[TT]GPU shipments up 20.4% from last quarter, PC is strong


Diamond Member
Mar 29, 2010

"AMD's overall unit shipments increased 15.38% quarter-to-quarter, Intel's total shipments increased 17.70% from last quarter, and NVIDIA's increased 39.31%. The attach rate of GPUs (includes integrated and discrete GPUs) to PCs for the quarter was 146% which was up 14.96% from last quarter. Discrete GPUs were in 34.84% of PCs, which is up 7.06%. The overall PC market increased 8.09% quarter-to-quarter, and decreased -5.37% year-to-year. Desktop graphics add-in boards (AIBs) that use discrete GPUs increased 38.16% from last quarter. Q3'16 saw a decrease in tablet shipments from last quarter and saw notebook sales out sell tablets for the first time in three years."

I am glad that PC is doing so well despite what the naysayers tell us

Thanks Happy for the link
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Nov 14, 2011
PC gaming is strong. Sales of junky laptops and desktops for business, Facebook and porn are still plummeting.


Elite Member
Apr 16, 2000

Nvidia's increase wasn't really an increase. It was simply recovering what it lost in Q2 when they transitioned from the Maxell to Pascal. The report above further demonstrates that. No one was claiming pc gaming was dead last quarter because Nvidia's shipments tanked. What this does show is that the $300+ dgpu market is a much more significant percentage of the market than even a year ago. AMD sure made a brilliant business decision ignoring the highend to focus where the "bulk of the market" was with the Polaris release schedule.
Reactions: frozentundra123456


Golden Member
Dec 26, 2008
Nvidia's increase wasn't really an increase. It was simply recovering what it lost in Q2 when they transitioned from the Maxell to Pascal. The report above further demonstrates that. No one was claiming pc gaming was dead last quarter because Nvidia's shipments tanked. What this does show is that the $300+ dgpu market is a much more significant percentage of the market than even a year ago. AMD sure made a brilliant business decision ignoring the highend to focus where the "bulk of the market" was with the Polaris release schedule.
Increase wasnt an increase? Mind blown!!!


Had a bunch of funny things to say but I fear that my lighthearted humor might be mistaken. I think things are taken to heart too easily these days and that places of companionship for like-minded PC geeks have shrunk down and down to become this tiny line that we must tip toe on. Like tight rope walking.

But reminiscing aside (and I apologize for being an old school from back in the day), I do think that there are many things we could talk about in the data. More than concluding that Nvidia's increase wasnt an increase, which joking aside, I think I can kind of see what you saying...if you are speaking of volume in individual units.

I think that there was a transition and this can be seen in the data over the last couple quarters. The volume in Q2 and Q3 seems to tell a story for both nvidia and AMD.

From a marketshare perspective, its often concluded that the quarterly chip shipments to AiBs and such exactly represents the real market shift to the end users individual purchases. Which, it doesn't. So for example, if jon peddie reports an increase of 10% marketshare for Q2, this is a percentage based on total shipments and not sales of individual gpus. The shipments become stock to be sold, like walmart or Sears ordering televisions to be sold. Of course, you don't order tons of truck loads of something unless there is the expectation it will be sold. Many people know already how it this works but I wanted to clarify what the numbers really mean to anyone who doesnt.

So what I will suggest is my opinion on what the data means for the past few quarters. I believe it's very true that nvidias transition from maxwell to pascal is visibly apparent in the Q2 and Q3 results. The Q2 dip in market share was due to the fact that nvidia had only one pascal variant ready and it came with obvious volume constraints. I believe had nvidia been able to produce more chips, they would have been able to move more chips. Unfortunately for all the people trashing their 16nm kick off, there is enough data out now for me to say that it appears nvidia had managed to move a lot of pascal chips. So while demand outweighed their ability to produce, its hard to argue they were shipping gm204 in tiny quantities. I would say that it went extremely well for nvidia and that demand was very high and not that there was no supply. chips were coming from nvidia.

Its increasingly difficult to ramp up a new architecture on a new node. The volume always starts off slow and increases over time. It seems though, both nvidia and amd was able to roll out the products they launched in decent quantities, this could have been a huge issue. It often is.

I would say that amd Q2 market share jump was do to polaris chips sold to AiBs to fill the channels and the shelves. This was a high volume product and I believe that there was a large segment waiting and ready for a new product. Channels were ready to be filled = Amd Q2

The following months, Nvidia started replacing all of their maxwell products with pascal counter parts. The channels start filling up for their new products and will eventually level out as they saturate. AMD has done the same with the slots polaris can fill.

The marketshare levels out at some point, it may be now. Which would mean that we are very close to where we were all along, and leveled off after Q2. Or we could still be seeing an nvidia surge as their pascal line fills up the channel. This would mean that their market share will dip down some when they saturate and level off.

If you know what the data is then its clear that reading too much off one quarter is wrong. It takes a few to determine a real uptick or dip. There are other things in play, such as capability. This can have a big effect one quarter and then cause a huge bounce the next, one that might even over compensate as the projected sales fail to meet expectations.

So, take the long view. Then there is so much more to gather from the data. And more value can be had in the conversation


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
saw notebook sales out sell tablets for the first time in three years

I think that's a really good sign for the PC market, and seems to indicate to me that either the tablet market is saturated (everybody that wants one mostly has one, and there's no killer app to upgrade tablets), or it was just a "fad".

Edit: That, or smartphones are taking over the tablet space, now that phones are getting a bit bigger and a lot more full-featured.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2010
More and more once console only devs are releasing PC versions. PC Gaming is doing rather well and is probably what is keep Intel + Nvidia happy as the enthusiast buyers care not for margins and die sizes.


Golden Member
Feb 2, 2012
Increase wasnt an increase? Mind blown!!!


Had a bunch of funny things to say but I fear that my lighthearted humor might be mistaken. I think things are taken to heart too easily these days and that places of companionship for like-minded PC geeks have shrunk down and down to become this tiny line that we must tip toe on. Like tight rope walking.

But reminiscing aside (and I apologize for being an old school from back in the day), I do think that there are many things we could talk about in the data. More than concluding that Nvidia's increase wasnt an increase, which joking aside, I think I can kind of see what you saying...if you are speaking of volume in individual units.

I think that there was a transition and this can be seen in the data over the last couple quarters. The volume in Q2 and Q3 seems to tell a story for both nvidia and AMD.

Of course it was an increase, but Q3 is always bigger than Q2, so the question is if the increase is bigger than the normal seasonal jump. If not, then Nvidia (and the other manufacturers), can't really be said to have made any improvements unit sales wise.

This is why you should be careful comparing quarter to quarter, and should instead do year to year.

As mentioned above, the entire GPU market increase by a miniscule 0.3% year over year. However if we look only at discrete GPUs (and thus ignore integrated GPUs), the market increase by 10.1% relative to last year, it's worth noting though that Q3 2015 was a fairly poor year, with it being 3.8% lower than Q3 2014. So over the last two years AIB shipments have increased by an average of 2.9%, which is rather poor.

Looking Specifically at Nvidia, their year to year results are a 4.6% drop in desktop GPUs and a 14.3% increase in notebook GPUs, compared to AMD who saw a 68.9% and 6.3% increase in desktop and notebook respectively.*

*this isn't in the above link, but can be easily calculated from previous press releases from JPR, or of course from the full report.

I would say that amd Q2 market share jump was do to polaris chips sold to AiBs to fill the channels and the shelves. This was a high volume product and I believe that there was a large segment waiting and ready for a new product. Channels were ready to be filled = Amd Q2

I don't really think AMD stuffed the channel in Q2 any more than normal, that would be more relevant for Q3 (in preparation for the holiday season), this is also evident by the fact that AMD's discrete desktop sales only went up by 4% in Q2, which is a fairly normal seasonal increase from Q1 to Q2.


Golden Member
Dec 26, 2008
The channels being full explain very well the low dips we have seen in AMDs marketshare going back quarter to quarter, years back. The 18% dips which worked itself up over time. I am saying that, while sales dipped for them, I disregard the notion that only 18% were for amd in that quarter.

It is important to look at year over year, thats part of the long view. Much more complete look at the market in general must include yr outlooks.

I was talking about flux, surge, and dips quarter to quarter


Elite Member
Apr 16, 2000
And how far over 90% do you think NVidia's market share is for the $300+ market?
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Golden Member
Jun 23, 2012
And how far over 90% do you think NVidia's market share is for the $300+ market?

If you have an issue with the numbers or methodology write a letter of complaint to Mercury Research:

Maybe you can ask them?? How should I know the makeup of those numbers -do I look like a market research company??

Plus don't try and jump at people for just posting figures(I have a Nvidia card,so not sure why you are trying to argue with me,jeez).

Honestly,I would have expected the relative desktop share to have shifted to Nvidia anyway,but apparently not for some weird reason.
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Golden Member
Feb 2, 2012
The channels being full explain very well the low dips we have seen in AMDs marketshare going back quarter to quarter, years back. The 18% dips which worked itself up over time. I am saying that, while sales dipped for them, I disregard the notion that only 18% were for amd in that quarter.

It is important to look at year over year, thats part of the long view. Much more complete look at the market in general must include yr outlooks.

I was talking about flux, surge, and dips quarter to quarter

I'm not sure which 18% dip you're referring to here. As far as I can tell AMD hasn't seen anything close 18% dip in discrete graphics for any of the last 5 quarters (as far back as I bothered looking). They may have seen a drop like that with integrated GPUs, but that's kind of irrelevant when comparing AMD and Nvidia.
Aug 11, 2008
I am sure AMD gained some market share while they had the 470/480 alone before nVidia brought out the 1060. There is also a pretty strong market for mining.


Elite Member
Apr 16, 2000
If you have an issue with the numbers or methodology write a letter of complaint to Mercury Research:

Maybe you can ask them?? How should I know the makeup of those numbers -do I look like a market research company??

Plus don't try and jump at people for just posting figures(I have a Nvidia card,so not sure why you are trying to argue with me,jeez).

Honestly,I would have expected the relative desktop share to have shifted to Nvidia anyway,but apparently not for some weird reason.

Relax, I didn't quote you, nor question the validity of any of the research numbers.


Golden Member
Dec 26, 2008
I'm not sure which 18% dip you're referring to here. As far as I can tell AMD hasn't seen anything close 18% dip in discrete graphics for any of the last 5 quarters (as far back as I bothered looking). They may have seen a drop like that with integrated GPUs, but that's kind of irrelevant when comparing AMD and Nvidia.

I dont have notes nor do I look a bunch of stuff up to try to form conveniencing cases...

I still have a love for pc hardware and it goes way way back to the mid 90s.

I usually just post ideas and thoughts, many are from my memories and its not some junk I looked up..Its not always some recent article thats been fed. But I think things have changed a lot these days, I like to post/share my thoughts and ideas.. the norm is posting articles and qoutes.

Anyhow..and typically, my memory is decent enough. I went ahead and googled the 18% figure, There are several articles August 2015. Mecury research, with the exact 82% Nvidia and 18% amd. JPR, I recall having something similar.

Having trouble posting links through and out of time.

Here is the pic from the aug 21, 2015 articles.

And the JPR data..chart


Golden Member
Feb 2, 2012
I dont have notes nor do I look a bunch of stuff up to try to form conveniencing cases...

I still have a love for pc hardware and it goes way way back to the mid 90s.

I usually just post ideas and thoughts, many are from my memories and its not some junk I looked up..Its not always some recent article thats been fed. But I think things have changed a lot these days, I like to post/share my thoughts and ideas.. the norm is posting articles and qoutes.

Anyhow..and typically, my memory is decent enough. I went ahead and googled the 18% figure, There are several articles August 2015. Mecury research, with the exact 82% Nvidia and 18% amd. JPR, I recall having something similar.

Having trouble posting links through and out of time.

Here is the pic from the aug 21, 2015 articles.

And the JPR data..chart

Aaah, you mean a market share dip to 18%, not a dip in shipments of 18%. I thought you meant the latter, since the discussion had focused mainly on dips/increases in shipments, not market share.


Golden Member
Dec 26, 2008
Aaah, you mean a market share dip to 18%, not a dip in shipments of 18%. I thought you meant the latter, since the discussion had focused mainly on dips/increases in shipments, not market share.

This data was from mercury research on the top line graph and the bottom chart was JPR, which were reported in articles from Aug 18-24 of 2015. I never took the data to mean anything other than shipments and believe they are reports just like we get today.

Matrox have 0.1%?

Perhaps they were still phasing out in the first quarter of 2015. Its a tiny tiny amount.


Golden Member
Feb 2, 2012
This data was from mercury research on the top line graph and the bottom chart was JPR, which were reported in articles from Aug 18-24 of 2015. I never took the data to mean anything other than shipments and believe they are reports just like we get today.

Market share would undoubtedly be reported the same way today as they were back then (and thus calculated from shipment volumes), but my point is that changes in market share is not the same as changes in shipment volume.

For instance if AMD and Nvidia is sitting at a 30/70 split and then in the next quarter Nvidia doubles their shipments whilst AMD keeps theirs steady, then the split would become 21/79. So in this case AMD would have had a 9% drop in market share even though they didn't have any drop in shipments.

Alternatively you could have a case where both AMD and Nvidia experiences a 20% drop in shipments. In this case their market shares would be completely unchanged.

So in other words a dip to 18% in market share is not the same as a dip of 18% in shipments. I thought you were talking about the latter (which hasn't happened to AMD in recent times), hence my confusion.
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