UPDATED March 3: BBC World, BBC News 24 & CNN Reported WTC7 Fell before it did (Video)

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Golden Member
Apr 25, 2004
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: noto12ious
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: noto12ious
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: Aelius
This is what I'm talking about. I'm claimed to have no critical thinking yet here we have claims that perhaps they made a mistake in reporting which building fell down. They repeat over and over that it is the Salomon Brothers Building. Not just her mind you but the anchor as well, long before she comes on the air.

All of this is dismissed and you people wrongly point to the woman as having perhaps made a mistake.

Obviously you people either did not watch the longer videos available or simply do not have 2 brain cells to rub togeather.

Neither does anyone else here think for one second about the CNN broadcast that mentioned the same thing 65 minutes before the building fell.

A lot of you mention thinking or critical thinking. For that to occur you would actually first need to take into account the information before dismissing it out of hand. Obviously that was just too difficult for any of you.

Having debated with some of you before I'm not shocked.

Look man, here's the deal. Is it strange that both networks would do that? Sure. The thing is, that the evidence against a conspiracy vastly outweighs the evidence for one. The practical difficulties in creating a conspiracy of that complexity, of that size, to conceal a crime that enormous, without a single person having a crisis of conscience for killing 3,000 people is incredibly unlikely.

It is far, far more likely that mixed reports coming from other people led to confusion in a situation like that. If you can find me a single conspirator, or a single document, then maybe we can talk. Until then... I will make fun of you.

Sibel Edmonds if proof. sorry eskimospy, you lose.

Able Danger is proof the US. government ordered military officers to stand down from the 9/11 hijackers.

The pakistani government wired the lead 9/11 hijacker $100,000 yet the US government turns the other cheek

What the hell does that person have to do with a conspiracy to destroy the world trade center? Did she plant any bombs in there? Did she know anyone who did? Did she help hijack anything? Covering up documents that show your agency screwed up has NOTHING to do with that whatsoever. I asked for someone in on that conspiracy. So... still waiting.

You're a tad...slow. Learn to make a connection?

You want the people who planted the bombs to come forward? That's like asking for the numerous snipers who shot at JFK to come forward LOL. What are you thinking?

In other news, more evidence of BOMBS that were planted in the towers:

Bombs in the WTC (5 minutes)

Eyewitness testimonies and audio recorded numerous large detonations before the towers came down :thumbsup: Funny, even the FBI thought devices brought down the towers.

You still haven't explained why they would leak something to the press that they don't want anyone to find out.

And you still haven't explained how in the world such a mass cover up is even possible. You guys are looney.

Leak = Script

They screwed up the script. The CIA ran False Flag ops all over the world long before 9/11. Sad to say this but they tend to work very well. They have some very good people who do this for a living. The list just goes on and on. The US overthrew a lot of nations with elected bodies. Democratic even.

So it's not that they want to leak this info, but rather someone screwed the pooch.

Even if you dismiss ALL of this the single question that remains is who told them. The media such as the BBC and CNN don't necessarily have to be party to any of this. They simply get fed a story and they report it like clock work. How that came about in this case is what I would like to know.

Nowhere did I say or suggest they have directly involvement in a cover up as it occured. After the fact is a different story and that's up for debate (primarily with the BBC claiming they lost/destroyed the tapes and made an error in reporting).


Golden Member
Apr 25, 2004
Originally posted by: BoberFett
Originally posted by: noto12ious
cover-ups happen all the time. I'm not sure what you're smoking. IE, Operation Northwoods is just a small example JFK is another. gg.

Actually, the entire american media got word that WTC7 was coming down before it actually did. Funny, no steel building has ever come down due to fire alone. Why would they want to tell the media? to cause more shock and outrage.

Edit: funny how you can't address the video i just posted. laugh.

Seems to me that if the conspirators knew the building was coming down, there'd be no need to leak it. Just wait a little while and the press will find out all on there own when the damn building collapsed. :roll:

You people are insane.

This is what I'm talking about.

Lemming mentality.

The only leak we know of is the two videos being leaked to the underground/alternative media.

You people started labling this as leaks and shooting it down. That's called a strawman.

Let me ask you a simple question. Do you think much?


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: morkinva
Jowenko, a Dutch guy who does demolition for a living, and has a demolition company attests that the building has been demolished:
whoa... i didnt know you guys had "Jowenko" on your side... that changes everything!

This one time, a demolition camp, I...


Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: morkinva
Jowenko, a Dutch guy who does demolition for a living, and has a demolition company attests that the building has been demolished:
whoa... i didnt know you guys had "Jowenko" on your side... that changes everything!

This one time, a demolition camp, I...

Yea, when I saw that they brought "Jowenko, a Dutch guy" into this thread, I knew that we'd all been proven wrong.


Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: noto12ious
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: noto12ious
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: noto12ious
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: Aelius
This is what I'm talking about. I'm claimed to have no critical thinking yet here we have claims that perhaps they made a mistake in reporting which building fell down. They repeat over and over that it is the Salomon Brothers Building. Not just her mind you but the anchor as well, long before she comes on the air.

All of this is dismissed and you people wrongly point to the woman as having perhaps made a mistake.

Obviously you people either did not watch the longer videos available or simply do not have 2 brain cells to rub togeather.

Neither does anyone else here think for one second about the CNN broadcast that mentioned the same thing 65 minutes before the building fell.

A lot of you mention thinking or critical thinking. For that to occur you would actually first need to take into account the information before dismissing it out of hand. Obviously that was just too difficult for any of you.

Having debated with some of you before I'm not shocked.

Look man, here's the deal. Is it strange that both networks would do that? Sure. The thing is, that the evidence against a conspiracy vastly outweighs the evidence for one. The practical difficulties in creating a conspiracy of that complexity, of that size, to conceal a crime that enormous, without a single person having a crisis of conscience for killing 3,000 people is incredibly unlikely.

It is far, far more likely that mixed reports coming from other people led to confusion in a situation like that. If you can find me a single conspirator, or a single document, then maybe we can talk. Until then... I will make fun of you.

Sibel Edmonds if proof. sorry eskimospy, you lose.

Able Danger is proof the US. government ordered military officers to stand down from the 9/11 hijackers.

The pakistani government wired the lead 9/11 hijacker $100,000 yet the US government turns the other cheek

What the hell does that person have to do with a conspiracy to destroy the world trade center? Did she plant any bombs in there? Did she know anyone who did? Did she help hijack anything? Covering up documents that show your agency screwed up has NOTHING to do with that whatsoever. I asked for someone in on that conspiracy. So... still waiting.

You're a tad...slow. Learn to make a connection?

You want the people who planted the bombs to come forward? That's like asking for the numerous snipers who shot at JFK to come forward LOL. What are you thinking?

In other news, more evidence of BOMBS that were planted in the towers:

Bombs in the WTC (5 minutes)

Eyewitness testimonies and audio recorded numerous large detonations before the towers came down :thumbsup: Funny, even the FBI thought devices brought down the towers.

You still haven't explained why they would leak something to the press that they don't want anyone to find out.

And you still haven't explained how in the world such a mass cover up is even possible. You guys are looney.

cover-ups happen all the time. I'm not sure what you're smoking. IE, Operation Northwoods is just a small example JFK is another. gg.

Actually, the entire american media got word that WTC7 was coming down before it actually did. Funny, no steel building has ever come down due to fire alone. Why would they want to tell the media? to cause more shock and outrage.

Edit: funny how you can't address the video i just posted. laugh.

Funny how you STILL can't provide any proof. laugh.

So, the "entire american media" knew about this, but somehow, no one has come forward? Yea, ok.



Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Ugh, do you not see the difference between the Gulf of Tonkin, the overthrow of regimes in central and south america, and this?! In those we murdered the citizens of other nations... a bad thing to be sure. Here though we would be murdering our own citizens. Can you understand why the average american would be a little more inclined to send someone to prison over killing their neighbor instead of killing someone half a world away that was just a "commie" anyway?

What you're doing right now is the EXACT same thing the creationists do when they try to argue for intelligent design. You point out some inconsistencies in the generally accepted theory, and then assume that is evidence for your viewpoint. It's not.

Give some evidence... any evidence. (note: this means evidence that proves YOUR point, not attempts to DISPROVE the standard story).


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 1999
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: morkinva
Jowenko, a Dutch guy who does demolition for a living, and has a demolition company attests that the building has been demolished:
whoa... i didnt know you guys had "Jowenko" on your side... that changes everything!

This one time, a demolition camp, I...

Yea, when I saw that they brought "Jowenko, a Dutch guy" into this thread, I knew that we'd all been proven wrong.

From the taking quotes out of context department, you conveniently forgot to include that he owns a demolition company.

Yea, when I saw his website, I realized the 'Dutch guy' knows a hell of a lot more about the subject than you two. He does no business here with governments in the states to get permission to demolish a building, so he can give an impartial opinion.

It's to the point where you're sticking your fingers in your ears and singing so you cannot hear. When it finally comes out that building 7 WAS imploded by demolition, you'll have no thought as to whether buildings 1 and 2 were also demolished. In fact, you'll have no problem with calling it 'another crazy' theory.



Golden Member
Nov 3, 2002
I have just one thing to say to all the 9/11 conspiracy theorists: It takes thousands of people to cover up a conspiracy, but just ONE to expose it.

With Bush approval ratings as low as you guys say they are, why hasn't anyone exposed all the intricate details of this supposed conspiracy?

And also, you can go on all day about how Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld are heartless bastards who would kill thousands for personal profit, but do you really think everyone that is supposedly involved in this conspiracy is that heartless (especially when this so-called personal profit isn't even theirs)? Come on, be realistic.


Senior member
Jan 18, 2005
Why the towers fell: Two theories

By William Rice

William Rice, P.E., is a registered professional civil engineer who worked on structural steel (and concrete) buildings in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. He was also a professor at Vermont Technical College where he taught engineering materials, structures lab, and other building related courses.

Posted March 1, 2007

Having worked on structural steel buildings as a civil engineer in the era when the Twin Towers were designed and constructed, I found some disturbing discrepancies and omissions concerning their collapse on 9/11.

I was particularly interested in the two PBS documentaries that explained the prevailing theories as determined by two government agencies, FEMA and NIST (National Institute of Science and Technology). The first (2002) PBS documentary, Why the Towers Fell, discussed how the floor truss connectors failed and caused a ?progressive pancake collapse.?

The subsequent 2006 repackaged documentary Building on Ground Zero explained that the connectors held, but that the columns failed, which is also unlikely. Without mentioning the word ?concrete,? the latter documentary compared the three-second collapse of the concrete Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building with that of the Twin Towers that were of structural steel. The collapse of a concrete-framed building cannot be compared with that of a structural steel-framed building.

Since neither documentary addressed many of the pertinent facts, I took the time to review available material, combine it with scientific and historic facts, and submit the following two theories for consideration.

The prevailing theory

The prevailing theory for the collapse of the 110-story, award-winning Twin Towers is that when jetliners flew into the 95th and 80th floors of the North and South Towers respectively, they severed several of each building?s columns and weakened other columns with the burning of jet fuel/kerosene (and office combustibles).

However, unlike concrete buildings, structural steel buildings redistribute the stress when several columns are removed and the undamaged structural framework acts as a truss network to bridge over the missing columns.

After the 1993 car bomb explosion destroyed columns in the North Tower, John Skilling, the head structural engineer for the Twin Towers, was asked about an airplane strike. He explained that the Twin Towers were originally designed to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707 (similar in size to the Boeing 767). He went on to say that there would be a horrendous fire from the jet fuel, but ?the building structure would still be there.?

The 10,000 gallons of jet fuel (half capacity) in each jetliner did cause horrendous fires over several floors, but it would not cause the steel members to melt or even lose sufficient strength to cause a collapse. This is because the short-duration jet fuel fires and office combustible fires cannot create (or transmit to the steel) temperatures hot enough. If a structural steel building could collapse because of fire, it would do so slowly as the various steel members gradually relinquished their structural strength. However, in the 100-year history of structural-steel framed buildings, there is no evidence of any structural steel framed building having collapsed because of fire.

Let?s assume the unlikelihood that these fires could weaken all of the columns to the same degree of heat intensity and thus remove their structural strength equally over the entire floor, or floors, in order to cause the top 30-floor building segment (South Tower WTC #2) to drop vertically and evenly onto the supporting 79th floor. The 30 floors from above would then combine with the 79th floor and fall onto the next level down (78th floor) crushing its columns evenly and so on down into the seven levels below the street level.

The interesting fact is that each of these 110-story Twin Towers fell upon itself in about ten seconds at nearly free-fall speed. This violates Newton?s Law of Conservation of Momentum that would require that as the stationary inertia of each floor is overcome by being hit, the mass (weight) increases and the free-fall speed decreases.

Even if Newton?s Law is ignored, the prevailing theory would have us believe that each of the Twin Towers inexplicably collapsed upon itself crushing all 287 massive columns on each floor while maintaining a free-fall speed as if the 100,000, or more, tons of supporting structural-steel framework underneath didn?t exist.

The politically unthinkable theory

Controlled demolition is so politically unthinkable that the media not only demeans the messenger but also ridicules and ?debunks? the message rather than provide investigative reporting. Curiously, it took 441 days for the president?s 9/11 Commission to start an ?investigation? into a tragedy where more than 2,500 WTC lives were taken. The Commission?s investigation also didn?t include the possibility of controlled-demolition, nor did it include an investigation into the ?unusual and unprecedented? manner in which WTC Building #7 collapsed.

The media has basically kept the collapse of WTC Building #7 hidden from public view. However, instead of the Twin Towers, let?s consider this building now. Building #7 was a 47-story structural steel World Trade Center Building that also collapsed onto itself at free-fall speed on 9/11. This structural steel building was not hit by a jetliner, and collapsed seven hours after the Twin Towers collapsed and five hours after the firemen had been ordered to vacate the building and a collapse safety zone had been cordoned off. Both of the landmark buildings on either side received relatively little structural damage and both continue in use today.

Contrary to the sudden collapse of the Twin Towers and Building #7, the four other smaller World Trade Center buildings #3, #4, #5, and #6, which were severely damaged and engulfed in flames on 9/11, still remained standing. There were no reports of multiple explosions. The buildings had no pools of molten metal (a byproduct of explosives) at the base of their elevator shafts. They created no huge caustic concrete/cement and asbestos dust clouds (only explosives will pulverize concrete into a fine dust cloud), and they propelled no heavy steel beams horizontally for three hundred feet or more.

The collapse of WTC building #7, which housed the offices of the CIA, the Secret Service, and the Department of Defense, among others, was omitted from the government?s 9/11 Commission Report, and its collapse has yet to be investigated.
Perhaps it is time for these and other unanswered questions surrounding 9/11 to be thoroughly investigated. Let?s start by contacting our congressional delegation.
Swiss engineers believe WTC 7 was controlled demolition
?According to my opinion the building WTC 7 with large probability was blown up professionally?, says Hugo brook man, emeritierter ETH professor for structural design and construction. And also Jörg cutter, likewise emeritierter ETH professor for structural design and construction, interprets the few existing video photographs than references that ?the building WTC 7 with large probability was blown up?.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: morkinva
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: morkinva
Jowenko, a Dutch guy who does demolition for a living, and has a demolition company attests that the building has been demolished:
whoa... i didnt know you guys had "Jowenko" on your side... that changes everything!

This one time, a demolition camp, I...

Yea, when I saw that they brought "Jowenko, a Dutch guy" into this thread, I knew that we'd all been proven wrong.

From the taking quotes out of context department, you conveniently forgot to include that he owns a demolition company.
uhh, no i didnt. re-read my post. I just made it bold for your benefit.

Yea, when I saw his website, I realized the 'Dutch guy' knows a hell of a lot more about the subject than you two. He does no business here with governments in the states to get permission to demolish a building, so he can give an impartial opinion.
do you base all of your opinions regarding major world events on the opinion of random so-called "experts" in the field?

It's to the point where you're sticking your fingers in your ears and singing so you cannot hear.
that would be you when common sense comes calling...

When it finally comes out that building 7 WAS imploded by demolition, you'll have no thought as to whether buildings 1 and 2 were also demolished. In fact, you'll have no problem with calling it 'another crazy' theory.
any "theory" involving demolitions on 9/11, other than the official story involving 19 hijackers and airplanes used as bombs, IS "another crazy theory." period.

Welcome to Planet Crackpot...



Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: morkinva
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: morkinva
Jowenko, a Dutch guy who does demolition for a living, and has a demolition company attests that the building has been demolished:
whoa... i didnt know you guys had "Jowenko" on your side... that changes everything!

This one time, a demolition camp, I...

Yea, when I saw that they brought "Jowenko, a Dutch guy" into this thread, I knew that we'd all been proven wrong.

From the taking quotes out of context department, you conveniently forgot to include that he owns a demolition company.

Yea, when I saw his website, I realized the 'Dutch guy' knows a hell of a lot more about the subject than you two. He does no business here with governments in the states to get permission to demolish a building, so he can give an impartial opinion.

It's to the point where you're sticking your fingers in your ears and singing so you cannot hear. When it finally comes out that building 7 WAS imploded by demolition, you'll have no thought as to whether buildings 1 and 2 were also demolished. In fact, you'll have no problem with calling it 'another crazy' theory.

Wow, so you'll believe any old random person that owns a demolition company, but common sense says otherwise, now who is sticking their fingers where?

Edit - do you people realize how silly you sound?



Aug 28, 2001
Just stop talking to them, its the only to way to stop them.

Let them circle jerk about the evil govt conspiracies and then hopefully they will stfu and go away.


Golden Member
Apr 25, 2004
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Ugh, do you not see the difference between the Gulf of Tonkin, the overthrow of regimes in central and south america, and this?! In those we murdered the citizens of other nations... a bad thing to be sure. Here though we would be murdering our own citizens. Can you understand why the average american would be a little more inclined to send someone to prison over killing their neighbor instead of killing someone half a world away that was just a "commie" anyway?

What you're doing right now is the EXACT same thing the creationists do when they try to argue for intelligent design. You point out some inconsistencies in the generally accepted theory, and then assume that is evidence for your viewpoint. It's not.

Give some evidence... any evidence. (note: this means evidence that proves YOUR point, not attempts to DISPROVE the standard story).

You are making nonsense. You people asked for evidence to prove that such an action could or has taken place before. I gave you people proof. False Flag ops. They existed and they were used by the US against other nations as well as our own people.

Or are you claiming that over 58,000 dead Americans in Vietnam was not due to a False Flag op?

You could form an argument that the Gulf War was also a false flag operations to get nations to take action on Iraq. PR firms were hired to push the Kuwaiti side of the story (this is a fact), some poor little girl testified about kids being butchered in some hospital by the Iraqi's (who then turned out to be the daughter of some prominent Kuwaiti official), the satelite photos that turned Desert Shield into Desert Storm (that were later debunked by Russian as well as other satelite pictures of the same area at the same time).

So really what are you looking for?

You are looking for the evidence that proves my point as the CIA's documents on the Gulf of Tonkin or later in IRAN were revealed. Among others. Yet you dismiss them out of hand because they didn't take place in the US? This is absurd.

We were all stupid and swallowed the line about all those other nations we invaded and its people that we murdered. What is so special about us?

For 9/11 such documents or admissions by officials do not exist at this point in time. Based on past experience it could be 20, 30 or more years from now before something might come out like that. When most of those involved are old or dead.

The biggest difference between those False Flag operations and 9/11 is that there is a massive 9/11 for Truth movement and people are rejecting the offical story in a big way. Basicly half the country thinks the official story is BS.

So we should consider ourselves smart in the sense that we picked up on this without having to wait 30 odd years for someone to finally officially release something that would give us a clue.


Golden Member
Apr 25, 2004
Originally posted by: JungleMan1
I have just one thing to say to all the 9/11 conspiracy theorists: It takes thousands of people to cover up a conspiracy, but just ONE to expose it.

With Bush approval ratings as low as you guys say they are, why hasn't anyone exposed all the intricate details of this supposed conspiracy?

And also, you can go on all day about how Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld are heartless bastards who would kill thousands for personal profit, but do you really think everyone that is supposedly involved in this conspiracy is that heartless (especially when this so-called personal profit isn't even theirs)? Come on, be realistic.

Again another absurd claim that you need 1000s of people to cover this up.

Some false flag ops were ran by practically one person. In this case it's not one person, but you don't need everyone involved to be in on it. Compartmentalization of information is how a military or any large organization operates. This is standard operating procedure. Why would you need to involve 1000s of people? If that was the case then why are those that would need to be involved for this to be iron clad are now coming forward saying what they heard and what they saw. These people are not part of the program. They are police officers, fire fighters, air traffic controllers, staff in the basement of the WTC etc

There is no logical basis for a need for 1000s of people. I have never seen that aserted by anyone in the 9/11 for Truth movement and if it were it would be ill informed.

As for personal profits why were Put Options on 9/11 up to 20 times higher than normal on specific stocks that would later be effected? I mean if we are being realistic how come it was never fully investigated.


Golden Member
Apr 25, 2004
Originally posted by: Acanthus
Just stop talking to them, its the only to way to stop them.

Let them circle jerk about the evil govt conspiracies and then hopefully they will stfu and go away.

Half this country is not going to suddenly stop talking about this. We all think the government is full of it and no longer are we going to allow ourselves to be manipulated by anyone.

All I can say to anyone reading all this is don't listen to me. Go do your own research and decide for yourself. It's one of the last few freedoms we have left.


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Aelius
Half this country is not going to suddenly stop talking about this. We all think the government is full of it and no longer are we going to allow ourselves to be manipulated by anyone.

All I can say to anyone reading all this is don't listen to me. Go do your own research and decide for yourself. It's one of the last few freedoms we have left.

Let's end it now. Add a poll. You'll see the real truth. The VAST majority of people aren't looney.

Also percentage of america suffer from severe mental illness. I'm thinking the percentage of mental illness and people that think there is some kind of conspiracy are nearly identical. Hmmmmm.....

And I remember that day very clearly. Sh!t was hitting the fan all over the place and misinformation was flying around. Easily explains this mistep by BBC. We've seen what happens when news tries to report things without confirmation. Remember the 12 coal miners?


Golden Member
Apr 25, 2004
Another Video.

This one is also from the BBC. This one discusses why the towers fell and gave an explaintaion that was virtually the exact same thing the offical report came out with. Keep in mind this was shortly after the collapse and long before any experts were lined up by the government.

Here it is


Golden Member
Apr 25, 2004
Originally posted by: spidey07
Originally posted by: Aelius
Half this country is not going to suddenly stop talking about this. We all think the government is full of it and no longer are we going to allow ourselves to be manipulated by anyone.

All I can say to anyone reading all this is don't listen to me. Go do your own research and decide for yourself. It's one of the last few freedoms we have left.

Let's end it now. Add a poll. You'll see the real truth.

Also percentage of america suffer from severe mental illness. I'm thinking the percentage of mental illness and people that think there is some kind of conspiracy are nearly identical. Hmmmmm.....

Polls were already done and I posted them. Polling this forum might prove that most people here are dense or ill informed, not much beyond that. Then again I could be wrong.

Your suggestion that anyone who thinks differently from the official story is a likely mental case is also absurd. What are you going to refer to? The BBC's Conspiracy Files that have been completely debunked point by point?

Go ahead and post it so I can post the massive article that debunks it.


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
Scared of the Poll results?

As much as I like to debate and argue with people, most here are pretty sharp. So go ahead and add a poll.

Real simple like...

"WTC7 did not fall due to attacks, it was planned and a conspricy"


Golden Member
Apr 25, 2004
Originally posted by: spidey07
Scared of the Poll results?

As much as I like to debate and argue with people, most here are pretty sharp. So go ahead and add a poll.

Real simple like...

"WTC7 did not fall due to attacks, it was planned and a conspricy"

What poll results? Are you that dense? Accurate polls were done by Zogby already. There are various other polls done as well by your own mass media as well as other sources.

You have to be pretty dense to think that a forum poll would disprove all of that. Then again you stated this twice even tho I posted the polls and you could have simply googled them. I'll let others judge for themselves on your remarks from this point on.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Aelius
Originally posted by: spidey07
Scared of the Poll results?

As much as I like to debate and argue with people, most here are pretty sharp. So go ahead and add a poll.

Real simple like...

"WTC7 did not fall due to attacks, it was planned and a conspricy"

What poll results? Are you that dense? Accurate polls were done by Zogby already. There are various other polls done as well by your own mass media as well as other sources.

You have to be pretty dense to think that a forum poll would disprove all of that. Then again you stated this twice even tho I posted the polls and you could have simply googled them. I'll let others judge for themselves on your remarks from this point on.
I have only met two people in real life who think 9/11 was some sort of conspiracy, and both of them were drugged out anti-establishment lunatics. Where are the supposed hordes who think as you do? hiding under a rock?

seriously man, lay off the pipe...


Feb 18, 2004
I remember the day quite well, and I've got friends / ex co-worked who were working on the ferries in the husdon river that day, helping people get from NYC to NJ since the subways were shut down. with all the smoke, it was really hard to see either way until the smoke started clearing up.


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Aelius
What poll results? Are you that dense? Accurate polls were done by Zogby already. There are various other polls done as well by your own mass media as well as other sources.

You have to be pretty dense to think that a forum poll would disprove all of that. Then again you stated this twice even tho I posted the polls and you could have simply googled them. I'll let others judge for themselves on your remarks from this point on.

And that's why if you add a very simple "yes or no" poll maybe you'll see the TRUTH. As far as others judging me, they can have at it. I respect a lot of member's opinions and hopefully they respect mine even though I'm that evil neo-con bastard.

Where's the poll?

I'll put my money where my mouth is. Will you? Add a simple yes or no poll without any twisting of words. Click edit on your OP, add the poll.

Will you step up or not?


Oct 14, 1999
Originally posted by: daveshel
I have never been satisfied with the explanations regarding building 7.

Forget about wtc 7, its wtc 6 that's the real mystery. It blew from the inside out, scattering debris for blocks around it. The official report from fema doesn't offer an explanation but does support the fact it exploded from within.



Jun 3, 2002
Originally posted by: Aelius
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Ugh, do you not see the difference between the Gulf of Tonkin, the overthrow of regimes in central and south america, and this?! In those we murdered the citizens of other nations... a bad thing to be sure. Here though we would be murdering our own citizens. Can you understand why the average american would be a little more inclined to send someone to prison over killing their neighbor instead of killing someone half a world away that was just a "commie" anyway?

What you're doing right now is the EXACT same thing the creationists do when they try to argue for intelligent design. You point out some inconsistencies in the generally accepted theory, and then assume that is evidence for your viewpoint. It's not.

Give some evidence... any evidence. (note: this means evidence that proves YOUR point, not attempts to DISPROVE the standard story).

You are making nonsense. You people asked for evidence to prove that such an action could or has taken place before. I gave you people proof. False Flag ops. They existed and they were used by the US against other nations as well as our own people.

Or are you claiming that over 58,000 dead Americans in Vietnam was not due to a False Flag op?

You could form an argument that the Gulf War was also a false flag operations to get nations to take action on Iraq. PR firms were hired to push the Kuwaiti side of the story (this is a fact), some poor little girl testified about kids being butchered in some hospital by the Iraqi's (who then turned out to be the daughter of some prominent Kuwaiti official), the satelite photos that turned Desert Shield into Desert Storm (that were later debunked by Russian as well as other satelite pictures of the same area at the same time).

So really what are you looking for?

You are looking for the evidence that proves my point as the CIA's documents on the Gulf of Tonkin or later in IRAN were revealed. Among others. Yet you dismiss them out of hand because they didn't take place in the US? This is absurd.

We were all stupid and swallowed the line about all those other nations we invaded and its people that we murdered. What is so special about us?

For 9/11 such documents or admissions by officials do not exist at this point in time. Based on past experience it could be 20, 30 or more years from now before something might come out like that. When most of those involved are old or dead.

The biggest difference between those False Flag operations and 9/11 is that there is a massive 9/11 for Truth movement and people are rejecting the offical story in a big way. Basicly half the country thinks the official story is BS.

So we should consider ourselves smart in the sense that we picked up on this without having to wait 30 odd years for someone to finally officially release something that would give us a clue.

Classic conspiracy theory nuttiness.

1) A false flag operation by definition is one that is perpetrated by a government against their own people. No such operation have ever gone through, that we know of, in U.S. history. The Gulf of Tonkin incident was indeed a fabricated pretext for war, but to claim the entire Vietnam War in general was a false flag op (which you do by concluding the U.S. "murdered" 58,000 of its own citizens by sending them to Vietnam) is, again, classic conspiracy theory nuttiness. It ignores the reality of the situation at the time, which was the worry that communism would spread across the entire Asian continent; not just Vietnam but Red China as well. Those were perfectly legit concerns despite the false Tonkin pretext, yet completely ignored by persons such as yourself to push the "false flag" agenda.

2) CIA overthrow of Iran. For one, I find it highly amusing that CT'ers like to always make sure people know that 50's Iran democratically elected their leader. Yet no mention is made that electing leaders does not suddenly make you a democracy; it's asinine in the extreme to make such a simplistic generalization or to insinuate it as you have. Iran at the time was a nationalist state that nationalized their oil supply, greatly reducing productivity and exports to foreign countries, most notably Britain. But most importantly Iran continually, in particular their Shah Mossadegh, would not align themselves with actual democratic nations such as the U.S. and Britain, disregarding NATO pressure to comply, instead outcasting themselves with the likes of Russia who, at the time, was known as the Soviet Union fighting a bitter Cold War with the U.S. to stretch communist influence across the globe. Of course this context isn't mentioned at all by nuts like yourself, simply ignored for convenience's sake.

3) Your contention that the Gulf War could be considered a false flag op is ridiculous in the extreme and not even worth commenting on since you've got your facts all wrong anyway.

4) Your contention that "basically half the country thinks the official story is BS" is not supported by any legitimate research. Polls are not considered scientific in nature by the actual community that makes the standards for research techniques (i.e. the academic community). Which is why you will fail over and over to convince people here that half of the U.S. truly believes the 9/11 attacks were sanctioned by parts of the U.S. government. Parts of the official story may indeed be inaccurate, but the crux of your argument is that 9/11 was perpetrated by rogue agents of the U.S. government and, forgive me for being blunt, but you'd have to be mentally handicapped in some form to truly believe that half the citizens in this country truly believe 9/11 was not carried out by foreign terrorists. I mean seriously now, if anywhere half the country truly believed the U.S. was complicit don't you maybe think the media might pick up on it and do some digging? Even just one journalist? Yet we not a single journalist in the U.S. has supported the 9/11 "Truth Movement" of the conspirators. I wonder what the statistical probability of that is.

And again, you're not going to find any evidence of a U.S.-led 9/11 plot. You will go decades without evidence because no such plot will be proven to exist. The logistics of carrying out such a false flag op on American soil would require by default the coordination of at least hundreds of people, and the likelihood of not ONE single person coming forward with legitimate suspicions in the 5+ years since the 9/11 attacks is even more improbable. You cite these supposed firefighters, air traffic controllers, etc. that support your case, but when push comes to shove you won't actually list in detail or context what they've actually said, word for word, nor will you analyze how accurate their accounts should be considered. Again, because you're not interested in facts, data, or context, but merely interested in "being right" or "being enlightened".
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