Trumps tweeted "WE CANNOT LET THE CURE BE WORSE THAN THE PROBLEM ITSELF" and i cant believe I agree with him

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Jul 13, 2005
What sort of bothered me, the last time I went on an "exotic-grocery" run with my "Unforgiven" hat and Train-Man bandana, was the seniors I saw. For instance, a frail, 85-year-old lady -- no face mask or surgical mask -- nothing! Do they all wanna die?!

Then, there are certain store policies. Trader Joe's -- well-meaning as it is -- seems to create a hazard outsize the store, trying to avoid one on the inside. No more than ten people at a time allowed in the store. They create a queue or line of people outside, not necessarily six feet apart, all standing there for 20 minutes and allowed to enter one at a time when some individual exits with grocery bags.
speaking of hazards....I laid into a Trader Joe`s worker who was regulating the flow of the line that was outside waiting to get in!
It was just after 12 noon and there was a line of people, but what bothered me was there were several elderly people in wheelchairs waiting in line! I walked up to the lady and said -- Mam, would you look at your line, what do you see that is wrong?
She did`nt see the 2 wheelchairs..... when i pointed out to her they were 2 elderly people in wheelchairs she said to me, well we do have our hours for the elderly! I told her but do you understand that when you are elderly that oftimes it is very difficult to find somebody to help you get out and that you have to take what you get as far as help?
Then I said to her in a stern manner -- It is just wrong that they have to wait in line! You really should do something.....
As I was leaving, because I just wanted to make her aware.....she sort of stood there until somebody else in line told her, they can have my place if your not going to let them go inside first...
Reactions: Lanyap and JSt0rm


Jul 13, 2005
If you wanted to isolate yourself from the college students who gave each other the Corona while playing on the Florida beaches, you would certainly want a large supply of toilet paper!

And this -- after I'd taught myself to clean my sphincter thoroughly and perfectly with only 5 TP panels folded up in a single wipe! Fold and re-fold!! Never a diaper-itch, either! And never the well-known brown stain on a pair of Duluth Trading Buck-Nakeds!
How do you like your Diluth`s?


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
speaking of hazards....I laid into a Trader Joe`s worker who was regulating the flow of the line that was outside waiting to get in!
It was just after 12 noon and there was a line of people, but what bothered me was there were several elderly people in wheelchairs waiting in line! I walked up to the lady and said -- Mam, would you look at your line, what do you see that is wrong?
She did`nt see the 2 wheelchairs..... when i pointed out to her they were 2 elderly people in wheelchairs she said to me, well we do have our hours for the elderly! I told her but do you understand that when you are elderly that oftimes it is very difficult to find somebody to help you get out and that you have to take what you get as far as help?
Then I said to her in a stern manner -- It is just wrong that they have to wait in line! You really should do something.....
As I was leaving, because I just wanted to make her aware.....she sort of stood there until somebody else in line told her, they can have my place if your not going to let them go inside first...
You were wrong on this and the line tender was correct.


Jul 13, 2005
You were wrong on this and the line tender was correct.
You are entitled to your own opinion! But I believe I was correct in every sense of the word!
Why? Because even though I am a senior citizen, I use a cane and I make no demands of anybody!
Yet, I understand what it is like to not be capable of maintaining a schedule or not having help available when it is needed! I have and will always be a push over for people who are beholden to their wheelchairs! This is one thing we can agree to disagree on! Peace!!


Jun 30, 2004
How do you like your Diluth`s?
No pinch! No stink! Noo-o-o sweat!

Pricey suckers, though. I think back to the old Jockey shorts -- cotton, white. COSTCO sells something that looks more like the Buck Nakeds. I think you get more than one for about the same price.
Reactions: JEDIYoda


May 15, 2000
speaking of hazards....I laid into a Trader Joe`s worker who was regulating the flow of the line that was outside waiting to get in!
It was just after 12 noon and there was a line of people, but what bothered me was there were several elderly people in wheelchairs waiting in line! I walked up to the lady and said -- Mam, would you look at your line, what do you see that is wrong?
She did`nt see the 2 wheelchairs..... when i pointed out to her they were 2 elderly people in wheelchairs she said to me, well we do have our hours for the elderly! I told her but do you understand that when you are elderly that oftimes it is very difficult to find somebody to help you get out and that you have to take what you get as far as help?
Then I said to her in a stern manner -- It is just wrong that they have to wait in line! You really should do something.....
As I was leaving, because I just wanted to make her aware.....she sort of stood there until somebody else in line told her, they can have my place if your not going to let them go inside first...

Try being on the other side of that, whether it’s from the employees perspective just doing what they were told or as employee who lets in the disabled only to be yelled at by others who were in line for a longer time.


Jul 13, 2005
Try being on the other side of that, whether it’s from the employees perspective just doing what they were told or as employee who lets in the disabled only to be yelled at by others who were in line for a longer time.
I agree whole heartedly, but they should have also considered that it is very difficult for some people who are elderly to get to wehere they need to your point is taken!


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Try being on the other side of that, whether it’s from the employees perspective just doing what they were told or as employee who lets in the disabled only to be yelled at by others who were in line for a longer time.

Just to add to this...the people in Wheelchairs may not want this help. They may just want to wait inline like everyone else and not be the source of all the attention and controversy. Besides, they have a place to sit while everyone else stands around, it's not like they are being physically burdened.


Jul 13, 2005
Just to add to this...the people in Wheelchairs may not want this help. They may just want to wait inline like everyone else and not be the source of all the attention and controversy. Besides, they have a place to sit while everyone else stands around, it's not like they are being physically burdened.
I guess I am old fashioned, sorry, but I was brought up thst people in wheelchairs were special! With that said perhaps the people in the wheelchairs did not care and did not want to upset other people.....all good points!!


May 15, 2000
I agree whole heartedly, but they should have also considered that it is very difficult for some people who are elderly to get to wehere they need to your point is taken!

The way to handle it from your perspective would be to offer a suggestion to management, preferably corporate. Not in a tone that’s negative but rather more of a suggestive tone.

Talking to frontline employees about something they’ve probably received multiple contradicting directions on will probably not do much except for maybe when that particular employee is working. What it most likely does do is cause the already stressed employee to be even more stressed and in these times when these are the people showing up to work and facing potential death (unlikely but some feel like it) the last thing they need is yet another person telling them how to do their job.
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Jun 23, 2004
Pandemic-Related Unemployment and Shutdowns Are a Recipe for Social Unrest
That's a huge concern as forecasters expect the U.S. unemployment rate in the months to come to surpass that seen during the depths of the Great Depression.
"We're putting this initial number at 30 percent; that's a 30 percent unemployment rate" in the second quarter of this year as a result of the planned economic shutdowns, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard told Bloomberg News on March 22. Gross Domestic Product, he adds, is expected to drop by 50 percent.

This presents the scope of impact while alluding to the risks involved. It's not just crazy town to see, and fear, where this potentially leads.


Jun 23, 2004
Italy Fears Riots
As Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte fights to hold Italian society together through a crippling nationwide lockdown, the depressed south is turning into a powder keg.
Police have been deployed on the streets of Sicily’s capital, Palermo, amid reports gangs are using social media to plot attacks on stores.

Mere rumors, or the beginnings of unrest materializing in locked down societies? How much disruption in their lives and supply chain can people take, especially if it is viewed under the guise of "government control"?


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Italy Fears Riots
As Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte fights to hold Italian society together through a crippling nationwide lockdown, the depressed south is turning into a powder keg.
Police have been deployed on the streets of Sicily’s capital, Palermo, amid reports gangs are using social media to plot attacks on stores.

Mere rumors, or the beginnings of unrest materializing in locked down societies? How much disruption in their lives and supply chain can people take, especially if it is viewed under the guise of "government control"?

The potential Death/Overwhelmed Healthcare Systems are worse. Even cities in flames are not going to kill 100s of thousands of People.


Jun 23, 2004
Welcome to the Greater Depression?

The potential Death/Overwhelmed Healthcare Systems are worse. Even cities in flames are not going to kill 100s of thousands of People.

Violence can further disrupt supply chains, and lead to further violence. There's no theoretical limit to the death and destruction unless cooler heads prevail, and people can receive much needed supplies.
Reactions: Fenixgoon


Jul 1, 2001
Italy Fears Riots
As Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte fights to hold Italian society together through a crippling nationwide lockdown, the depressed south is turning into a powder keg.
Police have been deployed on the streets of Sicily’s capital, Palermo, amid reports gangs are using social media to plot attacks on stores.

Mere rumors, or the beginnings of unrest materializing in locked down societies? How much disruption in their lives and supply chain can people take, especially if it is viewed under the guise of "government control"?

It makes sense... once you're trapped in your home with your children for three weeks, the Cabin Fever is going to get serious and you NEED to get outside to blow off steam and avoid going crazy. As some point, people are going to start to rebel if the government tries too hard to force people into what's basically house arrest.

You already see people ignoring their bosses and walking off of jobs in the US today because they're getting sick of this.


Jun 23, 2004
Don't know if I should start my own thread to properly hone in on and keep track of the spreading unrest throughout the world. But then there's this, not yet violent, but disturbing nonetheless.

Rent strike idea gaining steam during coronavirus crisis

ST. LOUIS (AP) — With millions of people suddenly out of work and rent due at the first of the month, some tenants are vowing to go on a rent strike until the coronavirus pandemic subsides.
New York, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco and St. Louis are among many cities that have temporarily banned evictions, but advocates for the strike are demanding that rent payments be waived, not delayed, for those in need during the crisis. The rent strike idea has taken root in parts of North America and as far away as London.
White sheets are being hung in apartment windows to show solidarity with the movement that is gaining steam on Twitter, Instagram and other social media sites. Fliers urging people to participate are being posted in several cities, including bus stops in St. Louis, where 27-year-old Kyle Kofron still has his job at an ice cream factory, but his three roommates have suddenly found themselves unemployed. Their property manager so far hasn’t agreed to a payment plan, Kofron said.

Be rich or be homeless? Hell no!


Jul 1, 2001
I have a hunch that a LOT of people are going to get evicted from their apartments when this is over, and end up with screwed up credit because of it.


Jun 23, 2004
Welcome to the Greater Depression?

Violence can further disrupt supply chains, and lead to further violence. There's no theoretical limit to the death and destruction unless cooler heads prevail, and people can receive much needed supplies.

US facing hunger crisis as demand for food banks soars
The demand for food aid has increased as much as eightfold in some areas, according to an investigation by the Guardian, which gives a nationwide snapshot of the hunger crisis facing the US as millions become unemployed.
Further signs of the risk we face. Hunger leads to unrest in the blink of an eye.
Reactions: Paratus


Jun 23, 2004
Stores prepare for civil unrest...
A growing scene for those who venture out into the streets of Manhattan these days is boarded up storefronts. From luxury retailers to small bars, establishments that have no idea when they are going to be allowed to reopen are putting up protection over their glass doors and windows.


Why is this happening?
Oh... Some in US may not get stimulus checks until August.
Coupled with the run on food banks, can you start to see the cost of our reaction to the virus? Not nearly all the damage in 2020 will be disease, much of the damage will be caused by human failings. Including....

Up To 30% Of All Mortgages Will Default In "Biggest Wave Of Delinquencies In History"
Borrowers who lost income from the coronavirus, which is already a skyrocketing number as the 10 million new jobless claims in the past two weeks attests, can ask to skip payments for as many as 180 days at a time on federally backed mortgages, and avoid penalties and a hit to their credit scores. But as Bloomberg notes, it’s not a payment holiday and eventually homeowners they’ll have to make it all up.
According to estimates by Moody's Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi, as many as 30% of Americans with home loans – about 15 million households – could stop paying if the U.S. economy remains closed through the summer or beyond.

Frankly, if it came down to it, we should protect 15 million families. Not their lenders. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. This financial crisis is unlike anything in history, our action must meet the challenge. We have entered an era where the demand for a "new deal" to protect our fellow Americans cannot be postponed any longer. The status quo is dead, an American revolution is here, now.



Jun 23, 2004
Cataloging the damage done to our economy. At some point, even the most stalwart defenders of current policy may think the "cure" is worse than the disease. OTOH, I cannot reconcile it with the idea that people would have panicked and self isolated anyway. Regardless, we may be living in the Greater Depression as the economic consequences ripple through society and play out over time.

Many months after COVID-19 is behind us, we will be neck deep in financial fallout. With no safety net to protect ALL Americans, this country has gone to !@#$.

Food Bank Line Stretches Miles in Florida...
  • Feeding South Florida, a nonprofit, distributed food to needy Floridian motorists on Monday
  • A long line of vehicles was seen waiting at a distribution center in Sunrise, just outside of Fort Lauderdale
  • Food banks have reported a 600 per cent spike in demand for produce amid coronavirus pandemic
  • Recent figures showed that more than 500,000 Floridians filed for unemployment benefits
Third of Young Have Lost Jobs...



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
Cataloging the damage done to our economy. At some point, even the most stalwart defenders of current policy may think the "cure" is worse than the disease. OTOH, I cannot reconcile it with the idea that people would have panicked and self isolated anyway. Regardless, we may be living in the Greater Depression as the economic consequences ripple through society and play out over time.

Many months after COVID-19 is behind us, we will be neck deep in financial fallout. With no safety net to protect ALL Americans, this country has gone to !@#$.

Food Bank Line Stretches Miles in Florida...
  • Feeding South Florida, a nonprofit, distributed food to needy Floridian motorists on Monday
  • A long line of vehicles was seen waiting at a distribution center in Sunrise, just outside of Fort Lauderdale
  • Food banks have reported a 600 per cent spike in demand for produce amid coronavirus pandemic
  • Recent figures showed that more than 500,000 Floridians filed for unemployment benefits
Third of Young Have Lost Jobs...

The frustrating thing is that it's really a no-win situation. Either lock things down and create economic chaos, or brace for death counts worse than WWII. The joy of resuming vaguely normal business would wear off pretty quickly with that mortality rate, especially when you realize that the overwhelmed hospitals could lead to people dying from unrelated and otherwise treatable illnesses.
Reactions: pmv and JEDIYoda
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