Unresolved ATOT topics


Apr 25, 2001
There seem to be a lot of threads that sort of drift off into the abyss before we find out how things worked out. Post any you can think of and see if we can bug the OPs until they finish their stories.

Here's an example: DaiShan's psycho ex-roommate

1) DaiShan's psycho ex-roommate
Update: He got his stuff back and cut off all contact with her. No restraining order filed against her mother, life back to normal. He says, "Things are good now and much less complicated." :beer:

2) EyeMWing suggests SPIDER
Update: Do we *really* want to know??
Update 2: datalink7 observes: http://forums.anandtech.com/me...enterthread=y&arctab=y

3) Did titansfan098 ever pay minendo back?
Update: mods locked thread

4) SP33Demon asks: "Did J0hnny ever get the POON????????"
Update: Virginity untarnished

5) Did TuxDave ever get his mail?
Update: "Haha... I forgot about that thread. I got him to stop throwing away our junk mail, but he's still being a lazy bastard and checking the maildrop once every 4 days or so. Goddammit. At least I'm moving out at the end of the month. "

6) Did Fritzo tell his mother in law off and get to brine his turkey?
Update: Fritzo says: "Uh...yes...I did brine my turkey and now my mother-out-law is brining every freakin' piece of poultry she gets her hands on because she liked it so much :roll:
I also smoked a second turkey and that went over very well too "

7) What happened to the psycho stalker woman who wouldn't leave badmouse's young teen alone?
Update: "She did a bunch of stupid stuff. Then she packed up and and moved out, nobody has heard from her for a while. I HOPE she's gone for good. At least she stopped calling. " Bonus points: he's got a new girlfriend his own age!

8) Qwest inquires: "Did jayn/a64fxman ever get that job at ATi?"
Update: jayn says
Bonus update: You're not alone, J0hnny, jayn's never getting any either

9) JohnCU ponders: "I vaguely remember some topic about this guy and his monitor he was selling and some eBay thing... and lawyers got involved?"

10) TitanDiddly asks: "The kid (**bubbadu**) who said he dressed up as a printer cartridge on halloween at his job in the printer department at staples. He promised pics, but none ever came."
Update: After over 3 months, he finally posted the picture :Q:thumbsup:

11) deftron wonders: "What happened to HawkeyeNJ?"
Update: Nobody ever found out
Update clarified by yllus: "For whatever reason, HawkeyeNJ ceased posting on AT - but not as a casualty of 9/11"
Final update: A trusted source has confided in me that HawkeyeNJ is definitely alive and well, but choses not to post on the boards at this time.

12) deftron also asks: "Who did Dennifloss come back as?"
Update: Probably nobody. And he got unbanned on the 5th of October 2006, after 5 1/2 years.

13) Finally, deftron inquires: "Why does Nik get PMS if he's a dude?"
Update: Nik says: "BECAUSE I CAN! DAMN YOU ALL!"

14) hg321 asks: "Did chocoBar get elf ears?"
Update: chocoBar replies: "No I did not get Elven ears. "

15) Greyd asks: "What happened with notfred's stolen car???"

16) Iron Woode's gay stalker:
Update: He responds: "The one I had about a gay stalker got resolved pretty fast once the police were called. The notes stopped shortly after I filed a complaint."

17) eelw pleads: "Who cares about any other unresolved topics - we need to know the identity of the fine ass girl!!!"
Update: Zeppelin2282 says: "I was the one involved in starting #17 fine ass girl. No, her identity was never revealed. I asked to send me a pic of her holding a sign with her name on it, which she agreed to. After that, never heard from her since."

18) Ikonomi: "Anyone remember the Chinese death threat letters?"
Update: Kauru hasn't visited the forums since September 30, 2004.
Update 2, 7 November 2007: Kauru has changed his handle to sash1 and is still around.

19) Iron Woode: "Don't forget about the RMA issue with Docsmarts. If you don't remember that one do a search in the archives for "my cpu caught on fire". I wonder if AMD and the MB maker accepted his RMA?"
RaynorWolfcastle adds: "wasn't the dumbass that threw a glass of water on it and was asking why it wouldn't work anymore?"
Iron Woode: "basically, yes. he was supposedly working on it with the HSF off and accidently turned it on. The cpu caught fire and he poured a pitcher of water on it and killed it. Then he claimed that AMD cpus run too hot and its all AMD's fault. Funniest thread evar!!!!!!!!!!"

20) Kishan asks: "Did neonerd ever ask out that girl, who was exclusively pimped via PM?"
Update: "I didn't ask or anything yet...well, I guess at least she doesn't hate me; she fed me a pretzel today "
Update 2: "Ok, I asked in spanish class...i wrote a note on my treo that said "Queres ir al cine con me?", and passed it to her she said maybe next weekend, because it's her best friend's birthday this weekend (Which I knew) "
Update 3: Awwww, he got rejected
"Progression of this thread throughout this week: => => :brokenheart:
screw all the updates
rejected :brokenheart:"

21) Removed by request of an involved party
Update: Wasn't an ATOT thread anyway

22) Izzo wants resolution on: Red's Quickstop oil change fiasco

23) kranky wants to know: "What happened to EnragedPC?"

24) GRIFFIN1 wonders: "Notfred's stolen supercharger being sold on Ebay?"
Update: Pepsei says "the cops set up a sting, the thief never show up... nothing happend"

25) Train asks: "Does Michigan STILL suck?"
Update: Apparently it does.

26) waldo: "did you guys remember that guy that wanted *General Tso's chicken* or some crazy thing overnighted? I wanted to hear how that went!"
Update: Nikamichi found this link: Pavica had an update in the thread already "NUM NUMS... My friend in Riverview went on up to the "Dragon City" Chinese place for meh. And shipped up some for free. God I love this Sh!te *eats*"
**note: this was an ATFS/T thread, not ATOT**

27) Zombie: "I wanna know what happened to Luvya after he tried to get it on with his cousin ??" :Q

28) Mr N8: "Did anyone ever figure out who Clint is?"
Update: HelloDeli (aka CrazyHelloDeli) said Clint was his alternate personality. He hasn't logged on since 10/18/2004. GoodbyeDeli
Update 2: More than a year and a half later, he's back and posting again.

29) Vaerilis: "Was LordRaiden really the moderator/columnist from Sudhian Media?"
Update 1: OdiN says: "I used to be Senior Hardware Editor over at Sudhian and was with them since they were VIAHardware.
We did have one of our contributors use the name LordRaiden on the Sudhian forums. I don't know if the same person was the one who posted here on ATOT - though looking at the posts I don't see why it wouldn't be him as he does own the raiden.net domain and he mentioned it in his posts.
I don't know if he wrote any articles for Sudhian however...it's been a while since I did any work for them and I don't recall.
I never met the guy though and only chatted with him in IM a few times.
I gathered from some posts that there was some controversy over something, but a link to something involved in it was too old and the post is no longer there.
Found a few things...yeah I'd say it was probably him."

Update 2: MotionMan replied: "Hi Odi!!!
I am a moderator at Sudhian and I also sometimes write SFF reviews.
A user with the username LordRaiden was a moderator at Sudhian, then he wasn't, then he got banned (for reasons I am not at liberty to discuss).
As far as I recall, he was never a reviewer/writer for Sudhian.

30) Vaerilis: "Why did luvly get banned (did she get banned at all?)?"
Update: aves2k reports "She didn't get banned, she got pissed because of this and left." and speculates on her new username (DearQT).

31) Will Turkish (The Boss) ever update the birthday thread?
Update: Nope, he threw in the towel. The active birthday thread is now located here: http://forums.anandtech.com/me...id=38&threadid=1509356

32) hg321: "Did Skyclad1uhm1 hang himself?"
Update: nCred replies: "Yeah, he posted all the time, and now he has´nt visited since: Last Visited On: 07/16/2004 03:47 AM" :Q
Update 2, 20 January 2005: Skyclad1uhm1 resurfaced and posted the following in this thread:
"I got more and more depressed by reading in the news what humans were doing to eachother, and concluded that if I would keep feeding my hunger for news I would indeed get depressed to the level where I most likely would take the final step. I then decided for a while to stop reading any news for a while, including all the sites like ATOT on which news gets posted.

A few people from the RtCW clan I used to be in (and still am in, considering we never disbanded it) mentioned some ATOTers contacting them, so I decided to post on here. Just didn't get around to it until now.

My apologies for getting people worried, at the moment depression is not so bad that I'll be considering suicide as a way out. But I'm still careful with how much and what kind of news I read."

33) Did SZLiao214 ever get a watch???

34) johnjbruin says: "the bass vs. the piranha - we need a video of that"

35) KillyKillall: "Need to add the thread about the person selling unregistered URL's on Ebay...someone here registered one of them and then bid to win the auction to see how he responds when they ask for it to be transferred."
Update: DrPizza: "IIRC, #35 (URL for sale) Ebayer pulled the auction after the OP bought the domain.
It was in the original thread." The auction was ended early.
Update 2: tarheelmm says "Update on the ebay auction......i registered the domain......he cancels the auction an hour after I bid along with seven more. Keeps one going, which he did register." :beer:

36) Ogg asks: "do you remember that atot poster that lived in NY and moved to south america for his job, he used to post pics of his young baby, talked about how cheap it was to live there, had a nanny, etc.....what the hell happened to him"

37) richardycc: "whatever happened to that dude that some random sorority chick emailed him from hotornot.com? did he score? "
Update: DP says: "things are going pretty good. started "dating" a week ago tomorrow."
Update 2: HardcoreRobot found: Longwinded post here explaining the intricate details of how DP ended up single again.

38) DaWhim: "Did rockyct got return the (sorority girl's) ball?"
Update: He says, "lol, don't you guys know that it's more fun not to tell you what happens? I have my own syringer like thread and the reason why I haven't posted a follow up is because it's fun to leave you guys hanging." :roll:
Update 2: "lol, basically, I haven't given an update because I haven't done anything with the ball. I got busy with school, so I basically forgot about it until I saw the thread bumped a few days ago. When something does happen to it, I'll post a real update."

39) From a PM: "Why did Supercharged change his name to Shawn and why do people keep saying sprite to him?"
Update: Pepsei says "i thought his old nick was ilikesprite, and there was a bruhaha awhile back"

40) What happened to luvya after he hit that old woman?
Update: He's been sighted on other forums.
GeneValgene found him. See his post below for stalking details.

41) From a PM: Will RossMAN ever post pics?

42) From a PM: Between EGGO and his playmate, who went down on who, and why does she feel dirty?
Update: EGGO says: "Hahaha, wow. I didn't think anybody would really care about that, and I think I answered it in a later thread.
Answer: She became a freaking psycho. I have chat logs of her becoming crazy. I left her and actually found someone better that likes to fool around a lot and has a great personality and all of that stuff. In fact, in our ATOT meet at TImes Square, they met her!"

43) From a PM: Anybody ever figure out the name of bubbadu's Mathgirl?

44) ultimatebob: "what ever happened to that guy who met a girl on Yahoo Personals, and asked us if he should show up in his car or on his bicycle?"

45) flot says: "I still want to know what happened to the dude whose "friend" had black gunk coming out of the faucets in her townhouse..."

46) nakedfrog: "What happened with neonerd's ant problem?"

47) Muadib: "Did sonz70 ever get his video card?"
Update: Yep. He says he made over $15000 (Canadian I assume) in 2 months.

48) DaWhim: "what happen to that guy got a stripper hits on him at the salad bar?" (Huh? What you say?)
Update: MrChad found this link: HumblePie dated her for a week then got dumped. He gets a for having a nearly 20 page long OP.
Update 2: ElFenix notes: "and now he's got a damaged penis too
see, playing with strippers can only lead to injury" :Q

49) eakers asks: "Will freedomsbeat212's coworker ever give him back his computer (that he lent her)?" http://forums.anandtech.com/me...enterthread=y&arctab=y
Update: He twisted her arm until she ponied up $400 and admitted that he didn't give it to her, only lent it. :beer:

50) Did Hossenfeffer have to pay the $250 parking ticket? http://forums.anandtech.com/me...enterthread=y&arctab=y

51) Did ktehmok find his football? http://forums.anandtech.com/me...enterthread=y&arctab=y
Update: He says: "I went back there in December. I got a permit to go cut a Christmas tree in that area and I figured we'd swing by and take a look for it. I walked around the area for an hour. It wasn't there. There was a big fire ring that wasn't there before, so I know someone had been there since then. Oh well, I hope they enjoy it."

52) Will Cooler's crazy ex ever leave him alone? http://forums.anandtech.com/me...enterthread=y&arctab=y

53) sao123 inquires: "what about the thread where the person said they were having sweats, chest pain, ringing ears, and all kinds of symptoms... everyone said you are having a stroke/heart attack to go to the emer room, and the poster didnt post for like a week? maybe more... who was it and are they still alive?"
Update: DotheDamnTHing went to the hospital. http://forums.anandtech.com/me...enterthread=y&arctab=y He told me he's fine and it wasn't anything life threatening, just scary.

54) fanerman91: "Do we know what jlgatsby really looks like?"
Update: He says "I'm 5 foot eleven, 115lbs"

55) "Will mjuszczak ever kiss that girl??"
Update 11/15/07: mjuszczak says: " Yes, I did kiss her. Then I had sex with her. We had a hook up for a few months until I slept with someone else to end it. Overall, she's a mean girl, and we don't talk anymore, though I did buy her a violin."

56) reverend boltron asks, "Did Nik get banned?"
Update: Nope

57) From a PM: "Why is Aquaman so fascinated with SophalotJack's colon?"
Update: Aquaman replied: "#57 Answer is in the thread:
Originally posted by: MrPickins
Originally posted by: KeithTalent
LMAO Aquaman, of all the threads to try and keep at the top, why did you have to pick this one?
Not to sound vain, but I think now he's doing it just to spite me.

58) sdifox wants to know "What about Bulk Beef Online?" Did iluvtruenos ever get his alternator-sized 'cube' of bulk beef?
nakedfrog wants us to know that he "found bulk beef online available via Amazon."

59) biggestmuff asks, "What ever happened to that dude that got his ass kicked by a female cop?

He claimed he went to a grocery store, bought beer, but the cashier wouldn't not sell it to him because he was drunk. However, OP claimed he was sober. He argued and the store called the cops. A female cop shows up, he argues with her and then she kicks his ass.

Who was that and what happened with that situation?"
Update: Linflas replied: "I believe that was Proletariat and that was his exit thread."

60) MmmSkyscraper wants to know: "Did Soviet ever pass his driving test after failing and claiming he'd be back in 2 months with a licence? That thread was full of pwnage but I can't find it."
slsmnaz found the thread

61) scott asks: "what happened re: that Mexico trip I Am Wiz 1982 and Lola Wiz won?
I and others voted like cazy to help them win, which they did, then never heard another peep about it. Sometimes I voted for them 100+ times per day.
What's the story? Pics? Did they go? What happened?

62) RossMAN inquires: "Whatever happened to EyeMWing?"
Update: RossMAN replies "I just answered my own question, what do I win???
EyeMWing = teh bannz0re0r0er0ed"

63) bGIveNs33 asks: "There was a thread probably 2 years ago where a member asked us to help vote for his honeymoon. He had a wedding site set up and wanted to go to Hawaii(or someplace warm) and requested the ATOT effect to help him win. And I'm pretty sure 90% of the voters picked Alaska instead. This might have been a wedding site or even just a trip, but I thought it was a honeymoon. Maybe someone with more elite searching skills than mine can find it.
edit: found it-
I officially nominate where did toant103's friend get married?
BTW- that is one of the funnier threads in ATOT history."

64) CaptainGoodnight wants to know: "Did bjc112 ever man up and get his dog back?"
Update 14 November 2007: bjc112 posted: "Never got the dog back - Got another one on Sept 1st
One of the 3 neighbors involved moved to Nebraska ( thats enough punishment )
To this day I still do not know who the dog was given to..
Old dog was a Pit, I now have an American Stafford - pics will follow "

65) 11/13/07 tyler811 asks: "Was there not some guy here that had sex with a male stripper after drinking too much?"

66) 11/13/07 tyler811 wonders: "What about that waiter that had cold sores and was getting bitched at by customers that did not want to be served by him?"

67) 11/14/07 pontifex asks: "not necessarily unresolved but is freedomsbeat still engaged? we need at least a weekly update on this."
Update 11/29/2007: Freedomsbeat says: "Yep, getting married in July 2008 instead of waiting until 2009. I'm living with my fiancee now, and all is well."

01/07/09 pontifex asks again: "did he actually get married? this dude was with a new chick like every week or so and i don't think anyone actually believed he would get married."

68) 11/29/2007 nkgreen inquires: "When will we see a picture of ChooChooChooseMe? (*inside joke for vent guys*)"

69) 12/13/2007 MotionMan wants to know: "What ever happened with "Stunt's Summer Ladies"?"

70) 05/26/2008 MotionMan asks, "Did illusion88 ever try to date his roommate?"

71) 07/02/2008 Will ropeadope make his million dollars before his year is up? Will he ever update his thread?

72) 07/03/08 Attrox asks: "Whatever happened to that guy who said he is a corporate whistle blower?"
Atomic Playboy agrees that So I just became a corportate whistleblower... should be resolved.
Update: m0mentary noted that "Goosemaster has made many posts since then, none have addressed anything relating to that thread."

73) 01/06/09 freshgeardude wants to know: "What about that guy (Vonkhan) who was talking about his bad LL and then got beat up. On top of his gf just giving birth, they were moving to like atlanta I think and they kidnapped his two dogs."
Edit: nakedfrog found the link: UPDATE : Got ASSAULTED Fri. evening. (Prev: Landord verbally threatened my gf and our 2 week old newborn) Previously: "kidnapped" dogs, pissed in the apartment
Update: Vonkhan hasn't signed in since his last post in that thread (10/20/08)

74) 01/06/09 compman25 asks: "What about the kid (McCartney)who had his electric bong contraption confiscated by the Canadian police or whatever and he was gonna demand it be giving back?"
nakedfrog supplied the link to that thread too: Got my Volcano seized

75) 01/06/09 ElFenix says: "i want to know what happened to evadman's gocart" Evadman's Go-Cart Update Sep 4th '04 to March 11th '05.

76) 01/07/09 MikeyIs4Dcats asks: "Is Lola still a Wiz, or did she change her name for other reasons?"



Elite Member
Sep 20, 2003
I know... that was just bumped recently, too. he never did finish up that story... where is SaiShan, anyway?


Elite Member
Sep 20, 2003
Originally posted by: Bryophyte
KarenMarie: were you the one with the teenage son who had the psycho stalker woman?

Nope... I have one daughter... she is VeggieFrog on this board... but hasn't logged in for a while.


Zeeky Boogy Doog

Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2004
Originally posted by: EyeMWing
Originally posted by: Bryophyte
There seem to be a lot of threads that sort of drift off into the abyss before we find out how things worked out. Post any you can think of and see if we can bug the OPs until they finish their stories.

Here's an example: DaiShan's psycho ex-roommate


i dont know if we could handle the end of the story now... though i would like to know...


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: KarenMarie
Originally posted by: Bryophyte
KarenMarie: were you the one with the teenage son who had the psycho stalker woman?

Nope... I have one daughter... she is VeggieFrog on this board... but hasn't logged in for a while.

I knew that...now I remember it was badmouse


Diamond Member
Feb 15, 2004
Originally posted by: SP33Demon
Did J0hnny ever get the POON????????

He's probably awaiting trial for sexual battery charges, I wouldn't wait too long on him.

Either that or recovering from a stun gun to the temple.


Dec 9, 2000
I vaguely remember some topic about this guy and his monitor he was selling and some eBay thing... and lawyers got involved?


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2003
Originally posted by: binoculaz
did jayn ever get that job at ATI?

..... jayn has updated.. several times afterwards.. SEVERAL times... =

wait.. *taps sarcasm meter* ooooh.. i get it.


Dec 8, 2003
The kid who said he dressed up as a printer cartridge on halloween at his job in the printer department at staples. He promised pics, but none ever came.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Bryophyte
Originally posted by: binoculaz
did jayn ever get that job at ATI?

Apparently he did
But he changed his nick to a64fxman...

didnt know you could change your nick. i guess the ATI+ drove him to change it.
and yes, its good to see your sarcasm meter was working oogabooga


Nov 17, 2000
1. What happened to Hawkeye? (Hot Deals though)

2. Who did Dennifloss come back as?

3. Spider!

4. Why does Nik get PMS if he's a dude ?


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: deftron
1. What happened to Hawkeye? (Hot Deals though)

2. Who did Dennifloss come back as?

3. Spider!

4. Why does Nik get PMS if he's a dude ?

Indeed ....
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