UPDATED!!! Lowest Prices on Protein, Supliments, Vitamins, & More!!!

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Golden Member
Jan 29, 2003
for good info join www.offtopic.com message boards and in the lifestyles section look at the nutrition and fitness section there are many people that are in your same perdicament, I believe you'll find it useful.


Oct 25, 2000
Originally posted by: DorkBoy
Originally posted by: storm897
I use to buy all my supliments from planetdepot.com, Whey protein, animal pak (multivitamin), glutamine, creatine, amino acid capsules, and weight gainer. People from another forum (big fold and b*dybuilding) mentioned ezpricematch(www.ezpricematch.com). They pricematch any supliment on the netand take an additional 5% off. I order 10lbs of whey protein and it cost $40.84. If you private message I can email you an additional 5% off coupon code.
Copied from another site to explain how this website works:
ODpunisher (from big fold)
How this works is that after you add one of their products to your cart, it allows you to insert the url of any website that has that product for cheaper than them. They also ask you for that site's price and when you hit the pricebust button it automatically calculates the new price. I assume they verify this so don't try making some phony website to pm.

save yourself the $ and eat 6 meals a day.

I eat 6 meals a day and 3 protein shakes a day.


Oct 25, 2000
Originally posted by: akodi
Eric1285, I would definitely work the lower body, it has larger muscle groups than your upper, and you're working out too frequently every day doesn't give your muscles a chance to rest. Also a protein shake shouldn't raise your caloric intake by much if you are eating properly. Protein shakes shouldn't necessarily be taken for taste but it's always a plus Mixing it with a hand blender helps alot, it makes it a smoother consistency, and easier to take down but try not to mix too much into it unless you are looking to add more calories to it by adding things such as oatmeal. My personal preference is to take a protein shake in the morning with my oatmeal, preworkout, then postworkout. In terms of cardio, high impact is the best 10 minutes doesn't sound like quite enough, unless you're sprinting for the whole time. Losing fat starts with changing your diet, measure the calories and eliminate excess in terms of empty calories which you intake now. But definitely work your whole body, there's no point in having only beach muscles with chicken legs.

Exactly what I was gonna say. I eat oatmeal in the mourning with a protein shake. Then sip on another shake before and during workout and then another one after that. Each scoop of ON (Optimum Nutirtion) Whey Protein has only about 110 or so calories.
An excellant place for working out information is:
f o r u m . b o d y b u i l d i n g . c o m
It has tons of informative information.
Here Is a place for different training articles.

Here Is information you can read about suppliments.

Just remember that the more CORRECT info you know the better position you lie in. I prefer to post link so you can read through the info yourself. I could paraphrase but there are many great articles you can learn from over there.

Below is a list of Mass gaining excersises (Located in full here))

Parallel bar dips
Bench Press
Incline Press

Squats (including front squats)
Stiff-Legged deadlifts

Bent-over rows
Bent-legged Deadlifts (also a leg exercise)

Military press
Lateral raises

Close-grip bench press
Close-grip chins

Deadlifts hits the back & legs. Depending on how you bend and place your legs.

CLICK HERE for excersise routines to target a particular mucsle group.


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Originally posted by: storm897
OR, lets say you add 40 grams of soy based protein powder to skim milk after working out. Then add dextrose or maltodextrin to spike insulin. That would not be as good as taking 40 grams of whey protein in water with dextrose or maltodextrin.


But you know all this stuff would STILL not be quite as good as having borg implants installed. =P
(heh I just realized this totally gels with my avatar and nick...har har...this was an edit <-- RESISTANCE IS FUTILE YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED)
EDIT: heh on a humorous google search I just did Soon this will all be a reality

I'm guessing there are a lot of pro/college athletes here or something, but if you just want to be healthier all this stuff isn't neccessary...the only thing it can probably do is make you less healthy(with the possible exception of some of the vitamins). I'm not saying I haven't tried some of the supplements, but stuff like creatine taxes your liver quite a bit more, and although nobody has yet had liver failure from it, people who already had liver disease had their conditions worsened quite a bit from intaking creatine. Also, you're not supposed to drink alcohol while supplementing with creatine which always drove me nuts since I wanted to have a drink or two on the weekend so I'd have to stop taking creatine on like thursday so I'd be ready for the weekend. Plus it made me unbelievably dehydrated no matter how much water I drank...and having to go piss every hour wasn't too fun either.

Yeah the protein is probably less dangerous but there's really no evidence that intaking 20x the protein you're supposed to take is even slightly healthy for you. I'm sure all this stuff works great(especially combining whey protein and creatine with dextrose/glucose in it) but you never know if 20 years down the line it turns out that extended use of creatine turns out to be bad when combined with excessive protein or something. Supposedly milk is carcinogenic(although I think this might be just from the fact that being fat makes you more likely to get cancer and whole milk is fattening like crazy) and if whey is derived from milk who knows?



Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Originally posted by: natenut
i heard that soy increases your estrogen. I like boobs, but i dont really want to grow my own. Is there any truth to this or is it another nooob myth?

LOL if this was true there wouldn't be men in China or Japan. This is a bunch of baloney throught up by people who probably wanted to sell more whey.

And most of the studies cited don't really apply to human athletes at all. Rat biology is not human biology, and if all that sperm killing or whatever actually applied to humans I think there wouldn't be over 1 billion Chinese people out there, nor would Tokyo be so freaking crowded.
When they find out that there are in fact, no men at all in Asia and that everybody had spontaneously split into two people in all of Asia's history, then I'll buy that it kills off sperm or all that insane talk. Keep in mind that even the studies that might actually apply to adult men seem to have lots of other explanations they're ignoring.

For one thing, people who eat less soy happen to also eat less fats, saturated fats and cholesterol. Now guess what, eating more fats and cholesterol=more testosterone. Everybody knows that too. Even though this is an OBVIOUS freaking solution to maybe just why people who eat tons of soy have less testerone it's completely not mentioned. Great.

Maybe to gain muscle you should eat a stick of butter everyday then to boost your testosterone. And drink a gallon of vegetable oil to crowd out the saturated fat in affecting your heart and stuff. That would theoretically work too. Too bad it's insane talk just like the insane talk about how soy kills your testosterone. When they finally get some guy to sit in a lab with this other guy, and they both eat IDENTICAL diets EXCEPT one dude happens to eat another 3 packs of tofu every day, and they show that the tofu dude lost testorone THEN I might start to believe it.

You can't have one dude eating tons of meat and fat, while the other guy's eating only tofu, then expect both to have the same testosterone load. That's moronic in every way, since it doesn't actually show any effects of eating soy but only the effects of NOT eating fat and meats because you've substituted soy.


by the way I fully agree with what hapahaole says:
" You CAN gain muscle on soy but you will need to eat a LOT more of it to get the effect of a good CFM whey product for example. "
Soy *IS* in fact probably an inferior supplemental protein for muscle gain vs animal proteins. But I'm sure you knew that already from all the malnutritioned vegetarians out there hehe. But that does NOT mean that you can't gain muscle weight, but it definitely is not as easy for your body to make into muscle vs animal proteins. It is obviously cheaper though and if you're a vegan or something.

But I don't buy into the hooey about soy basically killing your sperm or lowering your testosterone or any of that garbage. I'm sure if you don't bother to eat meat because you've eaten soy instead it'll obviously start cutting muscle mass away and your testosteron levels will drop along with creatine levels by the way(since beef and salmon and some other meats have creatine whereas soy obviously does not) so it'll probably seem like soy wrecks you. But you would completely be ignoring the fact that you had stopped eating that 24oz steak you used to eat every day.

Basically I'm saying, $10 says that if you kept your same diet as you have now but started eating another 80 grams of soy protein a day I SERIOUSLY doubt that your nads will shrink away and you'll lose all your muscles....but in case there actually is something to the testosterone stuff, drink an extra half cup of olive oil and add two teaspoons of butter to your diet along with the soy powder. I'm sure you could probably make a cool tofu dish that involves these ingredients or something and just eat that before bed every day. If your testosterone drops or you lose tons of muscle I'll freaking paypal you $10 for the first 10 people to take me up on this(please keep a complete food log at every meal from both before and after). I doubt anybody will actually take me up but hey, if you've been wanting to prove that all of asia must be testosterone-less here's your chance lol.


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Originally posted by: kotix
point to me exactly where i formally stated i authored all the articles or even suggested so? BTW i do attend college, a rather prestigious one, but where you attend doesn't always equate to intelligence (case in point: you think athletes got into harvard, yale, stanford, etc. because of academics?). what gets me is you attempt to label me as unintelligent by repeatingly bringing up the issue of plaigarism, when in nowhere in my post did i ever credit "kotix" as the author of the stated works.
Actually if you don't credit the author of the work specifically it is technically plagiarism(this is the correct spelling btw but I'm not really nagging on you cuz I had to go look it up myself because when I typed it the way you wrote it something didn't really seem right). However since this is a forum and not a term paper it's not really a huge offense. HOWEVER, I think what the other poster was trying to say was that you should have pointed the way to where this article was originally taken from or something so credit can go where credit is due. And also so that we can tell who's writing this. I mean, a study funded by say, the dairy farmers of america would be far less reputable than one funded by NHS. Same goes for some study about soy protein funded by soy producers.

I mean, if all studies were created equal you might as well believe the penis pill studies they have on those bad late night ads(man Ron Jeremy has pushed like 3 of those brands already. I'm SO sure they all work lol)


Oct 25, 2000
Originally posted by: TekDemon

Yeah the protein is probably less dangerous but there's really no evidence that intaking 20x the protein you're supposed to take is even slightly healthy for you. I'm sure all this stuff works great (especially combining whey protein and creatine with dextrose/glucose in it) but you never know if 20 years down the line it turns out that extended use of creatine turns out to be bad when combined with excessive protein or something. Supposedly milk is carcinogenic(although I think this might be just from the fact that being fat makes you more likely to get cancer and whole milk is fattening like crazy) and if whey is derived from milk who knows?


I disagree. The FDA specifies a certain amount of protein based on a 2000-calorie diet. Are you telling me that a 250lb athlete needs the same amount of protein as recommended for a 120 women and both should abide by a 2000-calorie diet? A 200lb fatso will need less protein then a 200 lb football player for instance and less grams of carbs per day also.
Check Here for resting metabolic rate
I use to eat about 100 grams of protein a day. I was not growing while lifting weights. Now I eat 300 grams as well as take and I am seeing results. The results are not from other things only though. As I have tried many different supplements and only raising calories in ADDITION to creating a higher protein intake gave me more strength (for muscle restoration) as well and helped me gain mass.




Golden Member
Dec 1, 2002
Originally posted by: akodi
Eric1285, I would definitely work the lower body, it has larger muscle groups than your upper, and you're working out too frequently every day doesn't give your muscles a chance to rest. Also a protein shake shouldn't raise your caloric intake by much if you are eating properly. Protein shakes shouldn't necessarily be taken for taste but it's always a plus Mixing it with a hand blender helps alot, it makes it a smoother consistency, and easier to take down but try not to mix too much into it unless you are looking to add more calories to it by adding things such as oatmeal. My personal preference is to take a protein shake in the morning with my oatmeal, preworkout, then postworkout. In terms of cardio, high impact is the best 10 minutes doesn't sound like quite enough, unless you're sprinting for the whole time. Losing fat starts with changing your diet, measure the calories and eliminate excess in terms of empty calories which you intake now. But definitely work your whole body, there's no point in having only beach muscles with chicken legs.

Hm, thanks for the info, and thanks to everyone else for their imput too.

I don't exactly have chicken legs, hehe. I have enormous calves and quads. In fact, from running over the past few years, my legs are strong enough that I can squat as much as most people who regularly work their legs. So I don't think having chicken legs is a problem, since I'm neither weak nor skinny down there. Hm, I'm working muscle groups every other day...forgot to mention that I'm doing backs and shoulders too. Basically, what I do is this:

Day 1

Bench press
Decline bench
Incline bench
Dumbell press
Umm...pectoral fly thingy? It's where your arms are out on the machine and you bring them forwards (bad description, I know)

Day 2

Bicep curls w/ straight bar
Triceps with a dumbell or cables
Shoulders with dumbells

I work abs every day...there's a machine that does abs and lower back at the same time, so that's what I do. I just repeat these two days, and I usually take one or two days off a week.


Golden Member
Jan 29, 2003
The reason I mention doing legs, is also the fact that they are one of the largest muscle groups in the body thus release human growth hormone more so than your bi's. Your day 1 looks fine, but it seems you don't work your tris, bis, or shoulders enough, out of preference I would move your bicep to your bench day, so you can work the beach muscles. Triceps are important if you want to raise your bench and make your arms bigger, shoulders are also important try to do a few more shoulder exercises besides shoulder press such as military press or front raises. Also don't forget to work your traps. Back is preemo important too, you should make your schedule into 3 day work out schedule.

Day 1: Chest and Bi's
Day 2: Back and Tri's
Day 3: Legs and Shoulders
Day 4: Day off

Abs are just like any other muscle group and need to rest, so I wouldn't necessarily do them everyday. And doing abs won't necessarily give you a six pack, it is a matter of low body fat, there is no such thing as spot training. Remember nutrition is a huge part of getting your desired results. Goodluck


Golden Member
Mar 25, 2000
HOWEVER, I think what the other poster was trying to say was that you should have pointed the way to where this article was originally taken from or something so credit can go where credit is due.

Yep, that's it. Long story short, I have a reason for being sensitive about plagiarism issues. Rather than take things further OT, here is a good link for info on plagiarism.

P.S. "Arcanery" is a word.

Back to the original thread--

I just received an order of EAS whey protein from Vitaglo, and they've apparently changed the formulation, as it is now less than 70% protein by weight. I usually look for around 80%, which I believe is what Optimum is. What is the difference? For one thing, the EAS has 4 g of sugar per 29.5 g serving. Not good. A previous post mentioned Optimum at $22/5 lbs. delivered, so I'll have to check that out, as it is actually cheaper per gram of protein, plus it doesn't have the superfluous sugar calories.


Golden Member
Jan 29, 2003
only problem i have with optimum is that it uses synthetic sugars and because it has a higher affinity for the sweet receptor it leaves you with a sticky kinda mucousy feeling afterwards in your mouth


Platinum Member
Sep 13, 2002
yea, what kind of sweetners are being used in the protein powders you guys are getting? I'm thinking of getting a custom mix from protein factory using stevia as the sweetner. Any of the commercial powders use stevia only?


Golden Member
Mar 25, 2000
edplayer, I'm not aware of any of the 5 lb. tub varieties of whey protein that uses stevia. I think that Biotest products do, but they are pricey. I don't have any problems with sweeteners; about halfway up this thread, I give drink recipes which actually add more sweetener, including sugar-free instant pudding. But I add a lot of water -- my shakes basically fill the entire blender.

All of the presweetened whey proteins taste sickly-sweet if they are not diluted enough.


Oct 25, 2000
Originally posted by: cremefilled
Back to the original thread--

I usually look for around 80%, which I believe is what Optimum is. What is the difference? For one thing, the EAS has 4 g of sugar per 29.5 g serving. Not good. A previous post mentioned Optimum at $22/5 lbs. delivered, so I'll have to check that out, as it is actually cheaper per gram of protein, plus it doesn't have the superfluous sugar calories.

Heres a link to Optimum Nutirtion whey


Oct 25, 2000
Updated prices on first page.


If you need a certain product, PM me and I might know of a place to pricematch to.


Oct 25, 2000
Added Liver tabs and 1-Test (as per someones private message request).


If you need a certain product, PM me and I might know of a place to pricematch to.


Golden Member
Mar 25, 2000
Thanks for your hard work, storm897. Here's one more slightly cheaper pricematch:
Ergopharm 6-OXO $29.99

And a tip for the adventurous, fairly hardcore and thrifty bodybuilder:

If you remember Biotest's Androspray, the first of the topical prohormone products, it consisted of two ingredients: isopropyl alcohol and 4-androstenediol in a 20ml:1g ratio. You can easily make your own -- any pharmacy will special order 99% isopropyl alcohol if they don't already carry it, and pure 4-AD powder is available at a number of places, notably kilosports.com. Just dissolve the 4-AD in the alcohol for a few days (it takes a while), place in a spray bottle, and there you go.

This stuff really does work, although I want to emphasize that this isn't for the beginning bodybuilder. But if you are going to try a prohormone anyway, this is a good and cheap way to go. Making it this way is about 1/4 of the original cost, and I believe all the sprays have been removed from the market anyway.

There are a couple of articles on testosterone.net on how to make trenbolone-spray, but that's over a legal and safety line (esp. purchasing veterinary steroids) that I won't personally cross. But this is reputed to work extremely well.


Senior member
May 29, 2003
email me coupon pls... r6ashih@yahoo.com

what do you recommend i get? i want to gain wait/muscle mass and defined.
i'm confused because there are so many things and some people say avoid this/ get this/do this/dont do this.



Junior Member
Dec 8, 2003
Originally posted by: edplayer
yea, what kind of sweetners are being used in the protein powders you guys are getting? I'm thinking of getting a custom mix from protein factory using stevia as the sweetner. Any of the commercial powders use stevia only?

I use Optimum Nutrition Natural 100% Whey. It is made with Stevia, and is just about as inexpensive as their standard whey protein. I usually buy my Optimum Nutrition Natural Whey from planetdepot.com.

Optimum Nutrition's web site will have more information, including all ingredients in the Natural Whey product, if you are interested in seeing everything in it. Go to http://www.optimumnutrition.com .


Oct 25, 2000
Originally posted by: r6ashih
email me coupon pls... r6ashih@yahoo.com

what do you recommend i get? i want to gain wait/muscle mass and defined.
i'm confused because there are so many things and some people say avoid this/ get this/do this/dont do this.


Coupon Sent


Jan 26, 2003
Originally posted by: eyver

Optimum Nutrition's web site will have more information, including all ingredients in the Natural Whey product, if you are interested in seeing everything in it. Go to http://www.optimumnutrition.com .

They've got really cheap stevia powder (8.8oz for $9). Anybody know if this brand tastes kind of "herby"?
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