Tualatin with BX


Oct 19, 2001
I was planning on buying either the P3 1.2ghz or celeron 1.4ghz
I have the P3 800 (100fsb) and I think it has 256 cache...

I have 2 boards available to me:
Abit BE6-2 (BX) and ASUS P3V4X (Apollo Pro 133A)

The Celeron 1.4 has 256k and it runs at 100fsb aswell, so I'm thinking this would probably be the fastest solution...
but P3 1.2 runs at 133fsb and it has 256k aswell...

but what I really want to know is, will this work on the BX or Pro133A chipset even if they're not officially supported?

I read on this forum a while back about a special slot-1 riser card that would have voltage adjustments and other stuff making it compatible with BX and I would imagine the Pro133A chipset aswell...

it was a special company that happened to make these, and I forget who it was... does anyone have information about this?

Also would like your opinions on which board I should choose:
- Abit BE6-2
and which CPU:
- Pentium III 1.2ghz Tualatin
- Celeron 1.4ghz


Senior member
May 15, 2001
The 1.4 Celeron will be a lot slower than the 1.2 P3, the reason behind this is that the FSB is 100mhz and has half of the L2 cache on board.
if you can get an adapter of some sort (which they do exist, i've read about them atleast) the Tualatin will be a much better processor.

you also have to remember, if your currently running a P3 800EB chip (100mhz FSB) do you have PC100 RAM or is it PC133? if it is PC 100, you'll have to go with the celeron or buy new ram to go with that shiny new Tualatin.

just my 2 cents.


Oct 19, 2001
My P3 is running at 100, but my memory is o/c to 133mhz

but are you sure that the p3 has 512k cache?
some of them do, but not all I think...

So if the p3 has 256k, like the celeron, then the only difference is celeron works at 100fsb right?
in which case, does that make a real big difference?

because p3 is quite a bit more expensive, so I might have to go for the 1.13ghz instead... which would be better, celeron 1.4ghz, or p3 1.13ghz?


Jan 6, 2001
the cpus you mention are both tualatin core & both your boards don't natively support them.
suggest you read this on how to proceed!


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
bacillus--Thanks for the link. I've been reading a bit about the wire mod, but this link is about the most concise "how to" that I have seen.

I'm wanting to do it with an Asus P3B-F, two Abit BE-6's, and an Abit BX-6 rev.2. All are slot one, and I have a couple MSI slotkets that I use in the mobos with PIII 700 coppermines.

My thing is that I just hate to give up good BX chipset mobos because of an aging cpu. I've got Promise cards, SCSI cards and PC133 RAM, and will be adding GF4 ti 4200's to replace my aging TNT2 Ultras, so I'm mostly set. I just am not able to justify the purchase of new mobo, RAM, cpu......at least in my mind.

I've looked at the powerleap card, and, I think I'd rather have a go at the wire hack. Mostly, because I think it would give me alot more flexibility in overclocking attempts. I dunno if I'll be stable at 133 or not.

Some questions/comments I have (which should maybe go in a separate thread):

1. It appears that the PIII Tul. that has 512 cache runs at 133. I'm trying to decide if the extra expense over the Cel Tul would be worth it....and, that I might only be able to run it stable at 100mhz anyway. Anyone have any thoughts about the extra cache being worth it or not? I know the Cels have 256.

2. If I do the wire mod and don't go with PIII, I might as well go with the least expensive 100mhz Cel. and just see what I can boost it to?

3. As I recall, in a comparison I saw, for hi res 3d, the Tuls were awfully close to P4's.


Oct 19, 2001
randypj, those 2 boards you specified both support 133 fsb I'm pretty sure... I have the BE6 myself.. I never ran at 133, but it has the option.... so you should take P3 over celeron...

me too I'm not sure tho... cause celeron is quite a bit cheaper, p3 tul is way too expensive... they only one I might afford is 1.13 or 1.2

about boards tho, which do you think I should pick: Abit BE6-2 (BX) or ASUS P3V4X (Apollo Pro133A)

the Asus is a bit more advanced, with more features...

As for CPU, I'd like celeron, but only if I can overclock to 133fsb.. do you think it's possible with 1.1ghz to 1.47ghz?

or is it possible to lower multiplier in order to increase fsb?? on p3 tul or celeron ?


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Binox--I've pretty much decided to do the wire hack, rather than powerleap, so I'll probably try to get a 1.0 or 1.1 cel that runs 100mhz, and then just see what I can boost it to. My Dad and I will probably mod several at the same time. As I recall, both boards go to 133+. And, if I can get the cpu for ~$70, I'm not gonna be hurt too badly. I've already got at least 2 slotkets that will work.

From what I've been seeing, if you get the right 1.0 or 1.1, yes you can boost it to 1.4+.

As far as the BE6-2, be sure and get the newest rev. It might be rev 2, I can't remember. It has been a good board for my Dad, brother, and myself. However, we haven't really pushed it, and I am always a bit leary of the Highpoint drivers.

My Asus P3B-F has been rock solid. Best mobo I've had. Sorry, I don't know anything about the Apollo Pro 133A chipset. You might try the Asus and Abit newsgroups and see what people are saying and what problems they are having. I think it's something like alt.comp.periferals.mobo.asus (that's not exactly the right name, but close). I didn't have a news reader at work, and just entered the string in google, and found one that let you read it as a web page, without dling any software. I don't remember what it was tho.

One thing I do know is that the Intel cpus since maybe PII's are all clock locked. You cannot change the multipliers. You can only up the FSB to overclock. I believe any of the new cpus will at least run at the correct speed in the mobos we are talking about, but might not show the correct speed in the BIOS. But, there are BIOS updates.



Oct 19, 2001
randypj - thanks for the info man..

now my decision is pretty much made, but only if what you say about 1ghz or 1.1ghz tualatin celeron would be able to reach 1.4ghz
which means I would get the 1ghz and o/c to 1.33ghz in order to get 133fsb and 256k cache which to me equals a p3 1.33ghz (-:

I will be using my ASUS P3V4X motherboard... and probably powerleap, or wire hack....

but I just want to be sure with a little more people, will the celeron 1ghz reach 1.33ghz, and 1.1 reach 1.47?



Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999

Binox--There are no guarantees that any cpu will overclock. What I've determined for myself from research:

512 cache of PIII-S with greater price is not worth it, IMO, in comparison to the Cel 256. I'll go with a lower speed Cel @ 100mhz and see what I can get.

I've decided the above from some research at overclockers and Tom's.

Even though there are no guarantees of overclockability, I have in the past bought some cpus that were guaranteed by the online vendor to overclock to a certain speed.....and, they did. But, the vendor had selected and tested them. I also had to pay a bit of a premium.


Jan 6, 2001
just so that you know, the p3b-f combined with an asus s370-dl slocket will work with the tualatin mod.
have done it with a 1.2GHz & clocked it to 124fsb(1488MHz) using standard hsf & 1.65V.
for 133fsb suggest the 1.0 or 1.1GHz tualatin.


Oct 19, 2001
thanks guys, I'm ordering myself the celeron 1A with 256 cache and going to try o/c to 133fsb...

going to use the powerleap ip3/t on the ASUS P3V4X



Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
bacillus--Thanks for the mention of the P3B-F combo. I think my slotkets are MSI, but I'm thinking they'll work. If not, I'll get a couple others. That's what I want to do, just get the boxed cpu and go with it. Nothing exotic.

Did you have any problems, or suggestions? Did you use the wire or the paint? Basically, just followed the tip you linked us to?

Binox--You are ordering everything from Powerleap? I'd be interested in knowing how it goes for you.


Oct 19, 2001
randypj - no, I'm ordering everything from ebay

powerleap adapter seperatly, with no heatsink fan

and oem celeron 1a (256k cache)

with my own copper heatsink to reach maximum speeds...

if I don't get 133fsb, I will then sell the celeron and get a p3 tualatin


Platinum Member
Nov 24, 1999
I'll bring this thread back from the dead

I will be using my ASUS P3V4X motherboard... and probably powerleap, or wire hack....

I did just this, with the Celeron 1.0A, wire hack, and Abit Slocket 3. Set it to 1.6v and it's been rocking out at 1.33GHz for a week now.

Nice upgrade for $65 bucks.



Oct 19, 2001
cool guys...

me I'm not crazy enough to do the wire hack..
I've already unlocked a palomino core which was quite complicated
but this wire hack is too crazy

so I ordered the powerleap ip3/t, and I recieved it today (-:

now I'm going to buy myself a celeron 1.1 and overclock to 1.46ghz...
I might have to put the voltage up, but I shouldn't have a problem right?

does anyone disagree and think I should go for the 1.0a instead?


Platinum Member
Nov 24, 1999
but this wire hack is too crazy

acutally, it took me all of 10 minutes to do. It was really easy.

does anyone disagree and think I should go for the 1.0a instead?

depends how crazy you wanted to get with voltage. i wanted as close to a "sure thing" as possible and didn't want to go over 133MHz bus anyway so the 1.0A was good for me.



Jul 23, 2001
Just modded the Cel1.1A and managed to run at 1584ghz(11x144), on the MSI BX Master with MSI slotket, 2-2-2 ram setting and stable at 1.70v. Tried 150fsb but apparently either my ram or agp doesn't like it, will boot into windows though.

Almost took me half hour to complete. I cut an ATA-33 cable and isolated the 3 pins, then cut another ATA-66 cable to connect another 2 pins, of course I have to widend the hole in order to fit the 3 pins. That's quite easy IMO, so why not you try it first instead of fork out your hard earn money to get the powerleap adapter which's somewhat unnecessary. Try this link if you're interested.

One thing about the BX Master, it's able to let me adjust the chipset voltage, default at 3.3v. I haven't had any experience with this, so will it hurts if I set it at 3.5v or higher?


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Thanks for bringing the thread back.

I got a couple 1.1 and one 1.0 Cels from newegg. Only a couple $$$'s diff between them.

Question.......maybe someone has this setup:

I've got two MSI 6905 rev. 2.3 slotkets. Presently, I'm letting them run native, and the voltage is set by the mobos on the P3s. However, they can be set manually via jumpers from 1.3 to 2.6 volts. It seems logical to me that I should be able to set the voltage with these and not have to hack the voltage on the cpus....just let the slotket set the voltage? But, I still have to hack something, correct?

Has anyone ordered any NEW generic or non-generic slotkets recently? I think Computers4Sure have generic slotkets still.


Golden Member
Oct 14, 1999
yea.. you will still have to cover or remove 3 pins... and connect two pins for stability..
some have got it to run jus by coverin/removing the 3 pins though...
most people don't have to do the voltage mod with a slocket adapter cuz the slocket does it automatically.


Oct 19, 2001
hey guys..

UJ09 - it's too complicated, I don't feel like cracking open a slotket adapter, and putting wires together on my cpu..

besides, I already got the powerleap ip3/t

so this is what my post is about, I bought my cel 1.1 and put it on my ip3/t adapter w/ asus p3v4x and it runs good up to now @ 1.46 ghz
I haven't done much testing tho, because I don't have a 3d card to put in it yet - it's running matrox millenium 4mb PCI

but in motherboard monitor & in bios, it says 2.08V for the core voltage...
yet my ip3/t is set to 1.55V
is this normal??

and I've changed the voltage on the ip3/t, and the voltage in BIOS/MBM remains at 2.08V which is the lowest setting in the bios...

also there's no way for me to check cpu temp, so it's important for me not to have too high of voltage not to burn out my cpu!!

so that's about it, apart from that, my computer with 1.46ghz 133fsb 256k cache 'celeron' is comparable to my athlon xp 1600+ when it's not overclocked to 1900+ (-:


Jul 23, 2001
Binox, so eventually you got the powerleap adapter, good for you. And glad to hear that you can managed to get it works at 1.46 ghz.

Regarding the voltage, it's not a good idea to let it stay at 2.08v, chances are you'll fry your CPU anytime. So my advice is adjust the voltage on your motherboard too, until you get the right voltage on MBM. Man, 2.08v is way too much for Tualatin to handle.

To tell you truth, the mod is very easy, at least after I figured out how it worked. Initially I was not so confident doing the mod by myself, my first attempt have been failed, that's really held me back for a while. I was thinking to get a backup slotket if my anything happens to my old one, so after I got the spare, I restarted my mod again.

Surprisingly, it worked for my first attempt at this time. After some testing to ensure stability, I decided to overclock it. Summary, my motherboard is somewhat holding back the overclocking. Currently I'm running at 144fsb@1.7v, but the next higher FSB that I can choose is 150fsb. I tried it at 1.8v, but it stop me during booting up to Windows. I don't dare to let it run the voltage anything higher than 1.8v, so I'm still sticking with 1.59ghz, still one step away to 1.6ghz.


Golden Member
Oct 14, 1999
2.08v is wayyy too high...
dowload motherboard monitor to check the actual voltages..
but if it says it's 2.08 in the bios it probably is.


Oct 19, 2001
yes, I already have motherboard monitor, and it shows 2.08 like the BIOS...

but the thing I don't understand, I change the voltage on the slotket adapter, and the voltage remains 2.08 on the computer....
maybe I was just stoned and didn't realize, I'm gonna try again tomorrow morning.. but I'm thinking the voltage the BIOS & motherboard monitor is reporting might be false...

because like I said, if I change the voltage on the adapter, doesn't work... and I'm pretty sure at one point I tried 1.4 on the adapter, and system didn't boot up... which indicates the voltage adjustments work on the adapter....

could it be possible the motherboard supplies 2.08v but then the adapter adjusts it and feeds just whatever the cpu needs...?
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