going to do. Which he didn't.
Your post has the exact same problem as Squishy's, but I'm giving you a pass specifically for Cheeto Jesus. That is freakin gold. (Well, technically it's orange, but everyone knows that orange is the new gold.)

I don't think I'm ever going to be able to see Trump without thinking Cheeto Jesus. My liberal friends are going to want to know why I'm laughing every time I see him instead of foaming up, breaking windows and burning police cars like "sane" people.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2009
He makes a valid point. Trump specifically said he would fight outsourcing by taxing industries. Here he is saving some of the proposed outsourced jobs with tax cuts. It's not hard to see the discrepancy.

But it's not uncommon among the right.

Right-wing media are calling the saving of 800 jobs 'strong-arming' Carrier. Sorry, giving them a bunch of money is not strong-arming anything. Glad the jobs are staying but let's not bullshit the process. But we are in the right-wing bubble here. But Obama's bailout of the American Auto Industry was poo-pooed by the right - and that saved a million+ jobs.
He's not even president yet, these jobs were gone, he called the CEO and got a lot of them to stay. He can't tax anybody right now. The auto bailout was completely different and you should be ashamed for trying to equate the two. The auto industry never had 1 million jobs at risk. This wasn't a bailout.


May 15, 2000
He's not even president yet, these jobs were gone, he called the CEO and got a lot of them to stay. He can't tax anybody right now. The auto bailout was completely different and you should be ashamed for trying to equate the two. The auto industry never had 1 million jobs at risk. This wasn't a bailout.

Do you just like being wrong all the time or are you just really, really, fucking stupid?

CAR estimated that a complete shutdown of the industry that was bailed out in 2009 would have resulted in the loss of 2.63 million jobs and those losses would still have stood at more than 1.5 million in 2010. If only GM had been shut down, the job losses would have been almost 1.2 million in 2009, shrinking to 675,000 in 2010.

No this wasn't a bailout, it was a handout.


Jan 14, 2013
He's not even president yet, these jobs were gone, he called the CEO and got a lot of them to stay. He can't tax anybody right now. The auto bailout was completely different and you should be ashamed for trying to equate the two. The auto industry never had 1 million jobs at risk. This wasn't a bailout.

I never implied this was a bailout. I simply pointed out in the difference of right wing response to the savings of jobs, depending upon who is doing it.. Saving around 1k jobs is amazing and 'strong-arming' the industry, even though there was nothing strong-arming about anything that just happened.

he called the CEO and got a lot of them to stay. He can't tax anybody right now.

You think Trump just called a CEO and got them to stay? Only reason they stayed is because the vice-president elect could give them tax breaks. Man that's one of the dumbest things I've read during this entire election cycle. Pence could have threatened a tax, on the state level, just like he easily coordinated a tax break.

Between suppliers and the auto industry there were a lot a lot of jobs at risk actually in the auto bailout. Around a million is the number I've seen in most sources although others do say it's more.


Feb 6, 2002
Your first question wasn't addressed to me. But thanks for answering my direct question to you.

As far as your 35% tariff question goes, Trump isn't even President yet and even if he was, he'd be incapable of unilaterally enacting a tariff which requires Congressional approval. I imagine that he'll make every effort to level the playing field and I personally believe we'll see progress in this area during his administration. There are a lot of ways to skin a cat, but a 35% tariff will never fly imo.

So in an indirect way you admitted Trump's 35% tariff was red state horseshit. Those people are so gullible they will believe anything he says.

By in theory yes tax incentives are quite common. Perhaps of he hadn't been such a lying skank and honestly said on the campaign trail we will use tax incentives to get them to stay.

I also knew that tariff wouldn't fly but I guess its commonplace for a guy who lies 75% of the time (documented by Politifact)
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