Twitter permanently bans Gay Conservative Milo Yiannopoulos for mocking a Ghostbuster

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Jun 9, 2016
What is the difference between alt-right and traditional right? This is literally the first time I have seen the term alt-right.

The alt-right as exemplified in Milo's writing abandons some issues like religion or homophobia to some extent while maintaining the comforting core notion that their ways are still best. Fundamentally their perceived threat from a multi-cultural/ethnic world where minorities don't know their place is still pretty conservative. But by tossing the traditional wedge issues they can appear less backwards while still producing drag on where things are heading in the long term.

You can pretty much stick his or Blue Max's picture in the dictionary. With milo it's more of his public rhetoric because he only puts that persona on for the true believers.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
You're right, it was a piece of cake.

....aaaand how does any of that mean I "hate women"?

...or is this just the usual feminism = women bullshit? Seriously, that's all any of you have come up with. Ever.

I guess the over-80% of women out there who DO NOT associate with or claim to be feminists will just have to disagree with you as well.


Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2015
....aaaand how does any of that mean I "hate women"?

...or is this just the usual feminism = women bullshit? Seriously, that's all any of you have come up with. Ever.

I guess the over-80% of women out there who DO NOT associate with or claim to be feminists will just have to disagree with you as well.


Pronunciation: /ˈfɛmɪnɪz(&#601m/

[mass noun] The advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.

Chances are, if ya are against women's rights, that you think they shouldn't be considered equal members of society, ya are a sexist dickbag.

And yer stance is clear on the subject. Also rather quaint that ya avoided the fact you postulated some whacked out, sexist, global man-hating conspiracy seeking to destroy freedom of speech.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011

How predictable. Of course, the dictionary definition does NOT define what the movement is actually doing, just like:

Pronunciation: /ˈnätsē/
NOUN (plural Nazis)

1 historical: A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

It doesn't address the other things the movement also believes, like patriarchy and rape culture theories.

If feminism is fighting for equality, I ask which of their many advantages they hold will they give up first? Protected status? Free money? Social programs? Discount housing? Lowered requirements in jobs/education? Affirmative action quotas? Plenty of other goodies too!, yeah, as usual you've got nothing but false accusations and strawmen. I've took your bait and allowed you to derail the conversation long enough. Put up or shut up.


Jun 9, 2016
Personally I always find it amusing how insecure in their masculinity the alt-right is for much they like to call others cucks or beta.

I mean, the basic principle of alpha behavior is avoid the bottom position with milo on top.


Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2015
How predictable. Of course, the dictionary definition does NOT define what the movement is actually doing, just like:

Pronunciation: /ˈnätsē/
NOUN (plural Nazis)

1 historical: A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

It doesn't address the other things the movement also believes, like patriarchy and rape culture theories.

See, this is where you get all in a tiffy. The whole male dominance thing? Yah, that's actually a thing. 'Tis what the whole Gamersgate thing is about, man-children getting upset that women are playing video games.

For a more grounded look, merely read religious scripture, a history book or just take a gander at the more blatantly sexist countries in the world.

Abrahamic scripture? Women are less than cattle, as far as Judaism/Christianity/Islam are concerned.

History? Sex slavery, rape and all that are easy ta come across. And it's nae coincidence that it's women that make up the majority o' victims of such. Hell, it ain't even history. We all know the devilry that goes on, that ensnares women into prostitution; sex slavery where the slaver gets a big cut.

And rape culture? Matey, aye, that's a thing. 'Tis the poo-pooing away of rape victims 'n' the trivialization of rape. Great example, the military. Rape is SOP o'er there, and it's no small secret that Americans are heavy on the soldier worship.

If feminism is fighting for equality, I ask which of their many advantages they hold will they give up first? Protected status? Free money? Social programs? Discount housing? Lowered requirements in jobs/education? Affirmative action quotas? Plenty of other goodies too!
Well, fer one, they'd lose the ability to go to school. Say buh-bye to women's shelters 'n' Rape Crisis. And never mind the devolution of the culture that'd occur; got raped? Well, boys will be boys after all.

Take a look at Kyrgyzstan, Mauritania or Saudi Arabia for prime examples of what occurs when women are considered to be lesser than men. Fer the first, women are kidnapped 'n' "wed", that is to say, raped and kept as a sex slave.

Fer the second, well, the rampant sex slavery isn't exactly a well-kept secret.

Fer the third...Mate, it's an Abrahamic theocracy., yeah, as usual you've got nothing but false accusations and strawmen. I've took your bait and allowed you to derail the conversation long enough. Put up or shut up.
You're unhealthily projecting yourself unto others. Doesn't look good, laddie.

Gee fuck, this isn't the first time you've done this song and dance neither.

Go read a history book some time. Howard Zinn's got a real good 'un that covers the history of the US, frae the sexual enslavement & genocide of Native Americans, to the mass war-rape perpetrated by American soldiers in Vietnam.

Would do ya a bit of good to learn about reality.


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2008
What does any of that have to do with the current culture of the US? Please provide examples of women being discriminated against this year.

If you want to get all snippy and be a proponent of women's rights, why don't you shame all of Islam for its pure treatment of women as property? Or is that "islamphobic" and therefore unapproachable? You can only insult first world countries where some chick made a feels statement on twitter and asked for a donation to her patreon?


Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2015
What does any of that have to do with the current culture of the US? Please provide examples of women being discriminated against this year.

Well, durin' the superbowl, ya lads decide to have more fun than usual with sex slaves.

And that 1 in 3 Native American women have reported that they've been raped.

General stats 'n' figures:

And never mind the ol' conviction stats.

If you want to get all snippy and be a proponent of women's rights, why don't you shame all of Islam for its pure treatment of women as property? Or is that "islamphobic" and therefore unapproachable? You can only insult first world countries where some chick made a feels statement on twitter and asked for a donation to her patreon?

You didn't even read what I typed, eh? And not only that, yer blame shiftin'. Good job.


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2008
Those "rape" statistics are so comically bad and yet you believe them. 1 in 4 or 5... yeah, ok, that's totally believable once you move the goal posts so far as to include a pick up line as sexual harassment and therefore rape.

If college is this rapefest all of the feminists claim, why are they over 50% women these days and men are increasingly not attending?

But please, continue to infantilize women who are now completely equal to men in the US in every way except for selective services.


Jun 9, 2016
What does any of that have to do with the current culture of the US? Please provide examples of women being discriminated against this year.

Eg. the republican nominee for president proclaiming a woman unfit for the office because she's unattractive, and followers cheering him on.

If you want to get all snippy and be a proponent of women's rights, why don't you shame all of Islam for its pure treatment of women as property? Or is that "islamphobic" and therefore unapproachable? You can only insult first world countries where some chick made a feels statement on twitter and asked for a donation to her patreon?

Similarly, recall this controversy started because a woman, and black one at that, dared to act in movie remake starring a female cast.

Or similarly how quick you're point out there are ethnic types just as bad if not worse than their counterparts in our society which are the topic at hand.
Nov 25, 2013
Case in point.

"There's no point debating with these guys. The "progressive" crowd (consisting of SJW's, 3rd-wave feminists, BLM, muslim apologists and more today) are utterly immune to logic and reason. They won't debate a topic on its own merit, everything is through the progressive lens of "who has privilege and who doesn't?" "Are the people WE prefer getting the goodies or are evil whiteys TAKING it from them?" ...and so many other of their personal agendas.

It's a religion with many rules and commandments but no physical proof that what they believe exists (like the all-pervasive 'patriarchy'.) They will take every opportunity possible to gain power for their movement and use events to whip peoples' emotions into a frenzy to turn that "feels before reals" into a progressive convert. They censor anything that goes against their narratives and scream with rage ("hate speech!") at anyone who asks for proof or dares to disagree."

Yep, case in point.


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2008
Eg. the republican nominee for president proclaiming a woman unfit for the office because she's unattractive, and followers cheering him on.

Omg, he said a mean hurty thing on TV about someone else who is RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT despite of all of this clearly rampant sexism you seem to believe in that would actually be preventing her from doing any of what she's currently doing if it was a real thing.

Similarly, recall this controversy started because a woman, and black one at that, dared to act in movie remake starring a female cast.

Or similarly how quick you're point out there are ethnic types just as bad if not worse than their counterparts in our society which are the topic at hand.

No, this controversy started because she's a shit slinging twitter user who got a dose of her own medicine back in her face and then went crying to the SJW overlords in charge of twitter to get someone banned because she couldn't be bothered to just ignore them. And the proof was when another woman re-tweeted her comment word for word and also got banned but Leslie remains unbanned.


Jun 9, 2016
Omg, he said a mean hurty thing on TV about someone else who is RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT despite of all of this clearly rampant sexism you seem to believe in that would actually be preventing her from doing any of what she's currently doing if it was a real thing.

He literally said people wouldn't/shouldn't vote for her because she's not sexually attractive and his followers agree. I recall Trump commanded something like 40%+ of the GOP base, and trying to win the nomination when 40%+ of the voters agree with those sentiments make it pretty hard to be successful.

No, this controversy started because she's a shit slinging twitter user who got a dose of her own medicine back in her face and then went crying to the SJW overlords in charge of twitter to get someone banned because she couldn't be bothered to just ignore them. And the proof was when another woman re-tweeted her comment word for word and also got banned but Leslie remains unbanned.

I'm sure it's easy for you to ignore messages comparing a black woman to an ape, but try to recognize that a core component of bigotry is the innate inability of the bigot to sympathize with other humans not exactly like them.

For example, if some co-worker said you're unfit for advancement due to some unrelated physical characteristic and all his cohorts which form a plurality at the office agree with this.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2012
Well, durin' the superbowl, ya lads decide to have more fun than usual with sex slaves.

And that 1 in 3 Native American women have reported that they've been raped.

General stats 'n' figures:

And never mind the ol' conviction stats.

You didn't even read what I typed, eh? And not only that, yer blame shiftin'. Good job.

It's almost as if someone investigated them and the court decided not to go to trial due to lack of or not strong enough evidence.

Fucking patriarchy.

I guess the courts, the state, police, judges should try harder to #believewomen.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002


Oct 18, 2005


Jul 2, 2005
Nice to see twitter stock continuing to take a beating as their war on conservatives continues to get exposure. If you are at all conservative, you should not be using twitter.


Jul 2, 2005
LOL @ people who don't now how stocks work thinking their willpower effect them.

I know perfectly well how stocks work. Twitter is tanking because it is not growing anymore. Alienating a big portion of possible users by applying a double standard to them and kicking them off the service sure doesn't help that growth. No clue what you've been smoking to be talking about willpower or some other inane drivel, it's simple economics.


Golden Member
Mar 18, 2014
LOL @ people who don't now how stocks work thinking their willpower effect them.

"a day after the social media platform posted an earnings report that pointed to poor growth in user numbers both in logged in and logged out users"

"Twitter’s user numbers are another issue for the company."

"But one small detail that I noticed is that 500 million is actually the same number of logged out users that Twitter has been quoting for months. Does that mean that logged out users have stagnated, too?"

If you build it, they will come. If you ban them, they will stop coming.

"Twitter has come a long way since the first tweet was sent 10 years ago Monday ("just setting up my twttr").

The problem is that Twitter hasn't grown much lately. It shed 2 million customers in the last three months of 2015. And the company has never turned a profit.

Twitter has lost $2 billion since in 2011."

Clearly unequal application of the rules and censorship is what the fence sitters want.


Jun 9, 2016
"a day after the social media platform posted an earnings report that pointed to poor growth in user numbers both in logged in and logged out users"

"Twitter’s user numbers are another issue for the company."

"But one small detail that I noticed is that 500 million is actually the same number of logged out users that Twitter has been quoting for months. Does that mean that logged out users have stagnated, too?"

If you build it, they will come. If you ban them, they will stop coming.

"Twitter has come a long way since the first tweet was sent 10 years ago Monday ("just setting up my twttr").

The problem is that Twitter hasn't grown much lately. It shed 2 million customers in the last three months of 2015. And the company has never turned a profit.

Twitter has lost $2 billion since in 2011."

Clearly unequal application of the rules and censorship is what the fence sitters want.

I mentioned this previously in the thread, but it goes without saying your sort don't actually read much so it needs to be repeated: these people have in their minds that their peers must've invented some kind of time machine to go back and leave twitter before this bruhaha.

I also mentioned that the mental mechanism for their anger is incredibly simplistic: some entity upsets them so that entity is the devil and thus undoubtedly fail, etc. You also see this in trashy retail customers when the clerk refuses their return or something.


Jun 9, 2016
World to Milo: Your 15 minutes is up. Run along now self loathing shill.

To be fair to Milo, he's not so much a shill as an artifact from the british political gentry who tell plebs what they want to hear. In this case, being as offensive as possible is evidently what his followers want. It just so happens that twitter isn't the right platform for that.
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