UCI sophomore accused of rape... *NOW WITH PIC**PIC NOW REMOVED**PIC HAS BEEN RE-ADDED*

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Golden Member
Nov 30, 2000
IT IS VERY SICK. I GO TO THE SAME SCHOOL. I hope the girl was not lying and it is the right guy they got. It is true that the girl should not have gone in the same car as the accused rapist but it is not her fault. I am sure nobody wants to be cut with a knife while being raped. Apparently, the boy is got the knife and duct tape for the other girl he was going to meet too when the cops found the same things in his car.


Dec 9, 2001
To be fair, let her rape him and it's settled. Why take entire man's life?

To be fair how about he gets sent to prison and has a few guys rape em every day for 20 years. He not only put a knife to her throat and raped her etc..but damaged her mentallity and trust in guys. More importantly, HE DID IT TO CHILD!


Dec 9, 2001
We get fed that line by the crime and punishment crowd all the time but there is little evidence to support it. For the most part our criminal justice system punishes (incarceration) and removes a threat (incarceration) but many of the offenders are repeat-offenders meaning the system did not discourage rehabilitate or discourage these people from commiting new crimes. And everytime detritus like this gets put away I doubt there's a blip of difference in the number of women accosted on or around college campuses.

Thats why they need to be put away for long period of times or better yet just throw them 6 feet under. There is no room for them in this society.


Senior member
Dec 18, 2001
I havent been posting for long here and id like to add in a few comments. First off, a mistake isnt going out with duct tape and a knife to violate a young girl. Thats a horrible act of violence of the most vile and evil sort. Orcish, for you to sit there with your extreme liberal views saying the perp doesnt deserve as much punishment as he would recieve truly makes me sick to my stomach. Its sad that the media and every other sensory input has skewered your sense of humanity. 20 years for rape? Thats not long enough. Prisons are also not usually the toughest of enviroments either, which makes me almost physically ill. These habitats for criminals have progressed from the cages they are meant to be to a sort of steel and brick country club. I think prison should be a constant battle for survival. Their is my 5 dollars, keep the change Orcish.


Apr 15, 2001
You guys are forgetting the whole damn point!

He is innocent until proven guilty. Period. Why speculate about punishment?

I agree it's a terrible crime and there's no reasonable person who could say otherwise. But let's not throw down the ax just yet.


Apr 20, 2000
<<Well that's your 'idea' of 'fairness'??? Listen, buddy, you're a man yourself... Why do you feel so prone to bury your brotha? You feel it's OK that he will be raped countless times by other men, which is a crime even worse than he comitted, repeated countless times. So you do approve of raping... To tell the truth, why should we care for what that girl 'feels'? Do you really think that her body is more precious than one of that guy? He can be pervertedly raped every day and be in prison, yes, it's OK.

I think that you're an avid man hater, my friend. I don't understand how people like you post in these forums since nearly all of us here are men. Think about it, that girl's life or freedom isn't a bit more precious than of that poor young lad. Quite the opposite, since the dawn of time the man has ruled the world, not the woman. I don't even try to remind you that all the really great scientists, musicians, artists, writers, philosophers are all men, plain and simple. In the eyes of public opinion, you can do anything to a man, but stay away from that woman! Take care of her feelings etc. But does she deserve it? Why noone cares for what that guy will feel living in prison and being raped? Do you think he won't suffer more than that girl did?

I'll tell you what I think. I don't feel no compassion for that young hooker bltch that sleeps around with guys she meets on the internet. And I do care for that poor lad who will be destroyed by the society, slowly and painfully, in an endless and vicious torture. >>

Apparently Orcish still lives in the dark ages. I can now understand what your reasoning is based on. I think you need to seek help for that "men are better than women mentality" or else you won't get very far in life. Good luck "brutha."


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2001
Orcish, I don't even know how to respond to your views... so... I want you to do something. Print out this thread and show it to people you know, or random people. Then tell them your views on the matter, then ask whether they agree with you or whether they disagree. Then once you have the results I think you should study them and rethink some of your views.


Golden Member
Dec 4, 2000
Rape is worse than murder, in my book. It's the ultimate in degrading someone to the point of them being no better than an animal. By committing rape, you take away a part of someone that they will never, EVER, get back.

This girl will be in counseling for years, with most likely no big difference. She'll always be afraid of closeness inside legitimate relationships, and god knows what else.

Orcish, how about I come forcibly rape you in the @ss? You know you enjoy it, all boys your age do.


edit: Ok, upon further inspection Orcish is simply either a Troll, or a danger do society who should be locked up himself before doing this to someone. A-holes like this don't deserve to live a free life. Just because you can't seem to forge meaningful relationships (including sexual relationships) doesn't give you the right to lash out and forcibly take what you want. Seek help, because the daughter you may happen to one day rape may have a pissed off father with a shotgun, and I'd help him pull the trigger.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2001

<< Why are we bombing the Taliban? All they do is beat, torture and oppress women, and we all know how expendable our sisters, mothers, wives and our female family and friends are. I mean those women were really just a bunch of skanky hos who were just asking to be beaten and oppressed. The Taliban are "brothas" like us, they just want glory for men and their ideas no matter what the cost is to others. Imagine the horrible deaths that the Taliban went through, we can push aside a lifetime of torture and oppression of women for these "brothas." >>

Watch out, ppl go crazy if they don't see a "jk" or "".

<< We all know the guy is guilt as hell...
I mean we all know that the cops never ever plant evidence on innocent people.
And little girls never ever lie.

Umm.... this isn't downtown LA. Been watching Training Day too many times? Or the Rampart cases on TV news?


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2000

<< Yes, I agree that he comitted a crime. But why the punishment is so severe? Do you understand that the guy will have to spend all his life in hell just coz the girl helped him pop his cherry once? Yes, I understand she didn't like it, of course. To be fair, let her rape him and it's settled. Why take entire man's life? >>

Ok, everyone sees that orcish is an idiot.

Here's the rest of the story. I read it this morning in the OC Register after opening presents:
OC Register

Actually, here's the whole thing:

<< Decoy helps snag suspect
A rape victim's friend connects with the alleged attacker in an Internet chat room and sets up a sting.

December 25, 2001

The Orange County Register

Irvine -- He beat her with a silver belt buckle, police say, carved a swastika into her face with a knife and sexually assaulted her in the back of a car.

Police didn't have many clues about the man who lured a 15-year-old Orange girl from an Internet chat room to a desolate UC Irvine parking lot.

So the victim teamed up with a friend, logged back onto the Internet and set up the rendezvous that led to an arrest.

Police credited the teen-agers Monday for taking the initiative.

"What they did was ingenious," said Irvine police Sgt. Tom Little. "We give them all the credit."

Brian Dance, 20, was arrested Sunday night at The Block in Orange - and the victim, sitting in an undercover police car nearby, identified him as her attacker.

A UCI honors student with no criminal history, Dance was arrested on suspicion of torture, sexual assault and robbery during the two-hour attack.

Dance, housed in a medical ward of the Orange County Jail, was unavailable for an interview Monday. His parents described him as smart and quiet and incapable of committing such a crime.

Police say they have plenty of evidence, including:

His parents own the car - a white Honda Accord - that police believe was used in Thursday's attack.

During the arrest, police say, they found the same knife used to carve the swastika on her face on the seat of the car that Dance drove to Sunday's rendezvous.

They also found duct tape in one of his jacket pockets. "It's not like I'm going to tie anybody up," Dance allegedly told police. Thursday, police say, the victim's mouth and arms were duct-taped before she was left face down in a deserted parking lot at UCI.

Dance allegedly told his victim his name was Chris and that he was 17. Dance used the same screen name when he corresponded with the victim's friend after the assault.

The victim identified the belt buckle Dance was wearing when he was arrested as the same one used to beat her about the pelvis and the buttocks.

Dance, enrolled in the university's School of Social Ecology, lives with his parents in Newport Beach and worked part time as a campus parking attendant, said stepfather Larry Dance.

"He's never committed a crime in his life," he said. "I don't believe he's that type of person."

Larry Dance and Brian Dance's mother sat in shock in their Newport Beach apartment Monday. They had just come back from church, where they had prayed for their son, Larry Dance said.

A framed photo of a smiling Brian Dance sat on the coffee table, and Christmas decorations adorned the living room. The suspect's mother sat quietly as the stepfather talked.

Dance graduated from Ocean View High School in Huntington Beach and carried a 3.37 grade-point average at UCI, Larry Dance said. He is a homebody, often watching sports on TV or chatting on the Internet, Larry Dance said.

Larry Dance did not know whom Brian chatted with online. He said he was not suspicious because his stepson mainly stayed at home.

"He was always home by 8 p.m.," Larry Dance said. "He never gave us a reason to worry."

Sunday afternoon, Brian Dance told his parents that he was going out for a few hours. Irvine police called at 5 p.m., saying their son was arrested.

Dance is being held at Orange County Jail in lieu of $250,000 bail.

His parents talked to him via phone later that night.

"He's scared, he's really scared," Larry Dance said. "We didn't know what he was charged with until he called."

Police say Dance met the victim at The Block, then asked her to get in his car and accompany him to UCI, where he said he had to meet a friend.

He drove to the parking lot at Mesa Court.

Ten minutes later, his demeanor changed.

"Then all of a sudden, he forced her into the back seat," Little said. "He got very forceful."

He pulled out a knife, put duct tape over her eyes, and ordered her to pull up her shirt and pull down her pants. Then he started beating her with his fists and belt. She begged him to stop.

"He told her: I'm going to carve a swastika in your face," Little said.

"She kept saying, 'Why are you doing this? Don't hurt me!'" She asked him to stop.

"The more she complained, the madder he got, and he started beating her worse," Little said. "Toward the end, she stopped complaining, and he got less forceful and apologized. ... He actually hugged her. ... 'I'm sorry,' he said."

The assailant then told her to get out of the car.

"Keep your face to the ground, and when I drive away, don't look at me," Little quoted the assailant as saying.

He bound her hands with duct tape. Then he drove off, and she walked to University Drive near Harvard and Mason Park, where she flagged down a motorist shortly after 8 p.m.

Police immediately tried to work the case. A detective logged onto the site to find the assailant. He had no luck.

But unbeknownst to detectives, the girls had also gone looking.

They found him first. The friend, acting as a decoy, sent him a picture of another girl to entice him into making a date.

It worked.

At 2:30 p.m. Sunday, the girls set up a meeting for 90 minutes later at the Block.

Then they called detectives to tell them.

Little said they scrambled to put together an arrest team on such short notice. But, he said, they weren't going to let the opportunity pass.

Brian Dance will be arraigned Wednesday at Harbor Justice Center.

"We usually spend Christmas together," his stepfather said. "It's going to be pretty empty without him."

This story shows the best and worst of the internet all at once.


Dec 14, 2001
<< We all know the guy is guilt as hell...
I mean we all know that the cops never ever plant evidence on innocent people.
And little girls never ever lie. >>

<< Umm.... this isn't downtown LA. Been watching Training Day too many times? Or the Rampart cases on TV news? >>

What an utterly ignorant thing to say.

The LAPD is one of the finest and toughest police forces to get into. Let me remind you that LAPD Academy REJECTS
are the ones that go looking for cop jobs in the lowely suburbs like Irvine. So it would not suprise me if there are other
shady/dishonest police practices outside of the Los Angeles PD.

And for your information, the LAPD Rampart scandal is a fact. If dirty cops can infiltrate one of the "cleanest" police forces...



Dec 14, 2001
If the UCI student did the deed, then by all means....lock him up!!

But I do not see any overwhelming evidence yet. According to the story, all the evidence
was gathered by two underaged kids!!! UHHHHH when was the last time the law accepted
evidence...on its face value...without any scrutiny...ESPECIALLY EVIDENCE GATHERED BY 15

<< So the victim teamed up with a friend, logged back onto the Internet and set up the rendezvous that led to an arrest. >>

Sounds fishy to me. Maybe the girl got porked then got mad because the UCI Student would not talk to her after that. This scenario happens all the time.

Hmmm...what would be a cool way to get revenge? Of course...accuse the guy of rape!! Or even worse, accuse him of torturing a young innocent 15 year old girls!!!!

But how to get the evidence against him?? Hmmm...maybe contact him via AOL again and tell him to meet a different girl. But this time, tell the UCI Student to bring blades and duct tape because this new girl is into bondage and all that sick crap. So when the cops come rolling around, he will be caught red handed!!!

I am not saying that the UCI Student is innocent, but he is not definetly guilty either!! Wait for the court decison before preaching on your pedestal!


Sir Fredrick

Oct 14, 1999

<< Sounds fishy to me. Maybe the girl got porked then got mad because the UCI Student would not talk to her after that. This scenario happens all the time. >>

Women do not casually cry rape. It's a humiliating thing, and most women will not even report rape when it has happened, because they are afraid what will happen, and they are afraid of the social stigma.
And I seriously doubt this girl would have ever carved a swastica into her own face.

Oh, and people like Orcish make me sick. My gf was almost raped several years ago, she was walking home (they lived in the country, so there weren't any other houses nearby, or any other cars), a car stopped and two guys jumped out. They grabbed her and dragged her into the car, ripped her shirt off and tried to make her take her pants off. She pulled her knees up and locked them there, they couldn't get her pants off. One of the guys got naked and tried to make her perform oral sex on him. She noticed that one of the windows was open, so she made a dash for it and managed to jump out. She ran like mad to get away, one of the guys jumped out and chased her, and caught her. He told her that if she ever told anyone that they would find her and kill her.
She is still traumatized by this, and she still has nightmares. She also has no sex drive whatsoever and is generally disgusted by anything sexual, due to what happened to her so long ago. This is going to stick with her for life, and she wasn't even raped.

So yeah, anyone who defends a rapist is a fcking ass.


Jul 24, 2000
I'm very divided on issues like this. Of course, it's a horrible act, and the victim will suffer from it for many years to come. Yet there's the guy who did it.
To punish him and be done with it isn't a solution. He has already proven that he can't be left alone, because he can obviously not control his desires, yet throwing him in jail would only ruin his life even more. Once he leaves prison, he'll have nowhere to go. No life to return to.
Killing him? Barbaric. Murder is always wrong, regardless of what the victim has done.

The only solution I can think of right now is to let some research facility test this guy, to find out why he did it. Psychological tests, counseling and a wide variety of experiments and tests, e.g., any anomalies in the firing patterns of his brain.

At least the scientific community will gain a lot of valuable information on the Human nervous system and Human behaviour, including ways of upbringing and the effects thereof on a child.

He'll be kept there until a cure has been found. If no cure is possible, he'll die there.

As far as I can see, this is the only logical solution.


Oct 10, 1999
If the guy is guilty, he's a scum bag, and although his becoming Bubba's bitch in prison won't help the girl, at least he'll pay his dues, every night.



Senior member
Dec 18, 2001
Hey Drizzt, did you even read that article? The girls couldnt have had a chance to give the guy a knife and duct tape, and I cant recall any situation ive ever been in that required me to take duct tape and a knife around with me. I also think this topic shouldnt really exist on this board, it raises emotions to high and also attracts the seedier population(.......Orcish).

Sir Fredrick

Oct 14, 1999

<< If the guy is guilty, he's a scum bag, and although his becoming Bubba's bitch in prison won't help the girl, at least he'll pay his dues, every night.

However, those who are claiming that an "innocent child" has been victimized, that's a little naive. Many 15yo girls are far, far from innocent, even farther from innocence than most guys that age.

And many 15 year old girls are perfectly innocent. But hey, even if this girl was a super slut, rape still would have been traumatizing and horrible for her, especially in the manner in which it happened.

Was she dumb for going and meeting someone she had only talked to in a chat room? Yes. Is that relevant? Nope. Neither is how she was dressed.


Oct 10, 1999

<< But hey, even if this girl was a super slut, rape still would have been traumatizing and horrible for her, especially in the manner in which it happened >>

I absolutely agree. I wasn't trying to play it down or condone it in any way. I think my argument was out of place...



Oct 12, 1999

<< Death penalty? Several years in prison? Are you kidding? For what? Just coz he f@cked the girl? Don't tell me she didn't like it. Girls always like it. Laws are stupid. Why should the guy spend all his best and young years in prison just b/c of one little mistake? There's nothing bad in what he did. It's unfair to him, IMVHO. >>

I wasn't going to comment till I read this nonsense. You are a peice of garbage. One little mistake? Somebody should slap your simple @ss. I have two daughters and I'll be damned if some piece of trash like you rape them would it be one little mistake. It would be your last mistake. You are worse then this peice of garbage. Jack@ss.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999


<< Death penalty? Several years in prison? Are you kidding? For what? Just coz he f@cked the girl? Don't tell me she didn't like it. Girls always like it. Laws are stupid. Why should the guy spend all his best and young years in prison just b/c of one little mistake? There's nothing bad in what he did. It's unfair to him, IMVHO. >>

I wasn't going to comment till I read this nonsense. You are a peice of garbage. One little mistake? Somebody should slap your simple @ss. I have two daughters and I'll be damned if some piece of trash like you rape them would it be one little mistake. It would be your last mistake. You are worse then this peice of garbage. Jack@ss.

Heya classy. I was just reading through the thread & happened upon that gem as well. If anybody like him comes within 100' of my sister I'll kill them. Same thing goes when I have daughters.

Take care of your girls, there's some real scum out there.

Viper GTS


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2001

<< But I do not see any overwhelming evidence yet. According to the story, all the evidence
was gathered by two underaged kids!!! UHHHHH when was the last time the law accepted
evidence...on its face value...without any scrutiny...ESPECIALLY EVIDENCE GATHERED BY 15

Nice... what are you about a 4th grade reading level? Go back and read the article before you comment.
The only thing the girls did was set up a sting operation. The police were the ones that were there, arrested him, found the duct tape in the pocket, found the knife on his seat. Man what article were you reading?


Senior member
May 20, 2000
Somebody needs to take out the trash, Orcish is starting to smell like the Sh!t he is.
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