Trying to Break a Computer :UPDATE:

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Senior member
Jul 7, 2006
Originally posted by: Tweak155
Originally posted by: bigstrickler
What you should do then if you have the money and your father wont let you buy a new one is either buy a sony viao that looks the same and trade that one out lol or buy new parts for the inside

Haha! I actually like this option.
haha if he bought the same case his dad would never know and know one would be harmed



May 23, 2002
Originally posted by: Molinjir
Not to pile on top of this already festering topic, but yet, in doing so, I have to say, that really is pathetic. Work your butt off, earn a computer. If you actually work towards a dedicated goal (not the two times you mowed Mrs. Dinky's Lawn, or birthday money, etc.), presenting your plans coherently and intelligently, demonstrating to your parent why it is essential for you to get a new machine, chances are, said parent will spring for it.

As a direct example, I point out myself
I, a lowly fourteen-year old, received an already outdated powerbook (867 mghz, 256 mb ram, 40 gig HD) at age 11. Since the age of twelve, I have endeavoured to replace said computer, so I actually have a chance of playing any sort of game, or doing any sort of processor intensive task. I spent literally the last year and a half begging, proposing, pestering, and saving.

Now, I've saved up the requisite $1900 to buy a 20 in iMac (don't start with mac flames, please), and yes, I did earn most of it.
I'm due to get it in 9 days. Three and a half years. Basically, two of them saving. I did have the luck of being a half decent jazz piano playing type (gigs= source of cash), and a few lucky opportunities for making cash. (worst being spending 7 hrs to clean rust off a metal gate, for 250$, but sadly, a one time deal).

It's possible. It's certainly worth it. And if your father opposes a serious, dedicated plan, that also is reasonable, and has some sort of parental motivation, par example, not 'i wanna game w00t' but rather, "This bizzare device, as useless as it might seem, has been proven to increase motor skill functions, better cognitive recognition habits, and above all, the perfect tool for education purposes, to access key information quickly and efficiently, in addition, a creative outlet for emotional stresses in a recreational setting.' (Don't worry, I didn't really understand what I just wrote either). Use a little basic knowledge of human pride, etc. Improve your grammar. Give him a goal you've set, that he also wants, that will reward you with the computer you seek.
If none of this works, you aren't sharing the full story, or your family has much more serious problems than mere computer upgrades.

In that case, unplug the computer, conceal the outlet in question with a disgusting wastepaper basket, and tell him that evil spirits have invaded the computer, and they won't let you turn it on. Hop up and down, writhe, and then attack your computer with a sledgehammer at 3 AM. That will show 'em.

Lastly, why does everyone (excepting me, of course, being the precocious child I am.) have trble spelingg dis stuf?

Best of luck,


I am impressed with this articulate 14 year old. That is not to say all people who are 14 are not articulate. It is just that most adults don't articulate or spell adequately on forums, chat and other Internet mediums.


Jan 29, 2005
Originally posted by: StevenNevets
Originally posted by: Lord Evermore
Originally posted by: StevenNevets
You guys do realise this kid a job in real life... construction

long hours for little money and still his dad won't let him

Actually, no, we didn't since he didn't tell us that! My mind is completely changed! Fraud and destruction of property are perfectly okay if you "deserve it"!

Lots of people work long hours for little money. That doesn't make things like this right. Nobody forced him into the construction business (or if his father did "force" him into it, then he's got reasonable cause to hate his father, but he's still got the choice to just not do it).
well my point is everyone says get a job and earn the money..

he already has:frown:

why does he necessarily have to go through newegg to buy his parts? just go tot the local mom and pop shop, (do your best to call around get the best prices) and buy the parts with cash. thinking that it's ok to break a computer that YOUR parents,not YOU, bought, is pathetic and shameful. I seriously hope karma bites you in the behind if you do go through with breaking taht computer.

May your new computer turn into a lifeless chunk of metal when you first hit the power button and the computer goes up in flames and spits out noxious fumes turning your hair bright pink and your face orange.



Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Originally posted by: bX510
This is like the 2nd op that got flamed.... lol... the 1st one i saw was blackcooljesus in the forsale forums...

That BCJ thing was way worse than this though. The OP here just needs to grow up, BCJ needs to DIAF.


Mar 2, 2006
Transcend the need for newer and shinier possesions, you don't need it to be happy. Oh, and call me a hypocrite when you become a guru.


Senior member
Dec 30, 2005
this is silly and wasteful. if you know enough about computers you should be able to temporarily break it long enough to convince yoru dad to let you use your own money to buy some new parts.

don't physically break it, just mess up the operating system so that it doesn't load or gets BSOD's etc... as much as you don't like your current computer, it could totally be used to store music, play movies, function as a server, etc....


Golden Member
Mar 21, 2006
So, this kid has a job and enough money to buy a new computer but his Dad won't let him? Sounds like his Dad is being unreasonable to me. My advice is just deal with it since you live in your father's house and keep saving money. When you're 18, move out and get your own place then you can spend your money however you want.


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2006
My parents told me that I couldn't have a high-powered desktop, that I didn't need one, and that they wouldn't pay for it.
I went out, got a job, and I'll have a $2500 kick-ass rig as soon as my Core 2 Duo E6600 arrives (on preorder at TigerDirect).
I would advise the OP to do the same.


Junior Member
May 16, 2006
Hello, I actually have a need to break my laptop. My laptop (3.04 P4, Toshiba) has been in and out of the Best Buy Service Center for the last year. The problem that I have is that my extended warrenty is up in September, but Best Buy can't seem to fix my laptop, as each time I bring it in for a different problem.

So, are there any reccomendations on how to break it so that Best Buy will not be able to get it running for the last month of my warrenty and I can get a working(!) laptop.

Thank you in advance.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Originally posted by: Saivior
Hello, I actually have a need to break my laptop. My laptop (3.04 P4, Toshiba) has been in and out of the Best Buy Service Center for the last year. The problem that I have is that my extended warrenty is up in September, but Best Buy can't seem to fix my laptop, as each time I bring it in for a different problem.

So, are there any reccomendations on how to break it so that Best Buy will not be able to get it running for the last month of my warrenty and I can get a working(!) laptop.

Thank you in advance.

This is a joke right


Junior Member
May 16, 2006
No, I am dead serious.

My laptop has been sent to the Best Buy Service center 6 times in the last 9 months. I swear that the computer is completely messed up but BestBuy still wont replace the darn thing!

The first time I brought it in (November 2005) because of multiple system error blue screens, they replaced some drivers and it was fixed for about 2 weeks. Then they replaced the harddrive (December 05), but it then had to be sent back because they didn't seat the harddrive right (December 05). The new year brought problems with the DC jack, as the battery wouldn't charge with the computer plugged into the wall...

I am afraid that Best Buy is going to fix my computer enough to last out the warrenty and break, so that they don't have to replace it.


Diamond Member
Dec 20, 2005
Like everyone else said, buy it yourself. I used a POS P4 1.7 for 5 years, and mommy and daddy didn't get me my new one. I burned a quarter of a years crappy pay on it. Is this how kids afford to buy a new cell phone every 2 months to stay 'in'?


Junior Member
Aug 1, 2006
wow.... this is very sad... you people need to notice that after page 2 of stupid insults and ideas i stopped reading and posting, and i was right to do so. this thread is going no where and every 5 miniuts someone posts some idea that they spent the whole day coming up with. this is extreemely sad. the only reson i need my dad is the fact that he has a credit card so i can order from because they have most if not all the parts at the lowest prices. now i have the money, "$1200" and if i could get my dad to order it i would give him an extra $100 to pay for anything that the credit card company charges "the total price of the rig is $900-$1000 for everything." now anyone else who has any bright ideas please post them. this has become the most popular thread on the fourms...


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2004
I did not break my previous comp to get this one. Partly because I do a lot of things around the house, my parents did not hesitate to buy me parts for a new build. I also ended up giving my old comp to my parents and they're extremely satisfied. I also perform check up services when they're needed. If you're good, you can coax your old man into giving you some more cash. Otherwise, too bad.


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999
The seller is the one that pays a percentage of the CC transaction.

If you have a PayPal account then does that not imply you can get their ATM/Debit card which is accepted just like a MasterCard credit card? I have one but I don't know if there are any account or age restrictions. It's actually better than basic CC's if you do not actually require credit because it pays a li'l cash back.

I agree 'tis foolish to consider destroying good parts and 'tis much more reasonable to sell the parts to help finance the upgrades (even if afterwards).

Newegg ain't "all that and a bag of mutton flavoured crisps". Shop around: froogle, pricegrabber, pricewatch...


Senior member
Aug 10, 2002
Originally posted by: munchie
ok well... i have the money that i have been saveing from selling crap on paypal $500 total and other crap that i have been doing i have made $600. ok so now stop being ass holes and tell me how to break this comp. mydad just wont let me use my money because i need a credit card to order off newegg, and like i said before he says "their's nothing wrong with it so you dont need a new one" ok? i have the money, i have my dream comp on a piece of paper, but i dont have a credit card.

Go to Key Bank or some other bank in your area where you can purchase a one-time (not refillable) use cash card and put as much money on it as you want for about $5. You can use it like a cc online, but, if your dad catches you using it to look up porn, don't say I told you about it. Don't you know that you can use PayPal on ?



Jul 21, 2006
saw this thread still alive...UM...I JUST GOT A NEW COMPUTER AT WORK!!!!! HAHA JEALOUS?? LOLOLOL

well, here's a lesson on patience...

for years I have used a 1.1 ghz intel celeron machine here...with like 128 mb...with a hard drive that sings me a song to start my day...slowed down after much browsing, but I didn't mind until...seriously it took like a minute to load a page on ebay...not much productivity there

the problems were...actually it was fine, except that these days we are just getting used to faster and faster technologies and take it for granted...anyways

SOOOOOO.........NEENER NEENER NEENER I must absorb the power that my new machine is giving off..WHOO!


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
find a bios update /flash

while flashing pull the battery out. and unplug...
and you have yourself a nice boat anchor.

just don't cry when all your data is stuck on the old lappy, and ask how to get it off.



Junior Member
Dec 8, 2005
Originally posted by: munchie
wow.... this is very sad... you people need to notice that after page 2 of stupid insults and ideas i stopped reading and posting, and i was right to do so. this thread is going no where and every 5 miniuts someone posts some idea that they spent the whole day coming up with. this is extreemely sad. the only reson i need my dad is the fact that he has a credit card so i can order from because they have most if not all the parts at the lowest prices. now i have the money, "$1200" and if i could get my dad to order it i would give him an extra $100 to pay for anything that the credit card company charges "the total price of the rig is $900-$1000 for everything." now anyone else who has any bright ideas please post them. this has become the most popular thread on the fourms...

Why don't you just pay via check or money order? I know for a fact you can purchase items at the egg without a credit card. I bought a panasonic plasma via check through their site. It takes a few extra days at most. Why do you need to be breaking computers and borrowing credit cards?


Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: munchie
wow.... this is very sad... you people need to notice that after page 2 of stupid insults and ideas i stopped reading and posting, and i was right to do so. this thread is going no where and every 5 miniuts someone posts some idea that they spent the whole day coming up with. this is extreemely sad. the only reson i need my dad is the fact that he has a credit card so i can order from because they have most if not all the parts at the lowest prices. now i have the money, "$1200" and if i could get my dad to order it i would give him an extra $100 to pay for anything that the credit card company charges "the total price of the rig is $900-$1000 for everything." now anyone else who has any bright ideas please post them. this has become the most popular thread on the fourms...

Newegg accepts paypal....


Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: Saivior
No, I am dead serious.

My laptop has been sent to the Best Buy Service center 6 times in the last 9 months. I swear that the computer is completely messed up but BestBuy still wont replace the darn thing!

The first time I brought it in (November 2005) because of multiple system error blue screens, they replaced some drivers and it was fixed for about 2 weeks. Then they replaced the harddrive (December 05), but it then had to be sent back because they didn't seat the harddrive right (December 05). The new year brought problems with the DC jack, as the battery wouldn't charge with the computer plugged into the wall...

I am afraid that Best Buy is going to fix my computer enough to last out the warrenty and break, so that they don't have to replace it.

I'm sure a bunch of ppl do that and bestbuy isn't dumb...but good luck, I hope you get sent to the big house for fraud


Junior Member
Aug 1, 2006
you guys didn't understand this situation at all.. maybe the post wasn't detailed enough

Updated it though, fell free to re-read and post something better then "you're a spoiled breat"
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