U.S. has plundered world wealth with dollar:


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2004
BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States has plundered global wealth by exploiting the dollar's dominance, and the world urgently needs other currencies to take its place, a leading Chinese state newspaper said on Friday.

The front-page commentary in the overseas edition of the People's Daily said that Asian and European countries should banish the U.S. dollar from their direct trade relations for a start, relying only on their own currencies.

A meeting between Asian and European leaders, starting on Friday in Beijing, presented the perfect opportunity to begin building a new international financial order, the newspaper said.

The People's Daily is the official newspaper of China's ruling Communist Party. The Chinese-language overseas edition is a small circulation offshoot of the main paper.

Its pronouncements do not necessarily directly voice leadership views. But the commentary, as well as recent comments, amount to a growing chorus of Chinese disdain for Washington's economic policies and global financial dominance in the wake of the credit crisis.

"The grim reality has led people, amidst the panic, to realize that the United States has used the U.S. dollar's hegemony to plunder the world's wealth," said the commentator, Shi Jianxun, a professor at Shanghai's Tongji University.

Shi, who has before been strident in his criticism of the U.S., said other countries had lost vast amounts of wealth because of the financial crisis, while Washington's sole concern had been protecting its own interests.

"The U.S. dollar is losing people's confidence. The world, acting democratically and lawfully through a global financial organization, urgently needs to change the international monetary system based on U.S. global economic leadership and U.S. dollar dominance," he wrote.

Shi suggested that all trade between Europe and Asia should be settled in euros, pounds, yen and yuan, though he did not explain how the Chinese currency could play such a role since it is not convertible on the capital account.

A two-day Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) of 27 EU member states and 16 Asian countries was set to open on Friday. Though few analysts expect much in the way of concrete agreements, Shi said it could prove momentous.

"How can Europe and Asia grasp each other's hands and together confront the once-in-a-century global financial crisis sparked by the U.S.; how can they construct a new equitable and safe international financial order?" he said.

"The world is waiting for this Asian-European meeting to achieve big results in financial cooperation."

(Reporting by Simon Rabinovitch; Editing by Ken Wills)

Well, if the dollar is going to be de-throned, I say we crank up the printing presses, and pay off our national debt tommorrow. We can put millions to work and live off of our own production, can't we?
On a more serious note, the Bretton Woods II meetings are set for after the election. Link. I would think that the new president elect would be sitting in on them. I wonder if either, John or Barack, would have even a pretense of what to do?



Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Ozoned

Well, if the dollar is going to be de-throned, I say we crank up the printing presses, and pay off our national debt tommorrow. We can put millions to work and live off of our own production, can't we?
On a more serious note, the Bretton Woods II meetings are set for after the election. Link. I would think that the new president elect would be setting in on them. I wonder if either, John or Barack, would have even a pretense of what to do?


Hyperinflation if that were to occur. Not to mention, we have outsourced so much of our production of "common items" that it would take a decade (or more) to get up to speed. 98% of our shoes and 96% of our clothing is made outside of this country. Would be difficult to replace in just a short time.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
They ain't seen nothing yet. Just wait until the current dead cat bounce in the dollar fades the reality of the Fed's and Treasury's money printing kicks in. Suckers.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
This certainly sounds reasonable. I'm still not quite sure why the US has so much wealth vs other countries, but in any case heck it's nice to be on the winning team right now.


May 1, 2006
This is what I've been concerned about for years. The question is when it will happen, rather than just get said by a writer. I don't know if Barack Obama can do anything to prevent it if elected.

In investment choices, I'm trying to see if there's any info on two separate issues - the finance crisis from the credit default swaps, and the world reducing lending to the US, which can cause a lot of inflation.

Because of concern over this, I've been mostly in cash for a while now, and that paid off with the recent events.

I'd get back in to something, if I weren't worried about the risk of big new problems yet that can happen.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Skoorb
This certainly sounds reasonable. I'm still not quite sure why the US has so much wealth vs other countries, but in any case heck it's nice to be on the winning team right now.

<--- Looks at the 401k and other "wealth" investments and wonders if he's winning or would have been better off just saying "fuck it" and bought everything in sight.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: Ozoned

Well, if the dollar is going to be de-throned, I say we crank up the printing presses, and pay off our national debt tommorrow. We can put millions to work and live off of our own production, can't we?
On a more serious note, the Bretton Woods II meetings are set for after the election. Link. I would think that the new president elect would be setting in on them. I wonder if either, John or Barack, would have even a pretense of what to do?


Hyperinflation if that were to occur. Not to mention, we have outsourced so much of our production of "common items" that it would take a decade (or more) to get up to speed. 98% of our shoes and 96% of our clothing is made outside of this country. Would be difficult to replace in just a short time.

We have what, 15,000,000 in this country without jobs that want one? JUST DO IT!



Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: Skoorb
This certainly sounds reasonable. I'm still not quite sure why the US has so much wealth vs other countries, but in any case heck it's nice to be on the winning team right now.

<--- Looks at the 401k and other "wealth" investments and wonders if he's winning or would have been better off just saying "fuck it" and bought everything in sight.
I saw the housing bust coming 3 years ago. I was smart and got rid of several rental properties. I built a really nice house,,,,,,,,,,

financed it 100% and put my cash from the rentals into mutual funds.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2004
Unfortunately that Chinese newspaper is right, the world would not put all their eggs in a dollar basket anymore. On a plus side, this will force our economy to be more competitive to win foreign investments.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Ozoned

financed it 100% and put my cash from the rentals into mutual funds.

I took every cent that I could muster for 6 years and paid my home off 23 years and 4 months early. I guess it could be worse.

I wish that there were a :tears; emoticon at times when looking at my retirement investments, especially after last years disaster in my "personal" non-retirement investments. *sigh*

I'm about a millimeter away from just snapping.......


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: Ozoned

financed it 100% and put my cash from the rentals into mutual funds.

I took every cent that I could muster for 6 years and paid my home off 23 years and 4 months early. I guess it could be worse.

I wish that there were a :tears; emoticon at times when looking at my retirement investments, especially after last years disaster in my "personal" non-retirement investments. *sigh*

I'm about a millimeter away from just snapping.......
I currently have a military retirement check, in about 12 years I will have a railroad retirement check, and my wife will have a government retirement check. I invest as a hobby, and am not particularly good at it. However, with the money I have put into it, I still believe that even at a 60% loss of value in personal retirement savings, the end result will still be better than traditional savings methods.

Jun 26, 2007
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: Ozoned

financed it 100% and put my cash from the rentals into mutual funds.

I took every cent that I could muster for 6 years and paid my home off 23 years and 4 months early. I guess it could be worse.

I wish that there were a :tears; emoticon at times when looking at my retirement investments, especially after last years disaster in my "personal" non-retirement investments. *sigh*

I'm about a millimeter away from just snapping.......

Well depending on how old you are and what "capitalist" bratjob comes nest you may have a good reason to cry. It'll go down like this.

"people getting money from the government because they are old, that is SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM, MARXISM and TERRORISM"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's obviously the next step.
Jun 26, 2007
Originally posted by: Ozoned
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: Ozoned

financed it 100% and put my cash from the rentals into mutual funds.

I took every cent that I could muster for 6 years and paid my home off 23 years and 4 months early. I guess it could be worse.

I wish that there were a :tears; emoticon at times when looking at my retirement investments, especially after last years disaster in my "personal" non-retirement investments. *sigh*

I'm about a millimeter away from just snapping.......
I currently have a military retirement check, in about 12 years I will have a railroad retirement check, and my wife will have a government retirement check. I invest as a hobby, and am not particularly good at it. However, with the money I have put into it, I still believe that even at a 60% loss of value in personal retirement savings, the end result will still be better than traditional savings methods.

Who are you and where have you been to deserve a retirement check from the military? (don't fuck with me, i'll check it out, ask palehorse).


Diamond Member
Feb 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Ozoned
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: Ozoned

Well, if the dollar is going to be de-throned, I say we crank up the printing presses, and pay off our national debt tommorrow. We can put millions to work and live off of our own production, can't we?
On a more serious note, the Bretton Woods II meetings are set for after the election. Link. I would think that the new president elect would be setting in on them. I wonder if either, John or Barack, would have even a pretense of what to do?


Hyperinflation if that were to occur. Not to mention, we have outsourced so much of our production of "common items" that it would take a decade (or more) to get up to speed. 98% of our shoes and 96% of our clothing is made outside of this country. Would be difficult to replace in just a short time.

We have what, 15,000,000 in this country without jobs that want one? JUST DO IT!

Engineer's point was that you cannot easily restore manufacturing that took 20 years to outsourse. If it took 20 years to outsorce it all it will probably take just as much to bring it all back, maybe less, but only with massive government involvement.

For fuck sake, I go to Menards to buy some nails and the box says "Designed in Michigan, manufactured in China". WTF?


Senior member
Dec 14, 2006
Originally posted by: gevorg
Unfortunately that Chinese newspaper is right, the world would not put all their eggs in a dollar basket anymore. On a plus side, this will force our economy to be more competitive to win foreign investments.

ha ha hi-fucking-larious, stop doing business with us bitch and lets see who buys you crap - china will disappear for the face of earth is US stops all trades with them. ungreatful assholes


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2004
Originally posted by: fleshconsumed
Originally posted by: Ozoned
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: Ozoned

Well, if the dollar is going to be de-throned, I say we crank up the printing presses, and pay off our national debt tommorrow. We can put millions to work and live off of our own production, can't we?
On a more serious note, the Bretton Woods II meetings are set for after the election. Link. I would think that the new president elect would be setting in on them. I wonder if either, John or Barack, would have even a pretense of what to do?


Hyperinflation if that were to occur. Not to mention, we have outsourced so much of our production of "common items" that it would take a decade (or more) to get up to speed. 98% of our shoes and 96% of our clothing is made outside of this country. Would be difficult to replace in just a short time.

We have what, 15,000,000 in this country without jobs that want one? JUST DO IT!

Engineer's point was that you cannot easily restore manufacturing that took 20 years to outsourse. If it took 20 years to outsorce it all it will probably take just as much to bring it all back, maybe less, but only with massive government involvement.

For fuck sake, I go to Menards to buy some nails and the box says "Designed in Michigan, manufactured in China". WTF?
Well of course it won't be easy, but if the dollar is dethroned, it may be nessassary if you want to wear shoes. I think that this country is up to the challenge.

I like Menards, but damn there prices are getting high.



Diamond Member
Feb 21, 2002
Originally posted by: andy04
Originally posted by: gevorg
Unfortunately that Chinese newspaper is right, the world would not put all their eggs in a dollar basket anymore. On a plus side, this will force our economy to be more competitive to win foreign investments.

ha ha hi-fucking-larious, stop doing business with us bitch and lets see who buys you crap - china will disappear for the face of earth is US stops all trades with them. ungreatful assholes

You're very much mistaken. If anything US will take a much harder hit than China. The thing is, China has become worldwide exporter, the whole world buys from China while US buys almost exclusively from China with other nations mixed in smaller quantities. If US stops buying from China you won't be able to buy a pair of shoes in a couple of months, on the other hand China will fare much better because it will still have EU and the rest of the world buy from it.


Senior member
Dec 14, 2006
Originally posted by: fleshconsumed
Originally posted by: andy04
Originally posted by: gevorg
Unfortunately that Chinese newspaper is right, the world would not put all their eggs in a dollar basket anymore. On a plus side, this will force our economy to be more competitive to win foreign investments.

ha ha hi-fucking-larious, stop doing business with us bitch and lets see who buys you crap - china will disappear for the face of earth is US stops all trades with them. ungreatful assholes

You're very much mistaken. If anything US will take a much harder hit than China. The thing is, China has become worldwide exporter, the whole world buys from China while US buys almost exclusively from China with other nations mixed in smaller quantities. If US stops buying from China you won't be able to buy a pair of shoes in a couple of months, on the other hand China will fare much better because it will still have EU and the rest of the world buy from it.

I dont see and "EU" nation except Germany and Dutch in top 10, that too with a very small share.
And as far as your concern about running out of stock, dont worry lots of countries in the world will be more than happy help us and get our business...

Table 7: China's Top Trade Partners 2007 ($ billion)
*Percent change over 2006
Source: PRC General Administration of Customs, China's Customs Statistics
Rank Country/Region Volume % Change*
1 United States 302.1 15.0
2 Japan 236 13.9
3 Hong Kong 197.2 18.8
4 South Korea 159.9 19.1
5 Taiwan 124.5 15.4
6 Germany 94.1 20.4
7 Russia 48.2 44.3
8 Singapore 47.2 15.4
9 Malaysia 46.4 25.0
10 The Netherlands 46.3 34.3


Diamond Member
Feb 21, 2002
Originally posted by: andy04
Originally posted by: fleshconsumed
Originally posted by: andy04
Originally posted by: gevorg
Unfortunately that Chinese newspaper is right, the world would not put all their eggs in a dollar basket anymore. On a plus side, this will force our economy to be more competitive to win foreign investments.

ha ha hi-fucking-larious, stop doing business with us bitch and lets see who buys you crap - china will disappear for the face of earth is US stops all trades with them. ungreatful assholes

You're very much mistaken. If anything US will take a much harder hit than China. The thing is, China has become worldwide exporter, the whole world buys from China while US buys almost exclusively from China with other nations mixed in smaller quantities. If US stops buying from China you won't be able to buy a pair of shoes in a couple of months, on the other hand China will fare much better because it will still have EU and the rest of the world buy from it.

I dont see any "EU" nation except Germany and Dutch in top 10, that too with a very small share

Table 7: China's Top Trade Partners 2007 ($ billion)
*Percent change over 2006
Source: PRC General Administration of Customs, China's Customs Statistics
Rank Country/Region Volume % Change*
1 United States 302.1 15.0
2 Japan 236 13.9
3 Hong Kong 197.2 18.8
4 South Korea 159.9 19.1
5 Taiwan 124.5 15.4
6 Germany 94.1 20.4
7 Russia 48.2 44.3
8 Singapore 47.2 15.4
9 Malaysia 46.4 25.0
10 The Netherlands 46.3 34.3

Now sum up positions 2-10 and compare it to US. I get about 1Trillion compared to 302B. Make no mistake, China will recover much quicker if US stopped buying from it.


Senior member
Dec 14, 2006
Originally posted by: fleshconsumed
Originally posted by: andy04
Originally posted by: fleshconsumed
Originally posted by: andy04
Originally posted by: gevorg
Unfortunately that Chinese newspaper is right, the world would not put all their eggs in a dollar basket anymore. On a plus side, this will force our economy to be more competitive to win foreign investments.

ha ha hi-fucking-larious, stop doing business with us bitch and lets see who buys you crap - china will disappear for the face of earth is US stops all trades with them. ungreatful assholes

You're very much mistaken. If anything US will take a much harder hit than China. The thing is, China has become worldwide exporter, the whole world buys from China while US buys almost exclusively from China with other nations mixed in smaller quantities. If US stops buying from China you won't be able to buy a pair of shoes in a couple of months, on the other hand China will fare much better because it will still have EU and the rest of the world buy from it.

I dont see any "EU" nation except Germany and Dutch in top 10, that too with a very small share

Table 7: China's Top Trade Partners 2007 ($ billion)
*Percent change over 2006
Source: PRC General Administration of Customs, China's Customs Statistics
Rank Country/Region Volume % Change*
1 United States 302.1 15.0
2 Japan 236 13.9
3 Hong Kong 197.2 18.8
4 South Korea 159.9 19.1
5 Taiwan 124.5 15.4
6 Germany 94.1 20.4
7 Russia 48.2 44.3
8 Singapore 47.2 15.4
9 Malaysia 46.4 25.0
10 The Netherlands 46.3 34.3

Now sum up positions 2-10 and compare it to US. I get about 1Trillion compared to 302B. Make no mistake, China will recover much quicker if US stopped buying from it.

My point was EU and Japan and S Korea are our allies with huge military bases! and Hong Kong is a part if China now. Lets redo the math for a all out ban scenario.


Diamond Member
Feb 21, 2002
Originally posted by: andy04
Originally posted by: fleshconsumed
Originally posted by: andy04
Originally posted by: fleshconsumed
Originally posted by: andy04
Originally posted by: gevorg
Unfortunately that Chinese newspaper is right, the world would not put all their eggs in a dollar basket anymore. On a plus side, this will force our economy to be more competitive to win foreign investments.

ha ha hi-fucking-larious, stop doing business with us bitch and lets see who buys you crap - china will disappear for the face of earth is US stops all trades with them. ungreatful assholes

You're very much mistaken. If anything US will take a much harder hit than China. The thing is, China has become worldwide exporter, the whole world buys from China while US buys almost exclusively from China with other nations mixed in smaller quantities. If US stops buying from China you won't be able to buy a pair of shoes in a couple of months, on the other hand China will fare much better because it will still have EU and the rest of the world buy from it.

I dont see any "EU" nation except Germany and Dutch in top 10, that too with a very small share

Table 7: China's Top Trade Partners 2007 ($ billion)
*Percent change over 2006
Source: PRC General Administration of Customs, China's Customs Statistics
Rank Country/Region Volume % Change*
1 United States 302.1 15.0
2 Japan 236 13.9
3 Hong Kong 197.2 18.8
4 South Korea 159.9 19.1
5 Taiwan 124.5 15.4
6 Germany 94.1 20.4
7 Russia 48.2 44.3
8 Singapore 47.2 15.4
9 Malaysia 46.4 25.0
10 The Netherlands 46.3 34.3

Now sum up positions 2-10 and compare it to US. I get about 1Trillion compared to 302B. Make no mistake, China will recover much quicker if US stopped buying from it.

My point was EU and Japan and S Korea are our allies with huge military bases! and Hong Kong is a part if China now. Lets redo the math for a all out ban scenario.

No other country will ever support US in this undertaking.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2004
Very few economies are un-affected by this financial mess. Our ability to conduct trade with other countries is only a reflection of what is happening world-wide. The blame game is starting, the article in the op is pointing the finger at us.


At this link is an example about trust in getting paid. (90% of world trade is by ships) THE DOLLAR COLLAPSES, EVERYBODY IS FVCKED, by design of course.


Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: fleshconsumed
Originally posted by: andy04
Originally posted by: fleshconsumed
Originally posted by: andy04
Originally posted by: gevorg
Unfortunately that Chinese newspaper is right, the world would not put all their eggs in a dollar basket anymore. On a plus side, this will force our economy to be more competitive to win foreign investments.

ha ha hi-fucking-larious, stop doing business with us bitch and lets see who buys you crap - china will disappear for the face of earth is US stops all trades with them. ungreatful assholes

You're very much mistaken. If anything US will take a much harder hit than China. The thing is, China has become worldwide exporter, the whole world buys from China while US buys almost exclusively from China with other nations mixed in smaller quantities. If US stops buying from China you won't be able to buy a pair of shoes in a couple of months, on the other hand China will fare much better because it will still have EU and the rest of the world buy from it.

I dont see any "EU" nation except Germany and Dutch in top 10, that too with a very small share

Table 7: China's Top Trade Partners 2007 ($ billion)
*Percent change over 2006
Source: PRC General Administration of Customs, China's Customs Statistics
Rank Country/Region Volume % Change*
1 United States 302.1 15.0
2 Japan 236 13.9
3 Hong Kong 197.2 18.8
4 South Korea 159.9 19.1
5 Taiwan 124.5 15.4
6 Germany 94.1 20.4
7 Russia 48.2 44.3
8 Singapore 47.2 15.4
9 Malaysia 46.4 25.0
10 The Netherlands 46.3 34.3

Now sum up positions 2-10 and compare it to US. I get about 1Trillion compared to 302B. Make no mistake, China will recover much quicker if US stopped buying from it.

LOL. China wouldn't stand a chance. The problem is that those economies can only take up so much Chinese junk.


Jul 12, 2000
Originally posted by: Ozoned
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: Ozoned

Well, if the dollar is going to be de-throned, I say we crank up the printing presses, and pay off our national debt tommorrow. We can put millions to work and live off of our own production, can't we?
On a more serious note, the Bretton Woods II meetings are set for after the election. Link. I would think that the new president elect would be setting in on them. I wonder if either, John or Barack, would have even a pretense of what to do?


Hyperinflation if that were to occur. Not to mention, we have outsourced so much of our production of "common items" that it would take a decade (or more) to get up to speed. 98% of our shoes and 96% of our clothing is made outside of this country. Would be difficult to replace in just a short time.

We have what, 15,000,000 in this country without jobs that want one? JUST DO IT!

Please put our unemployment into a percentage. Thanks.
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