U.S. No Health Care 10-15 GOP based Medicare plan squanders $15 billion in 2007

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No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
How old are you? Does your mommy know you play on the internet?

Awwwww simple truth too much too handle eh??

You haven't said anything. Let me know when you want to talk like a grown-up.

Let me know when Americans that are not rich can get health care.

I don't know what your definition of "rich" is but all my employees have health care and they are not rich.

According to your stats 60 million people are without insurance that means that 240 million are covered. I don't know what your problem is.

Nobody is denied health care in this country.

Your statement is wrong on so many fronts.

Not being able to afford health care is a denial right there alone.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Your statement is wrong on so many fronts.

Not being able to afford health care is a denial right there alone.

So what's your next plan of attack about how you're being denied that brand new Mercedes and that big house on the hill?


Dave, I know you're an alarmist, and not too bright, and unable to discuss without insults and switching around the your opponent's argument to something that it is not (that's what a strawman is btw), but no one is denied health care in America. However, by not working, some people do deny health care to themselves, but that's entirely different and not what your loser ass wants to hear, I imagine.

Try thinking of it this way. Let's say you acquire an infection and only an antibiotic treatment can save your life. Without it, you will die. Painfully. How much is that treatment worth? I know it's hard for you, but think about it for a second. What cost your life? When you demand "free" health care, you're basically saying that -- to you -- your life is worthless. You won't even work to save it.


Oct 14, 1999
And when it is available it either soaks the poor that do not have coverage or soaks the middle class that do have it.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2003
I've always been opposed to universal health care, but I'm starting to turn a little bit. IF they go the route of a CDHC style health plan with a moderate deductible (say $1000 per year) and also co-pays for various types of services. It would really need to be designed to prevent people from milking the system and make them think twice about going to the doctor for unnessary reasons, because they're hypchondriacs.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Jadow
I've always been opposed to universal health care, but I'm starting to turn a little bit. IF they go the route of a CDHC style health plan with a moderate deductible (say $1000 per year) and also co-pays for various types of services. It would really need to be designed to prevent people from milking the system and make them think twice about going to the doctor for unnessary reasons, because they're hypchondriacs.
People will complain that the deductible "oppresses the poor" and you'll still die on the waiting list. No thanks.

Capitalism has made most every product in America inexpensive and easily obtainable, but for some reason, we've never tried it with healthcare. Why not? The freer the market, the freer the people. You want free healthcare? Then free healthcare from the socialist bonds that have priced it out beyond the reach of the poor (and made it a terrible burden to the rest of us).
Otherwise, if we continue down this path, imagine the quality of the doctor who knew, from before he ever went to school, that his 12 years of medical school would make him a slave to the system and that he'd never make more than a high school teacher. Now look at the quality of high school teachers who are already in that boat. Now imagine complete government control where you can no longer sue for malpractice (because it would be suing the government). Then imagine the busybody we-must-cut-skyrocketing-health-care-costs (because they will) mentality that will forbid the common people from eating and drinking what they will. This is the cost of socialized healthcare. Skyrocketing taxes, loss of individual freedom, and the loss of quality healthcare. I'll start a fscking bloody revolution first.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
This is awesome.

7-30-2005 Michael Moore says his next documentary already has HMOs quaking in their boots.

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. - Michael Moore says his next documentary already has HMOs quaking in their boots. Moore has not yet begun shooting the film, "Sicko," but his planned critique of the nation's health care system, he says, is making "freaked-out" HMOs warn employees what to do if approached by the filmmaker.

"At this point we haven't shot anything yet and they're totally discombobulated," Moore said at the inaugural Traverse City Film Festival.

While Moore's Traverse City Film Festival puts politics on the back-burner for a weekend, he makes no apology for making politically themed films.

"When in this great democracy did 'political' become a dirty word?"
Because he expose the truth and America's sheeple cannot and are not willing to handle the truth.

They are content with being brainwashed by the Corporations and Religion and that owns them.


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
How old are you? Does your mommy know you play on the internet?

Awwwww simple truth too much too handle eh??

You haven't said anything. Let me know when you want to talk like a grown-up.

Let me know when Americans that are not rich can get health care.

I don't know what your definition of "rich" is but all my employees have health care and they are not rich.

According to your stats 60 million people are without insurance that means that 240 million are covered. I don't know what your problem is. Nobody is denied health care in this country.

Health care is spiraling out of control. People have it but its becoming a drain. Go down to your local blue cross office and check the rates out for a family. We are talking $600 a month and you have to pay for each doctor visit and prescription. Dave has a point. The way health care is going, only the rich will be able to afford it. The solution is nationalized health care like every other country in the world.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: BarneyFife
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
How old are you? Does your mommy know you play on the internet?

Awwwww simple truth too much too handle eh??

You haven't said anything. Let me know when you want to talk like a grown-up.

Let me know when Americans that are not rich can get health care.

I don't know what your definition of "rich" is but all my employees have health care and they are not rich.

According to your stats 60 million people are without insurance that means that 240 million are covered. I don't know what your problem is. Nobody is denied health care in this country.

Health care is spiraling out of control. People have it but its becoming a drain. Go down to your local blue cross office and check the rates out for a family. We are talking $600 a month and you have to pay for each doctor visit and prescription.

Dave has a point. The way health care is going, only the rich will be able to afford it.
The solution is nationalized health care like every other country in the world.

Oh come on, I can't be right.


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
This is awesome.

7-30-2005 Michael Moore says his next documentary already has HMOs quaking in their boots.

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. - Michael Moore says his next documentary already has HMOs quaking in their boots. Moore has not yet begun shooting the film, "Sicko," but his planned critique of the nation's health care system, he says, is making "freaked-out" HMOs warn employees what to do if approached by the filmmaker.

"At this point we haven't shot anything yet and they're totally discombobulated," Moore said at the inaugural Traverse City Film Festival.

While Moore's Traverse City Film Festival puts politics on the back-burner for a weekend, he makes no apology for making politically themed films.

"When in this great democracy did 'political' become a dirty word?"
Because he expose the truth and America's sheeple cannot and are not willing to handle the truth.

They are content with being brainwashed by the Corporations and Religion and that owns them.

I totally agree. Insurance companies are making recording profits in health care. How about this proposal... The US government runs a non-profit health care plan and if you want to sign up, sign up, if not just pay your $500+ each month to Blue Cross for the same health services. The corporations have definately brainwashed the masses and so have the rich individuals who have millions of poor people (just look on this board) whoring themselves out for the powerful. Sick.


May 27, 2005
Originally posted by: BarneyFife
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
This is awesome.

7-30-2005 Michael Moore says his next documentary already has HMOs quaking in their boots.

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. - Michael Moore says his next documentary already has HMOs quaking in their boots. Moore has not yet begun shooting the film, "Sicko," but his planned critique of the nation's health care system, he says, is making "freaked-out" HMOs warn employees what to do if approached by the filmmaker.

"At this point we haven't shot anything yet and they're totally discombobulated," Moore said at the inaugural Traverse City Film Festival.

While Moore's Traverse City Film Festival puts politics on the back-burner for a weekend, he makes no apology for making politically themed films.

"When in this great democracy did 'political' become a dirty word?"
Because he expose the truth and America's sheeple cannot and are not willing to handle the truth.

They are content with being brainwashed by the Corporations and Religion and that owns them.

I totally agree. Insurance companies are making recording profits in health care. How about this proposal... The US government runs a non-profit health care plan and if you want to sign up, sign up, if not just pay your $500+ each month to Blue Cross for the same health services. The corporations have definately brainwashed the masses and so have the rich individuals who have millions of poor people (just look on this board) whoring themselves out for the powerful. Sick.

So there are 240 million rich in this country?

As long as the people wanting their own health care plan don't have to pay taxes into your new Socialist health care, go ahead and do it.


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2001
Originally posted by: zendari
Originally posted by: BarneyFife
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
This is awesome.

7-30-2005 Michael Moore says his next documentary already has HMOs quaking in their boots.

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. - Michael Moore says his next documentary already has HMOs quaking in their boots. Moore has not yet begun shooting the film, "Sicko," but his planned critique of the nation's health care system, he says, is making "freaked-out" HMOs warn employees what to do if approached by the filmmaker.

"At this point we haven't shot anything yet and they're totally discombobulated," Moore said at the inaugural Traverse City Film Festival.

While Moore's Traverse City Film Festival puts politics on the back-burner for a weekend, he makes no apology for making politically themed films.

"When in this great democracy did 'political' become a dirty word?"
Because he expose the truth and America's sheeple cannot and are not willing to handle the truth.

They are content with being brainwashed by the Corporations and Religion and that owns them.

I totally agree. Insurance companies are making recording profits in health care. How about this proposal... The US government runs a non-profit health care plan and if you want to sign up, sign up, if not just pay your $500+ each month to Blue Cross for the same health services. The corporations have definately brainwashed the masses and so have the rich individuals who have millions of poor people (just look on this board) whoring themselves out for the powerful. Sick.

So there are 240 million rich in this country?

As long as the people wanting their own health care plan don't have to pay taxes into your new Socialist health care, go ahead and do it.

Maybe I'm mistaken but didn't you say you were 18 years old? Seriously. Your opinion on this topic is meaningless when your mom and dad pay for your health insurance and other bills. Move along kid...


Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000
Good for Michael Moore. I support the exposure of the corruption of over pricing charges by health care systems, providers and pharmacutical companies. More Americans should investigate this issue. It is second only to the corruption of oil barrons and the manipulated costs of oil prices. Geeze Amerika, wake up and smell the coffee.:disgust:


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
I think GW is still "quaking in his boots" from Moore's last "documentary" ... :roll:


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
America's answer to Drug cost problem has made Mexico rich.

8-15-2005 Mexican Pharmacist's Empire Growing

MEXICO CITY - Victor Gonzalez sells cheap medicine and health care to Mexico's poor, and it has made him very rich.

In just eight years, his chain of Farmacias Similares, or Similar Pharmacies, has grown from a single store in Mexico City to 3,239 across Mexico and is spreading throughout Central America as well as Argentina, Ecuador and Chile.

His catchy advertising ? a cartoon doctor and an army of scantily clad models ? has made the 58-year-old Gonzalez a household name. His slogan is "The Same, Only Cheaper."

Gonzalez refuses to divulge his net worth, joking in an interview, "If I tell you, they'll come kidnap me." But his eight companies, manufacturing, transporting or selling pharmaceuticals, generated around $400 million in sales last year. His group claims to control one-quarter of Mexico's $9 billion drug industry.

Gonzalez sells Mexican-made generic medicines at prices up to 80 percent lower than those of brand-name prescription drugs.

Bayer Corp.'s Cipro, which became famous as an antidote during the post-9/11 anthrax scare, is a potent antibiotic commonly prescribed here for everything from stomach ailments to respiratory infections. It costs $24 to $28 for a box of eight in regular pharmacies. The Farmacias Similares equivalent costs as little as $4.

Gonzalez said his pharmacies in the U.S.-Mexico border cities of Juarez and Tijuana are among his most successful, frequented by Americans in search of cheaper medications.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
This should make quite a few posters in here happy.

This guy offed his wife before she incurred any more Medical costs and then himself saving a lot of Health cost between the two.

8-15-2005 Man Kills Wife, Self at Atlanta Hospital

The woman, who had suffered from a heart-related illness, was believed to be in her 70s, said Cpl. Gary Syblis, a spokesman for the Fulton County Police Department.

Syblis did not say what sort of treatment the woman had undergone, but said she had been in the hospital for several weeks and that her recovery was not going well.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: BarneyFifeMaybe I'm mistaken but didn't you say you were 18 years old? Seriously. Your opinion on this topic is meaningless when your mom and dad pay for your health insurance and other bills. Move along kid...
Apparently the mod didn't like my last comment.

So he's 18, he's old enough to vote. That means he has the right to speak his mind. What right do you have to try to shut him up? Anybody else you want to try to stifle? Women? Minorities? Take your leftist oppression elsewhere.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: zendari
I guess he didn't want to be a burden on his family.

Just be glad he didn't unburden himself on someone innocent. It's only a matter of time until sombody who can't get life saving treatment decides to punish someone innocent in this OVERPRICED HEALTHCARE SYSTEM you support.


May 27, 2005
What did people do when they couldn't get life saving treatment 100 years ago? I don't think healthcare has ever been free.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
At least it is shifting that everyone will be pretty much be in the same boat.

Of course the rich are not affected by this at all.

9-13-2005 Workers to Bear More Health Care Costs

NEW YORK - The nation's employers are struggling with close to double-digit increases in health care costs in 2006, and consequently will be shifting more of that burden to their employees, according to a new survey of more than 1,800 firms.

To keep a lid on costs, Bos said many employers are using a tactic called cost shifting, which demands employees to pay higher deductibles, premiums and co-payment fees. Employers are also limiting workers' choice of insurance plans.

"We used to think of cost-shifting as something you could do only every so often," said Bos. "But we're seeing a new willingness on the part of employers ? born of desperation ? to shift cost in successive years to achieve acceptable cost increases."



Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
At least it is shifting that everyone will be pretty much be in the same boat.

Of course the rich are not affected by this at all.

9-13-2005 Workers to Bear More Health Care Costs

NEW YORK - The nation's employers are struggling with close to double-digit increases in health care costs in 2006, and consequently will be shifting more of that burden to their employees, according to a new survey of more than 1,800 firms.

To keep a lid on costs, Bos said many employers are using a tactic called cost shifting, which demands employees to pay higher deductibles, premiums and co-payment fees. Employers are also limiting workers' choice of insurance plans.

"We used to think of cost-shifting as something you could do only every so often," said Bos. "But we're seeing a new willingness on the part of employers ? born of desperation ? to shift cost in successive years to achieve acceptable cost increases."

Do you suppose it will take a plague the leaders in this country decide to do something about healthcare?


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: zendari
What did people do when they couldn't get life saving treatment 100 years ago?
I don't think healthcare has ever been free.
They DIED, just like you want the old timers to die now before they incur Medical expenses.
You will die too, Dave. As will we all. No amount of modern healthcare will save your life, or the lives of any one of us. Not then, not now, and not ever. Dreaming of the hope of immortality is that last refuge and denial of idiots and cowards. And I know you're both, Dave, filled with fear and dread of life, and hate for your fellow human beings, but my advice to you is to accept your mortality before the time comes when it accepts you.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: zendari
What did people do when they couldn't get life saving treatment 100 years ago?
I don't think healthcare has ever been free.
They DIED, just like you want the old timers to die now before they incur Medical expenses.
You will die too, Dave. As will we all.

No amount of modern healthcare will save your life, or the lives of any one of us.

Not then, not now, and not ever.

Dreaming of the hope of immortality is that last refuge and denial of idiots and cowards.

And I know you're both, Dave, filled with fear and dread of life, and hate for your fellow human beings, but my advice to you is to accept your mortality before the time comes when it accepts you.

Nice :thumbsup:

So if something happens to you sush as an easily curable infection before your time, you feel you should not get treatment and kick off early???


May 27, 2005
Originally posted by: dmcowen674

Nice :thumbsup:

So if something happens to you sush as an easily curable infection before your time, you feel you should not get treatment and kick off early???

I feel I should get anything I can pay for.
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