UPDATE - An AT WoW Thread, oh yeah

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Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777
Originally posted by: Malladine
Thanks for the responses

I might drop some prot pts to gain some more damage and rage generation (thanks esp. Velk).

Yeah, i'm psyched about this group, should work out really well!

Arch: we haven't settled on a server yet, won't be decided until next Friday. Suramar huh? Medium/low pop pvp?

Low populatioon to medium sometimes. It makes for a great server IMO. I have also played on Elune, but I really prefer Suramar by far. Plus, I think it would be cool to interact with some ATer's and so on. Money is a problem when you first start and I would have no problem give away a few G to each of you so you can get started.

Anyway, whatever server you choose, GL!

No, it is not a PVP server, Malla... It sounds to me like you guys are interested in PVE though, from your post. Even though it is not a PVP server, you have plenty of opportunities to PVP in a fair type setting. 10 versus 10, 15 versus 15, and 30 versus 30 and so on. So, it isn't like the PVE servers are true PVE, they just are "PVP if you want" servers. I am not sure about your playstyle, but getting ganked when you are trying to level, isn't my thing. Mabye yours? I love the PVP though, in a fair setting.


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777
Originally posted by: Malladine
Thanks for the responses

I might drop some prot pts to gain some more damage and rage generation (thanks esp. Velk).

Yeah, i'm psyched about this group, should work out really well!

Arch: we haven't settled on a server yet, won't be decided until next Friday. Suramar huh? Medium/low pop pvp?

Low populatioon to medium sometimes. It makes for a great server IMO. I have also played on Elune, but I really prefer Suramar by far. Plus, I think it would be cool to interact with some ATer's and so on. Money is a problem when you first start and I would have no problem give away a few G to each of you so you can get started.

Anyway, whatever server you choose, GL!

No, it is not a PVP server, Malla... It sounds to me like you guys are interested in PVE though, from your post. Even though it is not a PVP server, you have plenty of opportunities to PVP in a fair type setting. 10 versus 10, 15 versus 15, and 30 versus 30 and so on. So, it isn't like the PVE servers are true PVE, they just are "PVP if you want" servers. I am not sure about your playstyle, but getting ganked when you are trying to level, isn't my thing. Mabye yours? I love the PVP though, in a fair setting.
Yeah, i think that's a good point. I'll discuss it with them. Thing is, it always seemed so fake when we played before on a Normal server (gilneas). Wandering around with horde players next to us, killing the same stuff side by side. Just doesn't seem right. But I can certainly see it being annoying to be rolled over without a chance of fighting back, not to mention being attacked over and over because there is no death penalty.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Malladine
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777
Originally posted by: Malladine
Thanks for the responses

I might drop some prot pts to gain some more damage and rage generation (thanks esp. Velk).

Yeah, i'm psyched about this group, should work out really well!

Arch: we haven't settled on a server yet, won't be decided until next Friday. Suramar huh? Medium/low pop pvp?

Low populatioon to medium sometimes. It makes for a great server IMO. I have also played on Elune, but I really prefer Suramar by far. Plus, I think it would be cool to interact with some ATer's and so on. Money is a problem when you first start and I would have no problem give away a few G to each of you so you can get started.

Anyway, whatever server you choose, GL!

No, it is not a PVP server, Malla... It sounds to me like you guys are interested in PVE though, from your post. Even though it is not a PVP server, you have plenty of opportunities to PVP in a fair type setting. 10 versus 10, 15 versus 15, and 30 versus 30 and so on. So, it isn't like the PVE servers are true PVE, they just are "PVP if you want" servers. I am not sure about your playstyle, but getting ganked when you are trying to level, isn't my thing. Mabye yours? I love the PVP though, in a fair setting.
Yeah, i think that's a good point. I'll discuss it with them. Thing is, it always seemed so fake when we played before on a Normal server (gilneas). Wandering around with horde players next to us, killing the same stuff side by side. Just doesn't seem right. But I can certainly see it being annoying to be rolled over without a chance of fighting back, not to mention being attacked over and over because there is no death penalty.

You got it

PVP is fun, but the fact is, getting started on an already established PVP server is very difficult to do. Because the powers to be are always dominated and it will be difficult to get in with those uber guilds, because they are full and have no problem dominating.

The nice thing about PVE is that you do not have to watch your back. If you want to have some great fun in PVP, simple head up to Orgrimmar and join Arathi Basin, Warsong Gulch or Alteric Valley battle grounds.

Aslo, on a PVE server, especially being horde, you will have a better chance at making a high PVP rank. Since everyone on a PVP server PVP's, you are competing against 100% playerbase... But on a PVE server, maybe 50% of the people will PVP a little bit, with 30-35% regularly and 5-10% exclusively. This will allow you to attain, say, Rank Champion quite easily, if you decide to put in a few hours a night.


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
Yes, that's definately worth considering :beer:

Ok, so i've given you a Prot spec, a Fury/Prot spec and so, just because i like things in 3s, here's another build, this time slightly more balanced:

Arms Talents - 27 points

# Deflection - rank 5/5
# Improved Rend - rank 3/3
# Improved Charge - rank 2/2
# Tactical Mastery - rank 5/5
# Anger Management - rank 1/1
# Deep Wounds - rank 3/3
# Two-Handed Weapon Specialization - rank 5/5
# Impale - rank 2/2
# Sweeping Strikes - rank 1/1

Fury Talents - 11 points

# Cruelty - rank 5/5
# Unbridled Wrath - rank 5/5
# Piercing Howl - rank 1/1

Protection Talents - 13 points

# Anticipation - rank 5/5
# Improved Bloodrage - rank 2/2
# Toughness - rank 5/5
# Last Stand - rank 1/1

I actually like this one a lot, what do you all think of these three, considering the group i'll be with?


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Malladine
Yes, that's definately worth considering :beer:

Ok, so i've given you a Prot spec, a Fury/Prot spec and so, just because i like things in 3s, here's another build, this time slightly more balanced:

Arms Talents - 27 points

# Deflection - rank 5/5
# Improved Rend - rank 3/3
# Improved Charge - rank 2/2
# Tactical Mastery - rank 5/5
# Anger Management - rank 1/1
# Deep Wounds - rank 3/3
# Two-Handed Weapon Specialization - rank 5/5
# Impale - rank 2/2
# Sweeping Strikes - rank 1/1

Fury Talents - 11 points

# Cruelty - rank 5/5
# Unbridled Wrath - rank 5/5
# Piercing Howl - rank 1/1

Protection Talents - 13 points

# Anticipation - rank 5/5
# Improved Bloodrage - rank 2/2
# Toughness - rank 5/5
# Last Stand - rank 1/1

I actually like this one a lot, what do you all think of these three, considering the group i'll be with?

This is the worst of your three builds. If you scatter yourself to much (tri-spec) you will not received any of the truly great abilities. Such as the top teir talents. Basically, what I am saying is this, would you be better off with 31 arms/20 fury than you would with this spec. Additionally, you would be better off with 31 fury and 20 arms, than with this spec.

My Advice to go down down the arms tree and hit MS, then place the rest if your points into Protection/Fury. Get Cruelty for sure, then perhaps spend 15 points in protection.


Dec 9, 2001
mmm...cookie cutter

Arms Talents - 31 points

# Deflection rank 3/5
# Improved Rend rank 3/3
# Improved Charge rank 2/2
# Tactical Mastery rank 5/5
# Improved Overpower rank 2/2
# Anger Management rank 1/1
# Deep Wounds rank 3/3
# Impale rank 2/2
# Axe Specialization rank 5/5
# Sweeping Strikes rank 1/1
# Improved Hamstring rank 3/3
# Mortal Strike rank 1/1

Fury Talents - 20 points

# Cruelty rank 5/5
# Booming Voice rank 5/5
# Piercing Howl rank 1/1
# Improved Battle Shout rank 4/5
# Enrage rank 5/5


Senior member
Nov 3, 2001
Cookie cutter because it is really good. Seriously, do either the spec thawolfman posted or drop all but cruelty in fury and get 15 protection. Even if you arent ever going to be soloing there still inst a need for protection. The small bonuses you will get (10% more hate) will be far outweighed by MS. Oh, and make sure to get a nice slow two hander (not quite as important after 1.8, but still will help alot)

edit: Actually, if you are going to be grouping all the time, change what thawolfman has a bit. Get 5/5 deflection and drop imp charge.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2001
dang, you guys make me want to take my lvl 54 orc warlock out of retirement, but she's on bleeding hollow and I don't think there is any chance I can move her to a PvE server

being on a PvP server ruined the game for me when I couldn't play often, of course this was right after honor and before battlegrounds, so roving gank squads were everywhere


Senior member
Sep 4, 2004
Originally posted by: Joemonkey
dang, you guys make me want to take my lvl 54 orc warlock out of retirement, but she's on bleeding hollow and I don't think there is any chance I can move her to a PvE server

being on a PvP server ruined the game for me when I couldn't play often, of course this was right after honor and before battlegrounds, so roving gank squads were everywhere

Yeah that's all but gone. If you're in your low 50's, the 60's will still kos you, but there aren't roaming gank squads at all. In fact world PvP died after the introduction of BG's.


Diamond Member
May 26, 2004
I mostly play my warrior in a group and I am a mostly protection build. I've tried other builds but contrary to the opinion most people seem to have, (maybe it's just sutification), I've found protection quite useful in tanking situations. Primarily the extra aggro generation skills:

Defiance -- This is a pretty clear advantage, you can create more aggro than usual here. Especially on things like shouts, which work an all engaged mobs, not just the one you're attacking, this allows better capability of keeping the 'side' mobs, the ones not seeing focus fire, stuck to you.
Improved Sunder -- This offsets some of the lack of rage generation from fewer fury talents than you would otherwise have

Also your single target aggro generation is much larger than otherwise. When I tried arms/fury, I had issues with not being able to keep up with rogues or hunters going all out. They'd have to hold back. If they got aggro, I'd lose rage from that mob, and have even greater problems. People seem to think protection is about defensive advantage, but IMO the real benefits to tanking come from the talents that give you extra aggro generation capability.

Personally, I did not find much use in Improved revenge, and specced out of that. Most things you really care about stunning regularly with revenge are things that are immune to stuns anyway. Concussive blow is very nice, but since they removed the Imp revenge requirement, I haven't had improved revenge.

Tactical mastery is very valuable, and I would get at least 3/5 even if you are protection. This allows you to charge in, thunderclap, then switch to defensive and still have a good amount of rage so you can demo shout or start sundering. It also allows you to swap out of defensive and execute, then swap back to defensive. And this was pretty key when we 3 manned Thermaplugg with 2 warriors and a shaman.

I have not found shield slam terribly useful except when soloing. It's like a mini-mortal strike, but in an instance, you have to sunder a bunch to keep aggro and to make the shield slam damage worthwhile (instance elites always seem to have exceptionally high armor). I never ended up really having enough extra rage for regular usage of shield slam. Generally sunder will do more damage in the form of increasing the damage done by others of my group (and this will be doubly so in your group where almost all of your damage will be physical damage). You may consider skipping shield slam if that's your intended grouping.

I also don't find myself using taunt enough to justify the 2 points imp. taunt. It's useful at times, but generally anytime where I need to use it more than just once as an OS skill, it seems like things are so bad that we would wipe anyway.

My build has me with deflection and 4/5 tac mastery in arms and cruelty, imp demo shout and piercing howl in fury with 31 points in protection. It's a pretty diverse setup, and while it's definitely gimpy solo compared to a MS warrior, it wasn't terrible to level with my build.

Other options for the leftover points include going like cookie cutter in fury with imp. demo instead of booming voice. or taking arms to anger management. Another tank in my guild has done that, and it is helpful in many cases where you want to wait a bit for someone to drink. If you take only 4/5 in 1H specialization, you can get both Anger Management and Piercing Howl.

Most people don't play with a consistent group. Before I played with my group I would have agreed with not really using Protection talents much. But now that I have a regular grouping, the extra aggro generation is noticeable. We can coordinate strategies which take advantage of the extra ability you have to hold aggro, which is something that was impossible in a PUG.

If you are really serious about your group, I'd stick with protection. If you break up, then spec for MS.

Starting leveling though, I'd start out with normal build orders. Spec to protection once you can pickup defiance and imp. sunder. The instances before 30 are downright easy for any organized group, and really it's not until about the level 40 instances that the protection talents start being very useful.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Litchfield285
Originally posted by: Joemonkey
dang, you guys make me want to take my lvl 54 orc warlock out of retirement, but she's on bleeding hollow and I don't think there is any chance I can move her to a PvE server

being on a PvP server ruined the game for me when I couldn't play often, of course this was right after honor and before battlegrounds, so roving gank squads were everywhere

Yeah that's all but gone. If you're in your low 50's, the 60's will still kos you, but there aren't roaming gank squads at all. In fact world PvP died after the introduction of BG's.

Bleeding Hollow is a huge server and there are more assholes in WoW than any other MMORPG i've played... I also like to solo a lot, so being KOS by lvl 60s will happen more often than I prefer


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Joemonkey
Originally posted by: Litchfield285
Originally posted by: Joemonkey
dang, you guys make me want to take my lvl 54 orc warlock out of retirement, but she's on bleeding hollow and I don't think there is any chance I can move her to a PvE server

being on a PvP server ruined the game for me when I couldn't play often, of course this was right after honor and before battlegrounds, so roving gank squads were everywhere

Yeah that's all but gone. If you're in your low 50's, the 60's will still kos you, but there aren't roaming gank squads at all. In fact world PvP died after the introduction of BG's.

Bleeding Hollow is a huge server and there are more assholes in WoW than any other MMORPG i've played... I also like to solo a lot, so being KOS by lvl 60s will happen more often than I prefer

Come to Suramar, we have a pretty decent server. I'll give ya few G to get started.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2001
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777
Originally posted by: Joemonkey
Originally posted by: Litchfield285
Originally posted by: Joemonkey
dang, you guys make me want to take my lvl 54 orc warlock out of retirement, but she's on bleeding hollow and I don't think there is any chance I can move her to a PvE server

being on a PvP server ruined the game for me when I couldn't play often, of course this was right after honor and before battlegrounds, so roving gank squads were everywhere

Yeah that's all but gone. If you're in your low 50's, the 60's will still kos you, but there aren't roaming gank squads at all. In fact world PvP died after the introduction of BG's.

Bleeding Hollow is a huge server and there are more assholes in WoW than any other MMORPG i've played... I also like to solo a lot, so being KOS by lvl 60s will happen more often than I prefer

Come to Suramar, we have a pretty decent server. I'll give ya few G to get started.

i couldn't imagine starting over on a new server... i have a lvl 54, lvl 30, lvl 24, and lvl 20 all on bleeding hollow!


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
Great post Concillian, thanks dude. What do you think of going to Two Handed Spec and SS in Arms and the rest Protection up to Concussion Blow except for 5 in Fury for Cruelty? Or would you say that's spreading too much, like Arch said? Would give me more options, when pvping for example and hopefully leave me tough enough for decent Boss tanking and group protection?

This build:

Arms Talents - 22 points

# Deflection - rank 5/5
# Improved Rend - rank 3/3
# Tactical Mastery - rank 5/5
# Anger Management - rank 1/1
# Deep Wounds - rank 2/3
# Two-Handed Weapon Specialization - rank 5/5
# Sweeping Strikes - rank 1/1

Fury Talents - 5 points

# Cruelty - rank 5/5

Protection Talents - 24 points

# Anticipation - rank 5/5
# Improved Bloodrage - rank 2/2
# Toughness - rank 5/5
# Last Stand - rank 1/1
# Defiance - rank 5/5
# Improved Sunder Armor - rank 3/3
# Improved Shield Bash - rank 2/2
# Concussion Blow - rank 1/1


Senior member
Jul 3, 2002
Don't fall for the cookie cutter trap if that's not your thing. I did 1-60 (and several weeks at 60) with a 30 fury, 21 prot build and had a blast both grouped and solo.

My warrior is currently mostly prot, and as of patch 1.7, shield slam is generating really good instant hate (not the best in terms of rage efficiency, but a nice burst regardless).

Some comments on your builds:
- You need a very strong reason not to go 31 points in your primary tree. If you spread out the points you loose an instant attack option, and are left with only whirlwind and overpower. There is a lot to be said for having on-demand attacks and not always being left to the vagaries of the swing timer.
- Don't go heavy fury without getting Flurry. Flurry is a great passive talent that you can start messing around with in your late 30s. Dual Wield spec. really pales in comparison.
- If you do have a mixed build, leveling the non-protection trees first (esp. cruelty and deflection - great per point talent values).

If you are going mostly grouped, I would strongly consider defiance. Either defiance + flurry or defiance + 1h spec. On the other hand, in a 5-man group, once you learn how to handle aggro, the faster things die the sooner the group finishes its run.

Personally, I would reccomend trying the following (going fury then arms then prot):
Talent calculator build

Throw in improved overpower to trigger Flurry (synergy). You will have a ton of rage to work with between sheild block (block ->rage), anger management (extra rage during combat), imp Berserker rage (free 10 rage every 30 seconds), and flurry (damage).

Study up about warrior skills and mob hate, and you will hold aggro against same leveled / similar geared friends while leveling up without any problem. The times when you need defiance are either when your companions are higher level and not holding back, or you're with a bunch of well equipped 60s and don't have the luxury of holding back (BWL mostly, doesn't hurt in MC either).

Enrage builds will get less useful as a tank once you start getting crit less, but that only comes after collecting a lot of +defense gear. Once you have a lot of +defense gear, consider respeccing. By then you should have a good idea about which talents you want.


Diamond Member
May 26, 2004
Sweeping strikes would rock more if it didn't require battle stance. I generally used WW for soloing more. I wasn't usually doing the 2 at once thing. I didn't really use it a whole lot, so I can't give too much opinion on it.

You have some of the important protection talents. Give it a go without 1H spec and see how it works out. 10% more damage (rage) would seem pretty useful, but it may be a small price to pay for extra versatility in PvP and such.

Unfortunately PvP and PvE for a warrior are totally and completely different. It's difficult to get an adequate balanced build. I can think of situations where a protection type warrior would be useful in PvP situations, unfortunately I've never been in a large enough organized group where we could try it out. Our group is just starting to get into PvP and we usually do it late at night when we lose critical mass for instances, so we're usually in BGs with a PUG with 3 or 4 of us on TS, to use really coordinated strategies in BGs you really need over half the group organized.

It's worth a shot though, the first few respecs aren't that expensive.

My build has Shield Spec and Anticipation and Toughness. Shield spec is useful not so much in the damage your shield blocks, but in activating revenge. Revenge is the best rage to aggro ratio skill you have (by far) activating it as often as possible should be part of your goal when tanking. I don't have last stand, Imp. shield bash or Imp Bloodrage.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Concillian
Sweeping strikes would rock more if it didn't require battle stance. I generally used WW for soloing more. I wasn't usually doing the 2 at once thing. I didn't really use it a whole lot, so I can't give too much opinion on it.

You have some of the important protection talents. Give it a go without 1H spec and see how it works out. 10% more damage (rage) would seem pretty useful, but it may be a small price to pay for extra versatility in PvP and such.

Unfortunately PvP and PvE for a warrior are totally and completely different. It's difficult to get an adequate balanced build. I can think of situations where a protection type warrior would be useful in PvP situations, unfortunately I've never been in a large enough organized group where we could try it out. Our group is just starting to get into PvP and we usually do it late at night when we lose critical mass for instances, so we're usually in BGs with a PUG with 3 or 4 of us on TS, to use really coordinated strategies in BGs you really need over half the group organized.

It's worth a shot though, the first few respecs aren't that expensive.

My build has Shield Spec and Anticipation and Toughness. Shield spec is useful not so much in the damage your shield blocks, but in activating revenge. Revenge is the best rage to aggro ratio skill you have (by far) activating it as often as possible should be part of your goal when tanking. I don't have last stand, Imp. shield bash or Imp Bloodrage.

I am not sure it is 10% more damage, because for a warrior, roughly half of your damage is AP based, other half is your weapon.

Thus a warrior with 1000 AP and L1 Two-Handed Weapon might do a little bit more than 50% of what that 1000AP and a L60 Two-Handed Weapon. Meaning, the weapon is only half of your damage. I am not sure if 1H specialization applies after the DPS fo the weapon and the AP are combined, or if it just adds 10% for the 1H weapon and then add in the AP boost.


Senior member
Jul 29, 2004
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777
I am not sure it[1H spec] is 10% more damage, because for a warrior, roughly half of your damage is AP based, other half is your weapon.

Thus a warrior with 1000 AP and L1 Two-Handed Weapon might do a little bit more than 50% of what that 1000AP and a L60 Two-Handed Weapon. Meaning, the weapon is only half of your damage. I am not sure if 1H specialization applies after the DPS fo the weapon and the AP are combined, or if it just adds 10% for the 1H weapon and then add in the AP boost.

1H spec increases both the damage from the weapon itself, and the damage gained from attack power as far as I remember. As an added bonus it also increases the damage from execute by 10%.

For further advice to malladine - two hander spec combined with a mostly protection build is not very efficient, the reason being that you can only use half of your talents at once - either you are using 2h and your shield talents are useless, or you are using shield and your 2h talent is useless. A better choice if you want to split the trees in that way is to get a specific weapon spec, which will help in both 1h/shield and 2h mode. This can get expensive with needing respecs for the uber weapon du jour however, so is perhaps more a long term goal.

On the whole, I wouldn't take a lot of arms and not take mortal strike though. Even in defensive stance, it's particularly useful for it's heal reduction, instant effect, solid damage and good aggro. It's not a necessity, but if you have 27 points in arms, as you posted earlier, the 4 points required to get MS are better spent there than anywhere else by a very substantial margin.



Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
More awesome advice, and thanks Naddicott for joining in :beer:

I have lots to play with


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
Ok, so i'll be starting an orc warrior with 4 others. They will be: Troll Rogue, Troll Priest, Tauren Hunter and Orc Warrior.


Looks like the warrior plan has changed. I was always open to being whatever and now my wife thinks she wants to be the warrior so i'm considering a Druid or a Shaman now. My old main was a priest and we'll have a priest in our group so i don't care about speccing towards that. Whatever "stock" ability i have in healing will suffice. I mainly want to be secondary tank.

Here's my Shaman build:
Enhancement Talents - 35 points

# Ancestral Knowledge - rank 5/5
# Shield Specialization - rank 5/5
# Thundering Strikes - rank 5/5
# Improved Ghost Wolf - rank 2/2
# Two-Handed Axes and Maces - rank 1/1
# Anticipation - rank 5/5
# Flurry - rank 5/5
# Parry - rank 1/1
# Toughness - rank 5/5
# Stormstrike - rank 1/1

Restoration Talents - 16 points

# Tidal Focus - rank 5/5
# Improved Reincarnation - rank 2/2
# Totemic Focus - rank 3/5
# Eventide - rank 5/5
# Combat Endurance - rank 1/1

and here's my druid build:
Balance Talents - 15 points

# Nature's Grasp - rank 1/1
# Improved Nature's Grasp - rank 4/4
# Natural Weapons - rank 5/5
# Natural Shapeshifter - rank 3/3
# Improved Thorns - rank 1/3
# Omen of Clarity - rank 1/1

Feral Combat Talents - 31 points

# Ferocity - rank 5/5
# Brutal Impact - rank 1/2
# Thick Hide - rank 5/5
# Feral Charge - rank 1/1
# Sharpened Claws - rank 3/3
# Predatory Strikes - rank 3/3
# Blood Frenzy - rank 2/2
# Primal Fury - rank 2/2
# Savage Fury - rank 2/2
# Faerie Fire (Feral) - rank 1/1
# Heart of the Wild - rank 5/5
# Leader of the Pack - rank 1/1

Restoration Talents - 5 points

# Furor - rank 5/5


Golden Member
Jan 27, 2000
Both classes have classic specific quests for totems and forms... Also on the druid, I would get 5 in Improved Mark of the Wild from the start... it will help the whole group. And that druid build won't be valid until 1.8 so mess around with it now b/c you will get all your talent points back to redistribute come 1.8.

I have a 60 druid (tauren) and love playing it!


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
From someone with a L60 shaman, roll a druid. As a shaman, you will be stuck as a backup healer/mana battery (via mana tide totem) in virtually all end-game content. The only job more boring than healing is backup healing. Not to mention the fact that you have to gimp yourself in pvp to make a good raid talent build. Add to that the over-abundance of shamans and the shortage of druids and the decision is a no-brainer in my opinion.

I shelved my shaman to start a priest on one of the new RPPVP servers.
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