Unarmed black 17 year old shot by Neighborhood watch captain in gated community...

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Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2006
Android is running just like TM did. I guess he feels threatened, like TM did. Good thing this is just the interwebz and I'm not a silly wannabe cop...with a gun.

And never misunderstand someone giving up on morons as "running"...many of us have been discussing this for months...but of course you know tbat since you're not really "new" here...amiright?


Jun 23, 2004
At this point we've posted the facts so many times... repeatedly. People will continue to post in this thread, and ignore the facts. The lynch mob is unrelenting. They want blood for the act of self defense.

Nothing is going to change that.

What we will face here is either a crime against humanity, where a court finishes the assault on Zimmerman that Martin began, or a man will be deemed able to protect himself. I need not tell you which I hope for.

The petty arguments contained herein are an embarrassment to us all. I hereby refuse to feed the trolls and will no longer be posting in this thread except to respond to updates on the case. I suggest you all do the same.


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2006
At this point we've posted the facts so many times... repeatedly. People will continue to post in this thread, and ignore the facts. The lynch mob is unrelenting. They want blood for the act of self defense.

Nothing is going to change that.

What we will face here is either a crime against humanity, where a court finishes the assault on Zimmerman that Martin began, or a man will be deemed able to protect himself. I need not tell you which I hope for.

The petty arguments contained herein are an embarrassment to us all. I hereby refuse to feed the trolls and will no longer be posting in this thread except to respond to updates on the case. I suggest you all do the same.
Agreed...but sometimes the trolls are amusing, so I come back for a laugh...otherwise 100% accurate and justified, like the shot fired that fateful night


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
Because of physical evidence and multiple eye witness accounts of martin beating zimmerman on his back.

that right there, and that alone = lawful self defense. Read the law, know it, take a CCDW class and advanced NRA class as I did and you'll understand the laws of your state extremely well. The sheriff and states attorney along with a lawyer familiar with your states laws will explain it all.

That is what makes this such an easy and clear cut case of self defense. There is no doubt.

There are NO eye witness accounts of Martin on Zimmerman beating him. They exist only in your head, please get help.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
I don't think the fact that Trayvon initially ran off indicates that he was necessarily scared. See we may have a limited amount of direct physical evidence of what happened but we do have enough to know a couple of things for sure, without relying on what GZ said at all.

- We do know that based on the distances and times involved, if Trayvon had been purely interested in getting away from this guy, and getting home, he would've been long gone.

- We do know that he was definitely on top of Zimmerman at one point, and the duration of screams, the fact that, as Serino points out, only one voice (GZ's) is heard in those screams, indicate that this moment in time John saw was most likely representative of the whole fight. We have injuries, screams, and the fact that a gunshot even ended up happening strongly indicating to us that this was a one sided beating.

Now back to what GZ said... he says that TM initially heads down that path, then back tracks, and returns to circle GZ's car. This seems an odd thing to fabricate completely out of whole cloth, and so I tend to think at the very least it can be agreed that something like this happened.

If TM was well onto the dog path and turned around once, it becomes easier to believe he turned around again. Again these are not the actions of an innocent person who's a bit freaked out by some guy watching him, and just wants to get out of the situation.

No big completely turnaround in behavior is evidenced in either party.

GZ spent the entire event in a mindset of observation and TM appears to have spent the entire event behaving in a suspicious, shady fashion. But if TM didn't care for being watched and sized up for exactly what he was (delinquent, criminal) how was he going to dole out some retribution if the guy was safely locked inside of a car, and not only that but out on a well lit street? He couldn't.

And how was he going to end up with a good story for DeDe and his friends back in Miami Gardens about how he laid some punk out for dissin' him if he just continued home? Nothing cool about that.

If you've listened to DeDe's entire deposition you will agree that this is an incredibly stupid, vapid girl. The very epitome of what is wrong with today's youth... shallow, spoiled, careless and completely disrespectful of adults. I think it would be entirely within keeping with her mindset and personality to tell Trayvon "who this fool think he is? beat this fool ass"

and according to the tweets made not only by TM's cousin in the days immediately following the shooting, but other twitter friends as well... beating GZ's ass was entirely in keeping with TM's character.

To paraphrase and summarize, his cousin who he had been slapboxing with the night before the shooting, fully embraced the realization that TM was shot for beating this guy up. Of course he didn't agree that was the appropriate response... but he didn't for a moment doubt that's what had happened. This is someone who knew him extremely well.

He also said basically "well what do you expect?" as in, that's the natural thing Trayvon would do in that situation.

He also refers to GZ as a "cracka" and it's amusing to me to consider whether we might have heard about it if GZ or a close relative/friend of his had tweeted about Trayvon using the N word or any variant of it. I'm not saying cracka packs as much punch, at all, I'm just amused by the complete and total pass blacks get for any and all racism.

and final point, GZ says he was making his way to the far side where Retreat View was the street again, beyond the 2 rows of homes which create the dog path between them. That's where he says he was going for an address.

But no you're probably right, I'm sure this 28 year old with a house, wife, car, about to finish school and on his way to Target for some groceries saw a black kid and thought "the groceries can wait, I'm killing me a kewn tonight!"

There are NO eye witness accounts of Martin on Zimmerman beating him. They exist only in your head, please get help.

So if John came to police now and said "y'know, come to think of it... I didn't see anything okay? Nothing at all. I don't want to testify, I never saw anyone on top of anyone alright?" would that suddenly mean there was no eyewitness testimony of TM on top of GZ?

If John had initially said GZ was on top of TM instead, and that GZ was attempting to subdue TM... I'm sure you would totally be cool with him backtracking that and switching to uncertainty and you'd just act exactly like it had never been said. Right?
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Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
Oh and something else I wanted to point out, a lot of people earlier were making a big stink about how Zimmerman was like conveniently forgetting a lot of important details, but something you'll note when watching/listening to everything is he forgets completely trivial details too, which there would be no reason to obfuscate about or pretend to not remember.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
Geo - I'm pretty sure you could make gold out of dog shit

you are putting things together - the very same type of things you accuse the other side of doing - only you do it 10 times worse.

DeeDee is a teen-ager, period. You don't know if she's shallow, vapid, stupid, or otherwise - but boy, does the language used on social media sites really seem to get you going.

" he says that TM initially heads down that path, then back tracks, and returns to circle GZ's car. This seems an odd thing to fabricate completely out of whole cloth, and so I tend to think at the very least it can be agreed that something like this happened."

It seems to be odd to lie about it, so it must be true? What about - it seems to be odd that this new version doesn't even match what he told the person on the other end of the non-emergency police phone?

Can we stop with the "kill me a kewn" tonight - as has been pointed out many times - I don't think - with the exception of perhaps 1 or 2 people - that anyone here is saying Zimmerman was a racist pig intent on killing Martin when he stepped out of his car that night.

It cracks me up - by the way - to still seeing your propping Z up - like he's someone you'd want your son to become - "28 year old with a house, wife, car, about to finish school"

How about 28 year old - still not finished with any college degree, living off of the money his wife makes, changing jobs, and a guy not really smart enough to not lie to attorneys and lets - no - tells his wife to lie to the judge?

Seriously - if you hadn't read the alleged twitter/facebook postings (which by the way you should probably spend less time on the treehouse website - it will rot your brain), and since you clearly have little to no contact or respect for anyone ages 15-20, particularly black folk - you are probably better off simply ignoring that stuff from now on.

If you really think you know someone from what they and other people say on social media - I have some great, great land to sell you - I promise it's really nice.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
Geo - I'm pretty sure you could make gold out of dog shit

you are putting things together - the very same type of things you accuse the other side of doing - only you do it 10 times worse.

DeeDee is a teen-ager, period. You don't know if she's shallow, vapid, stupid, or otherwise - but boy, does the language used on social media sites really seem to get you going.

" he says that TM initially heads down that path, then back tracks, and returns to circle GZ's car. This seems an odd thing to fabricate completely out of whole cloth, and so I tend to think at the very least it can be agreed that something like this happened."

It seems to be odd to lie about it, so it must be true? What about - it seems to be odd that this new version doesn't even match what he told the person on the other end of the non-emergency police phone?

Can we stop with the "kill me a kewn" tonight - as has been pointed out many times - I don't think - with the exception of perhaps 1 or 2 people - that anyone here is saying Zimmerman was a racist pig intent on killing Martin when he stepped out of his car that night.

It cracks me up - by the way - to still seeing your propping Z up - like he's someone you'd want your son to become - "28 year old with a house, wife, car, about to finish school"

How about 28 year old - still not finished with any college degree, living off of the money his wife makes, changing jobs, and a guy not really smart enough to not lie to attorneys and lets - no - tells his wife to lie to the judge?

Seriously - if you hadn't read the alleged twitter/facebook postings (which by the way you should probably spend less time on the treehouse website - it will rot your brain), and since you clearly have little to no contact or respect for anyone ages 15-20, particularly black folk - you are probably better off simply ignoring that stuff from now on.

If you really think you know someone from what they and other people say on social media - I have some great, great land to sell you - I promise it's really nice.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
How about 28 year old - still not finished with any college degree, living off of the money his wife makes, changing jobs, and a guy not really smart enough to not lie to attorneys and lets - no - tells his wife to lie to the judge?

Where did you get that? From the same rumor mill that said he was living with his parents when he wasn't? He had a job as an insurance claims adjustor. His wife was not working.

and since you clearly have little to no contact or respect for anyone ages 15-20, particularly black folk - you are probably better off simply ignoring that stuff from now on.

Actually, I just got out of the Navy about a month ago and while I was in, I had an exceptionally high amount of contact with people in their late teens (a lot of people who join are right out of high school) and some of the people I got along with most, and actually made a point to spend time with outside of work were:

a 20 year old black kid
a 22 year old black guy
a 19 year old white kid

and then there was a 19 year old black kid in my division who, while I did not do much with him outside of work (although we did hang out a couple of times) I got along with him really well AT work.

the 3 other guys I mentioned I hung out extensively with outside of work, and considered to be the best friends I made in the Navy. All 3 very young, and 2 of them black. Key difference between them and someone like DeDe or Trayvon was that they had command of the English language, were somewhat nerdy, very smart and good-natured, and mature beyond their years.

I myself, when I was a teen was very well behaved, well put together and mature beyond my years. I recall distinctly that this was highly unusual and I hated my fellow teens at that time just as much as I hate the majority of teens now. They richly deserve that hatred.

Because I guarantee you, MOST of the teens I encountered in the Navy were in fact idiots.

And that's okay to a degree, a lot of people grow out of it... you can't expect everyone to be responsible and insightful and kind as a teen. Just not realistic.

I do, however, have a minimum standard for behavior from teens and it includes not viciously assaulting strangers and attempting to beat their head to a pulp against a sidewalk. After a teen does that I'm pretty well ready to write them off, guess I'm weird like that.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
I find it interesting that when Serino bluffed GZ and told him Trayvon's phone might have video of what happened between them, GZ's reaction was "I prayed to god someone got this on video tape, that there might be a camera up in the neighborhood I didn't know about"

that's very telling to me.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2000
Just finally watched the full (or what I believe to be full) video reenactment found here - http://www.wftv.com/videos/news/zimmerman-reenactment-on-feb-27/vcQxd/

I thought his story was really solid. He didn't seem to stumble in his retelling of events, or seem to be searching for what to tell the investigators, or to seem overly nervous, like he was lying, and hoping they'd believe him, etc. This was less than 24 hours after the incident. His memory of the exchange between himself and the dispatcher wasn't 100% accurate, but I imagine at the time he was talking with the dispatcher, he had no clue what was about to transpire, and that it would be in his best interest to commit everything he was saying to memory. Not to mention what happened after that call could have easily made anything before it seem like a bit of a blur.


Golden Member
Jun 21, 2012
It is very important that Trayvon ran because that means the reason GZ initially got out of his car was to chase and FOLLOW which we all heard on tape. GZ did not forget why he got out of his car in the first place and even if he did luckily we have real time proof to explain why he exited his vehicle. He was lying when he said he got out to look for a street sign because if the "suspect" as he called him had completely left the area which one would assume after losing sight of them then walking around in the dark with no flashlight looking for something so silly would have been of no value.

Now back to my original point. If Trayvon running is a useless piece of info then Zimmerman would have told it to police just as he related tons of pieces of useless information. The biggest piece of the puzzle is what started TM on his supposed murderous rampage and GZ cannot answer that because then he is squatting on his self defense claim if he does. GZ clearly provoked TM first by following him and then by verbally assaulting him and PHYSICALLY ASSAULTING HIM. You think he despised TM as a suspect and followed him just to encounter him and back down WHILE HE WAS ARMED? NO. Not GZS character who got aggressive with an officer, why not a kid he deemed to be a suspect? Neighbors and DeDe heard a verbal disagreement with GZ saying more than "I don't have a problem." So its clear GZ is lying about something and I dare anyone to say they believe his entire story based on his character...

On to the physical evidence: Where are the grass and mud stains on this jacket and the back of his shoes? Go ahead and look for it....I'll wait..


Jan 31, 2010
It is very important that Trayvon ran because that means the reason GZ initially got out of his car was to chase and FOLLOW which we all heard on tape. GZ did not forget why he got out of his car in the first place and even if he did luckily we have real time proof to explain why he exited his vehicle. He was lying when he said he got out to look for a street sign because if the "suspect" as he called him had completely left the area which one would assume after losing sight of them then walking around in the dark with no flashlight looking for something so silly would have been of no value.

Now back to my original point. If Trayvon running is a useless piece of info then Zimmerman would have told it to police just as he related tons of pieces of useless information. The biggest piece of the puzzle is what started TM on his supposed murderous rampage and GZ cannot answer that because then he is squatting on his self defense claim if he does. GZ clearly provoked TM first by following him and then by verbally assaulting him and PHYSICALLY ASSAULTING HIM. You think he despised TM as a suspect and followed him just to encounter him and back down WHILE HE WAS ARMED? NO. Not GZS character who got aggressive with an officer, why not a kid he deemed to be a suspect? Neighbors and DeDe heard a verbal disagreement with GZ saying more than "I don't have a problem." So its clear GZ is lying about something and I dare anyone to say they believe his entire story based on his character...

On to the physical evidence: Where are the grass and mud stains on this jacket and the back of his shoes? Go ahead and look for it....I'll wait..

You seem to say a lot, yet you're not providing the answers or proof that is needed to convict GZ of 2nd degree murder or manslaughter.

Where's the proof that GZ's use of force was unlawful? Where's the proof that GZ acted with a depraved mind?


Golden Member
Jun 21, 2012
He made the comment about hoping someone taped it because he knew that hadn't happened, he would have noticed the illumination from the video camera which would be needed to record something in the dark. What he didn't know is TM was on the phone up until the moment the incident happened. That means GZ was behind those houses for so long for some reason other than looking for street signs that didn't exist back there. What do you suppose that reason was?

Oh and stop glossing over the fact that he chased Trayvon...he admitted that on tape.

Further, what is noble about defending a grown ass man that killed an unarmed kid? It's a damned shame that the political affiliation of some makes them more prone to send money to known killers...


Jan 31, 2010
He made the comment about hoping someone taped it because he knew that hadn't happened, he would have noticed the illumination from the video camera which would be needed to record something in the dark. What he didn't know is TM was on the phone up until the moment the incident happened. That means GZ was behind those houses for so long for some reason other than looking for street signs that didn't exist back there. What do you suppose that reason was?

Oh and stop glossing over the fact that he chased Trayvon...he admitted that on tape.

Further, what is noble about defending a grown ass man that killed an unarmed kid? It's a damned shame that the political affiliation of some makes them more prone to send money to known killers...

LMAO @ the lynch mob that can't accept that TM actions are what caused his own death. Don't commit assault and battery as the person you assault may very well be armed.


Golden Member
Jun 21, 2012
Clearly you cannot read. You cannot provoke an incident then kill someone. GZ knows that, that's why he lying about why he got out of his car and what happened afterwards. Further his superficial injuries and the physical evidence shows he did not have to use deadly force to subdue Martin. According to the law after provoking the encounter he cannot have made the decision to use deadly force as a first recourse which he did because according to his own testimony HE NEVER ATTEMPTED TO FIGHT BACK. So he started simple fist fight with a kid to provoke him and then shot him claiming self defense. That is not the law and why he was charged with murder in the second degree. He is the one who entered the encounter with intent, not Trayvon who we all know was just walking home. He did not morph into a cold blooded candy toting murderer once he left that store.


Golden Member
Jun 21, 2012
So far the "lynch mob'' seem to be on to something. Just like Serrano, we don't believe Zimmerman, neither does the prosecution, neither do many of the eyewitnesses. I'll come back after he is found guilty just to laugh at killer lovers who spent months of their lives on the net defending the crime of murder.


Jan 31, 2010
Just show us the proof and most people will be more than happy to support sending GZ to prison.

Where's the proof that GZ's use of force was unlawful? Where's the proof that GZ acted with a depraved mind?

If you can't, he will never be convicted in this case.


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2006
Just show us the proof and most people will be more than happy to support sending GZ to prison.

Where's the proof that GZ's use of force was unlawful? Where's the proof that GZ acted with a depraved mind?

If you can't, he will never be convicted in this case.
You know it's pointless to argue with an alt account right?


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2012
Clearly you cannot read. You cannot provoke an incident then kill someone. GZ knows that, that's why he lying about why he got out of his car and what happened afterwards. Further his superficial injuries and the physical evidence shows he did not have to use deadly force to subdue Martin. According to the law after provoking the encounter he cannot have made the decision to use deadly force as a first recourse which he did because according to his own testimony HE NEVER ATTEMPTED TO FIGHT BACK. So he started simple fist fight with a kid to provoke him and then shot him claiming self defense. That is not the law and why he was charged with murder in the second degree. He is the one who entered the encounter with intent, not Trayvon who we all know was just walking home. He did not morph into a cold blooded candy toting murderer once he left that store.

I think anyone looking at this with a rational mind will come to the conclusion the story doesn't make sense the way GZ tells it. An example. How is he so in fear for his life yet doesn't fight back or remember he has a gun. Where were his hands the whole time? He says TM was covering his mouth with his hands, trying to suffocate him. Why didn't he punch him then, gouge his eyes, dig his nails into his neck, anything? And at the same moment TM saw the concealed weapon that became exposed when not only his jacket but his shirt rode up while on the ground evenn though he was wearing a belt? And he stopped TM from reaching his gun by pressing TM's hand with his arm (the same arm he then reached down to get the gun with). If his gun is at his hip wouldn't that be where TM reached? If he did reach there and u pressed his arm with ur arm how could you have then reached the gun since ur fingers would be lower than the gun at that point. To believe the depiction he made during the reenactment you would have to believe Gz started swiping from under his elbow. why would he do that when he is the one who saw the gun?

His story just isn't plausible. It sounds good but when you get to the nitty gritty, He's lying.
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Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2000
I think anyone looking at this with a rational mind will come to the conclusion the story doesn't make sense the way GZ tells it. An example. How is he so in fear for his life yet doesn't fight back or remember he has a gun. Where were his hands the whole time?

GZ's story not making sense to you, or those who live up to your personal standard of having a "rational mind" (which is all you're talking about), is not evidence, beyond a reasonable doubt, that GZ committed 2nd degree murder. Remember, you're the one who, the majority of the time, can't even debate, or submit an argument, without name-calling, and otherwise behaving like someone who has no restraint with their words, or emotions. Doesn't exactly sound like the person who should hold the standard for a "rational mind" to me, but apparently it's enough for you, and your kind, to convict a man of murder.


Jan 31, 2010
I think anyone looking at this with a rational mind will come to the conclusion the story doesn't make sense the way GZ tells it. An example. How is he so in fear for his life yet doesn't fight back or remember he has a gun. Where were his hands the whole time? He says TM was covering his mouth with his hands, trying to suffocate him. Why didn't he punch him then, gouge his eyes, dig his nails into his neck, anything? And at the same moment TM saw the concealed weapon that became exposed when not only his jacket but his shirt rode up while on the ground evenn though he was wearing a belt? And he stopped TM from reaching his gun by pressing TM's hand with his arm (the same arm he then reached down to get the gun with). If his gun is at his hip wouldn't that be where TM reached? If he did reach there and u pressed his arm with ur arm how could you have then reached the gun since ur fingers would be lower than the gun at that point. To believe the depiction he made during the reenactment you would have to believe Gz started swiping from under his elbow. why would he do that when he is the one who saw the gun?

His story just isn't plausible. It sounds good but when you get to the nitty gritty, He's lying.

Just supply two things and we'll be on your side.

Proof that GZ's use of force was unlawful? Proof that GZ acted with a depraved mind?
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