Trump to reveal deal to keep nearly 1,000 Carrier jobs in Indiana

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Nov 11, 1999
It's hard to imagine how anything drooling out of your mouth can be more worthless. Maybe you can keep insisting I'm on your ignore list.

Just stop it. Buckshot has dragged you down to his level where he can beat you with the experience of a professional troll.

You'll notice he never responds to my posts. Once you figure out why then you'll be prepared to deal with him.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2009
Just stop it. Buckshot has dragged you down to his level where he can beat you with the experience of a professional troll.

You'll notice he never responds to my posts. Once you figure out why then you'll be prepared to deal with him.
The new ignore feature is pretty good. You should try it.


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
Praise the new messiah.

Praise jeebus for the righteous halfwit trump. Just how much of the US electorate is this uselessly deranged in their decision making ? How significant a portion of the electorate is comprised of nuts like this who believe their vote went to the person they somehow know their fantasy skyman endorsed. Solid decision making criteria for choosing your President right here.

Old deluded farts electing another old deluded fart. It all makes sense. All it will take for this sort to voie for him again in four years is him to drop a bit of verbal diarrhea every December and say 'Merry Christmas' publicly. Easily corralled sheep and Trump knows it.
Reactions: bshole


Jun 9, 2016
You are. I wanted to see what drivel DSF was responding to. It looks like I made the right call, you are still a worthless arrogant moron and proud of it.

Also worth noting you kept insisting you were going away soon. Likewise nobody believed that either because they can see who said it.

Ouch! That hurt!
No, being clueless/wrong predictably doesn't affect dunning kruger mindsets. Eg.:

There seems to be a significant disconnect here...I'm a person expressing my own personal opinions, I don't represent the monolithic conservative boogieman that you imagine me to be.
You were wrong about the bailout and near everything else about the obama admin (and all other issues for that matter) along with those conservative cohorts. And as theory predicts this had no impact on your mindset or self-assessment due to lack of any discernible intellectual honesty or mental wherewithal, which is why you reliably continue to parrot the party line here along with buckshot.

Have you ever heard of projection? It's actually a fairly common psychological defense mechanism among human beings. You should read about it.

I've seen what you're doing back in grade school in the form of "I know you are but what am I". Learning some fancy terminology from the liberals here doesn't make you smarter than any of them.

Just stop it. Buckshot has dragged you down to his level where he can beat you with the experience of a professional troll.

You'll notice he never responds to my posts. Once you figure out why then you'll be prepared to deal with him.

He almost never responds to my posts either, nor generally speaking to anyone he pretends to ignore. He's just a human piece of shit who uses it as a ploy to avoid people he can't troll effectively. Notice none of the conservatives will disagree with this either.


May 15, 2000
Praise jeebus for the righteous halfwit trump. Just how much of the US electorate is this uselessly deranged in their decision making ? How significant a portion of the electorate is comprised of nuts like this who believe their vote went to the person they somehow know their fantasy skyman endorsed. Solid decision making criteria for choosing your President right here.

Old deluded farts electing another old deluded fart. It all makes sense. All it will take for this sort to voie for him again in four years is him to drop a bit of verbal diarrhea every December and say 'Merry Christmas' publicly. Easily corralled sheep and Trump knows it.

True story: I overheard an elderly couple tell another elderly couple, "have a merry Christmas. You know because we can say that again." and the other couple agreed.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
All elected positions in the city are non-partisan by law, but you keep on keeping on.
you cannot be that stupid can you?
Ted Wheeler - Current mayor - democrat. (ran as a democrat for years before running for mayor
Charlie Hales - previous mayor - also listed as a democrat.

The position being non-partisan, does not mean that non-partisans fill them.


Jun 22, 2001
Here's more info and an outtake from Sanders on it:

These are incredibly difficult topics because both sides of the argument have valid reasons to be for and against them. You can't look at them in purely partisan views.

You have state and federal income at play from corporate taxes. You have the whole economic engine at play with not just the 1000 jobs restored there...but all of the ancillary boosts from those jobs. There's a number of local businesses that benefit from that factory being there. Suppliers, shippers, ect. Day cares, schools, small businesses, ect that all are affected by having those positions there. All of that feeds back into the state and federal economy in some way as well.

So you can't view it in a vacuum. I understand the concern for the "race to the bottom" via tax incentives and the burden it places on state budgets. I also understand the precedence it sets for other businesses to be able to corporate bully their way into threatening to leave for the next cheapest state or country if they don't get their way. I totally understand that. I lived in Peoria IL for almost 20 years with Catepillar being infamous for holding the area hostage with constant threats to leave. It is the top employer in the region by almost 4x as many than the next largest. It was over 16,000 jobs plus thousands of more ancillary that supported it in some shape or fashion.

The sad reality is that in some situations the states do not have a ton of leverage to push back. Particularly in a case like Cat. They know that if the company calls their bluff and does actually move out entire regions can get decimated. That was another one of the reasons I moved away from Peoria. It was almost entirely propped up and supported by Cat. If Cat closed up and moved elsewhere then Central IL would be the next addition to the rust belt region.

States have to walk a delicate line and it's not a job I would envy in the least. Whatever decision you make is bound to make someone pissed off. At least in the case of Carrier, I as a normal purchasing consumer have some ability to fight back. If I am truly upset with them moving jobs to Mexico, I can at least shop for my next HVAC with a brand that has domestic manufacturing. It's the same thing as with cars or tools or any other product I can support domestic production of. But with something like Cat, I'm not really shopping for a multi million dollar construction equipment on my own and not in any position to really enforce any sort of boycott on their products (or at least easily).

And that's where things really get messy for governments. They've already dipped their toe in the wheel and deal pool of corporate tax rates to pander to businesses. They are the ones that will take the publish backlash if they come out and stop renewing tax deals and take a hardline on setting standard and non-negotiable rates for business. They will have to prepare voters for the fallout because it won't be pretty. There's going to be collateral damage. It's just a question of how much, and for how long will people be able to handle it before they can normalize.
Reasonable post. In the end, this just adds up to less tax revenue for the state which the net gain or loss is hard to quantify since the 1000 people staying in the state will also directly and indirectly affect the economy. I'm all for cutting tax revenue for states if it saves jobs so I see this as a win for all conservatives who want to shrink government and transfer wealth from the state to businesses (if they agree to never cut the jobs as long as they're getting that break). Well done, Mr. Trump. As for race to the bottom, as others have posted, multiple states are already making deals with companies so this is nothing new.

As far as the silly White House response about rescuing manufacturing jobs in the auto industry, I think Rush summed it up best.
Right. He [Obama] didn't rescue anything. He bought it. That's the difference. But do you hear the arrogance there? I'm telling you at the White House, when this was announced -- don't doubt me on this -- there was seething. There was rage, there was cursing at everything about it, at Trump over the details of the story, over how small it was gonna make Obama look, how inconsequential it was gonna make Obama look. So they had to have a meeting and they had to devise how they're gonna deal with this.

And they decided to go out there and minimize what Trump's done. "Oh, we're really happy for Donald Trump, that's really great. If he does it 804 more times then maybe he can talk to Obama about how you save jobs." That's their message. It is as transparent and empty at the same time as you can get, and it's child like. It's, "Well, you... you..." It is not at all mature, and the only thing Earnest could cite in saving manufacturing jobs is President Obama's decision to "rescue" the American auto industry? He made no such decision.

President Obama did not rescue the American auto industry. He bought it and then tried to turn it over to the unions. There wasn't any rescue. What Trump has done with Carrier and what Obama did with the auto industry are two entirely different things. For there to be any similarity here, Trump would be the owner of Carrier today, and he would have gone in and browbeat them and made who knows what kind of deals in order to transfer the ownership. Obama looked at the auto industry as the epitome of what was wrong with America.

It was one of the many examples of what's wrong with America. "The autoworkers? They're the ones that should own that company," in Obama's world, "because it had the provided the sweat labor! They're the ones that made any automobile sale possible, and they got nothing! They got dirt compared to the CEO and compared to the stockholders and the board of directors and all these other things." So Obama's purpose was to go in and take the auto industry away from people that owned it, and that's exactly what happened.

There were stockholders and there were bondholders. Now, people forget these things, but I do not. In the pecking order of who gets paid when something goes belly up or is close to it and investors need to be made whole, bondholders go first, then the stockholders, and then other investors after that. What Obama did was go in and basically tell the bondholders, people who had invested in bonds... Are we talking about General Motors here? He told the General Motors bondholders that they had to pound sand. They got diddly-squat.

Obama took it away from them.
There is literally no comparison to what Obama did in so-called rescuing GM and what Trump has done here with Carrier. And their answer here -- their seething, bitter little answer. I mean, stop and think of the mind-set here. You're president of the United States, and your spokesman's out there, and you are the most powerful man in the world, and there's some guy out there that you don't particularly like. He's just been elected president.

You think he's buffoon, and so you think you've gotta put him down and you've gotta do it in such a way that makes everybody think you're the big guy and he's just a chump pretender. "Well, yeah. Okay. So he saved the jobs at Carrier. Very happy about that. Big whoop. Big deal! If he does it 804 more times, he can come talk to us." Well, ladies and gentlemen, there hasn't been any jobs rescue under Obama. We've had net zero. Yeah, there are new jobs created. Most of the time are part time because of the Obamacare requirements.

We've had businesses shut down. We haven't had any economic growth. There hasn't been any economic recovery. If the economy had been as robust as Obama was saying, Hillary probably would have been elected. If the economy were roaring and everybody was experiencing what you have in economic growth -- if wages were really increasing, if people's standards of living were rising -- then Trump probably would not have won. But America is stagnant and it's being run by somebody who doesn't believe it deserves to prosper, at least not as a superpower.

Trump announces saving a thousand jobs, and it's a bigger economic announcement than any Barack Obama has had in eight years. That's what they're steaming about in the White House. Trump goes out and tweeting that he has saved a thousand jobs at Carrier in Indiana, and it's bigger economic news than anything Obama announced. Bigger than his stimulus, which didn't work. Bigger than Obamacare, which is an albatross around this nation's neck and is gonna have to be dispatched and rebuilt.

Practically everything Obama touched has been damaged to one degree or another. I think it's quite telling that an announcement of saving a thousand jobs is maybe the biggest economic news this country has had -- the most uplifting, shall we say -- in eight years, and they know it at the White House, and they know it at the Democrat Party.
And they've not had experience dealing with this because they have not had a functioning opposition, which was out to defeat them, or fix their mistakes. They're up against things they have no preparation for, no recent experience dealing with.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
It's always interesting to see someone plainly deny reality like Rush does there. Net zero jobs? Most jobs being part time? No economic recovery? All of those things are empirically, provably false.

Somehow I doubt his listeners care in the slightest that Rush just lied to them repeatedly. I'm sure they view him as a bold truth teller, hahaha.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2009
It's always interesting to see someone plainly deny reality like Rush does there. Net zero jobs? Most jobs being part time? No economic recovery? All of those things are empirically, provably false.

Somehow I doubt his listeners care in the slightest that Rush just lied to them repeatedly. I'm sure they view him as a bold truth teller, hahaha.
And Hillary lost because the economy was doing so great. No way she loses if the crap you're selling didn't smell like crap.


Jun 22, 2001
I'll knock the results! Tax credits for businesses that threaten to move jobs overseas are a really stupid way to manage a state and preserve jobs. They undercut tax revenue, distort the business climate in favor of large businesses (small businesses can't relocate), and they usually don't even achieve the meager results they claim. They're a huge waste of time and money for a giveaway to rich people.

On top of that, the president elect personally intervening in a negotiation to grant a business special tax breaks sets a horrible precedent and encourages more companies to make the same threat, all for a piddling result of saving two tenths of one percent of jobs in one sector in a mid-sized state. While the people it directly affects should be very happy, the rest of us shouldn't be.
Tax revenue needs to be undercut, Mr.Pro-Welfare err eskimo or fskimo or whatever you're calling yourself nowadays because state budgets need to be cut across the board. When you say "distort the business climate" you are really saying it pisses you off that corporations are now going to get richer while staying in this country and supporting American families in the process. It pisses you off that Trump has made a deal that proves that wealth can trickle down.

You also have yet to discuss the net economic impact that the 1000+ families have on their economy, let alone how the company reinvests the money to expand and possibly create even more jobs. The bottom line is that you aren't able to quantify the net economic impact on the state which is more complex than your pea brain is trying to justify as either "deal bad" or "deal good". Nobody is able to quantify the net impact so it's funny watching you try. Carry on.
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May 28, 2007
It's always interesting to see someone plainly deny reality like Rush does there. Net zero jobs? Most jobs being part time? No economic recovery? All of those things are empirically, provably false.

Somehow I doubt his listeners care in the slightest that Rush just lied to them repeatedly. I'm sure they view him as a bold truth teller, hahaha.

US added 178,000 jobs last month, think that will get 178x the coverage that the Carrier deal got?

I love the "if the economy was so great Hillary would have won" gotcha. Not that she got 2.5 million more votes or anything.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2009
US added 178,000 jobs last month, think that will get 178x the coverage that the Carrier deal got?

I love the "if the economy was so great Hillary would have won" gotcha. Not that she got 2.5 million more votes or anything.
Thanks to California. She lost.


Jun 22, 2001
It's always interesting to see someone plainly deny reality like Rush does there. Net zero jobs? Most jobs being part time? No economic recovery? All of those things are empirically, provably false.

Somehow I doubt his listeners care in the slightest that Rush just lied to them repeatedly. I'm sure they view him as a bold truth teller, hahaha.
He's right, there has been virtually net zero jobs when you take out obama's lies about the auto industry. Look at the GDP growth rate, look at wages, it's shit. Complete shit, especially for people in the Rust Belt who decide elections. Sure, the people in the 7 major cities where wealth is concentrated are doing GREAT. I live near one, so I can attest to that. However, once your party became urban-centered and lost touch with the swing states is when your party lost its identity and its power. Rush speaks to those people and tells it like it is. He's right, Hillary would've won in a landslide if the "blue firewall" states were doing awesome. But nope, you neglected your own and it's time to pay the piper.

BTW, if Trump keeps doing this in MI, WI, and PA he's going to win 2020. Bet on it, and there goes 3 more Supreme Court justices. This is about legacy now.
Reactions: buckshot24


May 28, 2007
Thanks to California. She lost.

I guess the economy in librul socialist bastion kalifornia must be doing pretty fucking good then.

Don't worry though, I'm sure tattooing a bunch of muslims will jumpstart the economy in Kansas again. MAGA! MAGA! MAGA!


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
US added 178,000 jobs last month, think that will get 178x the coverage that the Carrier deal got?

I love the "if the economy was so great Hillary would have won" gotcha. Not that she got 2.5 million more votes or anything.

What's weird is that I think the people who listen to Rush genuinely believe all of these lies he put out. I mean speedy even bolded them, not to call them out as transparent lies, but because he thought they were part of a good argument. These people are totally divorced from reality.


Jun 9, 2016
What's weird is that I think the people who listen to Rush genuinely believe all of these lies he put out. I mean speedy even bolded them, not to call them out as transparent lies, but because he thought they were part of a good argument. These people are totally divorced from reality.

Speedy is dumb enough to not know the difference, but quite a few here do and choose to be unethical.

And why shouldn't they, it's obviously working for them.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2009
What's weird is that I think the people who listen to Rush genuinely believe all of these lies he put out. I mean speedy even bolded them, not to call them out as transparent lies, but because he thought they were part of a good argument. These people are totally divorced from reality.
How did Hillary lose Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio if the jobs are just rolling out and people are doing great? They aren't doing great and the economy isn't producing for them.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
Praise jeebus for the righteous halfwit trump. Just how much of the US electorate is this uselessly deranged in their decision making ? How significant a portion of the electorate is comprised of nuts like this who believe their vote went to the person they somehow know their fantasy skyman endorsed. Solid decision making criteria for choosing your President right here.

Old deluded farts electing another old deluded fart. It all makes sense. All it will take for this sort to voie for him again in four years is him to drop a bit of verbal diarrhea every December and say 'Merry Christmas' publicly. Easily corralled sheep and Trump knows it.

They ARE my FAMILY! My Dad is all like "you are risking eternal damnation in hell" if you vote Democrat. He believes that the Democratic Party are part of the army of Satan. Rational thought has completely left the building...
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