U.S. Navy-China showdown: Chinese try to halt U.S. cruiser in international waters

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Oct 10, 2006
Lol, China just try to reclaim what was historically theirs right around their border, unlike you US invaded and occupied countries half way around the world and people are still dying every freaking day because of your invasion and involvement in their local politic. Yeah China isn't the best behaving country in the world, they are up and coming, they want to reclaim what historically was theirs, and they want to flex muscle and show off a little. But you American got no moral authority to criticize China cause you are 100x worse. You are in every country's politics and everyday life, you are spying on them, invading and occupying them, replacing legit governments with dictators, putting in CIA to incite revolution, you name it.

Yeah true no other nation is acting like China, USA is just 100x worse...yeap those are facts.

Lol. For all our meddling we've killed fewer innocents in the last century than China did in the Great Leap Forward alone. We may not have a perfect track record, but compared to China you're damn right we're the moral authority. Also note that our military doesn't have to spend a single cent suppressing internal revolts, whereas the Chinese military spends more fighting its own people than it does fighting foreigners.

Life is better, more free, and more just over here. Which is why even those who have everything China can offer come here for education and healthcare; and why you hear about Chinese women trying to force American men into marriage so they can get a green card, but you never hear about American women forcing Chinese men into marriage to get into China.
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Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2002
Since when china had any juridiction on Paracel and Spratly or in control of those areas before anyone else? Links or sources from independence sources or GTFO.

Speaking of reclaim of old land, how about Vietnam reclaims what is now Guangxi and Guangdong because those were the old land of ancient Vietnam? How about Korea reclaim their ancient land that way pass the Yalu river? How about Manchus and Mongols reclaim the whole china as their old land? How about Japan and Britain reclaim parts of china as their old empire? Do you want me to go on? What good for the goose is good for the gander, right? Don't be a hipocrite.

Speaking of reclaim of old land, funny how china and chinese would not dare to take on Russia and take back 600,000 sq. km. of land = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Aigun . Not a freaking word but bend over and take it from behind over and over just like old time.

Not a freaking word but more shame, humiliation, and losing face in public = http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/18/world/asia/russia-china-fishing-vessel/index.html Funny how china tried to start a war when a Japanese Coast Guard tried to detain chinese poachers but not a peep when the Russians shot at your own kind. Why not flex your muscle and show off a little? ROTFLMAO. How sad and pathetic. Shame and humiliation are more like it. All over again.

Speaking of invading, do you see US claims Iraq and Afghan as "undisputable territories" as china is doing with Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Xinjang? Do you see US sends its people to those land to push out the natives and practice culture genocide as china is doing with its smaller neighbors? US is about to leave Iraq and Afghan, do you see chinese invaders leave Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang? Well?

Those are facts, comrade.

Look up and see for yourself. Bigger =! winner.

When china faced competent military forces much smaller nations:

Japan - lost (see post above #163)
Britain - lost (Opium Wars)
Machuria - lost (Quing Dynasty)
Mongolia - lost (Yuan Dynasty)
Vietnam - http://content.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1879849,00.html (just from women and old men of the local militia)
Burma - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Burmese_War_(1765%E2%80%9369)

Heh, the entire US is a result of Indian genocide and here you are screaming about Tibet and Xinjiang.....at least the Chinese didn't kill all the Tibetans and the Uyghur people and leave a few in some reservation.....


Aug 24, 2004
Heh, the entire US is a result of Indian genocide and here you are screaming about Tibet and Xinjiang.....at least the Chinese didn't kill all the Tibetans and the Uyghur people and leave a few in some reservation.....

Yup, when others do it, it is considered genocide or whatever word they want to use. When we do it, it's because of necessity. North America, South America, much of Russia, Australia, New Zealand have been colonized by destroying the native populations of those areas. But because the perpetrators have been Westerners, the ones who write the history books and stuff, the excuses are endless - discovery of new worlds, discover of this or that, etc. Yeah, discovery.


Nov 10, 2003
Heh, the entire US is a result of Indian genocide and here you are screaming about Tibet and Xinjiang.....at least the Chinese didn't kill all the Tibetans and the Uyghur people and leave a few in some reservation.....

Still no reply on my questions of when china/chinese had any jurisdiction on Paracel and Spratly Islands before anyone else? Yup, none, nada, zip, nothing. Nothing about other countries reclaim old land of theirs that china/chinese took from them? What is the matter?

Typical of chinese debate skill, when could not provide facts to support your own statements, pull the "but..but..but..the US/Western countries were as bad or worse too.............whaaaaa....whhhhaaaaaa....whaaaaaaaa"

Still nothing about how Russian pwned your ancestors butts hundreds of years ago and still pwning you guys hard in the butt multiple times in the present time? Yup, nothing.

Where are your muscle flexing and showing off skill? What is the matter? Not as easy to shoot someone when they could shoot back, right? Not as easy as to shoot at unarmed students at Tiananmen Square or monks in Tibet, right? x 10000000000000000

No wonder the whole world is laughing hard at commie china and brainwashed chinese. All bark like a little sad dog but would not dare to take on anyone with the same size/strenght. So sad and so pathetic. So much shame, humiliation, and losing face big time in public; :thumbsdown:
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Oct 10, 2006
Heh, the entire US is a result of Indian genocide and here you are screaming about Tibet and Xinjiang.....at least the Chinese didn't kill all the Tibetans and the Uyghur people and leave a few in some reservation.....

No, apparently Chinese only commit blatant genocide on themselves.


The Great Leap ended in catastrophe, resulting in tens of millions of deaths.[3] Estimates of the death toll range from 18 million[4] to 45 million,[5] with estimates by demographic specialists ranging from 18 million to 32.5 million.[4] Historian Frank Dikötter asserts that "coercion, terror, and systematic violence were the very foundation of the Great Leap Forward" and it "motivated one of the most deadly mass killings of human history".[6]

^^^ Kinda puts the Indian Wars to shame there.
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Oct 10, 2006
Yup, when others do it, it is considered genocide or whatever word they want to use. When we do it, it's because of necessity. North America, South America, much of Russia, Australia, New Zealand have been colonized by destroying the native populations of those areas. But because the perpetrators have been Westerners, the ones who write the history books and stuff, the excuses are endless - discovery of new worlds, discover of this or that, etc. Yeah, discovery.

Huh? No one's making excuses for any of that nowadays. What would you have us do, move the entire US population back to Europe and make the whole thing a giant reservation?

Here's something naive apologists never seem to understand: In war there is almost always a loser. A loser is someone who loses something. Morally right or morally wrong, they lose it. They do not get whatever they lost back generations later just because a bunch of chicken-shit apologists feel some sort of misplaced guilt for something they had no part in.

What's done in war is done. Suck it up and move forward.


Aug 24, 2008
Heh, the entire US is a result of Indian genocide and here you are screaming about Tibet and Xinjiang.....at least the Chinese didn't kill all the Tibetans and the Uyghur people and leave a few in some reservation.....

I am just going to place this here if you can use something that happened hundreds of years ago yet ignore much more recent ones people gave pointed out against china as you seem to do:


Some scholars estimate that about 80% of the Dzungar (Western Mongol) population (600,000 or more) were destroyed by a combination of warfare and disease during the Qing conquest of Zunghar Khanate in 1755–1757.[39] Mark Levene, a historian whose recent research interests focus on genocide,[40] has stated that the extermination of the Dzungars was "arguably the eighteenth century genocide par excellence
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Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2002
Huh? No one's making excuses for any of that nowadays. What would you have us do, move the entire US population back to Europe and make the whole thing a giant reservation?

Here's something naive apologists never seem to understand: In war there is almost always a loser. A loser is someone who loses something. Morally right or morally wrong, they lose it. They do not get whatever they lost back generations later just because a bunch of chicken-shit apologists feel some sort of misplaced guilt for something they had no part in.

What's done in war is done. Suck it up and move forward.

Haha, funny to see how you excuse yourself with your winner take all mentality but when it comes to China, you forbid them to go on with their business and claim the islands that was discovered by Chinese ages ago and clearly recorded in their history. Like you said right, winner takes all and why don't you let Japanese and the Philippines duke it out with China and settle it once and for all?

quote your own words, suck it up and move forward, and one little addition, mind your own fracking business.


Aug 24, 2008
Haha, funny to see how you excuse yourself with your winner take all mentality but when it comes to China, you forbid them to go on with their business and claim the islands that was discovered by Chinese ages ago and clearly recorded in their history. Like you said right, winner takes all and why don't you let Japanese and the Philippines duke it out with China and settle it once and for all?

quote your own words, suck it up and move forward, and one little addition, mind your own fracking business.

For one we have treaties in place especially with japan after ww2 that protects them from this action as it was there also to stop them from militarizing again after the war and once again taking over china like they did then so maybe we should simply forget that and let them claim all that land again.

For another I bet you wouldn't be saying that if we let russia invade and take your land once again.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2002
Haha, funny to see how you excuse yourself with your winner take all mentality but when it comes to China, you forbid them to go on with their business and claim the islands that was discovered by Chinese ages ago and clearly recorded in their history. Like you said right, winner takes all and why don't you let Japanese and the Philippines duke it out with China and settle it once and for all?

quote your own words, suck it up and move forward, and one little addition, mind your own fracking business.

So if America decides to kick China's ass, you're good with that right?


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2002
For one we have treaties in place especially with japan after ww2 that protects them from this action as it was there also to stop them from militarizing again after the war and once again taking over china like they did then so maybe we should simply forget that and let them claim all that land again.

For another I bet you wouldn't be saying that if we let russia invade and take your land once again.

You "let" Russia? like russia is ur b!tch? man you really got your world politics wrong....last time I checked, Russia is hosting Snowden and Putin was b!tch slapping Obama on the Syria issue.

So once again, why is American in Asia meddling with Asian business with bunch of treaties and crap? Yeah I know, it's national interest, and again I ask why is American the only one allowed to mess with world politics and everything outside of American border?

Not saying China is clean and innocent, just saying you people are hypocrites criticizing China when the US is the biggest offender in forcing the world on its knees for the US national interest. Stop being so freaking naive and hypocritical.


Nov 10, 2003
Still no reply from my questions above, rchiu? Are you going to do what chinese posters do best, "pull a china"?

For those that are not familiar, that's the term other posters gave chinese posters in numerous Asian centric websites when they could not provide facts to back up their claims/statements, then run away with tails between legs....just like their ancestors..all over again.


Oct 10, 2006
Haha, funny to see how you excuse yourself with your winner take all mentality but when it comes to China, you forbid them to go on with their business and claim the islands that was discovered by Chinese ages ago and clearly recorded in their history. Like you said right, winner takes all and why don't you let Japanese and the Philippines duke it out with China and settle it once and for all?

quote your own words, suck it up and move forward, and one little addition, mind your own fracking business.

We're China's biggest trade partner. What they do internationally, even domestically to some extent, is literally our business.

We also agreed to protect Japan in exchange for their de-militarization, after saving China's ass from Japan I might add. You really want them to re-militarize? Because with the disparity in technology it would be WWII all over again in a conventional war. Hell Chinese people would probably welcome Japanese rule after a few months of occupation, nowadays they'd live better lives than they do under Chinese control.

And why don't you respond to any difficult questions other posters have made? Is it because China's educational system is based on rote memorization, so that when you're given a question that requires actual thought you freeze up like a deer in the headlights? Sadly enough that question isn't completely sarcastic, I've seen it in more than a few Chinese exchange students.
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Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2002
Still no reply from my questions above, rchiu? Are you going to do what chinese posters do best, "pull a china"?

For those that are not familiar, that's the term other posters gave chinese posters in numerous Asian centric websites when they could not provide facts to back up their claims/statements, then run away with tails between legs....just like their ancestors..all over again.

lol, does the US need anything to show your jurisdiction over the US continent to kill most of the Indian men, women and children and take over the land? You people are like what 10 year old kids and live in the forum all day and answer everything single person's question? dang, seriously, what world do you live in.

Go wiki up on all the dispute, diaoyu island, paracel island, spratly island, all the Chinese justification is there, but you choose to ignore it. Is there a dispute? sure there is, or else all the people won't be calling those issues disputes. It's just a matter which side you take on, sure you take anti-chinese stance, okay, good for you. I am saying Chinese is just doing what every freaking country will be doing in dealing with a disputed sovereign issue - claiming the disputed place is theirs. And you idiot are saying only American can claim what you people think is yours, yours and when other people doing the same is oh dear god how dare you.

Man, give it up.


Oct 10, 2006
lol, does the US need anything to show your jurisdiction over the US continent to kill most of the Indian men, women and children and take over the land? You people are like what 10 year old kids and live in the forum all day and answer everything single person's question? dang, seriously, what world do you live in.

Go wiki up on all the dispute, diaoyu island, paracel island, spratly island, all the Chinese justification is there, but you choose to ignore it. Is there a dispute? sure there is, or else all the people won't be calling those issues disputes. It's just a matter which side you take on, sure you take anti-chinese stance, okay, good for you. I am saying Chinese is just doing what every freaking country will be doing in dealing with a disputed sovereign issue - claiming the disputed place is theirs. And you idiot are saying only American can claim what you people think is yours, yours and when other people doing the same is oh dear god how dare you.

Man, give it up.

Actually no one is saying that, you're completely making it up out of clear desperation. Beauty of an internet forum, there's a written record.

In any case, you keep bringing up the Indian Wars, and saying that because Americans committed genocide and stole territory over 150 years ago we're not allow to talk about Chinese genocide and land grabs? Lol. It's hilarious, you demand that we respect China, yet you also demand we hold China to 19th century moral standards.

Typical apologist. China is some poor innocent abused child, WHO DEMANDS YOUR UTMOST RESPECT! Honestly if you're an accurate representative of China then China is little more than an angsty teenager.
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Nov 10, 2003
lol, does the US need anything to show your jurisdiction over the US continent to kill most of the Indian men, women and children and take over the land? You people are like what 10 year old kids and live in the forum all day and answer everything single person's question? dang, seriously, what world do you live in.

Go wiki up on all the dispute, diaoyu island, paracel island, spratly island, all the Chinese justification is there, but you choose to ignore it. Is there a dispute? sure there is, or else all the people won't be calling those issues disputes. It's just a matter which side you take on, sure you take anti-chinese stance, okay, good for you. I am saying Chinese is just doing what every freaking country will be doing in dealing with a disputed sovereign issue - claiming the disputed place is theirs. And you idiot are saying only American can claim what you people think is yours, yours and when other people doing the same is oh dear god how dare you.

Man, give it up.

Since you could NOT answer my specific questions, I am going to post what I asked earlier, I even bolded the important parts for you:

Since when china had any juridiction on Paracel and Spratly or in control of those areas before anyone else? Links or sources from independence sources or GTFO.

Speaking of reclaim of old land, how about Vietnam reclaims what is now Guangxi and Guangdong because those were the old land of ancient Vietnam? How about Korea reclaim their ancient land that way pass the Yalu river? How about Manchus and Mongols reclaim the whole china as their old land? How about Japan and Britain reclaim parts of china as their old empire? Do you want me to go on? What good for the goose is good for the gander, right? Don't be a hipocrite.

Speaking of reclaim of old land, funny how china and chinese would not dare to take on Russia and take back 600,000 sq. km. of land = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Aigun . Not a freaking word but bend over and take it from behind over and over just like old time.

Not a freaking word but more shame, humiliation, and losing face in public = http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/18/world/...sel/index.html Funny how china tried to start a war when a Japanese Coast Guard tried to detain chinese poachers but not a peep when the Russians shot at your own kind. Why not flex your muscle and show off a little? ROTFLMAO. How sad and pathetic. Shame and humiliation are more like it. All over again.

Speaking of invading, do you see US claims Iraq and Afghan as "undisputable territories" as china is doing with Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Xinjang? Do you see US sends its people to those land to push out the natives and practice culture genocide as china is doing with its smaller neighbors? US is about to leave Iraq and Afghan, do you see chinese invaders leave Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang? Well?

Go ahead and answer them, comrade. Look like you are the one that need to give up. Go ahead, just pull "a china- running away with tails between legs, full of shame, humiliation, and losing face" again, just like your ancestors did multiple times before. ROTFLMAO.
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Jan 12, 2005
Yea Welshbloke it certainly has. That was very astute of you to spot that.

You know WelshBloke, now that I mention it I have a sneaky feeling that people didn't actually care about the issue in the OP and just wanted to bag on countries that they didn't like.


Oct 10, 2006
You know WelshBloke, now that I mention it I have a sneaky feeling that people didn't actually care about the issue in the OP and just wanted to bag on countries that they didn't like.

Is there anything more to discuss about the OP? Looking back we seemed to have covered every angle in some fashion.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2002
lol, does the US need anything to show your jurisdiction over the US continent to kill most of the Indian men, women and children and take over the land? You people are like what 10 year old kids and live in the forum all day and answer everything single person's question? dang, seriously, what world do you live in.

Go wiki up on all the dispute, diaoyu island, paracel island, spratly island, all the Chinese justification is there, but you choose to ignore it. Is there a dispute? sure there is, or else all the people won't be calling those issues disputes. It's just a matter which side you take on, sure you take anti-chinese stance, okay, good for you. I am saying Chinese is just doing what every freaking country will be doing in dealing with a disputed sovereign issue - claiming the disputed place is theirs. And you idiot are saying only American can claim what you people think is yours, yours and when other people doing the same is oh dear god how dare you.

Man, give it up.

It's only a dispute because China is trying to steal land from weaker countries, but they're still afraid of the USA backing their allies. Mainly because their navy and air force would get wtfpwned in an actual shooting war out at sea.

You want to argue historical precident... maybe China should surrender control of the mainland to Taiwan. Or Japan. Or the Mongols.

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
Since you could NOT answer my specific questions, I am going to post what I asked earlier, I even bolded the important parts for you:

Go ahead and answer them, comrade. Look like you are the one that need to give up. Go ahead, just pull "a china- running away with tails between legs, full of shame, humiliation, and losing face" again, just like your ancestors did multiple times before. ROTFLMAO.

How long has your family fought for America?


Jan 12, 2005
You know WelshBloke, now that I mention it I have a sneaky feeling that people didn't actually care about the issue in the OP and just wanted to bag on countries that they didn't like.

So WelshBloke, you're saying that people aren't really listening to others opinions and are just sort of talking to themselves?
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