Trump yet again credibly accused of rape

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Nov 4, 2004
The other part of the equation is "grab them by the pussy,"
Howard Stern: So, you treat women with respect?
Donald Trump: Uh, I can't say that either.
not getting an STD back in the day being "his personal Vietnam," and oh for fuck's sake ... one of his wives being on the list of accusers. His defense being that a man can't rape his own wife prior to her dropping the charges. Hmm, he has a documented history of paying women off ... hmm... Do you really believe that Trump isn't a misogynist?

Edit: also the creepy fucking comments he's made about Ivanka, Paris Hilton, and teenaged beauty pageant contestants. Plus accounts that he has barged into the changing rooms while minor beauty pageant contestants were nude. Wow ... how do you stomach all that. Fuck's sake.

Dont forget to mention Trump torpedoing his credibility at every turn .
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Jan 6, 2005
The other part of the equation is "grab them by the pussy,"
Howard Stern: So, you treat women with respect?
Donald Trump: Uh, I can't say that either.
not getting an STD back in the day being "his personal Vietnam," and oh for fuck's sake ... one of his wives being on the list of accusers. His defense being that a man can't rape his own wife prior to her dropping the charges. Hmm, he has a documented history of paying women off ... hmm... Do you really believe that Trump isn't a misogynist?

Edit: also the creepy fucking comments he's made about Ivanka, Paris Hilton, and teenaged beauty pageant contestants. Plus accounts that he has barged into the changing rooms while minor beauty pageant contestants were nude. Wow ... how do you stomach all that. Fuck's sake.
Howard Stern often extracts salacious details from his guests, and revels in the locker room sexual conquests of the rich and powerful. I vividly remember Trump as a frequent caller and guest, and cannot believe that no one tapped into a deep reservoir of Stern content to sink Trump. I rememeber when the Access Hollywood tape came out, people were shocked. I was like, do none of you people listen to Howard Stern?

Stern also regrets normalizing Trump’s behavior.


Nov 4, 2004
Howard Stern often extracts salacious details from his guests, and revels in the locker room sexual conquests of the rich and powerful. I vividly remember Trump as a frequent caller and guest, and cannot believe that no one tapped into a deep reservoir of Stern content to sink Trump. I rememeber when the Access Hollywood tape came out, people were shocked. I was like, do none of you people listen to Howard Stern?

Stern also regrets normalizing Trump’s behavior.

People were shocked because Howard stern is not approved listening for republican conservatives. So yea, many people were "shocked" because they dont exercise their minds or beliefs outside their bubble.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Dec 12, 2000
Translation- I have no proof and only doing this to bump up sales of my book that's about to be published.

I never understood the zeal with which conservatives disdain women or liberals making money, especially when it comes to book deals and speaking fees. But they're fine cozying up to hedge fund managers and corporate raiders?
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Oct 9, 2002
If he did this, I sure hope it brings him down and I hope the victim is compensated.

I hate the man. I'm not the only one who hates him. Without convincing evidence up-front, it is wrong to automatically believe all such accusations without questioning them.
Reactions: ImpulsE69

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Interesting perspective

The Washington Post: Republicans believed Juanita Broaddrick. The new rape allegation against Trump is more credible..

Let's say we agree on the credibility of an accusation but is that enough to make it factually true? As much as Trump is a scoundrel what is required from a lack of a moral center to make accusations enough?

When I metaphorically put a neck in a noose I want to have more than that. After all, there are those who were in Central Park who suffered from the "they must have done it" mentality.

Does this exonerate Trump? Not at all as things don't work that way either. What this comes down to in terms of an investigation by prosecutors is the statute of limitations. If private agents wish to pursue the matter beyond legal time limitations then that's OK by me, but the law exists for those we love and despise.
Reactions: ImpulsE69


Jan 6, 2005
People were shocked because Howard stern is not approved listening for republican conservatives. So yea, many people were "shocked" because they dont exercise their minds or beliefs outside their bubble.
Republicans aren’t shocked by Trump, they enthusiastically embraced him. Trump falls into the bracket of rich and powerful predatory men with a sense of entitlement and locker room inmaturity when it comes to women. Decades of enablement led to this.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Let's say we agree on the credibility of an accusation but is that enough to make it factually true? As much as Trump is a scoundrel what is required from a lack of a moral center to make accusations enough?

When I metaphorically put a neck in a noose I want to have more than that. After all, there are those who were in Central Park who suffered from the "they must have done it" mentality.

Does this exonerate Trump? Not at all as things don't work that way either. What this comes down to in terms of an investigation by prosecutors is the statute of limitations. If private agents wish to pursue the matter beyond legal time limitations then that's OK by me, but the law exists for those we love and despise.

There is no statute of limitations for rape in New York.

Regardless, this is now the 19th woman to come forward with credible allegations of sexual assault, the type of behavior Trump himself is on video bragging about.

Whether or not the state could secure a conviction against him for any specific act the evidence that the president is a sexual predator is overwhelming. It is certainly sufficient for removal from office.


Nov 4, 2004
Republicans aren’t shocked by Trump, they enthusiastically embraced him. Trump falls into the bracket of rich and powerful predatory men with a sense of entitlement and locker room inmaturity when it comes to women. Decades of enablement led to this.

Republicans includes the religious right, and I was raised one of them. Many of them would never listen to stern, and wouldn't know of trumps many statements. So I'm not surprised that republicans, largely comprised of religious conservatives, would be surprised by Trump's statements, while cognitive dissonance compels them to not care and go all in for anyone to beat their "enemies"
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Nov 4, 2004
Let's say we agree on the credibility of an accusation but is that enough to make it factually true? As much as Trump is a scoundrel what is required from a lack of a moral center to make accusations enough?

When I metaphorically put a neck in a noose I want to have more than that. After all, there are those who were in Central Park who suffered from the "they must have done it" mentality.

Does this exonerate Trump? Not at all as things don't work that way either. What this comes down to in terms of an investigation by prosecutors is the statute of limitations. If private agents wish to pursue the matter beyond legal time limitations then that's OK by me, but the law exists for those we love and despise.

I wasn't really attempting to assert guilt. Even without this accusation tossed on the pile, Trump has enough credible sexual assault accusations at this point that people should be able to make an educated decision whether or not to support him, and the fallout from both.

I just found the OP Ed interesting, as I was hard right back in those days and very you g, and as such did not really review facts outside my bubble.


Feb 1, 2008
Here is the problem......
Usually there is evidence. Physical evidence.
Take senator Al Franken. She had a photo.
And going back, there was hard evidence against Anthony Weiner.
Most politicians that have resigned due to some sex scandal had no choice because hard evidence existed.
And that senator caught in the airport mens restroom was arrested by an undercover cop. You can't get much more on the hard evidence that from an undercover cop.

But with Trump and brett kavanaugh and many others, it was all hearsay.
The problem was none of the women reported the assault at the time it took place. They should have reported the incident asap, and to the cops or security or someone who could record the incident on paper.
Just telling "a friend" won't do it.
Trump can simply deny it and then what can she do? It's her word against Trump. No proof, no record on file of the incident, no witness, it's just too bad she dropped the ball. If she wanted to be believed she should have reported the assault at the time it occurred.


Nov 4, 2004
Here is the problem......
Usually there is evidence. Physical evidence.
Take senator Al Franken. She had a photo.
And going back, there was hard evidence against Anthony Weiner.
Most politicians that have resigned due to some sex scandal had no choice because hard evidence existed.
And that senator caught in the airport mens restroom was arrested by an undercover cop. You can't get much more on the hard evidence that from an undercover cop.

But with Trump and brett kavanaugh and many others, it was all hearsay.
The problem was none of the women reported the assault at the time it took place. They should have reported the incident asap, and to the cops or security or someone who could record the incident on paper.
Just telling "a friend" won't do it.
Trump can simply deny it and then what can she do? It's her word against Trump. No proof, no record on file of the incident, no witness, it's just too bad she dropped the ball. If she wanted to be believed she should have reported the assault at the time it occurred.

Sportage, sometimes I can't follow your posts, but this one I can and very much agree. I can't say I can truly imagine what sexual assault or reporting it must be like, how hard it must be. I can only provide 100% support for those that can muster up the courage to report it to get the assholes doing it.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Here is the problem......
Usually there is evidence. Physical evidence.
Take senator Al Franken. She had a photo.
And going back, there was hard evidence against Anthony Weiner.
Most politicians that have resigned due to some sex scandal had no choice because hard evidence existed.
And that senator caught in the airport mens restroom was arrested by an undercover cop. You can't get much more on the hard evidence that from an undercover cop.

But with Trump and brett kavanaugh and many others, it was all hearsay.
The problem was none of the women reported the assault at the time it took place. They should have reported the incident asap, and to the cops or security or someone who could record the incident on paper.
Just telling "a friend" won't do it.
Trump can simply deny it and then what can she do? It's her word against Trump. No proof, no record on file of the incident, no witness, it's just too bad she dropped the ball. If she wanted to be believed she should have reported the assault at the time it occurred.

It is not hearsay, it is eyewitness testimony.


Senior member
Apr 17, 2016
Howard Stern often extracts salacious details from his guests, and revels in the locker room sexual conquests of the rich and powerful. I vividly remember Trump as a frequent caller and guest, and cannot believe that no one tapped into a deep reservoir of Stern content to sink Trump. I rememeber when the Access Hollywood tape came out, people were shocked. I was like, do none of you people listen to Howard Stern?

Stern also regrets normalizing Trump’s behavior.

That is one thing that has always made me miffed about this, trying to just say stuff like grab them by the pussy is locker room talk. It paints the picture that all men talk like that, and it is perfectly normal.


Jul 11, 2001
What does it take to start impeachment.
Well, if Bill Clinton's experience is any indication just some proof that he lied about it. Lieing to congress is an impeachable offense, say the GOP, even if it's about adultery. Rape? AFAIK, no precident of a POTUS doing something like that. OMGosh, don't even think about it, it's Sunday morning, we're dressing for church.


Jul 11, 2001
AFAIK, no president has been "successfully" impeached (i.e. ousted). Nixon resigned before being impeached. The USA is one screwed up place. Near as I can tell, it's never been more off the wall here. SNL should be feasting on this one. No lack of material for them. Can things get more corrupt here? Sure, but on a 0-10 scale, we're at least an 8, well into the RED ZONE.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Does Donald Trump seem like a person with a pathological need to self aggrandize all of his actions, to identify himself and his will with greatness? Would it be likely he might imagine raping women as a gift of god. Would it be likely that if he did and acted on that feeling he would also brag about it? Is it likely that for people riddled with guilt over their own egotistical lusts not feel inspired, relieved, and absolved by such a person at an unconscious level? Greatness in a person worse than couldn’t be more perfect. I am ready to worship.


Jul 11, 2001
If she wanted to be believed she should have reported the assault at the time it occurred.
I don't find it hard to believe a woman who reports sexual assault or rape way after the fact. Belief isn't the same as proof. I believe we have proof of the pussy grabbing proclivity of this guy.

I've seen some posts here that appear to assert that Trump's had sex with his daughter Ivanka. Where did that come from?


Feb 6, 2002
The democrat controlled congress can start the process Monday morning. Based on the long list of high crimes and 16 rape charges (full disclosure, I could only find 3), impeachment should be a slam dunk. Why doesn't congress do it? We have rape, collusion with Russia, obstruction of justice, money laundering, tax evasion, establishing concentration camps, and bad hair. Why isn't congress acting? Why are they ignoring the will of the American people? Why are they refusing to do their jobs?
Will of the people isn't there yet. Still not a majority in favor of impeachment


Jul 11, 2001
Will of the people isn't there yet. Still not a majority in favor of impeachment
What does the will of the people have to do with it? Didn't keep the lesser vote candidate from winning the White House.

"It's easier for a president to go through the eye of a needle than a camel to win the White House."


May 30, 2008
The democrat controlled congress can start the process Monday morning. Based on the long list of high crimes and 16 rape charges (full disclosure, I could only find 3), impeachment should be a slam dunk. Why doesn't congress do it? We have rape, collusion with Russia, obstruction of justice, money laundering, tax evasion, establishing concentration camps, and bad hair. Why isn't congress acting? Why are they ignoring the will of the American people? Why are they refusing to do their jobs?

Even I can see this doesn't really make sense and I'm not an American. The Democrats control the house of representatives, but not the senate. Isn't it the senate that has to deal with impeachment? Is that not how it works?

Though it is confusing how members of the House are called Congressmen. I mean, the House is only part of Congress and many of them aren't even men!

Even more confusing is that some Democrats seem to be part-Republican.


Feb 6, 2002
What does the will of the people have to do with it? Didn't keep the lesser vote candidate from winning the White House.

"It's easier for a president to go through the eye of a needle than a camel to win the White House."
I was just answering Greenmans demands. I want him impeached and removed but I don't have a problem with Nancy's slow bleed, death by 1K cuts.


Jan 8, 2010
Does Donald Trump seem like a person with a pathological need to self aggrandize all of his actions, to identify himself and his will with greatness? Would it be likely he might imagine raping women as a gift of god. Would it be likely that if he did and acted on that feeling he would also brag about it? Is it likely that for people riddled with guilt over their own egotistical lusts not feel inspired, relieved, and absolved by such a person at an unconscious level? Greatness in a person worse than couldn’t be more perfect. I am ready to worship.

Well, I find Trump to be more bluster than balls. He's used to getting his way because of money and being the loudest in the room. I can quite clearly picture him talking big about his 'conquests' but in reality he was probably begging for it and throwing money at them. A man in his position (before president) and now definitely has more potential for people to make false claims against him, especially since I am pretty sure this guy has made more enemies than friends due to his 'if you don't have anything that helps me I don't care about you' attitude. I lean on the side of he's guilty of most of it, but rape is a whole other level of asshole and I'm not sure he has the guts to actually go through with an actual rape. But who knows...
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