UPDATE: White House Chief of Staff says 50 Years of Israeli Occupation Must End


Senior member
Feb 25, 2015
it looks like the israelis really screwed themselves this time, obama is not pleased with bibi and we are now seeing the start of the 'new deal' that Obama will be giving Isreal. No longer will hezbollah be considered terrorists, nor will iran be our enemy.


looks like the white house is about to give bibi some surprises and ultimatums of his own
White House chief of staff: 50 years of Israeli occupation must end
U.S. cannot pretend Netanyahu didn't say no Palestinian state would be established on his watch, Denis McDonough tells J Street conference in Washington.

White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough made it clear Monday that the crisis in U.S.-Israeli relations over the issue of a Palestinian state has not dissipated, despite efforts by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to clarify remarks he made late in the election campaign that no such state would be established on his watch.

“We cannot simply pretend that those comments were never made,” McDonough told the J Street conference in Washington, whose leftist audience received his remarks enthusiastically.

He also warned Israel’s next government not to consider unilateral annexation of any West Bank territory, saying it would “be both wrong and illegal,” and that America would strenuously object.

“Israel cannot maintain military control of another people indefinitely,” he said. “An occupation that has lasted for almost 50 years must end.” He denied claims that the administration’s reevaluation of its approach to the peace process stemmed from U.S. President Barack Obama’s “personal pique” with Netanyahu, but he described Netanyahu’s remarks before the election as “troubling.”

McDonough called into question Netanyahu’s sincerity regarding the two-state solution.

“After the election, the prime minister said that he had not changed his position, but for many in Israel and in the international community, such contradictory comments call into question his commitment to a two-state solution, as did his suggestion that the construction of settlements has a strategic purpose of dividing Palestinian communities and his claim that conditions in the larger Middle East must be more stable before a Palestinian state can be established,” he said. “We cannot simply pretend that those comments were never made, or that they don’t raise questions about the prime minister’s commitment to achieving peace through direct negotiations.”

McDonough did not address the possibility that the focus of the peace process would move to the United Nations – which may indicate a softening of that position compared to what was said immediately after last week’s election results became known - but said that Obama would “never stop working for a two-state solution,” despite the difficulties. He also detailed what the U.S. believes the arrangements would be: borders based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, security arrangements, and a “sovereign and sustainable” Palestinian state.

In what seems like wishful thinking given the presumed makeup of the next government, McDonough said the United States expects it to “to match words with actions and policies that demonstrate a genuine commitment to a two-state solution.” In an unusual move, McDonough also warned against any unilateral annexation of lands in the West Bank, saying it “would be both wrong and illegal,” that America would never support it, “and it’s unlikely Israel’s other friends would either. It would only contribute to Israel’s isolation.”

McDonough also described J Street, which is ostracized by much of the American Jewish establishment, as the White House’s “partner” in advancing the peace process and the two-state solution.



United State removes Hezbollah and Iran from list of terror threats
An annual security report submitted recently to the US Senate by James Clapper, director of National Intelligence, removed both Iran and Hezbollah from the list of terrorism threats to the United States for the first time in years.
The unclassified version of the “Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Communities” dated 26 February, noted Iran’s efforts to fight “Sunni extremists”, including elements affiliated with the Islamic State group who were perceived to constitute the “preeminent terrorist threat to American interests worldwide”.
Last year’s report described the global terrorist activity of Lebanon’s Shia Hezbollah group to have increased in recent years to “a level we have not seen since the 1990s”, however this year’s report mentioned the group only once saying it faces a threat from ISIS and Al-Nusra Front near Lebanon’s orders.
Meanwhile, despite removing Tehran from the list, the report described it as source of cyber-attacks and a regional threat to the United States because of its support for Syrian regime President Bashar Al-Assad and its hostile policies against Israel.
middle east monitor
Israel will also now be subject to un resolutions, opening up the opportunity for NATO to move in and evict the settlers from their illegal kibbutz. i find this all quite hilarious


U.S. could back UN resolution on Palestine, White House official says
Move to come in response to Netanyahu's two-state reversal, official tells NYT. Obama to pass responsibility for Israel ties to Kerry; 'President doesn’t want to waste his time,' says U.S. official.

The Obama administration might be open to lending its support to the UN Security Council's resolution that would define the principle for a two-state solution as based on Israel's 1967 borders, a senior White House official told The New York Times. The move would come in response to Netanyahu's withdrawal of his support for the establishing of a Palestinian state as expressed in his Bar Ilan speech in 2009.

The U.S. has previously refused to endorse the resolution, which allows for mutually agreed swaps of territory between Israel and the future Palestinian state. Israel vehemently opposes it.

"The premise of our position internationally has been to support direct negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians,” the official told the Times. “We are now in a reality where the Israeli government no longer supports direct negotiations. Therefore we clearly have to factor that into our decisions going forward."

Two weeks ago, after Netanyahu's speech before the U.S. Congress, White House officials told Haaretz that Obama was interested in making another attempt at advancing the Israeli-Palestinian peace process during his last two years in office. They made it clear that the decision on how and when to move forward would be made only after the Israeli elections.

In the article published on Thursday morning in the Times, the senior official said that due to the results of the Israeli elections, and against the backdrop of his tense relationship with Netanyahu, Obama means to transfer responsibilities for dealing with Jerusalem to Secretary of State John Kerry. The U.S.-Israel security ties would be passed to senior officials in the U.S. Department of Defense.

“The president is a pretty pragmatic person and if he felt it would be useful, he will certainly engage,” the senior administration official told the Times. “But he’s not going to waste his time.”

He asked not to be identified while discussing Obama’s opinions of Netanyahu.

On Wednesday, while adressing the results of the Israeli election, White House Press Secretary Josh Ernest voiced harsh criticism of Netanyahu's conduct during the last days of his campaign .

"The Obama administration is deeply concerned by the use of divisive rhetoric in Israel that sought to marginalize Arab Israeli citizens," said Ernest, alluding to a series of statements issued by Netanyahu via social media, in which he urged his supporters to go and vote, and warned that "the right-wing's rule is in danger" because "the Arab are voting in droves."

The White House has been closely following the Israeli elections over the past days, and was dismayed by the demonization of Israeli Arab voters employed in Netanyahu's reelection campaign. The White House declined to issue any public statement regarding the matter over the past days in order to not play into Neyanyahu's hands – choosing to do so only after the results were in.

"This rhetoric undermines the values and Democratic ideals that have been important to our democracy and an important part of what binds the United States and Israel together,” Ernest said in his daily briefing for reporters, and added that the administration intended to communicate these views "directly to the Israelis."

Ernest also referred to Netanyahu's backing off of his Bar Ilan speech and his support for a Palestinian state as expressed in it. Ernest stated that for the past 20 years, the U.S. has held to the policy that a two-state solution is "the goal of resolving the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians.”

He added that the U.S. continue to believe a two-state solution is the “best way to diffuse tensions” in the region.

“Based on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s comments, the United States will reevaluate our position and the path forward in this situation,” he said.

On Wednesday, Kerry called Netanyahu and congratulated him for his victory. The conversation was short, and did not deal with affairs of state. Ernest said Obama would call Netanyahu in the near days and noted that as in the past two election cycles, Obama would wait until the president officially tasks Netanyahu with forming a coalition, or until such a coalition is formed, before doing so.

so how will the israel lovers here deal with their country now being put on time out and probably losing east jerusalem, the golan, the west bank, and gaza?
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Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2004
what? this is the real news you set out to find?

The second part is speculation...



Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2008
OP, as much as I consider Netanyahu to be the Dick Cheney of Israel. The U.S. will always support Israel...


Vice News debrief of a 2014 episode covering why Israel gets more support from evangelical Christians in the U.S. than one would expect.

There is a surprisingly large contingent U.S. evangelicals whom the Republican party courts as part of it's base believe that Israel and the west bank must be entirely under Jewish control so that the 2nd coming of Christ will happen.

Also PM Netanyahu knows that he is in debt to the Congressional Republicans for his re-election. So we can expect, I'd be surprised if there wasn't, some conflict (or at least some concerning situation) in the area involving Israel that is beneficial to Republican politicians in the last few months leading up to our 2016 elections. Courtesy of their friend and pal PM Netanyahu.

If you don't think that Prime Minister Netanyahu will return the favor and help the Republican party somehow in 2016 you're living in a dream world.

*e2a* The U.S. will not refrain from using its veto in the U.N. to assist Israel, because that would give Republicans talking points to use against the Democratic candidates they run against in future elections.

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Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2012
How does NATO get involved?

Also, Israel may end up being driven toward being less tolerant with the Palestinians with an anti-ISrael policy from the US.


Dec 7, 2004
However much someone might not like Israel for whatever reason, one has to concede that they're certainly better than anyone else over there.

US will never back anyone else over them. Ever ever.

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
Hezbollah is still on the State Department's list of terror groups. Iran remains on the State Department's list of nations that sponsor terrorism as well.

Furthermore, this was an intelligence assessment on whether there is a threat of a terrorist attack from Hezbollah or Iran on the US in 2015, and it was determined that such a threat is unlikely.


Senior member
Feb 25, 2015
Hezbollah is still on the State Department's list of terror groups. Iran remains on the State Department's list of nations that sponsor terrorism as well.

Furthermore, this was an intelligence assessment on whether there is a threat of a terrorist attack from Hezbollah or Iran on the US in 2015, and it was determined that such a threat is unlikely.

it is omitted on all future reports. hezbollah is now an ally of the united states. israel used to be an ally, but now is pretty much alone. americans are sick of having our leaders kowtow to some apartheid state that every other country on earth is repulsed by.

its done, too bad israelis you should've listened instead of kept yapping and electing douchebags. now we will soon be sending in NATO troops to boot the invading settlers out of palestine. netanyahu won the election at the cost of unmasking the huge israeli conspiracy to conquer the entirety of palestine and ethnically cleanse the area and replace all the native inhabitants with jews. that is their modus operandi

my absolute favorite part about obama is the way he deals with israel. he could do better, like bomb them, but this is about as good as any leader has ever stood up to the israelis in the last two decades at least. newell steamer i have read your posts and you by and large seem like a sensible guy. did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, all the other countries hate israel for good reasons? maybe they are worth hating? usually it is conservatives that stand in the face of all logic and deny the obvious (that israel is a terrible apartheid state that deserves to be sanctioned). every other country has concluded this yet you somehow think you are right and all 6.6 billion other people on earth besides US and israel are wrong?
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Senior member
Feb 25, 2015
How does NATO get involved?

Also, Israel may end up being driven toward being less tolerant with the Palestinians with an anti-ISrael policy from the US.

its a pathway, without the us protecting israel the UN will be able to send troops and actually use force to make israel comply. their leaders could be tried for war crimes and they could be sanctioned until they give up their nuclear weapons

Israel needs to be disarmed at all costs. if there is a single country that is most likely to use nuclear weapons and has demonstrated that it doesnt give a crap about non-jews at all it is israel, they would gladly nuke washington if it would save the goldman family

this is the start of a new era. if obama can dismatntle the relationship we have with israel and build a new one with jordan and syria then we have zero need for israel. they dont have oil and they dont have anything worth money

happy days guys

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
it is omitted on all future reports. hezbollah is now an ally of the united states. israel used to be an ally, but now is pretty much alone. americans are sick of having our leaders kowtow to some apartheid state that every other country on earth is repulsed by.

its done, too bad israelis you should've listened instead of kept yapping and electing douchebags. now we will soon be sending in NATO troops to boot the invading settlers out of palestine. netanyahu won the election at the cost of unmasking the huge israeli conspiracy to conquer the entirety of palestine and ethnically cleanse the area and replace all the native inhabitants with jews. that is their modus operandi

my absolute favorite part about obama is the way he deals with israel. he could do better, like bomb them, but this is about as good as any leader has ever stood up to the israelis in the last two decades at least. newell steamer i have read your posts and you by and large seem like a sensible guy. did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, all the other countries hate israel for good reasons? maybe they are worth hating? usually it is conservatives that stand in the face of all logic and deny the obvious (that israel is a terrible apartheid state that deserves to be sanctioned). every other country has concluded this yet you somehow think you are right and all 6.6 billion other people on earth besides US and israel are wrong?



Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2005
When even Newell Steamer calls you crazy, that's when you know you're really off the deep end, lol.


Jun 24, 2003
OP is a lunatic. Hezbollah is still a terrorist organization according to the United States, they're just not likely to threaten the US in the next year.

Also, LOL if you think NATO troops will be doing anything in Israel.


Senior member
Feb 25, 2015
OP is a lunatic. Hezbollah is still a terrorist organization according to the United States, they're just not likely to threaten the US in the next year.

Also, LOL if you think NATO troops will be doing anything in Israel.

Hezbollah is a political party. It is no longer designated a terrorist organization, but i am sorry for you that you don't understand what a terrorist is. Hezbollah has defended lebanon from invasion and does tons of non-military administration duties in Lebanon. Israel likes to label all its enemies terrorists because it makes it easier for them to abuse the human rights of these 'terrorists'.

NATO will be all over those stupid settlers. its gonna be great ! bulldozers will finally be used on people who deserve to have their homes bulldozed, and eventually they will kick the israelis out of east jerusalem. the state itself may be dissolved if it doesnt stop its war crimes and human rights abuses


Senior member
Feb 25, 2015
You have no clue about the shit you're posting, kid. Go back to your basement.

does it make your hasbara masters angry that hezbollah is better allies with the us right now than israel?

right now hezbollah is fighting ISIS while israel is treating ISIS wounded and sending them back to the battlefield. go home child, you arent fooling anybody with your trolling


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2005
holy fucking fuck you are batshit.

And people wonder why peace in the middle east is so elusive. It's because most palestinians are just as ignorant and fucking loony as touchstone.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2012
its a pathway, without the us protecting israel the UN will be able to send troops and actually use force to make israel comply. their leaders could be tried for war crimes and they could be sanctioned until they give up their nuclear weapons

1) The UN is not NATO
2) NATO is only involved IF a member nation is attacked and assistance is requested.
  • Israel has never been at war with any existing NATO nation
  • There is no existing NATO nearby.
  • There is no NATO nation that has hostile relations with Israel.
3) The UN has no actual forces; they use forces from other countries.
  • Do you really see a non-Arab country providing forces.
  • What justification would there be to send forces into Israel. the last time any invasion was w/ Iraq and we see how well that turned out.

Israel needs to be disarmed at all costs. if there is a single country that is most likely to use nuclear weapons and has demonstrated that it doesnt give a crap about non-jews at all it is israel, they would gladly nuke washington if it would save the goldman family
disarmed for what - to allow her to be overrun by the other Arab countries like was attempted multiple times previously.

Has Israel made any threat on the use of nuclear weapons?
Has it threatened to wipe out a country?

What you want to do (although unable to say so), is that you want to remove Israel and hand over the area back to the Arabs as it was pre 1948.

And prevent the Jews from trying to build the country again.

this is the start of a new era. if obama can dismatntle the relationship we have with israel and build a new one with jordan and syria then we have zero need for israel. they dont have oil and they dont have anything worth money

happy days guys

We already have a relationship with Jordan and they do not want the Palestinians.

I believe that we were trying to destroy Syria for the past 4-5 years. So what are you saying that we need to get in bed with them.

Again, you are just trying to eliminate Israel as a country in favor of the Palestinians whom the Arabs did not want to have one initially and are unable to govern nor live in peace with two of their critical neighbors.


Senior member
Feb 25, 2015
holy fucking fuck you are batshit.

And people wonder why peace in the middle east is so elusive. It's because most palestinians are just as ignorant and fucking loony as touchstone.

lol, you are so dumb its funny because anybody who isnt a brainwashed american jew knows everything im saying is 100% true. you dont realize it but you are like those stupid people in north korea who sing songs about how kim jong un runs faster than a tiger. you are that brainwashed

dont worry though, the mask has been pulled off and the israeli monster is shown for what it is, a new nazi germany. you do realize that the only reason there hasn't been a coalition to invade israel is because the US has prevented any such coalition from forming? now that obama is done with bibi, he will tell our UN rep to stop blocking resolutions against israel, and then there will be a 'coalition of the willing'. guess how many nations would love the chance to join a coalition to invade israel? it wont come to that because israel will back down and withdraw to pre-67 borders, they are pussies and babies... israelis are well known to be cowards in the face of causalties. so they are petrified of losses. they will give up the land, and we will take their nukes, and they will be relegated to the fate of their neighbors (obscurity)


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2012
lol, you are so dumb its funny because anybody who isnt a brainwashed american jew knows everything im saying is 100% true. you dont realize it but you are like those stupid people in north korea who sing songs about how kim jong un runs faster than a tiger. you are that brainwashed

dont worry though, the mask has been pulled off and the israeli monster is shown for what it is, a new nazi germany. you do realize that the only reason there hasn't been a coalition to invade israel is because the US has prevented any such coalition from forming? now that obama is done with bibi, he will tell our UN rep to stop blocking resolutions against israel, and then there will be a 'coalition of the willing'. guess how many nations would love the chance to join a coalition to invade israel? it wont come to that because israel will back down and withdraw to pre-67 borders, they are pussies and babies... israelis are well known to be cowards in the face of causalties. so they are petrified of losses. they will give up the land, and we will take their nukes, and they will be relegated to the fate of their neighbors (obscurity)

What coalition and why?
What nations do you think are willing to lose lives for the Palestinians?

Where have you heard any rumors (outside your deranged mind) about such?


Senior member
Feb 25, 2015
Again, you are just trying to eliminate Israel as a country in favor of the Palestinians whom the Arabs did not want to have one initially and are unable to govern nor live in peace with two of their critical neighbors.

israel is a criminal state at this point. the nation itself has a right to exist but not as it currently stands. israel can either integrate the palestinians, including the refugees, into its population as full citizens and thereby lose its racist 'jewish' character (oh noes! muh racism!), or it can be dissolved in totality and the jews can integrate back into palestine. i am fine with either outcome

you whine about 'threats' made by iranian politicians who arent even in power and act like that has anything to do with how dangerous a country is. guess what genius, it isnt always the dog that barks the loudest. israelis are well known for car bombing, assasinating, and sneak attacking other leaders and nations. they are basically a terror state. their closes analogue would be the islamic state. but you want to get in bed with a nation that is known to spy on us more than any other besides russia? you are being foolish


Jun 24, 2003
lol, you are so dumb its funny because anybody who isnt a brainwashed american jew knows everything im saying is 100% true. you dont realize it but you are like those stupid people in north korea who sing songs about how kim jong un runs faster than a tiger. you are that brainwashed

dont worry though, the mask has been pulled off and the israeli monster is shown for what it is, a new nazi germany. you do realize that the only reason there hasn't been a coalition to invade israel is because the US has prevented any such coalition from forming? now that obama is done with bibi, he will tell our UN rep to stop blocking resolutions against israel, and then there will be a 'coalition of the willing'. guess how many nations would love the chance to join a coalition to invade israel? it wont come to that because israel will back down and withdraw to pre-67 borders, they are pussies and babies... israelis are well known to be cowards in the face of causalties. so they are petrified of losses. they will give up the land, and we will take their nukes, and they will be relegated to the fate of their neighbors (obscurity)

That's pretty rich coming from you. Israel has shown stunning ferocity and courage in the face of overwhelming odds. They've never lost a fight. They defeated the US Navy. Who do you suppose is going to invade Israel and why? In case you haven't realized it by now, the world as a whole doesn't give a shit about the palestinians.


Dec 13, 2013
Finally we are going to start interacting with the Shiites with the logical respect and analysis they have deserved for years now.
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