Turkey Ataturk airport attack UPDATED

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Feb 6, 2002
How many Kurds died waiting for turkey to allow US troops and supplies access to northern Iraq?

24 March 2003 reports of how Turkey refused to help our troops and the Kurds during the Iraq war.

Maybe this is Karma and they all deserve to die.


American troops began to withdraw from logistics bases in south-eastern Turkey yesterday as the Pentagon finally conceded that US forces would not be able to move through the country to open a northern front in Iraq.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
How many Kurds died waiting for turkey to allow US troops and supplies access to northern Iraq?

24 March 2003 reports of how Turkey refused to help our troops and the Kurds during the Iraq war.

Maybe this is Karma and they all deserve to die.


American troops began to withdraw from logistics bases in south-eastern Turkey yesterday as the Pentagon finally conceded that US forces would not be able to move through the country to open a northern front in Iraq.
And there are people in ISIS who are, right now, saying the same exact thing.

Great company you find yourself in.


Junior Member
Nov 26, 2015
Here's what's so messed up about americans calling anyone else violent. In just the last decade or so the US killed a few hundred thousand in iraq/afghanistan, and has continued destabilizing the region causing the current conflicts. That's quite some blood on the hand with a finger pointing at anyone else.

Something like more than half these people call themselves christian, living the great first world life and tell themselves they're the good guys. Not really all that different to germans manning gas chambers, whining about the evil jews while praying to the same god with the same book thinking they're on the side of history.

Shortly after the American Revolution, Americans found themselves embroiled in a conflict against Barbary Pirates supported by the states of Algiers and Morocco. Within a few decades, up to 700 American sailors were captured by the pirates and some of them were put into slave labor; some were tortured and violated, some killed.

Americans had good reason to be upset and outraged at the injustice committed against their countrymen.

But there was the irony that was lost on most of them. At the same time, there were tens of thousands of African Muslims held in perpetual human bondage, with no hope of being released, in America's cotton plantations. The irony was not lost on all, however. For example, an astute observer named Ben Franklin published a fictionalized story about six months before his death. In the story, an Algerian pirate lays out his justifications for capturing and enslaving white sailors. But to make his point clear to everyone, Franklin listed the actual justifications used by American slave-owners to defend their practice.

Anyway, your point about certain type of Americans who see wholesale destruction of other countries, reigning down cruise missiles on hapless victims, burning them with drones navigated from ten thousand miles away, et. cetera, et. cetera as some type of civilized warfare while seeing weaker man's war tactic (terrorism, suicide bombing) as abhorrent has a long tradition.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
Shortly after the American Revolution, Americans found themselves embroiled in a conflict against Barbary Pirates supported by the states of Algiers and Morocco. Within a few decades, up to 700 American sailors were captured by the pirates and some of them were put into slave labor; some were tortured and violated, some killed.

Americans had good reason to be upset and outraged at the injustice committed against their countrymen.

But there was the irony that was lost on most of them. At the same time, there were tens of thousands of African Muslims held in perpetual human bondage, with no hope of being released, in America's cotton plantations. The irony was not lost on all, however. For example, an astute observer named Ben Franklin published a fictionalized story about six months before his death. In the story, an Algerian pirate lays out his justifications for capturing and enslaving white sailors. But to make his point clear to everyone, Franklin listed the actual justifications used by American slave-owners to defend their practice.

Anyway, your point about certain type of Americans who see wholesale destruction of other countries, reigning down cruise missiles on hapless victims, burning them with drones navigated from ten thousand miles away, et. cetera, et. cetera as some type of civilized warfare while seeing weaker man's war tactic (terrorism, suicide bombing) as abhorrent has a long tradition.
When our team does it, it does it for freedom and democracy.

When their team does it, it does it because it is Evil™.

Why do you hate America?

Love it or leave it.


Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2015
Shortly after the American Revolution, Americans found themselves embroiled in a conflict against Barbary Pirates supported by the states of Algiers and Morocco. Within a few decades, up to 700 American sailors were captured by the pirates and some of them were put into slave labor; some were tortured and violated, some killed.

Americans had good reason to be upset and outraged at the injustice committed against their countrymen.

But there was the irony that was lost on most of them. At the same time, there were tens of thousands of African Muslims held in perpetual human bondage, with no hope of being released, in America's cotton plantations. The irony was not lost on all, however. For example, an astute observer named Ben Franklin published a fictionalized story about six months before his death. In the story, an Algerian pirate lays out his justifications for capturing and enslaving white sailors. But to make his point clear to everyone, Franklin listed the actual justifications used by American slave-owners to defend their practice.

Anyway, your point about certain type of Americans who see wholesale destruction of other countries, reigning down cruise missiles on hapless victims, burning them with drones navigated from ten thousand miles away, et. cetera, et. cetera as some type of civilized warfare while seeing weaker man's war tactic (terrorism, suicide bombing) as abhorrent has a long tradition.

Thanks for this post, I'd never considered a percentage of slaves in the US were Muslim, you learneded me something.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
Once I tried explaining why that sig tag doesn't make sense, to no avail, so you trying to understand that post is an equal exercise in futility.

Poor reasoning on your part. Someone my completely get what you're saying but still not agree with you. That was MY point.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
I was pointing out the narrow-mindedness of your reasoning. I too, am disgusted by people murdering for religious reasons, or lack thereof. I was pointing out you (quite possibly deliberate) ignorance of history and that there were some (arguably) legitimate reasons behind the early crusades. Things are much more complicated in the real word, dear boy. You need to grow up and expand your horizons.

I don't support the murder of anyone, regardless of religion, or lack thereof, champ.

I simply pointed out someone bitching and moaning about the perceived invasion of Mooselmans to take over Christian lands...who has, as a signature, a call for Christians to invade Mooselman lands by use of force to take over those lands in the name of Christianity.

Instead of waiting for someone to tell you what to think, perhaps use your own critical thinking ability to figure out why I pointed out that (hint) inconsistency in logic.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
There were also non Muslim slaves in the US. The dirty secret that many don't know is that many of the slaves were sold to whitey by their fellow Africans: Muslims, Christians, other religions. Not disagreeing with our post, but just pointing out the bigger, non PC, picture.

Shortly after the American Revolution, Americans found themselves embroiled in a conflict against Barbary Pirates supported by the states of Algiers and Morocco. Within a few decades, up to 700 American sailors were captured by the pirates and some of them were put into slave labor; some were tortured and violated, some killed.

Americans had good reason to be upset and outraged at the injustice committed against their countrymen.

But there was the irony that was lost on most of them. At the same time, there were tens of thousands of African Muslims held in perpetual human bondage, with no hope of being released, in America's cotton plantations. The irony was not lost on all, however. For example, an astute observer named Ben Franklin published a fictionalized story about six months before his death. In the story, an Algerian pirate lays out his justifications for capturing and enslaving white sailors. But to make his point clear to everyone, Franklin listed the actual justifications used by American slave-owners to defend their practice.

Anyway, your point about certain type of Americans who see wholesale destruction of other countries, reigning down cruise missiles on hapless victims, burning them with drones navigated from ten thousand miles away, et. cetera, et. cetera as some type of civilized warfare while seeing weaker man's war tactic (terrorism, suicide bombing) as abhorrent has a long tradition.


Jan 31, 2010
Istanbul Ataturk airport attack: Isil suspected.... reported 41 dead, 239 wounded in Turkey suicide bombings

It's believed that there were three suicide bombers.


You do realize all you have to do is post the link and not use the html code function.


Junior Member
Nov 26, 2015
There were also non Muslim slaves in the US. The dirty secret that many don't know is that many of the slaves were sold to whitey by their fellow Africans: Muslims, Christians, other religions. Not disagreeing with our post, but just pointing out the bigger, non PC, picture.

No debate about it. Most slaves in the Americas were not Muslim but there was a significant presence. You are right that the slaves were initially captured and sold to Euro-American slave dealers by Africans themselves. It may not be emphasized as much as the European role in it, but I don't think it is a secret at all. Everybody should know that.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
Should know this indeed. But I'd be willing to bet you that most people don't know this.

No debate about it. Most slaves in the Americas were not Muslim but there was a significant presence. You are right that the slaves were initially captured and sold to Euro-American slave dealers by Africans themselves. It may not be emphasized as much as the European role in it, but I don't think it is a secret at all. Everybody should know that.


Diamond Member
May 14, 2003
When are people gonna stop dredging up shit I did hundreds of years ago in order to defend current events perpetrated by low IQ scum that live by a barbarian ideology?

I mean I could dredge up Christian or Irish slavery and cry all day as well, but I'm more interested in current events. After all, I am Irish and was raised Christian, but that shit from the past doesn't affect me. I could point out that muslims still enslave white girls, though I'm sure the muslim apologists would find some way to blame Colonialism for how horrible those muslims are treated in modern England. I could even point out how Western Civilization has the lowest percentage of slavery in the modern world, but would it even matter to those who prefer to apologize for muslims than accept that they are animals?

As for my sig "Bring back the Crusades," for those who don't know, the Crusades were a response to Muslim invasions, and the world, the technology, the standard of living we all enjoy today would not exist were it not for the Crusades. It's also about Christians repelling muslim invaders from Christian lands, not Christians invading muslim lands. But I'm sure mistaking my sig as a call for invading muslim lands was intentional in order to paint me as an inbred religious nutjob (aka, to equate me to muslims).


Jun 9, 2016
I somehow think this thread has been a bit counter productive, at least if the goal is to convince others to a more liberal view on the subject. And that makes me sad, as it could have been otherwise.

This assumes that the purpose is to convince bigots of their moral deficiency. Far as history is concerned this never works, and it probably has something to do with how the human mind works. No amount of unassailable arguments convinced slaveowners that slavery is wrong, and so on for segregation, etc. Rather these things end up forced by fiat in law or war. Even then people don't change their minds as much as just eventually die.

Rather IMO the purpose is shame and ridicule so that anyone still on the sidelines can see what a decrepit institution they support. That's why it's important to re-inforce the image of racist as social inferior, because it's the main reason why kids today aren't nearly as racist: people respond to social stigma far more than logical reasoning.

There were also non Muslim slaves in the US. The dirty secret that many don't know is that many of the slaves were sold to whitey by their fellow Africans: Muslims, Christians, other religions. Not disagreeing with our post, but just pointing out the bigger, non PC, picture.

This is usually brought up to deflect from the reality that slavery was justified based on racism. Just because other black people did it doesn't mean the slaveowners and their sycophants weren't raging bigots.


Diamond Member
May 14, 2003
This assumes that the purpose is to convince bigots of their moral deficiency.

Whether or not I am a bigot or racist, I am not morally deficient.

Rather IMO the purpose is shame and ridicule so that anyone still on the sidelines can see what a decrepit institution they support.

No, what you are doing is avoiding debate and virtue-signaling. How about instead of calling me a racist, you tell me where I am wrong. Tell me why muslims deserve to live in our society when they refuse to integrate/assimilate and are openly hostile to all others. Tell me why they are better than Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Pastafarians, Scientologists, or Satanists. Tell me why they should get a pass every time a "radical" muslim commits a terrorist act when moderate muslims support those terrorist acts and support killing homosexuals.

The fact is you can't, and just want to call me a racist. Well guess what, I am an islamophobe and I fucking hate muslims. I was not raised to be a racist or homophobe (still not) or islamophobe, but rather it is a reaction to their hate and bigotry towards people like me, you (unless you are a muslim pig yourself), and towards civilized society as a whole. I will not support their decrepit institution.


Dec 3, 2013
I think anything Nuclear related to the Air Force has in Turkey should have been pulled out long before now. Just watching them roll armor up years ago and eating popcorn while Daesh was wanging on Kurds was pretty hard to see years ago.

You do realize all you have to do is post the link and not use the html code function.

He is usually too busy trying to tell people how they are wrong and trying to explain things to them, to figure that one out...
Last edited:


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
I was pointing out the narrow-mindedness of your reasoning. I too, am disgusted by people murdering for religious reasons, or lack thereof. I was pointing out you (quite possibly deliberate) ignorance of history and that there were some (arguably) legitimate reasons behind the early crusades. Things are much more complicated in the real word, dear boy. You need to grow up and expand your horizons.
The tell that you don't know what you're talking about, is the long litany of criticisms about me and my knowledge, when all you can do is imply that there were..."arguably legitimate" reasons for the Crusades thousands of years ago.

Protip: This present conversation has no bearing on "arguably legitimate" reasons for Crusades thousands of years ago. This present conversation is about someone bitching about Mooselmans "invading" Christian lands, who has as a signature, the call for RENEWED CRUSADES and argues that Christians should go and conquer the Islam world.

Try to keep up.

That's not to mention that saying that there were "arguably legitimate" reasons for the Crusades, without taking into account that those same "arguably legitimate" reasons can be used, today, by Mooselmans in regards to Western/Christian countries, is what makes that reasoning both inconsistent and hypocritical.

That you'd follow up by claiming that I'm the one not taking into account the complications of the real world, deliberate ignorance of history, and that I need to grow up, is absolutely hilarious.

Dear boy, you might want to take a look at the history that you're trying to cite as providing Christians with "arguably legitimate" reasons for entering the lands of people and taking them over by force, and what modern day Islamists argue about why their jihad and holy wars are, uh, "arguably legitimate".

Protip: both the Crusades of the past, and jihad today, are based on human beings claiming that they have a religious obligation to do whatever they feel necessary on behalf of God.

Everything else is conjecture and rationalization. Period.

That you think some religious figure telling an army that they have a right to do X, Y, and Z because GOD! might be "arguably legitimate" is quite telling. Especially when it's only "arguably legitimate" when one religious group gets to use it, but not another.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
Whether or not I am a bigot or racist, I am not morally deficient.
Morals are personal values. Hitler wasn't morally deficient, because he lived by his own moral code.


No, what you are doing is avoiding debate and virtue-signaling. How about instead of calling me a racist, you tell me where I am wrong. Tell me why muslims deserve to live in our society when they refuse to integrate/assimilate and are openly hostile to all others.
99.999999999% of Muslims living inside the US are just as peaceful and law abiding as all of the Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Pastafarians, Scientologists, or Satanists that you put on a pedestal.

In fact, there's a good chance that if you broke those demographics down, US Muslims are more peaceful and law abiding than some of those groups.

You going to break down the crime statistics to start hating one of those groups? Or has the mass media trained you to hate those dirty Mooselmans real good?

Tell me why they should get a pass every time a "radical" muslim commits a terrorist act when moderate muslims support those terrorist acts and support killing homosexuals.
The same reason you give a pass to males when males commit almost every terrorist attack, mass murder, rape, assault, theft, etc, on the entire planet.

Does every male need to write a personal apology letter to their local newspaper every time some male somewhere else commits a crime? Or is that just reserved for the Mooselmans you admittedly hate?

The fact is you can't, and just want to call me a racist. Well guess what, I am an islamophobe and I fucking hate muslims. I was not raised to be a racist or homophobe (still not) or islamophobe, but rather it is a reaction to their hate and bigotry towards people like me, you (unless you are a muslim pig yourself), and towards civilized society as a whole. I will not support their decrepit institution.
Thanks for the honesty, it is refreshing. And by the way, if you want to know what makes someone a bigot, go ahead and read your own description of yourself and how you hate billions of people based upon the action of a few that you see on the television.


Diamond Member
May 14, 2003
Yes, western civilization should just roll over and accept the invasion of the low IQ barbarians. lol
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